

Cake Art

So I needed a couple of things from Cake Art the other day.

Like candy coatings for some Halloween cake pops I wanted to make a few days ago.


I needed orange.

Boo. All gone.

I guess I wasn’t the only one with that thought.

But don’t worry. I didn’t leave the store empty handed. Actually, I don’t think that ever happens.

Cake Art

How could it with all kinds of spooktacular goodies staring me in the face.

My heart definitely started beating faster when I saw all this.

And umm… yes, this is just the Halloween section (not even all of it) and yes, I now have a small amount of it in my kitchen too.

I had to.

Cake Art

But I also had to pick up a few things for you, too. Every time I picked something up that I wanted, I thought somebody else might really like this. So by the time my arms were overflowing and I had sprinkles and spiders falling in the floor, I thought it would be fun to share and do a quick giveaway before Halloween hits.

So let me show you what’s up for grabs. Just a few random things I bought and thought you might like.

Halloween Sprinkles

Starting with special sprinkles.

Pumpkins, bugs, bones, skulls and more.

Halloween Cookie Cutters

I also loved these cutters.

Floating ghost, scaredy cat, and this great skull and crossbones. I picked this one up mainly because I don’t think I’ve ever run across one before.

Mini Cutters

Then there’s these itty-bitty cookie cutters. So cute.

Jack o lanterns

Want to make cookies with your own jack o’ lantern faces.

Pumpkin cutters

I love how this is packaged so you can make your own expressions.

Candy eyes

Speaking of faces, how about some candy eyes?

Candy eyes

In three different sizes.

Foil Wrappers

And look at these cute foil wrappers. Great for wrapping chocolates, truffles and cake balls if you like, too.

Cupcake toppers

Cupcake toppers anyone?

These little daggers are darling. And the graveyards … dying from cuteness over here.

Vampire cutter

Oh and look at this vampire cutter. Perfect for making cookies to really sink your teeth into.

Eyeball Treat Bags

Eyeball treat bags.

Baking cups

Festive baking cups.


And who doesn’t love a good spider trick. Well there’s enough here to keep you content for a while.


But spiders are so last year. How about some freaky little flies.

Skull doilies

Oh, I love these skull cupcake wrappers. Really well done.

And the black doilies. Had to get some of those, too.

Spider web doilies

And these spider web doilies. Love!

Okay, almost done.

Bone cookie pans

But first I think you need a pan to make some bone-shaped cookies…

… And a happy little Halloween cake, too.

Pumpkin cake pan

Enter for a chance to win all this Spooktacular Stuff.

  • To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on the blog and let me know you’re interested or which items you like the most or if you’re planning on any Halloween baking or even just Hi! I’m easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, October 15th at 7 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post. Just in time to mail the winner these goodies for some fun Halloween baking.

Giveaway sponsored by me.

Good luck guys!

Okay, we have a Halloween Goodie Winner!

Jessica B – It’s you! Don’t buy any cookie cutters yet! You’re gonna have plenty coming your way.


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5,120 comments on “Spooktacular”

  1. I love the sprinkles and cake toppers (omg, those flies are insane!.

  2. Wow that store looks so cool. Love the giveaway.

  3. candy eyes!

    Thank you!

  4. Oh, wow! What fun this would be!

  5. Love the Halloween spooky baking items!

  6. I loved all of it! So hard to choose a favorite. I am really kind of sad that October is halfway over! Thank you for all the awesome ideas ~ I love reading your blog! ~ Kim

  7. I love the pumpkin cake pan!

  8. I love the way Halloween let’s adults dress up and play pretend. I had a halloween costume party about 6 years ago, never thinking that people would dress up. Not only do they dress up but every year the costumes get better and better. Around that time I started baking cupcakes and perfecting spiders, mummy’s, wtiches. This year I have to say I love the decorations – like the knives and the tombstones as well as flies and small bugs. I can’t wait to start.

  9. Holy Cow! I love it all! I think I could throw together quite the halloween party with all of that fun stuff. Just awesome!

  10. Everything is just super adorable and fun!!

  11. Everything is so cute! I love the specialty sprinkles and the cookies cutters, especially the make your Jack-O-Lantern cutters! Growing up we always decorated Jack-O-Lantern sugar cookies and now I am excited to start this tradition with my own kiddos.

