

Not cake, but ice.

Two weekends ago when I spent the afternoon judging for Hands On Atlanta, we all had a special treat. During the event, the King of Pops was on site selling his handcrafted popsicles. Usually he’s pushing his cute cart around the streets of Atlanta, but instead he was kicking it inside with us for the event. I was super-excited because I had already heard his story a few weeks before when a friend ran into him at the local farmer’s market. He was buying gobs of strawberries. So many, it prompted her to ask what the heck he was going to do with all of them. Then he handed her his card in the shape of a popsicle. Turns out he’s the King of Pops.

When she told me about meeting him, I decided I was going to track down his cart one day to try some of his icey pops. Luckily, that Saturday, all I had to do was turn around and there he was.


Say Hi. This is Steven. The King of Pops.


Follow him on Twitter if you’re in Atlanta and you can keep up with his flavors and where he’ll be next. He was also featured just yesterday on CNN. Check him out here.


I had the Blackberry Mojito – YUM – but I’m still hitting myself for not trying the Chocolate Sea Salt, too.


You know, I think the only kind I’ve ever made myself are the ones you buy at the grocery store. You know the flavored water kind in those long plastic tubes.

Yeah, those.

So, I decided I wanted to make my own handcrafted popsicles with real fruit.


I just used some paper candy cups I had on hand and wooden popsicle sticks to play with.


It’s really easy to make your own.

Pick a fruit. 2 cups strawberries in this case. Hull and half them.

Throw them in a food processor with 1 Tablespoon super fine sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Then blend it all together until completely smooth.

Pour and freeze.


These were layered with yogurt in between the strawberry. They were pretty tasty and the perfect size for me.


The recipe came from the book, Ice Pops which has tons more treats like these.


And because Steven can’t show up to everyone’s house with his cart filled with handcrafted popsicles, here’s a chance to win your own Quick Popsicle Maker for fast freezing fun…

…along with the book, too.


Enter for a chance to win:
Zoku Quick Popsicle Maker and Ice Pops book

Just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite fruit flavor.

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July, 6th at 5:00 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner Announced Below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

P.S. Giveaway purchased and sponsored by me, but you can find the book and Zoku pop maker at Williams-Sonoma.

Good luck and stay cool!

And the winner is… #4035. Congrats Marta. You get the Ice Pops book and Zoku Pop Maker. Now you can make your own Raspberry Lime Pops.


Next… I had a treat in my inbox today. Statistician Don… you know Pioneer Woman’s Statistician Don? The numbers guy?

Well, his wife told him about the giveaway I was having and he took time out to pull together these numbers for me. Then I made a little bar chart for you guys from all his hard work. Check out your favorite fruits.

Thanks Don! You’re the sweetest.


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6,591 comments on “Pops”

  1. definitely mango. :)

  2. passionfruit!!!!!

    my kids have been wanting one of these!!!!!

  3. My all time favorite pop has always been raspberry. But the Blueberry Mojito sounds quite delightful! :)

  4. Mm… popsicles. My favorite fruit flavor for pops is cherry.

  5. starfruit!! xx

  6. OH Goodness !! My favorite is pineapple with little bits of pineapple. yummy!!

  7. Hands down, peach is the best!

  8. I LOVE STRAWBERRY!!! I would LOVE to win!!


  10. Sometimes I think I love fancy exotic fruits the most, but I always go back to the classics. I LOVE strawberries. Sometimes I eat an entire carton in one sitting. Yum!

  11. My current addiction, mango & blackcurrent. For me it has to be anything sorbet-esq.

    My homemade elderflower sorbet is very moreish (when I can motivate myself to make it!)

  12. Your layered pops are adorable! Wow, chocolate sea salt sounds amazing for a popsicle… I might just have to start experimenting. :)

  13. When I was little we made them out of chocolate milk, mmmm home made fudgicles. We also used frozen strawberries. Brought back a wave of lovely memories. Wonder if you can add vodka and make grownup popsicles?

