
Want perfect macarons?

Macaron Trinket Boxes

And by perfect, I mean perfectly pretty pastel ones?

Macaron Trinket Boxes

Just don’t bite because you might break a tooth.

Blue Macaron Trinket Box

That’s right. These aren’t at all edible. But they are completely adorable.

Adorable little macaron trinket boxes.

Macaron Trinket Box

For trinkets. For sweetness. For smiles.

Trinket Boxes

I’ve been trying to get my hands on some of these for a little while now. They are sold separately and come in six different colors, but they’ve been sold out on a lot of sites. So I was very excited when I came across someone who had them. It was just by chance when I saw that my friend Courtney of Pizzazzerie had posted a picture of this macaron on her instagram and where she got it from. Naturally, I stalked the seller only to find out we had actually met a few weeks before at Amy Atlas’ book signing in Atlanta. Weird. Crazy. Kinda coincidental.

Anyway, you can buy them individually from Waiting on Martha or you can also get a whole set of 12 if you’re as crazy for them as I am.

Why? Well, because with the whole set, you get the super cute store display box, too.


Macaron Trinket Boxes

But, if you want… you can just enter for a chance to win a box set from me right here. Yay!

Yep, I couldn’t resist buying one to give away, too.


Enter for a chance to win this set of 12 macaron trinket boxes.
Note: this set has duplicate greens because the rose color was sold out. But when I get my hands on two more rose macarons, the winner will get those also for a complete set.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog with your answer to the following question.
  • What’s your favorite show to watch on TV? or What new show are you looking forward to this fall?
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Good luck guys!

Okay, we have a winner. And a bunch of show recommendations to check out. Here are some of my current likes that I thought I’d share, too.

Dexter, Homeland, Glee, Big Brother After Dark, Mad Men, Thirty Rock, Walking Dead, Modern Family, Californication, New Girl, Project Runway, Dancing with the Stars, What not to Wear, Top Chef, Bachelor Pad, Storage Wars, Shameless and a lot more I can’t think of right now.

Okay, ready to see who won the macaron trinket boxes? I am.

It’s April – #2508! YAY! And April, I like iCarly, too.


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3,554 comments on “Want perfect macarons?”

  1. I cant wait for GLEE to start, and Breaking Bad, and Greys Anatomy and and and and….AND these are adorable!!!!!

  2. CHOPPED all the way! My favorite show of all times!

  3. I love watching Tia and Tamara! I always look forward in seeing what they are up to I watched them grow up from Sister Sister to Tia and Tamara

  4. I love Big Bang Theory!!
    The macarons are AWESOME! Love this Giveaway! xo

  5. These are precious! I love the Walking Dead, even though I usually scream at least once per episode! ;)

  6. Those are soooo cute. Grey’s Anatomy and 2 Broke Girls :)

  7. Too cute!!
    I’ve been loving “Unique Eats” on the cooking channel; and “Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives” with Guy. Such a foodie;)

  8. Soo cute! Those are adorable, love them!! Favorite show and show in looking forward too are the voice and the big bang theory. :)

  9. My current favorite show is The Big Bang Theory!! Nerdy goodness :)

  10. I cannot wait for Greys Anatomy!

  11. I am currently obsessed with Copper on BBC America!

  12. I adore Doctor Who and am beyond excited for every Saturday for new episodes!

  13. You are so sweet, Angie!!! These trinket boxes look like the real thing… They are so darling! I’ve been enjoying Madmen (I am late to the game, I know.) Thanks for this delightful giveaway!

  14. Favorite show right now is Project Runway. I’m anxious for Revenge and Once Upon a Time to start again

  15. I love watching the Office and Craft wars. If there were a channel that played both non-stop I would be one happy girl :)

  16. How cute! I’m a Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice fan. Mmm…now I’m craving a macaron!! :)

  17. Once Upon a Time, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. I love these shows.

  18. These boxes are adorable! Love them!

    I’m looking forward to The Big Bang Theory.

  19. I LOVE “Once Upon A Time” and cannot wait for it to return!!!

  20. Looking forward to the new season of 2 Broke Girls.

  21. super excited for season 2 of “whitney”

  22. My favorite show right now is Law and Order:SVU and I can’t wait for Modern Family to start!!! It’s so hilarious!!!!

  23. I can’t wait for the last season of 30 Rock. I love me some Liz Lemon.

  24. I cannot wait for Girls to come back!!!

  25. I would name all my favorite shows but the list is rediculous! But to name a few, Modern Family, RHNJ, Abby & Brittany, the New Girl…

  26. Looking forward to the return of New Girl!!

  27. Soo cute!!! Those are just adorable, Love them! – favorite show and show I’m looking forward to are the voice and big bang theory! :)

  28. That’s tough.. So many good shows are starting again. I would have to say hands down I”m looking forward for Downton Abbey to start again.