  12. I need that pumpkin cake pan, it’s so cool!

  13. I’m easy, anything that can be used in cupcakes…

  14. I would LOVE the Jack-O-Lantern cookie cutters!!

  15. Every year my parents throw a Halloween party and every year I rack my brain for themes foods to serve, this would definitely help me out

  16. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. From the scary stories to the witches and pumpkins, I always feel so excited when Halloween came around. Now I can share that with others when I bake cupcakes for them.

  17. It’s always amazing to get those creative juices flowing for Halloween! The coolest stuff can be made!

  18. I love all this stuff! I’m a huge baker (and cake pop maker) myself and I love collecting goodies for any time I might need something!

  19. Love it all- especially the eyes, cupcake wrappers, bone sprinkles, and write-on tombstones!

  20. Love the create your own Jack O’ Lanern cutters!

  21. HI! The kids and I love to bake. We would delighted to receive any of these spooky treats. Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everyone.

  22. I love all the skull and bones items! And those little knives were just adorable!

  23. One day I would love to meet you and just go shopping with you at places like Cake Art. I love Halloween baking – probably more than Christmas baking (less pressure I guess). I love all the goodies you chose, but if I had to choose, I especially loved all the cookie cutters you got! Thanks for shopping and sharing!

    Happy Halloween Bakerella!

  24. Love them all! I’m hoping to make some decorated Halloween cookies.

  25. Really love The sprinkles and cookie cutters! I love them! <3

  26. LOVE EVERYTHING about halloween!!!! I’m making cake pops to give to my neighborhood kids, haven’t decided what kind yet but I know they will love them! I wish I could go to that store you posted about, INSANE!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

  27. I love all this stuff! I;m making cookie gift bags for my stepdaughters prek this year. So excited!

  28. I’d love to win anything! I love anything halloween/fall! :)

  29. love the cupcake toppers and the candy eyes!

  30. I didn’t plan on doing any Halloween baking this year as I’ll be in Vegas, (’cause its my birthday!!) but perhaps if I had these fun items I’d try to bake some treats for my coworkers before I go.

  31. I like the cupcake liner best! it;s so cute><

  32. Oh! What Fun! All of these Halloween goodies are such a treat! The kids and I love EVERYTHING! The knife cupcake toppers are a scream! My kids are requesting, “Pick our Mom.” I’m absolutely fine with that! Fingers crossed (but not Boney fingers)! Pick me! Pick me!

  33. the pumpkin baking pan seems cute!

  34. Loving the cutout pumpkin cookie cutter to make the different faces. Also love the last pumpkin cake pan!

  35. I love everything! I just LOVE holiday baking, all holidays! Thanks for being so generous :)

  36. Wow! I would love to win all of this to use for my annual Halloween party!


  37. Love the vampire fang cookie cutter, Halloween is the best time around here.

  38. OMG…I love this post! I’d spend forever in a store like this if there was one anywhere near here! I especially like the make your own jackolantern face cookie cutter, the daggers and the eyeball treat bags…adorable.
    Thanks for sharing!

  39. Wow- so many cute things! I’ve scrolled thru a few times and I love it all! So many different ideas have started looking around in my head. What a great store!

  40. All of this stuff looks great! I could make some really awesome halloween treats for the family! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  41. I would love to have any of these to make my Halloween treats! They are all so fun!

  42. I LOVE sprinkles! They add that pop of color to any baked goodies! I also love pumpkins- pumpkin shaped cookies as well as pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!

  43. I love it all! So cute! I would love those cute cookie cutters, cookies are my favorite to bake for Halloween.

  44. Hi ! Been following your blog for quite some time through email subscriptions heh. I love these cookie cutters, and sprinkles. Hope they even sell them in Singapore here ! They are such lovelies ~ While waiting and studying for my exams in 2 weeks, I hope to get back my baking feelings too!

    Looking forward to your future blog posts ! :D
    Happy Halloween ~~!

  45. Awesome giveaway! I love everything! I would love to bake and create spooktacular treats with my kids. Thanks for a chance to win.

  46. I’d definitely use everything!!! Very cute!

  47. Every year we make ghost cookies. When we were little, my sisters and I would always bite the heads off (where the chocolate chip eyes are) and ask for a new ghost.

  48. Even though my kids are all grown up I still bake Halloween goodies for them…all thats missing in my stash are the flies and bone molds!

  49. i love all of it! thanks!!!! what cute and fun stuff!!!

  50. If I have time, I want to make some Halloween cookies with the kiddos. Thanks for the cool giveaway!

  51. Halloween party planner for school party + Halloween party planner for house party = I would love these goodies!!!

  52. Part of my week is looking at your blog to see all the amazing things you make and find! Spooktacular is all I can say about the halloween items you found!!!

