
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. February 13. My hubbie’s birthday. Sour cream chocolate fudge cake. It does not get any better than that people!!

  2. last night to celebrate one year of grad school….1 more to go!

  3. The last event we celebrated was my father in laws tennis and meatball sub birthday party. The next two I am planning are all girl: first my daughters all pink 4th birthday and then my sisters “finally a girl” baby shower. Can’t believe she had the guts to try again after three boys! God is good. Speaking of…you and yours are on my heart and in my prayers. I was checking in for an update and was elated to see your beautiful post. Congrats to you on your choice of attitude.

  4. My grand daughters birthday and it was a cupcake, cake. BEAUTIFUL. By the way, I am all about pedestals and pink too!!! Heart be still !!

  5. My son’s first birthday – my sister helped me create the most wonderful fire truck cake you’ve ever seen! Tasted pretty good too :)

  6. Oh, I would love to win these cake stands!!! We just celebrated my brother-in-law’s 45th birthday last Saturday with a beautiful cake made by his wife :o)

  7. We celebrated my husbands birthday! He turned 48! I love beautiful cakes and that ruffle cake could not be more beautiful!

  8. OMG-I love her website with all those pedestals!!! We had cake this weekend when my friend’s daughter did a taste test for her wedding cake!!! DELISH!!

  9. I made one 2 weeks ago. We were having a horrible week at my house and I thought we needed some cheering up, so I baked us a homemade chocolate cake with ganache. We felt much better after eating it :)

  10. This past Sunday for my (hubby’s) Grandma’s 90th birthday!

  11. My sister’s birthday…I made a layered neapolitan cake!

  12. The birth of my second child, Ben. March 1st :)

  13. do cake balls count? my wife brought some home from her baby shower.

  14. we had cake and cupcakes about 2 weeks ago for the March office birthdays

  15. I last celebrated with cake just last week – we made it through the first round of PSSA tests!

  16. Last occasion I celebrated with cake was my 30th birthday!

  17. My brother in laws 27th, at an awesome Thai restaurant.

  18. To thank the volunteers of an organization I’m involved with. They work so hard!

  19. My little sister’s Birthday! I made her a care bear cake! :)

  20. FOr my brother’s 40th bday surprise. Peanut Butter Cake! YUMMY!

  21. My niece and nephew’s arrival for spring break!

  22. We celebrated the birthdays for my mom, brother, husband and son (his first!!) all in the same week! Lots of cake!

  23. The last occasion happens to be today for my oldest nephew’s 21st birthday! Happy Birthday Jake!

  24. My sister’s birthday!

  25. I celebrated last Tuesday with a cherry chip cake that I baked with my daughter!

  26. my 10th wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago! and it was delish! ordered a one-tier wedding cake from a local bakery and it was AAWWEEESOMMMME!!! would have looked fab on one of these gorgemous pedestals!!!

  27. Last saturday :) My best friends birthday. We had cupcakes and cakepops

  28. A co-worker’s daughter was turning 16. I helped her get some supplies for her cake and she brought in a piece to thank me.

  29. Last Sunday… I made my first fondant covered stacked cake for my sons birthday!

  30. My daughter’s 4th birthday was yesterday. We celebrated with a Tangled, aka Repunzle cake.

  31. Last time we celebrated with cake was in the early February. For my mom’s birthday I baked an Everything Cake, which was a big hit.

  32. We will be having cake tomorrow to celebrate my brother-in-laws birthday! The kids and I will be making his cake tonight!

  33. Last Friday, 3/25/11. It was a banquet for Love and Compassion Ministries. A ministry to help the homeless and those less fortunate.

  34. I had some leftover lemon curd about a month ago and made it into a cake just because:)

  35. Celebrated a co-workers birthday with Georgetown Cupcakes last week. My hubby turns 50 in June and I’d love a fab platter for his celebratory cake! It will be German chocolate!

