
Where I’ve been…

Portland and Seattle and San Francisco. And right now I’m in Los Angeles. And in a few days, Utah and then Chicago. Phew! I’ve never traveled like this before. But, I’ve been having tons of fun meeting everyone who’s been so sweet to come out to the Williams-Sonoma stores to say hi. It’s really overwhelming in a pinch me kind of way. I hope you guys are having a good time, too.

I’m trying to get lot of pics along the way, but I’ve got to tell you – narrowing them down for a post is super tough. So I picked out some random ones and then made a slideshow for each city that you can view if you want to see even more. Feel free to grab any pics of yourself from the slideshow on flickr if you like, too. Enjoy!


This is Tigard – near Portland. There was a line when I arrived. A line. Crazy.


But fun to see!


Hi everyone! Thanks for being so nice and welcoming.


I hope you enjoy the book.


The first book I signed came with a sweet gift. Literally. Chocolates wrapped as little books. SO cute.


Hi Heather. You were a sweetie.


Hi Scott. You were too.


And look at these girls. Cute as a cake pop.


Pamela – it was a pleasure to meet you and your daughters. Thanks for the necklace and the drawing. And I love that peach flower barrette.


After Portland came Seattle.


Cupcake Julie was with me and took some fun photos. This is a cute one.


But better with faces.


Hi Pop Star Dawn – your golden apple cake pops look delicious!


I really love seeing so many smiling faces.


Hi Jessie and Carrie. Glad you stopped by. Miss you guys.


Look at this little cupcake. Complete with cupcake cookies from her mom. Thanks Jenny!


Okay, these girls are too adorable. I want those black rim glasses. But somehow I don’t think I would look as cool.


Java Cupcake – Nice to finally meet you. Tell the gals at Cupcakes Take the Cake I said hi!


Hi Josh’s mom.


Do you guys know You should. She’s super creative.

After Seattle we headed to San Fran.

The Williams-Sonoma in Walnut Creek gave me such a cute greeting.




I can’t get over the line thing. Thank you all so much for coming. And wanting to buy books and get them signed.


Nice shirt. ; )


Side smile dork wave. ; )


Lots of smiles.


A photo without my hand in the air. But only because they were on my hips.


Me & Cupcake Julie.


And cuties. Them I mean.


I love this. A couple came to get books signed to ship to their friends in Dubai. Amazing.


And look … someone brought me a baby doll.

Every bit of every minute has been so memorable and exciting. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Below are the individual slideshows. Click on any of the three slideshow photos to see more.




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186 comments on “Where I’ve been…”

  1. I really love your recipes!
    thanks from Spain!

  2. You really deserve all this success! Well done! It’s such a cute book!

  3. Hi Bakerella, I´m from Spain, I love your blog ando your baking, of course. Next saturday is my 34th birthday and I going to try your Red Velvet cake recipe… wish me luck ;). I just wanna say to you, thank you for your blog. It´s difficult for me to find some ingrdientes here in Spain, but I do my best…. And now one question, Do you know if it is possible to buy your book in my country???

  4. I have to thank you for all your great ideas.I used your idea for the Cowboy Cookies for a pony/barnyard party for a cute 10 year old and that was the take home item. I know you are super busy but if you get a second,please take a look,

    Thanks again for the inspiration,

  5. P.S. I’m holding out on buying the book, in hopes that Chandler gets added… Purdy pleeze. I’ll bring treats! :)

  6. Love all the photos, and I LOVE your dress in the one with the boys big and small. :)

    Hey– I’m still waiting for you to come to Arizona! The Williams Sonoma store at Chandler Fashion Center needs you. Or maybe it’s more that this Gilbert area resident needs you. Not sure which. ;)

  7. Bakerella you rock!!!! I make cake pops for my students school when they do something REALLY good! So happy for you and your success with your book!

  8. Oh my goodness! Ive never even been to a book signing, but your pictures and your comments are making me tear up! The love you have for your fans is so amazing and touching. :)

  9. Congrats on your book! When are you coming to Toronto, Bakerella!?!?!

  10. OH my stars! Not that the cakepops aren’t fabulous but I love, love, love your green star dress with the gray shrug! If you happen upon this comment and will share names- please do~ Gorgeous styling of pops and fashion!

