
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. I would guess… D!

  2. I think it is C! I ABSOLUTELY love ur website!!!!!! I have been following it since I seen you on Martha :)
    I hope I win…my 5 year old has been asking for a wii for a yr but its just not in the budget!

  3. I am going for H – that looks most like me and I like to think that we are alike in so many says :-)

  4. C…….I think!

  5. looove the cupcakes! very cute, just as everything else you do/bake!:)

    and i totally vote for G!

    (suzy_fu at

  6. I think C! Cupcakes included, right?

  7. I pick H. Could I talk you into sending the cupcakes too?! :)

  8. I’m going to say ..A.. only
    because of the “I gotcha now”.. smirk…they are all adorable..and alot of work went into these…once again you have awed us. And Mii needs a Mii hopes Mii is picked.Love to u Bakerella.

  9. I have to go with C! She’s classy and sassy, just like you! :P Fantastic job, by the way!

  10. I think it’s C, I’ve always wanted to be blond and pretty.

  11. It’s gotta be B..she reminds me of the Incredibles…AMAZING CAKE CHARACTERS BY THE WAY!! :)

  12. I’m choosing “D”!

  13. D!!! Totally! Wiis are sooo cool!!!!!

  14. I think you are D. Love the lips!!

  15. you are absolutely D…..she is the cutest one. how did you make them so real looking? you are magic

  16. You are so talented!

    I think you’re C.

    Angela KL

  17. H is sooooo adorable!

    Good luck to me.


  18. C! Please, please, please pick mii!!!

  19. lol they are fantastic bakerella :) i think G… xx

  20. This is a tough one! I originally thought “C” but I’m not sure you have a beauty mark, so I’m going to go with “G.” By the way, these cupcakes are way too cute!

  21. How cute are these?!!! I will say that you are B.


  23. I’m going for E. I did a year long project using the wiimote but I don’t even own one! Glad you’re enjoying yours.

  24. Oh, I am going with “C” because of the hair, although I figured you’d have the smile on “G”. I stick with “C”, however. Oh, we don’t have a Wii and we have wanted one for years now! Here’s to hoping we win! You’re so awesome… you’re always sharing the love! Thanks for that!

  25. I choose ‘C’

  26. I love your cupcakes so adorable!! I pick D, crossing my fingers!!

  27. Okay I am picking C I plan on giving it to our youth group at church. I love the kids.

  28. I vote for C.

    I hope I win!!

    PS. I have been reading your blog for a long time but never commented before. I just wanted to say I love it! Thanks :)

  29. i’m thinking it’s c, although i’m loving the pucker on d and the smirk on a. :)

  30. I pick G!
    Love how you know to surprise us with your cute creations! Who would have thought about making Mii-cupckaes!

  31. Hi!
    I’ll pick E and I must say that I LOVE your blogg and your cakes, you are my guru!

    Take care!

  32. I choose “C” but I’m not usually a lucky girl so I just wanted to say thank you cand congratulations for these great Mii cupcakes. They all are adorable.

  33. These cupcakes are amazing! My guess is D.

  34. I pick C, because it looks like you!!!!
    Kisses from Spain. Your cupcakes, like always, are fantastic.

  35. You have to be “G” because all those cupcakes keep you smiling!

  36. G! :D

  37. I choose H those cupcakes are so cute! x

  38. My guess is C! Thank you so much for this great giveaway – my kids would be over the moon if I won :)

  39. I thin it C. What an incredible job on the cupcakes. Actually using getting a Wii as a reward chart for my 8yo ADHD son. He was halfway but some new issues cropped up so we redid it. Of course that means it I won it I can’t play it til heearns it. of course if it was sitting there it might motivate him faster.

  40. C !

  41. H is my pick!

    And these cupcakes are AWESOME.. you are mucho talented!


  42. wow that's a lot of comments! it is a tossup between c and g. you seem such a happy & positive person, that G reflects that type of smiley personality the most. These are soo cute!

  43. Fabulous cupcakes once again! My guess is C! :)

  44. I guess ill go with the letter C

  45. i pick C!

  46. I Choose the Letter C

    Inshallah i win ^_^

  47. C! It’s gotta be you, it has the most personality. :)

  48. sorry, forgot to add my email for above

  49. E

  50. G! I choose G!

  51. i’m going with g! love the big smile!

  52. My first thought was D, but I’m picking C.

  53. I pick C, and the wiifit is awesome =) You should give it a try!!!
    sky 0220 <- leave out the spaces! =)

  54. I pick “C”. Oh it’s so fun!

  55. I choose C, its the cutest

  56. I Choose A !!!

    Pick Mii!! pick Mii!!

  57. OK, You are too cute! That is such a generous gift. And I REALLY hope I win this one. I think we are the only family on the planet without at Wii. :) Crossing my fingers!

