I just tried out a book that’s all about Whoopie Pies. One of the writers of the book (Amy) is also the editor of my book, Cake Pops. Amy sent me a copy to check out and I couldn’t be more excited for her.
I made and fell in love with these sugar-filled sandwiches. They are delish! They’re like little cakes shaped like cookies… (but pie-like… not so much.)
It’s funny… when I gave these treats away, everyone loved them, but no one knew what to call them. Everyone asked “What are they?” It made me wonder how common they are in other places. Have you made whoopie pies? Heard of them? Seen one out in the wild?
No worries if you haven’t. Now you can make your very own. The book is organized for easy reading.
There’s a section devoted to cakes…
And a section devoted to fillings. Great for mixing and matching and making whoopies.
Lots and lots of whoopie.
I decided to make the classic chocolate whoopie (big surprise) and paired it with peanut butter filling. The recipe called for dark brown sugar. I used this dark muscovado sugar instead because that’s all I had on hand. It made them extra tasty.
After you mix up the batter, drop it by spoonfuls on a parchment covered baking sheet.
After they bake and cool for a few minutes carefully remove them from the parchment paper.
Place them flat side up on a cookie rack. Then you can spoon the filling on…
Or pipe it on.
I like piping it on. It’s much more fun.
And prettier to look at.
Sandwich the filling between two of the cakes.
And press gently. That’s it.
Whoo-hooo for whoopies. Now go make some.
1 Tbsp of batter should make about 48 two-inch cakes or 24 pies. Recipe from Whoopie Pies
Chocolate Whoopie Pies
Chocolate Whoopie Pies
Salty Peanut Butter Filling
2 Tbsp of batter should make about 30 four-inch cakes or 15 pies.
You can also roll the edges in sprinkles, chopped chocolate, nuts, etc. or in this case, peanut butter morsels.
Ummm… can I say these are just about the most fun things to eat. They’re so good you kinda feel like you’re being bad when you sink your teeth into them.
Want to make some whoopies?
Amy sent me a second copy to do with what I want. And I want to give it to one of you. Want it?
- Leave a comment on this post and tell me if you’ve ever made whoopies… Heard of them?… Know the best place to get them? Or just want to learn more about them.
- Deadline to enter is Monday, July 12 at 5:00 p.m. ET Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
- One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.
Good luck!
Whoopie!!! We have a winner and boy are they in for a treat.
Congratulations Neddy (# 1413). Now you can try lots and lots of whoopie pies.
Heard of them for sure, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever had one! They seem to be the new “it” thing–like cupcakes were!
Never heard of them (or at least the name), never ate them, nor made them. :o!
they look pretty sweet though, :)
never heard of them or made them. hope i can though!
I have never had whoopie pies, but I’ve seen them everywhere in the blogosphere. I hope to try out this recipe, though!
I’ve heard of them, made them, and love them!! I first heard about them a couple years ago from a friend that grew up in New England, apparently they were very common while she was growing up. I don’t know if they still are though.
I have heard of whoopie pies and have always wondered how they were made! This cookbook makes it look too easy! I like it! I like it!
I never ate them :O
what a wonderful expierience would it be to taste em, selfmade!
Love whoopie pies never attempted to make them before but I’d like to try.
I’ve actually seen them on other blogs since it’s said to be the next cupcake. I haven’t tried it though so maybe this is the push I need?
i’ve never heard of them before i found your blog………….those peanut butter ones sound yummy…….well i have to go do some grocery shopping later…..might need to write down some of those ingredients
I have heard of them, never made them and not sure if I have ever eaten one!
I’ve never made Whoopie Pies, but have definitely heard of them because they’re one of my Dad’s favorite desserts. I can’t remember where the best ones I’ve had are from, but I love the giant-sized ones!
I’ve never made them but I’ve certainly heard of them!
I’ve only had the icky ones you get at the store and based on that experience, never wanted to try making it. This may make me change my mind!
i made them one time
chocolate with lemmon filling
I’ve heard of them, but never made them or tried them. My daughter has though and is on at me to try them.
