
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. My boyfriend turned 30 this month! Of course I made him carrot and red velvet cupcakes!!

  2. Dad’s birthday :) cousins came over from Washington

  3. my cousins birthday!

  4. I’ve been trying for a day now to visit that site and every time it says ‘Page Won’t Load’ :( I don’t suppose you know what the problem is?

  5. A Tuesday for the kiddos. No need for a reason to celebrate to have cake!

  6. An anniversary :D

  7. My new job! But any occasion is an occasion for cake!

  8. My brother’s birthday. I made a from-scratch angel food cake for the first time :)

  9. My birthday!! The only thing that would have made the coconut cake any better would have been one of these beautiful cake stands!!

  10. It is my dream to have a Bakery…I am always dreaming up names, like Sugar Pies or Shoogarbaker’s. Anyways…these cake stands are the cutest ever. The last time I celebrated with cake was on March 5th at my brothers wedding. My sister baked the wedding cake and it had delicious butter cream frosting. My new sister-in-law, Jana chose three of my favorite colors…red, white, and black. It was a classy affair with delicious cake!!!

  11. My engagement party to the man of my dreams

  12. My friend’s daughter’s first birthday!

  13. My best friend from high school’s wedding!

  14. March 20, for my birthday. It was a store bought gluten free cake. I have been making cakes for over 30 years, but couldn’t eat them the last 15 years. Your blog has inspired me to start experimenting with gluten free cakes. They make GF cake mixes, so cake pops are in my future!

  15. I have been looking all over for pedastals and these are FABULOUS!!!!

  16. My (now) two-year-old’s birthday this past Thursday!

  17. I had cake last night because I had made cupcakes a few days ago and had an intense craving . . . but it wasn’t on such a pretty pedestal like these ones:)

  18. This past Saturday, at our teams gymnastics meet- we had a “cupcake wars” theme and each team brought 4 dozen cupcakes which were judged at the end of the day, then every gymnast got to take some too :)

  19. On my b-day 2 mths agos!!!

  20. My husband and I celebrated a long relaxing weekend with cake!!! But really…do you need a reason to eat cake?

  21. St. Patrick’s at school with my children’s classmates. :)

  22. I just had an impromptu girl’s night with cake and could have used this for sure!

  23. I make cake and desserts for every occassion. Sunday for a supper at church

  24. My daughter’s 11th birthday. Oh my they grow up way to fast.

  25. my birthday on 3/26. my most wonderful bf commissioned his step mom to make my very favorite cake of hers (texas sheet cake) so not only was it a fantastic cake but extra special because he surprised me with it!!!

  26. I had birthday cake and cake pops with my 6year old granddaughter Gracie…we share the same birthday. It was a very special day …we played together non stop.

  27. I celebrated my mom’s recovery after knee surgery with lemon cake with a lemon glaze. Perfect way to help get rid of the pain!

  28. My mothers 50th birthday on Monday!

  29. A sibling’s birthday!

  30. Cake Celebrations every week around this home! Most recently a co-worker. Love your blog; hope you are well!

  31. I took my gma out for cupcakes a couple weekends ago. Cupcakes count as a kind of cake right? (of course they do!)

  32. The last time was my birthday! I had a delicious chocolate cake with vanilla icing made by my sweet cousins :)

  33. Love the cake stands and hoping you are feeling better! The last celebration with cake was March 4, a carrot cake for my honey! You are in my thoughts!

  34. My friends birthday was last week! Got a generic cake from Wal- Mart, but on a college student’s budget, it was delish!

  35. My nephew’s birthday.

  36. I made a yummy pomegranate and key lime chiffon cake for my sister’s 18 birthday. It was delicious!

  37. Yesterday I had chocolate cake – my fav!

  38. My son’s 18th birthday

  39. I celebrated my engagement with cake! Lots and lots of cake!

  40. I “graduated” from my second Wilton class yesterday!

  41. These stands are beautiful!! I think every occasion is one that should be celebrated with cake!! The last one celebrated with cake at my house was my son’s 14th birthday. He is such a great kid and lets me chose his cake so I can experiment with either new flavors, twists on old flavors, or new designs!