  14. strawberry…delish!

  15. This time of year it has to be blueberry.

  16. Strawberry!!

  17. Strawberry!!!!!! yummmm!

  18. I always go for cherry!

  19. my FAVORITE flavor is coconut! I can’t get enough of them. :)

  20. black cherry or watermelon.

  21. oo!! I would love to win this. I’m lactose intolerant so it’s always kind of frustrating when I can’t have icecream on a hot summer day! A popsicle would be awesome to have instead and healthier to boot. Make mine a strawberry limesicle please. That’s my favorite!

  22. Strawberry…, rasberry. Hmm, maybe blueberry. Tough to choose!!

  23. My favorite flavor of ice pop that I’ve had is strawberry, but when I win, I will be trying out some of the more exotic varieties that I’d never even thought of!

  24. I keep seeing these, and longing for them pineapple-coconut all the way!

  25. Perfect timing! My husband and I are involved in a serious debate over the necessity of that popsicle maker! I feel that it is the only way that I will survive summer…he feels that I’m dramatic and will use it once and then forget about it.

    I would LOVE to show him that he is incorrect!

  26. I love them all! Starwberries and cream…peaches and cream…I love the blackberry mojito idea!

  27. Lemon – always Lemon!

    I have had a craving for real strawberry ice cream recently with big strawberry chunks… mmm…

  28. Pineapple!

  29. Strawberries! Yum!!!

  30. OMG I’ve just died!!! MANDARIN-BASIL it has to be THIS!!!

  31. I know it’s not a real flavor, but I also pick out all the blue raspberry freeze pops from the box.

  32. My favorite is a creamy strawberry kiwi. ;)

  33. I really love cherry- don’t know why, maybe it’s the red, but it’s the best!

  34. omg love it all!! my favorite flavor would have to be pineapple!! Every time I make some it;s either that or grape!!

  35. I am going to have to go with either Cherry or Peach!! YUMMY!!

  36. Hmmm those look and sound yummy! We have ice-drops here which is also fruit juice put in plastic and frozen. Kids go gaga over them. I love them too! Your giveaway IS yummy! Me wants! :)

  37. Peach….ps I’m thinking a cake pop queen and ice pop king collaboration should take place. How fun! :)

  38. My fave is cherry!!

  39. I love strawberry popsicles! The wonderful fresh fruit flavor and that bright red color are hard to beat. Thanks for the chance to win! =)

  40. I love anything berry, especially rasberry!

  41. Strawberry or raspberry, I can’t decide. How about both together!

  42. Cool idea! Too bad I live 45 minutes outside Atlanta. My favorite fruit is cherries. :)

  43. Kiwi! Definitely Kiwi… maybe add a little strawberry too. :) Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!

  44. Mango!, Strawberry or Orange/Cream

    P.S. I’m super excited to hear that you are coming to the cupcake camp in Oregon in October!

  45. Raspberry! I think the ones in my refrigerator need to be made into pops right now!

  46. Used to I would have said strawberry, but I’m experiencing a strong love of all things lemon lately :)

  47. Anything raspberry….can’t go wrong

  48. oh these popsicles look so good! I think my favorite fruit flavor would have to be pineapple. yummers!

  49. Strawberry….just plain strawberry :)

  50. I’m definitely a peach person, but I would also love to make my own orange creamsicles. Those are the best!

  51. Raspberry! It’s always Raspberry! Especially if it has some chocolate in it too…why can’t chocolate be a fruit? (0;

  52. some evilly-minded villain signed me up for the willams sonoma catalog, and I was drooling over this machine….it’s nigh impossible to find a good lemon pop that isn’t super sweet, and with this I could make my own!

    also, you picked the same popsicle I would have…mmmm blackberry mojito!

  53. I love Raspberry. Really love it.

  54. hands down – it’s peach

  55. Raspberry!

  56. Your giveaways ROCK.

    Favourite fruit flavour? Watermelon!

