
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. The last cake I made was a rainbow layer cake for our friends and neighbors for St. Patricks day! We had a good laugh. I lost my marbles and forgot icing on the middle layer….I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why when I cut it into pieces it separated. Oh man did we have a good laugh. Oh well, great story now and saved my peeps some calories!

  2. Hhmm… too long ago! But all of my kiddos birthdays are coming up~ yay! for cake, and birthdays, and pink ruffle cakes on cute cake stands! Hope you’re feeling better:)

  3. The last time I celebrated with cake was last Sunday, I made a cupcakes for my frends birthday

  4. Well, I didn’t celebrate with the cake, but I made a strawberry one this past weekend :D It was delicious!

  5. I celebrated it being the weekend before my exams start by making my first cake pops! (Can Canadians enter?)

  6. I celebrated my nephew’s 2nd birthday last weekend! He had a Cat in the Hat Cake. :)

  7. My sister made cupcakes last Sunday for our final session of teaching Sunday school with our mom.

  8. a joint March birthday with ricotta cheesecake!

  9. It was just yesterday, for my mom’s birthday =)

  10. My little sister’s birthday March 1st! :)

  11. I celebrated with cake last night. I made 40 cake pops for my sign language class. This was my first time ever making them and they were a big hit!

  12. I can’t remember the last thing I celebrated with cake…which means it’s been too long:)

  13. I baked my 87 year old father a cake this past weekend. My mother always kept something sweet in the house for him and she is no longer able to do that for him.

  14. Love those! Beautiful!! We had cupcakes for my son and daughters birthday party. I actually displayed some of them on my cake pedestal. I’d LOVE a pink one, to go with my white one…

  15. Hi. Love your blog, your sweet treats always make me smile :) Last time I had cake was my little cousins birthday party!

  16. I just made a fabulous Red Velvet Cake for my daughters 13th Birthday last sunday 3/27/11. I have been looking for a great red velvet cake recipe and after a few failed attempts I found a great one on your website. THank so much for your awesome website.

  17. These are just so sweet!!!

  18. We celebrated with cake just last week for my Dad’s birthday. Carrot cake – his most favorite!

  19. Saint Patrick’s day. i make cake balls for my daughter’s preschool (inspired by you of course) they were a hit with the kids and just enough sweets before they go haywire!

  20. We had Snickerdoodle Cupcakes for my daughters birthday yesterday…………yummmmmmmmmmmmmm

  21. The last time we celebrated with cake was in November….however, I am so distracted with the contents of the cake pedestals in this photo, that I can’t think straight!

  22. Hi! The last time I celebrated with cake was for my friends son. It was his 5th birthday and it was about a month ago. I made the cake :) It was western themed and I created my own little cowboy out of fondant!

  23. We celebrated my not-so-little-anymore brother’s 24th birthday with a banana, peanut butter and chocolate cake. So good.

  24. My daughter’s pinkalicious birthday party!

  25. I’d even keep it on my counter.

  26. Cake was last consumed for my daughter’s 14th birthday in January! Oh how pretty it would have looked on ne of these platters!!

  27. We celebrated with 2 cakes for my mum’s 63rd birthday! Can never have too much cake..

  28. I celebrated no special occasion at all with a cupcake just last week – does that count?

  29. I most recently made a cake for my friend’s 25th birthday! And guess what — it was a pink ruffle cake!! :)

  30. I celebrated science on Friday! Our lab hosted the department TGIF and I baked a cake that was decorated to look like an exocytosing cell.

    Though really, do you need an occasion to have cake? My wife and I made a pineapple cake with broiled coconut frosting last night… just because!!

  31. the last occasion I celebrated with cake was my best friends birthday.

  32. Absolutely classic!

  33. Last night, we celebrated the birthdays of my husband and daughter, AGAIN! His was 3/15 and my daughter’s was 3/22, I had extra cake mix, raspberry buttercream and frozen cake balls! Needless to say, we had cake and cake pops.YUMMMY!

  34. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!
    Congratulations to the lucky winner!!!

  35. I made a Candy Land cake for my daughter’s 6th birthday. We love the pink ruffle cake, too!

  36. My baby shower :)

  37. My sis in law’s birthday just this past Sunday! She loves Chocolate cake with Rainbow Chip Frosting!!

  38. The last time I celebrated with cake was eight days ago, on my birthday! However, I am starting to think that celebrating Thursday with a cake might not be a bad idea. Thursdays could be considered a cake-worthy celebration, right?