  36. My husband’s birthday!

  37. We always have cake here at work for birthdays and anniversaries. The last one? Monday. Cake is awesome. :)

  38. My daughter just had her 1st birthday on St. Patricks Day. So we made a rainbow bundt cake and it was oh so cute and oh so delish.

  39. We had the most delicious carrot cake at my last photography workshop! It was divine!! And these are too cute! I’ve already been over to peruse her products!! I’d love to win these!

  40. I need an occasion to eat cake? I baked one this morning because I woke up to day 3 of rain, the cake made me feel better and now I’m going to share it with my friend.

  41. The last time I celebrated with cake and I was the one who made it was my mom’s birthday in August. The last time I celebrated with cake was in March for my daddy’s birthday. My brother made cheese cake.

  42. The last celebration we had with cake was my daughter’s second birthday last weekend. I *tried* to make a 14 layer cake, but it ended up being two seven layer ones… Still delicious, though! :D

  43. I recently made a cake just because. It’s fun to do that sometimes! :-)

  44. I made a tres leches cake for a mexican themed pot luck evening a couple of weeks ago – mainly celebrating that it was the weekend!

  45. I last celebrated with cake at my husbands birthday! That was back in January. Those pictures make me want to bake today! Darn my sweet tooth!

  46. Payday last Friday…. I went to whole foods and got their berry chantilly cake. It was super delicious. I hope I win and there’s a mini pink ruffle cake inside…lol :)

  47. My daughter’s birthday three days ago!

  48. I just celebrated my 5 year old son’s birthday with a campfire cake!

    I would love to win that beautiful cake stand!

  49. Gorgeous! I celebrated today with cake at lunch…..because…its Wednesday!!

  50. buying our first home!

  51. Yesterday! I made a cake using Pioneer Woman’s best chocolate sheet cake EVER recipe in celebration of my co-worker’s upcoming wedding. It also doubled as a showcase of what I learned during my decorating classes that ended on Monday. :)

  52. I just celebrated my birthday yesterday with red velvet cupcakes and a reine de saba cake. Yummy!

  53. Wow, this definitely inspires me to go out and do stuff like this. The pedestals are absolutely beautiful!

  54. I made a cake for Dr. Suess on his birthday. I use any excuse for cake.

  55. my last cake was two weeks ago for a babyshower i love that beautiful pink stand

  56. Sorry–double posting. Please discount my last post for the drawing. I actually just got to celebrate with not one but two cakes on Monday for two of my friend’s birthdays.

  57. February 28th! My sisters birthday. I made a round, 6 inch coconut cake with fluffy white 7 minute frosting.
    Still praying for you.

  58. Date night! We had a yummy devil’s food chocolate oreo cake from a new restaurant we tried.

  59. The last “cake” I made was for my brother-in-law’s birthday 3 weeks ago. I used this fabulous recipe: It was amazing!! Two weeks ago I made cake ball for a bridal shower. I’d love to have some beautiful pedestals!!

  60. i don’t really need an occasion to eat cake… but I had a really yummy chocolate cake last Friday night with some friends at a restaurant.

  61. i just baked an almond angel food cake for my husband’s birthday dinner last week. :)

  62. These are super cute!

  63. the last occasion I celebrated with a cake was a baby’s baptism

  64. Actually baking one now for this Friday. It is my boss’ birthday, I am doing a cake and 8 dozen cupcakes.

  65. My Birthday!! March 5th! Chocolate cake!!

  66. I just had my nephew’s birthday so we had a LOT of cakes. We had a chocolate parisian from Victor Bennes bakery. DELICIOUS! And a taro cake from cathy bakery. And my sis made us some delicious chocolate banana cupcakes with peanut butter frosting… SOOO MUCH CAKE but SOOO GOOD!

