
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. I celebrate daily life! Often times, cake doesn’t need an occasion :)

  2. An “art” birthday cake for my friend’s son. :)

  3. My brother’s 26th birthday on Sunday. I made him a Pac-man Cake!

  4. The last time I made a cake was for my husband’s birthday in January.

    Hope you’re feeling better. You are in my thoughts!!

  5. My husband’s birthday a couple of weeks ago & will have some to celebrate my son’s 3rd birthday in a little over a week :)

  6. I love these photos! I last celebrated my son’s Aaron’s first birthday (March 26, 2011) with cake!

  7. I celebrated with some cupcakes from London on my birthday a few weeks ago…hmmm…cupcakes…..

  8. We are celebrating at work today for Doctors Day. The doctors got the cake, and we are eating it.

  9. I just celebrated my grandmother’s 83rd birthday last night with a french vanilla cake with french vanilla pudding in between the layers with a basketweave and rose decorated finish last night.

  10. This is one of the prettiest table displays I have seen! I always come to your site for inspiration and am never disappointed.

  11. I made a gooey butter cake last week because my son was begging for one. My daughters helped me make it, so we had family time with a super sweet result!

  12. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was buying a pineapple (doesn’t sound like an occasion, but trust me, it was!). I made my first ever pineapple upside down cake and will definitely be making it again in the future.

  13. my husband’s 30th birthday!

  14. Last week with a oreo cookie cake!! Yummy!!! These are soo pretty and would be awesome for my mother in laws “Pink Party” we throw for her after the Susan G Komen race for the cure survivor walk. Last year I made lots of Pink cake pops for the party!!

  15. My father-in-law’s 80th birthday party.

  16. Last weekend, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of a family drawing at a friends house. Banana cake & prosecco!

  17. The last time we celebrated with CAKE was on the day my daughter was born. We had a deleicious BIRTHday cake that was topped with a zero “0” marking her birth. What a beautiful memory!

  18. love those cake stands! you can never have enough of them-so handy!

  19. i made an eight layer choc. and white alternated with chocolate cream inside and buttercream outside for my daughters 11th b-day

  20. My 5 year old daughter and I made a pinkalicious cake for Gramma’s birthday. She loves the book Pinkalicious. The cake was pink lemonade with pink frosting and pink sprinkles. It was pinkarific!

  21. We just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary this month! With cake, of course.

  22. I celebrated Monday with a chocolate peanut butter cupcakes :)

  23. hmmm…i love cake and i don’t usually need a reason to celebrate to have it ;), but i made some cupcakes (do those count?) last week for my first day back to work after being home with my newly adopted son!

  24. my third childs first birthday at the end of february was the last time i celebrated with cake but the last time i made cake fr my family was today – i am always baking for any reason and for friends and family and for me – do not have any cute cake stands if i do not win will have to order super cute

  25. I made a birthday cake last week and the week before, but not for me. :(

  26. My friend’s husband 50th birthday. He loves german chocolate, I made him one from scratch.

  27. In our family, my husband’s Grandma Norma makes her Super Soggy Sour Cream Chocolate cake for all of our special occasions. On March 6th we celebrated our eldest daughter’s golden birthday as well as our youngest daughter’s baptism.

  28. I wish I could celebrate EVERY day with CAKE…especially if these pedestals were involved. The last event celebrated with a cake, was the Birthday of a good friend :)

  29. A luncheon with my girlfriends last weekend :)

  30. Oh dear , the last time I celebrated with a cake way for my parents anniversary . We had a raspberry mousse cake … it was yummmo

  31. They’re just gorgeous and I too need a pink ruffle cake in my life:)

  32. I celebrated my son’s birthday way back in February! He wanted icecream cake instead of the traditional cheesecake this year, so no baking…except for cupcakes for his class!

  33. It was for my husbands birthday in late January, but I have really been wanting to get busy on making another one and playing with fondant.

  34. I love my sweet and saucy! And of course you! :) My husband made me a cake for my birthday (his first one) and it was so super yummy!

