
Time to get in the baking spirit

It’s October and one of the most fun months of the year to bake and share sweet treats.

Cute. Spooky. Scary. Ooey. October is all about having fun in the kitchen and treating people to a smile.

Want to get your bake on and get in the baking spirit? Want to trick out your treats?

Well, how about a brand new KitchenAid stand mixer to get you started?

Sounds ghoulishly good to me.

Enter for a chance to win a KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer in one of the Spooktacular colors above.

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me which mixer color you’d like to win … oh and if you know what treat you’d like to make this Halloween, I’d love to hear that too.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 at 7:00 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Good luck guys!


Okay, here we go… drumroll please…  And the winner of a brand new KitchenAid mixer is … Debi!!!!

YAY Debi – Boysenberry IS a fun color! Happy baking this Halloween!

 This giveaway is sponsored by me.

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8,001 comments on “Time to get in the baking spirit”

  1. I would love the white one! I am thinking of making the Jaques Torres chocolate chip cookies you posted a while back with the addition of Halloween sprinkles or m&ms.

  2. The contour silver one is gorgeous and perfect for making all my Thanksgiving pies!

  3. I would love to win the boysenberry..the holloween treat i’d make is cupcakes & cookies for my daughter’s grade 4 class

  4. I would love the coutour silver or metallic chrome. I will be making anything pumpkin!

  5. The white one!

  6. White or Boysenberry! Love it I would surprise all these Londoners with such amazing American baked goods :)

  7. Tangerine to make some (pumpkin) cookies and ice cream please!

  8. I would choose the canopy green! And I would make a bundt cake with the silicone bundt pan I just got for my birthday!

  9. I’d love the Boysenberry color! I’ll be making soft pumpkin cookies — they’re a huge favorite around here and get eaten in no time!

  10. That canopy green one is gorgeous! I would love that! I’m definitely going to be making some whiskey caramel apple cookies for the adults on Halloween!

  11. The grey one is cool!

  12. I would choose the white; I would give it to my daughter who grew up loving mine! We always said if ever it broke down -which it hasn’t in nearly twenty years- we’d get it repaired or replaced even if the mortgage had to wait!
    This year I’m making Halloween Pudding Ghost Cups for the grandchildren!

  13. Hello, I love that grey mixer. It’s so unique and sleek. I think the treat I’d like to make this month is a delicious pumpkin pie. I’m also gunning to find a great pumpkin soup recipe as well!

  14. Silver!! Love it!

  15. boysenberry

  16. Gray! I will be making pumpkin sugar cookies to bring to the office this year (with my tired old hand mixer…sad panda).

  17. M

  18. Love the Black Onyx. I always make apple slices this time of year!!

  19. Boysenberry!!!

  20. I like the grey!

  21. I love the boysenberry! Perfect or all the baking for the holiday season coming up :)

  22. I’d love the Onyx Black one, and I plan to make a lot of hookies tihs halloween and christmas season!

  23. Black Onyx…salted caramel bars…

  24. I like the white one… I think…so many beautiful choices. :)

  25. I’d love the contour silver one!! I make cupcakes with different icing and sprinkles!!!

  26. My favorite time of year! Making multiple batches of candy corn shaped and colored and dipped shortbread cookies. And just like all of those mixers, they are deeelllliiissshhhh! Vibrant baking from any color mixer…….

  27. Love that Boysenberry!

  28. Oh, the onyx black is fantastic! I would really like that one!
    I am going to make a big bunch of pumpkin/cinnamon bars this halloween :)

  29. A free mixer? I’d take any color! And I would like to try my hand at making homemade marshmallows…and then use some Halloween cookie cutters to make then some spooky (or smooky as my little girl says) shapes :)

  30. I would like the white one. I am planning to make the Jaques Torres chocolate chip cookies you posted a while back with the addition of some Halloween sprinkles or m&ms.

  31. I’d love to make some of Peabody’s Pumpkin Gingerdoodles with the Tangerine mixer

  32. I’d love to use the Boysenberry Mixer making Pumpkin Whoopie Pies, Pumpkin Muffins, Pumpkin Bread in a jar, Pumpkin Cheesecake… Fall, love it!

  33. Contour Silver

    Will make Pumpkin Cakepops.

  34. Ii’d choose the onyx black, because it’s like sexy shiny new sports car! Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. I would use the contour silver to make cupcakes with caramel icing that look just like caramel apples! They even have the nuts and mini chocolate chips around the bottom with the stick on top. Not spooky, but really cute!.

