
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. C!!!! These cupcakes are sooo cute!!!

  2. D! How nice of you to do such a great give a way!

  3. They are all so darling! I pick C, pliise! :)

    Thank you!

  4. C looks like you a lot – I pick C!

    These are adorable – If I send you a pic of me, could you do a Mii of me? That would be a cool prize for a future post!

    Love your blog, it’s so cute!


  5. Wow, these are so cool! I am going to guess C!

  6. I’m guessing H. I love your concept for this contest!

  7. I pick D. She’s adorable.

  8. I pick C!

  9. I choose “C” and super cute!! and yes I recommend it!!

  10. I pick C

  11. I’m going with H. And they are SO cute!

  12. How fun! I think you’re C

  13. C for sure! I saw that pic with John Schneider!

  14. I’m going for H!!!

  15. I pick H! Darn cute cupcakes!

  16. I pick C!

    Great job on the cupcakes…they look exactly like the Mii character features!

  17. Hi Bakerella,

    I choose C! Your cupcakes are so adorable. I envy your skills!

    My email address is:



  18. My vote is C.

    Those cupcakes are just too cute! My kids love making Mii’s! Which is kind of cool when you do the Wii Fit….Its exciting to see who I’m walking with….Gene Simmons, Obama, various Jonas Brothers, even the Burger King Guy! It makes the workout much more fun!!!!

    They would adore those cupcakes! I wish I could do that!

  19. is it G? i hope it’s G, ’cause it’s the cutest.

  20. I’m guessing B

  21. I pick C. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. I think you look like C:)

  23. I think C these cupcakes rock!

  24. I think H
    Love my wii…ought to play it more!

  25. That is so cool, I think “C”

    contact me at

  26. I think is D.

  27. D! not sure if my comment went through the first time

  28. Absolutley D! You look so sweet I could eat you up!


  29. Rick:
    I think you’re C
    You can contact me at:

  30. Oh, how fun! I think “C” seems to suit you quite well! So, I’m going with “C.” Final Answer. LOL! I love these cupcakes! I want to make some with our Mii’s on them now! LOL!

  31. G, thanks!

  32. I pick “D” she adorable lol (:

  33. I think I voted on the wrong comment thing before. I vote C. I love the cupcakes, they look fabulous.

  34. I would have to say C!!! Thanks Bakerella!!! xoxo

  35. My choice is “C” :)

    And WiiFit is fun! A friend has one, and we spent a couple of hours playing with it last week. The balance games and skiing games are a blast. Enjoy! :)

  36. I pick H?!

  37. I think ‘C’, but since you can have any alter ego you want in the Wii – who knows? Mii? I’d go goth every once in awhile, just for the fun of it!

  38. I’ll have to go with D, but could be the B too. Hmm. Lovely cupcakes, and sure gotta love that Wii! :)

  39. I choose C!

    This is my first post… I love your blog. It is very inspiring. :)

  40. I’m going with ‘C’

    The cupcakes are so cute and match the Mii’s so well! Way to go!

  41. Hmmm, I’m going to guess E. No clue why. Just a guess. But I really want a Wii.

  42. Hi, Don’t enter me in the contest, I already have a Wii. I just wanted to comment on the Wii Fit. I have one and love it. If you do the exercises and not just play with it, you get a pretty good workout. I started using it two weeks ago and have lost over five pounds. So… I highly recommend the Wii Fit. :-)

    Oh and your cupcake skills ROCK!!!


  43. my guess is G. :) Love the cupcakes! You’re so artistic! My hubby has been wanting a game system for a long time and I finally decided he could get a Wii (only because I want it too, hehe). We’re waiting for our tax refund before we buy one… maybe we can win it instead! :)

  44. I say G! What a fun giveaway! Thank you :)

  45. I think it’s D!!! :) :) :) They all look awesome by the way! :0

  46. My guess is C. The Wii is fun-at least the bowling, that’s the only game I’ve played. High score of 217! Wow!Awesome cupcakes–can’t wait for the cookbook! ;)

  47. I’m going with D but picture you much blonder! Wii Fit is a blast…wait until you see someone do the hula hoop.

  48. I choose C! These are adorable cupcakes – what a terrific idea. Your work is inspiring!! Thanks for sharing your awesome talents.

    Sparkle Girl

  49. H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. I’m guessing “C”

  51. I pick A! Contact me @

  52. I think “B”. She is really cute.

  53. I’m going to go with ‘B’, please.

    I absolutely LOVE your blog – so many great ideas! Thanks!


  54. I vote ‘C’

    Cute contest!

