
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. Celebrated my dad’s birthday! He LOVES cake!!!!

  2. I celebrated that it was a Sunday by eating a red velvet cake. The entire cake. All by myself.

    True story!

  3. A few weeks ago I made a little cake for my kids. It wasn’t any special occasion, just enjoying something sweet and yummy with my kiddos!

  4. A few weeks ago I made a little cake for my kids. It wasn’t any special occasion, just enjoying something sweet and yummy with my kiddos!

  5. My sweet baby boy’s arrival in November!!

  6. Soooo pretty! I have an obsession with cake pedestals – especially beautiful ones like these!

    I baked a carrot cake for my boyfriend’s birthday last year, but am considering baking one for myself on my birthday – this Monday! Hey, if you’re going to have cake, sometimes you’ve just got to do it yourself.

  7. Gorgeous treats. All of it. Thanks for sharing these pics! My last cake was an almond poppy seed cake with stars of cream cheese frosting for my cousin’s birthday. Yum!

  8. We celebrated the anniversary of one of the groups at my law school!

  9. just had angel food cake for breakfast today — just because. :)

  10. My 25th birthday on March 6th! What is a celebration without a cake?! :) Hope you’re feeling better!!!

  11. I JUST broken my cake pedestal that I received as a wedding present 18 years ago. To replace it with something this beautiful would most definatly fill the space on my shelf and in my heart!

  12. Love this shop! I made a Ruffle cake for a friend’s birthday last week. It was yummy!

  13. Cake, I try to celebrate everyday with cake but reality is my friend birthday Feb 13th. Must have more cake immediately!

  14. Well the last celebration with a cake was my birthday… a little sad by the way… i have to work and i couldn’t stay with my family.

  15. Last time I celebrated with cake is when a few weeks ago when my coworkers were having a Chili Cookoff (which I can’t make or eat for the life of me) Soooo I made a zillion mini red-velvet cupcakes to go with the event! (Yup, I used your red-velvet recipes from a few blogs ago!) The cupcakes dissappeared faster than any of the Chili!

  16. I celebrated my boyfriend’s mother’s birthday by making a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!

  17. It’s been a few weeks. I made a cake just because my 3 yr old wanted one:)

  18. A baby shower! And just in time because my precious boy came 5 weeks early the very next day.

  19. I made cake balls and cake cookies a few weeks ago with my 3 year old. Fun, yummy stuff on a rainy day!

  20. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was last Thursday, for no reason! There doesn’t need to be an occasion to make a strawberry cake with vanilla frosting!

  21. My Dad’s birthday – today!!

  22. This is going to be horrible.. Probably dad’s birthday back in November.. So sad I know.. But those are too adorable – got to have one, two or three of them..


  24. I made a tiered cake for my sisters bridal shower this past weekend!

  25. I celebrated my boyfriend’s birthday with a lovely chocolate cake. He really loved it!

  26. my daughter’s 5th birthday on monday. i made a barbie doll cake.

  27. My husband’s birthday! Lemon Cake with lemon Cream Cheese icing!

    Feel better, Bakerella!

  28. Let’s see, my birthday on March 9th, my nieces birthday on March 21st, my daughter’s birthday on March 24th and my Mother’s (she’s 84) on March 28th. Is that enough?

  29. hope i make it in time for this giveaway!! wheeeee!!

  30. I just made my first marshmallow fondant cake (cookies and cream and decorated like Legos) for my 6 year old’s birthday this past weekend. Then I just made cookies and cream cupcakes with cookies and cream icing for his birthday snacks at school. Yum!!

  31. “Celebrated” that is was Sunday afternoon. The cake event before that was my son’s 18th birthday.

  32. We ate cake in class last week to celebrate the completion of a big paper.

  33. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was volcano day at the preschool where it teach. I made a volcano cake, complete with smoke and bubbling lava. The kids loved it and so did the adults. Yummy!!

