
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. My husband’s birthday 3 weeks ago! Strawberry-mango cake with mocha frosting! So yummy!!

  2. My very last cake celebration was my son’s birthday — with my handmade cake stands… so to win one of those beautiful cake stands from Melody’s shop would be magic!
    xxx wish you get well soon.

  3. I absolutely love cake! :) It’s what I look forward to when going to a party.

  4. It took me 3 looks at this blog before I noticed it was about the stands! They are gorgeous! I was really distracted by all that cake though. I celebrate Sundays with cake. I bake one every week!

  5. My friend’s 24th on Sunday! It was rainbow cake!

  6. My older brother’s birthday. we had a mocha chiffon cake with caramel filling frosted with custard

  7. Oooh, it matches the pink cupcakes my daughter and I planned for her 12th birthday. I have bought the pink melt, icing, glitter sprinkels…..:)

  8. Friend’s birthday on Sunday!

  9. Just a Happy Day. I was feeling happy for absolutely no reason, so I went and celebrated it with Cake :)

    Look who’s Wearing (LwW)

  10. On St. Patrick’s Day. My daughter and I attempted to the 14 layer cake that you had made. We ran out of frosting so it ended up being 7 layers. But it was still sweet!

  11. Last time … saturday, 3 gorgeous cake, & one green-red-pink for a cousin birthday

  12. Actual last celebratory cake was at Christmas! But there have definitely been cakes since then for the heck of it.

  13. Me and my boyfriend have the cakes I bake just about every 3-4 days. But the last cake I baked was a vanilla layered cake with whipped chocolate+raspberry filling frosted with some whipped cream cheese frosting!

  14. We had a joint bday celebration over Christmas with the entire family—two cousins’ birthdays, mine and Jesus.

  15. My brother in laws birthday! But since her prefers pie, I made an apple pie with Happy Birthday written on it. It was a big hit!

  16. we dont need an occasion to eat cake! but the last official celebration with cake was for my daughter’s 6th bday :)

  17. My baby boy birthday i bought a big football soccer cake… It was delicius…

  18. It’s my birthday! I hope I win! Adorable stands and I won’t be made if they come with any of those sweet treats! Yum!

  19. In my baby boy birthday´i bought a big football soccer cake… And just because i want a piece of cake i bougth a six pack carrot cupcakes… Ok i want a cake right now hahaha… Xoxo

  20. Made a cake for my moms B-day on St Patty’s day…Banana cake with a walnut caramel filling and cream cheese frosting. It was yummy.

  21. The last celebration that I enjoyed with cake was my baby cousin’s 5th birthday. These cake stands are gorgeous-I would want to bake a cake every day just to put these beautiful stands to use

  22. my husbands birthday in february.

  23. Absolutely beautiful!! The last celebration with cake was for my sweet little boy’s sixth birthday. It was chocolate and delicious. :)

  24. OMG, It’s so beautiful.
    We celebrate our daughter 4 birthday last Sunday, but she insist to celebrate her birthday every day….

  25. I made a cake last week just because I wanted cake hahaha

    I will never say no to baking-maybe that’s why I’ve packed on 20 pounds??? lol

  26. Not so much a celebration, but a good cause. Tonight I made cake pops for a bake sale we’re having at work for Tsunami and Earthquake relief in Japan. I, of course, had to try one to make sure they’re good.

  27. Last saturday I made a cupcake tree for a baby shower. I was inspired by the idea you used from Martha Stewart. Thanks!

  28. Just this past weekend we threw a fishing themed surprise birthday party for my aunt. 16 mini cheesecakes, and a strawberry banana custard cake! yummy!

    ps. I hope you are feeling better Bakerella!

  29. I think every day should be celebrated with CAKE! However, I don’t think my waistline would agree. Enjoyed cake for a dear friends birthday a month ago with a delish creation called the Patti Cake from YUM Kitchen. Will be making YOUR cake pops for my daughters 1st bday in May. Also, hubby has been strongly advised to purchase your book for me! :)

  30. The last celebration with cake was my mother’s 82nd birthday. It was a triple chocolate mousse cake…pure heaven!

    I hope you are feeling better!

