
Red Velvet


Cake, baby!


Yes, this post is all about delicious cake, but just not the kind you eat.



It’s about the kind you can carry. I found this decadent purse online and just fell in love. First with the name of course, and then with the design. It’s from Petunia Pickle Bottom.


But, it’s not just a purse. It’s also a diaper bag. That’s right. Inside this not so little red number is a fold out changing pad, room for diapers and a plastic case for wipes. No one would ever guess. Unless of course they, too have had some cake.


Now, don’t feel like you’ve gotta go and get pregnant just to carry this purse. Petunia Pickle Bottom made the changing pad detachable so you can carry Cake even if you don’t have a little one in tow for a reason.


Did I mention the matching coin purse? Sweet.

Want it? Anyone?

Okay, if you do, leave a comment on this post for a chance to win the Red Velvet Cake purse.

All you have to do is tell me your favorite kind of cake. That’s it.

Deadline to enter is Monday, February 22 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck.

I’m glad you guys liked this purse so much. I’m just sorry I only have one to give away. I did make you a real red velvet cake though. Check it out. Now for the winner.


Judy, Judy, Judy! Congratulations. Carrot Cake with Red Velvet purse does sound like a perfect combo. You won.

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8,844 comments on “Red Velvet”

  1. My favorite cake is my own new york cheesecake!

  2. Red Velvet!

  3. Plum pudding! I love dark purple :)

  4. French butter cookie cake with toasted coconut frosting.

  5. Coconut Cake! Yummmmy~ plus it would look cute as a purse if you used the ‘coconut’ as fringe around the edges!!!

  6. any cake with my grandmothers butterscotch frosting …yum !

  7. Texas sheet cake–hands down my favorite

  8. Absolutely must be ‘ginger cake with vanilla buttercream ‘ Gorgeous cake gorgeous bag, my mouth is watering on both counts.

  9. OMGoodness, I didn’t see angel food anywhere until the last post befor mine, lol, that is my favorite as well.
    Great Purse!

  10. Mmmmm….Chocolate Decadence is just heavenly. I look at the purse and I can almost taste it!

  11. ummm pound cake Candice Henry? Who did you steal it from?

  12. My favorite kind of cake is my grandmother’s carrot cake. She is 89 years old and has never used a recipe (for any of her baking), but it always turns out delicious. Her carrot cake is famous in our small part of L.A. (lower Alabama) and once sold for $90 at a church fundraiser!

  13. and yes, i realized the contest is over, but i still posted my favorite cake!

    and that purse was SO great! congrats on winning it :)

  14. red velvet is my favorite. it’s a way of life in the South!

    cream cheese can only improve everything!

  15. Congrats to the winner! So very lucky! Loved that beautiful purse!

  16. Chocolate with chocolate chips, baby!

  17. Love your blog! Sign me up

  18. well today it’s red velvet, tomorrow …. ?

  19. I LOVE THIS PURSE!!! I am always looking for a stylish diaper bag too!!!

    Amy Mumaw

    Lov the cake too:)

  20. MY New favorite is Nutella cheesecake or anything with fresh berries.

  21. Sad I missed this giveaway=(
    My Gramma used to call me her Petunia…and I love cake!!!

  22. any kind of cake (almost) as long as it’s in cup form. cupcakes are just so much fun!

  23. I am pretty plain. I like yellow cake with Chocolate ganache. MMMMMMmmmmmmm!

  24. Can *cake* be my favorite kind of cake?

    Ok, call me a child if you must… but it’s all about confetti cake. Mmm, moist, colorful, and delicious!

  25. you are making me a little jealous since you can bake and take great photos!

  26. By far my favorite cake has to be vanilla with chocolate icing. Good old fashion, but tasty none the less!

  27. oh my word, how can you even choose a favorite cake??? That’s like having to choose which of my children are my favorite!
    Peanut butter frosting…mmmm.
    chocolate with a thick chocolate mousse in the middle…divine!
    red velvet…well, i grew up in the south so it goes with out saying

  28. hurricane cake!
    my grandma’s recipe :)
    it’s the best!