    My pick: C


  58. I think it is D. She is so cute!

  59. It’s C with the cute added mole. I have one on mine too!!

  60. I think it might be D….but all the gals are adorable!

  61. How cool are those!
    I’m going to go with what best looks like you, Wii #C! :)

  62. I think it’s A!

  63. I choose “C”! Or should I say “Cii”?

  64. B for Bakerella! They are all soo cute!!

  65. My favorite is “H”

  66. I’m going with C.

  67. i think you use C!

    btw, you should totally consider getting WII FIT!

  68. I think it’s B!

    Those cupcakes are cute.

  69. OMG…Look at all the comments posted! I’m going with H…awesome cupcakes by the way…so creative!

  70. lets give “H” a try!

  71. I think you use letter C! But all of those cupcakes are super cute!


  72. B for Bakerella!!

  73. I am pegging you as the pretty little red head with the green eyes…B. Yep, B, that’s my guess.

  74. i pick C!!

  75. I think it’s C!

  76. I’ll guess H.

  77. I vote that you are the Mii labelled C. What a fun idea!

  78. I think it’s H. I was conflicted between that and C, but I think the H looks more like you.

  79. I think it is C — although you’d look cute as any of them :)


  80. I think H, but they’re all adorable!

    orinoco14 at gmail dot com


  81. H! I love the cupcakes! How did you do the icing?

  82. I’m guessing you’re “C” although all your recipes deserve an A+! What a fun contest, and no matter who wins you get lots of great comments!

  83. I think D…she is too cute!! Those cupcakes are sweet.

  84. I’m going to say ‘D’.

  85. I think you are C. Those wii cupcakes are TOO cute. I made super mario ones for friends once, but I know they would love these wii ones too. Thanks for the inspiration!

  86. I think C. I love the cupcakes – they look just like Mii’s! And Wii Fit – I looove it! It’s fun and good exercise.

  87. I think it’s “C”

  88. I think you are C, as in Cute as a Cupcake!

  89. I think C…all are super cute though!

  90. I think “C”

  91. I pick D! What fun giveaway!

  92. B is for birthday! Pick mii!!! You are very very talented! So glad I linked to you from???????? I own a nail salon called gelarella (because I do gel nails)! Funny! :) My son has been asking for a wii since they came out. Yes, he’s 8. Around Valentine’s Day (about 4 weeks before his birthday) we’re going to SURPRISE HIM with a CHOICE. He can have his bi-annual birthday bash…OR…he can have a wii (but not both)! I’m SURE he’ll choose the wii and probably wee his pants in excitement!!! Hope I win, this will be his birthday gift!!

  93. H

    The look tasty… I’d eat any of them!

    ciaomich (at) gmail (dot) com

  94. I choose D, I love the freckles & lips!

  95. H pleasee

  96. I think your Mii is C! Such a cool giveaway. I can’t imagine how many comments you will get to pick through!

  97. I think it’s F she seems determined to win!

  98. I say G!
    These are too cute.

  99. I’m guessing C!

  100. I am guessing H! Very cute!

    respond to ammonmommy at hotmail dot com


  101. I pick H!! Very cute!

  102. I say it’s C!

    cmboles at comcast . net

  103. I’m going with C! Those cupcakes are awesome!

  104. It’s got to be D!

  105. I think D, because it looks like she is saying “ooooh, I could turn that into a cupcake”

  106. I think it’s H. These are SOOOO cute!!

  107. I am going to guess “c”

    Love everything that you create!

  108. I choose ‘a’!
    I love her smile!
    JessMRoberts at

  109. I pick D! Thanks.

  110. I’m guessing C

  111. I’m going to go with C!

    Very cute cupcakes!! And a great giveaway! I’ve been DYING for a Wii..!

  112. I choose C!!
    Oh man do I want to win this one!! (having trouble getting my comment to post)…. What a great give away!!
    Those cupcake Mii’s are great!!

  113. C! What a fun giveaway!

  114. i think c!

  115. I pick D all the way! Thanks for the inspiration!

  116. I’m saying…. H

  117. I pick D! She’s the cutest :)

  118. I vote C! Those are adorable!

  119. i choose C.. she looks like a baker! :P

    quynhnvo (at)

  120. I’m going to guess C. These are the cutest cupcakes I’ve ever seen! I want one of my Mii.

  121. I’ll say C…

    …and Wii fit is SO much fun!

  122. You are amazing! I’m going to go with C.

  123. bakerella is Cii! I mean, C!
    I’m Cii! :p

  124. G! You are so talented!

  125. G! :)

  126. I say G!
    Pick me!
    I want a wii!!

  127. I’ll pick C! These cupcakes are so cute btw!

  128. I think you are C!!! I love your blog, I found it through an I love Isla Mujures site. Someone posted a link of your sand pics. I love your baking and your photos. Both passions of mine. Thank you.
    Li (

  129. you are c! I saw you on Martha! you had the longer bangs and long blond hair!