  31. made a huge black forest for my dad’s 75th birthday, complete with chocolate coated brandied cherries. everyone was impressed!
    (had help from my wife of course ;) )

  32. For my sister-in-law Kimberly’s birthday party today we had 2 cakes, a berry cake my mom bought and a mint chip ice cream cake I made for her. Grandbaby number 2 is on the way, so she deserves 2 cakes! ;D

  33. I celebrated with a cake pop last night for finishing 4 cake orders in one week!

  34. My mom would love that pedestal!
    We last had cake at my uncle’s birthday!

  35. It’s not my last occasion yet, but in a couple of hours I’ll be going to my Brother-in-laws birthday with a chocolate band cake that would look awesome on one of those stands!

  36. I enjoyed cake with my twin baby boys when they celebrated their 1st birthday one week ago!

  37. My BFF had a birthday party for my 54th in January and we all devoured the delicious cake. However it couldn’t be my favorite flavor as my recent heart condition now prohibits me eating chocolate, well can have white chocolate so not all lost! :)

  38. My husband and my birthdays :)

  39. The last time I had cake was in Feb. for our anniversary.

  40. My first real birthday away from home at college. My mom sent me a red velvet cake frosted with turtles from a local bakery. Yum!

  41. Last time I celebrated with cake was my brother’s bday

  42. We made a cake this past weekend for no other reason than to celebrate having survived the week!

    Love the cake stands!! They are beautiful!

  43. Today! My almost 3 year old declared it cake day. She picked the most amazing Boston Cream.

  44. My mother’s birthday on March 9th!

  45. We just celebrated my youngest daughter’s first birthday party this past Saturday and have another one coming up in May!!

  46. My sons first birthday on thanks giving :) and my birthday on Xmas eve :) . Its been a while.
    Those are very beautiful!

  47. OMG drool… Too cute! I wish I had the time to bake so much, and the visitors to come over and eat!

  48. Yesterday I visited my mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. It was wonderful to watch her expressing change from the usual frown to a smile when she saw the chocolate carrot cupcakes I had made just for her !
    The smile and her enjoyment were priceless . . .

  49. My three year old nieces birthday who love tiny cupcakes and cake pops!

  50. My partner’s birthday – it was a giant chocolate cupcake with rainbow sprinkles!

  51. feb 14, for a friends bday who happens to coincide with vday. chocolate cake with a peanut butter cream cheese icing. dreamy.

  52. I recently made Dorie Greenspans Cocoa Buttermilk Birthday Cake to celebrate my 1 year blog birthday. ;)

  53. Oh my gosh, I am in love with these cakes and the stands! So pretty. The last time I made and ate cake was last week for a church party.

  54. hi bakerella the last ocasssion i celebrete was a baby shower two wees ago and going to do another one this weekend

  55. We had cake two weeks ago for my little boy’s 1st birthday!

  56. I celebrated my aunt and uncles 32nd anniversary over the weekend and made them a delicious banana rum cake! Although I think I put a LITTLE too much rum in it hahaha

  57. Not too long ago I invited some friends over and we made oreo surprise cupcakes..they were oh so yummy! I think next week Im gonna make mini Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

  58. The last time i had cake was……Wow! It was last month, thats a long time to go without cake. I think I’ll go eat some cake right now. = ]

  59. We last celebrated with Coconut Cake for my husband’s birthday in February!!!

  60. It was a bad week. A really bad week. A life changing week. So there is no better excuse than to make a triple chocolate crockpot mess cake! That was 2 days ago. Cake tastes especially sweet in the hard times.

  61. Last week yummy bundt cake so good…

  62. the last thing i celebrated with cake was my son’s kindergarten valentine’s party. but this weekend, i will celebrate my other son’s 4th birthday with cake!

