“Hi. I absolutely love your website and they wonderful creations you come up with. I have tried many and never been disappointed. My kids and family have come to love the cake pops and my nieces now request them at their birthday parties. I copied your Hello Kitty pops for one niece and the other then wanted a Sponge Bob pop. Just wanted to share what I came up with…Thanks for sharing your talents!” – Nikki
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Awesome! My ds would love this for his b-day! How did you do this?
Your website is so cool i love it!!! I want to make the elmo cake pops for my neice! Anyway thanks!!!!!
Love these!
Hello, I was wondering how fast could I get about 20-25 sponge bob cake pops sent to me? My number is also 770-755-4664.
I just LOVE your Spongebob cake pops!! thanks for sharing…I think I have an idea for my DS’s birthday party now!!
awesome idea with the candy wafer mouth!