  34. The last time I celebrated with cake was with a girlfriend on her last day of her hated job. We bought the largest one we could find, with the most frosting, and a bottle of wine. She is now in school full time for photography! So proud of her :-)

  35. My sister’s bridal shower! Peanut butter and honey themed treats (including cake!).

  36. OOoooooo…my son wanted to make a triple layer cake! We had fun with 3 different sized pans- JUST BECAUSE!!

  37. We just celebrated my son’s 7th birthday with a Perry the Platypus cake. It was very cute!

  38. Tuesday night. We didn’t need an occasion! Classic vanilla cake with buttercream frosting. Yum!

  39. The last cake I made was for my husband’s birthday – German Chocolate. Delicious! :)

  40. The last occasion we celebrated with cake was this past Monday! My family and I were celebrating a reunion visit from my in-laws who currently live in Colombia. It had been 4 years since they had seen us last in the States.

  41. my husbands birthday. :)

  42. My 6 year’s sixth birthday on the 18th of March.

  43. I tried to enter this the other day on my phone but don’t think it went through…

    Lately I’ve enrolled in a cake decorating class and so we’ve been celebrating “life” every week with cake! This week it worked out well because it was my husband’s birthday. :)

  44. My sister’s birthday in January!

  45. my nephew’s birthday! he was so happy he was able to put the m&m’s on by himself. :)

  46. My birthday, St Patty’s. Green cupcakes would look so cute on precious pink pedestals!

  47. These are gorgeous!! What talent you have!! And I LOVE the beautiful cake plates and domes!

  48. last time we had cake it was my birthday march 8th, my oldest daughter made me a German chocolate all by herself!! yummy!

  49. Umm.. “Hooray- it’s Tuesday!” :). No reason except we wanted cake, so we did.

  50. My boyfriend’s 21st Birthday on Monday!

  51. This past weekend-chocolate cake with buttercream icing. Yum.

  52. celebrated a co-workers birthday. I kept wanting to deconstruct it & roll it into cake balls!

  53. The last time I celebrated with a cake was about 2 weeks ago. I was experimenting with a new recipe.

  54. What a cute idea for easter

  55. I made a giant cupcake for my sisters birthday last week! I think the only thing that could have made it cuter is one of these pedestals!

  56. Well, my husband got me a cake for my birthday but unfortunately I started a horrible cleanse the next day!

  57. I absolutely love the pedestals! I have spent hours scouring the internet, looking for a beautiful pedestal for a wedding cake that I’m making for by BF’s son’s wedding in June…and here you have some of the most beautiful on the web, all in one easy place! Bakerella, you have the best friends (Melody) and the most interesting blogs! I’ve been crazy for cake pops since seeing your blog on them!

    I’m also so happy that you’re feeling well enough to post again. I hope all is going well for you and that you’ll be fixed up good as new soon.


  58. My God Daughters Birthday Party! You can’t have a party without CAKE!

  59. I just finished decorating an Eagle cake 5 minutes ago for my nephew’s Eagle Court of Honor tonight! Love cake!!

  60. Red Velvet for Valentine’s Day.

  61. We celebrated this past week during a Disney vaca!

  62. I last celebrated with cake a week or so ago for my brother-in law’s birthday. My husband surprised me with his baking and cake decorating skills when he helped make the cake.

  63. Last Sunday for my sister-in-laws birthday!

  64. Just a couple of days ago with some ‘cake’ pops from Starbucks. The birthday cake ‘pops’ are delicious.

  65. Celebrated our engagement with a DELICIOUS homemade cake :)

  66. My husband and I celebrated our birthdays two weeks ago, so we had cake and pie in celebration. :)

  67. Yesterday! It was my son’s 7th birthday and I made him a Luigi hat cake. He loves Mario Kart.

  68. Today! Its Shelby’s birthday! I made him a special cake just for him! Welcome back, I hope you are doing well :)

  69. Last Wednesday just because it was sunny.

  70. my roomie’s birthday a few weeks ago :)

  71. my colleague’s birthday!
    we surprised her with a soft fluffy cheesecake topped with fruits :)

  72. Just the other day had brownie cupcake bites just to celebrate the family getting together to watch a movie. ;o)

  73. I was inspired by your site and celebrated my daughters 5th birthday last weekend with Hello Kitty cake and cake pops. They were a huge hit. Thanks for the ideas!

  74. The last time I celebrated with cake was far too long ago. My sister’s birthday, all the way back in August.

    Now that’s not to say we haven’t had cake since then. ;)

    It just wasn’t a celebration so much as it was a ‘let’s experiment with recipes.’

