
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. We celebrated snow!! Today with cake and cakepops!

  2. oh how I love those (and they inspired a pink ruffle I made in January!)

    so the last occasion we celebrated with cake? one year anniversary of friends renting a garden, sounds strange but was oh so much fun!

  3. Last night! Working on some cakepops!

  4. My sons birthday in January was the last time we had cake-OMG its been too long! Must have cake! I guess I should get on those Easter cake pops! : )

  5. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was dinner Monday night! Okay, not actually (it was just left overs). Before that the last REAL celebration was my great-aunt-in-law’s Birthday.

  6. The last time I had cake was for my Grandma’s birthday

  7. At a unicorn party, for a little girl named mabel! (the cake was in the shape of a unicorn’s head and had the most delicious buttercream frosting)

  8. I am also a creator of cakes, like melody, so I’m always on the look out for pretty pedestals. The last cake I made was spongebob for a gal turning 16

  9. Our awesome daycare ladys birthday!

  10. WOW!!! ovr 8500 comments, geesh. i am so happy that you are feeling better. well, out of the hospital better :O) i wish nothing but the best for you Bakerella!!!

    i am currently on the 1 cake a month diet….ya see there is at least 1 birthday in my home every month for the next 7 months. so i bake a cake EVERY month along with a birthday dinner. it’s crazy, i know. anyhoo, the last cake was on 13 mar for my husband. it was the luscious 4-layer pumpkin cake (courtesy of KRAFT). take care and happy baking.

  11. My Nonna’s 76th Birthday! Made her a little cake :)

  12. Do you really need an occassion to eat cake? :)
    I made Guinness cupcakes for St. Paddy’s day.

  13. My nephew’s 3rd birthday party was last Saturday. He wanted Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer cake. So even though it is March, I made reindeer cake.

  14. …all I can say is, GORGEOUS!!!
    Thanks for the beauty post and welcome back to give-away land Bakerella!

  15. I baked a scrumptious “death by chocolate” cake in celebration of my new oven!

  16. This past weekend it was my boyfriend’s birthday and we celebrated his birthday with a chocolate mousse cake.

  17. I made my boyfriend a carrot cake for his birthday last month, but it was a sad cake, because it wasn’t on any pedestal at all — let alone such a lovely one!

  18. Who needs an ‘occasion’ to celebrate with cake? Last week I made a Boston Cream Pie, just ’cause it’s my husband’s favorite. And – I did put it only the only cake pedestal I have – a cute little pink glass one.

  19. I would love these! The last time I celebrated with cake was a couple weeks ago for my little brothers birthday:)

  20. My boyfriend had a birthday cake in February that was University of Tennessee adorned! Yes. The UGLY orange.

  21. The last time I celebrated with cake was for no reason at all. The amazing Lafreunaie bakery opened near my house and we had to go and pick one up! We enjoyed a delicious lemon cake with the family!

  22. Our book club read Baking Cakes in Kangali and I made the rose cake for us to enjoy!!

  23. Just a few weeks ago for my son’s birthday. He wanted cake pops! Good taste for a 3 yr old huh? But I did send the “Hi Hat Cupcakes” to preschool for his birthday. Yeah all the other mom’s hate me!!!

  24. My husbands birthday last December! Which is entirely too long ago. :(

  25. I think the last occasion was a Tuesday – because that’s all the occasion I need to bake a cake and gobble it up! I do love cake.

  26. Monday night – to celebrate the fact that Monday was over!

  27. Last week for my mother in laws birthday! :)

  28. I made a cake for my mother-in-law’s birthday, it didnt look perfect but it sure tasted great :-)

  29. Last Wed. for no special occasion at all other than a tough day and a need for some chocolate cake in my life.

  30. I wish I had a reason, so we made our own and had some yesterday for a happy Tuesday! Cake is always good :)

  31. We celebrated the end of lacrosse season for my oldest son. With Blue and Gold cakepops of course! Go Eagles!

  32. My mother-in-law’s bday! She’s the best!! The cake was great!! BTW, loved you on Martha Stewart. I’m glad the show brought me to your website!! Congrats on your success!!