  67. My father-in-laws birthday at the beginning of this month. :)

  68. We celebrated my sons 3rd birthday with an awesome toy story 3 cake nice young baker made for us! It tasted wonderful and she did a great job on it

  69. I made a banana cake when my mother-in-law came to visit!

  70. My father’s birthday, but I will be celebrating my brother’s 18th today with a wonderful cake :)

  71. I havn’t had cake in so long! I made cupcakes for my best friend’s birthday back in October

  72. A neighbor’s birthday where we had a card tournament and of course, CAKE!

  73. I made strawberry shortcakes for my boyfriend’s birthday, March 18th. He said they were better than the one’s his mom made, but it’s our little secret!

  74. Those pedestals are precious. Last event celebrated with cake would be a co-worker appreciation luncheon. BossBoss made the Pioneer Woman’s chocolate sheetcake recipe. To. Die. For. :)

  75. last sat. for my nephew’s christening and made cakepops and some other treats like marshmallows,rice krispies !

  76. these would have been perfect for the tea party I had on sunday!

  77. We just celebrated my daughters 7th Birthday. My cousin made the most AMAZING chocolate cupcakes & vanilla cupcakes!! YUMMY

  78. OMG! I NEED those fabulous pedestals! The last time I celebrated with cake was my birthday 2 weeks ago, and we get to have cake again tomorrow since we celebrate March birthdays at my office! Woo hoo! Love cake and cake pedestals! :-)

  79. I celebrated my birthday with a home made giant swirly lollipop cake and little matching cake pops. They were ace and I love the pedestals. A gal can never have too many :)

  80. my boyfriends mom birthday, but tomorrow its my dads birtdhay.

  81. I am sad to say that I haven’t celebrated with cake in over two months!! It was a happy time though, for my nephew’s first birthday. It was his first taste of any baked good and he loved it!

  82. I just celebrated my father-in-law and uncle-in-law’s 60th birthday with icebox cake! And brownies. And cookies. And ice cream. A big birthday calls for lots of sweets!

  83. My son birthday last year

  84. This past Monday making cake pops with my hubby and a friend…had so much fun we had to break out a bottle of wine! Cake Pops pair nicely with wine ;)

  85. We celebrated my mom’s birthday with cake last :D

  86. Celebrated my mom’s birthday with a Chocolate Bar cake. Yum, yum!

  87. We just had cake for a coffee party a couple weeks ago. I used my crystal footed cake plate as the center piece and then had many other goodies around it. I like the pink cake plate and wished I had that when I had my party! It’s amazing how many pretty dishes are out there to help make your creations look all the more amazing!

  88. Bridal Shower!!!

  89. 3 weeks ago… My fiancé’s birthday!

  90. My Cousin’s birthday on March 24th. I made red velvet cake pops and cake balls for her (inspired by you!)

  91. Yesterday–you don’t need a reason to celebrate with cake!

  92. I celebrated the finding of what looked like a great recipe for half apple cake, half apple pie cupcakes – and turns out, it was:-)

  93. i made a cake for my sister for her birthdayy. yayyyy!!!
    that ruffle cake is so cool

  94. they are just beautiful I was looking for something to put my petite desserts on and this would be great!

  95. My brother’s birthday, my mum made a caterpillar cake. He was 18 :D

  96. I made my first red velvet cake this weekend to bring to work for my coworkers. I’m a teacher and the TAKS test is coming up so I thought I’d treat my fellow educators to a little treat!

  97. I celebrated my fabulous friends on Saturday with a pineapple upside down cake. I love my friends and I love cake!

  98. Monday night we had cherry pie filled chocolate cupcakes with vanilla bean buttercream frosting to celebrate visiting friends!