  53. Hi! I like baking and I really dig those cookie cutters. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the options! It’s hard to know where to start.

  54. Ahhhh I would use..try to use…ALL of this!! My daughter’s fall festival is coming up and I’m decorating our trunk and handing out candy (Trunks and treats) So decorating with goodies would be awesome!!

  55. i love all the cute goodies and would def be inspired to bake. I really love the bones pan and the pumpkin cookie cutter with jack o lantern options.

  56. I want to make some Halloween CAKEPOPS!! You inspired me to start baking & start a part-time baking business. Thank you. I would love to win all these goodies:)

  57. i love the skull and crossbones cutter and the little daggers are hilarious. thanks for the chance to win bakerella! ^_^

  58. I love Halloween! I’ll be making ghoulish treats for my kiddos!

  59. Love all Halloween baking! Would be excited to win any of it! :)

  60. Love those knife cupcake toppers! and I’d love to make some bone-shaped cookies!

  61. I love the sprinkles and the jack-o-lantern cookie cutter! My kids love to bake and decorate any holiday that give them reason to do so!

  62. I love the butcher knives and bone cookie molds!!

  63. i loooove the cupcake toppers!! Halloween is my favorite holiday :-)

  64. I always bake for Halloween. Last year I made ghost cake pops for my dh’s 4th grade class and I usually make pumpkin muffins too. This year I’m going to tackle some pretty iced sugar cookies. Thanks for doing this giveaway. I wish I had a place like that around my house although I’d probably go broke.

  65. I’d love to win the jack o’ lantern cookie cutter for my sister, and anything for me. I’m msking cupcakes for my son’s grade 2/3 class.

  66. I’m a big fan of decorating baked treats around Halloween! The sprinkles and premade candy toppers are awesome! I haven’t planned what I am going this year yet, but this definitely gave me some inspiration! Thanks for your wonderful posts!

  67. That store would get me into so much trouble! Love the pumpkin sprinkles!

  68. My kids would think I’m a Hallo-Hero if we won all these fun goodies!

  69. Love Halloween and all the baking goodies!

  70. What a fun assortment of goodies! Love them all! I’m planning to make some pumpkin shaped cupcakes and…

  71. I LOVE this stuff!! Halloween is my favorite to celebrate with my nieces and nephews. I think they’ll have a lot of fun with this stuff!!

  72. My favorite is the cake toppers. I make a Maker’s Mark buttercream filled cupcake with red drizzle on top to look like the wax on the bottle…those knife cupcake toppers would be perfect!

  73. Oh the sprinkles! The fun my daughter an I could have with those!

  74. The sprinkles are too cute! Especially the bones!

  75. I <3 Halloween. The cupcake toppers are so cute.

  76. Oh wow! Look at all the cute Halloween stuff!! I absolutely LOVE those jack-o-lantern cookie cutters. Such a neat idea.

  77. Happy Halloween, Bakerella!!!

  78. love the candy eyes and “knife” cake topper. They are all so cute!!!!

  79. Wow! Loving all those sprinkles! And I think that “make your own jack’o’lantern” is really cool!

    Oh and the bone mold… Oh and the cookie cutters…

    Okay – I want ALL Of this. E

  80. I love baking and especially with having two girls I love being able to do things at all the holidays.

  81. I love candy eyeballs, and we have those 3D cookies to make from Williams Sonoma. This year I mit even decorate them! ;-)

  82. Happy Halloween! Pick me!

  83. I adore those cookie cutters. I plan on baking a creepy red velvet cake using the recipe you have! I can’t wait yo start doing my halloween baking!

  84. OMG I love it all, but my favorite is probably the sprinkles and the pumpkin cookie cutters!

  85. LOVE the pumpking cake pan and the pumpkin cookie cutters to make your own expressions. I make a Halloween cake every year and love all these goodies.

  86. Oh, i love the bone shaped pan and the cupcake wrappers! Fun stuff!

  87. I’m so jealous you have such an awesome store to shop at! I could use some of these goodies to make desserts for my daughter’s play group Halloween party!

  88. Im obsessed with cookie cutters!!

  89. I’d love it all! But especially the cookie cutters. My toddler loves to bake and cookie cutters are perfect for little ones.

  90. Yes! I love all these cute pans, sprinkles, wrappers, etc. Those are just awesome! Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday of the year….even beats Christmas!