I would love this book.
I’ve heard of Whoopie Pies & I’ve had one before, but never made them before. Looking at the pictures gets me hungry haha.
Haven’t made them, but I’ve seen heart-shaped red velvet ones for Valentine’s Day and they were so cute! I totally want to make some now, holiday or not!
I’ve heard of them, but as an American thing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them here in Australia, but I’d love to give them a try!
I’ve heard of whoopie pies, but I’ve never tasted one, or tried to make some. They look and sound ridiculously delicious, and they sound like so much fun to make! I cannot wait to try these out! :))
I made them one time when I was in high school and i took them on a band trip and all my friends loved them. I never got a chance to make them again but would LOVE to have that book it looks like sooooooo much fun.
I have heard of them in another blog but never made them
it seems so good
Never heard of them… but they look yummie!!!
Never made them. Best place to have them is at the Saturday morning market in downtown Madison Wisconsin. They make a red velvet whoopie pie to die for.
I’ve never heard of them but, by golly, do I want them now!
Years ago, in college, I was in a religion class where one of the projects was to have a meal of some foods from each of the religions that we were studing. For some reason, whoopie pies was one of the items we could choose to make. I thought that it was a bit of a stretch, but they were delicious and I have made them numerous times since!
I’ve always wanted to make some, they just never made it on the top of my baking list. We don’t get them here, you know. ;)
Last time I’ve had a whoopie pie was some time in the nineties somewhere in new england.
Whoopies? NEVER heard of them before, but OMG….they look really really GOOD! They must taste even better….. I would love to introduce these to Norway…!!!
I’ve heard of whoopie pies and by gosh that salted peanut butter filling sounds so freaking good!!! I make homemade soft & jumbo oreos…thats the closest I’ve gotten to making whoopie pies. I’ve made my homemade oreos for about 5 church events now, each time upon demand of friends who have had them at my house. I’d put this book to good use trying out something new, but similar!
I’ve read about whoopie pies, but never eaten them – or made them. But I’d love to try! :)
I’ve never made them or ate one (sad, I know!) I have heard of them and have thought about making them and would love to try it! They look delicious!
LOVE, to the power of infinity. We used to (still do) eat them in school as a kind of energy booster. Plain vanilla with a rich chocolate ganache – somewhere in the middle of being too rich and too plain.
Awesome book!!
I once made something like a whoopee pie with m&m cookies. Would love to know more.
Never heard of them, but I really want to make them. I think they would be delicious. (By the way, I think they look a little like macarons.)
I’ve not heard of them by that name, I make some carmel type cookies with buttercreme filling at Christmas time and just call them sandwich cookies! That book looks awesome!
They look sooooo good :D I hadn’t heard of them before today but I am so going to make some now!
I have never made whoopies, and in fact, I’ve never heard of them until seeing them on your site. But OMG they look so delicious and pretty easy to make! It also looks like there are a lot of fun combinations and decorations to experiment with. I would LOVE to have the book!
I think I had a few in elementary school, but that graham cracker whoopie looks delectable!
these look tasty. I’d love to make some. I hope I win. :)
Never made but it worth to have a try after seeing your post and the recipe !
I just have to find what is vegetable shortening in french and to find an other idea for filling because my kids don’t like peanut butter … but nothing impossible !
By the way I made some cake pops for the teachers this year thanks for the great idea (photos and post are wainting). It was a try before my girl’s birthday and the kids were really enthusiastic, they’ve never seen thios before in France !
Go ahead, I love your blog !
I’ve never heard of whoopie pies, but these remind me of macarons! Looks delicious!
Never tried them but would love to make my own!! :)
I have been making whoopie recently! I’ve made chocolate and came up with my own flavour of red grapefruit which was nice and zingy!
I have had a few but have never made them. They taste so yummy I really want to learn how. And those pictures make my mouth water!!
Cant wait to make them, thanks for sharing the recipie, I am going to try them out at a market I do here in Ballito, South Africa. I get so excited about such crazy things!!