  99. I made raspberry filled lemon cupcakes for my sister’s boyfriend’s birthday two weeks ago.

  100. Love these platters!!… the last occasion I celebrated was st patricks day with the cutest white and green cake pops. . . :]

  101. I realize how sad this sounds now but the last time I celebrated with cake was when my son turned 1…and he is 20 months now! I NEED some cake and something to serve it on PLEASE!! :)

  102. My Cousin’s birthday, the 24th of March. I made her Red Velvet cake pops and cake balls (inspired by you!)

  103. Last Wednesday was my 30th birthday…there were cakes galore!!

  104. Ooooh…this is an easy one. Yesterday I baked a chocolate cake frosted with ganache and topped with salted caramel for my boyfriend’s birthday. The last piece is calling to me as I type….

  105. We celebrated my moms, brother, husband and my sons (1st!!!) birthday all in the same week! LOTS of cake!

  106. I made 4 mini cakes for a weekend birthday party celebrating all of the March birthdays we have in our family. Of course got the inspiration and recipe from Bakerella!!! :) A pretty pink pedestal would have been perfect for the mini cakes!!

  107. Made dark chocolate cupcakes a couple weeks ago for birthday. Need to make them again they were delicious.

  108. I celebrated Monday. Its always a little sweeter with cake. :)

  109. I celebrated it being a Friday… every occasion needs cake, even if it’s just the weekend!

  110. My mother’s 50th birthday a few weeks ago! I think I’m ready for some more cake! :)

  111. i celebrated with cake march 7th for my aunt’s birthday…. chocolate!

  112. My grandma’s 85th birthday this past weekend.

  113. I really don’t need an occasion for cake! We’ve had cake since, but our last occasion was my husband’s birthday.

  114. A birthday party!!!

  115. Uh,it was a Tuesday……any reason is a good enough occasion for cake.

  116. My daughter’s 17th birthday this past Saturday. We made CAKEBALLS!

  117. Hmm…that’s a tough one! I baked a cake for my daughter’s 3rd birthday and decorated it with purple fondant and a crown. It would’ve gone perfectly with the pink pedestals! And that was all the way back in November!

  118. Although all I was celebrating was getting through another day of work, I treated myself to a piece of cake at lunch yesterday!

  119. Hi! I love your website – I love the posts – and I love the pics even more. Bakerella you are so inspiring that I and my partners have decided to start our own business!! Each with our own talents can’t wait until we are on the web! You are amazing!! Hope I am able to inspire someone like you have me! PS could really use those cake stands!! LOL

  120. I celebrated my 24th birthday a few weeks ago with a Little Mermaid cake! :)

  121. How lovely. I am a cakeplate fiend. Just promise that if I win you won’t tell my husband! :)

  122. Valentine’s Day!

  123. My sons 13th birthday I Attempted to make a tron cake. My oldest son 18 ended up doing most of the decorating. It was fun. The cake was yummy too.

  124. My Mom’s birthday when I made a yummy caramel apple cake!

  125. I’m an at-home cake baker – so generally I’m the one supplying the cakes for special occasions! The last time I actually got to enjoy my own cake was for my future step-sisters 17th birthday – it’s nice to get to eat what you create!! :)

  126. Two weeks ago! My niece’s 4th birthday!

  127. I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a green cake. It was delicious. I would love to have those cake stands to display my cakes. Thanks for the chance to win.

  128. My last cake celebration was my hubby’s birthday about a month ago. Sounds like I’m in need of another one soon! Those pedestals are just too cute!

  129. My sweet niece Kendall’s birthday!!

  130. My last cake celebration was when I got a new cupcake corer and had to try it out :)

  131. My sisters 18th birthday, with her favorite: Red Velvet Cake

  132. I will be celebrating a painful job status meeting tomorrow at work – celebrating with CAKE BALLS! Thanks to Bakerella, cake balls now make every occassion something to look forward to and for that I thank you.

  133. my nephew’s birthday last weekend for which i made him a captain america cake!

