
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. A baby shower with babycakes (mini cupcakes) and POPS!

  2. My one year olds birthday party:)!!!!!!! These are so amazing and oh so cute!

  3. I made two Jello Cakes for a dear friends 55th birthday dinner! First time I ever tried it, and it was FANTASTIC! Who would have thought?!

  4. I made a double chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting for some family that came in from out of town. I would love those cake stands! So pretty!

  5. I last celebrated with cake on spring break with my family! A vacation was cause to celebrate and eat cake!!

  6. we celebrated my mother-in-law’s birthday a few weeks ago with a nice cake. it was pretty tasty.

  7. Last friday! I made orange cupcakes for my cousin’s birthday!

  8. Just celebrated today for my boss’s birthday. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

  9. my going away party in the old office

  10. We had cake for the Potty training party we through for, the same day we had ckae for Grandmas birthday! Lots of cake that day :)

  11. Last night at home, just because:)

  12. Tonight! Early birthday celebration for my amazing cousin who (sob) ends her visit to my house tomorrow.

  13. We had cupcakes on Saturday night to celebrate reconnecting with an old friend who came to stay with me for the weekend!

  14. My daughter’s birthday – we had an ice skating fairy on it!

  15. I actually sometimes make cake for no reason just because I like it, it looks pretty and it’s a great way to share, Last time was today to surprise my family when they came back from work, I think it’s nice to come home tired or so and be received that way, makes you feel loved and appreciated.

  16. Last friday yum!

  17. We made cute little mini cupcakes for a church activity just yesterday. It’s always fun to have my boys help me in the kitchen.

  18. Wow, I honestly don’t remember. I do however plan on making cupcakes for a friend’s 18th birthday next week and another batch for a knitting store that helped me with my senior year honours project. generosity and friendship are two of my favourite things to celebrate with cake! :)

  19. My best friend’s birthday =)

  20. We celebrated my daughter’s third birthday last month with yummy homemade cake.

  21. I am known for my love of baking cakes and my ministry is baking cakes and sharing them with others, especially each week at my Bible study group. We eat lunch together and I am always the one who bakes the dessert, which is almost always cake. I love cake stands as much as I love baking the cakes. The presentation is everything!!! My motto is: Eat dessert first!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  22. Last Sunday for my father’s bday…………will have more cake in three weeks for my hubby’s bday – his standing order is chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, he cuts a big slice, puts it in a bowl and pours ice cold milk over the top. It’s a slice of heaven for him. :-)

  23. My husbands 30th Birthday last week I made him his favorite Carrot Cake with the twist of using Blue frosting request from my 4 year old.

  24. My wee little bro’s 20th birthday just on Sunday! He’s no longer a teenager! I made a vanilla and chocolate layer cake with caramel buttercream (his favourite) and toffee shards to celebrate… mmmMMMmmmm…

  25. My birthday was yesterday..we had chocolate cake with strawberries and oreos on top MMmmmm

  26. The last time I celebrated with a cake was for my daughter’s 4th birthday. These are so pretty!

  27. Last week to celebrate passing my certification exam!

  28. Oh, anytime is a good time for a cake! The last time I actually had one, however, was March 1st, my Mama’s birthday. I made an amazing Hummingbird Cake that was just sinfully delicious.

  29. We celebrated with cake a few months ago at a hummus party we had!

  30. I made one just to enjoy some cake a few days ago

  31. My grandma’s 80th birthday! :)

  32. My daughter’s first birthday, where we celebrated with cake and cake pops….

    See more here:

  33. About a week ago we had a “Goodbye Tonsils/Happy Half Birthday” cake for my daughter who was having surgery the day after her half birthday. Half chocolate, half white – all yummy!

  34. My mother’s birthday. Although who needs a celebration to eat cake?!

  35. I made my daughter a Tinkerbell cake for her birthday-she LOVED it. I need to find more excuses to make cake. :)

  36. my wedding a few weeks ago!!

  37. My 31st birthday that was on March 10 :)

  38. Birthday party this weekend

  39. A birthday party for one of our neighbors last month was probably the last cake celebration. Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. The last event with cake I went to was my brother’s wedding a couple weeks ago! It was absolutely delicious!
    And I get to make a cake for my roommates 21st birthday in a couple of weeks!