  36. LOVE the Contour Silver! I want to make cake balls! Everyone loves cake balls.

  37. I love the boysenberry! I’m thinking it is time to make cranberry pumpkin bread and caramel popcorn.

  38. Love the boysenberry color! We’ll be making lots of pumpkin bread and some fun halloween sugar cookies.

  39. Onyx black for making sugar cookies!

  40. I Love the onyx black so ellegant! Thank you so much!

  41. The Metallic Chrome!! I have QUITE a few pumpkins to bake up this year, so we will be able to cook just about everything pumpkin flavoured. :)

  42. Canopy green, so gorgeous!

  43. Tangerine

  44. black….i plan to make pumpkin wonderful

  45. The Onyx Black is gorgeous !

  46. I love them all! But I think I would pick contour silver! The first thing I would use it for is my sugar cookie recipe and make Halloween cut out cookies for the kids.

  47. The contour silver mixer would be great for making cookies, cookies and more cookies (gluten-free!) and THEN some ganache!! Thank you for sharing your talent!

  48. I love love love the Canopy Green <3

  49. Love your site!!!! I would like the boysenberry mixer if I am lucky enough to win.

  50. Canopy green

  51. Canopy Green has my name written all over it. Oh to make banana coconut upside down cake with the aide of this mixer would be a dream!

  52. Ginger molasses cookies in that onyx black mixer sounds good to me! Happy Fall!

  53. Contour silver. I would make all sorts of pumpkin desserts if I won this awesome mixer. =>

  54. Contour Silver would look great in my kitchen! I love making old fashion popcorn balls for Halloween! My family loves them because I add candy corn and M&M’s!!

  55. The Contour Silver is so sleek and gorgeous! I’m sure I could make some spooktacular treats with that! :)

  56. The boysenberry! I plan to make cranberry pumpkin bread.

  57. I think maybe the silver. They are all so pretty! I like to make Yummy Mummies for a Halloween snack.

  58. boysenberry! and what Halloween treat will I be making this season? cake pops of course! my kids beg for my one eyed monster pops for their school Halloween parties :)

  59. contour silver !
    One winner will be chosen at random….
    one winner …

  60. My color, tangerine. My recipe a terrifying cupcakes.
    I want to win please.

  61. Contour silver! :)

  62. I have been dreaming of getting a mixer! Boysenberry would be my colour of choice. I’m hoping to make pumpkin shaped (and coloured) rice krispie squares this Halloween!

  63. The orange one of course! With green being a second choice :)

    I plan to make oreo truffles that will be like cake pops :)

  64. Canopy green oder Tangerine sind super Farben, ich würde gerne eine gewinnen!

  65. White – pure and simple! Would love that in my tiny kitchen…

  66. I like the Contour Silver and I plan on making pumpkin pizza and ghosts in the graveyard! Love, love, love Halloween!

  67. Boysenberry would be perfect to make chocolate pumpkin cupcakes in!!!

  68. Since it is fall it MUST be orange…I’d love the tangerine! I’m thinking the most wonderful pumpkin spice cake with salted caramel (made from scratch of course) frosting. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  69. I love the Canopy Green! There are so many Halloween treats I want to make this season!

  70. The Boysenberry….no the tangerine…no wait, the contour silver!!! OK, I LOVE ALL OF THEM! LOL I am making sugar cookies with monsters on them for my grandkids! Nothing like a little scare with your sweets! Great giveaway :)

  71. The contour silver is just elegant and timeless!

    I want to bake owl-shaped dome cake with chocolate and mint filling!!

  72. Do much going on this fall. May not get to baking till Thanksgiving.

    Which color? I think GREY!

  73. I think the metallic chrome is the color for me

  74. My boyfriend would be happy to get this onyx black kitchenaid for his birthday, and I’ll love the stuff he bakes in it

  75. I would love the contour silver mixer!!! I am making a whole lot of witch and spider cake pops!!!!

  76. i would love the contour silver :) boy oh boy all the cookies and cupcakes that i could bake from that. i would be able to make apple cinnamon pull apart bread with this.

  77. The Boysenberry would be perfect to make chocolate pumpkin cupcakes in!!!

  78. It seems that my comment wasnt published! I would love to have the canopy green and use it to make my pumpkin zombie cake pops!

  79. i’d take the green one and might even make something sweet with it.

  80. The countour silver is really gorgeous, I love it!
    I’m not much of a Halloween fan but I want to try some pumpkin recipes this year, maybe pumpkin gingerbread or so.

