
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. I made a carrot cake with cream cheese icing and it didn’t taste too good :-\

  2. my little brother’s 11th birthday!
    it was double chocolate, of course

  3. The last time I had cake was king cake for Mardi Gras

  4. my birthday, and my friends put trick candles on it that took forever to blow out!

  5. Beautiful pictures and table scape. The last time I celebrated with cake was the 5th of march. I had a wedding shower for my daughter. We had cupcakes for desert.

  6. Sunday, it was my best friends dads birthday. we made him a yellow submarine cake.

  7. This very evening we celebrated my son’s 6th birthday with a birthday cake topped with dinosaurs. He might not appreciate the pink pedestals, but I sure would! Thank you for sharing.

  8. My husband’s birthday! :)

  9. at my granddaughter’s “sponge bob” birthday party. Had the cutest Sponge Bob cake pops… wonder where we got the recipe.. tehehehe

  10. The last time I had cake was for my boyfriend’s birthday. Delish!

  11. The last time I celebrated with cake was actually last Thursday after the Arizona men won their basketball game. I actually brought basketball decorated cake pops (my first ever attempt) to a gatherng of my girlfriends. They were a huge hit and I had to send out your website so people could see your amazing creations.

  12. For Christmas, when I made a vanilla buttercream cake with lemon buttercream filling. Wow, that was a bit ago!

  13. So cute!!

  14. Today, just because……
    Life is too short to wait till tomorrow.

  15. L O V E L Y !!

  16. I’m in Houston for my sister-in-law’s wedding, and several out of town guests have arrived bearing cakes. We are not complaining…one of the littlest cousins asked why everyone was bringing cake, and his mother said those are the kind of guests we want! Amen!

  17. do cupcakes count? tested a few recipes today. I think I ate 6… ugh, sugar overload…

  18. I made a pineapple upside down cake for my brother’s birthday

  19. the last celebration was a set of twins 8th birthday!!!

  20. last Wednesday! I made some mini cheesecakes and brought them to youth group for a celebration

  21. We celebrated with cake tonight. Because it was Tuesday.

  22. Tonight for my sister’s birthday! We had an awesome carrot cake with cream cheese icing…yum!

  23. My Birthday. Back in October. And now that I think about it, it’s been way too long.
    Pretty, pretty cakes by the way. :)

  24. I last celebrated with cake for Valentine’s day, I think it’s time for another!

  25. This would be a great present for my mom’s baking / cake ball business!

  26. My twins birthday.

  27. My birthday two weeks ago….my girlfriends and I (the Party Girls) celebrate each gal’s birthday. Wouldn’t it be a fun tradition to use these pedestals! (We already have a crown we share)….and from one Melody to another?!?

  28. I just celebrated my Mom’s birthday in March!

  29. The last time I celebrated with cake was in January! For New Years! :)

  30. The last time I celebrated with cake was a few weeks ago for a friends birthday! We celebrated with four different kinds of cakes and split them all up so we could taste test :)

    Another time around the same party, we ‘borrowed’ some cake from a reception taking place at a restaurant we were eating. Wedding crashers? No, we kindly asked, and then they invited us to join the party!

  31. Just had homemade chocolate cake this past weekend for my boyfriend’s birthday!

  32. my sons best friends second birthday was on sunday and we had a wonderful “ladybug” cake!

  33. glad to hear you’re doing a lot better! keep strong! anyway, the pink ruffle cake is definitely my favorite! amazing decorating skills there. and her mini macarons on her cupcakes are adorable!

  34. Its been wayyyy too long sine I have had cake…….but this would be perfect for my daughter Kate’s upcoming first birthday where there will definitely be cake ;)

  35. My son’s birthday, but mine is coming up in a week. =oD

  36. Aw, my last cake was a few weeks ago and it was for my 2-year-old birthday and it was a Mickey Mouse cake with huge donut ears LOL! I’m not an excellent baker, but I loved it :)


  37. Easy, my son’s first birthday a little over two weeks ago and my daughter’s fourth birthday, four days ago. It’s cake season at my house!

  38. My husband and 3 sons all have March birthdays, so I’ve been making a birthday cake every week this month! I would love to have these pink pedestals for when they make ME a cake for my birthday!

  39. I made a triple chocolate cake for a coworker’s baby shower! Chocolate all over with pastel pink and green fondant polka dots to celebrate welcoming the sweet baby girl.