  57. Pineapple is hands down my favorite fruit. It goes perfectly with anything. :)

  58. YUM!! I think strawberry & KIWI would be delicious!

  59. I love raspberry! a raspberry lemonade would be delicious!! or a orange creamsicle.. yum!

  60. mmmm… i love watermelon, but creamsicle alwyas has a special place in my heart!

  61. strawberry limeade… yum

  62. I love blackberries.

  63. Strawberry…yum!!!

  64. My fav flav is kiwi strawberry!!! The flavors of the fruit combined is like instant comfort fruit!

    -Megan D

  65. I think this makes a seriously great gift for someone…but I haven’t been able to justify buying it for myself. Therefore winning would be the perfect excuse to pop away!

  66. strawberry would be my first choice…but maybe strawberry and lemon?

  67. My favorite fruit flavor is orange. Ironically, I don’t like eating oranges. I know it makes no sense, but that is the fickleness {fickleness? is that even a word??} of my taste buds!

  68. Fudgesicles are my favorites! What a fun giveaway!

  69. I don’t know if I can decide…peach, raspberry, strawberry….I love fruit!

  70. mango. anything mango. or coconut. popsicles have got to taste like summer!

  71. I’m a sucker for strawberry!

  72. i love a good lemon popsicle.

  73. any fruit + coconut combo. So refreshing!

  74. My favorite flavor would be strawberry/banana. That’s one flavor right?…for a popsicle I guess.

  75. Cherry and raspberry! But I recently had this heavenly ice cream sorbet which was a basil-lime flavor. I really need to recreate that one sometime!

  76. banana!!! : )

  77. Mango is my favorite smoothie or popsicle. Yum..I’ve been eyeing this little device. Hope I win.

  78. Strawberry!

  79. Lime and Lemon….cooooolllllll flavors. Strawberry next… ;-)

  80. I love Cherry!!!!!

  81. Always, always strawberry~!!

  82. gotta go with the old favorite…strawberry!

  83. i love strawberry and banana together. strawberries and raspberries also make a great combination. i also like strawberries and chocolate, but i’m not sure that counts…

  84. Any berry flavor….especially blueberry and raspberry pops would be awesome!!

  85. MANGO!!!!! Cannot go wrong with Mango!

  86. Strawberry!

  87. my favorite is banana, even though most banana flavored things taste nothing like real bananas.

  88. Strawberry. Yum!

  89. Mine would have to be Strawberry! Those look so good! Thanks!

  90. strawberry!!! simple, but the fav!:)

  91. Wow! You make it look so easy! Passion fruit is my flavor of choice these days. Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. Raspberry, 24/7!

  93. I’m a raspberry kinda gal myself…

  94. We love popsicles. I think I would have to go with pure strawberry for my favourite, but like you, when I’ve made popsicles for my son, I add yogurt because it slows down the drips.

  95. Oh I love strawberry! Thanks, Bakerella!

  96. Strawberry

  97. My favorite flavor would either be raspberry or lime. I would love to try to make homemade pops for my kiddos. We did once make watermelon pops. Yummy!

  98. Anything tropical! Pina colada or something with lime in it!

  99. Orange Dreamscile is my fave. Takes me back to the ice cream truck that came down our street every afternoon.

  100. Love almost any citrus flavor – lemon, lime, orange… yum!

  101. Banana is my all time favorite!

  102. I have 3 favorites actually, lime, coconut and mango! I LOVE anything tropical, yum!

  103. strawberry…or raspberry….or orange….or a mix of all three :)

  104. Mango and Coconut!

  105. Cherry and vanilla would be yummy. THANKS!!

  106. strawberry lime – mmmm….maybe somehow throw in some 7-up for some sparkle! Strawberry limeade!

  107. Generally, I’m just a plain strawberry kind of girl. But looking at that box, I have a hankering for a Chocolate Pudding Pop!