  81. The tangerine looks so gorgeous but for me, the contour silver seems very practical.

  82. Cooking, not just something you NEED to do, but something that you want to do

  83. Love the tangerine!! I am going to make a pumpkin cheesecake with a chocolate spider web on top!!

  84. Tangerine! Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. yum!

  85. I would love the boysenberry one! I would make meringue ghosts!

  86. I LOVE the canopy green! 7 layer bars, fall themed, would be fun to mix up in that pretty lady!

  87. Tangerine – in the spirit of Halloween . You. Are my inspiration since I started making cake balls and cake pops. I am super excited to make a Halloween inspired graveyard cake for a little girls 10th bday. .

  88. You just can’t bake a good tasting cake, without goodlooking cooking aids, like the onyx black Kitchen Aid

  89. Boysenberry!!

  90. I love the neutral-ness of the Grey mixer!
    And you have to make candy apples at Halloween! I try to do fun things with mine – decorate them like pumpkins or witches etc!

  91. Boysenberry or metallic chrome.

    If I entered twice I’m sorry! I’m using my phone.

  92. I love the Onyx Black and would definitely make oatmeal bread.

  93. The Boysenberry would be perfect to make some chocolate pumpkin cupcakes in!!

  94. That Canopy Green looks so vibrant! I’ve been really feeling like making cupcakes or brownies, something chocolate-y and fun to decorate :)

  95. You just can’t bake a good tasting cake, without good cooking stuff ! ;-)

  96. I love the boysenberry mixer! I would like to make pumpkin cheesecake bites.

  97. As a rabid GB Packer fan definitely the Canopy Green is my color. Raising our 12 year old granddaughter so back to making lots of cookies…:o)

  98. My son would be happy to bake some delicious cakes in an Onyx Black Kitchenaid !!!

  99. I would love the Boysenberry one! :)

  100. Tangerine is my favorite. Pumpkin spice cookies sound good

  101. Onyx Black! I’ve been wanting to make peanut butter pie!

  102. I’m thinking the green would be quite handing in making just about ANYTHING!!! LOL

  103. A reason to switch my 10year old Kenwood with an awesome Onyx black Kitchenaid ? :-o

  104. I would love the canopy green!!! I’m planning on making some pumpkin zombie cake pops! :D

  105. I would love to have this mixer in the black to make my sugar cookies that I decorate for the Halloween party.

  106. I love all the colors, but I’d have to choose Boysenberry! I would make mini pumpkin cheesecake with little jack o lantern faces.

  107. I love your website. I have tried lots of your recipes. Loved them all. Making worm cupcakes this Halloween. My kids love them. If I am picked for the mixer I would love the contoured silver one. By the way would love to find some wheat free recipes. Am trying lots of different ones, but having some difficulty finding good treats to make for my son. Thanks


  108. I have been following and baking stuff for years! Keep at it!!! And I have always liked the Tangerine.

  109. The Boysenberry is beautiful! My husband is crazy about candy corn so I’m thinking a dessert that incorporates that called Scarecrow Treats.

  110. I agree… the boysenberry one is gorgeous! Thank you!

  111. I would love the contour silver! I’m making my neices favorite “graveyard cake” for her Halloween birthday.

  112. Boysenberry!

  113. I’d love the Boysenberry (or Metallic Chrome) and I’d attempt little spooky orange ad black macarons…
    Mmmmm… Macarons…

  114. Love the bosenberry. Would make a candy corn poke cake.

  115. Contour silver matches my pitches but the Canopy green is so fun!!! I’m told by many that I HAVE to get one of these. :)

  116. Completely obsessed with the GREY mixer! I can already picture it in my kitchen ;) I’ve been dying to make some caramel apple cupcakes for work and my daughters school! YUM!

  117. I’m thinking that Witch Cake Pops will be a great hit at my new job and a White Kitchen Aid will be perfect to start off my baking! Thank you! :)

  118. Canopy green! And apple treats to use up our apple picking stash.

  119. I’m makeing the whole shebang; Pumpkin cup cakes with meringue shaped like ghost, toads in a hole with the sausages looking like fingers with nails and all, a bleading pumpkin baked with colored honey, a shepherds pie with chicken hearts and yucky green pure :)
    I’d love to have the Canopy Green mixer to speed-up things

  120. Contour silver!!

  121. The chrome or silver would really do it for me!

  122. I’d be happy with any color… just to own a Kitchen Aid would be a dream. But the Boysenberry is a sweet color. I’d have to find something with pumpkin and caramel and pecans to make.

