
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. I pick c!

  2. I think C, unless you’ve dyed your hair…

  3. I vaguely remember seeing a picture of you with Martha and I think you were blonde. So, I’m going to say C. (

  4. I pick H! These are so good! I can’t believe how much they look like Wii people!

  5. I’ll go with B. She’s cute.

  6. I think it’s “G”.

    Fantastic job on the cupcakes, by the way!


  7. I choose C. :) Very cute cupcakes!

  8. I am going to say C! The cupcakes are so cute!

  9. Dude! Your cupcakes are always so awesome…how do you do it Bakerella?

    I think you def look like C.

    gunterashley07 at gmail dot com

  10. C! That’s my final answer!

  11. C – I can’t believe how cute those are! (Okay so I CAN believe it, but wow!)

  12. I pick H! :-) And yes, I would recommend Wii Fit! It is actually fun…and you get a workout in :)

  13. I pick C!

  14. I believe that C favors you the most.

    Great job once again!

  15. I too am torn between C and G. But I am going to go with C because she’s got the little beauty mark on her cheek like you do. :D

  16. I think I will choose H…
    Kinda looks like a cupcake kinda girl…LOL…what a cute birthday party idea too..make the guests…

  17. I just recently found your site, you have an amazing talent. I honestly don’t know, but “H” keeps popping out to me. So I think your Mii is “H”! Have a SUPER DAY!

  18. I’m torn between C and G, but I PICK “G”!

    BTW, one of my best friends swears by her Wii Fit – she loves it more than walking or the treadmill – she says it’s fun!!

  19. What a cute giveaway! I Love it! I am going to say C.. its hard though. C or D could be it!

  20. My guess is C – I need a Wii!

  21. H! Your cupcakes are so awesome!

  22. You go with your Wii Mii cupcakes!! They are so cute….how is one to decide????? I really wanna say D but then there’s H….I’m gonna go with B…..

  23. I think D … okay, I could be swayed by the freckles (I have them, too!).

  24. My guess is C!

  25. C Please! Congrats on all your accomplishments! Just curious could you sometime in the future do a tutorial on fondont.

  26. My guess is H. :)

  27. What a great idea!!! I think you are B.

  28. I like the redhead, going with B for thii.

  29. I pick “D”!

  30. C of course! ;-)

  31. I am guessing B! Thank you for your wonderful blog & congratulations on being featured in 3 mags for your fabulous cupcake pops!

  32. C. And YES, I recommend the Wii fit. So much fun.

  33. C! My nephew just had a Wii party for his 5th birthday this past weekend. He too is an amazing bowler! His grandma made a cake that looked like a Wii remote. Very Cute. LOVE YOUR BLOG!

    ~ Allison from Cincinnati

  34. I’m going with “C”. My email addy is

  35. I choose C. Very cute cupcakes!


  36. C for sure!

  37. Im pretty sure its C!!!

  38. I’m gonna go with … D! That one’s cute! I am addicted to making cupcakes thanks to your blog! And I love it. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us.

  39. I think it’s C.

  40. Wow! So many fab Miis to choose from…. I think I’ll go with “C”

    The cupcakes are darling and whether I win or not ( I never win at these things) I’m still always impressed at your talents with cake, frosting, filling and fondants. WOW~! Keep up the great work!

  41. I think you use D!!! Thanks

  42. C please! You are so talented.

  43. I choose D. Love the lips!

  44. I think it is B, fun cupcakes!

    kkholland at

  45. I’ll go with H. Adorable cupcakes, BTW!

  46. I pick C. Great cupcakes!

  47. I say “C”. Also, wii fit is pretty awesome. I’m currently pregnant so it hates me (not really, I’m just obviously not losing weight haha) but it really works you out if you follow along!

  48. went back to read the rules, lol I think C (the real one) looks like you but C the cupcake doesn’t!!

    So yeah I choose C ;p

  49. D. Awesome cupcakes. Love your site!

  50. D :) :) :)

  51. I vote for “C”!!! It HAS to be you!

    And as for the Wii Fit- it’s AWESOME!!! If you think you look silly now, just wait till you get that. Hilarious, loads of fun, and also a work out.


  52. Hi! I think H, she is so cute!

  53. It’s gotta bii D!

  54. I think it is H! They are all so cute though!

  55. I pick D!

  56. I think you are C!

  57. I’m picking D as well, I just love the lips, but there are two others that my mind is leaning towards, but they say always go with your first pick.

  58. I think you are the”C”….

    thank you so much for your amazing blog and pictures…

  59. Wow those candy creations turned out so life (game) like!

    And I pick “H” !!