  39. Birthdays are a huge deal in my family (exactly why I need these cake pedastals) and we just celebrated one this past weekend!

  40. my boyfriend’s dad’s birthday last week! we celebrated with a mango pomelo cake :)

  41. Cake makes everyday better – sometimes you need to celebrate just miking it through the day with a big hunk of cake!! I had cheese cake today for a friend’s birthday!!

  42. My parents 30th anniversary!

  43. Celebrated my cousins 12th birthday with the family and a delicious chocolate cake =)

  44. Good Morning Bakerella!
    The last occasion I celebrated with cake was on my Birthday March 5. :o)
    I like those pretty pink glass pedestal and the glass dome.

  45. The last piece of cake I had was at my friend’s birthday party a month ago,

  46. We just celebrated with cake (on an old cake stand) a few days ago and it was for March Madness!

  47. Gosh, I can’t even remember the last time I had cake! How sad is that? I think it was at my mum’s birthday in January!

  48. My Grandma’s 62nd Birthday Party!

  49. Last sunday, for my dad’s 65th surprise birthday party. i made a strawberry mocha bavarian cream cake!

  50. I can’t even remember the last time I had cake, sadly… now pie, that was just a few days ago. I might have to make a red velvet that would be extra fabulous on those luscious cake stands. :-)

  51. My two oldest sons’ 3rd and 4th birthdays–with Toy Story green alien guy cupcakes. OOoooooo.

  52. I love the pretty pink ones! It would be so pretty set up for a baby shower or bridal shower!! : )

  53. I honestly don’t think I’ve had a piece of cake in over a year. That was at a baseball game…random. Now I want some pink ruffle cake!

  54. We celebrated our Great Aunt’s Birthday… such a lovely lady, such a fun time.

  55. Those are adorable and inspirational enough to want to make prettier cakes! Our last cake was just over a week ago to celebrate with family that baby #2 is on the way!!!

  56. LOVE the cake stands! They look like antiques which is a passion of mine. Getting ready to make cakes for niece’s bridal shower in May so making different recipes every weekend until I decide which one (or 2 or 3) I can bake the best or decorate the best! So far, the “Great Aunt Neely’s Chocolate Pound cake” is winning.

  57. We celebrated my niece’s first birthday last weekend. I love baking and pretty displays. Everything on her site is beautiful!

  58. My sister-in-law’s birthday about a month ago – way too long to go without cake! Great giveaway!

  59. The last time I celebrated with cake would have been a friend’s birthday in February. About time to come up with a reason to have another!

  60. My daughter and I made a Spider Man cake for my husband’s birthday last month. She loves helping in the kitchen!

  61. My birthday a couple months ago!

  62. Being a fan of green, I couldn’t resist bringing green cupcakes to work on St. Patrick’s Day!

  63. Umm, I celebrated today with a cupcake for afternoon tea!

  64. My sons 5th bday! I made your chocolate cake.

  65. Last week to celebrate the love of all things buttercream! :)

  66. My Birthday last Friday. 21 again!!

  67. I celebrated with cake this past weekend for a friend’s birthday; I made her an 8″ 3-layer dark chocolate fudge cake with chocolate buttercream and purple fondant bow! Love me some chocolate! :)

  68. My dad’s 55th birthday when he and my mom visited me in Philadelphia over the summer. =) It was a nice, rich coffee cake, with espresso beans and all!

  69. A bridal tasting for a friend!

  70. Last time I made a cake was last month for my mother in laws birthday. I even bought her a pretty cake pedestal for her chocolate cake. It was almost a disaster because I forgot to put sugar In the cake. Luckily for me my daughter HAS to taste any and all cake batter.

  71. the last party i celebrated with cake that i made was st. patrick’s day. i made green velvet cupcakes with bailey’s cream cheese frosting. i also went to a christening this weekend where they had strawberry cake. which was delicious.

  72. Last occasion I celebrated with cake was just a get together with friends, nothing to celebrate but finally getting together with absolutely no plan in mind.

  73. I love cake! now this pregnant gal would really like a piece! last time I celebrated with cake was for a friend’s birthday last weekend. mmmmm…. it was delicious!

  74. we celebrated Tuesday night dinner!! Cake is eaten at our house pretty often!