  134. My husband’s birthday! I made him a giant tuxedo cake with chocolate covered strawberries.

  135. *gasp* I just realized I haven’t made a cake since Thanksgiving’s pumpkin cheesecake! What has become of me? Well, my birthday is in less than two weeks, so I’ll certainly make up for it soon! :)

  136. Things that make you say “ahhhh….”

  137. I make a four layer tie dye cake with bright purple, blue, yellow, lite purple with pastry cream within the layers (scooped out) this past weekend for my husband’s birthday. Then I decorated it with Saint Patrick Day’s fondant cake toppers (pot of gold and black hats).

  138. I would DIE to have those!! SO CUTE!

  139. My wedding!!

  140. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was the girls get together.It was a pound cake.

  141. It was yellow (out of a box) cupcakes with chocolate (out of a tub) frosting as requested by my newly-home-from-Iraq son…simple pleasures!

  142. We recently celebrated my niece’s 1st birthday. My sister-in-law and I made carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese icing all from scratch. They were very yummy and Addy Beth (birthday girl) LOVED them!

  143. We celebrated my daughters 6th birthday with a cookie cake covered in pink roses! It was a Fancy Nancy theme. Wish I had these pedestals then!

  144. One of the missionaries in our area had a birthday and my 15 yr old made the cake and everything. It was Awesome

  145. For my husbands birthday.

  146. Two weeks ago. I teach a cooking class for group
    of young girls that are homeschooled on Friday’s.

    We made Strawberry Cream Short Cake…. Oh my… it is so

  147. my fabulous 5 year old’s rock and roll birthday – with PINK cupcakes of course!

  148. Saturday night…just because I felt like baking and to celebrate just getting through the week! Baking always helps me unwind and then I have a treat at the end.

  149. My father-in-laws birthday last week!

  150. Mardi Gras,,,lots and lots of king cake here in New Orleans!

  151. I NEED a cake pedestal! Mine broke in the dishwasher months ago! I think the last cake occassion was Valentine’s Day!

  152. Sunday night, my daughter made a humming bird in celebration of a dear friends visit.

  153. Yesterday at a cake workshop at school

  154. OMG those pedestals and the treats on them are adorable…I should be ashamed to admit this, but the last occasion we celebrated with cake was…the end of a long week at work. Yep we totally bought a birthday cake that someone didn’t pick up and celebrated Friday with it….best cake ever!

  155. We had cake pops this past weekend when my daughter was here to continue with plans for her wedding – which will include bride and groom cakepops. We also had cheesecake. All types of cakes are a “staple” at our house.

  156. ow i do hope being in europe is no problem
    the last time i celebrate with cake was actually this afternoon with my daughter who is 5
    just for no reason but the nice weather we finally have and the excus to make cakpops :D :D

  157. My daughter made the red velvet cake from your blog about a month ago…no special occasion…and it was a hit…she’s made it numerous times since.

  158. I love all things about cake stands. I just hosted a baby shower and had cupcakes…I could have definitely used this give away!

  159. Cheat day on my diet! =) That’s an occasion, right?! That website is going to be the death of me. I’m obsessed with cake stands and bell jars!

  160. It’s been one month – cupcake bites for a baby shower.

  161. My 21st birthday!

  162. We celebrated my son’s birthday with cookie cake at the end of February.

  163. I went to Austin, Texas for the first time and had 7-up cake. It was AMAZING!

  164. Our daughters birth on March 18th!! We technically had the cake when we got home from the hospital 2 days later, but you only get one actual BIRTH day! :)

  165. Anniversary celebrations at work!

  166. I baked a lemon cake for a friend’s birthday. Lemon always tastes like a big bunch of Spring! Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  167. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was… A guest at the hotel I work at gave me and the other Front Desk person something to drink and eat, and it came up that we baked. Alyssa made cookies, and I made my signature lemon cake, even though he didn’t like lemon too much. I promised him he would.

    HE LOVED THE CUPCAKES!!! And came back asking for more.

  168. We had cake at ladie’s lunch we had to celebrate my cousin’s wedding.

  169. I celebrated losing 20 pounds with a piece of cake – might be a bit ironic, but I have a major sweet tooth and this was a reward!