  29. That purse/ diaper bag is the cutest ever! I love it! I hope I win!!! Red Velvet with Cream Cheese frosting is the best, runner up is chocolate, then lemon, then I heard Ace of Cakes made an amazing Blueberry muffin cake sounds amazing…I just like cake…”Let them eat cake”, “Cant a girl have her cake and eat it too!”

  30. Can we buy this purse somewhere?

  31. I have to choose just one? Anything with a creamy, rich frosting makes me happy!

  32. Congrats to Judy! How can I get my own? I love it!

  33. Spice cake with cream cheese frosting, is the best!!!

  34. I love carrot cake!

  35. Princess cake

  36. Lovely Purse!… I love your recent post of Red Velvet Cake too!.. I’m planning to make it this weekend!

  37. Thanks for sharing….just found out I’m going to be a Nana! Time to go shopping!!

  38. I know the contest is over but I just want to say that these bags are wonderful! I’ve never been pregnant nor do I want to be in the near future. But, I am bookmarking this site for when I do! :) Thank Bakerella. I am officially receiving Petunia now and made sure to say that you referred me. :)

  39. I Love a nice moist banana cake with cream cheese frosting! Id like to think that the banana makes it healthy. :)

  40. I love a good Boston Cream Pie. Yes, pie is in the name, but it really is such a tasty cake.

  41. LOVE the diaper bag! I am currently pregnant and am looking for a great diaper bag! My fave cake is definitely red velvet!

  42. chocolate cake with chocolate icing! this purse would go perfectly with a slice of chocolate cake…yum!

  43. Favorite cake?? Chocolate, Chocolate Chocolate!

    I’ve even learned to make a great gluten free, dairy free chocolate cake! ;)

  44. Well, my favorite cake is Red Velvet!! My mom always has to make me one for my birthday!

  45. Homemade Angel Food Cake!

  46. Birthday cake! White cake using 2 egg yolks in batter. Buttercream icing with almond flavoring.

    My mom always made this for my birthday when I was little as she could not afford the bakery cakes.

  47. My fave cake is a cake from a bakery in my hometown. Poppyseed with raspberry filling and cream cheese frosting. It is to die for!!

  48. Oooh me! I have another baby on the way and desperately need a nice bag!! My fav cake is carrot cake w/ the little carrot iced on top. Mmm.

  49. I love all cake…but I love the frosting even more!! My husband eats the cake and I eat the frosting. A perfect pair.

  50. Salty’s Restaurant White Chocolate Mousse Cake. To.Die.For. Plus it’s the ONLY cake that I really like. AHmazing! AND they put the recipe online!!!

  51. My favorite kind of cake is gluten free orange creme!

  52. Old Fashioned Red Velvet! Yummy!!!

  53. I have to chose one? I really depends on the mood, but overall I would say devils food cake. Carrot is a close second & I’m in LOVE with your smores cupcakes.

  54. There are just soooo many to choose from, but if I had to pick just one, I’d go with Italian Wedding Cake with that thick, oh-so-delish cream cheese frosting! MMMmmmm!!!

  55. I love cake….ALL CAKE! But especially my mom’s chocolate cake with vanilla icing…yummmy!

  56. chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream icing

  57. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting!

  58. Not being a kiss up but…red velvet. Yummmmmm!

  59. We used to call it “four minute cake” – because you just dump in chocolate cake mix, chocolate pudding mix, chocolate chips and a couple other things, mix and bake. So easy and sooo tasty.

  60. Definitely Gooey Chocolate Butter Cake

  61. Keke de Tres Leches [ Three Milk Cake ] <3
    So good! :p

  62. Red velvet cake!
    I love how it’s not too sweet, and when paired up with any sort of frosting, it is absolutely A M A Z I N G.

