
Pretty Pedestals


Take a look at these beautiful cake stands. That is if you can see past the skyline of sweets. I absolutely love this photo. Love it. I wish I could enlarge it and wallpaper my kitchen with it. This photo and the rest in this post (taken by Ashley Rose Photography) are photos of cakes from my friend Melody’s shop, My Sweet & Saucy. We’ve been internet buds from way back when I had a address. And since then, she’s gone from blogger herself, to superstar baker, making the most gorgeous cakes and working with the likes of Tori Spelling, Miley Cyrus and more. I just wish she wasn’t all the way in California. Actually, it’s a good thing I’m not in driving distance. For my waistline anyway.


Oh dear. I need a pink ruffle cake in my life.



Look at all these cakes. I mean pedestals. Big ones. Little ones. Tall ones. Short ones.

Melody also has an online store where you can find them all in one place.


Yes, pedestals. Like this pretty little pink one. Perfect for a petite little cake.


Or stack two and you can fill it with sweet little treats.


Wait, you mean you don’t have a large and small pink glass pedestal or a sweet glass dome?

That’s terrible. Unthinkable.

Would you like one? I mean all three pieces in the photo above?

I thought you might.

Melody is giving them away to one of my readers. Yippee! Thanks Melody!

Enter for a chance to win this dome and two pretty pink pedestals.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me the last occasion you celebrated with cake. Easy!
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, March 30 at 8 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!

Satisfy your sweet tooth and check out Melody’s stuff.

My Sweet & Saucy Supply – cake stands, and platters and bow;s, oh my!
My Sweet & Saucy Shop – the bakery
My Sweet & Saucy Blog – filled with tons of beautiful event and dessert table photos.

Other Credits: Ashley Rose – photography, The Loveliest Day – event design & styling, Found – vintage rentals, and Olive Hue – paper goods.

YAY! I picked a winner.

Duh, dah, dah… and the new owner of beautiful new pink pedestals and a glass done to top it off is… Comment #4838!


Congratulations Gloria!

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9,947 comments on “Pretty Pedestals”

  1. The last time I had cake was cheesecake for my birthday in February! Clearly I need more cake in my life…

  2. The last celebration I had with cake was Sunday…a birthday party for a friend…I LOVE cake and I really really hope I get picked randomly!!!!

  3. Celebrated my last year in my twenties with my amazing family this past weekend and my mom surprised me with a Hello Kitty cake. Forever 29!!! :P

  4. My house warming party! i made a bunch of cupcakes and showed them off on my beautiful stands, I just can’t get enough of them (:

    ::crosses fingers:: I hope I win <3

  5. Valentine’s Day!

  6. The last time I had cake was for my oldest son’s birthday. Thank you for the giveaway.

  7. Love these! The last time I celebrated with cake was for Valentine’s Day. I actually made your red velvet cake. It was so good!

  8. OMG! those are gorgeous! They would be perfect for Easter with my apothacary jars and crystal cake stands.

  9. Last time I celebrated with cake was my friend’s birthday party about a week ago. Yay cake!

  10. The last celebration with a cake was my baby boy’s FIRST birthday! He proved to love cake as much as the rest of us!

  11. My birthday! This would actually be a great bday present! :)

  12. just made one this past weekend for my dad’s bithday!

  13. Just last week. We were celebrating… um, nothing aside from we love to make and eat cake!

  14. Book club last week and my sister’s birthday this week! Cake for everyone!

  15. sadly it’s been since before Christmas! I made a combination birthday/holiday cake for my work holiday party – delicious chocolate peanut butter layer cake!

  16. Last occasion was my hubby’s birthday last month. However we have 3 birthdays within a week at the end of April, beginning May including my own. What a fun way to display them. These look so yummy.

  17. We just celebrated my husbands birthday on the 16th and I made him a cake…I try to make one for every occasion – it’s my new love! Great giveaway! Thank You!

    Link to his cake –

  18. We celebrated a fourth birthday this weekend. Mmmm, cake.

  19. Why, it was Monday. The celebration was for “Monday”. Perhaps tomorrow I will have a cake celebration for Wednesday. Do you notice a pattern here….I tend to enjoy cake often!!!!

  20. Not really a celebration, but I made cake a few weeks ago when my boyfriend of two years broke up with me. Baking for me is a stress reliever and makes me really happy. But the celebration was for my brothers sweet sixteen last week!

    P.S. Loveeeeee your website!!!!!!

