
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. Last weekend… a party with colleagues.

  2. Everyday is a great day to eat cake! But the last special occasion would have been my best friend’s daughters birthday this past weekend!

  3. I celebrated my dad’s birthday with a coconut cake. It was so moist and delicious; perfect for this cake pedestal.

  4. St. Patrick’s Day…green velvet cake :)

  5. The last time I ate cake was Monday morning for breakfast. Because it is delicious and sometimes, Monday mornings just need a little cake to get going.

  6. We celebrated my son’s birthday (12) this past weekend with family and will celebrate it again this weekend! Any reason to have cake :)…

  7. After a weekend at a 4H cake show we had MORE cake at my sweet friend’s 3-year-old’s birthday party. Mickey Mouse cake!

  8. My daddy’s birthday last Saturday!

  9. A Baby Shower. But the surprise was the Mom to be went into labor and delivered the baby hours before the shower. We took the cake and food to the hospital for the family and hospital staff.

  10. I made cupcakes for my mum who was having a tea party with her friends! Carrot cupcakes with orange cream cheese frosting and lemon cupcakes with lemon zest frosting. Delish!

  11. Just finished my Wilton Cake Decorating class final cake. It was a white cake (from scratch), white frosting with pink wilton flowers on top. It looked so cute, but it tasted BAD! It WAS NOT a Bakerella cake recipe and it’s going in the garbage. My bad.

  12. I celebrated my 5 year old daughter’s friends birthday Sunday March 27 and made Strawberry, Bananna’s Foster, and Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes!

  13. My niece’s birthday party. My daughter made a chocolate chip cookie cake and a white-chocolate peppermint cookie cake for those freaks that don’t like real chocolate. We presented them on cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil :o)

  14. Oooh, pretty! We celebrated the fact that it was Tuesday yesterday with red velvet cupcakes and homemade cream cheese buttercream frosting! No other reason, we just made ’em! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  15. Just last week I made my dad’s favorite german chocolate cake for his retirement. Cake doesn’t need a reason to celebrate in my book. ;)

  16. I made a chocolate cake from the recipe on teh back of the can of Hershey cocoa for my son’s 16th birthday last week. His friends went nuts over it-it made me feel good they enjoyed it so much.

  17. …my co-worker’s birthday.

  18. For my son’s birthday. In fact I have another birthday coming up that I need to make a cake for.

  19. my two boys had their birthday party this past friday
    i made 2 video game army-themed cakes
    my first attempt and it turned out well!

    i hope u r feeling well

  20. Last time I celebrated with a cake was my birthday in January. I made myself a heart cake covered with marshmallow fondant & flowers.

    Hope you are feeling better :)

  21. Oh my God… those pedestals are too prety!!!
    I made a simple chocolate cake just last week.. to celebrate life!
    I wish all the best of luck to you during this dificult stage in your life.

  22. Last Wednesday, while celebrating birthdays of 3 co-workers.

  23. oh sorry I am so impressed of the newest blog entry so that I forgot to write about the last occasion for my cakes – it was yesterdays dads birthday and I made a hungarian “dobos-torta” and three kinds of cupcakes and it was all fine :D

  24. A princess cake to celebrate my new job!

  25. st patrick’s day- with cupcakes!!

  26. I hope I win, I hope I win. These are beautiful and my kitchen is decorated in pink and cupcakes. They would go perfectly!

  27. wow I really would like to have this cake stand cause it is very sweet an I really do like the coulour! I also love your blog and all your ideas! best regards from germany, silvia.

  28. Someone in our office is moving out of town so we had a farewell party for her…

  29. Oh goodness my goodness, i think i need a pink pedestal in my life 8-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Jan 20th, my boyfriends B-day

  31. Ok, this isn’t cake, but chocolate souffle to celebrate Sunday evening with the love of my life. (smile)

  32. My husbands Birthday…a fun little Car shaped cake.

  33. My neighbours birthday – my 3 year old and I baked him a chocolate cake :)

  34. last occasion celebrated with cake was my son’s best stuffed animal friend’s birthday… we made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting

  35. Last night with friends for no reason!

  36. “reunion” with college friends and our kiddos!

  37. The last time celebrated with cake was for my friends birthday I mailed a cupcake to her, vanilla bean with redskin ganache. A total surprise when she opened the post, she lives seven hours drive away, I miss seeing her lots.

  38. Oh my word, these are gorgeous! The last time I celebrated with a cake was last week….just because I was in the mood for cake :)

  39. My birthday …a year ago …

  40. last week, for my 40th bday!!

