
She Said…


And I’m so glad. That could have really been embarrassing.

So here’s a little background on how this wedding proposal came to be.

Several weeks ago I received an email from a guy named Rich. He really got my attention…

1. he was a guy and I don’t get too many e-mails from boys
2. the subject line screamed read me… literally… just like this …
Hello – PLEASE LOOK HERE :) (Friendly and intriguing at the same time.)
Now, I eventually get around to reading all of my emails, but I did have to move this one to the top and read it right away.

The email went something like this…

Hi Bakerella,

I hope all is well with you. I must be honest, the only reason why I know of you is because my girlfriend is such an avid fan of yours! Every Monday she shows me your latest creation. Feeling inspired, she proceeds to either replicate one of your creations or put her own twist on it. I of course benefit from the delicious goodies

Anyhow, my girlfriend’s name is Melissa and she’s began her own blog recently and has been enjoying it immensely. I bought her a fancy camera to document her process as well so it’s been a great experience for her. She spends countless hours in the kitchen baking and then on the computer updating the blog.

Melissa and I have been together for almost 6 years now and I would like to take the next step and propose to her! As a guy, we must think of that genius way of how exactly to pop the question. Well, I had a thought and this is really just a thought but was wondering how open you were in assisting me with that process?

This is a complete shot in the dark and just one of my ideas but I thought she’d really enjoy it. Once again, no obligation and please do not feel compelled to assist…after all I am a complete stranger!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


Needless to say, I was excited at the chance to help.

I think he had me at “fancy camera.” That’s my kind of gift. Then after talking to him more, I found out he also bought her a brand new stand mixer for her hobby. So sweet.

We discussed a few ways to propose through the site and settled on an idea, which I then changed at the last minute when I decided on cake pops. (Rich… hope that didn’t make you more nervous.) The post had to be orchestrated in a way so that Rich would be with Melissa when it went live. Hoping that Mel (I feel I can call her that now since I did help propose.) would casually look on the computer on her own without any prompting.

If only Rich were so lucky. It turns out Sunday night would test his already nervous nerves.

  • Mel is a teacher and usually bakes on Sunday. But not on this Sunday. She was grading papers. And nowhere near the computer.
  • On top of that, she had made group dinner plans with Rich’s aunt & uncle without Rich knowing. Again nowhere near the computer.
  • When they returned from dinner, Rich had a backup plan ready. He bought her the Martha Stewart Cookies Book after seeing it on last week’s giveaway post and had it ready to give to her, hoping the baking book would prompt her to go the computer.
  • But no. Mel just showed Rich all the yummy pages from the book and went back to grading papers.
  • So out of desperation… Rich goes, “Doesn’t Bakerella post something new on Sunday nights?”
  • Mel: “No, I think it’s Monday morning.”
  • Rich: “Are you sure? I think it’s Sunday night. You should go check.” (Definitely not suspicious.)
  • For the record, it is usually Sunday night, but Mel doesn’t get an alert until Monday.
  • So they both went to the computer. Together. (Again, not suspicious in any way.)
  • Mel clicked on the wrong site at first because Rich was making her nervous. (If she only knew how nervous Rich was right then.)
  • Then she read the post still unaware of what was about to happen. When she got to the proposal, she said she was like Niagra Falls. And when she turned around, Rich, also teary-eyed was waiting on one knee to make it official.
  • Afterwards, Mel asked Rich, “Is this just for me or can everyone see it?” (I think that’s just sweet.)


Mel and Rich, I wish you both all the best. This was so much fun to be a part of. The internet is amazing. Here I am sitting at my computer in Georgia and helping carry out a marriage proposal in Canada. Everyday is a virtual adventure. Thank you.

And, I just want to finish by thanking everyone who commented over the last few days. I get to read your sweet messages all the time. But this time it was even more meaningful, because you made two other people feel extremely special. They were overwhelmed by all the kind words and warm wishes. Thank you for that… and for being such fantastic readers… no… friends.

P.S. Here’s Melissa’s baking blog if you still want to congratulate the happy couple.

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249 comments on “She Said…”

  1. bakerella, i thought you were awesome before, and now i think you are even more awesome. you are so so sweet to help rich propose. i could barely believe my eyes when i saw the proposal!

  2. What a sweet person you are to help this lovely couple!

  3. I LOVE this story! What a thoughtful guy! I cried when I got to the story of her turning around and he was there with the ring…
    AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing this with all of us!

