
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. I say “C”! I LOVE my friends Wii!

  2. I will guess C because of the blond hair.

    CONGRATS on the magazine runs as well

  3. I’m going to go with C! And what a cute Mii it is!

  4. I think it’s C!

  5. Oh boy would I love to win this, even if the chances are slim. I’ve been trying to find a deal on one since we’re poor students and so far haven’t found one good enough. Winning one would work out just perfectly. :)

    I guess C!

  6. I’m going to go with ‘C’.

  7. I am going to choose C. They are so cute though. How talented you are!

    Love your blog!

  8. I’ll say D! Love those cupcakes and the Wii and Wii fit!

  9. I choose Mii C. I love your site! Keep the posts coming!

  10. I think you are using Mii C! LOVE your blog! Great give away! My email is judywitbeck (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. I’m guessing C. Very cute.

  12. I vote G! And, woman…it’s hard to find photos of you on your blog with a closeup of what color your eyes are that are too hard to focus on you in the photo when Bo Duke aka John Schneider is in the same photo!!! Plus, I couldn’t see a beauty mark in the photo..

  13. gonna go with C…!

  14. OMG! What a giveaway!! I’ll say G. I’m crossing my fingers. And my toes… and my eyes….. Thanks for the chance.


  15. Love this IDEA! I pick “c”


  16. I’m guessing C. I’m dying for a Wii, so thanks for the opportunity to win one!

    ~ AndiK

  17. I’m going to guess c!

  18. I’m goin with letter C!

    And the cupcakes are freakin adorable!!

  19. These are incredible and inspiring! Note to self: must host wii party (pending win).

    I pick C.

  20. G please!

  21. Ooo, I think.. B!

  22. B is my guess…those big green eyes and wonderful red hair! What a great combo.


  23. I pick D. Too cute!

  24. They are all cute but I pick C as your Mii. Happy Wii-ing.

  25. Cupcake “C” is the loveliest of them all. That’d be my guess. :)

  26. I think you’re “C”!

  27. I think C. Love the idea– these girls are too cute!

  28. C. Most definitely you! :) These all look so perfect!


  29. C ! She looks the most like you :)

  30. I think you’re F!

  31. Max and Amanda choose wii “A”
    Thanks for putting on such a fun giveaway, my son loves your cupcakes!

  32. I think your Mii is C!!! So cute…these might be my husbands favorite!


  33. I vote for C!! Pick Mii!! ;)

  34. Wow those are cool!!

    I pick H

  35. I guess B – Those cupcakes are so cool!!

  36. I’m going to guess “H”

    And yes, the wii fit is fun. My mom has one. There are a number of different games you can do, and there are some that you unlock the more you exercise. Beats riding the ol’ stationary bike. :)

    Love the cupcakes… my son is having a Wii Mario Kart birthday next month, I might need to add some Mii’s to the mix of Mario and Luigi. Thanks!

    my email (w/ hopes that I win) foxyfoxfamily at gmail dot com

  37. Congratulations about all the magazine ads! Your site inspired me to think cupcakes for my son’ upcoming wedding … too bad you are so far away!!!
    I will pick C —

  38. I will say G. I love your work!

  39. Definitely C!

  40. I vote D. The Wii is a blast!

  41. I’m gonna go with “D”.

  42. I pick C.

    All the cupcakes are cute, though!

  43. Its either C or G, but Ill go with C…. I hope!

  44. I’m going to say G!

  45. I pick C!!

  46. I’m thinkin’ D

  47. can i pick c? from your appearance with martha? they are all adorable…congrats on the press too! and you are from georgia too?!

    spchace@ bellsouth dot net

  48. definitely cupcake C…check out those lovely eyes!

  49. It has to be D. Super cute! I hope I win!!! meloniew a t g m a i l d o t c o m

  50. I do believe it’s C!

    You did a great job on those cupcakes! The look just like Miis!

  51. G! And these Miis are awesome!

  52. I think “H” is it (I love the mole!).

  53. I pick G! That must have been a lot of work!!

  54. I choose C! What an awesome giveaway!!

  55. I’m voting H, because I have the same mole.

  56. D looks like she’s trying to decide which cupcake to eat.

  57. I pick D!

  58. I think it’s the little redhead D.

  59. I’m gonna say you’re H. Totally adorable by the way!!

    ~ Alison
    gandapacker @ hotmail. com

  60. I’m going to have to say, “B”…

  61. I’m going to guess ‘D’ I hope I win, the Wii would be so fun!

  62. So cute! I wish I had a Mii cupcake of, well, me! As for you, I think you are C.

    Oh and I think I personaly am a hybrid of B and D, but that’s nether here nor there. lol


  63. I am thinking H :)

  64. Thumbs up again!!!

    How do I do these faces on cupcakes? They look Bafulous… I am sure they taste even better.

