
Want perfect macarons?

Macaron Trinket Boxes

And by perfect, I mean perfectly pretty pastel ones?

Macaron Trinket Boxes

Just don’t bite because you might break a tooth.

Blue Macaron Trinket Box

That’s right. These aren’t at all edible. But they are completely adorable.

Adorable little macaron trinket boxes.

Macaron Trinket Box

For trinkets. For sweetness. For smiles.

Trinket Boxes

I’ve been trying to get my hands on some of these for a little while now. They are sold separately and come in six different colors, but they’ve been sold out on a lot of sites. So I was very excited when I came across someone who had them. It was just by chance when I saw that my friend Courtney of Pizzazzerie had posted a picture of this macaron on her instagram and where she got it from. Naturally, I stalked the seller only to find out we had actually met a few weeks before at Amy Atlas’ book signing in Atlanta. Weird. Crazy. Kinda coincidental.

Anyway, you can buy them individually from Waiting on Martha or you can also get a whole set of 12 if you’re as crazy for them as I am.

Why? Well, because with the whole set, you get the super cute store display box, too.


Macaron Trinket Boxes

But, if you want… you can just enter for a chance to win a box set from me right here. Yay!

Yep, I couldn’t resist buying one to give away, too.


Enter for a chance to win this set of 12 macaron trinket boxes.
Note: this set has duplicate greens because the rose color was sold out. But when I get my hands on two more rose macarons, the winner will get those also for a complete set.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog with your answer to the following question.
  • What’s your favorite show to watch on TV? or What new show are you looking forward to this fall?
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Good luck guys!

Okay, we have a winner. And a bunch of show recommendations to check out. Here are some of my current likes that I thought I’d share, too.

Dexter, Homeland, Glee, Big Brother After Dark, Mad Men, Thirty Rock, Walking Dead, Modern Family, Californication, New Girl, Project Runway, Dancing with the Stars, What not to Wear, Top Chef, Bachelor Pad, Storage Wars, Shameless and a lot more I can’t think of right now.

Okay, ready to see who won the macaron trinket boxes? I am.

It’s April – #2508! YAY! And April, I like iCarly, too.


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3,554 comments on “Want perfect macarons?”

  1. Jane by design ! I love it !<33

  2. Parenthood!

  3. Grey’s all the way but looking forward to Treme coming back, too!

  4. these are too cute!! i love them!!!
    i love Grey’s Anatomy, im super addicted to that show!!

  5. Revenge!!!!

  6. How I Met Your Mother! :-)

  7. Holmes on Homes . . . and I love the beautiful macarons trinket boxes~

  8. My favorite show at the moment is Necessary Roughness on USA network. The season finale was a few weeks ago. My heart can’t handle the ending plus the promo for next season! I need to know what happens!!!!

  9. Can’t wait for Survivor to start back up!

  10. I’m addicted to True Blood and so ready for Vampire diaries to start back up.. :)

  11. Drop Dead Diva is my fav!!!

    and I MUST HAVE those macaron boxes! too cute!!!

  12. omg! these are soooo cute!
    my favorite show is dexter! =)

  13. I love to watch The Chew! Never a repeated show:)

  14. I’m not gonna lie, I was really excited for macaron making secrets but these are even BETTER!!!
    My favorite show right now is Rookie Blue but it is a summer series & just ended :( I cannot wait for Grey’s Anatomy to start back up again & see what happens after the plane crash!

  15. I am a huge Survivor fan and can’t wait for it to start next week!

  16. I can’t wait for the final season of Spartacus! But thats winter so in the meantime I can’t wait for Once upon a time.

  17. There’s a few I’m excited for! Parenthood, Sons of Anarchy, and The Walking Dead, to name a few. Great giveaway, thanks! : )

  18. Supernatural! Oh how I love Sam, Dean, and Castiel! I also can’t wait for Dexter. :)

  19. Dexter! Can’t wait!

  20. I loooove Breaking Bad!!! Probably the best show ever made! Also, looking forward to the new season of Revenge. Cheers!!! :-)

  21. I can’t wait for Glee, Big Bang Theory and Grey’s Anatomy!

  22. Criminal Minds and House Hunters (even if the latter is staged). :)

    I LOVE crime shoes (both real or fiction) as well as HGTV home repair shows. For now, I watch reruns when I’m at my mom’s place!