  35. The last was my grandaughter’s 3rd birthday!

  36. My sisters birthday. Yumm

  37. St. Patrick’s Day! I made an Irish apple cake, one of our favorites!

  38. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was “It’s Tuesday and it’s 10:00 pm, the baby is fed, the lunches are made, dinner is done & I’m ready to relax”

  39. The last thing I celebrated with a cake was.. Well, my boyfriend and I celebrated us and the love we feel for each other. We celebrated love :) We’ve been together for almost 6 years and don’t want to loose the sparkle. Plus cake is goooood :)
    I hope you are better. I really wish you all the best!!!!!

    Have fun and eat a lot of cake :)
    Greetings from Slovenia :)

  40. I made a pistachio cake for st. patty’s day!! yum!

  41. Oh, we just had cake on Sunday for my daughter’s 21st birthday! She requested P-Dub’s chocolate sheet cake.

  42. I am a teacher and I make cakes to bring in on my student’s birthdays. I made a cake probably about 3 weeks ago for a 10 year old boy.

  43. We are actually celebrating tomorrow, the opening day of baseball…with root beer float cupcakes! yummm

  44. The last celebration with cake would have been my husband’s birthday! yum! This cake stand would be perfect for my girl’s birthday!

  45. We just celebrated my sons 3rd birthday on Sunday March 27th, I made a HUGE construction themed cake!

  46. I’m thinking it was a friend’s ordination a few Sundays ago… but I’m totally celebrating with g-ma this weekend! :) delish!

  47. On St. Patty’s Day when my mom made dinner, but I was in charge of dessert.

  48. We celebrated the dog’s birthday!! We just wanted a reason to have cake!

  49. My daughter’s 8th Birthday a couple weeks ago…The girls decorated their own aprons and then went to work baking and decorating a cake, cupcakes, and cookies. It was a lot of fun!

  50. We had friends over from out of town a few weeks ago, I can’t resist a good opportunity to bake a cake.

  51. Occasion? How about Tuesday, you know, we’re never going to have that particular Tuesday again, seems like a perfect cause for cake! Chocolate cake would look just lovely on those beautiful pedestals!

  52. I’m more of a cupcake gal, the last full cake I made was a german chocolate cake for my hubby’s birthday!

  53. Last Easter. It’s been FAR too long. And it wasn’t frosted :( Cupcakes, on the other hand… I don’t need an occassion for those!

  54. I bake out of my home to get my business recognized I start the idea of Dessert Parties! The last one I did was on March 19, 2011 and did a Wedding Cake March 26, 2011! Oh I would love those to go on our dessert display table!! Thank you and Happy Baking!!

  55. Two of my best friends from college got married last weekend. We ate delicious cake at the reception!

  56. The cake stand reminds me of my grandma. She always made a beautiful presentation of her cakes.

  57. My cousin’s 21st birthday on Sunday. It was a yummy chocolate cake!

  58. We had cake on St. Patty’s day! Heck, we LOOK for reasons to eat cake!! Hope you’re doing better! Lori L

  59. My father-in-law’s birthday. Chocolate cake with the cooked icing. So good!

  60. Some women at my church got together to do a craft and celebrate the reopening of a church building. I made little cake petits fours (which are very addicting!) and oreo balls (I tried the white oreos for a change and they were great!). By the way, those cakes and cake stands are amazing!!!

  61. I went to a country western dance last weekend where we all brought a covered dish to share. I made Italian Cream Cake Balls from scratch. They were delicious and pretty! I used yellow, pink and lavender pastels to dip them in for Easter colors.

  62. Wow I’m in the 9,000 ands!!! I guess it’s still possible that I could win, so thank for the give away opportunity!!! The cake stands are beautiful!! Sweet and dainty all on their own.
    Last time I made cake was… my son’s birthday, I make the cake of their choice for each one of my kids for every birthday. Thanks!

  63. The better question is, what DON’T I celebrate with cake? The last one I made was a chocolate cake with a simple glaze and mini chocolate chips for game night with friends. Viva la cake!

