
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. I’m going with G.

  2. Definitely C. you are incredible. saw you on martha and have been hooked ever since. maybe buttering you up will increase my odds??

  3. I think it’s C!!


  4. I think the hidden mii is “D”

  5. C i hope :) these are adorable

  6. I say D. They’re all adorable!

  7. I pick “D” because I imagine you to be a pucker upper!! Throwing kisses to all the souls you touch!!

  8. I’ve done my research and I’m voting C!

  9. I don’t know what happened to my posts!!!!

    Anyway, I pick D. I know it’s not the right color exactly but I still think it looks like you. Love it!

    The Wii fit btw is great! I love it. I’m a mom of 2 and all of my mom friends come and play it with me. Even my husband loves it and he’s not the type!!! :)

  10. I say D!! I hope you pick miii!!

  11. I think is H :) I left a comment before but it is not showing :( not sure what happend there, anyways I will go with H!

  12. H!

    This would be perfect, I really want Wii Fit – but still dont have a Wii, this would get me on my way :D

  13. I’d say D, she looks like a fun girl to virtually bowl with!

  14. How fun! I say D! These are too cute!

  15. Definitely C… such a “C”lassy lady!

  16. C Love your site-I am ( I mean my kids are) addicted to the cake pops~keep the great ideas coming!! dortha (

  17. I think D…the cupcakes are so cute!

  18. I think H that Mii is pretty cute. Great giveaway.

  19. I think “C”. Thanks!

  20. I pick E!

    Also…Wii Fit is AMAZING! Get it!

  21. Well.. B and H are my favourites..
    I think I’m gonna go with H

    (they’re all super cute though!)

  22. I pick C!

  23. I think you are “C”

  24. I say…letter G.

  25. I guess “G”.

  26. I’m guessing you are Mii G! :) Love the cupcakes and your blog!

  27. The cupcakes are adorable! And what a fun contest!

    I pick C, just for the fun of it since I’m assuming you don’t ship overseas :)

  28. I’m guessing G!

  29. I am going to say D, she looks like she’s been tasting sweets!!

  30. I’m going with B. The kids saw these and loved them, too bad I’m just not that talented, lol.

  31. I’m going to say “C”. You’re creativity is so inspiring! Thanks!

  32. I pick C. They’re all very cute!

  33. I’m going with C!

  34. H, I think. And you have to get a Wii Fit game, if only to work off the cupcakes! It’s so much fun, and the balance board is great with skiing games, etc. It would be

  35. Im going with C!! Fingers Crossed!!!

  36. h…sorta me =]…

  37. I say B. And yes, Wii Fit is great fun. I’m not sure how fit you’ll get from it, but it’s a lot of fun!

  38. I pick H. She looks happiest. Must have just eaten a cupcake! Thanks Tracy

  39. Wow, this is amazing. I am going to pick H. I think its H.

  40. I think you are G! You are so talented, I just love when Reader tells me there is an update on Bakerella.

  41. C! those cupcakes are the bomb!


  42. I think that it’s “B.” Amazing job on all of them!

  43. I’ll go with G!

  44. I am going to have to go with H. They are all so cute! You have awesome talent.

  45. you are C!

  46. Ummmmm, I think I’ll go for B… She’s so pretty… Well, they all are…

  47. I pick B. I love her eyes.

  48. I think “C” but not sure. They sure are cute. Always wanted to get a WII for the family just haven’t yet. Thanks bunches.

  49. I am thinking D….cute cupcakes

  50. I say “c” is your Mii!!


  51. You’re so creative! Love your blog :)
    I’ll guess H… (leannoth at hotmail dot com)

  52. My guess is H.

    I love your amazing ideas and inspiration to create. Thank you Thank you..

  53. I think it’s C!! Thanks :)

  54. Errr…. C!

  55. I think you are the letter C for SURE! What a cute idea.

  56. I would have to say G

  57. I pick G. I am not the only one who loves your blog…my kids love it too!

  58. I think it’s cupcake C! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes!

  59. B is cute!

    kynaroyal (at) yahoo (dot) com

  60. I’m going to go with D — she’s super cute! I love them all though. Way too cool!

  61. I think C. Love your site.


  62. Ugh…I couldn’t decide between C and G…I am going to say C.

  63. Holy moly, over 1300 entries so far, yikes!

    I think your mii is C.