  63. My favorite cake. Ugh. Chocolate cake with White Mountain Icing. Creme Brulee’ ice cream on the side but it’s discontinued from Ben and Jerry’s so I make my own.

  64. I love this bag, it is so beautiful!

  65. chocolate! anything chocolate is delish!

  66. I love chocolate mousse cake.=)

  67. 7up pound cake…yum

  68. Our family’s version of Better Than Sex…german choclate cake topped with evaporated milk, caramel sauce, cool whip and Heath bar chips!! Yummmmm-o!!

  69. Chocolate!!!

  70. Italian cream cake!!!

  71. It is a tie (depending on the mood) between german chocolate cake w/coconut pecan frosting or carrot cake w/cream cheese frosting.

  72. I like marble cake the best!

  73. strawberry with cream cheese frosting

  74. chocolate…chocolate…or chocolate

  75. Carrot cake with all the works-raisins, walnuts, cream cheese frosting, soo soo yummy!

  76. Love good, old fashioned chocolate cake. Actually milk chocolate!

  77. Vanilla/vanilla…yum!

  78. White cake with lemon filling and white buttercream frosting!

  79. CHEESECAKE! for sures!! =]

  80. CHOCOLATE!!!!

  81. sooooo cute. love red.

  82. Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting of course!

  83. luv the bag…so cute. perfect gift for my sister who recently had a baby. my favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, even had it for my wedding cake.

  84. I have to say that I’m a total sucker for a good flour-less chocolate cake.

  85. Well !!let me tell you that my “Cow”cake is a hit,and you should try it one day,but the one i really adore is my chocolate dulce de leche cake (cool) is the best!!!! that purse will look so ïn” due to i love baking cakes and specially trying all you do and post in here all the time!!! cake pops the best !!!

  86. Oh-oh… I soooo want this! I love Carrot cake… I even had it for my wedding cake 10 years ago!

  87. Cheese cake… chocolate, cherry, pumpkin, eggnog, strawberry, turtle… OMG as long as it’s cheesecake!

  88. so adorable…anyone would LOVE to carry that bag…especially ME!!!

  89. German chocolate! :]

  90. request: please leave your giveaways up for a little longer. this one went up late on sunday night and expired at 6:00 CST and I just got home from work (too late to enter) :(

  91. chocolate with raspberry jam filling and italian buttercream! yummm!

  92. Definetly Ice cream cake!

  93. I may be too late to enter … :(
    I’m pregnant and all I EAT is cake!! :)
    Divine Chocolate is definitely my favorite!

  94. Picking a favorite cake is like picking a favorite child.. impossible!
    But I do have a soft spot for funfetti :D

  95. My favorite cake is Chantilly. Only place to find it is Hawaii

  96. My favorite cake is a plain white cake with vanilla buttercream frosting… or a Texas Sheet Cake… or really whatever freshly baked yummy is in front of me. :)

  97. What a sassy clutch your giving away!! My favorite cake would have to be…..spice cake with cream cheese frosting…..or……..yellow cake with chocolate frosting!! YUM

  98. I LOVE a simple white cake with strawberry frosting. I am expecting baby #3 right now… so this would be perfect for me! :)

  99. RED VELVET is my favorite of course!!

  100. yellow cake with chocolate frosting…understated yumminess!

  101. Angel food or yellow

  102. Gorgeous~!!!!
    Pick me, pick me!!
    I hope I win, but good luck to everyone else, too!!

  103. Sponge cake with fresh cream and juicy strawberries

  104. My favorite kind of cake is carrot cake with TONS of cream cheese icing… I am talking more icing than any normal person should be able to handle. LOVE icing. And cake.