  40. I made cupcakes for all the March birthdays in my family!

  41. Me and my hubby made some whoopie pies with chocolate cake mix just cause we needed something just a little bit cakey last saturday night. :)

  42. My brother-in-law’s birthday. It was a strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting and strawberry jam in between the layers. So delicious!

  43. My daughters 3rd birthday with what else but Elmo cake pops. She loved them!

  44. A friend came to visit and she brought a mini chocolate cake with her!

  45. For my boyfriend’s birthday last Thursday we had the most decadent chocolate cake! Side note: You have almost 8000 comments?! Talk about a spirit lifter. You are loved and rightfully so!!

  46. My friend’s birthday in Las Vegas this past weekend =]

  47. Son’s baptism = vanilla cake+Strawberries+whipped cream frosting…………yummy! : )

  48. my anniversary :)

  49. Aloha –

    I pulled a Cupcake Wars quickness to whip up a batch of milk chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter cream frosting in about 30 minutes. They were shared at the beach with a large group of friends!

  50. I celebrated my roommate’s birthday with three tiers of coconut lime cupcakes, yum!

  51. Last Sunday. My family celebrated the first time all of us were together. I had my son 3 weeks ago, so it was so great to see all the cousins together! We made marble chiffon cake with a dark chocolate sauce!

  52. My birthday last week!!

  53. Wow those are really beautiful. The last time I celebrated with cake was for my sisters’ birthday. We had lOts of fun.

  54. I made tie dye cupcakes (green, blue, purple) for a co-worker! Awesome!

  55. I made a cake for my husband’s brother’s birthday… He didn’t get to eat any, though, because they live 2 states away! I just love cake :)

  56. Had a cupcake on Thursday just because. I love myself some red velvet!

  57. My daughter’s birthday!!

  58. We celebrated just being together.

  59. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was Valentine’s Day.

  60. I made petit fours for one of my finals last week in school..devil’s food cake with cream cheese filling, they were so cute with a flower piped design and a sugar pearl in the middle! =)

  61. No need for an occasion; CAKE is great anytime! Enjoyed some last week…in fact, it’s time for more! :D

  62. husband promotion ceremony :)

  63. The last time i celebrated with a cake was when my friends and I made our holiday and we all baked something and brought it to my house and shared our delicious sweets and talked and watched Shrek 2! :)

  64. Enjoyed some cake by two weeks ago at a wedding I worked. So worth the hour drive!

  65. Cake for my boyfriend’s birthday!!

  66. Wow those are really beautiful. The last time I celebrated with cake was for my sister’s birthday. I just had a baby and she was in town visiting, so we had lots of fun.

  67. CUPCAKES at a birthday party. They were lemon with cranberry in the middle. YUM

  68. Yesterday(Monday) when we celebrated my son’s birthday. He turned 9!

  69. you have SO many comments this is CRAZY!! I want to win ! I ate cake for my cute nephew, Aidan’s birthday party. He fell off the couch after presents and cracked his skull. It was a sad day :(

  70. Our girls are only thirteen months apart and this year we celebrated their 7th and 6th birthdays with a fairy party :) With four munchkins, the cake is always the very first thing they pick out for their birthdays and we plan the party around it…after all the best part of a birthday is the cake ;)

  71. We just had a birthday at our house. It was for an 8-year-old boy who would NOT appreciate these beautiful cake stands, but the baby shower I’m hosting next month would definitely benefit! ;)

  72. Wow, i want the table too!!! The last cake (cupcakes) I made were for a co-worker who is kind of a health/no-carb nut. He had never had red velvet cake & asked if I would make one for his birthday. I used the recipe from great aunt & it was SO good! My sweet husband got me Ruth Levy Berenbaums’s Cake Bible & I am making one from it on Friday night. He’s been away for work training for three months, I figure a good cake would be a nice treat! =)

  73. I made your yummy cake pops for my teaching colleagues this past Monday. What a hit! They thought the cake pops were totally creative. My most recent full size cake was for St. Patrick’s day…I made my cake in 6 rainbow colored layers. The teachers were totally impressed! :)

  74. The last time I had cake was on March 17th, when I made Irish Coffee Cupcakes for a St. Patrick’s Day party! Yum!

  75. My fathers birthday was celebrated with cake – Yum!

  76. Gorgeous photos! Beautiful pedestals! The last time we had cake was for a five-person birthday celebration with the in-laws.

  77. we had cake at work for a birthday.. its been so long since ive actually baked a cake! i miss it!!! these would be so cute to use!!