  63. At work for my coworkers fair-well party!

  64. St. Patrick’s Day…Guiness Chocolate Cupcakes

  65. My grandaughters first birthday.It was an owl cake made by her daddy.

  66. We just celebrated three days ago for my granddaughter’s ninth birthday! Yum! And those cake pedestals are beautiful.

  67. Just moved to California and we celebrated with a “just mooved/ welcome” party!! Velvet and Pistachio cake!!!

  68. My dad’s 70th b-day!

  69. The last cake I made was in the shape of a guinea pig that my daughter requested for her 9th birthday. My mom started this tradition when we were kids and I love keeping it going for my kids. My mom gets a kick out of it too. We aren’t hugely talented in the art of shape-cake making but the kids aren’t judging. They’re whole-heartedly appreciating which is wonderful.

  70. My nephew’s birthday. Love, love, love cake!

  71. My boyfriend and I are baking a cake for our roommates birthday tomorrow now!

  72. The last occasion we celebrated with cake was a random Friday night. Sometimes it just has to be done!! Love these cake plates- thanks so much for the chance to win!

  73. My older son’s 5th Birthday a few weeks ago!

  74. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was my friend Ellie’s birthday :)

  75. I think it was an ice cream cake for my youngest daughter’s birthday – red velvet bottom and top layer, milk chocolate ice cream middle layer with the traditional cooked red velvet icing. So pretty and tasty but a real “bear” to cut.

  76. last tuesday, mom brought home a delicious banana cake to share with us…just because. isn’t she sweet :)

  77. My 30th Birthday! I had an awesome maquerade/carnivale party. So much fun!

  78. Oh so pretty! We had a girls’ board game night and I made red velvet cake =)

    First time commenter, longtime lurker. Glad to see you’re posting again after being in the hospital. My prayers are with you *huggles*

  79. My sister-in-laws wedding, Miss Sophia’s 2nd bday party BOTH this past Saturday 3/26/11

  80. Five days ago for my birthday! :)

  81. My sons 1st birthday party 10 days ago!!! We had lots of cupcakes and needed pedestals badly!!!!

  82. the b-day of a friend last Saturday!!

  83. rainbow cake for st. patricks day!

  84. A cake? Hmm.. That’s a little hard. I guess the last time I celebrated with a cake has to be… Valentines Day or Christmas. I can’t figure it out.

  85. i baked a cake for the president of our company – he turned 65 :) it was a chocolate cake with honey-chocolate buttercream :)

  86. When my daughter finally pooped in the potty, I bought a small cake and decorated the top for the, ehem, …theme… with chocolate “turtles”, whoppers, Ferro Rocher balls, raisinets and anything that remotely resembled turds. We celebrated in style!

  87. My friend’s baby shower with cupcakes from Kara’s in the bay area…such a pretty picture!!

  88. Easy. My sons birthday on St.pattys day! Btw my prayers r with you

  89. A baby shower at work. Baby came early 8 hours later, 1.9lbs. Both are doing well!

  90. We recently celebrated my daughter’s 3rd birthday, just one month ago, with a yummy coconut gelato cake in Kauai! Yummy!

  91. For my birthday a few weeks ago! :). Please pick me, pick me!!! It would make this the best birthday ever!!!!

  92. Last Time, was Saturday March 26,2011 I made the cake and cupcake for my nephew’s baby shower. It turn out wonderful. the theme was monkeys elephants and giraffes I used your idea for the cake p ops was wonderful. thank you! Rose

  93. We, my 16 year old son and I made pineapple upside down cake last night – was yummo!! Before that homemade German chocolate cake with coconut frosting for my hubbys birthday in February!

  94. My daughter’s 1st birthday! We had a “Zoe” from Sesame Street cake.

  95. The last celebration I celebrated with cake was this past weekend for my brother’s 40th birthday! The cake was absolutely delicious and being with family and friends was even better!