  41. The last time I celebrated with a cake was Cousins and Cakes day. Never heard of it? Why, it’s the newest holiday! All you have to do is gather five toddlers and three female cousins in one little house, and bake a cake!
    Of course, if you’re rushing to finish before naptime is over, you have to settle for a cake that falls apart with crumbs in the frosting, but our standards weren’t very high, we just wanted the chocolate and frosting.
    If only we had a pretty cake pedestal for the next time, I’m sure our craving would wait to frost and eat the chocolatey treat. Maybe.

  42. Made some YUMMY Chocolate Cupcakes for my husband’s birthday in February! Delish!

  43. Does a cheesecake count? If yes, it will be tonight to celebrate the halfway point to a great semester abroad! :D

  44. Last week, a birthday for a friend, I made a DB-30, an alternative to the classic TB-909 drum machine for his 30th!

  45. My son’s birthday. I made a cookie cake:)

  46. after seeing this post I do think I need a pretty little pink cake stand. After all, sweet as the plain ones are every woman needs a bit of pink in their life.

  47. To beat my sister in a bake off!

  48. My boyfriend’s birthday with cake pops included!

  49. The last time I celebrated with cake… youngest daughters birthday….made cakepops! ;)

  50. It was my nephew’s 9th birthday on Saturday and we celebrated it at my place with all his cousins and a delicious chocolate cake!

  51. March 10th….. My husband and Daughter’s birthday…..

  52. Wait, you need a reason to have cake? It was last Friday night when friends were over…

  53. Weddings!!! Yeah for cake!

  54. My last celebration with cake was just last week. March 22nd was my birthday and my 9 year old daughter (foodie like me) made me a cake and decorated it herself, then she put it onto my cake plate (that has interchangable ribbon weaving). Needless to say I was a proud mama! :)

  55. We had a Victoria sponge cake for my mum’s birthday last week (and I made flapjacks too).
    She would have looooved those cake stands !

  56. The last time I celebrated with cake would have been…Christmas! That’s so sad! I need cake, and a cake stand! :)

  57. last night – my son’s B-Day

  58. When celebrating my son’s 1st birthday about a 1 1/2 wks ago. =)

  59. My birthday was about a month ago….but I wasn’t even able to enjoy the German chocolate cake my mother in law made for me. I had just had sinus and nose surgery and I couldn’t taste a thing!!!

  60. son’s birthday!

  61. I really would LOVE those cake stands!
    I made Duncan Heinz cake for my SIL’s party last week.

  62. “My name is Deanna and I am a cake stand addict!” I love these pink cake stands. We last made yellow cupcakes with chocolate and vanilla buttercream when our good friends came for dinner.

  63. My 21st birthday about 3 weeks ago. The cake was delicious and even had my picture on it. I told my mom years ago that I wanted a cake with my picture on it. I didn’t think she remembered but I’m glad she did :)

  64. Just this afternoon actually! With a guava & passion fruit cupcake – it was just for the sake of cake and oh-so-delicous!

    Thanks for the link, I’ll be throwing some clamms that way surely xx

  65. WOW! You would think that would have been really recently, but four of the seven birthdays in our family are in September, so that would be that last occasion we celebrated with cake. These pedestals are just adorable! Thanks to you and your friend for sharing!

  66. I made a chocolate peppermint cake to share with my partner, MIL, and aunt-in-law the day we saw Wicked together! It was a perfect afternoon. It only would have been improved by a pink cake platter. ;-)

  67. My youngest sons first tooth came out about two weeks ago. He was so happy and excited about it. To make it feel like something very special to him we stopped and got cupcakes to share with everyone at home. He loved it! But he doesn’t

  68. Saturday, just because.

  69. For Christmas! A white cake with my grandmother’s fudge icing!

  70. i last celebrated for my birthday! It was a coffee cake <3

  71. I had the priveledge of celebrating my mother’s 60th birthday with the ladies in my family-we had a wonderful lunch and my nieces made her a fabulous cake. I would love those pretty pedestals!

  72. my parents wedding anniversary today! :D

  73. Who needs an occasion to have cake? I ate ‘impossible cake’ yesterday after dinner. ‘impossible cake’ is a mexican style cake with one layer chocolate cake, one layer flan.

  74. We celebrated both my Mother’s and Father’s birthdays with cake last week. They were in a difference province so we had to email videos of the event …. Any excuse for more cake!

  75. oh, side tracted…: ) I made a lovely red velvet cake over the weekend and my kids chowed it down in one day. They love cake…Yum

  76. My birthday was the last time I celebrated with cake!! No better way to celebrate ME! :)

  77. My niece’s baptism last weekend!

  78. When don’t I celebrate with cake? I love cake! But if you really want to know, it was St. Patty’s Day with an Irish car Bomb cake!!!