  105. I love banana cake with bavarian cream and chocolate ganache filling and French buttercream frosting. My husband chose that flavor for our wedding cake and I make it every year for our anniversary,

  106. Carrot cake all the way!!

  107. My mums chocolate cake. She slices it into 3 peices and layers them all together with syrupy chocolate ganache, berries and chocolate cream before slathering on a couple of layers of thick chocolate ganache. Every individual element is superb on its own, but assembling it all together and waiting a couple of days for the flavours to date and fall in love makes eating it an experience i’d imagine would happen every day in heaven. Except of course it won’t go strait to my bum.

  108. Cookies and cream ice cream cake…. with real chocolate cake layers

  109. Anything chocolate, add peanut butter and I am yours!

  110. lemon with lemon curd, raspberry coulis and 7 minute frosting

  111. Hmmm… Just one? Carrot cake… NO! WAIT! Raspberry white chocolate cheese cake!

  112. strawberry shortcake cake -alla PW!

  113. red velvet w/ cinnamon buttercream frosting!

  114. oooo no doubt about it…. chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream frosting :)

  115. Love chocolate chip chocolate bundt cake…with chocolate glaze

  116. decisions, decisions…red velvet and yellow cake with chocolate butter cream—a tie!!!

  117. Carrot with cream cheese frosting.

  118. Mmmm…chocolatey. Delicious.

  119. I love the Peach Dump Cake you posted the other week. I am eager to make it again soon!

  120. My Mammaw’s pineapple cake, made every Friday afternoon of the year, with four fresh eggs I’d just snuck from beneath a grumpy hen, and that behemoth of a Sunbeam Mixmaster which would go contrary and fling half the batter onto the curtains and ceiling.

    Good times..

  121. Red Velvet Cake… just like the purse!

  122. Angel food it’s the best

  123. I love almost every flavor but my favorite today is flourless chocolate cake.

  124. Funfetti with cream cheese icing

  125. My aunt’s butter sheet cake that she makes me for showers and events. It is amazing! I could eat an entire sheet of it!

  126. Lemon Meringue Cup Cakes. Meringue frosting, lemon cake with lemon curd filling. Yummy!

  127. What delight bag! My favorite cake in a coconut made by my Mom’s best friend Odell

  128. I hope I’m not too late for this :(

    My favorite cake is tiramisu or anything with coconut!

  129. I Looove Chocolate and marshmallow filling cake! Soo Goood!

  130. Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting, of course!

  131. I LOVE all cake!!! I hope I win this, my baby boy is due on SATURDAY!!! :)

  132. lemon poppyseed

  133. My favorite cake is the kind the tickles your senses while its baking in the oven…the sent of madagascar vanilla rising in the oven is an overwhelming sensation. The taste of fluffy, moist and delicious vanilla bean cake is heavenly, a moment of sheer joy!

  134. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. And sprinkles. :)

  135. That purse would be a good reason to put the body back in REproduction!! So beautiful! WOW!

    I would love to say ‘red velvet’…being that my hubby is from New Orleans & all!
    But the decadent/ healthy in me comes out with Tropical Carrot Cake w/ currants- not raisins and luscious Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Frosting. + made this into a few CakeBalls for the New Year~ DIVINE!!!
    As always, Mahalo Nui!!

  136. Cherry almond. Hands down.

  137. My favorite cake is carrot cake!

  138. Pretty much anything chocolate…but no coconut please!

  139. chocolate cake with strawberry pieces…chocolate icing…strawberry filling….. and dipped strawberries on top.
    i’ve gained 5 lbs just thinking about it…..

  140. Baskin Robbins Mint Ice Cream with Chocolate Cake

  141. Did I get it in time?

    My answer is Chocolate of course!

  142. Chocolate with tons of frosting :)

  143. Chocolate with rasberry…divine! The purse is fab!

  144. I love a nice dense, rich chocolate cake. =)

  145. White cake with white frosting and gobs of coconut pushed down on the frosting.

  146. My Great Aunts Coconut Cake… it was devine!

  147. I have yet to eat a cake I have not liked……but fav would be moist chocolate with buttercream ….now I think I will bake tomorrow as it is already 10:30 pm…..but heres to sweet dreams!