  11. I just found your blog and I am in love! I never would have thought that blogging about food could be so fun and become a new love of mine!
    I haven’t seen when you are coming to Utah, but I would love to meet you! I will keep looking if I don’t hear about when you’ll be here! Yeehaw!

  12. So sorry to have missed you in Seattle…but thrilled to see your success with the book tour. Keep up the phenomenal work (and we’ll keep replicating your ideas!).

  13. Aww, I can’t believe I missed you in Salt Lake City! Oh well, still want to buy the book : )

  14. Please, please, please add Boston to your tour!! We love you and your cake pops!

  15. Come to DC, Bakerella!!!

  16. I still can’t believe that the Customer Service folks at WS failed to see the potential buying power of all your fans that have already purchased books elsewhere! It is just so not OK that they chose to turn away that group of your fans. In this economy, I would think they would have the welcome mat out for all. I’ve been a huge WS fan my whole adult life. They’ve lost me forever.

  17. Congratulations on all your success! So happy for you. You are a huge inspiration and exceptionally talented. Your recipes have made me a star among my friends and their tummies can’t thank you enough, haha. You need to add Canada to your tour! Keep up the oustanding work, can’t wait to check out your book. Know you have some big fans on this side of the border.

  18. You are a cutie petutie, I love to follow along

  19. Congratulations on all your success!!! I pre-ordered the book for my best friend and she’s in love. Come to NYC!

    :) Christine

  20. Come to Phoenix!

  21. I got SO excited when I randomly spotted your book on the shelf at Borders! Congratulations!
    But why, oh, why are you not making a stop in Indy??

  22. Thanks for coming to SLC! I just wish I could have heard your (maybe a microphone?) answers to all of those questions. I was sooooo looking forward to a demonstration but there wasn’t any. How come? I hope I get the chance to see you again and maybe get a demo next time. Have fun with the rest of the book tour.

  23. This is so sweet! It’s lovely to see how much you appreciate each and every one of your fans. :) I hope you make it up to Canada!

  24. I will be there on Saturday for Chicago! Looks like I have to get up VERY early to get in that line!!! It will be worth it! I make cake pops occasionally for people and they always love them. Recently I made little tomatoes for a friend of mine who HATES tomatoes. It was a joke, but they turned out so cute! I will have to send you a pic. They were delicious. Thanks for all the inspiring recipes – you are awesome. Can’t wait to meet you in person!!

  25. So sad I missed Walnut Creek! i really wanted to go too! Still waiting for my book I ordered on Amazon! Oh… and my new camera so I can take pictures of cake pops too!

  26. Mindy, comment #141

    I went to the Portland book signing and it is correct that you have to buy a book at the William Sonoma store in order for Bakerella to be able to sign it. I went to our William Sonoma store a week before Bakerella was arriving to see if I could get the book and then just bring my receipt with me and they wouldn’t sell the book until the day of the event. I then asked them to verify if I had to purchase the book from William Sonoma or if I could bring in a book that I purchased elsewhere that was closer to where I live if I had the receipt. The answer was the same… I had to buy the book at William Sonoma the day of the signing and show my receipt in order for it to be signed. But all in all it was well worth it and a lot of fun. Bakerella is a doll and you will love her if you make it to the signing. Ejoy…Heather

  27. Bakerella,
    It was so much fun to meet you and talk to you for a minute. You are super sweet. I want more time with you. I was really excited to get a phone call from my mother the other morning and have her yelling out in excitement “Your picture made Bakerella’s website and you are so beautiful” Awwwhhh, really made my day. Thank you. I want so badly to bring my mom and spend more time with you in the kitchen. What a memory that would be. Thank you for your wonderful, creative ideas. You bring so much fun to baking. Cake pops are definately on my list of things to do in one of the upcoming weekends. Love your ideas, love your book, love you Bakerella! Heather

  28. Will you be posting pictures from the Los Angeles Visit (South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa)?

