
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. my answer is C!
    I hope to win the wii

  2. i think C! you are soo talented! :)
    email is

  3. I think it is “C”

  4. It’s “c” for sure

  5. I’m going with C, lovely.

  6. ahhhh those are so coolll! i played mario kart and couldn’t get enough :D i’m gonna go with C

    thanks bakerella!

  7. I pick C! And I LOVE Wii fit. It’s so much fun

  8. D! but all of them are very cute!

  9. I just have a feeling that you are ‘B’…they are all so adorable. I love your site…thanks for sharing! Debbie

  10. I saw you on Martha so long ago and I am going with “D”…All of them are darn cute!!!


  11. I think D!!!

    Love these!

  12. Definately C! And I have played the Wii fit and it is a lot of fun. Really helps on your balance and relfexes I think. Thanks!


  13. I say G blond and cute

  14. Great cupcakes! I’m guessing F…

  15. I think C!

  16. I say C!! :)

  17. I think it’s G! What a great contest. You rock…

    Karen (“Mrs. Q”)

  18. I am going to say “C”. These are the most adorable cupcakes! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I think you are D!

  20. Are you C? Thanks!

  21. I saw you first on Martha Stewart and I have been a fan ever since. I have your blog saved in my favorites list and I check it daily. I’m inspired to get in the kitchen and get baking! I think the cupcake that looks like you is C! I hope I win!

  22. I pick ‘D’!!! She looks super cute.

  23. H…. They are all so cute!!!!!

  24. C! :)

  25. My guess is C. The cupcakes look great!

    leeangeli@yahoo dot com

  26. It’s the C!!! Too cute!

  27. I pick “H”!! You are amazingly talented! What a great idea for a kids party maybe??

  28. I think it is C.

  29. How cute are those cupcakes?!

    I guess “C”!


  30. I pick “H” becuase she looks like me!:)

  31. D looks lucky. =)

  32. My guess is G. The cupcakes look great by the way, you did an excellent job!

    Sandee – Cake Thoughts

  33. They’re all super cute, but I’m thinking D?

  34. D!

    haha that looks like a wird emoticon xP


  35. Those are the coolest Mii cupcakes and I’m going to guess you are “c”!

    I pick “C” to be mii.

  37. F – I think it looks like me ;)

  38. You are C!!! LOVE THE BLOG!

  39. They’re all super cute but I’m thinking D?

  40. I choose D. Those are some cute cupcakes!
    stoneshome at bellsouth dot net

  41. I guess B. Fingers crossed!

  42. You are my all-time hero.

    I pick C!

    ;) amy

  43. How fun you are getting great press for your site! I love it! I think your Mii is D…hope I win!

  44. I am guessing C.
    I did a lot of research to pick this mii (found your appearance on and compared your look to the miis) so I hope I’m right!
    The wiiFit is awesome… it makes exercise FUN – who knew THAT was possible?
    I love all of your stuff, but the Coca-cola cupcakes especially… I even did a post on my blog to point people in your direction to check them out! I am always so excited to see what I’ll find on your site!

  45. I’m guessing D.
    Love your cupcake pops – can’t wait to try and make them this weekend!

  46. I’m going with C!

  47. I would have to say C. But I love all the cupcakes. They look deliciously awesome!

  48. I pick B!

  49. D! Those cupcakes look amazing!

  50. My vote is for G!

  51. I think D. These are awesome!!

  52. Im gonna say D… but they all are adorable. :)

  53. H, I’m guessing H.

  54. I say D! They are all awesome though!

  55. I think it’s C!!!!

  56. I will guess G, although….did you get your hair cut shorter since the Martha show?

  57. I think it’s C :)

  58. I’ll go with “C”.

  59. I think it’s C.

  60. Great cupcakes! I’m going to pick C!

  61. I gotta go with C. Going with my gut. :)

  62. I think you’re C :D

  63. I think it is C. Those are the cutest cupcakes EVAH!

  64. You are C!

  65. I pick G!

    I have heard tons of great things about the WII fit and I want one! I need a WII first but someday!