  75. Let them (me) eat cake! I made a nice lemon cake this past weekend for a casual dinner with friends.

  76. My mom and I hosted a Bridal Shower 3-5-11 for my cousin who will be getting married Friday April 1st (yes April Fools Day). My mom and I used a white pedestal for the cake. My cousin choose the 1st because my parents are married on that day and it will be their 51st Annv.

  77. I love love love pedestals! I have a trendy one that i received as a wedding gift and the last time I used it was to celebrate christmas.

  78. Anonymous said…

    Last Thursday
    My grandparents celebratet their golden wedding

    lots of glorious cakes *drools*
    I still regret I couldn´t try all

  79. Yesterday! My daughters First birthday! We had a sweet little heart cake just for her :)

  80. Last Thursday
    My grandparents celebratet their golden wedding

    lots of glorious cakes *drools*
    I still regret I couldn´t try all

  81. Who needs a reason to celebrate with cake! I made a huge chocolate cake last Saturday for no reason at all. It was soooo good :)

  82. The last place we celebrated with cake would be my Mother’s 11 year cancer free celebration!

  83. No occasion – just because. It was a salted caramel cupcake from a recipe that I just HAD to try. Sooooo glad I did! :)

  84. I celebrated (with my family) my dad’s 30 year anniversary at work.

  85. My moms birthday. I made her a yellow cake with lemon filling and buttercream icing….

  86. we celebrated my birthday on the 9th of march with a cake!!!

  87. My niece’s first birthday! :o)

  88. Gorgeous!! We celebrated with cake at my sister-in-law’s bridal shower.

  89. I threw a baby shower for my sister-in-law a couple of weeks ago and made a giant cupcake for her!

  90. I totally need a sweet domed pedestal in my life. Le sigh… :-)

  91. I don’t remember the last time we had just cake. It’s been cake balls and pops all the way lately! In fact, we just had gluten-free chocolate ones for my sister’s birthday on Sunday. :)

  92. What a sweet display. My son’s birthday two weeks ago.

  93. I celebrated with cake on the 26th of March for my daughter’s birthday!!

    I pray for your health and soon recovery!

  94. My son’s 40th birthday, I don’t know how he got so old and I remained so young!

  95. My brother’s birthday two weeks ago. We had two ckaes… a chocolate-chocolate cake and a strawberry shortcake that my daughter absolutely adores!

  96. My father in-laws 53rd Birthday!

  97. Just-for-the-heck-of-it carrot cake last weekend, and it was fantastic! :)

  98. My (future) mother in law’s birthday! I made her a white cake with chocolate buttercream and made it into a cat shape with coconut for the fur. She loved it!

  99. I love these! They would be perfect for my upcoming bridal shower. Thanks and I hope you’re feeling better!

  100. I made a from scratch yellow two layer cake with chocolate fudge frosting for my Mom’s 70th birthday last month. would have looked fabulous on one of these cake stands!

  101. The pink pedestals are beautiful!!! I love them!!! Thanks for the link to her site as I will definitely be checking it out and for a chance to win! The last time we had cake was when we made cupcakes for St. Patrick’s day. This year we tried the rainbow cupcakes off the Family Fun site. My girls loved them. Hope you are feeling good Bakerella. Take care.

  102. We celebrated my last day at work 2 weeks ago. Thanks guys!

  103. Just last Saturday we had friends over for dinner and I made a chocolate praline cake with whipped cream icing because (and I said) “I think cakes need to make a comeback!”

    It was enjoyed by all!

  104. I made my first stacked cake for my niece a few weeks ago for her birthday, it came out pretty good but most importantly she loved it! =)

  105. The last cake occasion was my son’s birthday, and the next one is my father-in-law’s birthday (tomorrow). neither would call for a pretty pink pedestal, but I HAVE TO HAVE IT! It’s soooo pretty!

  106. Oh those are gorgeous! The last time we celebrated with cake was just after Sunday dinner!

  107. My pre-birthday celebration European style cheesecake…drooooool!

  108. i celebrated my neigbors birthday last night with a delicious cake!