    We were there and was hoping to see pics! It was an awesome day!


  29. I really wish I could make it to one of your signings :-( But, I’m mainly writing to tell you that if you go to you can create your own converse with cupcakes on them…somebody may have told you of this already, but I just discovered it myself and thought I’d pass the word along. Enjoy!

  30. I’m so sad I’m missing your book-signing in Atlanta! My good friend is getting married and I’m in her wedding. PLEASE come back to a William-Sonoma in Atlanta another day… it’s so close to home! :)

    Also, I love, love, LOVE your outfit from the Seattle signing! Super cute!

  31. Love all the pics! Looks like everyone is having fun…including you! Congrats on the success…I hope many more blessings come your way!

  32. In Seattle & San Fran you’re wearing the cutest sweater ever. i need it, I want it, oh and I want you to come to Indiana and sign a book for me too :) Seriously, can you hook a girl up with where you got that sweater?!? :)

    Thanks awesome Bakerella!

  33. How exciting! It looks like you had a blast! So many fans too! I’m excited to check out your book, I’m a huge cake pop fan! Thanks so much for sharing a bit of your trip with us!

  34. I live in Vegas and I was super bummed I didn’t have room in my schedule to take off to LA for the book signing but my sister who lives in LA was kind enough to brave the line in Santa Monica to get me your book!! I’m SOOO excited! I can’t wait to get my hands on it when she comes to visit in a couple of weeks!! :)

  35. I had to leave a comment and tell you your outfit at SanFran is so cute! Love the plaid top.

  36. I went to see you in Oregon, but the line was always so long my 18-month old would never survive it (more like me!). I did get to see your hair, though. :-)

  37. So glad you mentioned the grey sweater…love it…hope things work out for me to see you in new york for my birthday…these pics hyped me up for it :-)

  38. i really wish i you came by my area.. :P
    and the little girl dressed as a cupcake
    is so adorable! (:
    and so are the mini chocolate books? :]

  39. I am sooo genuinely happy for you! It brings a smile to my face when I think about how a deserving person has been so blessed!

  40. I’m counting down the days til December 1st when your book is released in Australia.

    You are an international sensation, Bakerella!

  41. I SO wish I could meet you! But I guess Nebraska is not as popular as some of the other states… I did buy your book however, I’m just thrilled to have it! Being from Holland, I didn’t think I would get the chance to buy it, but here it is!

  42. Congratulations on the success of your book!! It is unfortunate that you will not be making any international locations for your book signing, I am in France. I was hoping you were going to go to Denver, and my Mom was going to go get a book signed for me, but no luck there either. Anyway, Congratulations again, and I LOVE the dress you were wearing in Seattle. I have had my eye on that dress on for some time now!

  43. Can you come to Cleveland, Ohio? Pleeeeeeease!!! :)

  44. arent you coming to the philippines???PLEASE DO AND BRING A MILLION COPIES WITH YOU!! i love you bakerella!!

  45. I was so bummed I couldn’t make it out to your Portland signing. Work was just too busy that day! It looks like a ton of fun. And, I love your green dress with the stars!

  46. I am really excited for the signing tomorrow here in Utah!! I bought my book about 2 weeks ago in anticipation of getting it signed, but now I am reading that I can not bring that book and I have to buy one from Williams-Sonoma is this correct?? If you were at the previous book signings please let me know if this is the case.

  47. Hi! I absolutely love your site and your ideas and creations! Any chance that you’ll be coming to the DC area on your book tour??

  48. Wow! You’re a star Bakeralla! Congratulations!

  49. It was so very great to meet you in person. If you should come through again please look me up. The book is wonderful, congratulations!

  50. That is so AWESOME! So exxcited for you, and I must say, you look FABULOUS in all of the pictures!! :)

  51. I just found your blog and can’t wait to get your book.

  52. hii^^

    it would be great to see a “Germany – BERLIN” slideshow with your visit in berlin with this awesome book^-^

  53. i’m from Singapore and i’ve been trying to look for you book but couldn’t find it anywhere. :(
    Do you have any idea if your books are available in Asian countries yet, like Singapore?
    I really really REALLY love to get a copy of it!! :)

  54. Hello, I am writing from Turkey cakes super book I bought from this day I love the amazon size.umar?m wonderful things like you love to create a long Ay?egül

  55. This is off topic but I love your hair. You have the exact hairstyle I want but everytime I try to get something like it in the salon it never comes out.