  79. Last time I went home, last month…

  80. Last week I made a chocolate-chocolate chip angel food cake just for the fun of it!

  81. Oh how I need some cake plates…they are just lovely and the cakes, OMG…Laura

  82. Yesterday, because I wanted cake. Lemon buttermilk pound cake. Yum!

  83. My Birthday, just the other day!

  84. The last cake was for my our friend’s birthday. We had this beautiful chocolate layer cake. Needless to say the cake did not last very long! Yummy!

  85. I don’t need an occasion to celebrate with cake. Any day is a good time for cake! :)

  86. Yesterday…because I wanted cake. Lemon buttermilk pound cake. Yum!

  87. my littlest of three celebrated her first birthday on the 26th of February – we did a cupcake theme so I made her a big cupcake birthday cake with lots of little cupcakes on the side

  88. The birth of my friends baby. As a cheeky joke I made “Better than you know what cake” for the hubby!

  89. We just had a Barbie cake yesterday to celebrate our granddaughters 3rd birthday! Also 36 fancy cupcakes!

  90. My nephew’s 2nd birthday. I made him a Mickey Mouse inspired cake and chocolate Mickey pops.

  91. My 22nd birthday in February!

  92. My son’s 2nd birthday on Sunday – I made him a digger construction cake made out of a red velvet layer cake.

  93. My new grand daughter’s baptism in February.

  94. The last occasion we celebrated with cake? Family February/March birthdays last week, including mine, my second son’s, my sister’s and my sister-in-law’s.

    Although, really…who needs an occasion to have cake? Isn’t opening your eyes in the morning to greet another day reason enough to celebrate?

  95. I asked my best friend to prom by putting the note asking inside of a (cup)cake.

  96. A friend’s birthday as part of our “birthday club”. 5 ladies that get together to celebrate their birthdays because husbands don’t know how to throw a party! LOVE the cake stands!!!


  98. My friend’s 25th birthday was the week of St. Patrick’s Day. His favorite drink is a grasshopper, so of course I had to make him a green grasshopper cake! (I’m not counting last week when I made myself a chocolate chip cake just because…:))

  99. Does Tuesday count as an event? We have cake at our house “just because”. It can be one we make ourselves or that we pick up from the bakery. Doesn’t matter to us, cake is cake, right?
    Thanks for the images of the gorgeous cake stands and for the opportunity to win one.

  100. The last occasion I celebrated with a cake was Valentine’s Day. I will be celebrating with cake this weekend for my baby shower. I love this cute adorable set.

  101. The last time I celebrated with a cake was at a Princess Party Rush event for my fraternity Sigma Alpha Iota. I made a fabulous casle and dragon cake, and it was all kinds of cute and delicious.

  102. We had cake last week for my God Daughters Birthday the BIG 4!

  103. I absolutely love your site! It has given me a lot of ideas for future cake truffles.

  104. This past Saturday for my dad’s 60th birthday. I made him 2 cakes to look like dominos!

  105. Sunday night, why does it need to be a special occasion?

  106. Last week for a friends Birthday.

  107. My son’s birthday – it was a lego-shaped cake!

  108. Love the pedestals, but love that you are back to blogging even more!!

  109. My god daughters 2nd birthday party on Saturday, we ate it, she wore it.

  110. We had cake on 3/2 to celebrate a my friends birthday. Chocolate! yummy

  111. My Daughther made a cake just because she loves to bake last week.

  112. Every month I make the birthday cake at work. For the mojth of march, I made an orange cake with vanilla buttercream. It pretty much tasted like a Dreamcicle.

  113. We make a cake every Friday for the weekend!

  114. The last time I celebrated with cake was my 19th birthday! My boyfriend made me a lovely vanilla pink cake with pale blue icing and white chocolate decorations =)

  115. My son’s bringing a grade up in school two weeks ago! Congrats to Brett for the effort and hard work!

  116. It was my dear friend’s birthday on Sunday, so I made a batch of my favorite cupcakes for her! Strawberry cupcakes with strawberry buttercream frosting! Topped with even more strawberries! :)

  117. Christmas actually. :/

  118. the birth of my niece just last Monday, March 21st.

  119. My birthday last sunday. My Chambord cake with fresh strawberries would have looked amazing on this.

  120. Our last celebration with cake was: last week for our oldest son’s Gotcha day – – – we celebrate Gotcha day every year. Gotcha day is the we got Conner from Guatemala and brought him home to the US. Happy happy day!

