
Peep Show


I bought these little guys thinking I might use them for some kind of Easter cupcakes. I mean, they are cute in a marshmallowy sugar kinda way.


And look how much cuter they are on sticks. (couldn’t resist.)


But, then as they lay in the kitchen next to my handy dandy edible ink pens, I thought about something else I could do with them. Something a little less Easter, and potentially a lot more fun.


So I grabbed my red and black pens, turned these little guys over on their tummies and went to town. Oh, and I pinched their ears, too.

Don’t laugh. I was bored.

Peeps + pens =


Pikachus or in this case … Peep-achus!

I don’t think I can ever look at Peeps the same way again.

FYI… Pikachu is part of the Pokémon franchise owned by Nintendo. They’re not something I know a whole lot about, but they were on my mind because I had just recently bought some Pokémon stuff for my friend’s daughter who has been collecting these things for awhile.


See what I mean. There are like hundreds of these strange little creatures that belong to the Pokémon family, but Pikachu is the only one I know of by name and as you can see, pretty conducive to a Peep makeover. I couldn’t wait to surprise her with them.


She squealed when they saw them and her little brother was pretty excited, too. Just seeing them smile makes me happy. Totally worth it.

Okay, so I mentioned Nintendo earlier for a reason. Have any of you ever played the Nintendo DS? Because my niece got one for Christmas along with the Super Mario Bros. game and I have become a-d-d-d-ddddicted to it. She’ll come over to stay sometimes and when I pick her up, I’m like… “Sweetie, do you want to bring your Nintendo?” and “Don’t forget the charger.” (Insert evil laugh)


We’ll sit on the sofa together and take turns. Well, she usually gets 10 turns to my one. Then, when I do get a turn, I usually die right away. But she, graciously offers to help … by taking it away from me … to show me what I did wrong! Then I wait another ten turns before I get another go. I should just buy one for myself, but, i’m scared to own it. I definitely wouldn’t get much done until I could finish World 8. Besides, it’s too much fun when we play together. Well, when I watch her play. :)

Anyway, you guys can see what I mean because I’m giving away one of these players! Yippee! (Super Mario Bros. not included.) Thank me later.

Not only am I giving one away, but I’m giving away the BRAND NEW Nintendo DSi. It was released TODAY! Lucky.

Music Capability.
Photo capability.
Bigger screen.
Basically, awesome!

Want one? All you have to do is identify my friend’s daughter’s five favorite Pokémon by name.


Just kidding. Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.

To enter for a chance to win the Nintendo DSi:

  • Leave a comment to this post with your favorite easter candy obsession.
    (Cadbury eggs? Reese’s? Peeps? Jelly Beans? Chocolate Bunnies… hollow or solid? Whatever!)
  • Make sure to leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win. (Either email or blog link.)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 pm (timestamped by the comment entry). The winner* will be announced sometime Tuesday evening and announced on this post.

*One winner will be selected at random using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Holy Peeps! I cannot believe how many entries there were for this giveaway. It so makes me wish I had more Nintendos to give away. But, alas, I only have one. A brand new bright blue one for one luck winner. And that person is ………

Comment #4,837

Congrats Cindy. Your wish is my command.

And everyone else, thanks for sharing your Easter candy obsession. By the way…What’s up with the stale Peeps. I’m outta the loop on that one. Guess I’ll have to try it.

Oh yeah, the Pokemons in order are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario. Thanks dj, Cake Believe, Alyssa, Wendy, Vanessa, Chris, Shutterbugs, Heather, The Pike Family, Shawnee, jenny, talda, suedaisy, talei, Loralie and the rest of you that know way too much about Pokémon for clearing that up for me.

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6,030 comments on “Peep Show”

  1. Kinder eggs from Germany are one of my absolute favotites! I can’t always find them but when I do I splurge and buy a few for my boys. They like them as much as I did as a child.
    I just love your blog! You have the neatest ideas and giveaways!!

  2. Dove Milk Chocolate Eggs for me, I also love stale peeps. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I have to say my favorite Easter candy is mini cadbury eggs,however the new bumpy nerd eggs are also really yummy.

    On a side note my 7 year old son is now crazy about your peepachus,and wanted to give you the names of the pokemon.
    So left to right Mewtwo,sheildon,Glameow,Mew,Lucario. If I am a winner

  4. I love those chocolate covered marshmallow eggs!! And cheap jelly beans. I don’t want those fancy pants jelly bellies or Starburst, just the plain old regular kind that they only have at Easter.