  56. firstly………………..i love your ‘dorky smile and wave” lol

    great to see all your fans !!!!!!! you need to come to melbourne australia……….to sign my book……….

    enjoy your book signing……….looking forward to more pics

  57. I really hope to buy your book in the coming days, would be like the perfect complement to my bakery book collection <3

  58. Hey guys! Thanks for all the kind words.

    And the green dress and gray sweater are from Anthropologie.

  59. That green dress you are wearing in Seattle is the hottest thing I’ve seen in a while! Where did you get it?

  60. i’m green with envy! i’ve been trying to look for a copy of your book here in Dubai but couldn’t find so. You have any idea if there were copies shipped to Dubai and Philippines? I’m going home this coming Nov and if there is one in Phils., I wouldn’t miss of getting one for me.

  61. EEKS!! I hope you’re coming to Toronto soon!

  62. Awesome! Wish I lived in America :(…but for now Amazon or will have to do :P

  63. Wooooooowwww que linda oportunidad!!!
    Seria fabuloso que estuvieras en Mexico

  64. Ok, so I just can’t bear to get a smudge on my newly signed book. So today I got another book that I can actually use. Thanks for your creativity, your kindness, and most of all, for putting a pic of me and my daughter and our friend Curious George in your slideshow. :) Now we’re famous! LOL

  65. You look fab! Love that little sweater you’ve got on. Wish you were coming to the Williams-Sonoma in Center City Philadelphia. Looks like you’ll only be at the mall in King of Prussia and in NJ. Maybe next book!! :)

    Consumed: My Culinary Adventure

  66. hahahaha, I LOVE the side smile dork wave!!!!! it’s so characteristically you. :) come to austin (texas; that’s right y’all!) for a book signing please!!!!!!!!!

  67. All I see are great big smiles…It looks like so much fun. I sure wish you were coming to HOUSTON!!!

    Congrats on all of the well deserved success!!

  68. This looks amazing! Congratulations on your book, so glad too see so many smiling faces waiting to meet you! Maybe one day I will get the chance to meet you if you are ever close to Mobile, AL!

  69. are SOOOOO nice! Just as sweet as your yummy pops! I love your blog and I lov ehow you share-I am far far away in cold Canada but your smile and warm greetings for your fans warms my heart like a fresh batch of cake from the oven. Serious sweetness girl! Thanks for sharing!

  70. We’re coming on Thursday! I have never been to a book signing before, so when you see the dork with the baby boy that’ll be me. Congratulations on your success!

  71. What an amazing journey you are on! Such and inspiration! Enjoy – it looks like you are having a blast!!!

  72. Looks like you’ve been having a blast on your tour! So many happy, friendly faces!!!

    Can’t wait to see you in Short Hills, NJ! :D

  73. so cool! looks like you’re having a great time!

  74. Thanks for leaving extra signed copies in Portland! Unfortunately, the signing conflicted with the little one’s first pumpkin patch field trip….but I rushed on over the next morning and snagged a signed copy! So sorry to have missed you in person.

  75. Soooooo cool Bakerella! Congrats!=) Can’t wait for you to make it to New Jersey. Yahoo!

  76. I am soooo happy, crazy excited for you, Angie! Way to go! Looking forward to seeing more great things!!

  77. that’s so fun and exciting!!!

  78. It was nice to meet you at Walnut Creek! I’m in two of these pictures! You have made my day!!!! You have incredible fans!!! Everyone was so nice to me, I came alone but it felt like I was with close friends! You’re so sweet! <3

  79. aw, fun! i wish you could fit DC into your schedule!