  29. My favorite shows to watch are anything on the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon – because that’s what my kids like to watch! Happy kids = happy mama.

  30. Glee and Once upon a time :) though being in Australia we will have to wait a few weeks after it airs in th US. I have recently gotten hooked on a new TV Series called House Husbands which is so different to anything else I have seen :)

  31. Too many, I love my trashy Real Housewives stuff – NYC and Beverly Hills are my faves of those. I really enjoyed The Newsroom and will be hooked on Grey’s Anatomy and The Good Wife as soon as they are back. Almost forgot Mad Men, looove Mad Men.

  32. the show I love watching on tv the most is Cougar Town and Community! The new show I’m most looking forward to seeing is Go On (because I miss having Matthew Perry on my tv)

    I have to admit that my favorite foreign show is Dance Academy!! They just started filming season 3 and I can’t wait for netflix to start streaming it :)

  33. Revenge! Can’t wait to see what happens next!

  34. I admit it , I love Pretty Little Liars w/my teenager daughter. Now The Great Food Truck Race & can’t wait for more Modern Family.

  35. Happy Endings, New Girl, Parenthood, Modern Family, Southland, Downton Abbey, Parks n’ Rec. I think I watch too much tv…

  36. Ooooh! These are too adorable! My favorite shows (I have two) are Eat St. and Unique Sweets. Thank you Bakerella :)

  37. Wow, now that’s hard to decide because I like too many! I’d say it’s the Martha Stewart show.

  38. Top Chef!:)

  39. Definitely looking forward to Modern Family! Gotta be one of the better sitcoms currently

  40. Grey’s Anatomy’s cliff hanger has got me hooked….can’t wait to see what’s going to happen! :)

  41. I love Doctor Who!

  42. Top Chef !
    Tks for the giveaway, they are adorable!

  43. These are so cute! I’m really looking forward to the return of The Big Bang Theory. I can’t get enough of those nerds!

  44. TLC What Not Ti Wear….can’t wait for Boardwalk Empire to start again

  45. I freaking love Parks and Recreation. But I can’t wait for Saturday Night Live to start back up. Excited to meet the new cast members.

  46. I love The Big Bang Theory. Can’t wait for it to return.

  47. I really want to win these babies been trying to bake these but no luck so far :( so these will work out great please please !!!!!!

    My fave show is criminal minds and true blood

  48. Ah they would go perfectly in my shabby chic French bedroom. My favourite show has to be Downton Abbey. Love the costumes, the spectacular setting and as a History graduate love the fact that the show is steeped in so much history. Thanks for the opportunity :) Lots of baking love xx

  49. Akward….. Love that show or I want to see mob doctor..

  50. My favorite show is Castle. Can’t wait for it to start again =)

  51. I can’t wait for the Sons of Anarchy premiere tomorrow. It’s dark, but the writing is soooo good. Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. I looking forward to Castle starting again

  53. My favorite show is Greys Anatomy .. I can’t get enough of it :)

  54. Cannot wait for season three of Downton Abbey!!!

  55. LOVE Breaking Bad, Walking Dead and looking forward to American Horror Story!!

  56. I loveeee Downton Abbey. Can’t wait for the new season. White Collar is pretty amazing also.

  57. I really want to win these they are sooooo cute been trying to bake this but so far
    No luck so these babies will do just fine ;D

    My fave shows are criminal minds
    And true blood!!!!!!!!!

  58. Revenge!!

  59. I’m looking forward to watching New Girl on Fox!!

  60. CSI: Miami!!! Go, Mr. Caine!!!

  61. My favorite show coming up with Dancing with the Stars! I’m definitely looking forward to this All-Stars season. :)

  62. I gotta be honest, I don’t care much for any shows on American TV. I do like my movies on Netflix and any British show like Downton Abbey, Doc Martin, Sherlock, Wallander etc.