I used to eat them all the time growing up! delicious! =)
I’ve heard of them, but never actually tried them. They look like fun to make!
My Pennsylvanian friend introduced me to them 3 years ago, and I’ve been craving them ever since. I didn’t even know I could have them without the help of the Amish!
I haven’t ever made them, but I think I have had them before! Of course, they were the kind they sell in the grocery store lol. They look simple and yummy!
I’ve heard about them, but have never made them – I’ve also never eaten one!
never! but it sure does make me WHOOP just from the look of it=)
The name Whoopie Pie rings a bell, but I have never made them myself. I would love to learn more about them. :P
oh my. these pics make me feel like I might actually be able to make these bad boys. !! want. book. !!
I’ve heard of whoopie pies, but I’ve never made one. I guess I really didn’t even know what they were until I read this. But I would love to try these and learn more about them. The books looks great.
These look really good, I can’t wait to see what other varieties they have the many ways to mix and combine the pie and filling. My favorite flavor is vanilla, I can’t wait to make them.
whoop di do! I would love to win!
I’ve never made them before, but they look DELICIOUS!! My kids would love them!
OMG, I’m in Australia and I’ve never heard of them or eaten or made them. But yes please I so want to cook them.
Have never heard of them, but they may just change my life :)
Sure have! I made them for some kids a couple months after I saw them appear on your blog. I would love to try different varities!
I have never made them, but I have tasted a variation. The person who made them called them homemade oreos though. They were delish! I would love to make some!
I have never made them but I would love to! And I am sure my kids would love them too!
I made some delish pumpkin and cream cheese whoopie pies last Fall. Yummm!
my korean students (we are homestay family) introduced these to me.
We buy shop ones called Choco Pie
they are very famous there. We get them from the Asian Grocery near our house.
Yours look MUCH better though. mmmm delish
I’ve never heard of whoopie pies, but they look temptingly delicious.
i seen them on magazines and website but never tried them or knew the name. Since my son is ill i would love to try making them with him tomorrow and sure we will have a blast since he loves sandwiching macarons so these would be similar. its too cute almost as cute as macarons..
I am French and my baker makes cakes that resemble. I’d love to win this book to do. thank you
I’ve never made them, but I’ve enjoyed many! :)
I’ve only ever seen them online in foodblogs. Very pretty and tempting but I haven’t tried them cos I have no idea which recipe works for me :-)
I have heard of whoppies, but only in the ‘they have those in America’ way, definitely no such thing her in new zealand! they look delicious and EASY though, I would love to make some!
I’ve seen these before can’t wait to try to make them
So darn cute!
I’ve never heard of a whoopie cookie before so I have to try these! I only know of a whoopie cushion, and that’s a trick cushion^^
I have heard of them but have never “officially” made them. I made the red velvet/cream cheese frosting sandwiches on your site… Does that count? :)
Those look absolutely fabulous! I will have to try making these with my kids :)
I’ve got this book AND it is great!
You would think with 5 kids I would of made whoopies before! But alas I haven’t!!
OMG this book is so cute
Never tried them but would really love to, especially if homemade!! Crossing my fingers!!
I’ve never heard of them, they haven’t made it to the UK yet! I’d love to have a go though :D
I love that you put chips around the edge. Nice touch! I haven’t made them…yet. I see them around here and there. My son always wants me to pick some up at Trader Joe’s but they are 5 bucks. I always tell him that I can make them for less but then I never do it. I really must work on my follow through!
Nope, never made them! The closest thing I’ve seen to whoopie pies around here is those boxed, oatmeal cream pies… my sister loves them, but they’re kinda gross to me. : P Making my own sounds like a -much- better idea! The book looks like a lot of fun. : )
I have made whoopies before! A few years ago Martha Stewart had a classic recipe. I can’t wait to try some new fillings! My kiddos will love the peanut butter.
Yummy can’t wait to try these :)
Yum! They look wonderful. I love to try new things. I love your website btw. Thanks for all the cool ideas.