  64. my kids’ joint birthday party this weekend. it was a mish mash sort of event. I originally got decorations for Tangled/Rapunzel for my daughter, and Buzz Lightyear/Toy Story 3 for my son.. but last minute they decided on completely different cakes (luckily I make them), and they wound up with various colored paper products, the previously mentioned themed tables/balloons, and a lalaloopy cake and a mario kart/donkey kong cake :P

  65. The last time I celebrated with cake was just to spend some girl time with my step daughter. We made orange cake pops and they were so much fun!!!!

  66. i made a sticky toffee pudding cake a couple weeks ago just because i felt like some warm and gooey cake. these cake platters are so pretty!

  67. I just celebrated my daughter’s 10th birthday with cake :)

  68. Hmmmm…probably my daughters birthday in January. My son’s birthday is coming up in a few weeks though so there will be cake involved in that, I am sure….

  69. It is been a while, but my sister-in-law’s baby shower. It was an awesome diaper bag cake, made to look like the one she registered for.

  70. My father in laws birthday on Sunday.

  71. My nephew’s 9th birthday – yummy chocolate cake with buttercream. =o)

  72. I just made a cake for a friends bday!! These are amazing

  73. I celebrated with Cake today! Because I wanted to make some :)

  74. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I LovE cake stands/pedestals. I am always on the look out for unique pretty ones. These are gorgeous. I don’t have any pretty pink ones = would love some :) Beautiful set up and even more beautiful sweets! Thanks for sharing.

  75. My daughter’s 3 birthday party on the 26th. I made the cutest Strawberry Shortcake Cake! Complete with Strawberry filling.

  76. Um, I think it was yesterday. I say every day is a reason to celebrate with cake. Life is precious, so we should all enjoy it, whether with cake or cookies, or cupcakes.

  77. The last occassion I celebrated with cake was six months ago. It was a strawberry cheesecake I purchased from a local supermarket here in Orlando.!

  78. a birthday party for a friend’s little girl

  79. My daughter’s 4th birthday. My dear friend made the most beautiful castle cake. It would have looked perfect on that pick cake plate

  80. The last time I celebrated with cake was a horrible grocery store cake for a child’s birthday party. However, I am teaching myself the art of cake decorating and will be doing my first fondant covered cake next month for a friend’s birthday. Fingers crossed!!!

  81. The ribbon cake looks yummy! I’d love to know how that’s done.

  82. A yummy strawberry cupCAKE with cream cheese icing and a strawberry filling in the middle. What was the occasion? It was a Tuesday.

  83. The last occasion? It was a Monday. MMMM we love cake in these parts. :)

  84. I celebrated with a creamy cake with different fruits on the top with my mom. I’m not sure what the cake is called but it’s REALLY GOOD! My mom & I have the same birthday! ^ ^ I would love to bake my mom a cake next time on our birthday! :D

  85. I love these!! Your site is always such an great start to my day.
    Thanks for such a delightful entry.

  86. Pick me! I had cake for my birthday. Sometimes you just have to do it for yourself. ;)

    Hope you are feeling okay, I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve been reading since about the time you started!

  87. Superbowl party with cupcakes……in Germany!

  88. I celebrated with a tiny chocolate cake from my local bakery last night for my birthday and my engagement, both occurring yesterday! <3

  89. My husband’s birthday on Sunday. A wonderful cake, no cake stand.

  90. I just made dinosaur egg cake pops for the 6 year old boy I babysit for-he had a dinosaur theme birthday party. I just recently found Melody’s blog and have been obsessed with it; gorgeous pictures of gorgeous sweets!

  91. March 19th for my son’s first birthday! :)

  92. Last week when my roommate got into grad school :)

  93. Grandson and granddaughter into tea parties, lately. Made some yummy mini cupcakes with them.

  94. i amactually getting ready to celebrate on Saturday, my baby’s first birthday, so I spend today making two different buttercreams, one for the cake and one for the cupcakes.

  95. My mom, sister and I made cake pops for my youngest sister’s baby shower 2 weeks ago. They were a huge hit!! I plan on making more for my soon-to-be 4 year old twins birthday on April 17.

  96. I made a homemade chocolate cake this past weekend just to let my family know I love them :) I iced it a light pink and put it on a white pedestal -the only one I have!