  108. Mmm, hard decision! My favorite is likely a tie between Blueberry, Banana and Strawberry.

  109. Kiwi! Yum yum Kiwi! Those Popsicle look so so good!

  110. Mango! Definitely my fav!

  111. Strawberry all the way! I’m going to make these, thanks! :D x

  112. Any berry, but if I had to pick one, it’d be strawberry! My girls and I made yummy strawberry/yogurt/blueberry popsicles for the 4th.

  113. This summer it is all about mango!

  114. Watermelon or Mango. mmmm!

  115. Mango is the best by far!

  116. Strawberry, no question. But in this heat, watermelon anything is pulling a close second!!

  117. Lime! So refreshing

  118. My favorite is strawberry. Yes, it’s predictable, but it’s sooo yummy!!

  119. Mango! oh my goodness, mango, coconut, and pineapple all put together is scrumptious!! These look AMAZING btw

  120. I loooooove raspberry popsicles :D :D

  121. Mmmmm ube (purple yam)!

  122. I love fudgsicles :D

  123. As a child, I always chose a banana popsicle from the ice cream man. They are the best! My nieces are coming for a visit the first week of August….what a treat it would be to make some popsicles for them and to relive a little of my youth at the same time!

  124. So hard to choose… I’ll have to pick strawberry!

  125. OMG!! I was just drooling over that popsicle maker today! My daughter and I are obsessed with making popsicles this summer. I would love to get some new ideas! Right now our favorite are Jello Pudding Pops! (But Strawberry sounds amazing!)

  126. All time favorite is coconut… mmmm mmm good!!

  127. Peach! I will eat peach anything…well, almost anything.

  128. Oh, my – how to choose! Strawberry, Orange, Lime, Lemon, Blueberry, Watermelon, too. My 12 grandchildren would love it if I won the popsicle maker!

  129. My favorite it coconut/pineapple. My daughter loves popsicles and helping me make them with the blender and “her” popsicle maker, i.e, ice cube trays! lol

  130. lemon! thanks for the ‘cool’ contest :)

  131. Pineapple, hands down! Oh and also peach. And pear. I like the letter P. ^^;

  132. Watermelon. For sure. I’m going to go make some watermelon pops right now, or after I eat the Emergen-C pops I have in there now.

  133. I am so Happy to see these, my young grandchildren need to have a healthy snack instead of a sugar high. Thank you

  134. Banana cream, watermelon, YUM

  135. I like raspberry, especially doused in chocolate. Just wow.

  136. Strawberry.
    I neeeeeed this! My little one won’t eat her fruit unless it’s apple juice or a strawberry/yogurt popsicle (kinda like you have here). I need other ideas.

    Thank you!

  137. Real strawberry is my favorite, not colored sugar water.

  138. my favorite summer time fruit would have to be cherry, but i LOVE citrus flavors.

  139. I had the best popsicles this weekend at a picnic! It was my favorite kind- lime! Something about that flavor really makes it feel like summer :)

  140. I love passionfruit!

  141. Blackberry sounds really good.

  142. Those look so good!

    My favorite fruit flavor is probably pineapple. Maybe blueberry.

  143. Pineapple, mango and orange would be delicious!

  144. This post reminded me of the fresh strawberry & cream popsicles I had during the summer in Mexico when I was a kid. There are “paleterias” which sell delicious fruit pops and juices. Mmmmm..

  145. I would love to make a strawberry kiwi popsicle! Yummy!

  146. strawberry

  147. Strawberry!!! YUM!

  148. Orange. I love orange popsicles, unless the chocolate pudding pop has made a comeback that I’m as of yet unaware.

  149. Oh, divine! I love rhubarb and raspberry; takes me back to days at Grandma’s.

  150. I’d have to say raspberries =)

  151. Mango Passionfruit is my favorite – tangy and sweet

  152. I love raspberry and kiwi, oh and pineapple. Yum.

    What a fun post!