  23. Those are way cute! I’m so hooked on Fringe and figuring out each episode. I can’t wait for the new season, but Once Upon a Time is a close second. All those fairy tale characters come to life – and the costumes!

  24. How cute! The big bang theory and the new girl are on my list this fall.

  25. Favorite TV show that I’m looking forward to after the phenomenal ending last season is Grey’s Anatomy. New show I can’t wait to see Dragons … the tv series from How to Train Your Dragon

  26. I can’t wait for the new season of New Girl!!

  27. I am waiting for season 2 of Revenge!

    Thanks for a chance at this awesome prize!


  28. Anything on Food Network!!!! Yay!!!!

  29. I love What not to Wear! I love seeing people’s best brought out in them.

  30. Oh goodness there are so many! So I will name 3: New Girl, Dexter, and The walking Dead.

  31. It’s gotta be the Walking Dead…. creepy…sometimes keeps me up at night, but I can’t quit watching it…

  32. Once Upon A Time!!! I can’t wait for the new season to start on Sept. 30th!!!

  33. Oh mine! I actually have several. Downton Abbey is the best though

  34. Oh those are the cutest!!! So much more perfect than my attempt to make macarons. Delish! But obscure…
    I am very excited for Jess and her roomies to return with New Girl! I love that show :)
    Thanks for doing this giveaway! If I don’t win I may need to pick up a set anyway :-D

  35. Once Upon a Time is what im looking forward too!!

  36. I enjoy watching Grey’s Anatomy :)

  37. Its hard to pick a favorite!!! But I’m really looking forward to The New Normal :)

  38. I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy & Revenge :) Those are Soooo CUUUTE!!!!!! :)

  39. America’s Next Top Model!(:

  40. …Private Practice and Once and Again! Nice to cuddle up to with the crisp air of fall!

  41. I love Once Upon a Time and Downton Abbey. :)

  42. NCIS can’t get enough Tom Harmon ……..

  43. I love the show Revenge on ABC and Akward on MTV. Those macaroon trinkets are so cute!!

  44. Big bang theory!!!! love that show….bazinga!

  45. Hells Kitchen ended tonight. Matthew Perry’s new show “Go On”. Love him! Also a big fan of Hoarders.

  46. I’m looking forward to Blue Bloods….and the new show Elementary. These would be the bestest ever!!!

  47. I’m looking forward to Boardwalk Empire!

  48. How cute! My favorite show is Dexter! Can’t wait for it to start! HBO makes the best shows!

  49. Grey’s Anatomy and How I Met Your Mother

  50. Love weeds but can’t wait until
    curvy girls starts on NUVO

  51. I cant wait for Grey’s Anatomy, Revenge and Once Upon a Time! Ohh also Bones and Glee!!

  52. Favorite show : Chopped!
    Looking forward to seeing ‘Revolution’, a new series coming out this fall! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this lovely set! :)

  53. I love to watch One Tree Hill! I can’t wait for the new season of Vampire Diaries.

  54. So. Cute!

    I’m anxiously waiting for Revenge to return. Super excited for all the fall premieres!

  55. I am in New Zealand so My Kitchen Rules and Masterchef Australia. Macarons are my favourite bake off!

  56. My favorite show is Psych! I can’t wait for the new season!

  57. Right now, it’s Big Brother but my favorite show that just ended is Suits. Love that show!

  58. I <3 the way Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad gives me a mindless relaxing couple of hours on a Monday night after a long, exhausting day!

  59. TOO excited for Parenthood to start tomorrow! It’s such a great show, so hilarious and just extremely entertaining.

  60. Oh! Those are so adorable!!! I could just eat them up. ;)
    I’m torn between Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who and Once Upon a Time. Luckily for me, they’re all on different days!
    This fall, I’m looking forward to watching 666 Park Avenue. Looks scary!

  61. It would either be Big Bang or Downton Abby, don’t know which but I won’t miss either one of them.

  62. I love love LOVE Downton Abbey, but as it won’t be airing in the US until january, i’ll just have to settle for Ghost Hunters and Antiques Roadshow. :D

  63. Once Upon A Time!

  64. Can’t wait for the new season of New Girl! Thanks!

  65. Super excited that Doctor Who started back up, and I’m also looking forward to the Walking Dead in October.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. I love Dr. Who..but I also can’t wait for Once Upon A Time to start back up.

