
Red Velvet


Cake, baby!


Yes, this post is all about delicious cake, but just not the kind you eat.



It’s about the kind you can carry. I found this decadent purse online and just fell in love. First with the name of course, and then with the design. It’s from Petunia Pickle Bottom.


But, it’s not just a purse. It’s also a diaper bag. That’s right. Inside this not so little red number is a fold out changing pad, room for diapers and a plastic case for wipes. No one would ever guess. Unless of course they, too have had some cake.


Now, don’t feel like you’ve gotta go and get pregnant just to carry this purse. Petunia Pickle Bottom made the changing pad detachable so you can carry Cake even if you don’t have a little one in tow for a reason.


Did I mention the matching coin purse? Sweet.

Want it? Anyone?

Okay, if you do, leave a comment on this post for a chance to win the Red Velvet Cake purse.

All you have to do is tell me your favorite kind of cake. That’s it.

Deadline to enter is Monday, February 22 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck.

I’m glad you guys liked this purse so much. I’m just sorry I only have one to give away. I did make you a real red velvet cake though. Check it out. Now for the winner.


Judy, Judy, Judy! Congratulations. Carrot Cake with Red Velvet purse does sound like a perfect combo. You won.

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8,844 comments on “Red Velvet”

  1. I love German Chocolate cake!!! I just love chocolate :)

  2. white cake, white icing. simple and delicious!

  3. I LOVE Cherry chip cake with chocolate frosting…wait, I love Strawberry cake with vanilla frosting…no, wait, I love…cookies and cream cake….or was it angel food cake with sherbert in the middle and whip cream frosting…ugh I CAN’T CHOOSE! I LOVE CAKE! lol :)

  4. I really wish I could say Red Velvet, but alas this New Englander has never tried it. I know, shocks and gasps!

    My all time favorite though is strawberry shortcake, or any variation on that theme. Yum.

  5. A cake that I make for us is my favorite. It’s devil’s food with a jar of chopped marachino cherries mixed into the batter. Whenever I make it, my fingers are red for a week from chopping the cherries.

  6. carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

  7. Ice Cream Cake! – Yum

  8. I love strawberry cake!

  9. My mom’s carrot cake with cream cheese frosting – oh yeah!!!

  10. Any purse named after my favorite cake is a must!

  11. White cake with buttercream frosting. Simple and delicious!

  12. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

  13. My favorite is a “whooly mammouth” cake. I named it when I was 3 or 4 learning about dinosaurs. It’s a german or dark chocolate cake with german frosting (the kind with nuts, either pecans or walnuts or both, and coconut) in the middle, then white frosting (seven minute or white frosting that stiffens) on the outside covered in coconut flakes (you can toast them, but I like my cake completly white) and a cherry on top for an old-fashioned decoration.

  14. the kid in me will always love funfetti!! how can you resist a cake that colorful and happy?

  15. I love red velvet cake…and rainbow chip. :o)

  16. Yellow cake with chocolate icing. Delish.

  17. Yellow Cake with Chocolate Icing. Always takes me back to when I’m a kid.

  18. basic–yellow cake with chocolate frosting. yummy.

  19. chocolate w/ raspberry filing…yum!

  20. mmmm…..cake. hard to choose but I will have to go with red velvet!!

  21. chocolate turtle cake…yummy!!

  22. I love my sister Peg’s, Sour Cream Pound Cake. When she would come to visit our Dad during his illness, she hand carried this cake on the plane. Now when we are together we always have this cake to share and remember those last months with our Dad.

  23. Paula Deen’s Milky Way cake – it has EIGHT milky way candy bars melted into the batter!

  24. Vanilla vanilla! Classic, like that bag!

  25. Chocolate with white chocolate ganache filling icing with buttercream.

  26. chocolate! Is there any other kind?!

  27. My all-time favorite is German Chocolate cake…so yummy!!

  28. Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese frosting!

  29. I love that purse! My favorite kind of cake is caramel cake. It’s so creamy and rich and decadent!

  30. My fav is any kind of ice cream cake

  31. Chocolate sour cream cake with chocolate buttercream icing is my favorite. Yummmmmmo!

  32. How to choose just one….
    I love coconut, and I love red velvet, that must be why I choose,
    German Chocolate!

  33. Carrot cake!

  34. Hmm…. strawberry shortcake reminds me of visiting my grandparents, and having just a warm plain cake from the oven with fresh strawberries and cream. Yum!