  60. I pick H! Love the cupcakes and your blog!!

  61. I vote C. Edible Avatars–love it!

  62. H – I think :)


  63. I think it is ‘C’.

    I hope that I Wiin!

  64. I forgot to leave my email address I am SORRY

    Crystal K.

  65. I pick C! You are amazingly talented!

  66. You are one crazy lady! Not everyone gives a wii away on their blog. I must be the only person in the known universe that doesn’t have one, so I must therefore win! Ha!

    I pick G – because she has a big cheesey grin and you must be one happy lady to spread the love with a Wii.

    Thanks for the chance to win a Wii! FAB!

  67. I think your Mii is C! (saying a prayer to win the Wii!)


  68. I pick D ! So cute!

  69. I’m thinking D. My kids would be thrilled about this :)

  70. I love “H”, she’s sooo cute!

  71. I guess Mii “G”! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  72. I think H…your cupcakes are awesome…Is there anything you can’t bake??

  73. I’m going with E.

  74. Oh my goodness! What an awesome giveaway! I’m guessing C. You can reach me at!

  75. I’m thinking C!

  76. i’m going for H but they all look great!

  77. I guess H – and BTW, I LOVE the Wii Fit!

  78. C is my choice. This is a great idea. You are always so creative!
    Thanks so much for all of your ideas.

  79. I’m going to say G!! I love them!!

  80. i vote for “C” – please pick mii!!!! so stinking cute. my husband is a HUGE nintendo fan and i can’t wait to show him this.
    meridith 21 at g mail dot com

  81. You are letter “C”, I just know it!

  82. I think H…we too had the same experience as you. My daughter cam home from school and said she was the only kid in her class that didn’t get a WII ( I highly doubt that) It seems to be the best game going, and hey if we can get some excersise while playing, it can’t be all that bad.

    Love the cupcakes…Is there anything you can’t do??

  83. Your cupcakes are amazing. Never a dull moment with Bakerella.
    BTW, I think you are C.

  84. Ok, i’m going to say C….what a cute idea!

  85. My guess is “C”. Unless you have gotten a haircut since your Martha Stewart days.

    So Cute!!

  86. D!! All the cupcakes look so tasty!

  87. I am going with “C” – Cause you are as cute as a button. Your cupcakes are awesome. Winning the Wi would help with me one of my New Year’s resolutions. “Exercise”

  88. I vote for C !!!! These cupcakes are so perfect looking.

  89. The cupcakes are adorable. My guess is B. Just because I think she is the cutest.

    Isn’t the Wii addictive?

  90. I think I will pick “B.”

    They are really cute cupcakes. Only you would think of making cupcake after your wii avatars…cracks me up.

  91. I say “C”. Cute, Cute Cupcakes as always!

  92. I’m going to go with B. What a fun give-away!

  93. I think C or D… I guess I’m going with C.

  94. I think you’re C!!! :)

    You did AMAZING on these cupcakes!

  95. My guess is G!

    And I would highly recommend the Wii Fit! It is so much fun! And there are some aerobic exercises that can leave you with a great workout if you try.

    They are also coming out with different games that you can use with the balance board (the part you stand on with the Wii Fit). You can purchase Tetris from the Wii Store and if you have the balance board, you can play Tetris standing on the board and use shifting your weight to move, rotate and drop the pieces. (You can still play the tetris game without having the balance board)

    We just got Wii Music and if you have the balance board, you can use it when you’re jamming with the drum set (though I haven’t tried that option yet).

  96. D most definitely – she looks the “sassiest”!

  97. I’m going to guess C. These are the neatest cupcakes I’ve ever seen. So Cute!!!

  98. D….the longer hair made me choose B over D

  99. I think it’s A! Great job by the way:)

  100. Completely, utterly D. Your work is ceaselessly inspiring :D

  101. I’m going with D :o) What a great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  102. I say C! Love the cupcakes! :)

  103. I pick C. Thanks…you are awesome!

  104. I think your Mii is letter C! They are all Soo Cuute!

  105. I’m thinking you’re H. :)

  106. ooohhh….I hope you’re B and that you pick me!!!!

  107. You are definitely ‘F’.

  108. I will pick G. Love your cupcakes!!!

  109. I’m going with C.

  110. I think it has to be D!!! They are so cute. I had so much fun making Mii’s on my friends Wii, I would love to have one myself. Thanks!

  111. H. I’ve only heard good things about the Wii Fit.

  112. I’m picking C. THey are all adorable!!

  113. I’m going to go with H. You make cupcakes look so amazing. How can you stand to eat them? ;)

    jessica_nunemaker AT yahoo DOT com

  114. I’m thinking D…all of these cupcakes are so cute!

  115. Wii fit is fabulous! And there are so many other fun games you can get to play on the balance board. We got one called Raving Rabids…hilarious!