I’ve never made these. But, gosh they look so darn fun & delicious!
oh my gosh! Does that say VEGAN whoopie pies in the table of contents?? I have never had a whoopie pie because I don’t do animal products – but if I win this book then I can experience it! hurray! I have to get my hands on a copy now :)
I made chocolate whoopie pies with a vanilla cream middle once. They were really good!
I’d do anything to get my hands on this book! Wow they look absolutely delectable! :)
They are pretty common here is Tennessee . They are even on the menu at many restaurants. But I have never made my own.
I recently made whoopie pies with a mix from Stonewall Kitchen and they came out ok. My husband freaked a bit as he thought the mix didn’t have enough frosting so I made some butter cream frosting. I will have to try this recipe out for sure. I didnt realize there were so many different kinds of whoopie pies!
I have never made whoopie pies, but I have loved them for years… Ben & Jerry’s even had a Makin’ Whoopie Pie ice cream for a few years that I LIVED on. They are the prefect snack for me! Can’t wait to make some. <3
I just made my first ever whoopie pies last Friday! My sister in law requested them and since I have seen lots of recipes on the internet lately I thought I’d give them a try.
They turned out great. Yummy. Although mine seemed a lot huger than the ones in your pictures.
Did you put any on sticks? I bet you did :P
I’d love the book.
Liz (in Greece)
My GrandMother and Mother made them every year for Christmas… I think it’s whoopie time!
These are great party food! I’d love to serve a variety of flavors or maybe have them assemble themselves with lots to choose from. So many possibilities.
I looooooove your blog but have never posted anything. Tonight may be my lucky night. Lol. Jk. I live your work and those whoopies look awesome and yummy!!!! Usually my kids class get to be my tasters, being that’s its summer..I may need to try these at the next fam. Bbq.
you are awesome Bakerella, keep it up. Can’t wait to get my hands on one of YOUR books!
Yes! Love these!! I’ve only made chocolate with cream cheese filling…would LOVE to be more creative!!
i’ve never made them, but they’re common enough in new england…
there’s a girl starting a bakery (whoops bakery) in DC that just makes whoopie pies – had some of hers last week and they were delicious! the people around me had never heard of them before, which was weird to me.
I want to know more about whoopie pies!!! I love to bake and I would love to try! :]
No, I’ve never made them. Actually, I’ve never tried them! I’ve seen some red velvet ones that look really good though.
And of course those make me want one immediately.
mmmm.. those look delicious! i haven’t actually had any myself but i’ve heard of them before.. would love the chance to win and make them though
I’ve only eaten the store bought whoopie pies and moon pies. I’m going to try making these wonderful looking homemade ones now!
I’m a dutch girl so whoopie pies are nowhere to be found here (nobody ever heard about them either). But I was so intrugued by the name that I made a few, and we *loved* them. Those few won’t be my last for sure :)
I’ve had whoopie pies once before at a fancy cafe. They reminded me of a lighter version of Hostess chocolate snack cakes — the kind with a squiggle on top. Yum!
These are big in Pennsylvania where my family originates from. I haven’t made them in years and I only ever used to make the pumpkin variety. Never thought there were so many others!!!!
i made whoopi pies for the first time for my super bowl party. my dad (and everyone else) loved them. he said they reminded him of the store bought chocolate cakes from his childhood. but much better of course :-)
Blushing about the question “have you ever made whoopies?” aside, I have spotted these on Amy Atlas’ gorgeous blog, then found the book in a local cafe and had an attack of lust – my boyfriend made me put it down (jealous), so I just bought a really over-priced kitchen counter spray instead. Hmph.
I never made them but heard of them at the local Italian cafe. The whoopie pie images looks so delicious, it’s making my mouth water. I definitely would like to learn more and make them someday. I wonder if all whoopie pie recipe uses vegetable shortening?
Thank you for the opportunity to win the book!
I have never made woopie pies but a friend of mine did last Thanksgiving. She made pumpkin with a cream cheese filling. So So Good
I’ve heard of them, but never ate or seen them before. But they sure look yummy!!!