  41. New Year’s Day to celebrate my daughter’s and sister’s birthdays.

  42. The last time my family was all together, I baked us a chocolate raspberry cake !

  43. Daughter’s baby shower. Baby is here now!

  44. The last event I celebrated with cake was my friends bridal shower. I made 3 dozen hawaiin themed cupcakes for her!

  45. Valentines day…It has been way to long!

  46. A wonderful peanut butter cake baked by my sister in law for my brother’s surprise 40th birthday party. It was worth flying cross country for!

  47. This past Saturday at a friend’s son’s 5th birthday!

  48. My birthday and it was yummy!

  49. Best friend’s B’day, 2 nights ago.

  50. My last time I celebrated with cake was my school project XD exciting! A 3 tier with hand made gum paste butterflies softly circling around it! Oh and it was red velvet with mascarpone frosting too!

  51. Love pedastal cake plates. Love love love!!! Well for some reason I got voted to make or buy the cake for my brother in laws birthday party. I tried to make a cake with pans that were too shallow* sigh* spilled all over my BRAND NEW oven* sigh* the center never set up and I ended up calling a local bakery and had to buy a cake!!! I have a pretty stocked kitchen. How could I not have decent round cake plates! Anyways I do now and these plates would be the perfect excuse to break in my new pans. Ha ha. All in all it was probably best since my shallow pans were heart shaped and that might have been slightly awkward… ;-)

  52. I made mini coconut cupcakes for my going-away party with my co-workers from the job I left, and they were so cute…and delicious! =)

  53. My dad’s 65th birthday last month.

  54. I bake everyday for friends and family, even now!
    Everyday is a celebration.

  55. My daughter’s 5th birthday. She requested a Belle barbie cake and that’s what she got!

  56. This past Saturday, March 26, I hosted my best friend’s bridal shower at my house. I made your cake pops and a red velvet cake! It was delicious!! Those cake stands are adorable!!!

  57. it’s been too long since I’ve had cake!!! but over Christmas my mom made several amazing cakes…. hmmm…

  58. Sunday! Had a lovely lunch with girlfriends finished by some yummy little cakes one of them picked up from a local bakery. Yummmmmm!

  59. I bake cakes every month for my workgroup to celebrate all the birthdays for the month. We are a workgroup of 26 people on two shifts so I bake ALOT and I love doing it. Some months they get cakes, some months-cupcakes, and some months, cakepops. I always try to be festive and do different things. Plus, baking is calming for me-my husband passed away last July and I spend a lot of time in my kitchen on the weekends baking. It’s good therapy.

  60. friend’s birthday!

  61. I’m a girl that loves me some cake so any occasion is an occasion for cake, but the last time I had the chance to partake was just a couple of weeks ago for my sis-in-law’s birthday. Hooray for homemade pineapple-orange cake!

  62. Well, the last few cakes I made I destroyed on purpose… for cake balls, of course :-)

  63. Last week we made a cake….just to celebrate a beautiful day!

  64. Purim (a Jewish holiday).

  65. My fiancées birthday in January–it was an ice cream cake!

  66. We had a small family Princess party for my 3 year old niece on Sunday. These are just adorable!

  67. March 19th, I made (and ate of course) your Pink Cake Pops for my sister -in-laws baby shower- it’s a girl!! :-)

  68. Saint Patty’s Day!
    Next the big 3-0!

  69. My friend Paul’s birthday; I made him a German Chocolate cake. His girlfriend and I threw him a surprise party. Everyone brought a silly hat for him to wear. It was a good night.

  70. I made a cake for my boyfriend’s birthday last month. Double chocolate!

  71. I don’t remember the last time I had an actual cake…this is troubling, I should probably make one.

  72. Two weekends ago at a 2nd b-day party. I made the cake and cupcakes. I think it’s time for some more.

  73. Been so long, I can’t even remember. Help me rectify this tragedy with a beautiful cake stand.

  74. The last tome I celebrated with cake was my daughter’s 7th birthday in January. I love the pretties!

  75. Just today…for no reason. I’m taking a cake decorating class and made a cake that someone had to eat! ;)

    BTW, I hope you are feeling much better and you get back to health real quick! Looking forward to seeing more goodies from you!

  76. St Patricks, oddly enough! Which my family never celebrates, but I wanted to make something cute for the occasion. Cup-cakes, that is. Vanilla bean with green hearts in the middle, topped with pastel green buttercream and a piped chocolate shamrock!