    My bestie’s girls and cousins have food allergies so I’m making them their own personal goodies. I’m making pumpkin empanadas, toasted coconut marshmallows, regular marshmallows, popcorn balls and carmel apples! Everything homemade so they are safe for all the kids to eat! They are gonna LOVE it!

    Thanks Bakerella!

  91. Umm…wow. I’m dying of cuteness over here too!! I love love love love love the daggers and the jack o lanterns you can make different faces with. Seriously wow. I want to move next door to that store.

  92. Those are all so cute, i have so many ideas on what to make and so little time to make them

  93. I’m so jealous! I am always on the look out for a great baking store and have yet to find one that cool. I love the little cupcake topper dagger. That is such a cute way to make a simple yet spooky treat!

  94. This stuff is all so cute! I really like the cake pan and cookie cutters.

  95. I love the cupcake wrappers and those edible knives! How fun would it be to work somewhere and come up with this stuff every year! Would love to make some goodies with all these awesome treats! :)

  96. I LOVE all things Halloween…it may or may not have something to do with the fact that my birthday is the day before! I LOVE the cookie cutters where you can make pumpkin faces!!! My kids would have so much fun with that!

  97. i am making cake pops for my parents’ anniversary party and I’m only 11!

  98. Love the scaredy cat cookie cutter. Love it all!

  99. I love the little dagger cupcake toppers.

  100. I would love win this! My sons could take beautiful cookies to school!

  101. I’d use everything I could! Halloween is my absolute favorite when it comes to tricks and treats! Such a fun holiday!

  102. I looooove Halloween! It starts my crazy baking rampage.

  103. Oh, it all looks so fun. I would use every bit of it. I already have some “bones” I made yesterday in the freezer and will be makeing eyeballs and coconut bats this week. I can’t wait for Halloween you can make just about anything and it all works.

  104. I’m absolutely in LOVE with the sprinkles, baking cups, and the pumpkin cookie cutters to make your own expressions! so fun!

  105. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I’m so excited to get baking!

  106. Hmmm, that’s a tough one! The little spiders really creep me out. I love love love the little knives. They’d be great on some cupcakes!

  107. I adore te skeleton cupcake wrappers!!

  108. LOVE the bone cookie pan and the little dagger cupcake toppers…but they’re all fabulous! Can’t wait to start the Halloween treats!!

  109. I would use the spiderweb doilies first! All of them asre super cute!

  110. I LOVE Halloween, but most people don’t really celebrate it where I am from in Europe. There for, I feel it is my duty to try and spread the Halloween spirit with festive goodies all around! Last year I attempted Martha Stewart’s Broken glass cupcakes (, but didn’t quite get the glass to set in time. I’m thinking they might get a repeat performance this year though, since I already have some premade sugar glass ready!

  111. What a wonderful store! I love everything, but the jack o’ lantern faces cutter look really fun and the daggers.

  112. Hi Bakerella! I’m new to popping and found your awesome website! I’m going to be popping some Halloween next week for my bday and lady bugs in two weeks for my daughters bday. Thank you soooooo much for all you cool ideas! Even if I don’t win this sweepstakes, I feel like I’ve already won just for having access to your cool blogs! Have a great Halloween!

  113. What a great giveaway! I wish there was a store like Cake Art near me. How could I ever choose just one of those goodies? However those skeleton cupcake wrappers and dagger decorations are pretty cool!

  114. My birthday is just before Halloween, so I always end up having a themed birthday party (plus I love the holiday). And this year I turn 21, so I plan to really go all out (mostly with my baking). I’m thinking a pumpkin cake in that pumpkin mold and apple cider cookies!

  115. Hiiii! I would love to win! :) those pumpkin cookies are adorable!

  116. I love those sprinkles!!!

  117. Everything is so cute! I love all of the cupcake toppers and cookie cutters!

  118. All of that halloween cake art looks like fun. I would love to have some to make some scary treats for my son’s preschool class.

  119. As usual, I’m stopping by your site for some Halloween cake pop inspiration! I need to wow some third graders this year. Eyeballs? Spiders? Big decision! ;)

  120. Love the “make your own jack-o-lantern” cookie cutters! Too cute!

  121. I love it all!! My kids would get a kick out of the knives too! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  122. Love the 4 pc Jack O Lantern cookie cutter set.

  123. No Halloween baking in the works just yet…. Only because my son’s birthday is so close to Halloween. But I would definitely make an exception for some of these treats!