  123. What a great giveaway! Onyx Black would be my choice (though the tangerine looks pretty also). I’d make my sugar cookies, they are fun to decorate with the kids. Thank you!

  124. Hi
    I’d like very much the white one! It would be a great help to make spooktacular cookies!

  125. I love the tangerine one, and have lots of treats planned for Halloween, sugar cookies, cupcakes, and a spooky graveyard cake!

  126. Oh, the boysenberry one. I love boysenberry jam too, so maybe I could make a boysenberry jam cake on my boysenberry mixer : )

  127. The Silver or Chrome are both beautiful. I would make something with my favorite ingredient pumpkin.

  128. Just purchased my 1st home last Monday. After living in a hotel for 5 months with my Boston Terrier Puppy, I’m sooo looking forward to start baking…EVERYTHING. 1st up pumpkin pie cupcakes. I would totally love the Onyx mixer!

  129. Grey. I always like Oatmeal Fudge Bars!!!

  130. i would love to win the onyx black! im hoping to make white chocolate fudge with cookies and cream for halloween

  131. I like the boysenberry. Every year I make witches fingers cookies.

  132. The Boysenberry is the one!

  133. I’ve always wanted a Kitchen Aid mixer :D Onyx black it’s my chosen color of this bunch. I’d love to bake some cute-spooky cookies!!!

  134. Tangerine! Its fun and bright and would look excellent in my kitchen. I am going to make a plethora of paleo halloween treats this year!

  135. boysenberry! Pumpkin and cinnamon cupcakes…

  136. Oops! I meant to say that I think the timeless WHITE KitchenAid would be wonderful for all of the holiday baking yet to come!!

  137. Oooh the boysenberry is so pretty! Making cookies would never be the same with a new mixer!

  138. I would be grateful for any color!! Black is the perfect Halloween color. I would make a pumpkin roll with cream cheese frosting OR some celebratory cupcakes for my baby boy who is about to be born Friday! You’re never to young for chocolate spider cupcakes with buttercream frosting! :)

  139. I would to win the boysenberry!!!

  140. I like the grey, would look great in my kitchen.

  141. While the Boysenberry is gorgeous, I would just DIE to have the Tangerine … Last year I painted my kitchen pumpkin orange (the yellowish/orange pumpkin), and this would be GORGEOUS!!!

    This weekend I made the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe, and it is like a triple batch … I don’t own a KitchenAid, and I swear the entire time I kept saying “I wish I had a KitchenAid mixer, I wish I had a KitchenAid mixer” … so I will absolutely be testing my new mixer on this enormous chocolate chip cookie recipe!!!

  142. I think the timeless KtchenAid would be wonderful for all of the holiday baking yet to come!!

  143. contour silver will l@@k amazing in my kitchen

  144. I’d love to win the Onxy and then I’d use it to make bread dough. :-)

  145. The white one would be perfect in my kitchen! And I really need to start practicing for my holiday cookies…

  146. I think I’d choose the black.

  147. I love the Onyx Black one.
    This would help doing the Sponge Bob cake for my niece’s upcoming 1st birthday!!! :D

  148. I love the Boysenberry one! I would love making my candy corn crunch and mystery brownies.

  149. Drooling over tangerine! I’d love to experiment more with yeast breads.

  150. It’s officially fall season so I’m sure baking anything pumpkin with the contour silver would turn out delish!

  151. I would love to win the white mixer. I really need a good mixer for holiday baking. Thanks for sharing your goodies with us on your blog.

  152. I am hungry for my grandmother’s double crusted pumpkin pie. The boysenberry one will mix my pie crust very nicely.

  153. Contour silver or metallic chrome, please!

  154. I’d love the boysenberry one… :-)

  155. I don’t know how much it goes with my kitchen, but I don’t think I can resist the boysenberry! I’d make it work! :)

  156. I love to make caramel apple cupcakes for Halloween! And I love the grey mixer.

  157. Boysenberry!!! Anything looks good in purple. Plus it fits with my kitchen decor…Not that we celebrate Halloween in SA, but if we did I’d probably do some halloween cookies!!

  158. TANGERINE! :D
    not sure if it could come all the way to Spain :S (fingers crossed!)
    Congratulations Angie for all you’ve achieved…undoubtedly you deserve it!
    Thanks for everything :)

  159. yummy pumpkin cookies, fav! I love white!

  160. Tangerine!!! And for halloween I’ll probably make some gluten and dairy free cookies for my allergie prone family ;)

  161. The white for me since it goes with everything. Want to make some soft pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread.

