
This is short, but oh so sweet!


It’s #7 for the week of September 26, 2010.

It’s #9 for the week of October 3, 2010.

It’s #14 for the week of October 10, 2010.

It’s #9 for the week of November 7, 2010.

It’s #15 for the week of November 28, 2010.

It’s #11 for the week of December 5, 2010.

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324 comments on “This is short, but oh so sweet!”

  1. i dont know how you do it! You rock!

  2. Oh, my goodness! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! AMAZING! Cant wait to get my hands on one!

  3. Woohoo!! This will be on my list of stuff to get on my trip home next summer!

  4. Congrats Bakerella!! I bought the book…now I’m just patiently waiting for it!! See you at your book signing in NYC!!

  5. I have been a faithful follower of your website since I read about you in Jan ’08 ( and have made countless batches of cake pops for my friend’s birthdays, baby showers, and even a house showing! You have inspired me tons! I have not checked in for a while, so when I read about the success of your book today and all the wonderful things you are doing I got a little choked up! I am so proud of you. Even though I have never met you i’m happy to see your success. Many congratulations…


    Come to the midwest we love to make cakepops and cupcakes and cookies tooooooooooooooo. KANSAS would be a great place to visit. We can make TOTO cakepops!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I wanted to tell you how much I love your book, but more importantly – how much my 3 yr old Granddaughter LOVES it!!!! We have to play a game, by her telling me what to look for in the book ( ex. strawberry, snowman, etc ) and then we look through the whole book until we find the page. Over & over & over ……………….. but what a fun game!!! I may need to order a 2nd book, if we wear this one out!!!

  8. OMG…this is AMAZING! I picked up your Fall Baking book at Target and hope to make some creations very soon for my DD’s Fall Festival! It is hard to believe…so go and pinch yourself again!!! CONGRATS!!!

  9. That is so Fantastic! I need to run out to the store and get mine!

  10. OK, I admit, I haven’t really tried making your cake pops. I did make the pie pops last winter though. However, I was at a cocktail function for a group I volunteer for. One of the items they served were ‘cheesecake’ pops? Have you ever made those? These were to die for.

    AND – Congratulations on the success of your book. It is one I will be going to Barnes and Noble soon to purchase. Thanks for you great ‘blog.

  11. good on you! big congrats from callifornia! :)

  12. That’s so exciting-congratulations!

  13. Congratulations, that’s amazing! I love your book and all of your ideas!!

  14. Ok. I just noticed you are coming to DALLAS!! YESSS!
    I’ll go get your book there. Hopefully there won’t be such a long line.

  15. How exciting!! I am definitely going out and getting your book.
    I have to try making those cake pops!

    Congrats again :)

  16. Amazing, you should be so proud!!!

  17. My daughter bought this book for me…….( I swore I was never going to buy one more cook book)….. absolutely love having the book cannot wait to do the halloween balls! Hopefully if this book is a success…you will do another one including some of my favorites like pancake mini muffins ( how fun, easy, and yummy too!), and cheeseburger cupcakes with french fry cookies on the side!
    Heres wishing you all the best with your book!

  18. WELL DONE!!!!

    Can’t wait to order mine but it’s not out on the UK Amazon until the end of October. Actually I have pre-ordered a couple just in case it sold out!

  19. I finally bought the book today! It can now sit with the Betty Crocker magazine. So excited to read it, it looks very cute and tasty.

  20. Congratulations on such a huge success!

  21. I ordered my copy this week as a Welcome Home gift for my 20 year old who’s finishing a year in Afghanistan. I know she’ll love it!

  22. This is amazing! I am so impressed! As others have said, you totally deserve it!

  23. That is soooo cool! I’m proud to be one of the first owners! (As well as the purchaser of several more — almost everyone in my family is getting a copy for Christmas!)

  24. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. That is soooo awesome! I had to go to three Borders Books to find a copy in stock. (It was so worth it.) Love the book. Love cake pops.

  26. After your original post I had to go out and buy the Betty Crocker mini cookbook. Well…. the day of the shopping trip to buy groceries and other the book, my husband (who you met at the Pioneer Woman book signing) came up to me with the book and said, “Tiffany, LOOK, it’s our friend Bakerella.” It was so cute to see him just as excited as I was.

  27. Congrats!! Is your book sold out?? I tried ordering a copy on Amazon and it says “Delivery in 3 to 6 weeks”, giving me an estimate between Oct to early Nov.

    If so, even BIGGER congrats, but bummer because I wanted a copy for you to sign when you’re here in Santa Monica, CA!