  75. Yesterday. Mini lemon buttermilk pound cakes at my boyfriend’ request. They’re his favorite!

  76. I made mini cupcakes for St Patrick’s Day!

  77. I’ve made it just in time! I want them. They would be perfect for my daughter’s birthday parties through the years!

  78. I made a buzz lightyear flying over a foreign planet cake for his birthday. Anything with buzz is a big hit. It doesn’t matter what it looks like!

  79. Yesterday. I made a lemon buttermilk pound cake at my boyfriend’s request

  80. To thanks the guys in IT for loading my company’s new online portal two weeks ahead of schedule!

  81. Gorgeous Display! Thanks for the opportunity, the last time I celebrated with a cake was a few weeks ago at Chuck E Cheese!!!

  82. My wedding!! My husband’s Nana made the cake. It will forever be my most treasured cake

  83. My sweet baby girl’s birthday!

  84. Oh, the things I could present with those pieces!!!

  85. My friends’ son’s first birthday.. Made him a giant cupcake cake…

  86. My mom’s birthday! It had to look pretty!

  87. The last time I had cake was on my anniversary getaway. I love pedestals!

  88. My daughter’s birthday last month! We had her a sweet Snow White cake made, she loved it! (has it really been a month since I last ate cake? WOW!)

  89. My cousin’s birthday!

  90. For my sister’s 40th birthday party. Yum.

  91. My husband’s birthday at the first of March. We had a Chocolate cake wtih with chocolate frosting. YUM!

  92. Do cupcakes count? I made some about a week ago, just because :)

  93. My husband birthday, some weeks ago…

  94. You are right…these are adorable! My last cake date was over a month ago for a co-worker’s party. I’m in a Biggest Loser competition, so I’ve had to subdue most of my cake cravings as of late.

  95. Do you think that randomly celebrating a Wednesday morning by making chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting counts as a true celebration? If it does then the last time I celebrated was, well, today. :D

  96. About two weeks ago I made a batch of cappuccino marshmallows ( I make gourmet marshmallows for my company Daybreak Farms) but they didn’t set up correctly. They tasted wonderful, but the texture was too soft. Rather than throw it out, I made a devils food cake and used it as the filling between the layers, then I frosted it with a mocha frosting. It was fabulous.

  97. My birthday was last week! My hubby made me a cake :)

  98. my mother-in-law’s birth a month ago!

  99. My son’s 11th birthday!

  100. My husband’s birthday on the 18th. It was a super delicious chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting.

  101. The last time we celebrated with cake would be my niece’s birthday in February. It was icecream cake that my mom made.

  102. The last time I celebrated with cake was on my father’s birthday.. which was way back in February.

  103. Why that would be my youngest daughter’s on Saturday and today just happens to be my oldest daughter’s birthday. And of course I could totally use the pedestals and dome. Can you throw in the macaroons too?

  104. We enjoyed a Sachertorte on Tuesday when my mum came home from a trip to Nice through Vienna!

  105. A guy in my Sunday School class had a Birthday this week.

  106. at a fundraising fashion show! nothing like celebrating fashion & fighting cancer :)

  107. I was so thrilled to see this post on your website………….my daughter sent me a picture of this blog a few months ago. She is using it as an inspiration for her dessert table for her wedding. It would help so much to win those cake pedestals!! Thanks for the amazing post Bakerella!!!

  108. I baked a cake because I started nursing school…. yay! :)

  109. We just celebrated my sweet daughter’s 5th birthday with a strawberry shortcake cake!

    I love her blog (sweet and saucy)! She is so talented and super chic!

  110. My mum’s return from a very short vacation in Nice the day before yesterday!!

  111. We had cheesecake just celebrating life but unfortunately we were not able to put it on a platter because we didn’t have one. Hopefully, we will soon. :)

  112. The last cake i had was on christmas, I guess!
    Thanks for the giveaway!! =)

  113. Does tonight count? It’s my boyfriend’s birthday and of course there will be cake- yum!

  114. Last celebrated with cake this past weekend…the celebration was for…well, no reason. I’m pregnant and craving baked goods like you wouldn’t believe!

  115. 2 weekends ago it just felt like a cake kind of day so I baked one – my son would have preferred brownies (so stated as he was shoveling a forkful of cake in his mouth) – but it made an ordinary Saturday just a little bit special….

  116. To celebrate a day all to myself during spring break :-)

  117. The last time I had cake was the birthday cake I made for my sister-in-law. :)

  118. My daddy’s 50th birthday last month!

  119. We celebrated my Sister in laws baby Shower with a traditional St. Honore cake! Yummy

  120. The last time i celebrated with cake… has to be on sunday! it wasnt really a celebration but rather just its-spring-break get together (: hope your feeling better!