  4. thanks so much for sharing the follow-up too.

    how fun.

    beats the heck out of my husband proposing while sitting in the front set of his truck in the parking lot to my apartment building!

    not that i’m still holding a grudge after 20 years or anything!


  5. OOPS!!
    So anyways!!!
    OMG!! This girl was my counsellor at camp when I was like 12 and she lives in the same area as me!!!
    Wow what a small world.
    Congrats Miss Melissa!!!!

  6. Oh what a wonderful story and it brought tears to my eyes reading it. What fun and I love the shirts you sent them. So nice to read wonderful kind things here. Hugs

  7. TIME!! I love Love stories like this! What a sweet special couple!

  8. This is the best post EVER!!! I’M crying buckets and I don’t even know these folks! :)

  9. tearing:) Thats awesome. Thanks for sharing the details!

  10. Such a sweet way to propose! <3
    Congratulations to the cute couple! <3

  11. Congratulations, Rich and Melissa! Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness!

  12. That is the sweetest thing ever, talk about a man who pays attention and you are so sweet for doing this for them :)

  13. Cute couple….. What a fab, fab way to dish up a proposal.. Congrats.

  14. This is the sweetest thing … EVER!
    The cake pops are the cutest cleverest idea…and the fact that it was made for this dude who wants to ask his girlfriend to marry him…

    Who needs dessert magazines? We’ve all got bakerella!

  15. just too sweet!!! You are a wonderful person for doing this for a complete stranger!! I’m jealous!!! =)

  16. Aww what a sweet boyfriend and now fiance. Congrats to the couple. so cute.

  17. Congratulations to you and Mel and Rich!!!

  18. This is definitely the top blog post of all time!!!! So sweet it made me teary eyed and happy & I don’t even know the couple:)

  19. Okay, after 11 years of marriage and 4 kids, that is hands down the best proposal story I have ever heard. If I didn’t love it so much, I’d would have said, “bleah” instead. So creative, so sweet. Congratulations and many blessings to the happy couple!

  20. Oh my – this is just the sweetest story and imagine you going through all the trouble to help a perfect stranger. That’s just so kind. Kudos to you.

  21. How very cool is that!

  22. That is a wonderfully sweet story. I had to send it to one of my friends who really appreciates a good romantic story!

  23. the internet can sometimes be such a mean place. thanks for brightening it for so many people.

  24. this is the best proposal story i’ve seen in a long time :D i read the proposal post and was so excited to find out what happened, i’m so glad it was a ‘yes’!!!

    congratulations to melissa and rich, it’s such a wonderful beginning to the fantastic process of getting married, i wish you all the best and i hope you’ll be so happy together.

  25. This is awesome in every way. You are awesome. Rich is awesome! It’s amazing how happy you can be about people you don’t know.

  26. OMG!!! That was totally amazing! I told my boyfriend and he was even like WoW! Congrats you two!

  27. This brought tears to my eyes and I remembered the night my husband of 6 1/2 years proposed to me. I still get all giddy thinking back. Congratulations to the two and have a truly happy life together.

  28. OMG! You’re in GA?! Where in GA?!

  29. This entry gives me the chills every time I read it… wonder if Rich has a creative/sweet brother just like him??? ;) Best Wishes!

  30. I got chills reading this. Congratulations Melissa and Rich!

  31. This is so sweet. I think Rich may have set some pretty high standards for marriage proposals among your readers. My hubby is really glad we’re already married and well past the proposal stage right about now. :)

  32. You must be the nicest, sweetest woman writing a blog anywhere. I read your blog regularly and I’m continually amazed at your endless creativity and generosity. You’re a sweet inspiration to us all!

  33. How sweet! Congratulations to Mel & Rich!

  34. this is so awesome. i want you to be my partner in crime for something like this, but i have no event/issue or whatever coming up… :(
    but big ups to you, and to rich. so thoughtful of him to create this plan and take a shot in the dark with a busy stranger such as yourself.
    wish them both the best! :)

  35. Awww. That is the sweetest thing ever! And he is too stinkin’ cute. It looks like she got a good one- and they are few and far between!

    I bet she’s a great catch too. They are adorable.

    Wishing Rich and Melissa many, many years of happiness.