    I’m making my first cakepops for Easter dinner. I have a whole plastic container full of sticks and melts and other really good things, and I can’t wait to try them out!!

  5. chocolate any and all chocolate

  6. I love cadbury cream eggs! And jiggly puff is my favorite pokemon :)

    Cguss at

  7. By far my fave is the Reeses Peanut Butter eggs! White chocolate ones are even better yum!

  8. Those are adorable!

    My fave Easter candy is the Cadbury Mini Eggs… you know, the solid milk chocolate in a crunchy sugary shell…. ooohh…. I’m just glad they’re only available once a year!

  9. I only knew Mew, Mewto and Lucario. Good thing I already have my DSi!!!

    Those pokemon peeps are beyond adorable. I’m going to have to try that for my coworker’s kids.

  10. After seeing this adorable post, I can’t think of anything besides PEEPS!

  11. My favorite Easter candy is the mini speckled robin eggs. I do love the hollow bunnies too. You are the most creative baker ever. Thanks for all of the great ideas for kids.

  12. Love the Pikachu Peeps! Reese PB Eggs are my fave.

  13. Oh, my favorite is Robin’s Eggs! I’ll eat a whole bag in no time if I buy them (which I’m really trying hard not to do this year!)

  14. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs are my favorite also. It has the right amount of peanut butter to chocolate ratio!

  15. I love love love Lindt Chocolate bunnies!
    with the bells though! silly american regulations not allowing them anymore :(

  16. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs.. Mmmm my favorite!! So glad they make them for valentine’s, Halloween, and Christmas too now!

  17. I’m addicted to Cadbury eggs. I just ran out of ’em the other day. :( I better go get more…

  18. Okay….I think Easter candy is more of a favorite of mine then Christmas candy….. my absolute favorite is the Cadbury Cream Eggs (however, they have changed the formula in the middle so it doesn’t run down your arm when you eat them – I do miss that part). Then a close 2nd would be black jelly beans. And a close 3rd would be Starburst jelly beans. I do have many other favorites, but I will have to keep this list short. Thanks for all the fun you bring into your blog!!

  19. My favorite are the Cadbury eggs!

  20. My favorite Easter candy is Hershey’s solid milk chocolate eggs! Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Definitely Cadbury Cream Eggs. It doesn’t get any better.

  22. My easter candy obsession in years past was Cadbury mini-eggs. This year, it is Reeses Pieces Pastel Eggs . . . too good!!


  23. Esther Price chocolate covered marshmallow eggs….

  24. Ooohh..definitely Cadbury eggs…and not the mini ones…the BIG ones!

  25. I have a weakness for Peeps and Cadbury Mini Eggs – I love Spring mostly because of the fun candy!

  26. I LOVE the malted milk eggs! I’ve already had to buy more cause I ate the first bag I got for the baskets :)

    Hope I win this awesome prize!!!

  27. CADBURY EGGS! They used to only come out at EAster, so my family would go nuts. I had 7 siblings, so my parents would buy a couple big bags, and split them up one by one between the 10 of us (10 includes my parents!). Of course, that was never enough, so we usually would buy more. Anyway, thanks for the chance to win! My blog is…
    my email is…


  28. I love Reese’s Pieces and at Easter they get wrapped up in a little carrot bag. I can’t resist the carrot bag. I’ve also become a huge fan of the caramel Cadbury Eggs.

    courtpaige at gmail dot com

    Let me add that I am so excited about this giveaway. I’ve been trying to talk my husband into getting me a DS for months

  29. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Reese peanut butter eggs! It’s the perfect ratio of chocolate to peanut butter.

    I also love Cadbury eggs but can only handle one bite a year. :)

  30. I have a thing for the Reese’s eggs. They’re always so much better this time of year than any other time.

  31. Russell Stover chocolate bunny! Part love of the candy and part nostalgia… my mom put one in my basket every year.

  32. Cadbury mini-eggs – I practically inhale a bag of them the minute I see them in the store! :)

  33. Mmm…I love peeps! but I also love Jelly Belly jelly beans. My grandmother sends me a box every year.


  34. I had an “antique” Nintendo when we first got married, 15years ago, and I played that thing night and day. My Husband had already beat the game but I would make it all the way to the last level and die at the very, very end. Urrrgh!
    Oh, sorry….fav Easter candy has to be Starburst Jelly Beans. Duh Best Ü

  35. Cadbury Mini Eggs! Last year I bought the Sam’s Club bags:) and over time ate one whole bag by myself:( Now I buy the small ones and DO NOT even taste them, cuz if I do I’m a goner!!