  55. Lori said:
    I think you’re “H”!
    You can contact me at:

  56. I pick C! I want a cupcake though! Boo! Hee hee.

  57. I’m between c and d…but I’m going to go with C!

    Wii Fit is amazing! You actually feel sore after using some of the programs.

  58. I’m going to go with ‘B’, please.

    I absolutely LOVE your blog, by the way! Fantastic!


  59. Cin say “C”, but they are all so very cute…..

  60. I pick H – she looks the nicest :)

  61. G! I choose G :)

  62. You are C!!!!!

    OOH!! Hope I win! FUN!

    Mrs. U

  63. I thin you look most like C but I am going to guess you have always wanted to be a red head – and I pick B!

  64. Girl, you absolutely amaze Mii!!! Your cupcakes are too stinkin cute! I think that “D” is the winner!


  65. I don’t know about you, but my favorite is D
    You can contact me at vianey32(at)gmail(dot)com

    Hugs, Oriana

  66. I think C. These are some of the cutest things I have ever seen! Love it!

  67. I pick A! Contact me @

  68. I pick D. Love the pursed lips!

  69. C

    awesom cupcakes!:D

  70. I pick H!

  71. I guess E just for the heck of it. Seeing as I have never seen you and have no idea this is a total guess.

    As far as the Fit goes- we just opened ours New Years Day, it has some fun games and can mearsure your weight, bmi, and track weight etc, I have not used it a ton but the games are pretty fun so far.

  72. I think its C.

  73. I pick D! her freckles are way too cute not to use. :)

  74. I think the C picture looks like you on Martha. Love your pictures!

  75. I think B!! I just recently found your blog, super cute!! Thanks for the awesome ideas.

  76. I pick “D”!!!
    the cupcakes look just like the miis in the picture!!! Great job!!!

  77. I will go with B

  78. I know I should pick one of the blondes but I am going with H, she looks so friendly. :)

  79. I think “d” and also pick me!


  80. My guess is C! although I really have no clue.

  81. ‘H’…cute and sweet! Amazing cupcakes :-)

  82. I’d go with C

  83. Oh how cute! It’s got to be D!!


  84. I recently found your blog through a scrapbook website and knew I had to check it out. You are so creative. This is an awesome site. I think you are Cii.

  85. I think its D!!!


  86. I think C, although G is a close 2nd. These cupcakes are unbelievable and everything you do is a-ma-zing!!!

  87. I think it’s “G”…cute blog and cuter cupcakes:)

  88. E for sure!

  89. I think it’s G.

    I love this idea. How fun.

  90. I’ve pictured you as Mii, Letter C. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!

  91. I’ll choose “C”. By the way, these cupcakes are gorgeous!! You’ve got magic hands!

  92. I think ‘B’. She is very Mod.

  93. B! I finally played wii for the first time Friday night and I’m addicted. I didn’t want a wii until I played the wii fit. My wii fit age is 42!

  94. I think you are the C Mii! So cute! I would love a Wii!

  95. I have to say D. Sweet and Sassy all in one.

  96. I believe it is C. Thanks!

  97. I choose “H!”

  98. I would guess H.

  99. I’m going to guess “C” but they are all so cute!


  100. D! How fun!

  101. I guess “C”!

  102. I’m guessing C! Very, very cute! Kristine

  103. I pick H, very cute!

  104. I’m gonna saaaaaaaaaaay H! :)

  105. OH I would LOVE To win a wii!! I pick B and I hope you pick mii!

  106. Ooooh, how cute! Miis are addicting. I pick D – too adorable.

    I highly suggest the fit – it’s not going to be the best workout ever due to down time between games, but it’s a blast and can actually make you work up a sweat! Besides, how cute would your Miis be dressed as penguins??? FYI, that’s one of the Fit games. You become a penguin and catch fish. :)

  107. I pick C! I love the cupcakes.

  108. I’m gonna go with C!

  109. I’m going to guess it’s B?!? hmmmm…

  110. I believe you are C!

  111. I’ll say that “C” is your Mii. ;) These are SSOOOO adorable! We love wii. I showed your cupcakes to my girls, and they thought they were the “coolest ever”! Your work is so beautiful.

  112. C, please.

  113. Hmmm, this is tough. I’m going to say “G” because of the smile.

  114. I think C :)

    sgrudzien at att dot net (no spaces)

  115. How did you know that I’ve been wanting a Wii? I just found your blog and have made three of your recipes – and gained five lbs.! Thanks, I guess. I pick “C”.

  116. Thankyou so much for the generous giveaway.. WOW !!
    I’m going to go with ‘C’ I think for sure that’s your Mii.
    Super cute cupcakes.

    sperryforlife AT comcast DOT net

  117. I think C! :) And Wii fit is totally fun- I played it this weekend at a friends house and loved it! Almost as much as I love your cupcakes!


