
Pop Star: Ashley in Michigan


“I tasted my first cake ball at a wedding in 2009 and have been in love ever since! I immediately had to know how they were made and I was directed to your website. Your simple and clear instructions encouraged me to try my hand at them for work and family get-togethers. Recently I was asked to make cake pops for a Rapunzel/”Tangled” themed birthday party for a sweet little lass who was turning 4 and in love with that movie. It was a fun challenge! Basically I just wanted to say thanks for laying the foundation, I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t checked out your recipe that first time!” – Ashley

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11 comments on “Pop Star: Ashley in Michigan”

  1. realmente bellas

  2. I just put a tutorial with pictures up on my blog for these cake pops. Feel free to share and use it!!

  3. Hi, can yo help me with the instructions to make this…!!!. It’s realli wonderful. Thanks.

  4. These are absolutely amazing. Would you be so kind as to share the instructions with me. I am making a tangled cake for a little four year olds birthday and would love to add these as an extra touch. Thanks

  5. Could I please the instructions on these! My daughter would love these!! Thanks!!

  6. Please email me at and we can chat about the instructions!

  7. Could you send me the instructions?

  8. My daughter is having a tangled birthday in September and I wanted to make this along with the favors and I would love if y could explain how you did the tower !! These are amazing !!

  9. How can get your instructions on making these. They are very cute and out like to use for my daughters Tangled party in Aug. Thanks.

  10. WOW. AMAZING!!!!

  11. How creative and cute! I like the little tower! Plus the strand of Rapunzel’s ‘hair’ trailing down outside the window going down around the stick-perfect!

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