  33. Co-worker’s birthday last Wednesday… Definitely time for more cake!

  34. My mom’s birthday on Sunday :)

  35. Two weeks ago my husband and I brought a cake to announce to our friends that we are expecting our first baby this fall! Yay! :D

  36. Last week, I celebrated the end of the work week with a big fluffy cupcake from Crumbs bakery. It was delish!

  37. My neice and I just made cupcakes yesterday for no reason at all!

  38. Valentines Day when I made a heart shaped cake for my hubster and 2 kids.

  39. My 21st birthday!

  40. I think the last cake celebration we had was with cupcakes actually… for a surprise “congrats on getting engaged” party my coworkers threw for me. :)

  41. My class celebrated “Coming to Class” last Thursday with coffee cake the professor brought in. We eat a lot of cake.

  42. My hubby’s 30th!!

  43. Last time I celebrated with cake was at my sons 3rd birthday last June. I did make cupcakes the other day with homemade peanut butter frosting!

  44. Made a 7-layer multi-colored HK cake and your HK pops for my daughter’s 7th birthday on Sunday, 27-March!!

  45. A friend’s decision to follow Jesus! :)

  46. My sister’s birthday!

  47. I baked a cake last weekend to celebrate my father in laws birthday!

  48. My daughters 10th birthday in February!!

    Praying for you!!

  49. I made my own birthday cake last week, a five layer Neopolitan cake with champagne frosting, happy birthday to me!!

  50. My husband birthday earlier this month!

  51. Life is a celebration! I had cake two days ago. Apple cake. Oh what a day!

  52. My daughter’s 3rd birthday! <3

  53. my friends birthday party :D

  54. A friend’s birthday last weekend!
    What a beautiful spread of sweets! Those pedestals are absolutely beautiful!

  55. The last time I celebrated with cake I had just come back from deployment and wanted to make dinner for my roommates. For dessert inmate your red velvet cake.

  56. Beautiful cakes of all sizes!

    We last celebrated with cakes a week ago at a girlfriend’s baby shower!! Definitely a day of sweets!!

  57. Do cake balls count? I brought lemon cake balls for work Monday. They were scarfed down at record speed!

  58. My son’s birthday!

  59. Last time I celebrated with cake was for my husband’s birthday! My daughters helped decorate and enjoy the lemon cake!

  60. My sister’s birthday – red velvet cake! My mom’s birthday is on Friday, and I’ll be baking a pink champagne cake. :}

  61. The last time I celebrated with cake I had just come back from deployment and wanted to cook dinner for my roommates. For dessert I made your red velvet cake.

  62. The last time I celebrated with cake I had just come back from deployment and wanted to cook dinner for my roommates. For dessert I made your red velvet cake.

  63. My wedding, just one month ago! :)

  64. I’d like to celebrate every Wednesday with cake, but this was a particularly special Wednesday since it was our one year wedding anniversary.

  65. The last time I celebrated cake was…….YESTERDAY!
    It was carrot cake…mmm! :)

  66. The last time I celebrated with cake was my husband’s birthday last week and I am celebrating this weekend for my son’s first birthday!

  67. My daughter’s fifth birthday. We had a huge cake, because it’s a huge milestone!

  68. Right now, I’m making cupcakes for a girlfriend’s baby shower.

  69. We are in the midst of what our family and friends call Cake Week. We celebrate three birthdays during this week and since of one of the birthday boys is only turning eight, he gets two cakes–one for the family celebrations and another for his birthday party with friends.

    Four cakes in seven days makes for a lot of cake celebrations! But we love it.

  70. I want to win!!!
    The last celebration I had involving cake was my mother’s 50th bday, this month. I’m sure she’d be happy to see I’m sharing this with the world, he-he! ;)

  71. We celebrated my sister in law’s birthday this past Saturday with thin mint cupcakes – delish!!

  72. 2 weeks ago to celebrate strawberries being in season:)

  73. My best friedns engagement party this past weekend! I made the cake. It was a white square 2 tier vanilla and chocolate cake. It had a hot pink ribbon going around both tiers and pretty white, yellow and pink plumeria fowers all over it :) They absolutley LOVED it!!