  96. A black forest cake. No celebration just cause we could :P

  97. Dad’s birthday a couple of weeks ago.

  98. will be perfect for the tea parties I have with my granddaughters :)

  99. My lil girls birthday party at the begining of the month!

  100. I made 20 “Super Mario” pop cakes for my son’s class on Monday. :-) They were helping him celebrate his 6th birthday.
    R2D2 will be my project for his party on Sunday! :-)

  101. We celebrated my brother’s birthday with a dark chocolate cake…delicious!!!

  102. I shared a large cherry-iced cherry sheet cake with my friends for my birthday in February, along with a red velvet and german chocolate. My fridge was filled with leftovers!

  103. Oh my! These are adorable.

    Last occasion I celebrated with cake was my daughters 3rd birthday. I made her a pink fairytale castle complete with waffle cone turrets.

  104. I celebrated my best friends 30th birthday with yummy chocolate cupcakes with homemade cookies and cream frosting.

  105. We celebrated with cake last Thursday, capping the end of a long, arduous week. Pound cake to be specific. And we put it in the toaster. It was life altering.

  106. The last time I had cake was Valentines day! Made a cake for my boyfriend. :]

    p.s you always have such awesome give a ways!

  107. Ooh….I would LOVE that cake plate. It would look AWESOME on my counter next to my pink kitchenaid stand mixer! ;) Thanks for the opportunity!

  108. I recently celebrated my six year anniversary with my soon to be husband with cake :) Yummy!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  109. I try to celebrate with cupcakes, cakes, or cake balls at least once a week! I try to cut down on my intake, for the sake of my waistline, so I always take them to work to share ;) Cupcakes are made for sharing :) But I made cupcake for my friends wedding last week. Red Velvet and Chocolate with Chocolate filling and Chocolate frosting. The chocolate stole the show :)

  110. We went to a friend’s house for dinner and I brought decorated cake pops for dessert. They were a hit!

  111. Dr. Seuss’s birthday with thing 1 and thing 2 cupcakes I made with my kiddo’s!

  112. My friend’s daughter turned 100 days old (They celebrate that in Korea) so my fried made mini itsy bitsy cupcakes!

  113. Not sure when the last time was, but I’ll be having cake today– it’s my birthday:)

  114. Celebrated my cousin and Mom’s birthday jointly last month with an espresso chiffon cake!

  115. We celebrated my sisters ex-boyfriend’s birthday today with a beautiful chocolate cake!

  116. I made a Texas Cake for a friend’s baby shower just last week.

  117. My daughter and my birthday at the beginning of the month :D…

  118. The last occasion I celebrated with a cake was New Years Eve/Day. My children and I relocated out of state and that was a great time to celebrate a new start & new year with a great cake.

  119. Just made a fun little mini-tier cake (teaparty themed) for my niece’s birthday! :o)

  120. My 2 year old and I celebrated Monday with baby cherry cakes – she saw a cake at a friends house and decided that we needed our own cake – so we whipped them up and enjoyed! Happy Monday!

  121. my hubby’s birthday! :)

  122. a couple of weeks for my mothers 60th birthday, it was an amazing marble bunt cake with cream cheese frosting!

  123. Last week I made a cake and took it to work to go with our end-of-season dinner.

  124. My mom’s 50th Birthday party I made her a 14 layered cake! :)

  125. They are all so pretty. Makes me want to bake a cake right now.

  126. I celebrated the existance of cake yesterday, with a lovely slice of chocolate cake, with a bit of icecream on the side.

    I have every intention of doing the same thing tonight – hopefully with a slice of cake that’s as gorgeous as the ones above!

  127. My dad’s birthday in February…I need to make a cake!

  128. My son’s birthday – homemade triple chocolate cake…yum!!

  129. Last celebrated this past saturday 3/26/11 for my future father in-law’s birthday with red velvet cake balls!!!

  130. Last time I had cake was for my fiancé’s 30th birthday. We had a romantic weekend away and I ordered a 2 person cake for us to share. Black velvet, dark dark chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting!