  83. Hey! Some clue about if your book is going to be released in Spain? I’m dying to buy it, but to make it brought from there would be too expensive!
    BTW I LOVE your blog since I discovered it months ago! Keep going! :D

  84. I wish I could stand in line to have your book signed, wanna come over to the Netherlands for a book tour ? I have a free guest bedroom ;)

  85. I´m even more excited than you are!!! This is just awesome, so many nice people and your cuttie book, what else can you ask for?

  86. Do you mind telling me where you got your green dress with the stars and your cardigan? Too cute.

  87. i just bought the book on Saturday as a birthday gift to myself! If only you were coming to my area to sign it! You will be in Dallas which is close but at noon on a wednesday! ;o( Oh well there is hope for next time! I love the book it is sooooooo cute!! Ohhh and I got the last one on the shelf at borders!!

  88. OH! I want that baby!
    You look beautiful! Where are the dress and sweater from? Congratulations on the success of your book and have fun at the rest of your signings!

  89. Ok.. loved your outfits… where did you find them?
    Your book is awesome… and it is so great that it is selling the way it is…. maybe someday you will make it to Utah

  90. I am so happy for all your success! YOu so deserve it! People STILL come into retro just because of your post. It is so honoring to be a part of your blog!
    keep up the great work!
    Come to VEGAS!!!

  91. I am so sad I missed you in Orange County. I had to work. My friend Holli made it to meet you though! I was very jealous. :-) Glad you are having so much fun on your tour!

  92. It looks like an amazing trip and it is really great to see the faces of some of the other bloggers I read too! I wish you were getting as far NE as Boston, so I could see you too!

  93. Congrats on everything! I wish you would make a trip to the William Sonoma at Lakeside Mall in New Orleans, LA. If ever there’s another book signing tour, add us!

  94. I have to say, this William Sonoma is within a block or so of my apartment!! I am sad I didn’t know about this!!

  95. omg ! the little girl in the cupcake costume is SO PRECIOUS!! Wish I could see you in LA (i LIVE here but am stuck at work! poo), but hope you have a great signing and cant’ wait to see photos :)

  96. Wow! Looking at all those photos just made me smile for you! How wonderful…could you have imagined this for yourself a year ago?

  97. I am very envious of all the lucky folks who got/get to meet you!

    Congrats on your very well deserved successes !

  98. It was a lot of fun meeting you. I posted my pic of our visit with you on fb.

  99. Looks like a dream come true – congrats!

    PS. Where did you find that green dress with the stars – so flippin’ cute!

  100. i love your ‘Side smile dork wave’ haha

  101. I loved all of your pics and just wanted to share my excitement because my Cake Pops book was finally delivered today!!!! YEAH :)

  102. Congrats! You deserve the lines ;) I am patiently waiting for my copy from Amazon…can’t wait! Come to OMAHA!

  103. I just received your book from Amazon. It is SO beautifully put together! You and your team did an AMAZING job! It’s just so dang pretty! I am SO excited and happy for you and all the attention and success that is coming your way. You started a cake pop revolution! :) Oh, and BIG KUDOS for the spiral binding in the book. How come more cookbooks don’t have this? GENIUS. SO much easier to work with and keep open. And lastly, THANK YOU for sharing all your creativity with us! I love Bakerella!!

  104. Any chance of you nipping over here to England to do a book signing in the UK? ;D

  105. I just checked the tour schedule and see you and I have a date (well, sort of) for Nov 6 at the Galleria. I am really excited to have you sign my books. Congratulations on your success,

  106. I hope Nashville is on your schedule! If so, I am so there.l I love the pictures. You go, Southern Girl.

  107. I am loving your cute little sweater. It is adorable. Where did you get it? Wish you had a stop near me. Safe travels.

  108. hi – i’m so glad you are enjoying the book tour! i wanted to meet you in santa monica, but had to work. in any case – have fun and take in every moment of this!

  109. I wish I could have gotten my book signed! I was there on my lunch break (in Seattle) … that line was way too long to wait through and still be back on time… but at least I got to see the demonstration! Thanks for coming!

  110. Crowds….are so exciting!?! We are looking forward to seeing you again at the ATL book signing. See you soon!

  111. My friends are so envious that I met the great Bakerella and my apple pops got a shout-out!

    It was so much fun to meet you Angie, thank you, and you were so gracious in accomodating everyone and when the next book comes out, you know where I’ll be!!!