  21. We had cake for a church birthday party, it was nice to exchange recipes.

  22. March 26, 2011 ….. Just 4 days ago, @ a wedding… the cakes (yes, 4 of them) had 7, yes 7, different flavors, and they were ALL woderful!

  23. My son’s 3rd birthday… I made him a Spiderman cake!

  24. Those sweet treats are even more beautiful than the pedestals displaying them!! I was able to eat cake TODAY to celebrate “doctor’s day”…speaking of, hoping this comment finds you feeling well…

  25. Last time I celebrated was this past Saturday with 140 cupcakes n 50 Hk cake pops for my cousin 30th Bday!!

    By the way I hope ur doing much better now :)

  26. Who needs a special occassion to eat cake? You can eat cake any time!! :) (but I made mini oreo cheesecakes for a co-worker’s birthday)

  27. Hmmmm….February…..a going-away, quitting-my-job cake!

  28. I am so glad you are feeling better! i hope the everything goes well over the next little while, and that you will be back to 100% soon!
    These are absolutely gorgeous. is it wrong to say that i would use them for my upcoming birthday? :)

  29. The last event I celebrated with cake was a friend’s birthday last Wednesday…then tomorrow is Doctor’s day which is always celebrated with cake. Wait, everyday should be celebrated with cake, right?

  30. I celebrated cupcakes & cake pops on Saturday… at a baby shower my dear friends threw for me and my little girl (expected at the end of May!) Hooray!

  31. My Daughters wedding August 13, 2010.

  32. I recently made cupcakes for my sister’s homecoming from Germany…..It was a fantastic night, and no one really cared that the cupcakes were horrible (I must have done something wrong with the recipe haha) we were all just happy that my sister was home :)

  33. Just celebrated my neices 5th birthday on Monday! Yummy chocolate cake that she made herself.

  34. Do cake balls count on a cake place? If so, last weekend we had bakerella cake balls!!!! Yummy…

  35. It’s been too long since we’ve had cake… the last time we had cake was on Valentine’s Day!! I need these cute stands so I have a reason to make pretty (and yummy) cakes! :D

  36. We just had a family celebration on Saturday…and there may or may not have been cake involved. :-) I’ve found a delightful (and very simple) new concoction of cake (with holes poked when it’s done), berry puree (strawberry, raspberry, you name it), pudding and Cool Whip. Oh my! :-)

  37. Last time we celebrated was Girl’s Night! Chocolate Cake Please!

  38. My son’s 1st birthday WEEK celebrations – 3 cakes down 1 to go! Yipee!!

  39. My birthday… and I’ll soon be making a cake for my daughter’s birthday.

  40. My best friend’s birthday last night!

  41. TODAY! I ate cake today! …for a birthday =) I LOVE these pedestals! WOW! The fun one could have…

  42. My daughter’s birthday, march 22!!

  43. I celebrated the first strawberries of the season by making an angel food cake last week. It was wonderful!

  44. I just love beautiful, old fashioned cake pedestals! Those are amazing! The last celebration that I baked for was…wait for it…yes Cake pops for my grandson’s 2nd birthday. The theme was dirt, yep he is two! I did the cake pops dipped in green, with piping that looked like grass then dipped in oreo cookie crumbs for dirt. I used my grandmother’s vintage cake pedestal for my niece’s wedding cake I made her. Everything looks special and beautiful on a pedestal!

  45. Hi this is my 1st time giving a comment, hope the random give me a luck. We having celebretion with a cake on my mum 60th birthday 3week ago before we went our family we all back home.home sweet home.& Hope I can bake soon. wanna try the cake pop.the kids must love it so much.

  46. My 3 yr. old boy’s birthday. Made a 6 layer rainbow! Drooling over these stands!!

  47. i love everything pink, and pastry related!! these pedestals are wonderfully pretty!

  48. We celebrated my friends’ birthday with a vanilla strawberry mousse cake, two saturdays ago!!! It was yummy =)

  49. My most recent cake celebration was last Monday. Every excuse to bake a cake to cheer up colleagues!

  50. Last Saturday. My daughters mother inlaw’s 60th Birthday.

  51. A chocolate cake that was so scrumptious it doesn’t need frosting – for my friend’s birthday!

  52. Could these BE any cuter? As for the cake celebration, what doesn’t call for cake? I made a Bailey’s Irish Cream cake (among other things) for a St. Patty’s day party, and I’ll probably whip up some cupcakes this weekend too.