  118. I pick “B”

  119. I am going to say B just because she is adorable.

  120. Ok, c, of course!!

    Wish me luck, I’m kinda far down in the comments!

  121. I’m thinking H … the character looks the most pleasant.

  122. “G” is my pick. I have never played Wii but have heard it is a blast! Congratulations on being in the other magazines. How cool.

  123. Your cupcakes have such whimsey – it must be H!

  124. I think H!


  125. i think it is D. absolutely adorable cupcakes.

  126. I think you are C. . . .because it is the prettiest one on there!

  127. G has a great smile, that is my pick. Love the cupcakes. I may have to do some for my grands that look like thier Mii.

  128. I think you are H! so cute!

  129. My choice is G.

  130. I’m going with G.


  131. They’re all so cute. It’s hard to choose one even the ones with the funny faces. I thought C at first because she’s so pretty, but then I saw the little pucker on D and thought that just has to be the one, so I say “D” – Final Answer! :)


  132. my first instinct is C!

    very cute cupcakes, i’m really impressed!

  133. My pick is for H. I love them all I wish I could do things like that

  134. I think you’re “H”!

  135. I’m going for E.

    Rachel S.
    Spooner, WI

  136. Well, I think I’m gonna go with B!
    As usual, the cupcakes are FANTASTIC!


  137. The Wii is so much fun, and these cupcakes are priceless. I think your Mii is C.


  138. I pick B

    So cute!

    hawkeyegirl at gmail dot com

  139. “H” Has to be the one!! And, yes, Wii bowling is fun!

  140. Is it C? When we got our Wii, my husband spent hours making Miis for everyone he knew that might end up playing with us. When our friends got their own, they liked the Miis my husband made them so much they had him send them to their Wii!

  141. I pick C.

    Now you have to buy Wario Ware for the Wii. You will love it! It’s fast paced and great for a group.


  142. I think C. I love your site… such an inspiration.

  143. I think C is your Mii!

    Thanks, Nicole C

  144. I think G! They are all too cute!

  145. I choose A!

  146. It’s D of course :-)
    I love all of your contests!
    (fingers crossed)

  147. I think you are C…btw, love your stuff..have been wanting to take a decorating class myself.

  148. D! I hope you are D… her Bakerella eyeliner is to die for!

  149. I say A. Love the cupcakes!

  150. My guess is “C”.

    jojo17 at

  151. i’m going with H. {she’s got a what could be a little smudge of frosting on by her mouth :O)}

  152. I beleive you are D, I seem to remember freckles, if not, I hope I haven’t offended… Thansk for the chance!

  153. I think it is C!

  154. I pick C

    Your creativity is never ending!

  155. I think H.

  156. I choose C

    What a great giveaway!

    I love Bakerella

  157. I was going to say C for the hair but every picture I see of you, you have this great big smile so I am going to say G . Are you sure we can’t have the cup cake too. Yum yum

  158. I think you’re C

  159. I pick D!
    My parents have a Wii Fit and it is sooo much fun!

  160. i’m going with D :) they look delicious!

    melissac22 at gmail

  161. I think it’s G!!

  162. “G” is your Mii!!!

  163. Holy Comments! I choose B…*fingers crossed*

  164. I believe your Mii is “C”. She looks just like you! :)
    Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway! I too am hooked on the bowling game, and the boxing one (although I look ridiculous trying to box with those remote control things!)

  165. I think you are H! Although part of me wanted to guess D…but I’m going with H.

  166. I think you look like letter C! :)

  167. I think Mii is “G”….??? I love your creations!

  168. It must be C! I saw you on Martha Stewart, and it’s gotta be C. Unless your Mii (Yuu?) is your Alter-Ego, which would be fun, but not really fair. And C is the sexiest option, with that little mole and everything!

  169. I remember the picture of you with John Schneider so I’m going to pick C since the hair is parted on the side. Thank you! :)

    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  170. C, you look like C.

  171. I think H! THanks!!

  172. I pick C! I love everything you have made so far. I have made the cake balls and the choc. chip cookie dough brownies….YUMMMM!!!

    k_allen319 at hotmail dot com

  173. C it is…

  174. I would say D. Those cupcakes are adorable, my kids and their would love them.

  175. They all look sooooo cute and funny, but my choice would have to be C. <('.')>

  176. Hmm… I’d have to say G… and yes, I do recommend the Wii fit, it’s a lot of fun!!!

  177. I pick G…because of her smile Helen Kane

  178. I’m guessing C– these are awesome! :)

  179. I am thinking your Mii is ‘C’. What a wonderful giveaway. I love visiting your blog.

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