My mom used to make the classic chocolate/vanilla version growing up, although she always called them “Gobs.” (A name I still love.)
When we made them, the recipe made so many batches that we had cakes lined up on every counter surface. It was quite the production. We’d then wrap every Gob individually in waxed paper and freeze them. Gobs and gobs of Gobs. :D
They look yummy! Whoopie Goldberg and whoopie on the Newlywed Show back in the 70s and 80s are the only whoopie I have run into thus far.
I have heard of them but never made them before. Most recipes I have found use marshmallow fluff which is hard to get hold of in the UK. Thanks for the recipe I am going to give them a go ….chocolate and peanut butter are a fab combo.
I live in Maine, and they are super popular. However, a lot of places that sell them make the cookie/cake part of it really sticky and messy. I have a recipe very similar to yours, but I like to do half of them filled with a peanut butter filling and the other half with a neon colored buttercream. I also have a pumpkin chocolate chip recipe to die for, its filled with a cream cheese filling! Doesn’t get any better than Whoopie Pies! :)
i have been eyeballing this book for a while it looks like so much fun!
i tried making a batch a while ago but it didn’t come out right….. i will have to try the recipe you posted!
Yum town! Kinda like a macaron but not so much muckin around – Whoopie!! I cannot wait to try them with the peanut butter filling.
I’ve heard of Woopie Pies, but have never made them or even eaten them. I’d love this book and I promise I’d make lots of Woopie! And Woopie Pies, too…
I love everything vintage: Mad Men, Candy Cigarettes, Retro Clothes & Decor & classic candy. Last year while on vacation we visited an old school candy shop & they had whoopie pies, i was so excited!!! I’ve NEVER made whoopie pies BUT need to change that asap. Thanks for sharing this super cute book!
Love this post!! I see these in Trader’s Joe’s all the time and my husband is from NY but has never had or heard of a Whoopie Pie, I’m from PA and I had them all the time as a kid.. The Classic chocolate with White Filling…
I had one when I was younger but I didn’t know that was what they were called. Looks yummy!
I’ve heard of them, but never made them!
I would love to win this! I keep seeing them at the market, and always think how good they look….but thought they would not taste as good as they look! This is the post I’ve been waiting for…I would love to make these!!!
I have never heard of them. I think we do not know these cookies in the Netherlands, if I translate it it would be something as ‘Feestelijke/Joepie Taartjes’. Never eaten them but they look a little bit like macarons, but then with cookies.
I definitely want to make some of those Woopie Pies!
Yes I have heard of them and have eaten them. You had me at peanut butter chips! YUMMMMMM
I love whoopie pies! They are so simple and easy to make and very very yummy!
I’ve made them once before and I didn’t like them so much, but everyone else did. I’m all for second chances though!
I have never heard of them. They look fab and my next baking challenge.
I’ve never had a whoopie pie before but they look delicious!!
I’ve heard of them but I’ve never had a whoopie pie
Never heard of them until I was in Pennsylvania in May. Amish country…. every roadside stand has them!! They are most delicious!! My favorite is the oatmeal raisin whoopie pie. YUM. I MUST have that cookbook!!! :)
Tomorrow I will run out and buy all the ingredients to make these obviously evil (for my diet at least) yummy looking things. I’ve never made them before but tomorrow will be my first try!
Maybe they’re a New England thing – we all know about makin woopie! I had a neighbor when I was little that I can literally still hear her yelling, “want some wooooooopie, kiddo?”
We love those things up here! That book looks too cute.
I’ve never heard them called this… but I remember all of the grandmas in my small town making “sweetie pies.” They were a lot like these, except they were always chocolate cookies with lemon-flavored filling. Yum!
These are just TOO cute! I can’t say I’ve heard of them… but I would love to make whoopies! Looks like something cute to do with my daughter and nephew who are quite the interested lil kitchen crew!