  121. I just celebrated my sister’s upcoming wedding with really good strawberry shortcake cupcakes (that counts as cake, right?!).

  122. For my mother-in law and step mom’s celebrations… perfecto!

  123. i don’t need any occasion to celebrate with a cake! cakes are good anytime. (:

  124. CUTE!

    Last occasion I celebrated was my husband’s birthday. Now these pink ones would be cute for my birthday cake;)

  125. all of my children’s birthdays are in March, we celebrated last weekend with lots and lots of cake!!

  126. Wow! I bookmarked this site! I can’t get enough cake plates/stands!! We just celebrated my son’s 1st birthday so I put one I have to good use!

  127. We celebrated Red Nose Day (a big charity day in the UK). I was dressed as a unicorn to fundraise so I made magical unicorn rainbow cake!

  128. It has been awhile, but my baby shower back in December was my last cake-worthy occasion.

  129. We celebrated my daughter’s second birthday two weeks ago with a fabulous pink minnie mouse cake….it was beautiful!

  130. Valentines Day

  131. Last week we had cake when my boyfriend and I found out I was expecting!

  132. A coworker’s birthday – but the cake was just store bought. It’s was my sister-in-law’s cake that my brother and young ‘phews mad e with love. And, it was delish!
    Thanks for sharing the pretty pink!

  133. I think that was…My birthday? Not sure.

  134. I just caked out in celebration of finishing my Masters comprehensive exams. And it was good, happy cake too.

  135. Just last week — celebrated our family all being home together! AND the cake was even on a pedestal but not half as cute as these!

  136. The occasion of showing some love to my husband :)

  137. I made a cake for my sisters birthday yesterday!

  138. For my aunts birthday in Feb. She’s been in the hospital for months so it was nice that we could all get together with her.

  139. This past weekend, a neighbor’s bar mitzvah, and this coming weekend I’m making a cake for a friend’s birthday.

    These are THE CUTEST.

  140. my sisters birthday- a giant cupcake

  141. We just celebrated my dad and nephew’s birthdays! They fall on the same day in March!

  142. My husband is in the Air Force and we got stationed 2 hours outside of London in August. I am aspiring to become a cake decorator and own my own shop, so I applied and GOT ACCEPTED to Le Cordon Bleu, London!!! My most recent cake celebration was going to find my school last Friday. UN-BE-LIEVABLE!!! I still can’t believe I am going! I hope you are feeling better, Bakerella!!!

  143. The last time I celebrated with cake was for my Aunt’s 60th birthday cake!

  144. i’m supposed to be celebrating something every time i eat cake? ;) i had cake this past weekend for my boyfriends mothers birthday and i’m going to have some tonight for a good friends birthday. it’s shaping up to be a good cake week for me. :)

  145. We had a Tiramisu cake from Whole Foods for my niece’s husband’s birthday on Sunday. Yummy!

  146. the last cake in my life arrived in the form of a plastic-enclosed, grocery-store sheetcake, office birthday party style. it would have been much lovlier with one of these gorgeous stands!

  147. Dawh – they’re so beautiful! Last time I celebrated with cake was actually my birthday. Came home to a stack of cupcakes made by mama…nothing beats it :) x

  148. I am in the UK and my older son is moving to another part of the country on Monday. So we are having a small family get together to say Au Revoir, cheerio, see ya, bnn voyage. I am going to make his favourite chocolate fudge cake.

  149. Beautiful things! We celebrated four birthdays at once this month since we can’t get together often. Every gathering will have cake…my motto!

  150. Made French Apple Cake for tea last week.

  151. Totally LOVE these stands!! Would be perfect for my sister in laws baby shower in may!! Thank you for sharing!!

  152. It was last thursday for afternoon tea! it was a chocolate beet cake, ohhh amazing ? and hope you are feeling better!

  153. One of my friends birthdays last friday. She asked if i could bake the cake, so I did. My aunts carrot cake recipe, never fails:)

  154. just had beauty and the beast cupcakes last weekend =D Gotta love little kid bday parties!!

  155. Omg! That all looks wonderful!!! The last occasion I celebrated with cake was…brown banana day last week! (It comes once every couple of months…hmmm, maybe that’s only a holiday at my house?) I made a hummingbird cake with cream cheese frosting. It was grrreat!

  156. Last week, my son had a CARS theme birthday party. The cake took 6 hours to make and was devoured in just 6 minutes!

  157. Me and my family celebrated yesterday for no reason at all with cupcake pops from your wonderful book…..who needs a reason…’s cake pops!!!!!

