
Pop Star: Sarah in Florida


“Brownie bite bobbers with red juju bees for the topper.” – Sarah

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9 comments on “Pop Star: Sarah in Florida”

  1. I don’t like to give up on a project but am about ready to throw in the towel on this one! Cake bobbers would be perfect for the grooms table at my grandson’s upcoming wedding. If I get the cake pop ‘s right my next failure is dipping them in the red & white candy melts! Every pic I’ve seen posted on this they are smooth and very professional, needless to say mine were not. Is there a trick to producing smooth, evenly coated ones? Please clue me in if you have suggestion. Thanks!

  2. How do you make the brownie bite bobbers?

  3. How do I make the brownie bite bobbers?

  4. Way tooo cute. We are haveing VBS Go Fishing and these will be a sweet treat for the kids!! Good job!

  5. I have been searching for the perfect cake or cake pops to surprise my mom for her birthday for weeks. I just came across your bobbers & they are PERFECT!!! LOVE THEM!

  6. Do you make these like the cake pops and dip in red and white chocolate? Where did you find red chocolate bark?

  7. I’m sure you’re not fishin’ for compliments, but you’ll catch your limit with these…….how cute!

  8. How cute is this!

  9. I LOVE the bobbers. What a cute idea.

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