  121. My birthday! This past weekend :)

  122. We had cake on my birthday in February!

  123. These are so cute. I throw parties every chance I have, this would be perfect for the bridal shower I have in May, or would have been great for the Baby Shower last month. Adorable!!! Heck, make every night a party if I use them as a centerpiece on my dining table.

  124. At a pinewood derby with fun, colorful cupcakes!

  125. I made my daughter this adorable Hello Kitty / Candyland inspired cake for her 5th birthday. I spent all night working on it and I hid it in the oven so she wouldn’t see it till later. She was so suprised when I told her to open her eyes. I had told her the cake I was working on was for a relative so she couldn’t believe it was actually for her. Best memory ever, makes the sweat and tears worth it.

    You are truly an inspiration!

  126. ….p.s. my baby shower cake had a baby in a pea pod, too cute! O and I had a very sweet boy :) Samuel Lucas, our first. I’m in love all over again :*

  127. The last time I celebrated with cake was actually a week ago. There wasn’t any party or celebration–we just always want an excuse to eat cake!

  128. so pretty! last occassion we had cake was my birthday in february, guess we’re due for cake

  129. The last cake I made was a vegan carrot cake for my friends birthday. it was my first carrot cake & amazing!

  130. The last occasion i celebrated with cake was just a random night with my husband, and brother and sister-in-law last month. I am DYING over these cake stands!

  131. My daughter’s Sweet 16 three weeks ago.

  132. A carrot cake, just because, 2 weeks ago.

  133. The last time was to long ago, that would be my son’s birthday in December…time for another birthday!!

  134. My best friend’s birthday a couple weeks ago – I would celebrate every day with cake if I could!

  135. My nephews birthday. I made him a precious Moose A. Moose & Zee cake.

  136. Although I made a delicious marble cake a few weeks ago, along with some black and white cake cookies (yummy!!), the last occasion I had cake was during my baby shower!! My sister made scrumptious cupcakes and a wonderful white cake with whipped cream frosting! It was absolutely darling!!

  137. Just this past Sunday for my sister’s birthday.

  138. I currently have a cake at home waiting to be frosted for Mom and brother’s birthday party this evening. I’ve also got butter sitting in a bowl waiting to turned into cupcakes and these pedestals would also be great for showing those off!

  139. So glad you are back on your game!!! We celebrated my niece’s birthday with strawberry shortcake cupcakes with choc dipped strawberries on top!!!!! yummy

  140. Well… it was a Sunday and I had a craving for tres leches cake!

  141. One of my girlfriends’ birthday today!!

  142. My dad’s 50th Birthday on St. Patty’s Day!!!

  143. My lovely daughter Ali’s Sweet 16th b-day party!!!

  144. For my son’s 2nd birthday I made an cake ball train that had 18 cars. One for each kid at the party! 60 mini carrot cake cupcakes and about 50 regular cake balls!! Pick your pleasure!

  145. I had cake for dinner!

  146. My birthday last weekend!!!

  147. my cousin’s birthday last week

  148. the last time i had cake was with my parents and my brother and his 2 daughters and partner as we dont normally have dinner/sunday lunch together so it was a rare occassion but perfect for some chocolate cake! YUM :)

  149. My father in law had his 66th birthday last Sunday! We celebrated by a TALL black forest cake. Yum!!! It certainly need a cake stand to stand even taller. Hope i win!

  150. My father in-laws birthday was a couple of weeks ago and we had cake then. But if I had a cake stand that stinkin cute, I would find an excuse each WEEK to make one! Love it!

  151. bridal shower. but it was a “cake wreck” kinda cake.

  152. March 19th when my youngest turned one! We celebrated with yummy cupcakes and your owl cake pops! Delish!

  153. I made a cake for my husband’s birthday a few weeks ago. :D

  154. Yesterday, my mom’s 72 nd birthday!,,

  155. Well, I have gotten into a new found love of creating desert tables and mad the most amazing cupcakes to display on it.. It was strawberry theme for my sister in law birthday <3

  156. In February, we celebrated my mother’s birthday with a neopolitan torte, filled with strawberry jam and a strawberry swiss meringue buttercream! Absolutely life changing…

  157. March 21st for my cousins birthday!

  158. my anniversary

  159. Last week…just because every day is worth celebrating. i LOVE the gorgeous pedestal! Your blog is awesome!

  160. St. Patrick’s Day-I made rainbow cupcakes-they were cute just not Bakerella cute!

  161. My sister’s baby shower last month!

  162. yesterday…because it was Tuesday!