  109. My best friends daughter’s 7th birthday! I made all the cupcakes and a little cake just for the birthday girl!

  110. I actually just hosted my 3rd annual cupcake party this past Saturday. I baked over 150 mini cupcakes in 5 flavors with the theme “Brunch.” It was a huge success and I had just been thinking how great it would have been if I had had a stand for some of those cupcakes so they could all fit on the table! :)

  111. My brother’s 32nd birthday. He was out of town, but I had a slice in his honor. :)

  112. The last cake I made was for work, for St. Patrick’s Day. It was green! :)

  113. Thrilled to see your wonderful, Bakerella-y post!

    I celebrate each week by baking–last week it was brownies, but Hubby bought such wonderful German baking chocolate for my “baking pantry” that I’ll have to come up with something wonderful for this week.

  114. Wow~~~ So pretty! This make me wanna throw a party! Last party with cake was at my kids friend’s bday party. Thanks for the chance!

  115. I made my mother a beautiful rose cake about a month ago, celebrating a business milestone.

  116. my son’s 8th birthday last weekend!

  117. Does dirt cake count? If so, then I celebrated Saturday-for-being-Saturday with dirt cake.

  118. Oh! Those are so pretty! No wonder there are over 8,000 comments!

    I made a Hooray! It’s Spring! Strawberry shortcake last Saturday — and then it snowed on Monday! Oh well, I’ll celebrate the next spring-like weather we have, too :)

  119. The last occasion we celebrated with cake was my daughter’s first birthday in February.

    Though my birthday was the most recent, we celebrated my birthday with cream puffs from Beard Papa!

  120. Last time we celebrated with Cake In February – no reason, just felt like making a beach party themed cake to help us get through winter.

  121. The last occasion was my nephews’ birthdays. They are 13 months apart, so their mama combined efforts for one party since they are 1 and 2. Cake was delicious!

  122. Valentines Day! I made a 3 tier Red Velvet cake for my boyfriend <3

  123. We celebrated my dad’s birthday last month on Groundhog Day!

  124. For my dads birthday, my mom attempted to make a Boston Cream Pie Cake and by the time it came around to eat it, half of the cake had started sliding off the cake. Typical! It was still good though!

  125. I made/decorated a birthday cake for a friend and then made raspberry filled cupcakes to go beside the cake on the dessert table.

  126. Cake?? Very frequently! I am baking a from-scratch carrot cake today, in fact. :) Just because it’s Wednesday!!

  127. my little boy’s 4th birthday! I tried to make a fire truck (it was less than stellar- but he loved it!)

  128. The last time I celebrated with Cake was 2 weeks ago at my friends baby shower, I made the cake!
    I hope that you are feeling better

  129. Wow, those are so beautiful.

    Actually when I get home from work I’m making your easy cupcake bites for my friends wedding. The ones I did before with cupcake bites for her shower. I had glued 1500 sugar pearls to them. Never again! (the sugar pearl part. I love making cupcakes lol)

  130. Three weeks ago I made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for special friends visiting from china. oh, that reminds me, she wants the recipe! this weekend is cake time again – for a baby shower!

  131. I celebrated a good friend’s wedding this past Saturday with a delicious almond raspberry cake. It was delicious!

  132. Welcome Baby party for the family! Love your website! WIshing and praying for your health!

  133. Last time I had cake….its been too long! I do get carrot cake for my birthday celebration on Sunday though.

  134. The last time I celebrated with cake was on my boyfriend’s birthday. I made him Julia Child’s “Reine de Saba” chocolate cake and also a Zuccotto cake. Both were delicious!

  135. OOOOhHHHHH how beautiful and fun! I love pedestals; they just make the table a party! Thanks!

    (Just gave your blog and book a shout-out, here:

  136. The last occasion I celebrated was Monday. I have a habit of making a cake weekly for our dessert and I share half of it with our neighbors.

  137. Cake is good for any occasion, but my favorite cake occasion was my wedding! I made my cake a few days before. it was my time to be alone and de-stress (baking is my stress reliever)!

  138. Gorgeous cake stands! Making a cake and cupcakes for a wedding shower tonight! This is great inspiration!

  139. my son’s birthday a few weeks ago.

  140. We celebrated Sunday dinner with a cake this past Sunday…it’s the only time during the week that we’re all together so we celebrated with a yummy orange cake!! Glad to hear you’re doing better Bakerella!!

  141. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was… MY WEDDING!!!!!!!!! It was pumpkin spice cake with Irish Cream filling. Deeeeeeelicious! You have no idea how much I love love love cake stands. I truly truly do.