  130. I vote C,and adorable cupcakes!

  131. I vote for “H”!

  132. I’m going with “C” because she is the cutest one, and looks like you most!


  133. I pick F — you’ve got to try Mario Cart!!

  134. I pick C!!! Such a great giveaway!!!

  135. I think it must be B. I love that one.


  136. I’m gonna say D. Such cute cupcakes!!

  137. I’m gonna go with B.

    Altho I think you look more like a G.
    (but B and I have the same haircut!)

    i hope B wins!!

  138. I’m guessing C … here’s hoping!

  139. Awwww, they’re all precious; I’m going with “H”.
    shreela gmail


  140. Ohhh this is hard. From what I can remember… My gut says C or G.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I’m gonna go with C!!

    Regardless… they are all darling and cuter than the game itself, and I agree with other’s who have said, wish you were giving the cupcakes away too. I’d love to see a dozen of my Mii for my Birthday!!

  141. You are so talented. I’m going to go with G I think. You seem calm and happy all the time, so I’m going with her!

    kmwhl1 [at} gmail dot com

  142. I’m guessing “C”! These cupcakes are awesome!

  143. I think H

    … btw wii fit is very fun

  144. I pick C. Love your site. You are so talented!


  145. F!! nlakhtakia (a) gmail (dot) com!

  146. I’m going with “c”

    You are so incredibly talented! I am uber impressed!

    amberortega (at) gmail (dot) com

  147. I vote…C! Of course it doesn’t hurt that the Mii right next to it, B, sort of looks like me! It’s a sign. :-)

  148. I think C!

  149. I pick H. And those are the most awesome cupcakes!

  150. G please!!!!

  151. OK, I am going with E! She looks smart and sassy… not blonde, but cute anyway!

  152. I`m going with A!

  153. I think “C” is cute so I think that’s who YOU picked. This is so cool! A Wii sounds like great fun. Thanks for the chance to Wiin!

  154. I am going to pick D. I am in love with your website and have recommended it to anyone who will listen to me.

  155. I pick D!! Gotta play Wii and look cute! P.S I DO recommend the Wii fit. My cousin has one and it is a lot of fun and you burn off some calories!

  156. I’m going to go with “C.” Such a cute little Mii!

  157. I choose “D”! It’s the one I would choose if I had a Wii!

  158. My official guess is D (but I’m wondering if it’s H, cause I really like that one, lol).

  159. C!! i think C! and i think you’re amazing, by the way!

  160. C is really standing out for me so that is what I choose. Great giveaway! I would love to win! All of the cupcakes are too cute!

  161. I’m guessing B, and your cupcakes are adorable!

  162. I vote ‘D’!

    And those are too cute for words :)

  163. I think it’s D! She’s super cute!

  164. A!!
    Those are so cute!!

  165. I have to go with A because she looks most like me! Beautiful cupcakes! such a cool prize!

  166. These are the cutest cupcakes!
    My guess is D!

  167. Ya Mii! I think you Mii is E!

  168. i think H! i love the cute cupcakes!

  169. My winning guess is “H”

  170. I pick H. How cute are those, by the way? You are so talented! Even if I don’t win, I just have to say (again) how much I love your blog.

  171. I pick you to be C.
    You pick mii to win Wii!

  172. Voting for C. beachgirl4ever(st)

  173. Letter C :)

  174. I hope it’s G, and I hope you pick mii!

  175. I think you are C! Sassy!


  176. It has to be C! You and your blog and your beautiful creations are inspiring! ps. a Wii would make some dreams come true around here. ;)

  177. I’ll guess C…

  178. I go with C. These cupcakes look like they took way too much time!

  179. I’m going to say G. They are super cute. Your work is great, and I love seeing all your new creations.

  180. Let “D” be your image.

  181. I say..H!

  182. Goin’ with C

    My in-laws have the Wii and we had a bowling tournment over Christmas – we used the practice game where each time more pins are added and by the 10th frame there are 91 pins – my nephew (4) got a strike (w/91 pins) and TOTALLY rocked at this game (actually those were his words) – in fact all the kids dominated the adults

    The Wii fit was especially effective after several rounds of drinks – watching my father-in-law ski (in cowboy boots) and all the hula hooping – my abs got a total work out from laughing so hard : )

  183. Hmmmmm…I’m thinkin’ C.

  184. My pick is G.

    I love your blog. Your creations have inspired me to make my babies first birthday cake!

  185. H! You rock, BTW

  186. Gimme a G :)

  187. I pick C! You’re too much fun!

  188. I think that it’s C . . . It’s too hard, but that is my final answer.

  189. What a cute idea! I am going to pick C.


  190. Absolutely ‘C’!!

  191. My vote is C. If I win contact me at All of the cupcakes are great!

  192. Those are adorable cupcakes!! You are very inspirational! I think ‘C’ is you

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