
Pop Star: Ashleigh in Texas


“I love your website and really enjoy trying out your yummy creations. This time it was my cousin’s high school graduation and I wanted to make her something special. My husband and I had lots of fun making these and my family loved them. My cousin loved her graduation hats and did not want to eat them, but they lookedso good, she could not help herself!” – Ashleigh

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21 comments on “Pop Star: Ashleigh in Texas”

  1. I am graduating in a month and would like to make these can you please send me the instructions

  2. these are so cute would love to make these for my daughters graduation! can you please send me the recipe and instrucitons thanks!

  3. These are awesome! How creative, please share the instructions.

  4. Would love to make these for my daughters graduation! Can you please send me the recipe and instructions? They are adorable!!

  5. Would like to know the ingredients used to make the graduation caps,thanks?

  6. Could you please send these directions to me? Thanks!(:

  7. Could you please send me the directions for these? They are adorable. Thank you

  8. I would like to try these, I make cake pops too. Can you email me the directions. PLEASE.

  9. These are too cute. Where can I find the instructions on how to make them.

  10. I have a son graduating this May and this would make a great table decorations. could you please send me instructions on how to make these. Thanks so much.

  11. Its graduation time again – and since many of you asked, Bakerella has the instructions posted here – scroll down for the colored grad hats.

  12. I realy like to have the instrictions please !
    Thanks :))

  13. they look awesome…could you please share the instructions?

  14. These would be perfect for my nephews graduation, can you
    share the instructions.

  15. my son is graduating in a few weeks and I would love to make these if you will share! How adorable!!

  16. could you please email me the instructions

  17. I was just online looking for ideas for my son’s graduation party. These are so cute! Would you mind sharing with me how you did them?

  18. can you/will you email the directions for these? My daughter is graduating in one month and I’d like to do something out of the ordinary! Looks great!

  19. These are awesome! How did you make these? I would love to make them for my graduation!

  20. Great job, they look perfect!

  21. The detail on these is so amazing! You did such a great job!

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