  36. A wonderful story, a wonderful couple, and a wonderful you for working so hard to help them out.
    I wish them (and YOU!) many, many years of the sweetest, loveliest, and the most delicious blessings!

  37. How wonderful! I was teary reading the post thinking about this thoughtful and original proposal. I love how he really incorporated her interests to make it a memorable proposal for themselves and the rest of us!

    Congratulations to the happy couple!

    Good job Bakerella!

  38. congrats to the happy couple……….and what an awesome idea………BAKERELLA you are the best !

  39. Aww Bakerella you are awesome! So cute. I even teared up reading the previous post! :)

  40. That made me cry! I’m so happy for those two… what a precious couple!! Now I’m heading over to her blog! :)

  41. My late husband proposed to me over 30 years ago by putting the ring in the cookie jar he surprised me with. Guys that “get” how happy baking makes us are real keepers. Anyone can throw an appreciative grunt in your direction after gobbling down the latest warm baked goods. The true sweethearts encourage the creativity and even supply some good ideas of their own. Congratulations Rich and Melissa. Keep up the fabulous baking, Ms. Bakerella! I look forward to finding out what you’ve been busy creating. Your hard work makes us all look good!

  42. That really is a happy ending!! Congrats again Mel and Rich!! And Rich, you need to keep those awesome gifts coming.

  43. You’re in Georgia??? Have you always lived in GA and I never realized it? I’m in west GA, and I think we should be friends – that way you can make me some cake pops, wouldn’t that be fun? Love you and your blog.

  44. YEAH!! I was wondering if that was for real and if so what happened!! Congrats!!

  45. So cute! Gets me all mushy!

  46. Oh my gosh this is the sweetest most romantic thing! I’m gonna cry! I wish you two the best of luck Rich and Mel!

    Bakerella you are such a kind person to do this for them!

  47. Congrats. If ever two people “got” each other!

  48. Thanks for the update! I’ve been checking in since seeing the proposal. Such a cute couple! I wish you many years of happiness together!

  49. well, it turns out the world is great after all!

  50. What a wonderful story. Lovely and creative. What a great couple! Thank you for helping them out… LOVE your blog and look forward to it always!

  51. What a great story! Congrats to you both!

    They both sound like amazing people and I am so glad that she was not one of those women who was with a guy for a couple of years and HAD to get married (gave him an ultimatum(sp?)). They are gonna be so happy! Congrats again!

    This is the best proposal story I have ever read!!

  52. omigosh! You’re in GA? Can I come by to visit?

  53. Bakerella, thanks for the background story! I thought the original post was pretty sweet, but hearing the story behind it was even better! I hope the boys are taking note (especially my guy of 4 years!!!) ;>

  54. What a wonderful thing to do! By both you and her fiance!
    You are right, the internet opens up to wonderful opportunities of sharing with one another by expanding our contacts with friends & families. What a wonderful post. Probably one of my most favorites so far. Congrats to Mel & Ritch. I hope you continue to love and appreciate one another.

  55. Wow I teary eyed. What a sweet guy.

  56. That is so sweet! When I first saw the proposal I assumed you knew Melissa and Rich but to find out they were complete strangers makes it even sweeter. What a great idea by Rich and you are so lovely for going to all that effort to help them.

  57. Ok, so I didn’t cry when I read the proposal post, but this one did me in! What a lovely couple… Congratulations & God bless you. :) …Now going to check out Melissa’s blog!

  58. I’m getting all teary eyed now! Congrats and that’s is fabulous!!!

  59. Lovely story!

  60. Bakerella (and Rich and Melissa),

    Sitting all the way away in New Zealand, studying for my last set of uni exams ever, you guys have made my week!

    Wonderful blog, with a wonderful story!

  61. YIPPEE!!! Bakerella aka CUPID :) :)

  62. Awww, what a sweet story and that was so nice of you to help out ! Isn’t it amazing what having a food blog can lead to? :)Congrats to the happy couple!

  63. Thank you for sharing the sweet background story. I have been curious about that, now I know. I´m sitting here with tears in my eyes, it´s so beautiful!

    Congratulations to Melissa & Rich and to Bakerella for pulling this off (with Rich´s help of course)!