  67. These are adorable!! I’m looking forward to some fall dreams; parenthood and Revenge are my two favorites!

  68. Really like Castle and Modern Family. Looking forward to Malibu Country.

  69. My favorite TV shows are Big Bang Theory and Ridiculousness. (I know, but it is oh so hilarious.) I am looking forward to Partners- looks really funny!

    These are oh so fabulous! Seriously, fabulous.

    Thanks! <3

  70. So you think you can dance….dance….dance……

  71. I love the show White Collar right now! there are just so many shows I watch on my own, and then a few shows my husband and I watch together.

    Darling boxes.I can see why you had to get all 12!

  72. can’t wait for season 2 of scandal on ABC!

  73. I am def looking forward to Fringe. The cliffhangers at the end of every season always keeps me wanting more!

  74. I am in New Zealand, so My Kitchen Rules and Masterchef Australia! Macarons are my favourite bake off!

  75. So cute! My favorite show is Downton Abbey, can’t wait for the new season!

  76. I love the storage hunting shows; Storage Wars, Storage Hunters, Auction Hunters, etc.

    I CANNOT WAIT for Revenge to come back later this month!!

    Thanks for the chance to win, AD!!

  77. It’s got to be Once Upon a Time. I would have said GCB, I am still fuming about that being cancelled!

  78. Omigosh so many to choose from!! I can’t wait for Glee on Thursday… Then HIMYM, and Smash, and Modern Family and the Middle ….the list goes on and on.

  79. I cannot pick just one favorite show! I love Army Wives, The Lying Game, and Revenge the most! Thankfully they are on separate times and season schedules so never miss an episode of any!

  80. Drop Dead Diva is my favvvvv…

  81. Dr. G: Medical Examiner! Our absolute favorite!!

  82. I love seeing Grimm, and in my country (¡Viva México!) The Good Wife just finished the season and it was soooo good I cannot wait till the next season comes!! >w<)9

    And NOTHING's coincidental!!!
    "No es casualidad es causalidad" I'd say in my language :D


  83. My favorite show is GLEE. It just keeps me feeling good and shows me that we all struggle

  84. As much as I hate to admit it, my TV vice is America’s Next Top Model. (Don’t judge me!) :)

  85. Modern Family!

  86. I have two…my favorite shows are The Ellen Degeneres Show and The Walking Dead. Totally opposite types of shows..I know. Lol Thank you for the giveaway! These macaron trinket boxes are adorable!

  87. woohoo…!! Modern Family & Bones ~~~ all the way…!!! btw ~ i would love to have those cutesies…! *-* :)

  88. I am looking forward to Elementary along with NCIS. Love a good crime show!

  89. I love watching the show “Chopped”. It’s great to see what these chefs come up with. Thank you!

  90. I love 2 Broke Girls and grey’s Anatomy

  91. Grimm! I love that show. Although the New Normal has potential.

  92. Game of Thrones! It can’t come back on soon enough for me!
    And who can resist Sweet Genius RBI is the bomb!

  93. Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Super exciting, I know!

  94. my favorite show on TV right now Craft wars. and I can’t wait for Revenge to came back.

    Thanks for the change to win. I hope you come to NJ soon.


  95. My favorite show is Breaking bad! I deeply miss Desparate Housewives though :)

  96. Drop dead diva is my favvvvvvorite!

  97. I’m looking forward to watching GLEE this fall.It is coming this Wednesday! Yay!!

  98. The Biggest Loser, Parenthood, or any Real Housewives city. My birthday is on Friday, this would be the best present EVER! ;)

  99. EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! These are too cute!!! I can’t stand it!! Okay, my favorite show is AbFab and I’m looking forward to Boardwalk Empire coming back.

  100. The boxes are precious! :)
    I just discovered The Newsroom, it’s stunning! I have a journalism degree, but I don’t practice it. Watching that show reminds me why I decided to study journalism in the first place.