  78. Wow, i want the table!!! The last cake (cupcakes) I made were for a co-worker who is kind of a health/no-carb nut. He had never had red velvet cake & asked if I would make one for his birthday. I used the recipe from great aunt & it was SO good! My sweet husband got me Ruth Levy Berenbaums’s Cake Bible & I am making one from it on Friday night. He’s been away for work training for three months, I figure a good cake would be a nice treat! =)

  79. The last occasion where we had cake was no occasion at all! My 4-year-old son asked me to make “a very pretty strawberry cake” and I couldn’t refuse! Him being cute made it an occasion! ;-)

  80. Cakes for my daughter and her daughter who share a Feb. birthday. Fun…fun…fun!

  81. That photo is GORGEOUS! The last cake I made was for my own birthday!! That’s how much I love to bake!! :)

  82. At my Grandma’s! And the cake stands remind me of her. :)

  83. Last time I celebrated with cake was my boyfriend’s roommate’s birthday in early March. I made him a delicious chocolate cake with m&ms and kitkats. Very boy worthy!

  84. We had some delicious cake from an amazing Italian bakery in Brooklyn, NY for my sister’s baby shower last weekend! I also made cake pops and cupcakes. They were a hit!

  85. My daughter’s 13th birthday. :) How fabulous would these cake tiers be for her 14th! Beautiful!

  86. A baby shower on the weekend – I brought the cupcakes!

  87. My nephew’s 6th birthday – last weekend!!

  88. That photo is GORGEOUS! The last cake I made was for my own birthday!! That’s how much I love to bake! :)

  89. I made that pink ruffle cake a few weeks ago because I thought it was so girly and fun and cute and had to be attempted immediately….. and was wishing I had a pretty stand to put it on. Thanks for the chance to win!

  90. Those are the cutest cake stands i hae ever seen

  91. St. Pat’s Day. green cupcakes with chocolate frosting. yummy. except now I have extra frosting. what are you suppose to do with it?

  92. My son’s birthday!

  93. I celebrated a friend’s birthday with cake just a few days ago. I wish I’d had a pretty cake stand to go with it, though!

  94. My son’s birthday in January. Think this is the longest I’ve gone between cake worthy celebrations!

  95. My daughters birthday.

  96. My daughter’s first birthday was Sunday! We had cake to celebrate!

  97. This past Sunday at a friend’s son’s 5th b-day party.

  98. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was x’mas. but in the next 3 weeks I will be baking cakes like crazy. 2 b’days and 1 get-together. wow those cake stands! drool! drool! drool!

  99. I made Sham-ROCK truffles for my babies for St. Patty’s day!

  100. oh boo im so close to the end, who has the time to read it all the way
    i celebrated valentines with cake, that was the last for me.

  101. My husband and I shared a piece of s’mores cheesecake last Friday at a celebration of his aunt’s life who passed away two weeks ago.

  102. Oh my GOSH these are the most beautiful cake stands I’ve ever seen! I love them. So much.

  103. The last occasion I celebrated with cake was “just because it was Saturday!”

  104. My husbands birthday!

  105. chocolate cake for a co-workers birthday about 3 weeks ago – would have been even better on a fancy cake stand!

  106. What a great giveaway!! The last occasion we celebrated with cake was my 32nd birthday! :)

  107. Birthday, for sure!
    Such fun : )

  108. My son and daughter-in-law’s wedding (where we also enjoyed tiny wedding cake favors based on Bakerella’s wedding cake pops!).

  109. Celebrating my son’s birthday in November- that is too long to go without cake. Maybe we’ll make a cake tomorrow! Love the pink ruffle cake too.

  110. I celebrated my ability to bake cakes by baking a cake (that counts, right?). I made a vegan raspberry-lemon cake with vanilla bean icing.

  111. My birthday was last Friday, we celebrated with a Birthday spice cake mmmmm

  112. My dad’s birthday ~ the first birthday after my mom’s passing. Thankfully my kids love a party so the three of them were able to keep us smiling.

  113. It was my niece’s 5th birthday a couple of weeks ago!

  114. My 5-year-old grandson’s birthday a few weeks ago. We made cute lion cupcakes to go with a trip to the zoo!

  115. We had cake at my nephew’s birthday party last Thursday.

  116. It was a “just because kind of day.” A new bakery opened up and the area and we had to try them…”just because” :)

  117. I celebrated Sunday!! Yay for a Sunday!

  118. I made cupcakes a week and a half ago to celebrate a sunday family dinner!

  119. Gorgeous! I made an awesome chocolate cake to celebrate my brother in laws birthday.

  120. I last celebrated with cake…today! I’m on vacation and enjoyed the special occasion of enjoying a lovely, sunny yet cold day in NYC! AWESOME pedestals. I would love to own them and bake up a storm, just to display the prettiness.