  74. Oooh those are so pretty. Perfect complement to any table

  75. You need a reason to celebrate to have cake?????
    Not me…I can always find a reason to have cake!

  76. My husband’s brithday a few week ago, but I typically don’t need a reason to eat cake!

  77. My son’s 19th birthday waaaayy back in January! I need some more cake, pronto! Pick me, pick me, pick me!! Continued prayers for you, Bakerella.

  78. My celebrated my hubby’s retirement with a surprise party and we had a lovely cake, with edible glitter and gorgeous decorations including chocolate!

  79. Yesterday – a co-worker’s retirement! Yummy white cake w/white mousse filling!

  80. Lat week I made cupcakes “just because”…they were yummy!

  81. These pictures are AWESOME! I’m in awe with how beautiful things look! The last time I ate cake per se was a couple of weeks ago for my brother’s birthday… but cupcakes on the other hand… well, that’s a different story. I bake those all the time :)

    lagringa_009 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  82. Funny you should post that picture! I was just on her website this weekend and then showed my husband that same picture and told him my dream would be to have a buffet table filled with cakes just as it is in that picture! (Then I promptly went on the hunt for pretty little cake platters!)

    In answer to your question, I celebrated my son’s 9th birthday with a chocolate and buttercream cake this weekend . Thanks for the giveaway! I pray you are felling better each passing day.

  83. We had cake and cake pops on my mom’s birthday. She was born on St. Patrick’s Day. Thanks for the chance to win.

  84. Cake……the last cake I had was a salted butter caramel cake with spun caramel sugar on top. Reminded me of grown up cotton candy. The Cake stands are adorable in pink. So glad you told us about Melody, so I can continue my collection.

  85. We celebrated my 6yr old grandaughters birthday with an ELVIS cake and party…..@ her request!

  86. March 12th… Caramel cheesecake for my boyfriends 29th birthday!

  87. Work party for St. Paddy’s day … My office never misses an excuse to have cake!

  88. Friday before last we had a massive cake sale at work to raise money for “Red Nose Day” in the U.K – the country raised a total of over £74million! The money goes to helping people in need in both the U.K and Africa. Our department raised £290.

  89. Hi, it was my friend/co-workers office baby shower a couple a weeks ago. It was last minute because she had been on bed rest and was finally allowed to come back to work.

  90. My dad’s 86th birthday; it was coconut cake

  91. we had cupcakes recently.. just because. but in a few days we’ll be celebrating my sister’s first wedding anniversary with a yummy oreo cookie cake (made by me!).

  92. Last time I had cake was from my brother’s birthday a few weeks ago!

  93. My husband’s birthday! I made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing!

  94. LAST NIGHT! It was a Tuesday, seemed like a good day for cake:)

  95. …some tiramisu cake with the hubsters while on vacation last week. Rest and Relaxation should always be celebrated with cake!

  96. A friend’s new baby! Chocolate cake with peanut butter cup frosting!

  97. The last thing we celebrated with cake was at my best friend’s baby shower last weekend. Her pregnancy was labled high risk since before she conceived (due to some of her own health concerns), but her pregnancy has been healthy all the way, so it really was a day for many celebrations.

    She will hit 35 weeks this Friday and we’re praying her little one stays in just a little longer.

  98. We celebrated my mom’s 72 birthday with cake! :) Love my mom :) It would be fun to win these and celebrate her 73rd birthday in style.

  99. My friend’s birthday with a caramel cake from my favorite BBQ rest. in Memphis!

  100. my best friends 19th birthday on march 8th!

  101. My last cake was Carrot Cake with lovely Cream Cheese frosting for my son-in-law’s birthday. It was delicious and devoured by all. The funny thing is that usually Stephen wants “Birthday Pie” and special tradition started by my husband. This year Stephen went rogue and asked for a CAKE. We have all become turn-coats. Now we all want cake for our birthdays. Out with the “Birthday Pie”… in with “Birthday Cakes”…. on lovely pedestal stands, pretty pedestal stands.

  102. I use cakes to celebrate almost every Thursday afternoon. Our church group of Goodtimers (really Oldtimers) meet on Thursday afternoon for fun and games. As the “cake lady”, I usually carry a cake to fit the season. Plans for this week are a strawberry cake.

    Additionally, I bake a pound cake in the long pan to welcome new church members.