  42. A baby shower!

  43. Saint Patrick’s Day, Chocolate Stout Cake using recipe from Smitten Kitchen.

  44. we had a new guy at our church who attended a night our church has for young single adults called FHE and I made a beautiufl cake. he went on a mission for our church in italy so I made an italian inspired cake

  45. My husbands birthday! My daugther’s second birthday is coming up and we are celebrating with cake pops!

  46. Just celebrated my mom-in-laws b-day with a cake. Beautiful pics and cakes!

  47. My son’s valentines school party is when I last made a cake. He is gluten and dairy free which makes it tricky but so worth it! Awesome giveaway. So pretty

  48. We had cake last weekend with friends.


  49. My daughter’s bday. She doesn’t like a lot of bday cake so I made a crepe tower with nutella to substitute a cake (on a pedestal stand!)

  50. What pedestals??? Just kidding! Gorgeous. Last time we celebrated with cake was my son’s 5th birthday. I made a Thomas Cake….with fondant. There’s a first and a last time for everything, right???

  51. My daughter’s bday. She doesn’t like a lot of bday cake so I made a crepe tower of nutella to substitute a cake (on a pedestal stand!)

  52. Oh my. I *heart* those!! And the last occasion I celebrated with cake?? Hmmm… son’s bday in January. I think I need to get in the kitchen!!

  53. On february, my mother in law´s birthday.

  54. My son and I celebrated last Monday (and Happy Spring) by baking a quatre-quarts cake. Simple vanilla goodness!

  55. Last monday for my birthday. My fiance made me an amazing black forest cake! It was his first attempt at baking without box mix and it was irresistibly good. Kind of like those cake stands are irresistibly adorable! :)

  56. Every occasion is celebrated with cake at our house! Most recently, it was my birthday.

  57. My bf’s birthday! How I love thee toffee cake.

  58. My moms 50th birthday. I tried to make a Black Forest cake and it was a disaster. So we went with a store bought one instead

  59. We celebrated spring with a lemon cake with rasberry filling. We’ll be eating cake again this weekend – celebrating my husband’s 50th birthday!

  60. My daughter’s 6th birthday a couple weeks ago -it’s been too long since we had cake. Thankfully, my son’s 4th birthday will be here soon. On Easter. And he wants carrot cake – I think that is adorable!

  61. My daughter and my son-in-love both turn 30 this month. They requested cupcakes. I made Little Mermaid cupcakes for her and Pirate cupcakes for him. They loved my effort and we also had Pirate ship ice cream boats. Also a good effort, but like you said in your new book. Who doesn’t like sweets, no matter what they look like. Thinking about making the monkey cake pops for my 4th grandchilds birthday Friday.

  62. I hate to say it, but the last occasion was a funeral for my grandpa this past weekend.

  63. Those pics are lovely!
    We celebrate every occasion with cake, but the latest one was St. Patrick’s day with Guiness cupcakes. I made 6 dozen mini cupcakes & sent them to my husbands office.

  64. slumber party!

  65. Colleagues and I threw a baby shower for a fellow colleague and I made some white chocolate raspberry cupcakes with Winnie the Pooh fondant cutouts.

  66. my bf’s bday is friday, an april fools baby =)

  67. Glad to see you back posting. I’ve missed you and your goodies. :)

  68. I last celebrated with cake when I finished my final basics cake decorating class! It was a beginners class, but I am well on my way to hopefully make a cake somewhat close to those gorgeous ones above! :)

  69. We celebrated the birthday’s of the little Chinese orphan girls we have sponsored- they share March 10th as their birthday. But why have to have a reason to celebrate to have cake- cake in and of itself is reason enough!

  70. how pretty, last week for my sons 6th birthday. Cupcakes are a staple in this house and well thats not a bad thing :o)

  71. We just celebrated my baby’s 10th Birthday Friday and then again Saturday with the family.

  72. Oh wow! Those are beautiful and you know, I don’t have any of those! The last time I celebrated with cake was on March 23. I made a beautiful mandarine orange cake for my mom’s birthday.

  73. bf’s dad’s birthday back in november!

  74. about a month ago March 1st for my fiance’s birthday =) <3 <3 I love love your website!

  75. My sister’s wedding/her 27th/my 21st birthday…all in one weekend!

  76. Gorgeous! I wish I had seen this post earlier! I did get a cupcake today from one of my first graders. It was her 8th birthday. Ah, I love being an art teacher- sweets from everyone!

