

Not cake, but ice.

Two weekends ago when I spent the afternoon judging for Hands On Atlanta, we all had a special treat. During the event, the King of Pops was on site selling his handcrafted popsicles. Usually he’s pushing his cute cart around the streets of Atlanta, but instead he was kicking it inside with us for the event. I was super-excited because I had already heard his story a few weeks before when a friend ran into him at the local farmer’s market. He was buying gobs of strawberries. So many, it prompted her to ask what the heck he was going to do with all of them. Then he handed her his card in the shape of a popsicle. Turns out he’s the King of Pops.

When she told me about meeting him, I decided I was going to track down his cart one day to try some of his icey pops. Luckily, that Saturday, all I had to do was turn around and there he was.


Say Hi. This is Steven. The King of Pops.


Follow him on Twitter if you’re in Atlanta and you can keep up with his flavors and where he’ll be next. He was also featured just yesterday on CNN. Check him out here.


I had the Blackberry Mojito – YUM – but I’m still hitting myself for not trying the Chocolate Sea Salt, too.


You know, I think the only kind I’ve ever made myself are the ones you buy at the grocery store. You know the flavored water kind in those long plastic tubes.

Yeah, those.

So, I decided I wanted to make my own handcrafted popsicles with real fruit.


I just used some paper candy cups I had on hand and wooden popsicle sticks to play with.


It’s really easy to make your own.

Pick a fruit. 2 cups strawberries in this case. Hull and half them.

Throw them in a food processor with 1 Tablespoon super fine sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Then blend it all together until completely smooth.

Pour and freeze.


These were layered with yogurt in between the strawberry. They were pretty tasty and the perfect size for me.


The recipe came from the book, Ice Pops which has tons more treats like these.


And because Steven can’t show up to everyone’s house with his cart filled with handcrafted popsicles, here’s a chance to win your own Quick Popsicle Maker for fast freezing fun…

…along with the book, too.


Enter for a chance to win:
Zoku Quick Popsicle Maker and Ice Pops book

Just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite fruit flavor.

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July, 6th at 5:00 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

P.S. Giveaway purchased and sponsored by me, but you can find the book and Zoku pop maker at Williams-Sonoma.

Good luck and stay cool!

And the winner is… #4035. Congrats Marta. You get the Ice Pops book and Zoku Pop Maker. Now you can make your own Raspberry Lime Pops.


Next… I had a treat in my inbox today. Statistician Don… you know Pioneer Woman’s Statistician Don? The numbers guy?

Well, his wife told him about the giveaway I was having and he took time out to pull together these numbers for me. Then I made a little bar chart for you guys from all his hard work. Check out your favorite fruits.

Thanks Don! You’re the sweetest.


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6,591 comments on “Pops”

  1. I have been making my family milkshakes for a few weeks, and whenever there is a little bit extra, I pour it into a paper cup and add a popsicle stick. Peach was a hit! I think I would like strawberry banana, or mixed berry. Yummm.

  2. Cherry!!

  3. Coconut or watermelon! :)

  4. My favourite fruit flavour ever is Blueberry!

    I could eat the little beauties until they come out of my ears :D

  5. my 70 year old husband is like a little kid when it comes to popsicles-never saw one he did not like, but strawberry is his fav.

  6. Coconut is my fave but really except for chocolate I like ’em all.

  7. Mine would have have have to be pear! mmmmmmmmmmmm

  8. I’d love to make Mango!

  9. I always love a yummy coconut popsicle, but had a tasty cucumber. thyme martini with a splash of cranberry the other night. I thought it would make a great popsicle flavor!!

  10. It’s a toss up between blackberry and strawberry. . .mmm!

  11. Love some fresh blackberries from our family’s garden!

  12. I love strawberry pops with dark chocolate chunks. i also love helados which have a more creamy consistency for a pop. like a cross between a popsicle and ice cream. coconut and horchata are my favs.

  13. Raspberry-blueberry sounds good!

  14. Strawberry, Pineapple, or grape – anything tart/sweet and icy!!! Love all you do – pic’s are amazing! Thanks for being an inspiration to the rest of us!

  15. i would love to make my own lemon pops

  16. There is nothing like fresh peaches!

  17. Nummy! I heart King of Pops and making my own!

  18. I love this! My fave flavour is Pinapple, it reminds me of summer so much :) This prize looks great! x

  19. I love blackberry. Transports me instantly back to my childhood.

  20. Raspberry!!!!

  21. Lemon or any kind of citrus really! Delicious!

  22. I love any fruity flavor!!!

  23. Strawberry or cherry…. both equally! :)

  24. a lemonade popsicle sounds really good!!