  153. Yum! Those all sound wonderful…and make me wish I lived closer to Atlanta! I think my favorite would be raspberry!

  154. Peach will always be my favorite fruit flavor!

  155. strawberrry banana

  156. Orange cream! Oh yummy to my tummy! The perfect summmer treat!

  157. Raspberry and mango! I would love to make homemade popsicles for my little one because he does not like ice cream or cookies or any sweets (which is a good thing!)

  158. MI favorite flavor would be “tamarindo” or a mix of Kiwee and maracuya mmmmmm YUMMMMM

  159. Wow, I would LOVE this! I always have visions of making lovely homemade popsicles each summer, but I never quite get around to it. As for my favorite flavour…I’m not sure, but I have very fond memories of a place in Puerto Vallarta when I went as a kid, oh 20 years ago (argh) that sold pure-fruit popsicles, and the watermelon was to die for.

  160. i love lime-flavored popsicles. They’re great for curing hangovers, too! :)

  161. I love so many things:
    1. Your website!
    2. Summer!
    3. Strawberry lemonade popsicles!! (:

  162. strawberry

  163. My favorite is what my dad would make for us when I was little: sweetened condensed milk and pineapple. It is so much better than pinacolada!

  164. watermelon or mango!

  165. Strawberry all the way!!! My husband and I have been eyeing this popsicle maker for a while now…and it would be quite nice to have to get me through my last month of pregnancy in this HORRIBLE summer heat and humidity.

  166. Strawberry!!

  167. That is so wonderful, good luck to everyone.

    I don’t have a specific favorite fruit flavor, I love them all. I do tend to fall back to berries though, raspberry and strawberry mostly.

  168. Help! I can’t pick; I love every popsicle flavor on earth. Besides maybe lime, or coconut. Yeah. Not those. :) Thanks for the giveaway! This is perfect!

  169. Lemon! Oh, yes, lemon!

  170. My favorite flavor is strawberry! YUM :)

  171. have to go with strawberry banana…and if it’s dipped in chocolate so much the better =)

  172. Raspberries!!! They are so sweet and delicious. We had a raspberry bush when I was a kid and I just loved going out and picking them and eating them fresh.

  173. I like a good classic strawberry!

  174. Popsicles are my absolute FAVORITE part of summer! Especially in Utah, where the desert heat can get upwards of 100 degrees! :)

  175. Mmmmm…. I love popsicles! Strawberry is always a classic! I would love to try strawberry cheesecake…:)

  176. Blackberry!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  177. honeydew is my fave!

  178. Oh my word!!! Anything berry is right up my alley, but I do have a sweet spot for citrus flavors too…lemon is so refreshing in the summer!

  179. Strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry are my favorite fruits, but I’d really want to make them with STARFRUIT…just because they’d look so darn cool! Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. I really loved when I first saw this machine! My favourites are the yogurt ones!! But the bana’s look good also! I hope I win!!!!

  181. Yea I’m definitely going to have to say ORANGE, and being in FL, I’m going to need all the popsicles I can get haha

  182. strawberry :D

  183. Strawberry!!

  184. I’ve always loved anything with a grape flavor.

  185. Reminds me of a wonderful childhood day – I love raspberry flavor!

  186. Yum! I waver between strawberry, raspberry and peach.

  187. After chasing him around VaHi for a couple of days to no avail, I was delighted to see the King of Pops at that crazy cake event, too. (I saw you as we were talking to Tami but didn’t want to interrupt you to say hi). They are also now selling his stuff at Urban Cannibals, a place you should definitely check out in East Atlanta Village.

  188. Oh my goodness! That looks amazing! I love orange popsicles, but my girls love strawberry! Either way we would all be happy to win this!

  189. I love orange! (: And I love reading your blogs :D

  190. I love strawberry popsicles! Yours look so yummy – I’ve been wanting to make popsicles this summer, and this is great inspiration!

  191. So neat to have a King of Pops around! Strawberry is my favorite! Yum!

  192. I would have to say mango!

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