  64. This is the cutest post I have ever seen!! I just found your site today through
    Now, I’m hooked.

  65. Yay! Congrats! And, I’m going to try your wedding cake pops for my sister-in-law’s bridal shower!

  66. SO freakin AWESOME!!!! You rock Bakerella and that guy is the MAN!

  67. That is one lucky lady! (And one lucky fellow it seems too!) What a great story to always have in your heart!

  68. I didn’t know you live in GA! Me too! I live in Decatur and work at Grady. What part are you in?

  69. That is too sweet! Brought tears to my eyes! It is little things like this that restores my faith in the inherent goodness of most people. Congrats Mel and Rich!!!

  70. Wow, what a lucky gal!! You’re great for helping out, Bakerella!! I’m pretty sure I showed everyone I knew…even my boyfriend, to which I said “You can’t top that!!”

  71. that is just awesome!!! congrats to Rich and Melissa!!! what a memorable way to propose!!

  72. I don’t think Mel and Rich are the only ones tearing up now!
    It must have felt amazing to be a part of this (it’s lovely enough just being an innocent bystander). Congratulations to you all

  73. that is THE sweetest proposal! i love the photos you took of the wedding cake pops and the little signs. awww… congrats to them!

  74. Wow I have never teared up over cake before, Congratulations you two!!!

  75. That is just the cutest story! I love how as with most things in life, things didn’t follow exactly to plan, but that in the end he managed to get her on your site w/o arousing suspicion, and still manage to surprise her!

  76. Mel, you have a keeper – Congratulations and wish you & Rich much happiness.

    Bakerella, hope you get to go to the wedding!

  77. Oh great… here i am at work CRYING again! How exciting and so so sweet! Congrats to them! What a sweet story.

  78. I LOVE LOVE LOVE engagement stories!! My eyes are a little teary with happiness. The love and excitement that they share at that moment is so AWESOME! Congrats to you guys :)

  79. Another Melissa here happy for Rich & Melissa! Any guy who gifts you with a stand mixer and a fancy new camera is a keeper for sure — my hubby has done the same (Kitchen Aid Artisan stand mixer and Canon T1i DSLR) and they are two of my favorite gifts. Many blessings to you for a lifetime of good health and happiness together!

  80. You rock! I love your blog and especially this entry since it’s such an amazing story (I love the way you tell it). Congrats to Rich and Mel!

  81. This is so incredibly sweet! You are awesome for helping. It’s definitely a story they’ll be telling forever!

  82. Awww … what a great, fun story! Romance and cake pops – it doesn’t get better than that!

  83. That is such a great thing that you did for them! I am so teary eyed right now, what a beautiful proposal and what a fantastic guy to do that for his girlfriend (FIANCE!!!) who loves your blog and baking!

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.

  84. Congrats to both of you! What a lovely couple. I teared up more as the story went on. Any man that knows exactly what gifts to buy knowing his woman and takes the effort to propose knowing her is a great man. Your a lucky woman Melissa and a definite keeper Rich. My BF and I are approaching our 6yrs and I can only hope he is creative too. Best wishes to both of you.

  85. Yay! That was so lovely!! :D

  86. *I’m huge fan of yours – that’s it. No, I’m huge fan of you, isnt it?

  87. I’m so sorry if my english is terrible. I’m huge fan of you (15-year-old girl) from Finland. I love everything what you do because they (?) are so different and new things in Finland! I have tried to do pops from cookies and I have done Snickerdoodle Duos. Delicious! (?) Thank you! I love you and your ideas! :D

  88. What a guy!! Congrats to them!

  89. O.k. i’m crying at work. How sweet ! Congrats to the lucky couple!

  90. That is about the sweetest thing I have ever read!!! I have goosebumps!

    Best wishes to Melissa & Rich! Many Many years of happiness!

  91. What a guy! And Bakerella! What a special person you are for helping him out! Now I have to go and get a Kleenex – sniff, sniff……

  92. I love love love this story! It makes me smile so big! Great teamwork and adorable wedding cake pops!

  93. omg I’m all teary eyed now (but in a good way : ). Congrats Mel and Rich!!!! : )

  94. I love the follow up post on the proposal! Fabulous! I love that it’s a Canadian couple too! ;)

    I think they should hire you to make wedding cake pops for their wedding!!!

  95. Wow! I knew your cake pops where cool but who knew they could help people get engaged. Such a great story! <3

  96. You are so awesome! I normally don’t read blog (I only look at photos and ingredients), hehe, but I had to read the whole thing. You are so wonderful! No wonder you create beautiful things! Love you more!!!