  131. I’m so glad to see you feeling better and posting, everything will get better!

  132. I baked my Mom a birthday cake recently :)

  133. We just had cake for my youngest daughter’s 10th birthday two weeks ago.

  134. We recently celebrated my son’s 2nd birthday and had cupcakes!

  135. About 2 weeks ago the entire family happened to be in town at the same time so we celebrated everybody’s everything all at once with a delicious lemon blueberry cake. It was a great day topped off with a great cake!

  136. I made my son’s birthday cake 1 month ago.

  137. Last Saturday with my Mom and the occasion was being with my wonderful Mom!! :)

  138. My great grandmother’s 100th Birthday. :3

  139. This past weekend for my cousin’s going away party :)

  140. Yesterday ! 28th March. My 7th anniversary of coming to America. I made a Neil’s Nutty Surprise, which I learned in a restaurant (Neil’s) while I was a student. A long long time ago.

  141. Strawberry cupcakes for no reason at all. Needed to satisfy my craving.

  142. I always celebrate with cake! I guess the last time i celebrated with cake was for my husbands first week back in clinic for dental school :)

  143. Too long ago!! A church get together with a store bought cake :( blah.

  144. My birthday a week and a half ago.

    And I think you SHOULD have some of those stands/pedestals after all you’ve been going through lately!

  145. Housewarming party for a friend/co-worker

  146. Everyone loves cupcakes…sometimes it’s just nice to appreciate people every once in a while…I make them for my assistants at work…ironically I’m a dentist…with a sweet tooth…sugar and a toothbrush of course are always available in our office.

  147. St. Patty’s Day with red velvet cupcakes made with love and lots of green sugar sprinkles by my daughter and niece!!!!

  148. Last weekend! My niece turned one and I made her cake! I so want these!!!

  149. I CELEBRATE with cake all too often. Today was a scrumptious Banana Cream Pie mini cupcake from my favorite cupcakery here in San Mateo, Sibby’s cupcakery! Yesterday I ate a piece of lemon cake and the day before baked carrot cupcakes…YUM!

  150. A few weeks ago…. with the best chocolate sour cream cake ever. No one can resist this recipe. It’s our traditional birthday cake recipe …. and it makes a great party sheet cake.

  151. My decision to go back to school to become a nurse. The kids have grown and I just wanted to do it for me. It as a square chocolate cake on a square cake plate by Martha Stewart from Macy’s. I like edges.

  152. On March 19th we had my daughters 3rd birthday party. I made her a two tiered purple and pink “princess” cake.

  153. Friend’s birthday. we had several cakes from Tartine Bakery in San Francisco. yummmm :)

  154. My niece’s birthday. I made them a Neapolitan cake.

  155. My baby and her cousin’s mini 1st bday party with the fam :)

  156. I just had a slice of chocolate cake the other night as a late night snack. It was very fulfilling! :)

  157. My 31st birthday!

  158. My sister-in-laws wedding! I made her wedding cake.

  159. My sister’s baby shower last weekend! I made three small cheesecakes and topped them with homemade preserves. And of course, I would be sharing these lovely stands with her were I to win =)

  160. Last time I celebrated with cake was for my little sister’s birthday…but I love cake, and work in a restaurant/bakery, so I “celebrate” with cake all by myself a lot! : ) Would love the gorgeous cake stands to feed my addiction!

  161. It was on my dad’s 97th birthday! We had the family chocolate wacky cake!

  162. I made robot cake balls from your book this last Thursday, and everyone loved them! They didn’t look nearly as good as yours, but I was pretty proud of myself.

  163. I just celebrated my birthday with a delicious cake made by my daughter! It was chocolate cake with ganache filling and seven minute frosting. Superb!!!

  164. I bring cupcakes to my office on my co-worker’s birthdays. These would be SO CUTE to display them!
    We had cake for one of our intern’s birthday’s on St. Paddy’s Day & again last week for another girl’s birthday.