  53. We celebrated my newly-minted 4 year old’s birthday just three weeks ago. I made a cake that looked like a giant cupcake, with a chocolate fudge bottom, and a vanilla top, filled with peanut butter cream and iced with butter cream frosting. This may sound like a typical cake, but it was far from common. My children and I are on gluten free diets, so my gorgeous cake was completely from scratch, gluten-free, and organic. It was delicious too, judging from the pathetic scrap that was leftover…even the gluten eaters devoured it!

  54. Yesterday..with a strawberry swirl cream cheese pound cake with 2 of my special elderly friends—a “just because occasion”

  55. My daughters 21 st birthday. I made tripled layered mocha cake oh boy it was soooo good.

  56. Whoa. Over 7000 comments!
    We celebrated our son’s 2nd birthday just two weeks ago and had a Very Hungry Caterpillar cake.

  57. A friend’s birthday today!!! Although my normal ‘occasion’ is just because I feel like baking a cake:)

  58. Happy “Welcome Back from Spring Break”v Breakfast…at school…I had some for lunch :)

  59. The last time I made a cake was when I made the Christmas Cake Pops! And the next cake I’m making is this Saturday for my daughter’s 20th birthday!

    I LOVE cake pedestals!! I already have the perfect place for these!

  60. my coworkers birthday last month!

  61. The last occassion with cake would have been my father’s 87th birthday.. Celebrated with tangerine cake with tangerine buttercream icing… YUMMY

  62. Both of my parents birthdays were this week, we celebrated with little lemon cupcakes with lots of fruit on top ^_^

  63. My sister’s 6th birthday !

  64. My hubbie’s birthday last week!

  65. I last celebrated with a cupcake on my 27th birthday last week! :)

  66. I just celebrated my amazing son’s first birthday!!!

  67. for no reason–baking cupcakes is always a good idea. :)

  68. Who wouldn’t love these cuties? The last time we had a cake was three days ago, it was just a celebration of thanksgiving amidst unpredictable disasters and unfriendly recessions. It was like, thankful of being alive and being able to stand amongst the rubble…

  69. Leftover birthday cake today at work. Not curly or swirly enough for those pretty pink cake stands. I’d have to make something special for those!

  70. I actually just made cake this past weekend to celebrate spring! (I’ll use any excuse to make cake)

    P.s. I’ve been stalking her cake stands/pedestals for a while now. I want one so badly!

  71. The last baby shower I threw for my cousin had two different kinds of cupcakes, frosted completely opposite(one choc, one vanilla) and layered on three cake stands….turned out so cute. Thanks for the link-I have been looking for great cake stands!

  72. i celebrate everything with cake! Birthdays! christenings! Wednesdays!

  73. 2 weeks ago, my sons 2nd birthday!

  74. Birthday Party for my son!

  75. Hmm, that’s a great question. The last time I had cake was a couple weeks ago, for my mom’s anniversary. We ate the top layer of her wedding cake that she had kept frozen for a year. When she told me we were going to be eating cake that was a year old, I thought she was crazy. But the cake ended up tasting great, especially the frosting! Yum! :)

    I loveee those pedestals! I am collecting cake domes and pedestals so I have several to use when I host events as I am older. These pretty pink pedestals would be great to have!

  76. The last time we had cake was just this past Saturday for my little brother’s 32nd birthday! I made him this Angry Birds cake:

  77. To celebrate my boyfriend’s birthday . . . ice cream cake!

  78. A birthday of course! Love the pedestals – beautiful.

  79. Just last Sunday was my Godchild Shannon’s 9th birthday.
    I made those pretty little cupcake poppers seen under the pink glass dome except I did mine in neon colors.
    My sister had half yellow and half chocolate cake with pink frosting and brown peace signs.

    Hope you’re feeling better, still keeping you in my prayers.


  80. Does cheesecake count? If so, that would be my birthday =D

  81. My birthday…my sweet daughter made it from scratch and decorated it beautifully :)

  82. It was March 11th of this year when I celebrated being one year cancer free!

  83. The last time was at an event where my friend made an old-fashioned red velvet cake from scratch….yum!


  84. I can’t even recall the last time….think I need to make up an excuse to celebrate!!!

  85. I just made a cake for a friend today for his birthday!

  86. My birthday – March 12. I LOVE Danish Layer Cake – not sure if that is common anywhere but Racine, WI which has Danish heritage. We also have Danish Kringle that is very well know through out the US.

  87. A coworker’s birthday. A single cupcake, elegantly decorated with buttercream and a blue candle. Beautiful, minimal and from the heart.