  170. I love cake stands! I only have one but I hardly ever use it for cake. In my house cake is really only eaten for birthdays.

  171. March 1 for my boyfriend’s 30th Birthday!!

  172. Last cake I made was at Christmas. I think I am WAAAAAY overdue for another cake AND another occasion!

  173. My son’s birthday 3 weeks ago!! My beautiful baby boy is now 7 !!

  174. Husband’s birthday the end of January.

  175. Our monthly birthday celebration at work!

  176. I celebrated a friend’s birthday with cake on Monday night!

  177. My cousin’s baby shower in December! Clearly I need to make more excuses for cake! I think some new pedestals would be perfect!!!

  178. My Niece’s 13th birthday! On the party bus…woohoo!!

  179. Valentines Day, which is also my birthday. Now I’ll be having another soon for my college graduation!!

  180. Last week I make cupcakes for work… the occasion? Who needs one for cupcakes :)

  181. For my wedding in October, we had my mom make a bunch of homemade cakes. We decided hers tasted the best out of the cakes we tried and threw traditional wedding cake design out the window! Wow it’s been awhile. We clearly need more cake celebrations!

  182. My son’s birthday. German Chocolate…Mmmm.

  183. The last occasion I calebrated with cake was my wedding in January.

  184. I celebrated with cake last night! My fiance and I did a cake tasting for our wedding and it was deeelicious! :)

  185. My best friend’s wedding this past weekend. I made their wedding cake as a suprise, and it turned out pretty good! 4 tier dark chocolate cake with a white chocolate cream cheese frosting. I’m still eatting the leftover frosting!

  186. My 27th birthday!!! just yesterday infact. =) I am pretty sure I need these as a belated birthday gift! ;)

  187. For my daughter in laws baby shower for my new granddaughter. Little did we know she was in labor the whole time and Bailey arrived the next day, 3 weeks early.

  188. Finishing my midterms!

  189. does a cupcake count? :) if so, then i had some last week… if it’s a cake cake, then i would say about a month ago? tryin’ ta lose a few pounds so i’m keeping limits on the sweets… though i love making some solely for stress relief!

  190. These petestals are amazing. I definately will be going to her site to purchase some.
    The last event I was at was my son’s wedding this past Friday! I made the cake, now I am resting! ;) Other than the cake balls I will be making as thank yous to everyone who helped this past week!

  191. Here for hoping.

  192. I didn’t think you NEEDED an occasion to have cake :)

  193. Just spent a quiet normal Sunday afternoon with my family. We just celebrated being together and enjoying family time… Wasn’t a holiday… Just family time. A beautiful homemade dinner and delicious cake. A simple and meaningful family day.

  194. On Monday. We celebrated my youngest daughter’s 5th birthday! We love cake in our family!!

  195. The last event I celebrated with a cake was my younger son’s wedding in September. In addition to the traditional wedding cake at his luncheon reception, we had a dessert table at an informal after-party and I made two fantastic (if I do say so) cakes that I served on pedestal cake plates as well as about 100 cake pops and assorted other goodies.
    Keeping you in my prayers, Bakerella.

  196. The last time I celebrated with cake was my birthday in March, but yesterday my girl friends and I had gluten free apple tea cake during our kids playdate…where 4 of 5 children napped most of the time. Is that cheating? I think not because peanut butter brownies were also involved. Glorious!

  197. The last event that I celebrated with cake was my anniversary in January. My boyfriend and I shared an entire cherry cheese cake :)

  198. A co-worker’s birthday a couple of months ago. I’m not a huge cake eater, but I sure do like enough other treats to always have something for display on those beautiful pedestals.

  199. The last event was my Dad’s 60th birthday. We made a spice cake as well as a two layer simple yellow cake, both decorated with simple buttercream icing. It was a great family get-together!

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