  165. I bring cupcakes to my office on my co-worker’s birthdays. These would be SO CUTE to display them!
    We had cake for one of our intern’s birthday’s on St. Paddy’s Day & again last week for another girl’s birthday.

  166. nephew’s birthday last week :)

  167. Last night for my husbands birthday!

  168. I made a cake for my son’s birthday! It was vanilla with chocolate icing.

  169. I work with at-risk teens, and one of them turned 16 yesterday. He requested a banana cake, so the whole group celebrated with a banana cake with caramel topping.

  170. We made jack-o-lantern cakes after school the other day. It’s March :)

  171. My friend’s baby shoer, cupcakes by me :)

  172. Three little cousins all have birthdays in February and they frosted and decorated cupcakes!! Yum YUM!!

  173. The most recent occasion I celebrated with cake? That’s easy.

    It was last Tuesday! Because it was Tuesday (seriously, who needs a specific occasion to have cake?)

  174. wish i could create somthing of that calibre

  175. We celebrated with my oldest daughters 2nd grade class as they had their First Reconciliation. I made 4 dozen red velvet cup cakes with cream cheese frosting tented purple with crosses made out of white chocolate, adorable.

  176. Our last family celebration that included cake was my son’s 5th birthday in December. I made a superhero cake to match the theme, he LOVED it!

  177. Eesh, can’t remember when the last time I celebrated w/ cake. That makes me sad.

  178. My Boss’ birthday this week- nothing like sweet brownie points!

  179. Last weekend on my nephew’s 3rd birthday party

  180. red velvet cake for my school’s secretary. She is a classy lady and the red velvet cake was totally her. LOL!!

  181. A couple of weeks ago at my nephew’s one-year birthday party! Yummy!

  182. My son’s fifth birthday…blue icing…Batman! :)

  183. The last time I celebrated with cake was about 2 weeks ago for a babyshower with a delicious chocolate cake! Yummy!!

  184. We celebrated with my oldest daughters 2nd grade class as they had their First Reconciliation. I made 4 dozen red velvet cup cakes with cream cheese frosting tented purple with crosses made out of white chocolate, adorable.

  185. My daughter’s 3rd (already?!?) birthday was 2 weeks ago, and every time we asked her what she wanted for her birthday, her response was, “CAKE!” So of course we had cake then, and we will be having cake again this weekend for my hubby’s birthday… on April Fool’s Day! :)

  186. We recently celebrated our sons birthday with an ice cream cake. It was fantastic!

  187. These stands are just delectable…I just baked a cake to celebrate a new chocolate recipe a came across….always have room for cake…

    Love your site, thanks for sharing.

  188. Celebrated my mom’s birthday on the 26th with a sugar-free Angel Food cake. Yumm! :)

  189. My daughter 6th birthday.. and it was chocolate cake!

  190. Met up with a college girlfriend, we hadn’t seen each other in 15 yrs. She made cake pops – first time I ever had them. Yummy!!! What a great treat to celebrate girl time and friendship.

  191. My two favorites: Bakerella and My Sweet & Saucy!!! Last celebration with cake was my 31st bday….chocolate cake covered in Strawberry buttercream topped with ganache and chocolate dipped strawberries!! Yummy!!!

  192. Sadly, it’s been so long since I have had cake for a celebration, that can’t remember exactly, but I think it was at Christmas.

  193. Went home last week and my mom made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting…yum!

  194. Because my mom needed cheering up…. So we made a flour-y mess of the kitchen and indulged in lots of chocolate!

  195. hm…. I made a 4 layer pudding cake this weekend for a family dance. Does that count. It was so yummy and I need a cake stand. How cute.

  196. Oh gosh, I guess it’d be my birthday back in January. Guess it’s time for a cupcake soon!

  197. I will celebrate my 26th birthday with cake on March 31st

  198. OH HOW FUN ARE THOSE!!!! I would love to win those. The last event I celebrated with cake was my 30th birthday which was just this past Sunday on the 27th! I made myself a cherry chip cake with butter cream frosting! It would have looked very pretty on that pedestal

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