  88. The last time I celebrated with cake was just recently. I didn’t get a chance to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day so last weekend we made Chocolate Stout Cake with Chocolate Ganache and Whisky Buttercream. It would be awesome to use this for my anniversary next month!

  89. On Saturday! I made a cinnamon cake for dessert.

  90. Last cake I made was for my daughter’s first birthday. I made a giant cupcake as her smash cake . All the kids got thier own cupcake to decorate in the cupcake bar I made :)

  91. At a bff’s wedding in La Jolla, CA! The rain and clouds in the morning got us all scared, but when the sun came out later in the day, it was beautiful! Whew!

  92. Last week I made a wedding cake for my daughter’s kindergarten class. Letter Q married letter U so now they will always be together. The kids learned the waltz the week before so there was dancing too.

  93. Just finished the frosting for my daughter’s 4th birthday party tomorrow night!

  94. The last time I celebrated with cake was at the beginning of March. It was one of my co-worker’s birthday!

  95. My friend had a birthday party for her 2 year old last weekend with homemade chocolate cake. Yum!

  96. My son’s 10th birthday at the end of February. :)

  97. My brother-in-law’s birthday! 2 weekends ago

  98. My family doesn’t really do the birthday cake thing anymore for some reason. Last cake celebration I had was for a coworker. Last cake I made myself was probably a year ago, when I made one of those awesome rainbow cakes. I really need to make one again soon!

  99. Today – my boss brought me a cake for an early birthday celebration! (My birthday’s not till Thursday).

  100. My sister’s bridal shower back in February. Cake pops all the way!

  101. I just threw our Parents a 50th Wedding Anniversary party and ordered a pretty and yuumy cake!!! I am still eating it…….some still in my freezer!! YUM!!!

  102. The last time… was my best friend’s birthday!

  103. My dd’s birthday was at the beginning of this month (she’s 21!) so when she came home from college for a weekend, she requested my from scratch German Chocolate cake. Fine with me because it’s my favorite cake too. It was soooo yummy!

  104. birthday cake for my little girl. Wish I would have known about the ruffle cake back then!

  105. We celebrated my son’s first birthday!

  106. I made cake pops for the first time to celebrate the beginning of spring break, and they were delicious. :)

  107. I love My Sweet & Saucy! The last time I celebrated with cake was this past weekend! My sister and I made brownie cheesecake to celebrate family!

  108. yesterday, for a co-worker’s birthday!

  109. We had cupcakes for my cousin’s sweet 16 celebrations…then we got on a plane and went to Florida for a vacation. It was fabulous!

  110. Oh my goodness I would LOVE those! The last we celebrated with a cake was for my sister’s baby shower with a country cowboy cake!

  111. I had cake for breakfast yesterday-shouldn’t we celebrate every Monday! :)

  112. I so need these for my sweet daughter’s FIRST birthday! Awwwww.

  113. Wow, these are wonderful. Our last cake celebration was my husband’s birthday. He wanted to go to an island, so I made his cake the island. It had a sandy beach, palm trees and a treasure chest. There were dolphins in the water and a crab and sand castle. The tablecloth looked like water. He was so happy. These stands would be great for my daughter’s birthday cake next month. She loves pink.

  114. To celebrate the gift of friendship with people I care about.

  115. To celebrate the birth of my niece!

  116. For my dad’s birthday! We had a greentea cake! It was SO delicious!!! Bakerella, do u remember me from your recent San Francisco signings? Love u Bakerella! <3 :)

  117. 2 days ago!!! We were celebrating the wonders of cake!!! woot lol

  118. I made a cute cake for my kids for St. Patrick’s Day:)

  119. The last event was my daughter’s first birthday. I made a giant cupcake for her smash cake!! Those pedistals are works of art!!

  120. Every day?? Nearly. For sure birthdays though!

  121. all so pretty

  122. My roommate celebrated her 21st birthday last Saturday and of course cake was in attendance! She requested a rainbow cake so I made a vanilla cake and dyed the batter to make her wish come true.
    Also, since she loooooves nutella, I made her a nutella/marshmallow fluff filling.
    She loved it :D

  123. About two weeks ago I celebrated seeing my sister for the first time in two years by making her a cake!

  124. My friend’s birthday!!

  125. The last time I ate cake would of been my daughters 3rd birthday earlier in the month. Boy how time flies by….

  126. Unfortunately not since Valentine’s day! :(

  127. I celebrated the end of the quarter at my college and treated myself to a piece of cake :) It was earned!

    I hope you are doing better. Keep safe and God bless!