  77. I love all those cake plates….that is something I have always wanted and never bought for myself. We had DQ Icecream cake for a b-day party at work a few weeks ago. I love DQ Icecream cake….yum!

  78. My husband’s birthday – last month. It’s been way tooo long!!!

  79. Hubby’s birthday, two weeks ago!

  80. Thank you for sharing those beautiful cakes and pedestals. They’re almost too pretty to eat and the pedestals are so gorgeous.
    I can’t wait to see the cake for the royal wedding.

  81. Please pick me:) my birthday

  82. Book club enjoyed Red velvet cupcakes while discussing the book A Tale of Two Cities

  83. I make cake just because and then take it and treat my co-workers. Needless to say I’m a favorite that day!

  84. Yikes!! pretty in pink!!

  85. My 11th Wedding Anniversary, 2 weeks ago!!

  86. So pretty!!!!! Cake celebration??? Two weeks ago just cause I wanted something SWEET. I celebrated cause it was GOOD ;)

  87. Just this past Sunday it’s my cousin’s birthday!

  88. Wow, how beautiful!! I celebrated my boss’ birthday last week and brought homemade chocolate cake with a kahlua frosting – yummy! : )

  89. Bithday Party!!!

  90. Just last night when I celebrated the fact that I made through the day with a good mood! There is no real reason to eat cake other than because its so darn yummy!

  91. I made red velvet cupcakes and cake balls as a thank you present last week!

  92. My neice’s birthday. She had a princess cake

  93. I last celebrated with cake on my birthday 2 weeks ago (march 17th) Thanks for the chance :)

  94. The cupcake pops I made for my niece’s surprise 13th birthday party in February.

    p.s. I think I can actually smell the cakes through this picture, this is what yummy looks like :)

  95. My son’s 1st birthday !

  96. Today, my birthday celebration.

  97. I made my niece a baptism cake last October! Wow… really long time ago!

  98. Last week we made a moustache shaped cake and cake pops to celebrate my sister`s bday. It was awesome!

  99. Oops. Forgot to mention the last time I celebrated with cake! My birthday…last January. I think I need some cake!

  100. Wow. The treats looks delish and I love the hobnail pedestals!

  101. Ooooohhhhh… was my besties baby girl shower – beautiful flower cupcakes. Oh, then I also had a cupcake on W — just because it was W and the Butler Bulldogs are in the final 4!

  102. My co-worker made strawberry shortcake & brought it to work for everyone! Delish!

  103. I went to a wedding and reception this past weekend. The refreshments at the reception were desserts. I knew it would all be wonderful when I saw your famous Oreo cookie pops covered in dark chocolate. And I was right!

  104. Last week for my little ones 3rd birthday!!

  105. My kids and I are always cooking. We celebrate days with cakes all the time. We ate one Saturday to celebrate my uncle’s 70th b’day. I would love those pink pedestals to use for my daughter’s 3rd b’day. Its a ballerina theme and those would be PERFECT!

  106. my friends birthday!

  107. My husband’s birthday last Saturday!

  108. my husband’s birthday… TONIGHT!!!!

  109. I missed the deadline but they are beautiful! Had cake for my birthday in February!

  110. My last cake was a neopolitan bundt cake for a friend’s birthday at work. The pedestals are adorable. I’m definitely going to check them out.

  111. My birthday back in September! It was a delicious frosted yellow cake with strawberries. :)

  112. The last time I had a celebratory cake was when it was one of my customers birhdays. I work in a pub and the kitchen made an amazing chocolate cake for the little boy and they invited me to have a peice of cake with them! I could haqve eaten the whole cake to myself but I resisted!! :D

  113. Although I think you don’t need an occasion for cake (yum!), my daughter’s 3rd birthday was the last thing we celebrated. :)

  114. My daughter’s birthday was Saturday! We celebrated with cake balls and a cake decorated using the new skills we learned in our cake decorating class

  115. Let’s see, the last time I had cake for a celebration or just cake was a Family Night.

  116. We had a basic German chocolate cake after finding out we were pregnant!

  117. I made chocolate cake last weekend for a family get together!

  118. I celebrated a baby gender reveal – the frosting inside was BLUE!

  119. I think the last time i made a cake to celebrate something was last easter …. i need to make cake

  120. On Sunday; to welcome our daughter (she”s 10 weeks now). A special cake, “birth cake”. Yum.

  121. my birthday just this last Saturday.