  36. My favorite easter candy would definitely be a tossup between Reese’s cups and cadbury eggs, both of which I’ve been unable to find here in Spain…

  37. White Chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate…heck, ANYTHING chocolate!

    Happy Easter!

  38. Mmm…Reese’s peanut butter eggs…my not-so-secret addiction.

  39. I don’t like regular snickers bars, but I adore those little snicker eggs!

  40. aww, i could totally name all those if my nephew left his pokemon book here! haha! (yes, the ds can be very addicting and the sad part is my 4 and 7 yr old nephews can play much better than me!!)
    my favorite addiction is jelly beans, but they have to be starburst ones!! (although i wouldn’t turn down jelly belly’s or jolly rancher ones! but def not a fan of those big cheapy ones!) my second favorite are the cadbury mini eggs!

  41. Cadbury mini eggs for me!!!! Thanks!!

  42. Peeps, definitely Peeps. And now maybe Peepachus. =)

  43. I love peeps! I am going to use them to make smores in a jar later today.

  44. Definetely Reese's peanut butter eggs! you can't beat anything chocolate & peanut butter together and there's more PB than the regular cups.

  45. I have a 6 and 7 year old that are BOTH in love with Pokeman. Even my 2 year old knows the names of many of them. They would love a new DS, they fight over the one they have, so my fave treat at easter is Peeps….stale ones! And cadbury eggs back when the filling was runny instead of the thick gob it is now. Yum! thanks for the giveaway!

  46. Anything shaped like a chicken!

  47. Those Pokemon Peeps are adorable! My favorite Easter treat is Cadbury Creme Eggs. I can’t get enough of them.

    sbahrendsen at hotmail dot com

  48. Oh boy, I think you have your work cut out for you here! I LOVE your Peepachus!!! I will so have to make those for middos. (Despite the fact that I’m not a Peep-lovin-mama and Pokemon is depeleting our bank account!)

    Hands down favorite easter candy Candbury mini eggs… in my book there is no other!!

  49. I love jelly beans and the sweet hearts "duck & eggs." Yummy!!!

  50. Sees Candies used to make Rocky Road filled chocolate Easter Eggs…. mmmmmmm such a chocolate rush to break that hard chocolate shell to find more chocolate, but mixed with marshmallows & nuts….. yum!

  51. I have to say Kinder eggs are my favorite. Chocolate on the outside, white chocolate on the inside plus a surprise!

  52. Easter Sweet Tarts or Easter Runts

  53. White chocolate lambs and peeps!!!!

  54. Reese’s peanut butter eggs by FAR. I also like jelly beans.

  55. Wow! What a prize! My favorite Easter treat is jelly beans… this year, the Nerds bumpy kind… they’re a little crunchy and sour and I’ve already been through a couple of bags this year! Hee!

  56. I love those Cadbury mini eggs. When I was pregnant with my first I swear those eggs alone added ten pounds!!!!

  57. I love Cadbury eggs, takes me back to younger days. I just found your blog and I am addicted. I have gone back and read all of the older posts. I love photography and baking, perfect!!

  58. Wow! That’s a lot of comments. I have two favorite Easter candies. #1 is Peeps. I don’t want them for any other holiday, except Easter. #2 is Cadbury Mini Eggs. mmmmm….smooth chocolate under a hard candy shell. Delish!

  59. Those special pastel colored M&Ms. I know they don't taste any different, but I love the colors anyway.

  60. reese peanut butter cups! so boring i know but i love them!

  61. woowzers….awesome blog candy goodness….

    Cadbury eggs are my absolute fav! Yum, Yum, Yum….

    Thanks for a chance to win!

  62. My fave easter candy would have to be jelly beans but they need to be the Starburst ones and if I cant get those Ill take a robin egg.

    Those peeps rock. My boys LOVE pokemon.

  63. What a cool giveaway!

    My favorite Easter candy is the classic Cadbury Creme Egg (and don’t try to give me one of those other kinds…but the caramel one IS good smashed up and mixed into brownies). I recently heard that in the UK, McDonald’s has a creme egg flurry. Let’s think about what THAT would do to my hips!!