  63. Desperate Housewives is my all-time favourite!!!!

  64. I’m looking forward to a lot of shows, but mostly Revenge!!

  65. SUITS! Great show!

  66. I am looking forward to the new season of X Factor. I always love the holiday cooking specials too!! :-)

  67. I love the Big Bang Theory! Sheldon and I have too much in common…. :-P

  68. They are so cute!!! My favorite show is The Big Bang Theory and I am looking forward to season 3 of Downton Abbey.

  69. My favorite show to watch is: Survivor. (but i love castle…person of interest…) I’m looking forward to Go On…

  70. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. We’re living in AUS temporarily, and macarons are everywhere in Melbourne! Quite lovely.

    Fave show: Fringe. And fave new Aussie drama: House Husbands.

  71. My favorite show Master Chef just ended and now I can’t wait for The Amazing Race to start!

  72. These are awesome! My favorite TV show of all times is True Blood. I’ve watched it religiously since it first started and even though it has changed so much and has a few cheesy moments here and there, I just can’t help but watch. There’s something about the bloody romance that just keeps me watching. My other favorite show is Cupcake Wars. I love being able to watch bakers compete and work so hard for their dream. At the end when they announce the winner I can’t help but smile, knowing that title and $10,000.00 prize has just changed that bakers life for the better in so many ways. Plus, how could a show all about cupcakes not be rad!

  73. Cupcake champions is starting on food network and I’m also looking forward to another season of Real Housewives. So addicted to these shows!

  74. Mad Men! I love the costume and set design, Joan, Peggy and Don!

  75. I’m really enjoying Mad Men right now!

  76. These are the cutest!!!!! Love The Good Wife… Cannot wait for it to start again….

  77. These are to cute! My favorite show is Glee and I am really looking forward to it coming back!

  78. I love love love Revenge! Looking forward to the next season :)

  79. I can’t wait for Survivor and The Amazing Race to start up again! I need those trinket boxes! They are absolutely adorable!!

  80. Love those trinket boxes! And I love Covert Affairs on USA network

  81. I’m looking forward to seeing those Big Bang boys again!

  82. I’m in love with Downton Abbey! I can’t wait for the new season. Other than that I have a small addiction to anything HGTV.

  83. I’m hooked on Grey’s Anatomy. I cant wait for the new season! The last was such a cliff hanger! I also have to admit that my husband has gotten me pretty attached to Doctor Who…such a brilliantly written show! Thanks for a chance to win!

  84. Love The Amazing Race and Downton Abbey.

  85. I love Grey’s Anatomy!

  86. My favorite show is “Tabatha’s Salon Makeover”, I love this show!

  87. My favorite show is criminal Minds and true blood!!!!!! Please I really wants these they are amazing looking. I have tried several times to make these delicious treats but no luck so far so these will do :D !!!!

  88. I’m such a Gleek, but Project Runway’s a close fave! :D
    I’m soo excited for the 4th season’s 1st episode on Thursday!

  89. Favorite on TV? That is a tough one. Possibly Bones. This fall I am looking forward to more Dr. Who!

  90. One of my favorites Master Chef just ended tonight. And I can’t wait for The Amazing Race to star! I love that show. And those are so adorable!!

  91. I love me some Burn Notice!

  92. My favorite shows are big bang theory and pretty little liars and I cant wait for either one to come back this fall!

  93. Too cute ~ favorite show = Criminal Minds.

  94. Macaron Mania! Everybody Loves Raymond! Faves are the Italy episodes. :o)

  95. Gravity Falls is my current favorite. I’m also looking forward to the next season of MLP:FiM.

    I love cartoons. I’m picky about TV in general, but both of those shows are cute and funny, plus I live in the part of Oregon where Gravity Falls is supposed to be located.

  96. TruBlood!

  97. Those are absolutely DARLING!!!

    My favorite show to watch right now is Perception on TNT. This fall I’m looking forward to Once Upon a Time returning as well as my guilty pleasure … gulp … Pretty Little Liars! There’s also a new Sherlock Holmes show called Elementary which I think looks interesting. I’ve been on a kick lately with BBC’s Sherlock for the past few seasons. Have you seen it? It’s marvelous!

