
Pop Star: Stephanie in Virginia


“Love the cakepops. I have made a lot of the simple ones but fixed the Mr. Potato Head ones for a friend’s son’s birthday party. They turned out so cute so thought I would share!” – Stephanie

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You did it. I’m so glad you used the tags I made, too. – B

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7 comments on “Pop Star: Stephanie in Virginia”

  1. Hi! Could you send me some instructions on how to make them. Thank You so Much!!

  2. Hi Heather!
    So sorry I didn’t get back with you…I didn’t realize my picture was on here! But I did just as Wendy in California suggested. I just followed the directions from Bakerella’s Toy Story Pops. The kids loved them and I was thrilled at how well they turned out! :) Thanks Wendy for jumping in!! God Bless!

  3. @ Heather….I noticed you haven’t had an answer, so I hope you don’t mind if I jump in and refer you to Bakerella’s Toy Story pops tutorial, which also includes the cute tags on the sticks:

  4. These are the best! Great job! I’m gonna be bold! Can you share how you made them?

  5. These are AbFAB – what a terrific job you did, Stephanie……I’ll bet the kids were thrilled!

  6. Those are fabulous! You did a great job.

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