  101. I am really anxious for a new season of Grey’s Anatomy but extremelyyyyyyy anxious for Juniot Diaz new book, which will be available in 15 minutes and J. K. Rowling’s new book, available the 27th ;D

  102. New Girl!

    All the way! =)

  103. Sooo looking forward to the final season of Fringe…

  104. I enjoy the show Revenge.

  105. hmmm I love watching normal people doing such good talent i love American idol X-factor and So You Think You Can Dance and the Voice, so any show that shows dreams can come true

  106. I’m the world’s worst… love Cake Challenges… and basically any show that involves cooking! I haven’t had much time to even see what’s coming soon… :(… But, these Macarons are absolutely adorable… :)

  107. I really love the British iteration of Sherlock. And QI. Both are excellent.

  108. Mentalist is my favorite!

  109. So cute! My favorite show right now is Supersizers Go.

  110. Oooh, those are so precious!
    My favorite show is Psych. I cannot get enough of the 80s references, general ridiculousness and pineapples.
    And, I’m most looking forward to Elementary in the fall. I think it will be interesting to see Watson portrayed as a female character. It just looks lovely and quirky.
    Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  111. So cute! I like Parenthood, Downton Abbey and Once Upon a Time. Sorry. I couldn’t choose just one.

  112. There are so many shows on my Fall list right now, I wouldn’t know which one to choose…so I will just say New Girl…how hilarious is Jess, Schmidt, Winston, Nick, and CeCe…what craziness will they get into this time lol…

  113. I’m looking forward to seeing Once Upon A Time.
    Thanks! :)

  114. Adorable!

    My all time favorite show is Gilmore Girls, though it’s no longer a running series. Thank goodness for DVDs!

  115. So you think you can…dance….dance!!!

  116. I am so excited for Dexter!!!

  117. “Once Upon A Time” so addicting! Can’t wait for the fall series to start.

  118. My favourite show is ‘Lost Girl’ – gotta love a kick A girl in leather pants. She is gorgeous and so is her sidekick. Makes you want to live in a supernatural world where vamps and werewolves actually exist.

  119. My favorite show is The Simpsons!! And im definitely looking forward to watch their newest season. ;)

  120. Glee! It’s actually the only show I watch. I guess sometimes I watch The Simpsons with my boyfriend but i favor GLEE

  121. The new Sherlock Holmes show called “Elementary” looks interesting.

  122. I love Parks & Rec and New Girl! I’m excited for The Mindy Project, it looks like it could be funny!

  123. It just ended, but I love The Newsroom. Oh and I can’t wait for The Good Wife to come back!

  124. Modern family

  125. My fave show to watch is Bones. Its comedy and crime drama. Thanks for much for the giveaway those are adorable!

  126. Parenthood, and these are adorable!

  127. I can’t wait for the last season of The Office. I loved that show,but the past season was pretty bad and hard to watch. I’m curious to see how they end it.

  128. I hate to admit it and it drives y hisband crazy, but it’s Dance Moms.

  129. Newsroom – that’s a great show!

  130. My favorite show is Mentalist. ^_^

  131. I can’t wait for Tuesday, September 25th – NEW GIRL!!!!

  132. Breaking Bad!!

  133. Can’t wait for the new season of Parenthood!! Love the Bravermans!!!

  134. I can’t wait for the new season of Dexter and Weeds.

  135. I love Breaking Bad. Since that season is over, I’m looking forward to Dexter.

  136. Cupcake wars!

  137. I’m a Survivor fan, but I am also looking forward to GLEE, Castle, and The Middle.

  138. Once Upon a Time!! I love that show, can’t wait for it to come back (and I love the macaroons! adorable)

  139. I’m hooked on Once Upon a Time and am looking forward to it, but also to the new season of Happy Endings.

  140. REVENGE is my new guilty pleasure and I LOVE it!!!

  141. I love So you think you can dance! I am looking forward to watching 30 Rock!

  142. I love Once Upon a Time!! can’t wait for the next season!

  143. Can’t wait for Modern Family to start AND totally looking forward to Dexter :o) Heard that Suits on USA is a pretty good series too!!

  144. New Girl and Modern Family! Can’t wait!!

  145. I love Modern Family. It makes me laugh :D and who doesn’t love to laugh?

  146. Big Bang Theory and New Girl.

  147. Glee!!! Which is how I feel about those macarons. Looking forward to seeing what’s new this fall.

  148. I LOVE Grimm/Once Upon a Time. Am looking forward to ‘Go On’.

  149. Looking forward to the return of “DC Cupcakes” on TLC!! :)

  150. I love this! I’m excited for X Factor to see how Britney does!!

  151. Love the boxes.

    I just finished watching Breaking Bad, and I am realll looking forward to the epic final episodes.