  98. My fave show is Property Ladder, but any real estate flipping show will do.

  99. I can’t wait for the new season of Once Upon a Time!

  100. Can’t wait for the next season of ‘Once Upon a Time’!

  101. Reruns of Cold Case and House Crashers. :)

  102. I LOVE Suits! Too bad I have to wait till January for the next season!

  103. I have been look forward to The Voice.

  104. New Girl is my favorite new show. Zoe is just too cute!

  105. I watch “Everybody Loves Raymond ” every night before I go to sleep!!

  106. I’m looking forward to watching the new season of The Voice!

  107. Love Master Chef, happy Christine won! I am looking forward to Once Upon a Time and Revenge.

  108. Merlin & Revolution. I like Longmire

  109. Glee! I cried at the season finale, can’t wait to see what happens next!

  110. I can’t wait for season 2 of Downtown Abbey! It’s the best show ever!

  111. currently on a Netflix marathon of an Aussie series called “McLeod’s Daughters”, and just finished what’s available for the Canadian series “Heartland”. Looking forward to the new seasons of Grey’s Anatomy and the Good Wife….

  112. Parks and recreation is my fave show!!

  113. I can’t wait for the new season of Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire to begin!!! And…if your friend, The Pioneer Woman, can have a show on the Food Network, Bakerella needs her own show too! :))

  114. fav show these days is Suites & White Collar. Looking forward to the new season of Parks & Rec for sure!

  115. I can’t wait until Once Upon a TIme comes back!!! My fav show!!

  116. I do like watching “Once Upon a Time” and want to start watching “Breaking Bad” this season.

  117. Awesome!
    I like… Big bang theory!

  118. I, like many, can not wait for Once upon a time to comeback!! Oh and I’m a big fan of Modern Family too!

  119. My favorite shows to watch are Mad Men and Dexter. Oh, and maybe Wheel of Fortune ;)

  120. Bones is my fav. and has been for a while, it is the only show i never miss.

  121. I am looking forward to bakerella the tv show!! When is it going to be on tv?

  122. I can’t wait for the Good Wife to start up.

  123. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. We’re temporarily living in AUS, and macarons are everywhere in Melbourne — love them!

    Fave show: Fringe. And favorite new Aussie drama: House Husbands.

  124. I can’t wait for the next season of The Walking Dead, which starts in October. Woohoo!

  125. Im a total TV junkie but I can’t wait for Revenge!

  126. My favorite show to watch is cupcake wars, but…..I just got into watching the new season of My Fair Wedding With David Tutera. Good Luck to evryone!

  127. So adorable. My favorite show is white collar. It has a clever plot and a handsome leading man :)

  128. These are sooooo cute!!! I’d have to say it’s a three way tie between Cupcake Wars, Once Upon A Time, and Grey’s Anatomy! I’m looking forward to the Mindy Project as well!!!

  129. Cannot wait for Modern Family!

  130. I don’t miss an episode of Big Brother!!!!

  131. My favorite show comes back on this fall! The walking dead!!

  132. Totally looking forward to Once Upon A Time!!

  133. Game of Thrones! :) They sure don’t have macarons in *that* show! lol

  134. I love watching Psych! It’s hilarious.

  135. Looking forward to watching Parenthood!

  136. I watch HGTV all the time, but my favorite TV series is probably Grey’s Anatomy….

  137. I’m currently HOOKED on Game of Thrones. That show is so addictive.

  138. I LOVE The Walking Dead on AMC. This fall I’m looking forward to checking out all the new shows, especially Revelation on NBC. For comedy, you can’t go wrong with The Big Bang Theory!

  139. I love the packing *-*
    My all time favorite show is FRIENDS, I’d never get tired of watch that show! Such a classic!

  140. I love watching the real house wives of NJ!!

  141. My favorite show would have to be Big Bang Theory. I’m a sucker for a cute nerd….. but my guilty pleasure is America’s Next Top Model. The drama is pure entertainment!

  142. Loving Perception right now, and excited for NCIS to come back on!

  143. Eagerly awaiting for the new episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory. As far as new shows, sorta interested in seeing Go On with Matthew Perry..


    I love macarons. This is seriously the best thing I have seen all day.

  145. My friend and I are kind of addicted to Switched at Birth — this teen-family drama on ABC Family :D I won’t even tell you how old I am, but seriously, it is good :D I keep telling myself it’s not, but then I “happen” across it and, well, sucked in again!

  146. I am impatiently waiting for Season 2 of Revenge.

  147. I can’t wait for Modern Family! I just LOVE that show!

  148. I love Grimm! Those are too cute!

  149. I love watching reruns of Sex and the City and Friends! I can’t wait for How I Met Your Mother, Once Upon a Time,Glee and New Girl to start soon!