  122. My mom’s coworker had worked for her for 15 years so she made her a cake!

  123. oh i really hope i make this post in time. The last time I had cake was last friday!!!

  124. These cakes are absolutely gorgeous! The stands too – so pretty. Your site is awesome – I discovered it a couple months ago and I’m now obsessed. I hope you are feeling better soon! The last cake I did was yummy individual pineapple upside down cakes. So good!

  125. For my sister’s birthday, only a couple of weeks ago!

  126. Last cake I celebrated with was for my sorority sister’s birthday party!

  127. I would have to say on my birthday and it was last year. I want some cake!!!!

  128. 10 minutes ago…Just because! So yum :)

  129. Oh my goodness! They’re beautiful! We celebrated several times with cake this month, since my Mom’s birthday was the 8th, and mine was the 25th, in addition to just needing to celebrate ordinary days with cake! Thanks for this opportunity to win, and hope you’re feeling OK!

  130. My daughter’s birthday!

  131. I would have to say for my my birthday, and that was August 31. Wow that is a long time ago. Now i really want some cake!

  132. February – for my grandson’s fourth birthday! Only thing better than the bakery cake w/ tons of frosting was the little birthday boy himself!

  133. We celebrated yesterday with yummy cupcakes! Just because we were feeling great and the sun was shining here in Northern California! :D

  134. I made cake 5 days ago for afriend that is about to have a baby! Chocolate cake with a chocolate whipped cream frosting. YUMMY! It would’ve looked fab on one of these cake stands!

  135. my nephew’s birthday.!! :)

  136. Friend’s wedding

  137. The last time was last night. My little brother sent me one with chocolate ice scream.. yey!

  138. I celebrated my step-mothers birthday recently by baking a vanilla sponge cake with rasperrry mousse filling. Gorgeous!

  139. the last time i ate a cake was in january for my friends 18th birthday.

  140. Cake in Bed Day! I love Cake in Bed Day! This is a made up holiday my husband and I celebrate every few months. It involves lying in bed, watching movies and eating cake. But it’s mostly about the cake. And the time together, of course. But more about the cake.

  141. This past Sunday for my doggies 2nd bday!!!

  142. I made a cake yesterday for my friend who I’m visiting in North Carolina…

  143. Last time we celebrated with cake… Tuesday night, just because!! :)

  144. Two weeks ago! Just because we were craving some yummy chocolately cake :)

  145. the last time i celebrated with cucpcakes was March 20th. It was my neices Emma’s 3 year birthday. She Loved it because the theme was rainbow brite and the cupcakes were rainbow. All the kids loved them. :) I even made a cupcake stand out of Styrofoam and label holders. YAY.. i’m so proud of myself.
    Well Good luck to everyone.

  146. How cute. I just celebrated my god-daughter’s 4th birthday and these would have been perfect :)

  147. hmmm…a wedding at the begining of the month?
    I think its been to long…I think I might go celebrate today with some cake!

  148. 6 year old princess party! yummy chocolate cake!

  149. The last time I celebrated with cake was Valentine’s Day, which happens to be my boyfriend’s birthday. Do you know how difficult it is to find a cake that’s not done up in red and pink and hearts and flowers on that day?

  150. Husband’s birthday at the beginning of March….

  151. I had cake a few weeks ago for my best friend’s birthday. Mmmm cake!

  152. I’m more of a pie person…but shared a slice with a friend who had baked for the first time…I guess that qualifies as a celebration!

  153. I just made cake balls the other day for my coworkers and also my husband’s coworkers. Everybody loved them and couldnt have just one!!

  154. We had a beautiful cake Sunday for my little girl’s baptism!

  155. Cupcakes for my daughter’s school bake sale benefitting Japan last week. AND, soon we’ll be enjoying your lovely chick cake pops that I will attempt to make for Easter!! :)

  156. The last celebration I celebrated with cake was the purchase of my new piping tip set! *giggle*

  157. I think the last time I celebrated with cake was my birthday and it was carrot cake. Yum!!

  158. I love baking and cake. And well everything sweet (:
    The last cake I made was with my mom; an aircraft carrier for my little brother!