  124. love the knives and tombstones!

  125. I love all your creativity. I would love to have any/all of the above goodies to help with my creativity! Such a canvas you have given to create such beautiful and delicious treats!

  126. The cupcake doilies are ADORABLE!

  127. Halloween is my favorite Holiday. I have my family over on Halloween night and after they kids have come back from thier tricks _N- Treats we have a Halloween dessert table all decorated in halloween. The cutouts would be great to have this year, w/ our hot apple cider.

  128. I love the cookie cutters. I use a pumpkin cookie cutter to shape rice krispy treats, then put them on a stick dipped in orange candy coating and decorate. I give those out instead of candy.

  129. The daggers are to die for!!

  130. Love the Jack-O-Lantern cookies cutters! :D

  131. Oh my gosh. I love the sprinkles. I want the sprinkles.

  132. I love it all but the jack o lantern cookie cutters are my fave!

  133. Our ggood friends just got married this weekend and it was halloween themed. It is my favorite holiday and made me want to go right home and make halloween goodies. I would love to win this!

  134. The sprinkles would be so much fun to play with, and I love the bone baking tin and jack-o-lantern cookie cutters!

  135. OMGoodness would I love to win all this great stuff! Between the parents party at our house and the two kids parties I am planning at school I will be making a LOT of goodies! These would come in handy! Thanks so much for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway! You rock!

  136. My wife and daughter would just love this!

  137. Bwhahahaha – those are the cutest! LOVE the daggers!! Am baking for the church Trunk or Treat…great ideas!

  138. I really love the skeleton cupcake wrappers!

  139. These look like they would be really fun to use! For Halloween I am planning to bake some sugar cookies and decorate them with any spooky subject I can think of!

  140. My 6-year-old is REALLY into Halloween this year. And he loves to bake with me. I bet he’d be particularly tickled with the jack-o-lantern cookie cutters!

  141. I already made some spider cupcakes for my daughter’s karate school. I LOVE Halloween!

  142. I love the cookie cutters (also sandwich cutters). Have grandchildren now and love making stuff for them. I love reading your blog and also own your first Cake Pops book! Love doing that!

  143. Love all the sprinkles…need to make some cutout cookies with the kids :)

  144. Absolutely adorable items!

  145. All of the Halloween items are awesome!! I wish that I lived nea that store.

  146. I am so excited to make Halloween cupcakes! I love the toppers and wrappers!

  147. I love the cookie cutters!

  148. I want the Halloween cake or the sprinkles!!!!!!!!

  149. Love any baking and time!! :)

  150. Love the bone shaped cookie pan!

  151. Wow, so many cool things, I really wish I had one of these stores near me.I would love to win!

  152. Everything is so cute! I just found your website from bakebree. I love your blog! Thank you for sharing!

  153. I would LOVE to win this! We are having a Halloween party for my daughter’s 7th Birthday and this stuff would come in handy for sure!

  154. GAWD I love this stuff!! When I was a kid, my mom always made jack-o-lantern sugar cookies and she’d glaze them, and the glaze would sink into the impressions and… YUM!! Love them!! This year I’m planning to make mummy cupcakes, with strips of fondant and eye balls; the candy eyes would be a great help in this project, as would the cupcake wrappers! I love being on theme throughout a project. :)

  155. I love it all,, Halloween is my favourite baking season!

  156. Love, Love, Love, Halloween! And baking is my passion! We have a Halloween party every year, always looking for fun,new stuff to make. So excited to see all all of these awesome goodies!

  157. I love Halloween. I love making the kitty litter cake to gross out my friends and family. Getting the kids ready for trick or treating, scary moviesand hanging out with friends.

  158. Awww, I wish I had this store close to meeee!!!!

  159. WOW!! This is a great bunch of Halloween decorating goodies! Definately would get the creative juices flowing!! Happy Halloween to all and thanks for such a great giveaway!! : )

  160. Love those doilies and the tombstone toppers for cupcakes.

  161. My kids are going to a pumpkin carving party and these would be perfect for the treats Iwant to make. I really love the jack o lantern cutouts! Very cute!

  162. Angie… You always have a lot of good ideas and so creative. I’d love to be entered in thr drawing!

  163. They’re all adorable, how could you pick just one!? Other than Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday and I would love to have all of this stuff! Our house is completely covered in Halloween decor right now.

  164. This blog is so FULL of good ideas and that helped me build some confidence on what to bake for Halloween! Thanks a bunch Angie! I’d love those prizes!!