  150. Vampire diaries!!!

  151. My favorite show on TV is Castle!

  152. right now its master chef, but I think it ends tonight :( so I’ll have to find a new favorite

  153. I love watching masterchef! :D AHH the finale.. was.. sigh
    and I can’t wait for glee to start :]

  154. Greys Anatomy is one of my favorites!

  155. I love weird Japanese game shows! Bring on Running for Money and VS Arashi!

    (PS. I’ve never actually eaten Macarons… but these look good enough to risk losing a tooth for)

  156. absolutely adorable!!! love these darling trinkets! i’m watching project runway – never missed a season. love the creativity!

  157. i can’t wait for the walking dead to come back. i love the mix of drama and zombies. and those macaron trinket boxes are soo pretty!

  158. New Girl!! Love that Jess!

  159. I love watching all the crime-solving shows: Castle, CSI, Criminal Minds… and Once Upon a Time and Revenge are not new-new, but since I’m not too excited about any of the new shows, these are new enough and I’m dying for them to come back :)

  160. I regularly watch Gray’s Anatomy and Private Practice, but am hoping for something new to sweep me off my feet this fall. Fingers crossed!

  161. Love Mordern Family, and this cute trinket box! Thanks!

  162. My favorite show on tv right now is Breaking Bad but I’m waiting with baited breath for the third season of Downton Abbey this winter!

  163. I’m a dork and still excited about Survivor! :)

  164. Love to watch White Collar &Bones!!!

  165. I dont have cable, but can I still enter?? My favorite book is the Bible ;)

  166. I’ve somehow got caught up in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. I’ll blame it on my daughter. :)

  167. Tooooooo cute:) can’t wait for vampire diaries to start:)

  168. My favorite show is without a doubt CBS Sunday Morning. Love that show! It’s educational, informative, and entertaining. Love these cute boxes too!!!

  169. NCIS-I love Leroy Jethro Gibbs. For funnies, The Big Bang Theory.

  170. Revolution looks like it will be amazing.

  171. Bazinga! It’s a toss-up between Big Bang Theory and Downton Abbey!!

  172. My all time fav. show is | Desperate Housewives | =]
    I Love these Macarons!

  173. Can’t wait for Revenge to return!

  174. The Big Bang Theory! It cracks me up!

  175. Those are adorable!!! My favorites ones are Dance Moms and Mama Drama.. lol Looking forward for the new season of Love & Hip Hop!

  176. I’m a Real Housewives lover(except for Atlanta and Miami) but I can’t wait for Grey’s to start back!!

  177. Doctor Who!! My husband, kids, & I all watch it together every Saturday night, it’s great family time :)

  178. oh gosh..that’ s hard!! I love shows on Bravo!!! I also love Intervention, but can only handle it in small doses…it makes me cry everytime I watch it.

  179. My favorite show to watch is The Voice!

  180. Those are beautiful!! This fall I am looking forward to Sons of Anarchy (season #5 begins tomorrow) and SMASH.

  181. Love Katie’s new show and cannot wait for new episodes of Newsroom.

  182. I’m looking forward to Downton Abbey coming back on!


  184. Super cute!!! My favorite show is Kelsey’s Essentials.

  185. I love VAMPIRE DIARIES!

  186. Gossip Girl!

  187. I love NCIS. The hubster and I are glued when it comes on. Have to say if I won these I know some ladies I work with that would love, love, love them. Too cute!

  188. SO cute! Honestly, I haven’t kept much track of what’s coming out- I actually try to NOT watch TV. However, I have been hooked on NCIS for quite a white and I AM looking forward to seeing how the main characters get out of their end-of-season predicament. Thanks for the chance.

  189. Switched at Birth!! Watching it right now!

  190. Adorable!!

    Fav returning shows: 30 Rock, Walking Dead and Dexter!

  191. I love Castle. I can’t wait fire the season premiere. Also, as a side note…i love baking and my sister loves Limoges type boxes. We had a falling out and to give her a set of these would be the perfect “Please forgive me” present!

  192. Eeeek! These are too cute.
    Favorite show – definitely “New Girl”. I just love Zooey Deschanel and relate to the positive quirkiness of Jess just a little too much :-)

  193. Favorute show : person of interest

  194. Those are ADORABLE! They’d look great on a bridal shower sweet table or as favors!
    What are we looking forward to watching this fall? Cupcake Girls! We love the Heather & Lori!

  195. Scandal! :)

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