  97. Who wouldn’t want one??? They are SO beautiful! We had cake for my nieces birthday in January and are looking forward to some on Saturday at a nephew’s party!

  98. march 27th i helped my 2 year old grand daughter make her mommy’s birthday cake , we were all winner with this one, thank for a chance to win

  99. my husband’s birthday on new years eve. Anytime is good for cake time, but new years eve AND a birthday, we had to have red velvet ice cream cake. Mmmmm…

  100. My daughter’s 9th birthday~

  101. A wedding for a friend of mine. ;0)

  102. Baked a cake for my friend’s nana’s birthday last Thursday. She’s like the grandma I never had :)

  103. My roommates and I celebrated our friend’s birthday with a cupcake “cake” complete with flower-shaped icing bonanza! What a good night.

  104. oh its been a while for me! maybe three weeks ago. yes, it feels like forever since i’ve had a nice piece of cake! :)

  105. My daughter’s 14th birthday. I’m getting ready to celebrate my other daughter’s 21st so this would be perfect.

  106. The last time we celebrated with a cake was my husband’s birthday in August.

  107. Oh why not, I never win but can’t help myself! Orange 50/50 for niece’s wedding. Yum!

  108. Today! It’s my boyfriends birthday and I made him his favorite donut in cake form; Boston Cream Cake!

  109. My boyfriend’s birthday just this week!

  110. Saturday, for my son’s 16th birthday party!!

  111. My husband’s (and his father’s too!) birthday in December. It has been tooooo looonnnggg……

  112. St. Patrick’s Day! I switched out the red food colouring in your Red Velvet Cake for green and made a festive Green Velvet Cake!

  113. Love these! They would make my desserts look tempting and that is saying alot.

  114. Last event with a cake would be my birthday when my husband made me a “Frozen Yogurt Cake”. The thought was priceless!

  115. The last event I celebrated with cake was my little sister’s birthday – a shamrock cake since her birthday is the day before St. Patrick’s Day!

  116. Hope you are doing well! I celebrated St. Patty’s Day with a cake ball party with 10 girlfriends! We made grashopper cake balls (mint chocolate) and pistachio cake with orange white chocolate buttercream, then decorated them with green and white sprinkles! What a tasty way to celebrate!

  117. I made your Valentine Heart converstation cake pops for Valentines Day and I also made Hello Kitty ones for my daughter!

  118. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was my first wedding anniversary!

  119. We celebrated my son’s FIRST birthday!

  120. Girls night din-din and crafting party at my house! We celebrating just getting together with a yummy cake!

  121. I love getting your emails and following your blog. Your email today inspired me to make a “paper cake” for my father-in-law who’s turning 80 on April 10th. I’ll be making one for my son too who turns 20 on April 9th (so does my brother…and my other brother’s birthday is today! March and April are “cake months”!!!! So many birthdays, so although I haven’t celebrated with cake since Christmas – we’re making up for it now! :)

  122. My last celebration with cake was my baby shower given to me by my coworkers (all men) last week. It was the strangest, most awesome baby shower I’ve ever attended.

  123. A week ago in celebration of my husband’s new job.

  124. When my sweet fiance proposed on the 6 year anniversary of our first date after winning an election for County Commissioner, in front of all of our family & friends.

  125. My birthday – i always request an ice cream cake!

  126. I have pedestal envy! The last cake I made was an Oreo Look-Alike cake but I’m going to make something for my dad’s birthday this weekend. I’d love to put it on a pretty new pedestal!

  127. I made a cake just for fun last week- and the time before that, the family was celebrating our grandfather’s 80th birthday.

  128. I HAVE TO HAVE THESE!!!!!!!! The last time I made/ate a cake was for my uncles bday! I made your 14 layer cake :)

  129. this morning for breakfast, celebrating a new day!!