  35. Wow!! I’ve never had a red purse before, but this looks awesome! I’d sport it around town, mini van and two kids in tow! Ha! Ok….my favorite cake would be my White Almond Sour Cream Cake that I make for my cake customers, basically any kind of almond pound cake or almond pastry is the best!!

  36. pick one she says right…apple tart cake as in the best of both desserts without having to say I will have a piece of both please and thank you!
    …but hello did you look at the Scout Journey bags, use for your baby boy now and save for when he is older; the bags are like a black dress always in style!

  37. Banana with cream cheese frosting!

  38. Chocolate Cake with Buttercream Frosting!

  39. Red velvet, hands down. That bag is making me drool! ;)

  40. Birthday cake is my favorite kind of cake to eat . Truly an adorable bag.

  41. Three words…. chocolate, chocolate, CHOCOLATE!!!!!!

  42. Favorite cake…hmmmm….so many to choose from. However, just as usual, chocolate chocolate chocolate wins out every time!

  43. My favorite cake is Red Velvet!

    My favorite cake is carrot cake with cream cheese icing and flaked coconut on top ;)

  45. I think Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate Sheet Cake has eclipsed all other cakes for me, but I still like any kind of cake with my homemade buttercream frosting on it!

  46. I love pretty much all forms of cake – but the favourite cake I’ve made myself was a rich buttermilk chocolate cake with mascarpone icing. Ahh, to be able to eat dairy again!

  47. My favorite kind of cake is definitely red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting! Absolutely delicious.

  48. Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm I don’t even have to think about it. My favorite cake is German chocolate. Love it!

  49. that purse is adorable!!!
    i am a purist. my favorite cake is vanilla with vanilla buttercream. yummmmmmmmmm

  50. Luhhhv the bag!! My fave cake is Italian Cream Cake, the crunch is the best and it’s even better all warmed up and gooey! Yummy!

  51. I love all cake but a nice moist butter cake with chocolate frosting is a comfort food!

  52. I love chocolate chocolate chip bundt cake with chocolate cinnamon pour icing. I love to eat the icing that pools in the middle of ring while it’s still warm. Mmmmmmm!

  53. that’s not even a question…as chocolate-y as you can get! my grandma used to make a triple layer chocolate death cake – YUM! thanks for highlighting such an amazing company who makes adorable purses! :)

  54. My favorite is carrot cake with cream cheese icing… or rice krispie cake :P

  55. Red Velvet is my favorite!

  56. Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!!!!

  57. I Looooove Lemon cake!

  58. I love love love all kinds of cake :) But cake you can carry with you? Sooooo Sweet ;)

  59. Pure white birthday cake :)

  60. My absolute favorite is carrot cake!

  61. Champagne Raspberry cake!!

  62. White cake with raspberry filling. Love it.

  63. Chocolate, chocolate, and CHOCOLATE!!!…did I say chocolate?! :)

  64. I love love love red velvet….so this purse is super sweet!

  65. I am a traditional yellow cake and white icing kind of girl!

  66. Lemon!!!!! Ummmm… now I want some!

  67. Definitely have to go with homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. But… angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream is equally tempting to me. Quandary!!

  68. Chocolate cake is the only cake for me! With chocolate icing of some kind…

  69. I love Red Velvet Cakes and I would love this Red Velvet purse.
    I wish you would have included a red velvet cake recipe in this post too. I am planning to make one to take to my daughter’s in April she has never had one. I have never made one before only bought them.

  70. Vanilla Cake with Vanilla icing dyed pink. Don’t ask me why, thats just the way my mom has always made it for me

  71. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting!!

  72. Oh no, I could never pick a favorite! I love all cake. But if you forced me to pick, I’d say….cheeseCAKE. :)

  73. My favourite cake? By far it is vanilla pound cake.

  74. My fav would have to be red velvet with cream cheese icing, to die for!!

  75. i haven’t found a cake i didn’t like… ;-) but my favorite is pretty much any type of chocolate cake…

  76. So cute! Favorite cake, German chocolate with buttercream frosting, and of course ice cream!!

  77. I love three chocolates cake!!

  78. My fav right now is probably a pina colada cake I have made a few times. Mmmmmm…GOOD!

  79. chocolate cake, chocolate frosting! y.u.m.