I have made them, my husbands grandmother’s recipe – you know the one with 1 cup of shortening!
never heard of them, but they sound like just the thing my family would enjoy – both the making of and the eating bit!
I’ve never made but I have heard of them. There is this adorable bakery about 30 minutes outside my hometown called the Busy Bee Bakery. They make them fresh there and they are amazing! And HUGE! One Whoopie Pie is almost 5 inches across and a few inches tall! It’s definitely a two person job!
i’ve never made them… but it would be fun to try!
I’ve heard of them, I’ve never made them, have never even tasted one. I’ve been wanting to make them. I really want to make red velvet whoopie pies!
I actually have this book and I love whoopie pies, I’ve known about them for ages, but same thing, no one knew what they were when I was handing them out.
I’ve heard of them but have never made them. You make it look so easy!! I want to try a few recipes now..
Here in the South, Whoopie Pies are quite the staple. Yes, I’ve heard of them, but have never been so brave as to make them. I think that’s about to change though.
i have always wanted to make whoopies and thought they had to be perfect… there is a pan to make them more even but i think this way works just as well… i hope i win!!!
I’ve seen them at Ralph’s. Almost bought the red velvet with cream cheese filling ones, but I decided to be good heehee
My daughter’s preschool teacher made them one day and that was my first experience with whoopie pies, but I have been meaning to try making them ever since. This book would be so helpful! :-)
Absolutely love whoopie pies! Easy to make and fabulous for kids, they love them! Pumpkin with cream cheese filling is my absolute fave!!
I have never heard of or had a whoopie but they look delicius ans def want to try one – I hope to win :)
I’ve heard of them before, but I’ve never tried to make them myself – but I’d love to! :)
I have never heard of them. But they look very very good. I would love to win the book. Good Luck to me!
I never heard of whoopie pies, but these look definitely too delicious to not try! I’d LOVE to win this book and try every recipe for my kids and me!
Haven’t made ’em but the Kroger near me now makes them in the bakery. Would love the opportunity to make some and take to them!
PS – You totally rock Bakerella. :o)
I have never heard of whoppie pies, but oh my goodness do they look amazing! Me please! :D
Thanks for the chance! :)
My grandma used to make these when I was little! I can’t wait to try making them now that I have kids of my own to enjoy this yummy treat :o)
I’ve heard of them, and tried them but it was from Corner Bakery. Probably not the best source of delicious baked goods. Never made them.. maybe I’ll pick this book up!
heard of them, and loved the retired Ben & Jerry’s flavor devoted to them. But I’ve never actually tried them. They look delicious!!
Oh wow these sound great! I have never heard of them but would love to make em :)
I may need to buy that book now! YUM! Your photos are wonderful.
I have only heard of whoopies on your blog…and I have yet to make them =] But chocolate Peanut Butter sounds soooo tempting. You have convinced me to try! =]
I’ve never heard, made, or eaten them! But I would LOVE to do all 3!! :)
I loove whoopie pies! I buy the trader joes ones all the time but never found a good recipe to try. Now I have one!
I’ve heard of them but never had them! They look absolutely yummy!!
never tried before this ones…will be a nice oportunity to have some new & fresh ideas for party’s ‘)
Heard of them, eaten them, always wanted to make them!!!!
I had a roommate who made some delicious whoope pies but hers were pumpkin and so so sooo sinfully delicious. I’ll bet a grasshopper version would be divine, too.
I want one of those now! :)
I have been making whoopie pies for years. I got my recipe out of Gourmet. If I really want to thank someone, I make a batch. They are sooo good. I have only made chocolate with the marshmallow-y filling, but maybe it is time to branch out? I used to live in western PA and they call them Gobs.
I have heard of and eaten whoopie pies! I am from Pittsburgh and the chocolate cake with white filling are called Gobs by most people who make/eat them. They are YUMMY!!!!
Ooooh, that looks sooo delicious. I think I have to HAVE that book! :o)
never tried to bake any of these, but will definitely try to bake it together with my daughter…!!
I’ve heard of them but never had one or eaten one. They look fun and delicious though!