  148. If I win I would donate it to you!!!
    Because no says cake like you!

    I hope to WIN!!!!

  149. german chocolat, or cheesecake!

  150. MMmmmmm!! First off, I love that purse/diaper bag! It is absolutely gorgeous!

    However, my favorite cake to eat is lemon-poppyseed cake. I tasted some at a wedding a few months ago and have been searching for a great recipe of my own ever since. :)

  151. Love all cake, but one of my favorites is Earthquake Cake. Yummy!!

  152. vanilla cake with butter crunch filling!

  153. I love tres leches cake with whipped cream !

  154. Cookie cake!!! Does that count?!? Love that bag!

  155. My favorite cake, which is tough to choose, would be a yellow cake with classic finger-lickin chocolate butter cream!!! :) now I’m just hungry just thinking of it :)

  156. this is the best purse ever! my daughter would be changed on it, and…. then have it when she was older and i could tell her friends gross stories

  157. Carrot cake

  158. I think I missed the deadline- but my favorite cake is vanilla! I’m boring when it comes to cake!

  159. white cake with (home-made) chocolate frosting

  160. my favorite cake is chocolate cake with lots of chocolate frosting! yum!

  161. I love anything chocolate!

  162. Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. The one that is a layer of vanilla, a layer of some kind of fudge crumble thing, and a layer of chocolate. Fabulous. A close second would be marble (or lemon) pound cake.

  163. Can’t beat good ole chocolate!

  164. Actually my favorite kind of cake is red velvet….but not boxed red velvet…oh no no no…the made from scratch like my Aunt makes red velvet cake of course with cream cheese frosting. :D

  165. My favoite cake is BANANA CAKE. My grandmother made this for me for my birthday every year when I was a kid. Now I make it and take it to church events and it always gets rave reviews. When I come in the door with it people begin clapping. They love it.

  166. A cake that has lots of chocolate.

  167. german chocolate. mmmmmmmm….

  168. Chocolate Eclair Cake – family recipe!

  169. I love a simple white cake with a buttercream icing.

  170. I love white and chocolate amaretto cake with amaretto chocolate ganache…Its yuuuumyyyy

  171. Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

  172. Love funfetti cake with vanilla funfetti frosting

  173. There’s an unsurpassed joy in confetti cake for me. I think it’s because nothing is ever as good as you remember it being when you were a kid. ^_^

  174. I admit… I love butter… so my favorite is a good POUND CAKE!!! And the runner up, BUTTER CAKE! Go figure!

  175. CARROT… yum

  176. Oh, by far my favorite has to be a good, old-fashioned chocolate cake with a yummy, homemade creamy peanut butter icing! My mouth is watering!

  177. Chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate!!

  178. I ? Red Velvet Cake with Cream cheese frosting!

  179. My fav. is red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!!!
    This bag is super cute!!!

  180. This is the most beautiful bag I’ve ever seen! Love red and love red velvet even more.

  181. Just plain white cake! But super moist!

  182. Oreo cookie pudding cake. Yum!

  183. Red velvet is my fav!! That purse is adorable!

  184. My Favorite kind of cake is Tres Leches Cake or “Bienmesabe” DELICIOUS!!!

  185. Chocolate! Chocolate!

  186. I ??? Red Velvet Cake with Cream cheese frosting!

  187. i love white cake with simple buttercream frosting. simple birthday cake.

  188. My grandma’s red velvet cake is my all-time favorite.

  189. I live vanilla with buttercream frosting!

  190. this is the cutest thing, I want one!!!!!!

  191. Mmmm… cake… my favorite is definitely my grandmother’s recipe for chocolate cake. Second place goes to any really good moist carrot cake!

  192. Dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate ganache!

  193. i love chocolate cake but i gotta say, i love licking the beater almost as much as the finished product!

  194. Oooh….too many but I love a good old fashioned towering coconut cake.

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