  97. This is so adorable- I am siting here tearing up (again)! Congrats Mel & Rich!

  98. wow you’re soooo creative! and what a sweet idea for a proposal! best wishes for the couple!

  99. oh thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!

  100. congrats to the beautiful couple, she is lucky to have such a sweet guy!

  101. aww you are too sweet. congrats to melissa and rich.

  102. Wow! I just teared up! That is soo sweet!!

  103. YES YES YES! I just LOVE this story especially since it has a happy ending. Congratulations to the newly engaged couple. Bakerella you out did yourself on this one.
    I can’t think of a greater way to propose then this! I would be soooo impressed if someone went to all this trouble for me, and made it extra personal by adding one of my interests into the process. Melissa, i think he’s a keeper. ;0)
    This story warms my heart.

  104. Teary.Eyed. AGAIN.
    So flipping sweet!!!!

  105. It’s times like this that I wish my husband would have had an opportunity to propose! We got married a little sooner than we wanted due to some life changes (no, I wasn’t pregnant :). It wasn’t that much sooner (only by 6 months). We had already been planning a wedding, but had to have the actual document. Sounds weird, but true. And though we are so much in love and so happy, I do think I missed out on the proposal part :(. I know he would have done something creative! Such a cute story to go with a cute couple!

  106. Eeeee, so sweet!!! I’ve been waiting for an update since seeing the proposal :-D Yaaaay! They’re such a cute couple! :-)

  107. Since you need a Google ID to post on their site, here it is, for Melissa!: “If this ain’t the dardenst sweet thing he could’ve done for you! Forget the nice camera, mixing set, and cookies book…….Blog Publicity? Now, that’s priceless AND ingenious AND so romantic that you know we are all very glad that you said ‘yes’ because if you hadn’t, so help us, there would’ve been a few dissappointed hopeful romantics out there that live for this kind of adventure! Ha! :) JK LOL You ROCK! Yay! Hope this made that Canadian winter just that more warmer!”

  108. Most wonderful!!!!!

  109. This is sooooo awesome!!!

  110. That is the sweetest thing ever. What a great guy and a sweet couple. Best wishes! You are too cool, Bakerella!

  111. A big thank you to Bakerella for helping Rich out. That was incredibly awesome and I’m glad to see it all worked out! Congratulations to them both!!

  112. What a great idea.

  113. Sixteen years later, I can promise you that cake is not only good for the soul, it’s good for the marriage!

    Best wishes to all!

  114. What an incredible proposal and I hope they have a long and happy marriage!! That is one romantic guy guy she’s got there!

  115. What a sweet story. What a lucky girl Mel is. It’s funny, the proposal had no affect on me but this post had me sitting at the computer crying. I don’t know if it is pregnancy hormones or just that it is SO sweet.

    Congrats to Rich and Mel. I hope they have a long, happy life together.

  116. Bakerella you’re the sweetest! Sunday’s post was terrific and what a wonderful way to propose. I’m so glad she said yes! Melissa’s blog is wonderful, and funnily enough, I had already bookmarked it!! It’s a terrific blog and she makes some yummy stuff!

    I look forward to your blog every week and you’ve made it even more special by the kind things that you do!!

  117. I’m crying now, too! LOVE this story and you were so sweet to help, bakerella!

  118. How cool is that? Glad she said yes, he’s clearly a catch! Great post, Bakerella!

  119. What a wonderful way to propose! Congratulations, Melissa and Rich! All the best to you!

    Bakerella, thank you for your wonderfuol blog, fabulous and creative ideas, and for being such a kind, lovely person!

    BTW, I so appreciate how much easier it is now to post comments on this new site! :)

  120. That is awesome Bakerella!! I was so intrigued to read your post and being a guy who emailed you before….. you responded so quickly. I have a lot of respect for you. So fun that you helped out which seem to be a great couple take the next step.

  121. Bakerella you rock! I had no idea you didn’t know them until the proposal adventure. What a wonderful story. It’s wonderful to see all these bloggy friends come together. I’m so happy for Melissa and Rich!

  122. That’s so cool how you helped “pop” the question!

  123. What an incredibly sweet thing for you to do for them, Bakerella! Congrats to them :)

  124. Pretty amazing, the power of the internet! You were so sweet to help with the proposal, that must have been so fun for you!