  80. Hmm… that is a tough one, but if I had to choose, I would say red velvet, definitely red velvet.

  81. My favorite cake is plain chocolate. Thou my grandmother’s lemon cake is a close runner-up.

  82. Definately German chocolate – yum!

  83. My favorite cake has to be a chocolate mousse cake that I make only 1-2 times a year–usually for my hubby’s b-day and maybe for Christmas. It takes 2 days and about $25 of good chocolate. It is a french recipe and it is TOO DIE FOR!
    I carried a PPB diaper bag with baby #2 and loved it! I would LOVE this purse!

  84. Mmmmm, I love chocolate chocolate chip cake with a bit of homemade whipped cream on top!

  85. I love my grandma’s oatmeal cake. It is SO good. Everyone thinks it a little strange until they taste it, and then they are begging for it too!

  86. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting! Yummy!

  87. Love Charlotte Cake with strawberry mousse….UHMMMMMMMMMMM YUM!!!!!

    It’s my Birthday so I’m just waiting to have some this week..

  89. so cute!

    My favorite cake is salted caramel cupcakes… mmmm

  90. Strawberry shortcake is my favorite bakery cake but my Mom’s Jewish Apple Cake is the best in the world.

  91. I love red velvet!

  92. Red Velvet… Its has to be that “moist, out of this world” red velvet though!! =) GREAT giveaway… I want this purse!!!

  93. Oh my goodness…I’m in love with this purse!

    Fav. cake? Oh…I love them all! Currently, I’m in love with Zucchini Pineapple Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese icing. Found on Tasty Kitchen and haven’t made it for anyone and they didn’t like it! mmmm….mmmmm!!!!

  94. Red Velvet cake with brown sugar cream cheese frosting!

  95. I’ve never met a cake I didn’t like but if I had to pick only one…it would be carrot cake with cream cheese frosting – of course!

  96. I love chocolate cake – the darker and richer, the better!

  97. Spice cake. With cream cheese frosting. Nothing better!!!

  98. white cake with lemon curd and fresh blueberry filling. Frosted with buttercream. MMMMMMMMMMM………….

  99. White wedding cake….

  100. I don’t like regular cake. But I do like cheesecake.

  101. Cute, cute, cute! They didn’t make diaper bags so stylish back in my day!
    My favorite cake?? Baby food prune cake. Sounds gross, but it’s so moist and delicious, and it has lots of nuts…all good!

  102. Chocolate cake with fudge frosting!

  103. I love this bag! I am a handbag addict! Would love to add this to my collection.

    I also love cake of all kinds, but if I had to choose one it would be Chocolate Cake with buttercream frosting! Yummmmm

    Please pick me, I would love to use this new bag for the spring and even if I don’t have a baby, I do have a new puppy and they need to have wipes and stuff too!

  104. ok, so my fave cake is homemade (not from a box) angel food with homemade whipped cream and red rasberries. The whipped cream should have been doused with vanilla extract. The cake can be cut in cubes and mixed with the other ingredients to really soak up the flavor. Amen.

  105. Any kind except chocolate… as long as it has lots of great icing! :D

  106. My absolute favorite cake is box yellow with a can of dark chocolate frosting. LOVE it! Just as I would LOVE that diaper bag. I have babies, so that would be a blessing!!!

  107. I dream of a Miami Beach Chocolate cake with a carmel decrative sauce.

  108. I love a good old fashion yellow cake BUT food coloring makes it so much more festive! Rainbow cake is the best!

  109. Red Velvet with Cr Cheese Frosting hands down( hard to find in NJ)

  110. Lemony French Cake…. mmm.

  111. I will try ANY cake… but I’m a fan of good old devil’s food (with peanut butter icing, of course!)

  112. I’m a huge fan of trifle! Cake + pudding = heaven!

  113. Very Cute, Very Cakey!

  114. My favorite cake is one my mom used to make for me – she called it Chocolate Heaven. It was!!!

    Thanks for a chance to win a great give-away.

    And OH are your red velvet cakeballs winning my kudos all over the place. Thanks so very much!

  115. My favorite cake is lemon cake with lemon frosting….and the frosting has to be real tart. My Grama would make it for me for my birthday when I was growing up. No one else liked it but Grama and me, so we would eat it all by ourselves!!! My Grama taught me to cook and bake. She had me cooking pot roast and cakes by the time I was 6, she did help. I think of her every July on my birthday and I have a piece of lemon cake just for her.