  64. G!

    harrisonmichaelford at gmail dot com

  65. I pick C! My husband loved these!

  66. D…cute and sassy! THANKS

  67. I think it’s B! Thanks!

  68. it’s gotta be D all the way!!

  69. I pick A.

  70. I think C, but I am not sure now. :) The cupcakes are too darling for words. Thanks for the give away opportunity. :)

  71. I’m going to say B

  72. I guess “C”! I want that wii!

  73. wow, look how many responses! i love your blog and i’m a very loyal reader/fan! i say H and hope i win!

  74. I going with “C” and the cupcakes are soooo cute!

  75. I think it’s B! Thanks!

  76. I pick letter C!

    I also recommend the Wii Fit. My mom has one, and she loves it! She says it’s like fun exersize!

  77. I think it is G!!!
    The cupcakes are TOO CUTE!

  78. Definitely B! You are so talented. Thanks so much!

  79. I think D.

    Several of my friends have the Wii Fit and love it.

  80. C! I remember seeing you on Martha!

    Welcome to the wii craziness!

  81. I think F

  82. I pick C. And yes I’d recommend Wii Fit…it’s really fun.

  83. I’m going to guess B!

  84. SO adorable…I am going with B :)

  85. Hmmm….c?

  86. C!!!!!!!! I bowled with my daughter and son-in-law when they got their Wii — now I NEED one of my own ;-).

    mnkbailey at

  87. C! Yay!

    sari_star at hotmail dot com

  88. I think the lips did it for me… I pick D.

  89. D!
    Those cupcakes are Awesome!!!
    I love playing the Wii.

  90. PLEASE forgive me if this is a double post, but I waited and waited and never did see my post.

    AAGH! I say it’s a toss up between “C” and “G”, but I am going to go with “C”. Yes, definitely “C”. Thank you!

  91. I guess C!! Thank you for such an amazing giveaway! Also, thank you for your blog – your art is truly amazing, and you give all of us in blogland so many great ideas!

  92. I’ll pick C. Great cupcakes and contest.

    g.mark.kenny (at) gmail (dot) com

  93. I pick C. She looks very sweet.

  94. I pick H.
    Don’t know why. Kindof looks like my MII. My kids play for MII, though LOL.
    Suzy Allen (

    or check out my blog @

    cupcake looks as good as the WII if you ask MII.

  95. I think your Mii is C. Thanks for the contest and the yummies!

  96. I think your Mii is C. Thanks for the contest and the yummies!

  97. H???

  98. I pick D!! Love the cupcakes!

  99. H. I choose H.

  100. When I read about your niece I thought it’s A.

  101. I’m guessing you’re C.

  102. I say D and YES, GET THE WII FIT!! Amazing!

  103. Very cool giveaway!! I would be the best mom in the whole world if I won this one!! Congrats on the magazine mentions! I think H is the cutest Mii!

  104. Definitely H!!

  105. I am going to go with G!

  106. i think it is h!

  107. I am hoping its D! How freaking cute are all these?!

  108. I’m going with C!

  109. I’m picking C! I sure hope I win, that would be awesome!! :)

  110. I am going back and forth between C & H but my get says H!!

    I vote H!!

    You rock!!


  111. I’m going to guess B.
    These cupcakes are soooo cute! I could totally see having them as the birthday cupcakes for my husband’s birthday. Everyone would laugh!

  112. C please. Very cute cupcakes.

  113. Gotta be C!! (although I had to do “research” and search past posts for a pic, any pic!)

    My daughter got the Wii for Christmas and we LOVE it too (and I’m not a gamer either!).

    Your cupcakes, btw, are PERFECT!!!!

  114. D. The cupcakes are adorable!

  115. Definitely C

  116. I choose H! This is such a cute idea!

  117. I choose *C*!!!

    Your cupcakes are so cute and you are so generous!

  118. I pick B!

    redcharlotte @ gmail (dot) com

  119. H! These are ridiculously cute!

  120. I pick D. I like the freckles!

  121. ‘A’ all the way!