  112. Ohhh I keep reading about all your visits to other cities on everyone’s blogs. I am so jealous you aren’t coming here (Houston), hope your having fun!

  113. Never commented before, but I just had to say how adorable you looked! Love your outfits in each city, especially Seattle and San Fran! Love seeing the pics of the tour. Keep ’em coming and HAVE FUN!

  114. My picture is on Bakerella’s blog… um crazy!! But totally loving it. Such a great day that I’ll always remember. Thank you Angie!

    Wondering what’s in the green box in the SF slideshow? Find out here.

  115. So happy for you! Sounds like a lot of fun!

  116. i wish i had been in portland when you were there!!

  117. Looks like you had an amazing time! Congrats on living the dream and having all your hard work pay off! You’re really an inspiration. :)

    And it’s good to see that someone else carries the ‘dork hands’ gene:

  118. PLEASE come to Las Vegas!!!

  119. We had so much fun meeting you in Tigard. And since I live right down the street from the mall I loved the fact you were coming to my street! We had a great time talking to the folks around us as we waited in line, and I loved the guy who was waiting in line so he could get his wife a book since she had to work that day and he had the day off. That rocked. I’m sure she was so happy to get her book.

  120. How fun is that?!? I wish I could join your tour as your official pen holder. Just added the Atlanta date to my calendar – can’t wait!

    (Cute jacket, or is it a sweater? Whatever it is, it’s cool.)

  121. Oh, how fun!!! It was SUCH A TREAT meeting you!!! I’m so happy you like your necklace. :) I just can’t get over how sweet and down to earth you are… so impressive! No wonder everyone LOVES you!! xo

  122. I love how gracious you are about this sudden popularity. You seem so sweet and genuinely grateful!

  123. You look like you are having so much fun!! Wish you were coming to houston!!

  124. AWESOME!! Looks like so much fun! I just bought this book for my sister in law for a xmas gift! It should arrive today!! I can’t wait to take a peek at it!

  125. OMG, how fun! You are a celebrity! And can I just say how adorable you look in your fabulous Anthro outfits? I am obsessed with Anthro and I just went to put the Myths and Legends dress on my wishlist because of how awesome it looks on you! Yay!
    xo Hilda

  126. Yes, yes, come to Oklahoma. You and PW can have a co-book signing. They would probably have to hold it at the Fairgrounds to have enough room! :)
    BTW, the outfit with the black belt looks spectacular on you and I think the side smile/dork wave is charming. I’m a giggler when I am nervous. Guess we all do something :)

  127. Ah, the little girl in the cupcake costume is absolutely precious. Just look at her smile!

  128. Awwwww that last picture of you and the chubby baby is TOO CUTE!! You are such an inspiration. So happy for you as a fan to see you recognized for all your cute innovation :D

  129. I wish you would come to Oklahoma. We promise a HUGE Okie greeting. You deserve all the acolades you are getting! I hope every minute of it is extremely special! You go girl! ….and come to Oklahoma!! Lori Lucas

  130. It looks like you had so much fun! It’s really nice to see that you took the time to acknowledge individual people instead of just signing the books and saying “thank you”! I would be there in Los Angeles with you right now but I’m in school… Across the country haha

  131. I wish you were coming to Minneapolis. I love your book and have really enjoyed every single thing I have made from it.

  132. Whao, how great to see those fans out there getting books signed by you. I can not wait for your arrival into the Windy City Chicago! You look stunning! Congrats and Much Success!

  133. You look amazing and I love those cardigans!

  134. You have the most infectious smile.. I just smile at your smile! And you have a lot to smile about! Cake Pops unlimited!!!

  135. Oh my, don’t u you feel blessed to be so loved? So overwhelming :) Enjoy every minute of it, you deserve it!

  136. I really enjoyed your visit here in Orange County Yesterday and can’t wait to see your pictures!! Thank you for coming to visit us here in California, we LOVED it!!