  125. Congratulations Melissa and Rich!! Just love this proposal, Mellisa you are a very lucky lady. So much thought went in to this. Very creative Rich. You both make such a cute couple, wishing you both a life full of happiness!! I will be following this story until the happy day.

  126. yay! congratulations, this is awesome…

  127. I just loved reading all about the proposal. How AWESOME to be involved! I just love reading all your posts. Firstly your baking is DIVINE and secondly, you ALWAYS crack me up!!

  128. OK, so I’m also teary eyed … such softies!
    I do hope they fly you to Canada to do wedding cake pops for the big day!


    Diamonds… your should be very afraid, cake pops are becoming the new girl best friends. ;-)

  130. tears streaming down my face…
    bakerella, you are just the best…i have emailed
    your “proposal” post to all my friends.
    to melissa & rich…so cool…what a guy rich!
    wishing you a lifetime of magical moments!

  131. and i am cryin now….

    thank is sooooooo sweet…..

  132. what an awesome story. thanks bakerella! congrats rich and melissa!

  133. LOVE your blog, LOVE your pops, LOVE this post!
    SO sweet of you to help Rich.
    Totally cried happy tears

  134. this is soooooooo sweet!! so sweet, it make me tear too ;-)
    Bakerella, u r forever so wonderful!! …and all the best to Rich & Melissa =)

  135. LOVE your blog, LOVE your pops, LOVE this post!
    SO happy for them and so sweet of you to do that for them!
    Thanks for sharing all the details!

  136. OMG!! if only 1) chivalry existed with all men and 2) all boys could be as creative as Rich, would we women really have anything to grumble about?
    what a lovely pair. CONGRATS

  137. LOVE YOUR BLOG, LOVE your POPS… love this POST!
    Love what you did for Rich… so sweet of you!

  138. omg, this one got me all teary eyed too hahah. so sweet. PS melissa and rich, you two are so cute together.

    way to give me hope :]

  139. Awww, that is the sweetest thing EVER. And so cool. I seriously can’t stop smiling for you guys. And Bakerella, you did a great job as always. : ) Congratulations Rich and Melissa!!

  140. *squeals* That is probably the most amazing thing ever!!!
    and then to see their pictures, totally made the whole thing real! aw, so great.

  141. Wow!! That’s really kind and sweet of you too to agree and help out strangers :) I initially thought Mel was your friend! It’s quite amazing that we were all waiting for Melissa’s answer, it’s as if we all knew Melissa and Rich :) It’s such a happy moment and thank you, Melissa, and Rich for sharing such a happy moment with all of us :)
    Wish you many more days of happiness & wish Melissa and Rich a life filled with health an happiness!

  142. That’s SO awesome!!!!!
    Congrats to Melissa and Rich – WONDERFUL!! …such a sweet (no pun intended…LOL) way to propose.
    Happy Wishes for a lovely life together!

    Bakerella you are awesome. I have followed you for a while planning to make something as delightful as you….but have not yet. It’s my baby (she’s turning 2) birthday this weekend – I’m going to attempt to make something cute.

    THANKS for your inspiration!! =)
    happy baking…..

  143. I know you don’t get involved in all the hoopla, but you were recognized on my blog today

  144. Ahhhh I’m gonna cry!!!

  145. Ok, that is the sweetest thing ever!!! I’ve been away from my computer…darn lightning knocked everything out. I love a cute story like that!!

  146. looooooooooooooved this post, it was great that you did this for them!! and best wishes to the happy couple! AMOR

  147. Okay. I was a bit sentimental at the first post. I honestly shed a tear after reading the whole story! How amazing is it that you had a hand in this truly romantic life story???

    Blessings to the happy couple, and to you, Bakerella.


  148. What an incredible story. I’m all teary.

  149. Look at that smile! They are adorable, and what a great guy!

  150. So, I’m sitting here … reading this … and I start crying! Over a blog post. But it’s not just a blog post, it’s a love story that you had a little hand in. And it’s so sweet, (pun intended). Way cool! Thanks for sharing the back story with us. :)

  151. Bakerella, You are the kindest “down to earth” person in baking blogland! It was SO nice of you to put forth the effort and make this all happen! Sweet story, and kudos to you! You’re the best:)

  152. WOW!! what a way to remember your proposal!! And so very thoughtful!! Congrats to Melissa and Rich… *sitting here wiping tears!!**

  153. I almost cried reading this, and I’m not a mushy sorta girl! Hope the happy couple has many years together – way to go Bakerella for making such a sweet (heh) and memorable proposal!