  25. There is something about a strawberry popsicle in summer that can not be defeated.

  26. Lemon. I’m a lemonade fiend!

  27. Nothing more refreshing than Lime!

  28. My favorite would have to be strawberry, closely followed by pineapple!

  29. Strawberry sounds good to me and the popsicle maker looks like a lot of fun!

  30. passion fruit—or anything tropical. I totally want to make some pops now.

  31. Yummo! My favorite flavor is Green Tea with chunks of Honeydew Melon… that combination is so refreshing and sweet! Add a little honey in there with the tea and you have a perfect summer treat!

  32. Hands down…Blackberry!! Yumm!!

  33. Raspberry and/or blackcurrant. :)

    What a cool giveaway! Thank you. :)

  34. Strawberry or lime ice pop-things would make my day.

  35. I think I’d have to say Strawberry Rhubarb. This is a tough one to make though because there are so many yummy fruits and flavors

  36. I love chocolate

  37. I LOVE pops! My favorite is watermelon.

  38. OHHH I LOVE LIME! YUMM! Lemon is a close second!

  39. Berry – any kind of berry. Or chocolate. Or berry and chocolate. Hard to choose just one.

  40. Wow, i have to try this… my kids will love it :)
    I love the mix of strawberry-blueberry…

  41. Chocolate banana. That counts as a fruit right?

  42. Pineapple! I love pineapple everything ha :-)

  43. Strawberry all the way! Raspberry is also delicious!

  44. I love strawberry or raspberry!

  45. Watermelon… but lemon is one of my favorites to!!!

  46. Watermelon with cream

  47. i literally eat Popsicles daily! I’ve been making them in ice cube trays and was holding out for the rocket ship shaped molds, but i definitely need this book! You can even make cocktail Popsicles – everyone loves these

  48. Raspberry. My kids would love this.

  49. They were demonstrating these at Williams-Sonoma! I’d love to have one of these!

    My favourite fruit flavour is mango. Actually, mangosteen is my favourite fruit but I’ve yet to find anything mangosteen-flavoured that really captures its super deliciousness.

  50. Going to have to go with strawberry…they look great!

  51. I have to go with anything blue, blackberry, blueberry or grape. What great summertime treats!

  52. Real fruit? Definitely peach. But there is also just something about artificial grape that I adore.

  53. My favorite is a King of Pops flavor- grapefruit mint! Delish!

  54. Strawberry. It’s so sweet and refreshing!

  55. lemon-raspberry! YUMO!!

  56. I love Watermelon!…It is my FAVORITE flavor!

  57. Oooh! Strawberry! No, wait Grape! No, Watermelon! Er, Lemon! I can’t chooose!

  58. My favorite is strawberry with the pieces of strawberry in the Popsicle. I also like a little lime with the strawberry.

  59. raspberry and strawberry

  60. Yum! Raspberry for me, please!

  61. THOSE LOOK AMAZINGLY YUMMY!! I want some right now! I’m definitely a strawberry fan, with banana is the BEST! I would love to try one the King of Pops pineapple habenero pop tho! Sounds so yummy!

  62. Peach/Mango. Super delicious

  63. Watermelon. Or pineapple. Or cherries. Hm. All fruit?

  64. Perfect post, just in time for summer! And I’d eat a coconut popsicle anyday– rain and snow!

  65. Strawberry!

  66. Looks soooo ggod !!!! Strawberry-Kiwi would be awesome !!

  67. Mmm, my favorites are berry flavors. I think raspberry wins.

  68. Mmmmmmm….
    Coconut all the way!

  69. Key Lime!

  70. My favorite has got to be strawberry. I know it’s not terribly original, by I adore anything strawberry!

  71. By far my favourite flavour is peanut butter and banana together! I will definitely be trying this with your recipe! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  72. Ohh, this is hard…we love fruit around here! I like any citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime!), pineapple, and my son loves mango! This set would be wonderful up here right now! Thank you for the opportunity!

  73. mmm gotta love fresh strawberries! Juicy and delicious :) :)

  74. Strawberries. Definitely strawberries – as long as they are homegrown by me or my mom or grandma. I don’t like the ones in the store.

  75. Raspberry! YUMMO!!!

  76. Raspberry!!

  77. strawberry. especially those with strawberry fruit chunks in them. best stuff ever

  78. Love it! Love it! Love it! I’m thinking that I might make some grown up pops next weekend!

  79. My favorite is strawberry/mango and cream!

  80. Raspberry! So good!

  81. I LOVE PINEAPPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  82. Oh I would LOVE to win!!! I know so many little kiddos would have a blast making these with me! I think my favorite would be strawberry or watermelon!