  130. My girlfriends birthday, whom would love these.

  131. My birthday way Friday, lots & lots of cake :)

  132. My husband’s birhtday!

  133. My nieces Birthday we dress up in vintage clothing and serve coffee & cakes… The little girls love it…

    Pam in Las Vegas

  134. I recently celebrated my mom’s birthday and bought her a green tea mousse cake from Lady M. It was so delicious!

  135. Last nite, i made coconut cupcakes with pina colada buttercream for our Relay for Life…..I work in research at a cancer center in Texas….Love to amaze people and bring new taste to their pallets

  136. My mother-in-laws birthday! We thought it would be funny to throw her a birthday party with all her grandkids even though she lives 1,000 miles away. So we did — and we video taped everyone singing to her and eating her cake then sent it to her. :)

  137. Last Sunday, my brother brought it over for dessert. What a nice treat.

  138. So glad you are feeling better! The last occasion we celebrated with a cake was our Sunday Funday Family Dinners. We take turns doing awesome desserts and fun ways to display them to include all of our family…so fun to spend the day baking with loved ones! My favorite color is PINK! How awesome would this be to display! LOVE LOVE LOVE this site, thanks for sharing it with us!

  139. my mom’s birthday last april!

  140. The x-factor finale last Friday (in Denmark, that is : ). We had brownie – recipe from the Hummingbird bakery – and vanilla ice cream. Yummy.

  141. I actually just made a cake yesterday (and am making another sometime today or this weekend) to celebrate my Dad’s birthday! Unfortunately, he’s woke up with A-Fib today, and will probably be headed to the hospital unless it goes away, so we haven’t had a chance to really celebrate together yet.

  142. They are so cute!!

  143. OMG so I guess I am the 9,050 person to comment LOL! Congratulations on all of your success! I wish you the best with your health issues! Trust in God!

    Last cake = just because, with my kids!

  144. on my birthday, march 2nd

  145. I am so addicted to the looks of beautiful cakes on beautiful cake stands. I wish I would win one.
    I celebrate often with cake. I bake for everyone’s birthday in our family. I last made a banana raspberry cheesecake for a friends b-day, it went over great.

  146. OOO I would love a piece!! My daughter is turning 1 and we’re celebrating on April 23 :)

  147. I work in a genetics lab, and we celebrate each others success with cake and champagne! A post-doc just got a job, so we ate cake only yesterday! These pedestals would really take our little celebrations up a notch!

  148. My friend Jessica got married this past Saturday! She had a beautiful cake with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla layers with a marshmallow cream icing?! It was so yummy!!!

  149. We just celebrated out son’s 24th birthday with a chocolate cherry cordial cake. Yummers!

  150. I was having a bad day last week and stopped by a local cupcake shop for one of their delicious creations. Made me feel instantly better…. cake always does! I guess I celebrated the fact that cake always makes the world a better place :)

  151. unbelievable! it’s so amazing what you’re posting everytime! Everytime i think about buying and baking everything that you show us but that’s impossible! you’re a freaking baking-queen! I tried the cake pops for my boyfriends birthday but they didn’t looked that good as yours. here in germany is the frosting and the glaze not that good as in america. So you can see the dough always shimmering through :(

    but let’s go back to the Cakes.. they are great! Last time i baked cake was für a friend of mine. A buttercream-white-chocolate-mocca-dream-cake =)

  152. My birthday on the 19th. My husband and 2 son’s had a beautiful cake with flowers and lady bugs on it for me! yum yum

  153. A couple weeks ago for my friend’s birthday!

  154. Celebrated my son’s 4th birthday with Phineas and Ferb cupcakes!

  155. Last time I celebrated with cake was my Ma’s birthday. Simple, delicious chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

  156. AMAZING!!! Last time I celebrated with a cake? A month ago for my boyfriend’s birthday!:)

  157. We last celebrated with cake at my husband’s birthday a month ago :) So pretty pictures!

  158. My last event with cake was my husband’s birthday. I was away all day helping a family member – so he baked it!! It was DELICIOUS!!

    What cute pedestals! Just gorgeous!

  159. My neice’s first birthday party two weeks ago…I made the ladybug cake bites and they were yummy!

  160. We just had cupcakes this past weekend for my daughter and son’s birthday!

  161. Last cake was my hubbys bday. It was store brought (yuck!) I need a pretty pedestal so I can show off homemade goodies!