  137. This was so fun to see:-) I even cried imagining how excited and humbled you felt to see all of your fans there waiting to meet you and tell you how inspiring and creative you are:-) Congrats on the success and thanks for all the smiley pics – a great way to start a Tuesday morning!! Good luck with the rest of your signings!!

  138. what, no DC signing? :(
    p.s. i absolutely love your bolero, where did you get it?!
    knowing my luck, it’s a one of a kind thing made just for you on etsy or something.

  139. i’m sad that there were no Florida dates near me.

  140. Oh how fun… I just experimented with cake pops this week!

  141. I keep checking the schedule in hopes it would be updated with BOSTON!. I’m seriously contemplating taking a day trip to NYC on Nov. 14. If I don’t get to meet you, THANK YOU! Thank you for the blog. Thank you for the book. Thank you for cake pops.

  142. So great to see all the wonderful folks you got to meet….I’m still in a bit of shock that we got to meet you! ;) Hope all your stops are equally as fun as the west coast has been!

  143. Can’t wait to see you this weekend. You’re gonna love Chicago.

  144. It looks like you’ve been having so much fun! Congrats on having a great time signing & meeting everyone…And man everyone out there is adorable :)

  145. thats awesome! i wish they sold the book where I live :( I WANT IT!!!

  146. I just discovered your site and can’t stop brwosing through it! It’s great! And I ordered your book right away, I am so excited!

  147. Looks like the tour is going great so far! I can’t wait for the NJ stop next month :)

  148. Dear Bakerella, i love the fact that you show your fans on your blog, because that shows once more that you appreciate your fans <3
    you look so happy in these picture and i hope you really are these days…

  149. these photos are so cute! and your outfits are awesome…just beautiful :)

  150. Amazing. Good for you. This is just so exciting to see. Much deserved. I guess good things come to those who bake. :)

  151. You’re so lucky, it looks like so much fun. You deserve it, you’re so talented.

  152. What an exciting adventure! Love that little girl dressed up as a cupcake – so cute and creative!

  153. Wow! You have been such a busy woman! This looks incredibly fun and exhausting. Hopefully there is a little time to relax before the next trip.

  154. Looks like sooooo much fun!!! Please come to MN!!! We have a Williams-Sonoma at the Mall of America!!!

  155. Sure would love to see a Houston signing and slideshow!! The Woodlands area would love to see you!!

  156. congrats on such a successful book!! well deserved:-)

  157. kudos to you, your creativity & all the hard work you put into your success!
    bakerella the brand…pretty cool!!

  158. Congratulations! I’m not at all surprised that your book signings are such a success and highly attended….AWESOME!
    Great photos – thanks for sharing!

  159. I agree – when are you coming to Australia? :-) your book is definately on my Christmas wish list if I don’t cave and buy it earlier! Just for something different I’m in Adelaide (as opposed to the two previous posters from Oz who were in Geelong and Sydney).

  160. Hi, I’m from Italy and I discovered you today.
    What can I say?……your blog and your creations are WOW !!!! :-)

  161. I wish you were coming to Pittsburgh!

  162. All right, all right… looks like fun & everything, BUT when are you coming to Australia!!?? Seriously :-) I received your book from Amazon last week & it’s amazing! I really, really, really, really wish you could come to Sydney, Australia! You could stay in my house :-)

  163. Woke up at five this morning to Bakerella to see all the exciting things going on in your life. Wonderful and you look great. I am so happy for you. You go girl. Wish you were coming to Ohio. Paulette

  164. Omgggg!!! This is sooooooo exciting!!!!! That’s my book!!!!!! I caaaaaaant wait for it to be shipped over!!! It’s actually being shipped to abudhabi which is the capital city of the united Arab emirates! YaAyyy!!!! U made my day by posting this!!!!

  165. Amazing pictures, lovely dress and sweater, amazing book and last but not least lovely super smile, congrats

  166. After this tour i think you should come to Amsterdam (the Netherlands). I love your book! So how about an European tour :=)

  167. Wow… this is beautiful… I was smiling while I was looking at the pics… I’m so happy for you… I’m from Italy and I want the book too… :-) I’m sure that in few days you have to come in Italy too… too much fans here :-D

  168. Um between the little girl in the cupcake outfit and the baby doll at the end I am completely enthralled – WOW – you have beautiful fans and you deserve every bit of this. I have never “met” anyone as selfless when it comes to something like this…you are fabulous and it is why we all love you.