  64. My obsession is Gold Brick Eggs! Great also melted and over ice cream!

  65. Ok I have a few easter candies that I look forward to every year. First and my FAVORITE is the Cadbury Egg (frozen, yummy!), second is the Reese's Peanut butter Egg (for some reason SO much better than a normal PB cup), Third is orange jelly beans (I love the flavor & I only eat them around easter, and last but not least are of course Peeps (I really like the chick peeps becasue I feel bad when I bit a bunny's ear off. Weird, I know)

  66. I always looked forward to biting off the ears of the chocolate bunny!–yum!

  67. Ooh, so many yummy choices….Peeps, Cadbury eggs, or mini eggs…..must go with Peeps!!!!

  68. I will do anything for a dark chocolate covered buttercream filled egg – and I mean anything. My mother recently stole, umm ‘borrowed’ my daughter’s DS. People and their addictions!!!! What a way cool prize, my daughter is drooling over it, since she can’t use her own!

  69. Bakerella, you have done it again! You do the neatest stuff!

    I love the Cadbury mini eggs…the one with the delicious hard shell!!

    Keep dreaming up those neat ideas…
    Kelly W.

  70. Let me see, CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE and then maybe some CHOCOLATE!

  71. Chocolate Fudge Eggs – gooey chocolatey eggs of pure pleasure…they make Easter my favourite holiday by far.

  72. Thanks to you, my new favorite Easter treat are cake pops!!

    Yummy and sooo sooo cute!

    Leigh :)

  73. For me, it’s the traditional chocolate bunny from the local candy store. Hollow – it’s less chocolate, but it;s easier to eat.

  74. I love Cadbury cream eggs! I really want one now, but I think I will stick to my diet this time.

  75. OMG! My girls were begging me to get them one just this past weekend. They all have the older one but its not cool anymore! LOL. My favorite easter candy is the mini Robin’s eggs. I’ve always loved them! Thanks!

  76. Definitely Cadbury Eggs for me!! My husband likes the Peeps – but they have to be stale :-) Love your blog so so much!!!

  77. Aww, how clever and completey adorable!

    My favorite Easter candy would have to be Reese’s peanut butter eggs. You also can’t go wrong with a chocolate bunny. Mmmm!

    purplepinkadots (at) yahoo (dot) com

  78. Mmm….Cadbury Caramel eggs!

    I made a Cake Pop-for-Dummies display for an easter party this weekend – they were a hit! Thanks for the ideas – please keep them coming :-)

  79. Reeses eggs all the way! Oh, those are sooo good.

  80. I love the Milky Way eggs. I love anything with caramel. Those Peepachu pops are AWESOME – you are AMAZING!

  81. Whoa! How cool! I looooooove Peeps. But Cadburry Eggs have to be the best, the caramel ones are Heaven! Yummmmmmm.

  82. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs! I don’t know why they taste sooo good in the shape of an egg! I can’t stop buyign them this year.

  83. Oh my gosh…I’ve been wanting this for MYSELF!! and I want to hide it from everyone in my house and just use it for MYSELF!!

    ok so my favorite? peeps- hands down. Can eat one box in a seating.

  84. OMG this is soo cute! Do you think it’s possible that you can make one of the pops out of a bee? I have been trying to think real hard and being creative to make one, but to no avail!!! Any ideas would be great!!

  85. I think chocolate covered marshmallow eggs qualify as an obsession. Particularly the ones with dark chocolate.

  86. haha I was so going to get my son’s to identify them. But my favorite easter candy is a cookie they sell over here in the grocery store, with a thick swirl of royal icing on it (yellow of course) and easter colored sprinkles. And i don’t even eat cookies without chocolate so i can honestly say it’s an obsession.

  87. those are totally cute! my favorite easter candy is those giant chocolate bunnies. solid, not hollow!

    d_crowley at :)

  88. ohm ny favorite are the cadbury eggs! my fiance lives in england and since you only get them here at easter, he would send me them from england all year round!

    (ps: absolutly love your blog and i have gotten my culinary students at the art institute of cincinnati addicted as well!)


  89. Dove Promises and Reeses Eggs were always my favorite in my easter basket!

  90. Jelly beans = the greatest!

  91. Mmmmm….local churches make homemade peanut butter eggs and coconut eggs. Delicious and guilt free for supporting a good cause!