  121. Over the weekend, just because!!

  122. The last time I celebrated with cake was around Christmas with my mother in law for her birthday. :) But I sure could use some ribbon cake now. I am in love with that thing!

  123. It’s been forever since we celebrated anything with cake, mostly because we’ve been busy with a new toddler in the family! But….I’m making very cool cupcakes this weekend for a friend’s baby shower. Those cake pedestals would be so awesome for that.

  124. my dad’s 60th birthday a week ago!! :)

  125. Today! I celebrated wit a Gigi’s cupcake since my cholesterol test came back, and I was almost 50 pts lower than in October. Woohoo for me! Totally cupcake-worthy celebration!

  126. A few weeks ago, we were lucky enough to have a few gorgeous days – warm weather, sunny, birds chirping. To celebrate the arrival of spring, I made lemon cupcakes with raspberry cream cheese frosting.

  127. my best friends birthday on sunday!

  128. The last time I celebrated with cake was for a friend’s birthday. We had red velvet cake and cake pops :)

  129. I made a cake to celebrate my daughter’s dear friend’s 18th birthday. It was a chocolate chili cake. Yum!

  130. At our Bunco Girls Night Out ! Delish!

  131. My nephew’s bday a week ago!

  132. I celebrated being at home from college on Spring Break with a lemon-blackberry cake!

  133. We celebrated my granddaughter Angelica Jules’ 3rd Birthday this past weekend. Grandma Bev made ‘Princess Coach’ Cupcakes for her. Hope you’re feeling better. Bev

  134. Last cake was at my husband’s “Surprise” 60th birthday party on March 27th, the day AFTER his real birthday,hence the ability to pull it off! :)

  135. Isnt everyday cake day??
    The last day I celebrated with cake was a week ago when i made cake for my work and my husbands co-workers just for the heck of it!

  136. We just had a cake for my dad’s birthday! LOVE the pedestals! Hope to win!

  137. My daughter’s birthday!

  138. Very purty ! I neeeed one of these !! I only have a cupcake stand and it’s getting lonely! These will look very nice next to my monkey cookie jar:D

  139. The last time I celebrated with cake was my 18th birthday! :)
    German chocolate cake to be exact. Mmmmmm!

  140. Hmmmm… Do cupcakes count? If so, I celebrated the weekend with some cupcakes.

  141. Last cake worthy celebration was my birthday! I’ve been known to make cake and then make up a reason to have it. (my kids love that, not sure where they get their sweet tooth… hmmm…) Would love these stands/dome for future festivities on the calendar like my princess’s 4th birthday!

  142. 6 days ago… for my husbands birthday!
    My birthday is on the 31st, so winning these gorgeous cake stands would be an awesome early birthday present! :)

  143. last cake “holiday” was on Friday. because it was friday!

  144. When visiting my Mother last week. I made her her favorite, chocolate coconut cupcakes.

  145. A friend’s birthday a few weeks ago. It would of looked prettier on that pedastal!!!

  146. My grandson’s birthday March 12. My daughter made a race car cupcake cake that was darling. Love your website.

  147. Just made your cupcake bites for my 16 year old to take to her school retreat! The girls all loved them!!

  148. My Mom’s 65th Birthday!

  149. my daughters 8th birthday party!!!

  150. My friend hosts a scrap-booking party monthly, so last month I treated everyone there to some cake pops. They turned out beautifully and were super yummy!!

  151. We celebrated a baby shower for my grandson due on Easter. We had Tres Leche cake with strawberries. Those are some awesome cake plates.

  152. Today actually! My best buddy had a special family supper and I made the cake for their dessert!

  153. The last time I had cake was at a surprise lunch for my daughter’s kindergarten teacher. Yummy, moist vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream and chocolate covered strawberries on top!

  154. My daughter’s first birthday!

  155. Last time I ate cake would be when a group of friends came over to celebrate my birthday. Unfortunately, they bought an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, which no one really ended up eating because it was overly sweet.

    The last time I had a decent cake was February 14. It was a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting which I made for my dad’s birthday (which falls on Valentine’s Day).