  162. Love the Canopi green! and plan on making ghost cupcakes :))

  163. Boysenberry!!! Anything looks good in purple. Plus, it fits with kitchen decor… ;)

  164. I’d love to win the Boysenberry kitchen aid!!! It’s super pretty. ;D keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!!

    And oh I am thinking of making cookie and cream cupcakes and decorate the icing with chocolate syrup to look like a spider web. Spookiliciously yum!

  165. I love the onyx black to make my halloween cakepops and cookies.

  166. I love the tangerine and it looks so great! I love to get cooking in Halloween so I can make yummy treats to give out. I think It’ll be great if I can get the mixer so I can make yummy Halloween cake pops with your new book!

  167. My kids love candy corn this time of year. I can’t waittobake something using candy corn. I think the countour silver like very pretty. I always admired yours when you got it.

  168. Loving the green! I am still figuring our what home made treat to send with my boy to his preschool!

  169. Love the canopy green; will be making Halloween cookies and cake pops.

  170. I love the boysenberry color! I will be making a cemetery cake! :)

  171. Silver for cookies!

  172. i’d love to win the contour silver one! it looks so chic :) for halloween i am going to make some pumpkin spice cupcakes and decorate them differently with ghosts, pumpkins, spiderwebs and other spooky things :)

  173. I think the tangerine mixer would be a welcome bright spot in the kitchen.

  174. I love the grey one!! My mixer is going on 15 years old and it is well worn and used, a new one would be SO NICE!! I plan on making pumpkin pie, apple crisp and ooey gooey chocolate chip oatmeal cookies for the kids!!

  175. The black one! Seven minute frosting for my birthday cake

  176. I would go for the onyx black and I’ll be making spider decorated chocolate cupcakes this Halloween

  177. The contour silver looks so nice….would love to make the push up pop cupcakes for my kids class….

  178. So hard to choose one!! The green is my favorite! I am still figuring out what home made treat I am sending with my kid to his preschool!

  179. Contour Silver! Absolutely beautiful!! I would make some yummy “gravestone brownies” with that gorgeous mixer…

  180. I love the contour silver! And of course cutouts are on the list!

  181. I can’t wait to make some cake balls and pumpkin pie with this beautiful Contour Silver mixer….

  182. I am making MANY treats this Halloween season! Lots of different Halloween themed cupcakes for parties and my daughter’s class. I love the Canopy Green!

  183. Metallic Chrome!

  184. I love the Contour Silver and would make cake pop hands with stained red fingertips to represent blood!

  185. the tangerine one is awesome!!!

  186. Love the Boysenberry but Onyx would go with anything. I love baking anything my little ghost and goblin would love.

  187. Definitely the Contour Silver. I would use it to make a new recipe of pumpkin muffins stuffed with cream cheese!

  188. Making Double Chocolate Cookies and I’d love to win the black or boysenberry one!

  189. The BOYSENBERRY mixer would really pop in my kitchen!! It would also be easier to make chocolate chip pumpkin cookie this season!

  190. I am planning on making the bitty bat cupcakes, no matter what! ;) LOVE this mixer, especially the contour silver and amazing canopy Green colors! BUT, I don’t love them as much as I love this site… <3

  191. Metallic chrome please!!

  192. I would love to win any color but silver would be nice if not that color than I would like black. I would like to use it to make Halloween Cake pops,pumpkins,ghost & monsters. I would make these for my 2 grandsons who started school this year. Johnny and Anthony would be able to take the Halloween Cake Pops in for their class’s Halloween parties.

  193. Chrome is cool!!

  194. I’m digging the boysenberry!

  195. That contour silver has me weak in the knees! My first delicious treat outta my new mixer would be cake pops!!!

  196. Love the contour silver

  197. I have already baked pumpkin cookies, with white chocolate chips & macadamia nuts, drizzled with cream cheese glaze. I would love to win the Contour Silver mixer. My second choice would be white. I wish you had Turquoise :) I love your cake pop kits & books!

  198. I would happily have one in any colour, I would love to mix up some pretzel dough with this. They Boysenberry is a gorgeous colour, but then so are all of the, Frankly I would accessorise my kitchen based on the colour of this :)

  199. The Boysenberry mixer really makes a statement and would be amazing for baking my pumpkin chocolate chip cookies this season!!

  200. Hey, i am thinkng of making spider cake pops. I love the tangerine, it matches with anything and everything in my orangey house. Thanks :)

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