    Love your cupcakes as always!

    I guess “C”

    kmiller799 at yahoo dot com

  116. I’d have to say H, just because I like her face. :)
    Contact me on my blog:

  117. My Guess is C. I love your site and really enjoy visiting it often with my daughter. You have such wonderful inspiring ideas. Keep up the great work!

  118. it’s Bbbbbb. so cute cupcakes. =) thanks for sharing.

  119. lets try G…

  120. I’ll pick C

  121. I think I’m going to pick B!! There all such cute cupcakes!

  122. I pick C

    Those cupcakes are adorable.

  123. I will say C! Thanks!

  124. I’ll pick ‘H’

  125. I will pick C! Thanks!

  126. Wow, this is a toss up! I think I’m going with “C”, although “G” is close behind.

  127. G!! They’re all so cute! Wii is pretty fun :D

  128. I say “C” – she is a cutie and looks like Mii too!

  129. I think you’re D!

  130. it has to be H, she looks so down to earth and nice.


  131. I think A!

  132. I say “E”, She looks hot, HOT!

  133. Let’s C if I win ;)

  134. I think “D”! These are adorable and amazing!

  135. I pick G, se looks happy!

    Love this blog, it’s uber cute!! =)

  136. I’m going to say D! Here’s to hoping I’m right! :)

    Those cupcakes are ADORABLE!

  137. I say “B”

  138. H! My kids would love these cupcakes! They spend hours making Mii’s!

  139. I choose D!

    Thank you

  140. I pick D!!


  141. I pick D! You are such a great artist :)

  142. You’re little miss D!

    Oh I hope I win, I’ve never entered an online contest before!

    I love boxing on the wii! I always beat my fiancee at it. Hehe

  143. B!
    We went on a Wii hunt yesterday and were disappointed at every store. We did score a Wii Fit though… so we’re ready when we do find a Wii!

  144. I think you are C. Oh I hope I’m right!!!

  145. It’s gotta be C! You are so talented!

  146. I think “C” – you are amazing – an artist for sure!!

  147. I’m going to go with C!!

  148. D! my husband and I have been trying to get a Wii since teh day after christmas when all of our friends got on and we are hooked (i too hated video games beforehand). I found your sight and love it!

  149. What a cool giveaway! I think you are C!

  150. I think you are B. She looks so cute. I like all of them.

  151. My guess is D. When I look at your beautiful creations it always makes mii :D !!

    Thanks for sharing your gift with the rest of us.

  152. Wow! You got a lot of comments!
    I’m guessing that you’re that cute little blonde, “C”.
    Thanks for this!!

  153. I think it is H!!!!

  154. I pick C. She’s adorable!!

  155. I’m going with D! :) Amazing cupcakes.

  156. I’m going with C! You did a great job on the cupcakes.

    I highly recommend the Wii Fit if you can get your hands on one. It’s a lot of fun, expecially with a group of people so you can laugh at them doing the silly moves.

  157. I’m between c and d…but my first guess was D so I’m going with that!

    Wii Fit is amazing! You actually feel sore after using some of the programs.

  158. I choose “C”. Great giveaway!

  159. I think you must beeeeeeeeeeeeeee (H)Would love to try the Wii Your just to good!!!!!!!!!!

  160. I would venture to guess…letter C! Cutie cupcakes.

  161. oh i think G! Hopes i win that purty Wii! *giggles with excitment*

  162. Count Mii in! I vote for G.


  163. My guess is C!! You do some awesome work!!


  164. What a fun contest!

    I’m going with C. But it was a hard choice. The cupcakes are cute!

  165. I pick G!!! Crossing my fingers!!


  166. Definitely C!!
    LOVE the cupcakes!!

  167. My guess is for H. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  168. C

    Your blog is fantastic. Keep up the creative ideas (and giveaways!) :) I need a wii to lose this post baby belly fat!

  169. Gotta be C

  170. I’m sure you’re G!
    Always with the big wide smile! :D

  171. I think it’s A. So cute! :)

  172. I think you are H

  173. lol what fun! i love all the cupcakes!!

    i’m going to guess E

  174. I’ll go with H :)

  175. I think H.. the cupcakes are adorable!

  176. Definatly H! :) Boy would it be nice to wiin something in this rough year. *crossing fingers & toes*

  177. I choose C…so adorable! You are so talented!

  178. Definitely G!

  179. I’m gonna go for C.
    Let’s see who wins!!

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