  158. We celebrated my niece’s 1st birthday with a mini cake for her and cute little cupcakes for all of the guests.

  159. My birthday! March 25 I turned 31 and had a vanilla cake filled with alternating layers of honey egg yolk buttercream and apricot mousse then covered with vanilla swiss merinue buttercream. It was heaven!

  160. 2 weeks ago for dessert with the kids i’m looking after. A really yummy chocolate (always the best!) one. I love your article, so nice pictures!!! Hope you’re better and got good news about your health.

  161. I enjoyed a delicious cake last week for my mother in laws birthday with my two little precious daughters and my wonderful husband and his family!

  162. At my grandpa’s & grandma’s 60th wedding anniversary. Cakes always taste so much better when eaten with family…..especially all 4 generations together. Long live grandpa & grandma….

  163. We last celebrated my olders brothers birthday over a month ago :)

  164. the pedestals are so cute! they are a cute idea for my wedding coming up in may?! i think the last time i celebrated with a cake is my friend’s birthday!

  165. The last time I celebrated with cake was for my friend payge’s birthday! I made her a pink and white vanilla vertical layer cake :)

  166. I celebrate with cake at least once a week. My last was Monday, need something fun on Monday right?

  167. My brothers birthday/ my 18th/ my going away party al joined together, there was alot of cake!

  168. My son’s 2nd birthday about a month ago.

  169. valentines day – cute little heart shaped cakes

  170. I made your Bumble Bee cake pops for my neice’s First Birthday (which was bumble bee themed). They were such a hit! So thank you :) Now I’m planning my Best Friends Baby Shower and am definitely going to look to you for more inspiration!

  171. I haven’t eaten cake since my friends birthday a few weeks ago

  172. the last time I had delicious cake was on my birthday 3 Oct 2010… my cousin’s mother in law baked it.. it was yum yum yum

  173. I didn’t need a reason to celebrate. I simply made a variety of cupcakes and took them into work for all the nurses I am lucky to work with.

  174. We celebrated my friends birthday while snow camping in Green Valley Lake, CA on Sunday.

  175. Last sunday we celebrate son #2´5th birthday with cakes, as you can see on my blogspot. I even tried to make your bee cake pops, aslo pic showing on my blog.

  176. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was for no reason at all – this last weekend I just felt like chocolate! However, I have cake ideas (and pretty presentation) on the brain because I am putting together a joint birthday party for my daughter (1), sister (25) and grandmother (80) next month!

  177. Our grandson’s first birthday!

  178. Last Thursday in fact! We had a celebration at church and had a huge sheet cake ordered. Not the best tasting, but oh well! These cake stands are DARLING! I love them!

  179. My 25th birthday!!!!

  180. We celebrated my grandaughters birthday with a cake when she turned 4.

  181. a friend’s birthday

  182. My birthday :D (last week)

  183. My future mother-in-law’s 50th birthday last week! It was a princess cake :D.

  184. My work buddy’s birthday! :)

  185. I made the wedding cake for my son’s wedding.

  186. my friend’s baby shower

  187. I have a passion for baking…and for eating…so we have cake quite often in our house. But the last time we had one for a celebration was my brother’s birthday at the beginning of the month.

  188. Many well-wishes to you!
    As for me, I had a cake for my close friend’s birthday a week ago.

  189. The last time I celebrated with cake was just a night hanging out with friends playing video games :) As silly as it sounds, it made a casual night in, a little extra-special!

  190. I love it!
    The last time I celebrated with cake was for my nieces second birthday. It was a lovely birthday and an even prettier cake, but without a cake stand.

  191. 3 birthdays – one of them a first birthday!

  192. Lemon Cake:
    – raspberry filling
    – white chocolate raspberry whipped ganache
    – lemon buttercream
    – 25 “25” candy molds as decor

    Made on 3/27 for daughter’s 25th B-day Celebration on 3/29.

    She took it to work.

    Family never got a slice.


  193. Cake stands to celebrate many things – Bakerella’s new kidney is at the top of the list. We all hope for the best and will be watching and praying. Much love and blessings to you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  194. So pretty! I made myself a birthday cake last month and I used your red velvet cake recipe. Really great way to celebrate!

  195. I celebrated my Birthday with my hubby :)

  196. If cupcakes count (don’t cupcakes always count?), then it was last friday, celebrating my daughter’s very first spring break. By the way, those pink pedestals… beautiful!

  197. My birthday, just a couple of weeks ago:)

  198. Last Thurs. for my sons blue and gold scout dinner. Every year they do an auction/award ceremony for the cakes. P.S I adore the pink hobnail!

  199. My birthday a couple of weeks ago!

  200. A couple of weeks ago for my Birthday!! =) My mom made it for me, it was perfect!

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