  83. Raspberry is my favorite!

  84. I had blueberry cheesecake ice cream at a local ice cream store here. It was heavenly!! I think that it would be so more more enjoyable as a popsicle.

    Who doesn’t have the little kid in them secretly waiting to hear that wonderful little summertime ditty the ice cream truck plays on the way down the avenue!

  85. Coconut! I think I could live on coconut popsicles.

  86. My favorite fruit flavor is lime. Yum! Thanks for the chance to enter! ;-)

  87. yummy.. well, i am not sure what my fav flavor is, but that blackberry mojito sounds delightful… though i am a classic strawberry fan too!!

  88. Mmm, chocolate sea-salt!

  89. A FAVORITE???….hmmm, that’s pretty hard to say. I love strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, cherries… I don’t think I could name just one favorite!!

    Those ice pops look wonderful!!

  90. Woo! I love pineapple! :)

  91. My favorite is raspberry, with coconut a close second. Yummy!

  92. I think peach is my favorite fruit flavor. Add some raspberries to that, and life is complete. :)

  93. Other than papaya I love almost every fruit flavor universally, so I guess I would have to say that my favorite fruit flavor is that of whatever fruit is in season. Right now: black raspberries!

  94. Strawberry for sure! I’d love to make the strawberry yogurt pops–thanks for the recipe!

  95. Strawberry all the way, but I prefer the ice pops with real chunks of fruit as opposed to the artificial flavored stuff.

  96. I would make lots of strawberry and lime popsicles!

  97. strawberry lemonade!!!

  98. strawberry peach!

  99. What a fab giveaway!!!! Lime is my favorite. So refreshing! Although watermelon is pretty fun too…

  100. Orange. Orange anything. But chocolate and sea salt/ that sounds amazing.

  101. Keeping it simple with Strawberry :-)

  102. raspberry lemon!

  103. Lemon of course!!! YUMMO!

  104. Love strawberry and pineapple!

  105. I love root beer! And creamsicle, and strawberry, and pineapple! Okay I have a hard time choosing when it comes to ice pops haha. I would have loved to try that chocolate sea salt as well, it sounds really yummy!

  106. Lemon. Anything with lemon!

  107. Banana! Maybe banana and strawberry together!

  108. This would be awesome to try out with all the juicy blackberries growing in my back yard!

  109. My fave would consist of mango, coconut, and peach. A chilly hello to all.

  110. Strawberry, but I think chocolate covered strawberry pops would just be the icing on the cake!!!

  111. Pineapple/coconut!

    pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me

  112. Raspberry or strawberry :) yumm

  113. pineapple all the way, though right now I could really go for a banana popsicle!

  114. I love lots of fruit flavors but my favorite these days is huckleberry. so good and so hard to find.

  115. Raspberry, or blackberry lime, or lemon, or… really, anything sounds good when its 95 degrees out.

  116. Definitely strawberry!

  117. I love RASPBERRY!

  118. kiwi? but i think a banana pudding pop sounds incredible right now!

  119. Lemon!….love sweet and sour. However I live in Atlanta and have been lucky enough to encounter Steven and his pops. I enjoyed a banana pudding flavored….yum!

  120. Good ol’ strawberry will always be my favorite =]

  121. Oh, yum!! Strawberry!!! My daughter would love this!!!

  122. My favorite fruit flavor would be Strawberry, but Raspberry and Watermelon are giving it a run for its money! These pops look amazing!

  123. I’m a sucker for a creamsicle! Would love to figure out a way to make them at home!

  124. Every time I eat a fruit-flavoured popsicle, I think “Wow! This is my favourite flavour!” but the favourite of my childhood is definitely grape! They’re my favourite life-saver, too! :-)

  125. Blueberry is my favorite flavor without a doubt, but it’s hard to turn down a popsicle!

  126. Favorite flavor…raspberry. No blueberry. No blackberry..or peach or strawberry…or….. ;P

  127. Berry! I think my favorite would be raspberry, but strawberry is pretty close, too!!!

  128. Mango! But if I’m getting paletas from the corner market, it’s tough to decide between mango, tamarind, or coconut.

  129. i forgot to say what flavor! Strawberry sounds wonderful! Pick me! Pick me!

  130. Definitely Orange Creamsicle!

  131. Growing-up in the tropics, ice popsicles were my favorite dessert/snack. I remember my mom making freshly graded coconut with milk and sweetened avocado. It sounds weird bit so good and nutritious.