  77. My roommate’s 28th birthday in VEGAS! I made Vegas cupcakes!

  78. I last celebrated Sunday with cake pops! That’s right, Sunday! No need for a specific occasion in our house :)

  79. Last cake was for my daughter’s 15th birthday, a funfetti cake. She has requested funfetti since she could talk :)

  80. I celebrated my daughter’s 26th birthday with pink and purple cake pops!

  81. Sadly its been such a long time since I’ve had cake I don’t remember when I last had some =(

  82. My father, husband’s and my own combined bday!! I made a lavendar cake.. yum… how I wish I had a pink pedestal to display the next one!! :) Hope you’re doing well! My prayers are with you. Thank you for continuing to post.

  83. My birthday 3/19 Celebrated with Cheesecake this year. YUMMMM :-)

  84. I’ll be celebrating by making 30 cupcakes for a baby shower this weekend!! =)

  85. The last cake I made was a cheesecake a month ago for my boss. Guess I need to make cake more often! I was just looking at a picture of Dorie’s perfect party cake thinking how much I love that lemon buttercream. Now I just need an excuse.

  86. My Grandmother’s 80th birthday!

  87. My best friend brought me homemade cupcakes all the way from Boston to celebrate my birthday in New York– amazing!

  88. Last weekend I had cake to celebrate my sort-of niece’s third birthday, my for-real niece’s first birthday, and my good friend’s new baby boy. :)

  89. the “march” birthday cake at work… it was store bought but it still satisfied my sweet-tooth :)

  90. My sister made Guinness chocolate cupcakes on my birthday/St. Patrick’s Day. They were so good we never got around to making the icing for them.

  91. I made a cake for my Grandmothers 83rd Birthday last week!

  92. Celebrated some co-workers in the last few weeks but the last “special” time was in February where we celebrated my husband’s, my mother’s and my aunt-in-law! The cake stands and the cakes and sweets are beautiful. They would be perfect for a wedding or baby girl shower!!!

  93. We always celebrate birthday’s with cake! But a coconut cake on a random weekend is the very best.

  94. Friends’ engagement last month.

  95. The last time I had a cake was during my Mom’s birthday when I baked her a Banana cake – her favourite.

  96. Oh my goodness! Melody’s shop is definitely within driving distance of my house…about 15 minutes to be exact! There goes my waistline. The last time I celebrated with cake was my boss’s birthday last week at the office.

  97. A co-worker’s promotion party!

  98. for my fiances bday!!!

  99. My birthday in December.

  100. I bake almost everyday for family and friends. Even now!
    Everyday is a celebration! :)

  101. My Step father’s in Law’s birthday! :)

  102. The last occasion I celebrated..was yesterday…I ate cake because it was Monday, and I like Mondays!!

  103. I enjoyed some cake last Tuesday and Wednesday, that was part of a birthday potluck at work for three of our birthdays!

    (Thank you Melody and Bakerella!)

  104. Chocolate cupcakes with a raspberry cheesecake buttercream frosting for hanging out with some friends we haven’t seen in seven years.

  105. We celebrated my best friend’s daughter’s 3rd birthday last weekend!!

  106. I recently celebrated my Neice’s Birthday a couple weeks ago, and this Saturday, April 2, is my birthday, and we shall celebrate with cake!

  107. My daughter’s 5th birthday with a Super Mario themed cake and decorated cookies!

  108. I need these! Cake pedestals are my most favorite things ever! and I don’t have any similar to these! Please pick me!!!

  109. These stands and sweets are amazing!! Love them all!!! Celebrated my younger sisters birthday with a Vegas themed cake just last week

  110. A labmate’s bday! I made a nutella cake for the celebration – yum!

  111. We actually made Pink & White Zebra striped monogrammed cookies and pink champagne cake balls for a baby shower in California. Had to send them overnight from Alabama! That was after getting back from celebrating being together with Key Lime Cheesecake in Texas! It has been a delicious week!

  112. St. Patrick’s Day! Green Velvet cake- yummy!

  113. The last occasion I made cake for was for my husband’s work. Their logo on top and basket weave all the way around. Took forever!!

  114. The last event I celebrated with cake was my bestie’s little boy’s first birthday! Dinosaur themed, way too precious for words!

  115. A bridal shower. Love the cake stands!

  116. i just dug a cupcake out of the freezer for a late night snack. surely that counts – horray for late night snacks!!!

  117. My roommate’s birthday!!

  118. Pretty much any day can be celebrated with cake here. I bought a cake, sliced it up, and stuffed it in the freezer. Cake every day!