  128. St. Patrick’s Day!!! Green Velvet Cake so good!!!!

  129. My daddy’s birthday party last Saturday!

  130. At my friends baby shower… mini carrot cake cupcakes!

  131. best friend’s birthday on saturday!

  132. The last celebration we had with cake was in Feb. We celebrated mine and my sister’s book launch, my father’s birthday, my husband’s birthday, and my friend Michelle’s birthday. In all we had 4 cakes spread out over the course of 5 days. It was so very nummy!!!

  133. We celebrated my sister-in-laws completion of a cake decorating class. It was fun to eat a wedding cake without having to go to a wedding. :)

  134. My friend’s retirement party last Friday!

    Glad to see you posting again too.

  135. My friend’s Birthday last Saturday!

  136. Oh my…I am so addicted to pedestal cake plates! And PINK!!! I LOVE them!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Good to have you back!!!!

    I last celebrated with cake last Friday! I made a two tiered 30th birthday cake!!! Yummmmmmy!

  137. OH MY! I believe I just sat down at the little corner table with you to enjoy one or maybe a bite of all these scrumptious cakes and desserts!! What a beautiful picture and I see what you mean about the wallpaper! Yum ! Let’s eat cake ! Last cake I celebrated was at my house with a mile high angel food cake! It was delicious ! Want a bite…

  138. The last occasion was for my husband’s 40th birthday party. It was delicious!!!!

  139. let’s see… it’s been awhile, probably since the holidays. i think i’m due!

  140. The last occasion was for husband’s 40th birthday party. It was delicious!!!!

  141. My engagement party! Would love a stand to put my wedding cake onto!

  142. OMG!!

    I wish I could find some of those here in Brazil!

    Saaad, so sad!!

  143. My friends daughter birthday…Cakes in the pictures are gorgeous…

  144. My mama makes cakes. She needs some of these!

  145. Cake at our cousin’s wedding last weekend in Maui! Think pink!

  146. Sunday dinner, this past Sunday. No need for it to be a special event to make cake!!

  147. We celebrated the rennovations to my bedroom!
    I had to make a purple cake to match my new purple room!

  148. Lol the last time I celebrated with cake was Monday the 28th for my 40th birthday. I got a cake wreck!!! It was too funny since I am the cake decorator in the family!

  149. Recently…St. Patrick’s day because it is my son’s birthday!

  150. Valentines Day, made cake pops! Just before that was my hubby’s birthday and ofcourse I made a cake for him. xo

  151. Boyfriend’s birthday a few weeks ago :)

  152. so cute! my last occasion with cake was my husband’s birthday last week!

  153. This past Saturday for my brother’s birthday!

  154. I baked a lemon poppyseed cake for one of my best friend’s birthday last weekend. Love these cake stands!

  155. I just celebrated my 2 year old’s Persian themed birthday party. It was beautiful but a stunning cake platter would have made it fabulous!!!

  156. Actually, the last occasion that called for a cake was Kansas Day! I made a cake for a video for work, and man was it tasty!

  157. My Mom’s birthday & I did my first dessert table!

  158. It was for my husbands birthday and it was a peanut butter ice cream cake with chocolate mousse frosting! Just thinking about it makes me want to make another!

  159. My 2 year old daughter’s birthday!

  160. A rum cake with my friend who broke 3 ribs! :(

  161. Last month for my niece’s bday. I made giraffe and lion cake pops as favors!

  162. My son’s 21st birthday on March 8 …

  163. Love these pedestals! We can never have too many :)

  164. Last week I got to make some “totally icky” spider cupcakes for a 4 year old bud that goes to my church. I’m pretty sure they appealed to all of his artistic sensibilities.

  165. I made a little mermaid cake for my niece’s 4th birthday last month. She was sick with RSV, but we let her blow out the candles anyway… some people had cupcakes instead.

  166. I love all the cake stands I started to make my own with plates and different bottoms from second hand shopes alot of fun last cake I made was the top of a wedding cake with cupcakes for my sons wedding and turned the table into a Pittsburgh style “dessert table” in Minnesota

  167. I made a cake for my anniversary of surviving cancer. Mom calls it my second Birthday!

  168. I made cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day! Before that it would be Tiramisu for my sister’s birthday. :) These are awesome cake stands!

  169. The pedestals are so pretty; I thought my mother was the only person who loves to display dessert on pedestals! The last time I celebrated with cake was for my sister-in-law’s birthday. I made devil food cupcakes with pink vanilla butter cream frosting.