  122. My guess is Mii “C”.

  123. I would like to say that I guarentee H but I have never met or seen you. From blog stocking you and seeing your niece I pick H! Crossing my fingers to win!

  124. H. Very cute

  125. I pick h!

  126. LOVE THE WII AND LOVE CUPCAKES! I think you’re H!

  127. I pick “C”, but they are all adorable!

  128. I gotta go with “D”.
    Love your site! Thanks for sharing such amazing eye candy with all of us.

  129. I would have to say “D”. Very cute mii’s via cupcakes!

  130. maybe B? right.

  131. I guess C!

  132. I am going with G.

    A looks a lot like the one I use :)

    joannefuschetto at yahoo dot com

  133. My guess is G. Awesome cupcakes! You’re so talented!! (I actually wish the cupcake came with the Wii… if I win, that is… mmmmm….. cupcakes….)

  134. C!!

    I <3 the wii… i want one sooo bad!!

  135. these are amazing!

    i think you’re D :)

    yay for the wii!!!!

  136. I’m going w/ C !!!!!

  137. B! and the cupcakes are cute. And I am so addicted to my friend’s Wii but it’s a 45 minute drive to play – so in the interest of saving gas, please pick me! Thank you.

  138. I understand what you mean about your niece beating you. My 4yr. old grandson and I played 6 games and he beat me 5 out of 6 with me giving it all I had. His top score was 212. He loves for me to come over and play, I think he just loves winning. You have been given a talent that you can share with others. Your cupcakes are amazing!!! MIMI needs a “Wii” at her house. LOL!!! I think you are “B”.

  139. Okay I will have to say C after much debating between G and C C won….I so hope I win this one. There are tons of people trying for it. I love your recipes and this cupcakes are adorable!

  140. I guess “C”. Way cute cupcakes!!

  141. It’s got to be H.

  142. I’ll go against what everyone is saying and say A because that’s who I would be =)

  143. I think H! I have just found my favorite site on the net! I love the ideas that you have and hope that sometime you might have a great idea for my son’s 1 year birthday themed “Sail Away!” for July!

  144. My guess is C. How cute! :)

  145. I think your Mii is C.

  146. D…She’s just too cute with her freckles and puckered up lips!

  147. I am torn between C and G. I saw you on Martha and you had the best smile and no mole, so I am going for G.!!

  148. I pick “d”

  149. I think C.


  150. I think it’s C…

    snf these cupcakes are adorable!!!

  151. i think you’re a D!!!

    my email address is abbyg14(at)gmail(dot)com

  152. I’ll go with D…and hope that I’m right : )

  153. I vote for “c”. I love the cupcakes! I might have to try them for my soon to be 12 year old who LOVES the Wii

  154. D!

  155. My choice is G!

  156. I love the puckered up lips on D, a-dor-a-ble!
    Don’t know if she looks like you, but she’s sure cute!

  157. i keep thinking its b or c

    im gonna go with c

  158. Wii love your cupcakes and the giveaway just can’t be beat :)
    My daughter and I think that “C” is the perfect Wii image for you! Sure hope Wii are right :)
    Thanks for the opportunity and your great ideas!

    If Wii win, email is

    Thanks Deonne :)

  159. G


  160. Love your blog! I think B is your “portrait”. Thanks for the fun!

  161. Definitely “G”!

  162. I think it’s H.

  163. TOO CUTE!

    I pick C!






  164. “c” without a doubt

  165. voting for letter H!

  166. I’m going with C!! :)

  167. I like C please. what fun.

  168. I pick E. wildbeckers(at)gmail(dot)com

  169. I say D! This is how much I want to win: I peeked at your pics from the Martha Stewart appearance for inspiration!

  170. g~
    wii fit rocks by the way!

  171. So I already entered once but I didn’t leave a contact. It’s my first time. Anyway, I’m going with C.

  172. hmmm… i think g!

  173. C, maybe. That is how I imagine you from your writing personality. Of course, I could be very wrong.

  174. Ill pick D. ANd The Wii fit is great! My nephew got it for Christmas and it has good things on it :)

  175. I’m going to say “C”!

  176. D

    what a fun giveaway!

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