  156. We celebrated Saturday with a cake — because it was Saturday!!

  157. We celebrated my father-in-law’s birthday last night with a strawberry cake :)

  158. My sister’s birthday! mmmm cake!

  159. My sister’s bday and soon for my birthday :)

  160. My friend’s birthday

  161. We celebrated my oldest son’s birthday with devil’s food cake and chocolate peanut butter fudge icing. It met with rave reviews. If only we could have displayed it on a lovely glass pedestal…

  162. The last occasion was an engagement party for two very special friends of our family. And I provided the cherry blossom cake.

  163. Sunday. I celebrated my son’s first birthday with a mini three tiered cake and and my first attempt at cake pops. They were a hit. Thanks for the inspiration! I am so glad I found this site a year ago.

  164. We celebrate my friends 30 birthday last night :)

  165. My Momma’s birthday!

  166. On march the 5th my nieces birthday a mocha rum cake and hopefully on april 4th and 5th my mom and my own birthday.

  167. To celebrate a great week of teaching preschool and finally not feeling sick, I ate delicious cake :) Cake makes everything better!!

  168. My friends birthday on March 11th.

  169. A bachelorette party! ;)

  170. A 1-year-old and a 4-year-old sibling joint birthday party! Tons of fun and tons of yummy cake I was honored to make! Dr. Suess … a fun theme to make!

  171. Every sunday I whip up something sweet for the family after dinner. Last sunday it was lemon poppy seed cake with a sweet lemon icing. Mmmm, hooray for sunday!

  172. We celebrated my twin boys 5th birthday this past weekend with a Phineas & Ferb cake.

  173. I celebrated with cake for my birthday in January (far too long ago–the birthday, and the cake!). Unless cupcakes count, and then I don’t need a reason to celebrate… they show up in my kitchen on a far-too-regular basis.

  174. my friend’s birthday! we had a blueberry chiffon cake, which was delicious!! :)

  175. Our ladies day out about 2 weeks ago :)

  176. My birthday last Friday!

  177. My cousins 12th birthday! I made her a cat cake.

  178. St. Patty’s Day…made a beautiful stout cake!

  179. Last Friday – in memory of Court’s Friday cake days!

  180. a co-worker’s birthday! i do all the baking for the office!

  181. I celebrated with a peeps cake at Bunco Friday! :)

  182. My friend has decided to self-publish her fantastic mystery novel after trying the traditional publishing house route to no avail. We got her a “way to go!” cake. :)

  183. The last “cake celebration” was my daughter’s 17th birthday. I made a chocolate almond cake with raspberry cream cheese filling, chocolate almond ganache, and fresh raspberries. Talk about yummo!

  184. The last occasions I celebrated with cake were the birthday’s of my nephew, sister, and mother in law all of which happen within days of each other. It was a great get together!

  185. The last thing I celebrated with cake was my lovely boyfriend’s birthday! I got him a cake from Sweet Lady Jane in our neighborhood and we enjoyed the almond rocha to celebrate!

  186. surprised co-worker for working 15 years.

  187. We’ve had 3 birthdays just this past week…our last being my son’s this past Saturday!

  188. For my 21st birthday!!!

  189. This past weekend for my husband’s birthday.

  190. I celebrated my own birthday a few weeks ago, the cake was the most perfect way to end the day.

    And wow, Ive never seen so many comments on a blog post!

  191. WOW!

    Friday! I went to a friends wedding, I made the cake and groom’s cake.

  192. The last event hasn’t occurred yet, but since I’ve been swiping leftover buttercream all day it has to count. My little pup’s 7th birthday is tomorrow.

  193. I made taste test wedding cakes on Sunday! It was great to spend time with the bride-to-be, her fiance, his mom and his sisters!

  194. Tonight! I made choc cupcakes with a blood orange cream cheese filling with a choc/gran mariner frosting! they would have looked beautiful on that fantab stand!!

  195. We just celebrated my mom’s 81st birthday with a fudgey chocolate cake!

  196. My wedding anniversary, last night..

  197. I made mini oreo cheesecakes for a coworker’s birthday this past monday. Everybody wished that they weren’t mini! But really, who needs a special ocassion to eat cake??

  198. I made a ‘fancy’ cake for my daughter’s Fancy Nancy themed bday party.

  199. My hubby’s birthday last week. And tomorrow I make my little boy’s first birthday cake. :)

  200. That would be Valentine’s day! Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake!

    All the best to you!

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