  66. I’m putting my money on C!

  67. I bet its H!

  68. I think it’s D

  69. I guess C :)

    The cupcakes look amazing!!

  70. I choose F! Of course, I had to wash the chocolate off my fingers from your last faboo recipe!!!

  71. My guess is C!

  72. I choose E.

    this is my blogspot name!

    yer cupcakes are rad!

  73. I guess C! These cupcakes are amazing! This is a fun contest =).


  74. I’m going with H!

  75. I think it’s D!!

  76. I’ll go with C please! Lovely cupcakes as always!

  77. I think it is H. A total guess! :)

  78. I guess C

  79. G!

    Wii is great fun! Wii Fit is a good time – love the yoga and balance games. If you’re consistent, it pays off! Thanks so much for the great chance to win!

  80. I guess C! Oh, my hubby and kids would LOVE a Wii! rosalinamia_at_hotmail_dot_com

  81. My guess would be C. These cupcakes are the cutest! We are big Wii fans here!!

  82. hmmm…i say B. not sure why, it’s way cuter than my mii! awesome cupcakes!

  83. I’m gonna go with C!

  84. I am going to guess “G”! Man that was tough!!

  85. I think D. We got a Wii this Christmas too! Wasn’t arm sore after bowling that long. I was so sore the day after from playing but I loved it!

  86. I think it’s D!

  87. I’ll pick C. Fun cupcakes!

  88. Letter D, Oh I so hope I win it! I can’t wait to have one.

  89. I am thinking H…..

  90. these are amazing!

    i think you’re D :)

    yay for the wii!!!!

  91. I vote D, and I LOVE the cupcakes!! I wish I had some of your talent. My kids would love these!

  92. I’m guessing D. Thanks for a cool giveaway!
    sherph66 [at] gmail [dot] com

  93. E please….

  94. I’m going to go with H, these are so cute!

  95. I think it could definitely be D… And I hope I win because I’ve had my eye on a Wii for a long time…:) Please pick me! (super cute cupcakes too!)

  96. I would have to pick “C”
    They all are super cute though!

  97. C. Yup, C’s my final answer.

  98. I am pretty sure you use D. Loving the cupcakes!

  99. Hmmm… how about B?

  100. I think you’re C! Those cupcakes are so adorable! I wish I had 1/100th of your talent!

    funredhead @ gmail dot com

  101. I think it’s H! That is one of my favorite Martha recipes – the one bowl chocolate cupcakes. In fact, that’s the recipe I use when I’ve made your cupcake pops!

  102. I guess H!
    Thanks for the chance!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  103. C looks the most like me, minus the beauty mark. So C it is. BTW- Bakerella your talent is amazing, I smile every single time I see something you make.

  104. Okay so I think H your amazing it totaly looks like the real thing. Ps you should try the wii fit I got it for Christmas and it is so much fun!

  105. C!

  106. My husband and I think that it is G. We had your picture with that “Duke Boy” to compare. Any way – they sure are cute cupcakes!

  107. I pick C.
    my wife thinks your work is beautiful!

    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  108. I’m going to say ‘H’! definately!


  109. I pick H.

    The Wii Fit is amazing. I bought myself one for Christmas and use it everyday, sometimes for exercise, sometimes just for fun.

  110. B!

  111. I pick G. And yes, the wii fit is pretty next. Except for when it tells people they’re overweight… ;)

  112. H?? I really don’t know if you went for the one that looked the most like you or what so I picked the one with the biggest smile. Hope I’m right! I LOVE the wii and want one so bad!!

  113. You must be H…sweet, cute, creative, and loving life!

  114. I choose D. :)

  115. I’m going to guess D.

  116. I pick C!!!

  117. those are awesome…and I pick A

  118. I think C looks the most like you!
    Not too sure about the mole, but she look glamorous!

  119. I vote C for sure!! :)

  120. D!! Too cute.

  121. I think H.
    These are so cute by the way. We have friends that are totally into their Wii and their Miis, I’ll have to think about making some cupcakes like this out of their Miis, they’d love it!