    How do I use fondant on these? Please give me some of your expert tips?

    Also when I whip buttercreme up, I use Wilton gel for the coloring but I never get the bright colors that I see even after adding lots of it color. Do I have to add another color before I get it right? Please help.

    Many Thanks


  65. Those are awesome. I pick Wii C since she looks the most like me.

  66. Awesome giveaway! I think C is the one!

  67. F!!

  68. I pick C!
    marie (at)

  69. I say G because I picture you as a teeth smiler.

  70. OMG, I love love love your blog, it is one of the ones I check in daily!
    I think you use D!!

    PS LOVE the cupcakes, wish i was as talented!

  71. I think it’s C. Looking foward to seeing your cupcakes in the pages of Living…

  72. mmmm. C is pretty, and H looks like me…so C is my guess. :)

  73. Wii think C too!

  74. Wow, those are cool. I pick H.

  75. My vote is for C! They are amazing!!!

  76. My guess is C.
    I love them!

  77. I guess D! And I would LOVE a Wii!

  78. H- the only Mii who looks like there is any intellegance to the eyes!

  79. C, definitely C- I like it when mii’s look like the real person. She’s so cute!

  80. How is it that I read your blog and have no idea what you look like?! Argh!

    I’m guessing B…


  81. H! Those cupcakes are adorable!

  82. Oh so cool (like everything else you make)!

    I’m going with H- and it even looks somewhat like me, too!

  83. I’m going for B. The cupcakes are adorable!

  84. I would say D because of her lips! Your cupcakes are awesome!

  85. I’ve gotta go with C.

    e-mail is

  86. I pick C!

  87. i pick “c”!

  88. Well, C looks like you, so that’s my guess. :)

  89. D, for sure!

  90. ~D~ My 3 yr old beats me at almost every game on the Wii…

  91. I’m guessing “D”. Love the cupcakes!

  92. I pick… D!

    This is such a cute idea and you did a great job decorating the cupcakes!

  93. I would have to say “B” is you!!! They are all cute. Just for the record, I look like 2 or 3 of them combined!!! Thanks and I love your site! Debbie

  94. G maybe? I just love your blog and your photos are AMAZING!!!

  95. I’m going to say E. Great cupcakes by the way! Thanks:)

  96. I choose D!! Fun giveaway

  97. C. Love the cupcakes! My email is

  98. I think H! Oh,I hope they pick mii! pick mii pick mii!

  99. Wow! What a giveaway. I have no idea really but I’ll go with C. I think I’m about the only other person on this Earth that doesn’t have a Wii so I would be so excited to win. I would love to get the Wii fit.

    Your cupcakes are wonderful btw. I’m glad to hear how the receipe from Martha was too. I’ll give it a try now.


  100. I think you’re “H!”

  101. I’ve been a fan of your work for some time now and I have to say that you are VERY TALENTED! I LOVE these cupcakes so much that they’re too cute to eat! I think your Mii is letter “C.” Keep on baking and I will keep on adoring your delicious work! : )

  102. You are “G”. I’m just sure of it!

  103. i think it’s B ! for Bakarella….:D

  104. I’m going with C. It’s way too cute not to be someone!

  105. i’m thinking “b” – tho, all of them are fantastic!

  106. C…beautiful work!!

  107. I think H is your Mii! :)

  108. I’m going with D. She looks ‘sassy’. Not that you are sassy, well maybe you are-I don’t know. But I would want to be D if I had a Wii.

    And oh my gosh, those cupcakes are unbelievable!

  109. Definately D… perky like you! And you are far too generous, we thank you.

  110. I think the Mii that you use is letter D. (my favorite is A though)

    Those are all so cute cupcakes, you’re very talented! Thank you for the very generous and fun giveaway!

  111. I have to go with “E” It’s the prettiest out of them all I think.

    Nice cupcakes too! *drools*

  112. Super cute!

    I’m gonna go with with C – just cuz C looks like mii.

  113. C! Love the cupcakes.

  114. definitely B!

  115. I think it’s F. I hope I win-the 24th is my b-day! What a great present that would be!

  116. I’m guessing H.
    I think I’m right, I hope I’m right.
    Thank you for this opportunity, I’m so excited!

  117. They are so adorable. You are Letter H!

  118. How adorable are these Miis? I have to go with G. Love the smile :)

  119. My guess is for C!

  120. Going with A.

  121. I think “A”… My son wants a Wii party for his now!!! : )

  122. I choose D

    Your cupcakes never cease to amaze!

    I wanna win I wanna win I wanna win!