    Barbara Rayburn

  103. Love the pedestals, just picked up one to start my collection and to use on St. Patrick’s Day for delicious carrot cake.

  104. My friend’s son’s 1st birthday!

    I’m making my son’s 1st birthday cake tomorrow.

  105. My Husband’s birthday

  106. I made a turtle cheesecake last weekend! Just celebrating having found a brand new spring form pan at a thrift store for $2.99!

  107. Does one need an occasion to celebrate with cake? I guess it was my birthday last month.

  108. My son’s 4th birthday.

  109. Friends on a Friday night = cake!

  110. TODAY! It’s my 35th Birthday ! My hubby has been out of town ffor the last 2 weeks on business and left me home with 4 young kids (one of which has the flu) I NEED ALL THE CAKE I CAN GET LADIES!

  111. Yesterday we celebrated my babies 8th birthday. I made 22 cupcakes for his class with yummy little hotdogs and hamburgers on top. They were a hit.

  112. to tell my family that i was pregnant!!!!

  113. OMG, I am dying for a dome covered plate so pretty. I have been looking around, but in my tiny city we don’t have anything. I love it!

  114. I baked the most amazing German Chocolate cake for my father in-laws 65 birthday last month!

  115. We recently celebrated Mardi Gras with King Cake. I just a coupel of weeks I will be celebrating my 50th birthday with a party for family and friends.

  116. On Feb. 5th I made a 3-D Princess cake for my great niece’s 1st birthday, & made scepters out of ice cream cones with cake baked into them, The kids went nuts over the scepters.
    This weekend my niece & I are making a forest with a 3-D fox for her son’s 1st birthday.

  117. Hmmm…it was yesterday at my Bunco club! We were celebrating each other! :)

  118. We had Cake at my sisters birthday a couple weeks ago. We have Several birthdays coming up and baby showers.

  119. Oh… it has been a long time! Probably almost a year. I know. Something is wrong with that sentence! But I know with three of these and a cake dome I would have cake everyday! (and all with ruffles) :)

  120. My daughters first birthday.

  121. The last cake I made – my daughter requested a chocolate Zuccotto cake for her 27th B-day. Yum!

  122. my baby girls 1st bday:)

  123. My birthday Jan 1 with my favorite – angel food.

  124. Last month’s birthday party for my daughter, son-in-law and myself. A yummy Coconut Cake and nothing quite like my mom’s Boston Cream “Pie”.

  125. My husband’s 33rd birthday party last week! Store-bought chocolate cake. It was delicious!!

  126. The last time was on a skype conversation , celebrating my dad’d birthday ! :D Miss him much ! <3

  127. Mock lemon meringue cake – for friends coming over to hang out (don’t do that enough, with many smallish kiddos between us!).

  128. I am playing in a production of The Music Man in Atlanta! So, for our opening weekend, I baked the cast a cake to enjoy during intermission :)

    The whole crew (including the 20 kids in the cast) were THRILLED and ate the entire thing up in 15 minutes! Just enough time to get ready for Act 2!

  129. I celebrated a friend’s new home! We made lemon cakeballs, and they were delicious!

  130. Those are so pretty!!! Pink is my favorite color! The last time we had cake was for my sons birthday party on Christmas Day. But we’ve had cupcakes since. :)

  131. Our friends next door had a small sleep over for some sweet little girls. They were having a campfire so to add to the celebration, I made campfire cupcakes. Each cake was decorated with edible items to create a tiny little fire.

  132. I made cupcakes Monday to start the week off on a yummy note! :) Chocolate cake with sweet peanut butter frosting and garnished with a mini Reeses cup!

  133. Wow! Look at all the entries for this giveaway! I would love these cute pink cake stands. They would be perfect for my little girl’s birthday, which is what we celebrated last with cake. I made a Tangled cake for her birthday in February.

  134. we had cake last nite for a spring break party. a four layer chocolate cake with beet juice colored frosting.