  92. mmmm I love Reese’s easter eggs more than anything! They are so much better than the normal Reese’s- I think it’s the ratio of peanut butter to chocolate.

  93. My favorites are malted Easter eggs and marshmellow filled bunnies. I was born without the ‘chocolate’ gene, but those two things I can handle!

  94. Wow… I HAVE to pick JUST one? Yikes… okay… my favorite Easter treat are those Cadbury eggs! Yum!

  95. I just LOVE your PEEP Idea!!! My fav Easter candy would be Cadbury Eggs and the Easter Candy Corns. Thanks so much for your wonderfull ideas!!

  96. Cadbury eggs are THE best part about Easter candy :)

  97. Cadbury mini eggs!

  98. My favourite Easter candies are Mini-Eggs, and now the new popping ones. What better way to improve candy than to make it pop in your mouth?!

    My son loves Pokemon too, and I could have named all of those little guys if need be ;)


  99. Gotta have the peeps, but I like them stale so will slit the package a few days ahead of time!

  100. My fav are the Easter Egg Malt Balls.I love your blog! Wish I could make all the really cute things that you make. Joy

  101. Reeses Peanut butter eggs. They are the best. Can’t stand peeps, eggs, or the hollow chocolate bunnies.

  102. Cadbury minieggs. Melty chocolate, yum. Like an M&M, but better chocolate.

  103. My favorite has always been the Whoppers robin eggs! Yum! I can’t believe this giveaway!

  104. Definitley jelly beans – but they must be Jelly Bellys!

  105. i am addicted to rice chocolate!! can get enough of it..or sometime the very delicious marshmallow center bunny!!!!!

  106. oh my, those miniature cadbury chocolate eggs are my ultimate weakness… they’re like crack!

  107. So cute!

    My fave is Cadbury mini eggs. Yum.

  108. I am addicted to those chocolate coconut birds nest candies — the ones with the jellybean ‘eggs’… they are not only cute but tasty!

  109. Cadbury Creme Egg, definitely. So wrong…yet so right!

  110. hollow white chocolate bunnies with the creepie eyes, lol


  111. Cadbur eggs all the way!

  112. Leading up to Easter, I can’t get enough Cadbury’s Cream Eggs. But on the actual day, I need a Mr. Crunchy bunny – chocolate, with rice crisps. Mmm. Crunchy.

  113. My favorite easter candy is the Whoppers Robin Eggs. MMMMM.

    I love all of the easter goodies you have made.

  114. CADBURY EGGS!!!! I can’t get enough! (Good thing they’re only out once a year!!)
    I’d LOVE the DSi!!!!!!!

  115. Normally it’s all about the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs for me, but this year, I am so into jelly beans. Not the plain old jelly beans, but the special flavors, like Hawaiian Punch, Mike and Ike’s, and Sour Punch Eggs. I can’t stop!!!!!

  116. cadbury eggs. mmmmm

  117. Reeses! or Cadbury eggs.

  118. Sweet-tart chicks, ducks and bunnies, mmmm

    johnsrn (@)

    without spaces and parentheses, of course

  119. Oh! I love all Easter candy, but especially just plain old chocolate eggs (the little solid ones). I’m a purist. : )

  120. Hollow chocolate Easter Bunny. It’s just not Easter without them!

  121. Cadbury Cream Eggs. OH MY! Every year I just cannot wait for easter. They’ve beenputting them out earlier and earlier each year lately. I don’t know if I’m thrilled or horrified. Exactly HOW MANY Cadbury Cream Eggs so I really need each year?

  122. I love whoppers…and anything chocolate!

  123. Cadbury eggs, hands down! April 7….yeah… daughter’s birthday. What’s really coooool about her birthday is that my husband ended up delivering her on the tile floor in our hallway. Surprise! It was the best delivery I had, which was six in all. Gotta love it! sundayrain….

  124. i love reeses peanut butter eggs!! the ds is so much fun!! if you bought one for yourself, you would be able to link up with your niece and play games together!!

  125. Goodness, there’s alot of comments!
    Anyway, I love, love, LOVE watermelon jelly bellys. Back in the day, a friend and I split a POUND of them for lunch one day!!!

    Love the peeps…so cute (but taste awful I think!)