  123. It has got to be ‘G’!
    Go Mii!

  124. I think you are G!


  125. I’m a nerdy engineer. Here’s why: I actually made an excel spreadsheet to see how many of your commenters voted for each Mii. In case you’re curious, here’s the breakdown (after 829 commenters – there’s no way I’m waiting until Saturday to do this):

    A – 15
    B – 60
    C – 400
    D – 124
    E – 8
    F – 7
    G – 89
    H – 126

    I’ll go with popular opinion and say C, but I have to admit that I’ll probably give the Wii to charity if I win – I love being active, and video games are just another reason to stay in the house.

  126. I think its D!

  127. C sure looks like a Bakerella to me

  128. It’s G! Is it G? IT’S G!!!

    (Maybe :P)


  129. I’m going to have to go with B

  130. I pick B , great job on the cupcakes.

  131. C! You are so talented!

  132. I’m going to have to go with B

  133. i think you would be “B” just guessing. very pretty.

  134. It’s definately C. Great contest!

  135. My guess is C. Super cute, BTW!


  136. Hmmm… I’m guessing “c.” And what unbelievable cupcakes! Yum!

  137. I guess “D”.

    Awesome cupcakes (as usual) btw.

  138. I think its D becuase of the cute puckered lips.

  139. i say…C!

  140. I’m trying to remember what you looked like on the Martha Stewart show; I think ‘C’ is the one.
    The cupcakes are adorable; they actually look like little Mii’s!

  141. I’m guessing you use H! Clever game! And very generous of you!!! :o) Kathy

  142. I think it is ‘C’ !

  143. I pick C! Those cupcakes are awesome. I would totally recommend the Wii Fit. It is TONS of fun! My kids love it too.

  144. I think C. BTW, I love, love your blog and have your Martha Pops as my wallpaper on my work pc
    email is

  145. I pick “C”, he blonde hair and the side swept bangs are you! All of your Miis are so cute!

  146. C Please! I hope to be you some day!!! You amaze me!

  147. I’ll guess B – that one has a distinct character that jumps out at mii.

  148. Oooo I am going to guess C!

  149. I think you’re G, because G has the best smile – like you! (

  150. I will say D! Great job!

  151. These are cute! I think it’s A!

  152. I’m going with D!

  153. I think it’s D!

  154. C!

    You should definitely get Wii Fit. It is the most exercise I’ve gotten in a long time since its actually fun.

  155. My guess is B.

  156. I pick H!

  157. So freaking adorable as usual Angie! I am gonna guess “C”. I don’t have a Wii fit but it seems like everyone and their mama has one. I’ve been to Wii parties and they are loads of fun. Imagine trying to play a balance game if you’ve had a couple drinks. Its hilarious! Needless to say the computer made us feel bad. HAHA. Awesome giveaway! I hope I win!
    Clara @ iheartcuppycakes!

  158. I’ll guess “C”.
    Those cupcakes look great!!

  159. I would have to say C…C definitely looks like a Bakerella.

  160. I think is H :D

  161. you’re wii mii is H! super cute!

  162. I’m picking C. Very fun, Thanks Bakerella!

  163. I’m bouncing between 2, but I am going to say… C!

  164. D I think….

  165. I think I will go with B even though she doesn’t look like you, because she is very cute and we know you love cute things!

  166. I say letter C.

  167. C — good job!

  168. it’s Cii!!!:)

  169. I think you are C! :) She is a cutie :P

  170. I think your mii is G.
    Leah in Savannah GA

  171. I was the same way. I did not want the Wii in my house, but when we got it we have had a blast!
    I’m voting for H! Thanks for being so creative and brave to try new things.

  172. I think you are G because I didn’t see the birthmark when you were on Martha.

    G for “Great Cakes, I Might Win a Wii!”

  173. Im saying “C” I dont know though how cool r these cupcakes!

  174. I think you use “G”! And WOW — you sure are talented with those! SO CUTE! And yes, I would for SURE recommend the Wii Fit — I got it for Christmas, and I’ve “worked out” on it every day since — it makes it actually FUN! And I’ve actually lost 5 lbs!! :) So worth it!! Maybe now I can go eat some cupcakes of my own…. :)

  175. So easy, you are C for sure!

  176. OH!! It has to be C!!!

    Donna @ The Southern Sass

  177. C? Something tells me that is too easy, but it looks like the beautiful Bakerella to me!

  178. I pick “G”
    :)Fab job on ALL the miis!

  179. These cupcakes are adorable! I think it is C!

  180. i pick “C”!

  181. I pick “C”…

    Ooo those cupcakes are too cool!

    But I imagine only US residents can win this competition and the Wii. =(

  182. I’m guessing C. Here’s hoping!

  183. You’re G right?
    …with a cute haircut!
    I always love your posts, thanks!

  184. C! Those cupcakes are adorable – you’re so talented!!

  185. I choose D! Cute as a button, so it’s gotta be you!

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