  28. Hi

    I am from the Netherlands.
    I am working in a bookstore and orderd your book there,
    i got it yesterday and its awesome.

  29. Congratulations! You really DO deserve it. You bring so many yummy smiles to so many faces!!! such happy inspiration in baking!

  30. Congratulations! I bought the book and have shown it to everyone I know!

  31. Whooo! How exciting…yay for you!

  32. Congratulations !!!! ……. Enjoy the moment !!!! ….


  33. Congrats!!!! It’s not a surprise!!!! Im sure you will be # 1 soon!!!! You deserve it!!!!

  34. Congrats! Even though I know how to make them and most of the variations are here on the website (most of them are beyond my talent) I just had to have this book!

  35. i am still saving for your book…i will definitely get a copy once i have the money! congrats bakerella :) i love your site…i keep visiting and just by looking at your yummy treats, i get by with my cravings….yummy! i am currently saving coz i plan to make halloween cake pops for a fund raising project my friends and i organized. we will sponsor a halloween party on oct 30 for the less fortunate children here in our country, they are special children, homeless, abandoned and maltreated children. we will also donate toys, toiletries and other learning materials. i am very sure that these treats (bakerella’s cake pops) will bring a huge smile on their faces and will make them feel special :) thanks for the inspiration :)

  36. That is so cool!!! Congrats! :)

  37. You rock!!! I´m so proud and thanks for sharing the love!

  38. So exciting! Congratulations!

  39. Wow! Already a bestseller!! Congratulations! It’s a well deserved honor. :)

  40. Congratulations!! I ordered a copy on Amazon along with other books and my order came in but not your book :( Turns out it’s sold out and shipping in 3-6 weeks. Wow!! How awesome for you the popularity of the book! It will be well worth the wait when I finally get the book :)

  41. Wow!!! Congratulations and very well deserved

  42. Congratulations! That is so awesome!

  43. That’s awesome! You totally deserve it… congrats!!!

  44. Justo ordered mine on amazon…congratz ^^

  45. Congrats! What wonderful news!

  46. Wow Bakerella–that’s so cool! Congrats!

  47. I almost missed this post, but …
    SO excited for you! It’s such an awesome book and I can’t WAIT to buy it! Congrats! :o)
    (by the way, I made cute little cake balls for my final staff party and everyone LOVED them. So easy to make them look really professionally done. Thanks, Angie!!)

  48. You rocked it!! Congratulations Bakarella!!

  49. congratulatioons! 1st week out and it’s already on the NY Times Bestseller list.

  50. I’ve been reading your blog for such a long time. All of your excitement and now fame makes me feel like a mom watching a child grow and blossom. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am for you. CONGRATS!!!

  51. Congratulations! I received your book today and I absolutely adore it!!! I’m a huge fan of yours!
    Love from Buenos Aires, Argentina

  52. Congratulations! You absolutely deserve this- you’re my favorite for sure!

  53. Congratulations! Even though I’ve never met you, I feel like this has happened to a good friend!!

  54. You’re My Hero ! can’t wait to see you hit the top.

  55. That’s incredible! Congratulations :D We need a book signing in Toronto!

  56. I’m so excited I won a copy on the Amy Atlas website, thanks for being so adorable and creative and sharing the love! : )

  57. Yay! Congratulations! :D

  58. YAYYYYYYY! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person!! Congratulations!

  59. CONGRATULATIONS to our favorite Bakerella!!!

  60. the new york time and you! two of my favorite things! congrats bakerella!

  61. Got mine this week! Love it!

  62. A Heartfelt Congratulations to you. Your hard work finally paid off. Enjoy this time of your success. Hoping you make it all the way to the top at #1.

  63. Yep, it’s my new favorite book! I think maybe 5 of my friends recently bought the book because of all of the stuff I talk about on facebook. You totally deserve this! Congrats to you~~

  64. Congratulations–I love the book, it’s just beautiful.

    Also: 2 of those top 10 are “diet” type books. Forget the diet, eat cake pops!

  65. I got my book Monday – I LOVE it. Went and ordered 2 more for Christmas gifts. You ROCK

  66. Congratulations! I think it is a no brainer that your book is ahead of the secret…because we all know that these sweet treats are the real Secret!!!!

  67. Congrats!

  68. This is wonderful – congratulations!

  69. Hey Bakerella – I’m SO thrilled that your book is doing well. We, your loyal blog readers, knew it would! It’s been said in the comments above, but truly, you deserve it because you will keep your sweet, humble heart no matter how much commercial success you have. Congratulations! We love you!!!!!!