  119. Oh my, I just must have those pink pedestals. I can’t stand it! Let’s see…..we just celebrated a friend’s 4th birthday party with YOUR hello kitty cake pops! fun!

    ps: love to see your posts pop up again! hope you’re feeling strong!

  120. Last time I celebrated with cake was my son’s 11 birthday. :)

  121. The last celebration I celebrate with a cake was when a friend from far away came for a visit. When she told me she told me she was coming I thought I would bake her a yummy cake to enjoy while we visit.

  122. The last time I needed an adorable cake stand was to host my sister in law’s bridal shower… now I could use an adorable cake stand to host her baby shower!!

  123. I had my 26th birthday!!! red velvet cake!!!!

  124. I made gooey butter cake on saturday, just for fun!

  125. the last occasion I celebrated was my 30th birthday earlier this month!!!!

  126. The last place I celebrated with cake was at my house for my Mom’s birthday. I baked her a blood orange olive oil cake. Would love to win those pretty cake stands!

  127. We had cake at my parents’ house on Sunday. My siblings snd their families (about 9 of us) get together to eat with my mom and dad.

  128. we celebrated my daughter’s 4th birthday with a Toy Story 3 ice cream cake that I made!

  129. We celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday with Tinkerbell Cupcakes

  130. Dark chocolate cupcakes for my friend Georgann’s Birthday.

  131. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was my daughter’s 6th birthday! It was a Cat in the Hat cake and it was delicious :)

  132. My last cake celebration was my 1 year anniversary with my husband last weekend! We enjoyed the top cake from our wedding cake which was just as yummy as it was one year ago. It would have looked lovely on one of these pedestals.

  133. Hm. No particular occasion, I just felt like making a cake~ Before that? My niece’s birthday.

  134. Our last “cakey occasion” was my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary! LOVE!

  135. my husband’s birthday- german chocolate. YUM!

  136. My niece’s Birthday on Mar 17.

  137. My birthday! It was at the beginning of the month, and my husband made me a Cappuccino White Chocolate Cheesecake with Chocolate Ganache…to die for! I’m so lucky…

  138. I just made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting two nights ago…there was no special occasion, just wanted it! Well I did have a baby a week ago so I guess you could say I’m still celebrating:)

  139. For Sunday dinner last night – just because! :)

  140. my fiance’s birthday! the cake wasn’t nearly as pretty as these cakes though

  141. Made a red velvet cake a couple of night ago. Would have looked even better on one of those beautiful stands :)

  142. We celebrated my Mother in Law’s Birthday last week, and made a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting! YUM!!!

  143. The last occasion we celebrated with cake was my husbands birthday. I made him am Angels themed red velvet cake

  144. Those are beautiful! I’ll take two stands, one dome, and a ruffle cake as well. Count me in! The last time I had cake was for the love of my life’s b-day. My hubby rocks.

  145. I made cupcakes for my hubbys birthday a couple of weeks ago.

  146. Do cupcakes count? I made Red Velvet cupcakes for a co-worker’s baby shower. Simply divine!!

  147. The last cake I had was for my uncle’s birthday. I made yummy red velvet!

  148. My birthday!

  149. Girlfriend’s birthday on Saturday!

  150. The last place I celebrated with cake was my house for my Mom’s birthday. I baked her a blood orange olive oil cake and it was delicious! Would love to win those pretty cake stands!

  151. My grandmas birthday on Sunday! :)

  152. We last celebrated my son bridging into Boy Scouts.

  153. My sister-in-laws birthday. I made Pioneer Woman’s chocolate cake. YUM YUM YUM!!

  154. A close friend’s birthday – celebrated with cake pops!

  155. My friend’s birthday a few days ago. We had a chocolate sponge with mocha buttercream cake. YUM!! :)

  156. I made an Ariel cake for my grand-daughter’s 6th birthday. She was in heaven and I was thrilled to be a part of her big celebration!

  157. A friend’s baby shower a few weeks ago

  158. I am in the beginning phase of starting my in-home bakery, so we “celebrate” with cake a lot. I had a hankering for some swiss meringue buttercream, so I made a batch. The next day we had a family dinner and decided to make a cake to go with the frosting. :)

  159. Today for lunch – for no real reason at all (leftovers from a co-worker’s wife’s birthday!)

  160. the last time we celebrated with cake was a month ago…on my wedding day!

  161. We had cake at our family dinner on Sunday. There are 11 of us that get together every Sunday to eat at our parents’ house. It’s so fun!