  159. My daughter’s 1st birthday party!!

  160. last thing i made cake for was last week for my fiances birthday!! traditional yellow cake with a chocolate frosting…so tasty! but i didnt have an excellant cake stand to put it on…=(

  161. I made a German Chocolate cake 2 weeks ago to share with my family!

    I plan on making an amazing cake for my boyfriends birthday in August!

  162. My last cake celebration was my b-day party in february!
    Red velvet w/ cheesecake frosting: yum!

  163. The last occasion celebrated with cake was my daughter’s 11th birthday.

  164. My father-in-law’s birthday.

  165. The last thing I celebrated with cake was my boyfriend’s birthday. I made him a chocolate stout cake with cream cheese frosting. Yum yum!

  166. My son’s 2nd bday with a choo choo train cake

  167. Hummm, a co-workers birthday last week!!

  168. On my birthday last month! :)

  169. hmmm…i don’t remember when the last time i had cake! :(
    now, i am totally in the mood for a piece! :)

  170. my aunt’s birthday! my cousin made a delicious carrot cake, and i usually don’t even like it, but it was amazing!

  171. The last event I celebrated with cake was for my little boy Leo who is now three months old! I would ADORE a cake stand!!

  172. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was on Valentine’s Day of this year with my hubby! :-)

  173. sunday night…I bake a cake every week for my husband…no celebration is needed!

  174. Love, love LOVE these cake pedestal!! If I don’t win one, where can I get one?

  175. My niece turned one on March 19th and we had a taro cake with beautiful purple icing and her icture on it and some Hello Kitty cupcakes with swirls of pink frosting, colored sugar and a hello kitty sugar candy!

  176. The University of Kentucky’s victory over UNC to enter the FINAL FOUR! Go Cats!!!

  177. Yesterday….it was just a beautiful day and I wanted a cupcake!

  178. We celebrated spring with a three tiered Opera cake this past weekend – and I’ll be trying to make a version of this into cake pops next week for bookclub!

  179. st. pat’s day with green velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!

  180. My 30th birthday (3/28)!

  181. Celebrated two coworker’s birthdays with cake!

  182. My Grandson’s 3rd birthday party a week ago!!

  183. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was my daughter’s 1st Wedding Anniversary this last Sunday. Made one of the Rose Swirl Icing cakes…it turned out beautiful!
    BTW, you won’t belive this, but I live TWO BLOCKS from Sweet and Saucy!!!!!!!!!! Melody is a doll, her shop is adorable, and she makes the BEST BEST BEST Chocolate Buttercream in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!! YUMMMMMY!

  184. I celebrated with cake earlier today. We had an office party!

  185. We had cake at a kid’s bd party on Sat. But….we are having cake tomorrow for my bd and then again this weekend for my son’s.

  186. I made a coca cola cake for one of my friends for her birthday two weeks ago.

  187. My boyfriend’s 20th Birthday. I made him a chocolate cake with strawberries all over it!

  188. We had a Christmas/Parent’s 30th Anniversary/Sister’s engagement party last December. It was a lot of fun!

  189. My 35th Birthday, with yes my favorite angel food cake with raspberry topping and homemade whipped cream!

  190. Nous avons fait de gâteau pour notre fils Pierre pour aucune raison, sauf vraiment aller à la Tour Eiffel pour la première fois dans un tout. En anglais:
    We made cake for our son Pierre for no reason really- except going to the Eiffel Tower for the first time in a while.

  191. i would love to add these to my collection. they are absolutely beautiful!
    i had cake a few months ago for my daughter’s birthday!

  192. I celebrated my sister coming home with cake!

  193. My birthday was a few weeks ago – that was the last time I had cake, but I am making a yummy eclair cake to take to work Friday and I can’t wait!

  194. A wedding this past weekend…love wedding cake!

  195. A birthday party for the girl I’ve been babysitting for 8 years!

  196. My niece Adylee Jade’s first birthday this past Saturday. Cutest ladybug cake ever !

  197. I love these cake stands. They are absolutely adorable!! I have a ton of family parties coming up and love all of the ideas that are on your website. Thank you for all you do.

  198. Today! Because I am making cake balls for the first time :)

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