  154. I’m in tears (happy tears). I love a good proposal! Congratulations. What a guy, hey?

  155. Awww
    This is just the cutiest proposal. I love it.,
    Cogratulations Melissa

  156. OMG. YOU rock sister! We are merely the icing on your cake ;-)

    And Mel better hang onto this Rich guy – a stand mixer AND a fancy camera. Oh yeah, he’s a keeper.

  157. Yes, I got excited because my name is Melissa and I thought God finally answered my prayers and he brought a rich guy to marry me. Oh well…congrats Melissa and Rich.

  158. this is just about the cutest and most wonderful thing i’ve read. thanks for giving me a happy cap to the day.

  159. Awww, I love this back story. Isn’t it funny all the little blips that find their way into proposal stories? :)

  160. You rock I have said it before and I will say it again!

  161. This is beautiful and so romantic. I love it!

  162. Rich, you are the man! Using a baking blog to propose! I love it. Congrats to you two.

  163. Congrats to the happy couple. And to you also Bakerella. How very special to be involved in such a thing. And your wedding cake pops rock :)

  164. I can’t believe how sweet this whole story is. I’m sitting here crying over all of it. I’m so happy for Melissa and Rich. Thank you for sharing all of this!!!!

  165. Can I put you on retainer? When I get a boyfriend I’m sending him the link to this post! HA!

  166. This is the sweetest thing! They MUST have cake pops at their wedding! :o)

  167. AwWWW! That was seriously way creative, Rich and bakerella! Way to make the proposal super special. Great story!

  168. Hey guys. The link to Melissa’s Blog is at the bottom of the post.

  169. this is the most adotable thing ever!!! :) :)
    How sweeter can you be??

    I’ve actually been looking to use one of your immages for our 1st anniversary coming up… oooh so soon! November 1st!

    Thank you for your brilliant talent and great, great, GREAT creativity! love N:)

  170. Well, well, here in Brazil we’d call you a “casamenteira”, and a really good one! I’d love to visit the bride’s blog and congratulate the sweet couple!
    This was brilliant, Bakerella.

  171. This is so incredible!! What a wonderful memory for everyone who read it and especially for Rich and Melissa!

  172. Awwww, congrats Mel and Rich!
    When I was reading the proposal post I was like !!! How sweet!!!

  173. This brings tears to my eyes!
    Congrats to Mel and Rich.
    and thank you Bakerella for making us feel like a part of some special secret while we waited to hear the answer..
    You are one Amazing lady

  174. I love LOVE!!!! What a great story. You are awesome to have made this happen.

  175. I agree with Amy- teary sweetness.

  176. where’s the like(love) button on this site!!!

  177. This brought tears of joy to me !! congrats to you both !! and much happiness :)

  178. That is sooooo sweet! I about cried!

    Way to go matchmaker!

  179. That’s so made me cry. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones…

  180. What is the address for Melissa’s blog. It would be neat to see it.

  181. That was so sweet!!!!

  182. WOW! That’s so cool. A story they will be telling for a LOOOOOOONG time!!!!

  183. Such a sweet story. Congratulations!

  184. awwwwwwwww what a wonderful story!!!

    Congrats Melissa and Rich.

    I love how inventive he was.

    WTG Angie for helping in the process. That must be a great feeling!

  185. That’s awesome!

  186. That is AWESOME!! Congratulations to both of them and best wishes for a happy, healthy marriage filled with laughter and baked goods~ ;o)

  187. This brought happy tears to my eyes!!!! I love… love! :-)

    PS – Do you have a cookbook? I would love to get one for my sister for Christmas.

  188. They’re a beautiful couple. I wish them many years of happiness. Cheers all around!

  189. This was such a sweet and special proposal! The wedding pops were fabulous and what a thoughtful guy! Congratulations to the happy couple!

  190. I love it!! This is such a great proposal story that they can share for many years!! Congratulations

  191. So glad she said yes! What a cute couple they are! Congratulations. :)

  192. So cute….and you were the perfect conduit! Wishing them a lifetime of happiness….and CAKE!

  193. Seriously adorable. I hope my guy comes up with something this creative! ;)

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