  122. I’m going with D! These are SO cute! You’re such an inspiration in the kitchen. Love your work!
    (fingers crossed!)

  123. I pick D. Amazing job with the Mii cupcakes!

  124. H!

    I love wii! I can play for hours with my younger brother. Haha. We have wii fit. It’s pretty fun, but I don’t play it a lot. But I’ve been told that it actually does give you a workout if you do everything right. :)

  125. Hi, I think you are C. Could you through in the cupcakes? :)

  126. My guess is “C”, but it definitely is a complete guess…i have no idea!

  127. I guess D! :]

  128. I say it’s D

  129. I’m going with C. Wiiiiii!

  130. I’m going to say C…how much would my hubby love me if I won this for him?!!!

  131. I am crossing my fingers that it’s C! This is a very generous giveaway!!! Thanks…

  132. What an awesome giveaway! I just love your blog! My guess is D.

  133. These are fantastic. I say C.

  134. My guess is “B”.

  135. I choose C from your Martha appearance. My bday is Friday so this would be the coolest late b-day gift!

    pookieb [at] gmail [dot] com

  136. G – Too Cute!!

  137. I pick “C”!

  138. Hmmm…I choose C!

    Those are adorable! Want to make, my group of friends are huge into the Wii!

  139. D!!! the cute one!

  140. I think “H”

  141. I guess C!

    I am drooling over those cupcakes!! You are so talented!

  142. I think C! You are always amazing me with your talent!

  143. I’m guessing H.

  144. C!!! It has to be!! :)

  145. Let’s go with G. Hope I win!

  146. I think H.

  147. I’m gonna have to say..D!


  148. D for the win!

  149. I think it’s D. Super cute cupcakes!

  150. My pick is C. Great job! Love them!!

  151. I “H”ope it is H … I have never played the Wii, but my kids have.

  152. I am going to pick C.

    You are so generous Bakerella. I wish I could say that I have tried the Wii Fit, but I have not. A friend of mine says it was great at first but the kids use it more now.

  153. Best prize ever! I have wanted one of these for a long time…

    I pick…C!


  154. Hi I love them all. But O think its A.

  155. I’m thinking “C” for sure. Cute, cute cupcakes! Great for a fun Wii party!


  156. I think D! And the Wii Fit is fun… I’m not convinced it’s a very good workout, but it’s certainly a lot of fun. Very addictive. :)

  157. G! She looks like a cupcakerella ;)

  158. I say C! :-)

  159. I pick B! I can’t believe you are doing a give away for a Wii! Wow!! Hope I win! Thanks Bakerella!!! My email is!

  160. I guess C!

  161. H – your cupcakes are AMAZING!

  162. I’m guessing cutie mii letter “C”.

  163. I would go with C.

    I love the Wii and I love your cupcake creations!

  164. G. That’s my pick. How long does it take to tint and play with the fondant???

  165. i am going to have to pick C! this is a huge giveaway! this is soooooooo super sweet of you :D
    everyone i know also got the wii for xmas!

  166. I think G. I love the cupcakes, so cute!

  167. C…I think!

  168. I’m picking C…

  169. I think your mii is D. I love the freckles!

  170. i’ve been wanting a wii for the longest time but i have no extra money to be spending .. i would love to win this contest! and the cupcakes are SO cute. very inspiring haha

    i choose C

  171. I am going to say C…fingers are now crossed!!!

  172. I think you are “C”. And we would love the “Wii”.

    My email is

  173. I’m gonna go with H

  174. I’m saying H!

  175. I think C. I wish I had one of those cupcakes. They look delicious.

  176. What a generous giveaway! H!

  177. Those are AMAZING! I’m going with “C”!

  178. I pick “H.” I hope I Win. Cute cupcakes by the way!

  179. I think it’s C but both blonds would be you!!! They are too cute!!

  180. I say H! This was hard though, they’re all so cute! It would be great if I could win this!!!

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