  132. Raspberry!!!

  133. Yum!! It has been too hot here in Utah for an old home with no a/c!! We’d LOVE to make some yummy pops. My favorite flavor is…any type of berry. You can’t go wrong!

  134. I love nectarines.

  135. Mango is my favorite. Mango-lime is delicious, too.

  136. Mango is definitely my favorite flavor! Sweet and savory – yum!

  137. Raspberry. No contest. I’m gonna have to make some now!

  138. raspberry and mango, love it!

  139. Oooh homemade popsicles would be super fun!

  140. Strawberry!

  141. How about Raspberry Lime Rickey Pops!

  142. Wineberry!

  143. Raspberry!!!

  144. I love most fruits but anything with either strawberries, rasberries, or peach and I am one happy girl!

  145. My favoriate flavor has got to be a cantalope.

  146. I love strawberry & blackberry…yum! :)

  147. pick me, pick me!!!

  148. strawberry all the way

  149. Nothing beats a fresh, juicy mango!!!

  150. Strawberry – can’t beat it!

  151. I like Melon pops!

  152. I LOVE Raspberry! its just so sweet and tart,,,, delicious!

  153. Pineapple Basil Yum-O!!!!

  154. Definately strawberry! Or mangoes… or peach… or pineapple…

  155. Oh for sure STRAWBERRY and BERRY. I’ve made some for my kids and they love them. It would be awesome to win. Wish me luck!

  156. Kiwi would be boss, or kiwi strawberry! mmm.. mouthwatering.

  157. This looks awesome!!!!! I think my favourite is strawberry, but really, I like anything!

  158. Wow–how yummy. Perfect for our scorching days! My fav flavor would have to be strawberry,

  159. Blackberry!!

  160. We are in the middle of hot weather. This look tempting. I wish I knew about the machine before. It sounds quick and easy to use.

  161. Mandarin citrus mint

  162. Lemon! Anything lemon.

  163. Pear would be the first ones I’d try. A local ice cream place has a pear sorbet that is to die for, but you have to be lucky enough to be there at the right time to get it (which I very rarely am).

  164. Ahh these look so good!! I want them.

  165. Mmmm, I love strawberries! :)

  166. lemon and strawberry

  167. watermelon!

  168. I have had strawberry-pink grapefruit ice shake before and that was REALLY good so I imagine it would be good as a pop!

  169. Definitely Lemon!! Or maybe a good Lemon-Strawberry! Mmmm!!

  170. My favorite fruit is Strawberry as well (I see this is a popular choice) but wouldn’t it be awesome to make some melon/mint combos as well!

  171. I think tangerine is my favorite fruit flavor but I wouldn’t turn down a popsicle in any of the great flavors everyone is listing!

  172. Strawberry forever and ever!!

  173. Oh wow, that chocolate with sea salt is calling my name. But my favorite fruit flavor — hmmm I’d probably go for lemon.

  174. I am always up for a lemon popsicle.
    Very refreshing, especially on the hot summer days!

  175. I like all fruit flavors! We just made some root beer popsicles last week from that book!

  176. Watermelon!

  177. There’s nothing more refreshing than lemons! yum!

  178. Orange!!!! Or Banana!!!

  179. My favorite is strawberry!

  180. Hands down, grape is my favorite.

  181. Cranberry popsicles would be wonderful. Though I’d probably try making blueberry ones, since there’s a lot of those around this time of year.

  182. so hard to narrow it down i love them all! strawberry, lemonade, the pineapple habanero sounds really good to bad i’m not in atlanta to be able to try that flavor.

  183. My personal favorite is lime, but I’m a big fan of anything that gets my kids to eat when they’re hot, so if strawberry yoghurt pops do it, so be it! :)

  184. Mine would have to be strawberry or coconut. Reminds me of the Mexican helados we used to get at the pool as kids.

  185. Yum! I love all manner of citrus and/or pomegranate.

  186. strawberry – classic but perfect!|

  187. I love mango fruit bars. I love the taste of frozen mango pieces! They’re the perfect way to cool down on a hot day.

  188. I love Caribbean flavored pops…strawberry with pineapple and coconut added in… YUM!

  189. Something tart and citrus-y!

  190. Definitely pineapple… no wait.. banana… no – strawberry it is.. I love them all!

  191. I would be so excited if i won this!!! Loving watermelon this summer :-)

  192. Strawberry’s a classic and definitely one of my favorites.

  193. rassssssspbery sorbet (sung to the tune of raspberry beret)

  194. Strawberries or blueberries. Or mixed!

  195. orange without a doubt.

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