  142. Ooooohhhhh! I love them all, that is just what I need in my kitchen stocked with yummy treats for my sweet babies to eat!!!

  143. We celebrated my husband’s birthday last month. I think I will make a cake tonight!

  144. Actually, I baked a cake the day before Lent started to celebrate because there won’t be any more cake in the house until Easter! Oh No!

  145. these will be perfect for my Bridal Shower!!

    Last was for my Mom’s Bday!

  146. My sister-in-laws birthday! That pretty pedestal would have been used enthusiastically!

  147. Just last week we celebrated my sons 7th bday with a Transformers cake. I guess Transformers cakes and pretty pink pedestals don’t really jive, but thank heaven for my little girl :)

  148. Dreamy dark chocolate cake for my sister and husband in February.

  149. My mother in laws birthday last weekend. I love cake so any occasion with cake is a good one!

  150. Mmmmm… cake!! If I can’t easily remember the last time I ate cake, then it must have been waaaaayyy too long ago! I think it was for a co-worker’s birthday. If cupcakes count, it was red velvet cupcakes, 1 week ago!

  151. Hmm…. last week maybe? I’m always trying to find excuses to celebrate. Can wait till Easter! In the meantime I guess I can just bake something up for librarian appreciation week ;)

  152. I celebrated my nephews 10th bday last saturday with a transformers cake. We had so much fun I also made cake pops for them for the 1st time and they loved them!

  153. Hmmm, I gues it was my son-in-law’s birthday. This weekend we’ll celebrate with cake for my grandson’s 13th birthday.

  154. why last night of course, celebrating theme..”Remembering the Past , Serving in the Present”…with a divine home made chocolate chunk cake.

  155. My son’s 2nd birthday was last week and I made him a Lightning McQueen cake!

  156. I usually bake myself a celebratory cake after every batch of mid-terms. :D

  157. 4 yr old pre-birthday celebration! The cake stands are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  158. my daughters 4th birthday, and sadly if i would have only had this then…. good thing, if i win, my birthday is in 3 weeks! i could DEFINITELY use this pretty thing!!

  159. The last time we celebrated with cake was my daughter’s 21st birthday on March 27! It was chocolate iced devil’s food! Gotta have cake on birthdays!!!! Love the pedestals!!!! And the dome!!!!

  160. In December, my daughters 6th birthday….a fairy cake….white cake, raspberry filling, buttercream frosting. delish!

  161. The last thing I celebrated with cake was a friends bridal shower!

  162. My mom’s 50th bday last weekend! I made an almond joy cake with the most delicious coconut ganache filling! WIsh there had been leftovers!

  163. It’s been quite a while since I’ve had cake…but I can say the last time I had cupcakes…Elmo ones that I handcrafted myself at my daughter’s 2nd birthday party!

  164. I baked a cake for my mother-in-laws birthday and I actually have plans to bake cupcakes for a wedding and was looking for a display stand! My kitchen does feel incomplete without a cake stand. It’s just not the same displayed on a plate.

  165. I am a pedistal F*A*N. . . I love pedistals, but I don’t have a single pink one : (

    I had/made cake for my daughter’s Junior Class Ring Ceremony just 2 days ago. And I made a little side cake for my family yesterday.

    And cake and pedistals are just made for each other! I’d love to win <3

  166. Friend’s 30th birthday last weekend! I made a cake of the Old Well at UNC.

  167. Had cake a party this past weekend for my son who is being deployed — nice way to celebrate with family & friends.

  168. My fiance and I celebrated just this past weekend with cake – the occasion was simply being happy and glad that we have eachother.

  169. I used a cake stand and placed a block cake on it for my very good friends baby shower last Saturday.

  170. The birthday of the man who built the historic home where I work – he would have turned 197, and we got him a lemon-rosemary cake. YUM!

  171. My aunt made a soccer cake for my cousins 8th birthday! Saw this picture on design sponge…simply gorgeous!

  172. I just made a cake shaped like a hamburger for a baby shower last week – that’s all she ate for lunch while she was pregnant. It came out really cute!

  173. The last time we celebrated with cake was my son’s 2nd birthday. We did a monster truck cake! Fun!

  174. This weekend visiting my parents, niece and nephew….Strawberry Cake with fresh Louisiana Strawberries…SUPER YUMMY!!!!