  116. how did you know i have been lusting this clutch? swoon. appropriately enough, red velvet is my favorite cake :) yum!

  117. I am a fan of good old fashioned chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. Nothing better!

  118. I love anything with coconut frosting. Yum!

  119. I have to pick just one?!?! I’d say white wedding cake or homemade angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Yum!!!

  120. Oooh, this looks almost good enough to eat! But, I am going to have to say my absolute favourite cake is German chocolate…all that gooey coconut and nuts…mmmm
    Might just have to make one today!

  121. my grandmother’s chocolate cake with mocha icing and covered in crushed peanuts.

  122. Chocolate is my fav cake- yum. RED is my favorite color!

  123. Angel Food cake – baked by my mom, cooled upside down on a bottle of wine and served with her fresh raspberry sauce – truly a little slice of heaven.

  124. Love, love, LOVE carrot cake!

  125. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate…maybe chocolate-fudge. Did I mention chocolate?

  126. I’m adopting and could so use a diaper bag!
    My favorite cake is good old fashioned chocolate. :)

  127. I love yellow cake with chocolate frosting. It’s boring, but never gets old!

  128. Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting is my favorite by far!! :)

  129. Italian cream cake is the bomb!

  130. just one???? I don’t think I can. I love ALL cake!

  131. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting!

  132. Angel Food cake is my favorite! My mom makes me one every year for my birthday. Top with some strawberries and some whipped cream, can’t beat it!

  133. Umm…choosing a favourite cake for a 11-year-old is really difficult, but I SERIOUSLY love my grandma’s apple cake.

  134. any chocolate cake with frosting – actually if someone would make me cake I will eat it !! :)

  135. Red Velvet is one of my favorites, but I think Chocolate wins! Chocolate cake with Chocolate ganache filling and strawberries…OH.MY.WORD.
    Great. Now my mouth is watering for chocolate cake at 9AM…this may be a very long day!

  136. Cheesecake

  137. Lemon cake with cream cheese butter cream.
    I love that bag its so cute.

  138. My favorite is Red Velvet with cream cheese icing – ohhhh my!

  139. lemon cake with lemon cream cheese icing… OMM NOM NOM NOM!!!

  140. red velvet, of course.

  141. Oh, I think Texas sheet cake, with pecans scattered over the frosting is the best

  142. homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting! :)

  143. Angel food cake drizzled with coca-cola icing!! My grandmother makes the icing, it’s amazing!

  144. Anything with chocolate!

  145. Regular ol’ pineapple upside down cake from the box. SO DELICIOUS when it’s still warm!

  146. Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate Sheet Cake.

  147. Oh my gosh. This would be awesome. We just had twins and we were contemplating buying a new diaper bag since ours is too small.
    If I had to choose just one cake, it would be butter yellow with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. So simple, yet soooo good.

  148. White cake – white icing …. like the old fashioned wedding cakes.. no fondant, just icing.

  149. Red Velvet is my favorite, which is why the bag is destined to be mine.

  150. OMG – please oh please!!! This is my kind of thing! I am sooooo in love and am soooooo in need of something cheery to help me through right now…….But, my fave cake would have to be insane chocolate layer cake with outrageous chocolate fudge frosting!!!! I LOVE the Motherload Chocoalte Cake at Claim Jumper (which is a chain restaurant, I believe, but I have only been to once in Denver Colorado on a road trip almost 5 years ago….and it still sticks with me…I have many pictures as this cake was HUGE – 7 or 8 layers of pure chocolate yummyness with that oh-so-perfect cake to frosting ratio and moistness and fudgyness….oh boy…I’m getting hungry. Problem is that living in Western Massachusetts, is really not a hub for yummy desserts…what am I to do about that??? Well, I hope I am to win Cake in accessory form…that should help ease my cravings!!! ha!
    thanks Bakerella…you really make me smile
    Keeping my fingers crossed…I really want to win this one!!!!
    Alli WInston

  151. How can I deny myself of my truest desire– carrot cake. So soft, so good, so delicious. This bag looks as scrumptious as well. Pray’tell, I win!