  162. My birthday was the 20th. I turned 30…Would have loved to say that was the last time, but no. No one made me a cake. The last time I had made cake was the end of Febuary and it was just because I love you treats for my kiddies.

  163. Do cupcakes count? A coworker’s birthday last week. I had half a chocolate cupcake, half a delicious red velvet one. Mmmm…

  164. My dog’s birthday. Humans got cake. Doggies got home made Peanut Butter Puppy treats!

  165. Celebrated a retirement at work with yummy cake last Friday!

  166. I celebrated with a cake on Valentine’s Day – inspired by blogs I read I went after making my first real “decorated” cake and it came out great!

  167. My grandma’s birthday this Sunday! :)

  168. My step-son’s 10th birthday!

  169. My cousin’s wedding. I made a largemouth bass groom’s cake.

  170. We just celebrated my sons FIRST birthday last week and my step sons 13th!! It was a joyus occasion and we had cupcakes and desserts galore!These pedestals are AMAZING and exactly what I have been looking for!! Yay!! =)

  171. My parents coming to visit last week!

  172. love, love, love all Melody’s things. I’d love to have it to put my treats on. I would make the drive out, just so I could meet her and she wouldn’t have to ship it. I’ve been meaning to make my way out to her beautiful shop (I’ve only seen photos)

  173. Saw a yummy cake at the store, so I picked it up as a Happy Friday cake.

  174. My baby’s birthday.

  175. Does baked alaska count? My roommate and I made one to celebrate spring break. Other than that the last time I baked cake for a real holiday was valentine’s day cupcakes. :)

  176. Oohh, I LOVE them! if I don’t win, I’m definitely adding them to my wish list. :-)

    The last occasion I celebrated with cake was the first day of Spring! I made a honey beehive cake to bring to work:

  177. hmm do we really need a special occasion to have cake? my hubby and i had red velvet cake a couple weeks ago, just because… ;) i have been ogling the gorgeous cake stands at my sweet & saucy for months…

  178. Actually, yesterday for my brother’s birthday.

  179. My birthday last month!

  180. The last occasion I made a cake for was last night and we celebrated sunday! hehe. I made pioneer woman’s crumb cake and oh boy was it good!

  181. Be still my heart … this is the most fabulous post!! I love everything about it … it makes me want to have a party just so I can have all of the yummies {and accessories} in the photos!!

  182. I made a rainbow cake for St. Patrick’s day! My kids (and hubby) were really impressed :)

  183. We celebrated my son’s 1st birthday (in January) with Carrot cupcakes…and tomorrow will be celebrating my husband’s birthday with cheesecake.

  184. My friend’s birthday on St. Patric’s Day.

  185. Middle of march, with a just because I wanted to bake cake. Spice cake with carrot and raisins added in with cream cheese frosting. mmmm.

  186. My college graduation!

  187. We baked a cake today and celebrated Monday, for no other reason than we wanted cake! Works for me! :)

  188. Ahhhh! I’m dying right now hoping I win this. I saw that table featured a while ago and wanted that set so badly! Here’s to hoping I win it! The last occasion I celebrated was my husband’s birthday. I made him the snickerdoodle duo you posted!

  189. My friend’s baby shower – she had TWINS!! :)

  190. Co-worker’s birthday. We’re all teachers so the cake we had was a “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” Cake!! Adorable!!

  191. I made an italian cream cake for my boyfriend…the reason was a SWEET surprise for him for fixing my kitchen sink that took 8 hours to do.

  192. last week. made some opera cake for the family!

  193. I celebrated my Grandma’s 85th birthday. =)
    I made her a vanilla cake with strawberry filling. =)

  194. I bake a cake for my hubbys 40th birthday last week, it was full of love and sweetness…

  195. Baby Shower…lots of pink!

  196. My sister’s birthday about 4 weeks ago. My cousin made a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache/orange frosting. It was heaven on a plate.

  197. my mom’s birthday in january-aunt sassy’s (pistachio)cake from the baking book “baked explorations” delicious!!!

  198. cake? i can’t remember when. but that’s cause i don’t have one of these sweet cake pedestal thingies! and i need one, or two, or three. thanks for the giveaway!

  199. my cousin’s 2nd birthday — with elmo cupCAKES! that counts, right? ;d

    i love ALL of this!!!!

  200. My mother’s birthday. I got a tiny four person marble cake decorated with frosting sunflowers. It was lovely

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