
Pop Star: Stephanie in Canada


“Just a quick note to let you know that I LOVE your website and have become addicted to making Cake Pops since I stumbled upon it. I have made several of your designs including the basic, the apple, bunnies, flowers, chicks etc… My 9 year old son LOVES Harry Potter and Star Trek so I created a Yoda pop…still needs work but all the kids knew who he was supposed to be! Anyway, I just wanted to share and thank you for your inspiration. I love them!” – Stephanie

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10 comments on “Pop Star: Stephanie in Canada”

  1. I was looking for a Yoda cake pop. Great Job.

  2. I think you did an awesome job on Yoda.

  3. Thanks Wendy! For the ears I piped chocolate onto a piece of wax paper and stuck it in the freezer for a few minutes to firm up and then stuck them on with more melted chocolate. The popsicle sticks work VERY well and (for me) are much easier to come by than the lollipop ones.

  4. I think he rocks!

  5. wowww james so mean to henery

  6. hahaha looks like a kid in my school! hahahahaha

  7. Yoda is the bomb! How did you make his ears? Luv the popsickle sticks, too! Great work, fellow Pop Star!

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