    Have fun, enjoy and don’t wear yourself out lady.

  169. Wowo just look at the line with all the excited women oh how i wish I was there in the line too.

  170. wow!!! so much fun. you totally deserve the lines outside, wish i could stand there too. too bad – i live in israel so bummer for me :-(. but the book arrived about 3 weeks ago. it is amazing. simply amazing, you are so tallented and originall.

  171. Your San Francisco visit was AbFAB! I could not believe how many people came out to see you…..the place was mobbed! I was tickled to finally meet you and SO stoked when you remembered me as a Pop Star and gave me a big hug! You’ve earned every accolade, Angie. Thanks SO much for all the sweetness you bring to the world as Bakerella!

  172. So much fun! I wish I had a copy of your book…

  173. so when you are doing a book signing and demonstration in Australia …preferably Geelong, Victoria where I live ??

    I can supply accomodation and kitchen for you, if you are ok with a 9 & 11 yr old and a dog ?? lol

    just email me dates ….

    who wishes she was closer so that I can get a book signed or see it in an Australian bookstore . xx

  174. I’m in Orange County and meant to go see you at South Coast today but forgot! I bet it was super fun, and hopefully you’ll do some other event sometime in the future so I can see you. You’re the coolest!

  175. Super cute dress and sweater!!!! CONGRATS!!! What an amazing ride!!! So fun watching you get famous!!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!! Glad we all get to live vicariously!!!!

  176. Wow wow wow. Congratulations !!! is fantastic. how man y girls :) Did you feel like Carrie Bradshaw?
    I want one tooooooooooooo

  177. Thank you SO much for the slideshow pics. I was SO heartbroken to discover the pic of you with me and my daughter (Sigrid, in the Norway flag t-shirt, Seattle) taken on my own camera was totally a flop (because of my camera, not because of the kind lady that took the picture). I’m so excited to have a pic from your flikr – hope you don’t mind I swiped it – to add into the book I had you sign for Grandma “Dee” (who I said wants you to come to North Carolina). Thanks for coming! It was too much fun meeting you! Kristina S.

  178. So this is a bit off topic, but where did you get your dress that you wore in Seattle? Your whole outfit from top to bottom is perfection. Do share if you get a minute. Nevermind, you clearly wont have a minute for a while. Anyhow- love it, love it.

  179. I am so sad I could cry that I missed you in Portland! It was just a bad day for me all around. (um, next time could you clear it with my schedule please!? :) I am glad you had a good time though. Next year I plan to do cupcake camp too…

  180. I wasn’t fortunate enough to make it to South Coast Plaza today, and was planning for at least 3 weeks…but realized we couldn’t bring our pre-purchased books (non WS) and really didn’t have the moolah to buy a 2nd one…so I too, like Stef, was wondering if we mailed the book to you, could you please sign it…..pretty please??!!!!!!
    p.s. your website rocks!!!

  181. Totally wanted to see you in Walnut Creek, but it conflicted with picking the kids up from school. Looks like you had a great time!

  182. I was so lucky to get to South Coast Plaza today and get your book. But, I was even more lucky to get to meet you.

    I’ve already posted about it on my blog :)

    Thanks for taking the time to come visit all of us and answering questions.

    I love your cake pops and can’t wait to give them a try myself.


  183. Oh i can’t wait to meet you! Everytime I see a post about someone meeting you I get so so excited for you to come to Dallas!! Anxiously awaiting the 28th!

  184. I so wanted to see you when you were in Oregon. Was bummed I couldn’t make it. Would love to know if I can mail my book to you to sign. ;)

  185. I was SO sad you came to Seattle in the middle of the workday! I couldn’t leave work to come meet you and have you sign a book. Darn!
    And if I hear you were still there after 5pm, I will be sad I didn’t rush there after work.

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