
Pop Star: Deborah in Ohio


“Here’s one I just finished for my brother-in-law’s 40th birthday. He is in a band, and my sister gave me his old guitar case to display the pops in. I used the Cricut Cake machine to cut out the images, from the Hannah Montana cartridge. There is 176 of them! Whew! The colors are from her invitation: teal, light blue, brown and white.” – Deborah

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7 comments on “Pop Star: Deborah in Ohio”

  1. AWESOME WORK! I love the look of these and so well put together.

  2. Hi, Deborah, You are SO right….being a cake pop maven has its price, ha, ha. Thanks for your kind words – blush.
    They say “imitation is the sheerest form of flattery”; as such, I flatter lots of people….starting with the Queen….Bakerella!
    When I do go to the trouble of making CPs, I usually freeze some, so I have some emergency pops on hand for whatever impromptu occasion merits them.
    Yes, you spotted the Heath bits…and there are also some British sprinkles that I brought back with me last time I visited (cake pop souvenirs?). They’re tiny honey-flavored rice crispies-ish sprinkles. Fun to sprinkle shop! I don’t like jimmies ’cause they taste like cardboard….so those choc sprinkles are Guittard chocolate.

  3. The Cricut Cake machine is pretty cool. Jennie: It did cut out the guitars, music notes and the numbers out of frosting sheets. Wilton sells them in different colors: pastels, white, brown. The machine is totally food safe. You can program how little (I think the littlest image is 3/4″) and how many and it does its thing. But then I had to manually detach each image and place them on the pop. I used a clean paint brush with a little bit of Crisco to attach them, then smoothed them out with my finger. It took probably 2 or 3 hours to attach each little image. This was a huge time suck for sure. Everyone at the party seemed to love them, there weren’t any left over.

  4. These are adorable, I love the colors! Beautiful!

  5. Your pops Rock, Deborah!

  6. isnt thinking outside the box amazing who would have ever “thunk it “a old guitar case to display a 176 cake pops !
    perfect just perfect

  7. Wow, those are amazing. I don’t know much about the Cricut Cake machine. I’m guessing it cuts out those cute little guitars and notes, etc. What are those made of and how did you attach them? Your BIL is going to be so impressed.

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