Never heard of them in Aus! But they kinda remind me of yo-yos but with chocolate… YUM!
Heard of them, never eaten them or made them. But now I really, really want to.
I’ve seen them made on the Food Network, but I’ve never tried one myself. They look delish though!
never made them before, but have tasted some from the corner store…they’re called “Mamut” the filling’s made with marshmallow and strawberry jelly, and all the sandwich covered with chocolate, its very very yummy … never would imagine how to make them and that they would look so fun … hope to win …good vibes for all
I made whoopie pies once about thirteen years ago. I was fourteen and feeling adventurous in the kitchen. I really need to make them again, they were good!
I wonder if Moon Pies are the same as Whoopie Pies? I’ve seen those around in bloggy land, but have never had one. They look similar.
I’ve never, ever tried whoopie pies. I’ve always promised myself I’d make them some day, but haven’t quite found a recipe that looks promising. Perhaps I’ll try this one soon, as there isn’t a single place in Albuquerque that I can find these! At least not that I know of.. And I just can’t die not knowing the wonder of whoopie pies!
I’ve never heard of them… but I think they may solve a dessert dilemma I was having!
A friend made these for me recently and I just tried to make them and they didn’t turn out that great. I would LOVE to win this and learn some more about making Whoopie .. lol
They are so delicious! (:
I’ve heard of them but have never made them. I think I’ll have to give these a shot. They look so delicious!
Those look so delicious! I am salivating through the screen! Thanks so much for the giveaway! The book looks adorable!
I LOVE Whoopie Pies. I have never made them myself but they sound fairly easy to bake. We get them from our local Trader Joes :)
I really really hope I win this! I love Whoppie pies, I’ve tried my hand at a few varities. Dark chocolate and orange creme. Chocolate and peanut butter. I really want to try an oatmeal cream whoppie next!
never heard of them here in the Netherlands butttt to me they look jummmmie jummie i will give them a try….
the look like soft macaroons :o)
yummmm…. i’ve never made them but i would LOVE to try!!=)
I’ve never made whoopie pies, but I have eaten some store bought ones, they were pretty good.
Wow! who invented this must me very creative. I never heard of them, ate, them, saw them neither made them!
hahaha was too excited I forgot to put my name!
I just bought my sister a whoopie pie pan yesterday. I will insist she try these first!!
I love me a good whoopie pie!! :) I love the consistency of the cake in the bite sized loveliness of a cookie.
I had never heard of them until I married my husband whom is from Oklahoma. I still have yet to try them but want to and am sure my 5 year old would love them.
Always ate these as a kid! Looking at those photos brings back memories… I would love to learn how to make ’em!
Wow! who invented this must me very creative. I never heard of them, ate, them, saw them neither made them!
Gorgeous gorgeous Gorgeous! I feel like chocolate chip ones would be the ideal sweet treat!
They look yummy! I want to make some soon!
I LOVE whoopie pies. And I love the “new” flavors. Growing up there was pretty much only the chocolate with white filling. From what I have always known they are a PA Dutch treat , from the heart of Amish Country in Lancaster County. However I have girlfriends from the Johnstown area and they know them as a “Gob”.
I’ve heard of them but never made them. I love the fact that you can mix and match so many different varieties of cakes and fillings. The possibilities are endless!!!
i have never made whoopies but you have inspired me to do so now!!!! i love to bake <3
I made red velvet whoopie pies once but i put ice cream in the middle of them :)
My grandmother used to make whoopie pies (chocolate ones with classic white filling) for us all the time when my brother and I were younger. As we got older, we also helped make them, but I haven’t had them in years. I have never heard of anyone else making them, but I’m thinking I will have to make them for the people at my work pretty soon!
Love them. I remember eating them a lot as a child. I think my mom bought them but I really don’t remember.
Not sure where to buy them but there is actually a Weight Watcher’s recipe that is really good for Whoopie Pies and is low cal.
i’m a pro at eating them and would love to make them!
Never heard of them! But I’m excited about them now! YUM!