  165. It’s all great, but I love the sprinkles!

  166. My favorites are the skull sprinkles, the little dagger cupcake toppers and the skull cupcake wrappers! So neat!

  167. I’m hoping to make some cut out cookies and chocolate covered pretzels for Halloween this year! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  168. Love the cookie cutters :)

  169. You know what? I like it all. I’m easy. Thanks for sponsoring a giveaway.

  170. I love the daggers. They’d be great for recreating cupcakes based on the show Dexter I saw not too long ago!

  171. love it all!! esp the bone pan. very cool stuff.

  172. I love the bone cookie pan and the also the jack o lantern cookie cutters. What a great idea for sugar cookies. I love everything halloween related when it comes to baking!

  173. I love the pumpkin cookie cutter with the different shapes for faces! I’ll be making Halloween cut-out cookies this year.

  174. Love it all! Making lots of cupcakes and cookie pops this month…this would all be very useful…and fun!!! :)

  175. I love these Halloween goodies! I’ve been eyeballing many of those at various stores too, but couldn’t buy everything I wanted, even if I had the room to store it all!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  176. Sprinkles! Cupcake toppers! Candy eyes! Liners! Wrappers! Love them ALL.

  177. I would love a store like that near my town! I would be broke, but it would be sooo worth it. Haha.

  178. So many cute things to choose from, but the sprinkles & cookie cutters = LOVE! I envisage sprinkled cookies all over my kitchen :)

  179. I would love the pumpkin cake pan! Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. Oh…God bless Wilton! How could we do in Italy without the Wilton’s on line shop? I fell in love eith the spooky sprinkles (just impossible to find them here) and with the cookies cutters (I have a package of 110). Personally I will spend the 31st night pumpkin baking and eating with friends…from pie to pasta to cookies to cupcakes……Thanks for the chance You gave all of us with the giveaway………….

  181. I love Halloween. Definitely I will make some Boo-s :))))

  182. I just LOVE the little eyes!! I have a big Halloween party every year and this stuff is just great!!! LOVE YOU BAKERELLA!!!

  183. Design your own jack-o-lanterns! Who could resist?!

  184. These Halloween goodies are just too cute!

  185. Hi ! I love that store cake art I wish there was one by me, I usually go to home goods and find some holiday sprinkles…ps: I can’t wait to receive your new cake pop book I should be getting it this Wednesday!! CONGRATS on all the success YOUR AWESOME!

  186. Sprinkles are adorable !
    I’ll bake cupcakes for sure and thank you for the giveaway :)

  187. I’m a sprinkle kind of girl.

  188. Everything looks like so much fun to create with!!

  189. My husband and I moved to Sweden 5 years ago and have a huge Halloween party here every year since it’s our favorite holiday! I love to bake and would love any of those supplies, especially the candy eyeballs to put on cake ball creatures. I can’t get ANY of those things here and would have so much fun baking with them!

  190. I’m making pumpking cookies….

  191. Halloween is my favorite holiday… no pressure, just fun. I wish I had a cake art store near me, but then again… I’m glad I don’t. I would have to buy EVERYTHING!!! However, I would love to win what you have picked out for one lucky happy winner.

  192. I wish we had Halloween in Australia!
    We miss out on all this awesome stuff!

  193. I love pumpkin pie but have only used canned pumpkin in past years. This Halloween, when I’m carving pumpkins for decorations (and collecting the tasty seeds!), I’ll also be preparing to make my very first pumpkin pie, straight from the farm-picked source. Looking forward to baking a pie and giving out candy this Halloween. When I was a kid, I always felt bad for the adults who had to stay home and pass out candy. Now that I’m the grown-up, I realize that it’s just as much fun to be the giver as the receiver! Love how life is fun like that :)

  194. Great ideas, how do I choose? Love halloween

  195. Those bone pans are adorable!

  196. omg i love the pumpkin cake tin!! As well as the vampire teeth cookie cutters. And the candy eyes. AHH I LOVE EVERYTHING! :D

  197. Gotta love Halloween and all the scary fun! I love all the goodies you picked! The skeleton Cupcake wrappers are too cute! A girl can never have too many sprinkles!

  198. I’m probably late but I want to comment anyway :) I was so close to picking up those bone cookie trays at Michael’s when I went there to buy chocolates for cake pops! But alas, I was on a budget :(

  199. I loved the idea about the knife in the cupcake. That wold be such a cool idea. I would definitely try the Halloween cake, i just need the right pan…

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