  135. Before Lent. Gave up cake for Lent. I think I had cake on Fat Tuesday. Miss it!!!

  136. We celebrated the arrival of our 14 year old foster child with a delicious chocolate layer cake- his favorite!!

  137. My Birthday!! and future occasion is this weekend when I attempt my first batch of Cake Pops!

  138. Monday…Just because!! Why not celebrate EVERYDAY!!!!!

  139. I think the last time I made a cake was last year for my husbands birthday. It was an ice cream cake…yumm!

  140. The last celebration we celebrated with cake was a just because no reason other that my daughter felt like cake, she is a child suffering from liver and pancreas disease and we live everyday for today as we do not know what tomorrow will bring!!!!!!!! I love the cake pedestal it is so beautiful thanks for offering a chance to win. Sincerely Heather Ohl

  141. Celebrated a co-worker’s engagement with a mini office party. Delicious chocolate cake was involved. ^_^

  142. We just celebrated my two boys half birthdays! 6 months and 2 1/2!

  143. We celebrated my husband’s birthday in our temporary home, the hotel, last month while we were moving overseas. Definitely a birthday to remember!

  144. My little cousin’s birthday party this last Sunday and it was delicious!

  145. A birthday party at work, but it was store-bought cake, so I almost don’t count it. :p

  146. A few days days ago we had a cake just because………. Chocolate with rasberry simple syrup, chocolate ganache filling and SM buttercream icing. Yum, it’s gone already. Love the cake pedestals!

  147. My husband’s b-day, homemade Red Velvet cake! Delish!

  148. We celebrate every Sunday with cake! And this past weekend was no exception. I made a toffee pecan cookie cake and celebrated our family get-together.

    Those cake pedestals and dome are gorgeous!

  149. My daughter birthday!!!!!!!

  150. Cupcakes at a bowling birthday party my kids were invited to this past Saturday!

  151. My mother-in-law’s birthday – I made her a raspberry layer cake with blackberry jam inbetween the layers and cream cheese icing. Yum!

  152. WOW, such unique pedastals and such beautiful treats! My last occassion to celebrate with cake was just yesterday!
    I made a super yummy chocolate sour cream cake with ganache on top for my Boss’ birthday celebration at work. It would have looked mighty fine on one of these cake pedastals! Since I enjoy the title of designated “Birthday Treat Maker” here at work, I’ll have many more occassions to display my fine treats if I was to win these “Works of Art” pedastals!

  153. At my cousin’s birthday two weeks ago. Grocery store cake that looked horrible but tasted pretty good!

  154. I celebrated my boyfriend’s birthday with a delicious carrot cake :)

  155. I’m going to be throwing a bridal shower/pouning this Sunday at church and the bride’s colors are brown and pink.

  156. I celebrated having my yearly mam yesterday with cupcakes! A girl has to have some yummy chocolate after that ordeal!

  157. My son’s 6th birthday in January. Brightly decorated with super heros – he was a happy boy.

  158. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was a girls only dinner with my daughter.

  159. Oh! My birthday this past Monday!! I had Dulce de Leche for the first time…Out. Of. This. World!!!

  160. I had birthday cake on the 26th with my family celebrating my 59th celbration of a year of life(or of 60 years of life). I have three clear glass cake stands but no pink ones. Love your posts. Good luck with the kidney tp. Val Tyrrell

  161. My cousin’s birthday last weekend!

  162. my friends matching into their residency programs a few weeks ago!

  163. We celebrated my dad’s 60th birthday party. It was a suprise and I made a homemade carrot cake and a turtle trifle. His favorites!!

  164. my daughter’s birthday last weekend

  165. My birthday! :) (it was last week)

  166. I love cake plates! cannot stop collecting them! we celebrate every sunday with a cake! no reason other than to try new recipes and use one of my delightful cake plates.

  167. Husbands Birthday at Home :)

  168. my birthday!!

  169. These are totally cute! We had cake for my hubby’s birthday 2 weeks ago, and will be having more at my son’s 4th birthday in 3 weeks!

  170. I have Celiac and I hardly ever get to have cake… when I do, it is Gluten Free.

  171. Oh my! Yes I’d love to own those cake pedestals! I celebrate with cupcakes (almost) every day!

  172. My birthday at the beginning of this month :)

  173. The last time we celebrated with cake was in Jan for my daughter’s baptism. She was 3 months old at the time. :D Awesome give away!