  152. Currently watching a ton of How I Met Your Mother! (I notice this is a popular answer… haha)

  153. I can’t wait for this season of castle!

  154. can’t resist Once Upon A Time.. the mixture of fairytales and reality is just too hard to resist! >.< thanks for the opportunity

  155. I’m waiting on New Girl to come back!

  156. I can’t wait for the new season of “The Walking Dead”!

  157. Hmmm… Modern Family :)

  158. Glee is probably my favorite, followed close by Grey’s.

  159. My favorite show to watch is Vampire Diaries! Can’t wait for it to start back up on 10/11/12!! Such a cute giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win :)

  160. It’s definitely a tie between Grey’s Anatomy and Once Upon A Time!

  161. Parenthood & wearing jeans!

  162. These are so amazing!

    My favorite show is Bewitched. The OG.
    I generally like vintage TV more that most anything on these days.

  163. Eep! I’ve been looking for these!

    I don’t watch a lot of TV but I enjoy Grey’s Anatomy. I am totally a recent addict of Big Bang Theory so I’ll be waiting for it to start again!

  164. How I Met Your Mother – After all these years, I gots to know!

  165. i like to watch how i met your mother! and i’m looking forward to the new normal :)

  166. I can’t wait for Glee to come back!!
    Thank you!

  167. Those are adorable! I love macaroons :)

    I’m really looking forward to some good old comedy with How I Met Your Mother and Modern Family…but also really looking forward to Dexter starting up again!

  168. I love Burn Notice

  169. I really like Grimm!

  170. I love Murdoch Mysteries! And these little boxes are so elegant.

  171. Big Bang Theory! Also looking forward to the Voice and Dancing with the Stars.

  172. I CANNOT wait for Season 3 of Downton Abbey!!!! Best show on Television!

  173. Boardwalk Empire!!! :)

  174. Glee
    And new favorite show (although it finished) The Newsroom or that new show Guys with Kids

  175. omg these are so cute!!

    Favorite show: Big Bang Theory :)

  176. Right now my favorite show is Take Home Chef (watching it on Netflix). I am so looking forward to “Go On”. Love the macarons!

  177. It scares the bejesus out of me, but I love The Walking Dead and can not wait until it is back in October.

  178. Big Bang Theory! My husband and I are usually in tears at some point during every episode.

  179. Everybody Love Raymond…an oldie, but a goodie:)

  180. My current favorite show right now is Gravity Falls. I know it’s a cartoon but it’s so quirky and weird, I love it.
    As for new shows, I’m really looking forward to Mindy Kaling’s show.

  181. I can’t wait for Grey’s Anatomy! Such a cliff hanger last season…

  182. Favorite show right now is Breaking Bad! I’m looking forward to the return of It’s Always Sunny In Philidelphia.

  183. Looking forward to Revenge.

  184. My favorite show is Big Bang Theory– not really sure what new shows are coming out this year!

  185. Right now my favourite television show is Downton Abbey. I am so looking forward to season 3! I just finished season 2 recently (I don’t keep up with shows with much dedication) and the wait until the next season hits the US seems agonizing.

  186. Hmmm…my favorite summer show is True Blood. But, I’m really looking forward to Homeland.

  187. Perhaps a bit dark and dramatic, but I LOVE Breaking Bad and can’t wait until the series finale next year.

  188. I love watching college football with my husband and three boys on Saturdays….but I am addicted to So You Think You Can Dance too.

  189. So You Think You Can Dance…it’s been all summer but the finale is sooo close!

  190. Can’t wait for New Girl to come back!

  191. I don’t have cable so I watch all of my TV shows online so I’m always a bit behind on shows. Currently my favorite show is Buffy. I don’t know how I missed out on it for so long! As for up and coming shows, I’m looking forward to The Walking Dead and American Horror Story this coming Fall.

  192. Looking forward to So You Think You Can Dance. Love the macaron trinket boxes–so cute. Just wish mine looked like that! Thanks for the chance to win.

  193. I am addicted to Project Runway!

  194. I cannot wait for Once Upon A Time! Love me some good old fashion fairytales:) P.S those are so adorable!

  195. These are too cute! My favorite show right now is Downton Abbey. Can’t wait for next season to start!

  196. the real housewives of NYC!!

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