  152. Oh my God, that is too CUTE! The color is just gorgeous. Love it!

  153. I know if i won this sweet like confectionary treat i would fill it with my favorite cake – apple spice cake with cream cheese frosting and carmel drizzel so they could both go to work with me!! hehe

  154. To choose only one is really hard. I think I will go with chocolate!

  155. Chocolate cake all the way!! Fudge, rich, chocolate! YUM!

  156. ice cream cake…with those delicious chocolate crunchies.

  157. chocolate with chocolate with more chocolate!!! yum!

  158. Chocolate with chocolate ganache, you know, the Death By type! ;)

  159. How can I possibly choose a favorite cake? If I had to, however, dark chocolate cake with espresso-hazelnut buttercream would probably win.

  160. My favorite cake is strawberry with cream cheese icing. yum, yum!!!

  161. I love red velvet cake! It’s my favorite!

  162. So cute! I love white cake since cake is pretty much a frosting delivery device in my book.

  163. Strawberry short cake with real whipped cream when the strawberries are fresh picked from the local strawberry farm! Soo yummy!

  164. I love cake. especially german chocolate cake, or chocolate on chocolate.

  165. I love cakes with cream cheese icing, like Carrot Cake or Hummingbird Cake.

  166. Carrot cake with yummy cream cheese frosting!

  167. The Chocolate Chocolate Cake from Outback or any Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake.

  168. Red velvet with cream cheese frosting! That was our wedding cake :-)

  169. chocolate chip poundcake!!! My absolute favorite!!

    I saw this diaper bag for the first time yesterday – my neighbor has the blue and green one! It is as beautiful in person as it is in your pictures!!

  170. Ummm is this not the cutest thing. I love it and love that RED….
    My favorite cake is a soft white with cream cheese frosting.

  171. Chocolate Fudge!!!

  172. Ooohh, even though I love chocolate in any form, when it comes to cake, lemon is my favorite!

  173. Flourless Chocolate Cake!!!

  174. I love any type of lemon cake! I have made Bakerella’s gigantic chocolate and peanutbutter cup cake and that’s a close second!

  175. Wow! I really like the bag. My favorite cake is German Chocolate! ~~ Amanda in KS

  176. Julia Child’s chocolate sponge cake in Mastering the Art of French Cooking with the chocolate ganache-esque frosting that’s int eh cookbook too!

  177. ice cream cake. hands down.

  178. Chocolate, but not any chocolate, has to me the family recipe, it’s to die for!

  179. Lemon Cake…Yum!

  180. my favorite cake was chocolate with buttercream frosting my grandfather used to make we used to call them Dzia Dzia cakes but he passed away so i dont get them anymore but i still love chocolate cake!

  181. Gorgeous bag!!! I love ice box cake. Love. Ice. Box. Cake.

  182. Is there any cake I *don’t* love??? But the pinnacle of cakedom is definitely – white cake (with a hint of almond) and white buttercream icing. Which I just so happened to have eaten for breakfast. :-)

  183. Chocolate Amaretto…mmmm….

  184. Chocolate cake always!!! with a yummy delicious vanilla icing!

  185. Red Velvet Cake!

  186. Banana Chocolate Chip Cake…mmm…hungry just thinking about it. =)

  187. That is the cutest diaper bag ever. I love it, love it, love. I’m pretty boring. My favorite cake yellow cake with chocolate frosting. My all time favorite is white wedding cake with white icing.

  188. my grandmother’s pound cake.

  189. pick me…oh…pick me! I love love love amaretto flavoring in yellow cake with some sort of raspberry and buttercream filling …sooooo good!

  190. Butter Cake, which I grew up calling sour milk cake because you had to let the milk sit out or “sour”. I didn’t really understand that growing up. Didn’t stop me from eatting it though!

  191. Angel food and devils food…how’s that for two opposites!

  192. carrot cake with cream cheese frosting =]

  193. I love all kinds of cake – i think white cake with white frosting would have to be my all time favorite!

  194. anything chocolate on chocolate!

  195. Hot Cocoa cake- Chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and fudge frosting, with homemade marshmallows on top;
    my very close 2nd favorite is lemon cake with lemon curd filling and whipped cream/buttercream frosting. Divine!

  196. Homemade Caramel cake rocks it for me!

  197. I suppose *any* kind of cake is my favorite, but if pressed I’d say Portillo’s chocolate cake, which can be admirably imitated by a box of chocolate cake mix and a cup of mayo.
    Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve always wanted a PP bag- they are so beautiful and functional!

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