  174. Sunday, March 27, my youngest son’s 22nd bday! Whole family was together. Also, Feb celebrated 3 family bdays, one of which was my mom’s 73rd!! That was exciting as she had an unexpected triple bypass because of a 95% blockage she had no clue she had. I have never lost a parent or sibling and feel for those who have. Life hasn’t been easy but I feel so very blessed!

  175. We celebrated my Mom’s 91st birthday on the first day of spring with a chocolate marshmallow cake .

  176. We had our annual Birthday Dinner at church where we have a decorated table and cake for each month. Each person sits at the table for the month they were born. This year, I decorated the table and made the cake for February.

  177. My sisters baby shower. It was adorable and delicious!

  178. My last homemade cake was a week ago for my best friends Mother’s 85th Surprise Birthday Party. It was a fabulous 2 layer Strawberry cake with artificial roses on top on a pretty 2 tiered cake stand.

  179. We celebrated birthdays in December (my sister & I–twins) with cupcakes! That has been far too long ago already!

    LOVE the cake stands. I NEED a square one now. But the crystal cabinet is full already!

  180. I baked a double chocolate cake just last Friday for my Dad’s birthday :)

  181. I made a cake for a friend’s baby shower. Had to go find a new cake stand for it, too, it was huge!

  182. Tonight is my Daughter’s 19th birthday, so we will be celebrating with cake tonight!

  183. The last occasion we celebrated with cake was the weekend. When my sisters and I finally have spare time on the weekends, we bake! Who says you need a reason to eat cake!

  184. One of the best cakes I’ve made ever was at Christmas. It was a traditional Sticky Toffee Pudding. I’ll make it again next Christmas, definitely!

  185. Those pedestals are GORGEOUS!!! I sooooo hope I win! The last occasion I celebrated and ate cake at was my son’s friend’s birthday party. My sister made a “thomas the train” cake that was absolutely the cutest cake she’s done yet; she does cakes/cupcakes as a side business.

  186. A little friend’s birthday in February – there was a Tiana cake and the cutest frog cake.

  187. I celebrated with cake at 4:50am this morning…I couldn’t sleep for thinking about how to make cake pops. My first two attempts were too gooey and this morning I finally make the consistency just right–YAY! But couldn’t get the cake to stay on the stick–BOO! But I celebrated by eating the stickless cake pop (I guess that would mean it was just a cake ball since it had no stick to make it a “pop”) cause it was a stepping stone on my road to success with a fully functional cake pop. Who says you have to have a special occassion to celebrate a half triumphant moment?

  188. Thats so cute! Thanx for giveaway you and Melody! I was baking the cake for celebrating the
    8th of March, international women’s day

  189. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was the VCU men’s basketball team making it to the Final Four this year! I made CAKE POPS in VCU’s theme and shared them with my office. I also bought some VCU themed cupcakes from a local store. The entire city of Richmond is booming because of this little piece of history going on right now. :D

  190. While being comment 8,406 doesn’t sound promising, I’ll give it a shot anyway! I just made a cake this weekend for one of my bestie’s birthdays. It wasn’t just any cake though, it was a triple layer ice cream cake – yum!!! I hope I’m not disqualified since I didn’t actually bake it … :)

  191. At my bridal shower last weekend! I am a lucky girl and have an awesome mom and bridesmaids! They used all of my own recipes from the blog and the favor was my recipes printed out for everyone…I was so touched! :)

  192. Dinner on Monday night!

  193. Last Tuesday :) It was my little girls spring break and she LOVES to bake, so we made a cake…….and some cookies…….and some rice krispies treats. Hey, you only live once!

  194. I won’t post the last time I ate cake but the next one. On April 3, My father’s birthday. It would mean a lot to me. I love him and he’s getting older too. :)

  195. My son’s first birthday! It was a magnificent day.

  196. The last cake celebration was when my mother in law came over for dinner. I made a spice cake. :)

  197. My daughter’s 6th birthday party last Sunday! It was yummy!
    Thanks for the giveaway, the cake stands are gorgeous!

  198. I have an old milk glass stand that was my Grandma’s. I love it so much. These remind me of it’s charm.

  199. I celebrated with cake two days ago actually :D nice and vanilla flavoured with chocolate buttercream :D

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