  175. I actually made and decorated the cupcakes for my friend’s baby shower. They were easy to make (and eat), and cheaper than a bakery. We young gals are on a budget, you know! I love all of these cakestands!

  176. My boyfriends dad’s birthday party! :)

  177. A spa birthday party this past weekend! :)

  178. well, the next time i’ll have cake is Friday for my birthday dinner!

  179. The last time I made a real cake was for Christmas when I tried a cake with a surprise Christmas tree design inside using inspiration from i am baker. BUT my husband’s birthday is next week and I was just looking for a cute little cake stand to hold a small 2 person 5 inch round cake. Have to go check out her shop now!

  180. I celebrated my little brothers birthday a couple of weeks ago!

  181. A cake decorating party to celebrate the 11th birthday of one of my daughter’s friends AND a beautiful rainbow cake to celebrate the 3rd birthday of a precious little girl, both in the same day!

  182. My daughter’s birthday in January. We had chocolate sheet cake.

  183. I made one last weekend for a get together with friends.

  184. I celebrated St. Patrick’s day with the ‘green velvet’ cake recipe from the site!! :)

  185. Last weekend, when my friend celebrated her birthday with a homemade cake that was a small, 2 layer chocolate cake covered in LOTS of chocolate frosting and absolutely delicious!

  186. my birthday! I made tres leches:)

  187. The last occassion I celebrated with a cake was a baby “sprinkle” for a friend of mine!

  188. I baked my last cake in August for my son’s 8th birthday. I know shame on me for not baking more often.

  189. The last occasion I celebrated with cake? That was probably my birthday, which was last summer. My boyfriend decided he wanted to make me a cake… though he was a couple of months late in getting around to doing it, he still did it, which is impressive because he isn’t very confident in the kitchen on his own yet. I don’t know why; he helps me in the kitchen all the time. Before that, I made a cake for his birthday, which was kind of an adventure. I decided to try my hand at making an ice cream cake. Unfortunately I didn’t realize that the pan I’d grabbed for the cake layer was a different size than the ones I used for the ice cream layers, and I ill-advisedly tried to conceal this fact with excessive amounts of frosting. It was so egregiously sweet that we could only eat tiny slivers of the cake at a time. Ah well, learning experience! Next time all my pans will be the right size, and I’ll use buttercream (normally buttercream is too cloyingly buttery for me, but I can handle it a lot better when it’s frozen).

    I’ve probably made a couple of cakes since then, but lately we’ve been focusing more on cookies (I finally found a great chocolate chip cookie recipe!) and truffles. I’ll be making another cake in May for my friend’s birthday; she’s said she wants a flourless chocolate cake.

    And wow, this comment was rambly and stream-of-consciousness. Sorry. >_>

  190. celebrated my son’s 13th birthday 3-20!!

    but who needs a birthday? any day is a great day to celebrate and use that pretty pedestal!

  191. Yesterday was my daughter’s 10th birthday. We had cake twice!!

  192. My best friend’s birthday! The cake was gluten and egg free…I’m really not sure it qualified as cake…

  193. A couple weeks ago it was a friends bday. . .however, she lives out of town. But as a good excuse to eat cake, I made a basic yellow cake with a vanilla glaze and texted her a picture of it for her birthday and then my husband and I ate it!

  194. My sister’s b-day cake. I made a mini-stacked marshmallow fondont tiered cake… my first adventure in Fondont and it was easy and fun… can’t wait to try more.

  195. At the annual fundraiser for the National MS Society held in our backyard, we have cake to celebrate our generous friends for their amazing support and love.

  196. I made myself a birthday cake a couple of weeks ago.

  197. Awesome just beautfiul.

    The last time I had cake was my daughter’s 1/2 birthday 2/10.

    I love those tiny pink cakes in the dome, what are they

  198. last celebrated a friend’s baby shower with a beautiful 3-tier cake decorated by yours truly!

  199. The last time I celebrated with cake was on Fat Tuesday :)

  200. I would LOVE to have this set!! We just celebrated my oldest daughter’s 6th birthday yesterday and I have two more little girls that have birthdays a week apart this summer! They would be perfect for their pink poodle/monkey celebration for a 1st and 3rd birthday!

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