  170. My 2 yr old nephew and I made rainbow cupcakes for St Patrick’s Day. We took them to his school and my nephew and his classmates iced and decorated their own cupcakes. We had a blast!

  171. At my fundraising bake sale! We didn’t end up selling all of our cupcakes, so we ate the rest to celebrate the money we had raised!

  172. Valentine’s Day. Gone way too long without cake!

  173. You need an occasion to eat cake? A friend’s birthday!

  174. My daughters’ 1/2 birthdays in January…they each got a 1/2 of a birthday cake (to be shared!). By no means does this mean that there haven’t been sweets in this house since then, just not celebratory cakes!

  175. A Murder Mystery Party in January but my birthday is in April so…

  176. We celebrated a co-workers birthday eating a wonderful angel food trifle.

  177. I’ll be celebrating my husband’s birthday tomorrow (March 30) with a cake. I’m attempting my first giant cupcake cake. Working on it tonight. Wish me luck!

  178. A nephew’s birthday last night. I’m making a cake for my cute sister next week and this would be the perfect place to display it!!!

    I’m glad you are back Bakerella! I sure missed you!

  179. Sadly, my last chance to use pedestals was my New Years Eve party….too long ago. However I have a great baby shower coming up and these beautities would be perfect :o)

  180. The last time I celebrated with cake was 2 weeks ago at one of my best friends baby shower. It was Dr. Suess inspired with pineapple filling. Yummy!!!!

  181. Last night I celebrated being back home after a 11 day trip to MN for the birth of a grandson ( He was 9 days late – born on Sat pm when I had to leave to come back home Sun noon). I celebrated with pound cake made by my 85 yr old uncle-in-law.

  182. I made cake pops for my nephew’s birthday 2 weeks ago. Cake pops and ice cream cake, mmmm. Tomorrow is my birthday so a pretty cake stand would be the perfect present for myself!

  183. I can’t remember. But if I had those pink pedestals it’d be the afternoon they arrived!

  184. I baked a chocolate cake for my husband and my friend’s birthdays the first week of March.

  185. Everyday is great day for cake. I just had cake with my kids today. After carving a purse cake for my sister’s birthday this weekend, my kids and I picked up all the scraps, put them in a bowl, added a dollop of icing and ate it up! Just a normal, average day can become a little celebration of life when you add a piece of cake!

  186. A few Sundays ago at a church meeting!

  187. My son’s first birthday! I made Banana Caramel sandwich cupcakes. They were awesome.

  188. Two weeks ago during dinner with family friends. They brought Costco cheesecake and my family had a Safeway fruit tart. Calorie heaven!

  189. In January for my son’s 4th birthday!

  190. Well, just had cupcakes Saturday for my son-in-law’s birthday celebration! and it is so nice to have you back in my inbox! Blessings to you and all your wonderful creative energy!

  191. We celebrated 3 of our friends’ birthdays with one big chocolate cake =)

  192. I made 24 Red velvet cups for a my friends daughters 12th birthday and decorated them with cream cheese frosting, which i dyed them with pink and green food coloring.

  193. Who needs an occasion! I guess it would be my husbands birthday.

  194. The last time I celebrated with cake was on my birthday (11 days ago). My boyfriend didn’t plan anything for me or give me any soft of present, not even a card (apparently, birthdays were never celebrated in his family :-(… ). So, after planning a relaxing day on my own (I took HIM hiking and out to dinner on MY birthday), I was not happy with him and how the day had ended. You see, I am an optimist, and I kept thinking that he would surprise me with something nice at the very last minute… but no. Anyway, to cheer myself up, I baked myself a cake. Lol. Sorry, I don’t mean to complain, but I’m sure any ladies out there with insensitive boyfriends can relate. At least the cake cheered me up! Now, if only I had a pretty pedastal for my future cakes…

    P.S. Dear Bakerella, I love your blog, and I hope you are doing well! <3 <3 <3

  195. my husband’s birthday, yeah cake!

  196. Cupcakes 2 weeks ago to celebrate my mom (68 yrs young) and grandma’s (92 yrs young) birthdays. The women in this family are proud to share our ages- every year earned, many lessons learned- life is way to special not to be celebrated!

  197. 2 sunday’s ago, a farewell for a sweet gal going back to Germany :)

  198. We had cake last weekend….. just because it was sunny outside:)

  199. At my friend’s birthday this past weekend!

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