  70. Congratulations!!!! Fantastic!!!! Yay for Bakerella!!!! :-)

  71. Congratulations!! That’s incredible! I hope when I run out and pick up my copy, it’ll boost up your numbers :D

  72. Congrats! It must be an amazing feeling : )

  73. This is more awesome than AWESOME. Love to see a Georgia girl make good, especially when it involves cake. You go on with your bad self!

  74. Very sweet, indeed!! So happy for you!

  75. I can’t even imagine how exciting and fulfilling that must be for you. It’s been said but bears repeating again and again…Congratulations!

  76. CONGRATS!!! its great to see that your book has succes!!

  77. YAY!!! SO Surreal and wonderfully exciting! Enjoy every moment. You’ve worked hard for this!

  78. congratulations!!! You deserve it. My copy should be arriving soon (I hope). Perú’s mail service is a bit slow!!!!

  79. Congrats! I’m very happy and excited for you. You’ve worked hard for this and deserve it. Enjoy!!!!!

  80. This is fantastic!! You are a true inspiration!! Continue to enjoy your journey!

  81. Wow! How exciting for you, well deserved too! Congrats!

  82. That is fabulous!!! You must be so excited! Congratulations!

  83. how awesome! Congrats!!

  84. OMG, that is so awesome!!

  85. CONGRATULATIONS! What a thrill for you…. yes, OH SO SWEET!

  86. Fantastic! What a rush! Correction: what a sugar rush!!!

  87. Oh my gosh! That’s amazing! Congrats!

  88. CONGRATS! You deserve it. :) your cake pops are just to cute!

  89. OMG congrats. You deserve it.

  90. Congratulations! I just got my copy and I LOVE it. Soooo much eye candy!

  91. Yea!!! That is so exciting! Sign me up to help move you up the list…..hehe

  92. My book just arrived ! It’s so lovely! Can’t wait to make some cake pops this wkend. Congrats Angie for the good work!

  93. CONGRATS! and its only the first week!!! I’m sure you’ll be #1 in no time!!!!! =)

  94. Congratulations! I preordered the book from Amazon and could hardly wait for the suggested arrival date. WHen the book finally arrived, I could not put it down! One of the best books ever! I felt as if you had given me a wonderful present. I am thinking of buying another for my SIL for Christmas!

  95. WONDERFUL!!! Can’t wait to see you in Chicago (or Oak Brook).

  96. Way to go girlfriend!

  97. How exciting! Congratulations!

  98. I just got goosebumps… congrats!

  99. Oh my god that is so exciting! Congratulations :) I’m going to buy 3 copies this week to give away to my friends!

  100. Congrats! I just got mine in the mail :) I pre-ordered but it came late. Ironic.

    But at least I have it … Making those mini footballs for my tailgate Sunday :)

  101. Congratulations! I got mine in the mail from Amazon shortly after it came out. Love it!

  102. bought mine yesterday at BOM read it cover to cover…love the flip over/lay flat pages

    enjoy the happiness………………………………Carol

  103. Congratulations! That is AWESOME!!!

  104. Awesome!!! I already have it because I pre-ordered it from Amazon. You go girl!

  105. WOW!! I’m so excited for you!

  106. Oh Angie, Congratulations!!!! I’m so excited for you! I finally received my book about a week ago and absolutely LOVE,LOVE,LOVE it!!! Wish you were coming through Arizona on your book tour….Would love to meet you in person! Congrats again!!!! You TOTALLY deserve it you sweet thing!!!

  107. Congrats!!! I can’t wait to get a copy for myself!

  108. Wahhh! How great is that!!!

  109. Ab FAB, Bakerella! You are definitely #1 on my best sellers list! Your book has been “staged” on my kitchen counter since I received it…..I claim personal credit for 6 more copies that were bought by my friends. Congratulations…..I’m anxiously awaiting the sequel! Please have a contest where the price is a day of popping with you – I wanna do THAT, too!

  110. Congratulations! The book is adorable–I am so happy to have a copy of it!

  111. That is fantastic! Congratulations!

  112. YAY! Way to go! I can’t wait to get my copy!

  113. Congrats to you – can’t wait for it to make it’s way across the pond! Wonderful to see someone’s dreams becoming reality! xx

  114. Hope you’re feeling the LOVE!

  115. Awesome! Congrats! I just bought 2 copies yesterday…one for me and one for my mom. I also made my first batch yesterday, they turned out wonderful, but not quite as nice as yours…guess I’m going to have to practice some more!!!

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