  162. I am in desperate need of two pink pedestals and a glass dome!

  163. My wedding! And, being the frugal (and choco-holic) person that I am, I made my own cake – your flourless chocolate cake with a yummy mocha frosting!

  164. I am celebrating my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary this week and there will be cake!

  165. My Aunt and cousins birthday!

  166. For my boyfriend’s birthday I baked a small 2 layer chocolate cake with ganache filling, then topped it with more ganache and added some fruit to make it healthy!

  167. St. Patrick’s Day party at work. Someone brought a shamrock cupcake cake. It was hideous but delicious.

  168. The last time we celebrated with cake was on Monday of this week! My husband’s birthday was the 7th of this month and we welcomed our 2nd son on the 4th of this month. Monday was the first day that I really felt up to the challenge of making dinner AND dessert!

  169. my twenty-first birthday ;)

  170. My beautiful sister’s birthday…she wanted a red velvet cake and I learned that my cream cheese icing is not ideal for piping…well….anything. oh well. it was delicious. =0)

  171. St. Patrick’s Day!

  172. We celebrated my daughter’s 4th birthday on Saturday with a Sweet Shoppe theme…the cake was so cute…2 tiers, the top being a cupcake…she loved it!

  173. Husband’s birthday last week, and probably again this weekend at a baby shower! Yay cake!

  174. Last cake I made was a Guinness Chocolate Cake with cream cheese icing for St. Patty’s day. I take any opportunity I can to make a cake!

  175. spring break with a spring cake!

  176. Every day is an occasion for cake!!! I think today being a Wednesday is an occasion…lets have cake!

  177. I celebrated my birthday with my family earlier this month and my mom made me her delicious lemon cheesecake with gingersnap crust. Yum yum yum!
    I hope you’re feeling better Bakerella!

  178. The last time I had cake was on vacation in beautiful miami making it all sweeter :)

  179. I just had a ‘Little Mermaid” Birthday Party for my 3 yr old. She had a blast! We had all things Ariel.

  180. I just had cake with my husband for his birthday! It would have looked awesome with these stands. I made him his fav, Carrot Cake!

    Hope you are feeling better!


  181. Valentines’s Day (which is my birthday) with a Boston Cream Pie! Honestly – why do they call it a pie when it really is a cake?
    We may never know!!

  182. We ate cake on my birthday March 8! Yummm!

  183. Carrot cake for my friends 34th birthday!

  184. My dear sons birthday.

  185. I recently made cakes for an office baby shower….and Cake Pops (from your book, of course!)

  186. We celebrated my daughter’s marriage and our mini cupcakes were from Sweet and Saucy. Fabulous, let me tell you. Love it!

  187. My wife is pregnant, she tells me this is why we always have cake :-)

  188. We celebrated my sister-in-laws birthday last Sunday and had a delicious cake!

    I am planning a bachelorette party for my best friend right now and I think that pedestal would be so cute at it!

  189. We had a chili cook-off for Ground Hog’s Day at my work. I made a gorgeous strawberry swirl cake for dessert, but it barely fit on my cake plate! I would love to own those gorgeous pink ones! :)

  190. We just celebrated our daughter’s first birthday with a homemade chocolate cake and icing!!

  191. Those are so pretty!

    The last time I celebrated with cake was actually last week for my friend’s birthday. It was icecream cake from DQ. YUM!

  192. My birthday! Everything is super cute!

  193. We got legally married (before heading to our destination wedding) and celebrated with a strawberry celebration torte!

  194. My birthday last week, with family. Next is Friday with Cake Pops (That counts, right) for my daughter’s school’s Cafe Create music and art celebration!

  195. Going out to dinner to meet my boyfriend’s cousin!! delish, chocolate and sea salt…

  196. This past Sunday I baked a simple one layer cake from Pioneer Woman’s blog (Buttermilk Blueberry Lemon Cake). No special occasion – just because and I had all the ingredients!

  197. Celebrated this past Saturday, my daughter’s 4th birthday with one of my custom cake creations.

  198. last Saturday, one of my good friends daughter turned 2!

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