  163. Dutch??? We want a danish version …. Kageslikkepinde :o)
    Am buying the book on my trip to the US this summer, can’t wait to read it, and just bake, bake & bake….

  164. I LOVE the pedestals! I have a thing for glass bowls, cakestands, etc. Those are beautiful!

  165. We celebrated my boss’s birthday the other day with a strawberry cake!

  166. I love cake plates and pedistals. These are lovely! Valentines Day was the last cake Baked. Easter will be the next. Steph

  167. Last time I celebrated with cake was at my good friends’s daughter’s 4th birthday party a couple weekends ago.

  168. My Mother-in-laws 87th!! Birthday last Thursday!!

  169. I made my niece’s fifth birthday cake a few weeks ago. Princess flower cake.

  170. Just last Thursday! One of my day care girls turned two! Orange Zest Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. Oh please let me win! I’d love to have these for my “Annual Lilac In Bloom Ladies Only Champagne & Chocolate Party”.

  171. One week ago today, we had about 100 friends and family members over for a giant homecoming party for my son, who had just returned from serving a 2 year mission for our church! We had all kinds of cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and other goodies!! :)

  172. For my Hubby’s birthday, a week ago, chocolate on chocolate, there goes the diet, but so worth it, yummy.

  173. My friend’s Baby shower! I made your yellow cake recipe with butter cream frosting and with fondant decorations. It was a white covering with little pink ribbon roses on top! It was so pretty!

  174. My mother’s “birthday”… she is a leap year baby but we celebrate it on the 28th of Feb, I made a vanilla rum cake. ;)

  175. Gosh, it’s been a while. Friday is my daughter’s birthday and I’m thinking we will be celebrating with an ice cream cake!

  176. I’m in the process of baking a cake right now! I’m making a Halo: Reach cake for a birthday party for a friend’s son. :)

  177. The last time I celebrated with a cake was in February after having my 3rd baby and finally bringing him home from the NICU…carrot cake YUM!

  178. It’s not a cake but I made cake batter rice crispy treats today :)

  179. I did a Wedding Cake on March 26, 2011 and the weekend before that I did a Dessert Party March 19, 2011, which I display my desserts. People have the opportunity to purchase the displayed desserts. These would take my display table to whole different look!! “Life is just got Sweeter!” Thanks!!

  180. At a residents easter party.
    I made your awesome looking cupcake pops
    …… easter style :)

  181. Cupcakes for a co-worker’s birthday yesterday. Leftovers in the office fridge are calling my name right now!

  182. For our nieces’ birthday last weekend – homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting – yum!

  183. Sooo pretty! Cake at Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

  184. I ate cake at my son’s 2 year birthday party … chocolate cake with peanut butter buttercream icing … heaven!

  185. My best friends fiance’s birthday was the last time I celebrated with cake!

  186. We celebrated our fantasy baseball draft with my first attempt at cake pops!

  187. We celebrated Mardi Gras with a king cake at work.

  188. I had a divine slice of chocolate, raspberry mousse cake on Monday evening…well 2 slices to be exact :)

  189. I made a small chocolate cake for myself last night just because! Chocolate-banana!

  190. The last time I celebrated with cake was a dinner out with friends in Seattle. We were celebrating our (far from) victory at trivia night. I didn’t bake it but I sure did enjoy it! Yummy Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting :)

  191. I made cake pops two weeks ago for my niece’s birthday, per her request!

  192. My husband’s birthday! A pineapple upside down cake!

  193. The last time we celebrated with cake was my husband’s birthday! We had a yummy red velvet cake.

  194. I celebrated my daughter’s 4th birthday with an absolutely beautiful Rapunzel cake my sister made her! :) I WOULD just Love these cake stands, they had me ooing and awing! :) I hope you’re feeling better :)

  195. We had tons of cakes for my identical twin boys’ first bday!

  196. St. Patrick’s Day! I finally made the chocolate-stout cake with Bailey’s frosting and whiskey ganache recipe that I’ve been drooling over for a year now. DELICIOUS!

  197. I absolutely adore the pastels and colors used. Looks like an easter feast to me!

  198. I made a wonderful 6 layered rainbow cake for a friends birthday! And rainbow cake pops to match!

  199. My girlfiends baby shower and it was …ooooh so good!

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