  126. My favorite is Milky Way eggs. Yummmmm…

  127. I love those Russell Stovers chocolate coconut nests with the jellybeans in center. Yummo!

  128. Starburst Jelly Beans! I love to seperate the colors and start with my favorite color first!

  129. I love LOVE LOVE Cadbury Eggs!!!! Yum! My email is stampmaniac at gmail dot com. Thanks!!

  130. My Fav easter treat is Peeps all the way! And this year they come in MORE colors – WOOOHOOO!

  131. Those Pokemon peeps are too cute! We love the Cadbury company in our house! I am addicted to the Cadbury cream eggs but my husband thinks they are revolting! But HE loves the Cadbury mini eggs… (which I love also… bad for my butt!).

    I have to say I was a little bummed that there are no more easter pops! I was for SURE there would be another today! LOL

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Amber Schmidt
    Schmidt Family Blog

  132. For me it’s all about Cadbury cream eggs. Mmmm.

  133. Love Jelly Beans. Can’t just eat one. The sugary the better. YUMMY!

  134. Hands down, Cadbury’s mini eggs.

  135. I love jelly beans–the red ones! And I just know I would love that new DS too!

  136. The Dove solid dark chocolate bunny is the one thing that HAS to show up in everyone’s Easter baskets at my house.

  137. my fave easter candy is definitely reese’s eggs! I crave them and can’t wait until I see them in the store!

  138. I am addicted to the Dove eggs. Milk chocolate, but I’m not even sure if they make them in dark chocolate. mmmm…my mouth is watering just thinking about them.

  139. Totally a Reese’s Egg kinda girl. I think I’ve already had a dozen or so……aaaahhhhh.
    Thanks for the great site.
    M Everitt
    everitt_megan@yahoo dot com

  140. Cadbury Mini Eggs!! I love the crunchy candu coating and smooth chocolate egg inside!

  141. omg, i loove the cadbury creme eggs. mmmmmmm my mouth is watering! thanks for the chance to win…

  142. OMG, you are just way too talented. I don’t know that I ever would’ve seen a pokemon in a Peep. As far as narrowing my favorite easter treat to just ONE? That’s an impossible task for me. The best I can do is 3.
    Cadbury Eggs, Reese eggs, and coconut cream eggs. My mom used to make some homemade ones that were just awesome.

  143. Easter candy is the best – over Christmas AND Halloween! I love all things candy but my absolute fave Easter candy is the Cadbury mini eggs – a little crunch with a whole lot of smooth velvetly chocolate. Excuse me while I go get some from the cabinet….

  144. I use to collect Pokemon cards with my little brother, way back in the day when they first came out! Man that brings back memories!

    My favorite thing would have to be Reese’s Eggs, but then again I love anything with Reese’s premium peanut butter! I also love Carmel Cadbury eggs…YUMMY!!

    Great giveaway BTW! Good luck to everyone! And congrats to whoever wins!

  145. My favorite easter candy is Reese’s Eggs, but I like them frozen.

  146. cadbury mini eggs! hands down! (I think there might actually be something addictive in them) :-)

  147. oops! First time to leave a comment …forgot to link to my email address. Dee

  148. Easte is my absolute favorite candy time of year. Cadbury are my favs, the hard shelled mini eggs and the cream filled big eggs do not last long in my house! Thanks for all the fun ideas and the great giveaway!!

  149. Jordan Almonds are the best, and are perfect for Easter because of their pastel colors.


  150. Jelly Beans! I will be glad when Easter is over and they are gone from the shelves again.

    A friend and I attempted making cupcake bites this past Friday. They weren’t nearly as neat as yours but they were a hit at the baby shower! Do you have any suggestions for making the almond bark for the top a little runnier – better for dipping?

  151. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs are the BEST…although my girlfriend can make a “mean” homemade one and they are my kids’ favs!

  152. Definitely mini Cadbury Eggs! BTW love, love, love your blog.

  153. Solid chocolate egg! Boring, I know.

  154. I absolutely LIVE for Reese’s peanut butter eggs and love them more than any other candy in the whole world. So, needless to say, I LOVE this time of year. I also think Cadbury’s Mini Eggs are utterly fantastic. This year they were selling 40-oz. bags of them at Sam’s! So exciting. My e-mail address should pop up under my Blogger profile, but just in case it’s jennieboo33 (at) att (dot) net. Thank you!

  155. Love your site!
    My favorite Easter candy is a toss up between the Malted Milk Eggs, and the Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs …yum!

  156. OMG! I SOOOOOO want a DS!!! How many times have I said this in the past three weeks? Too many to count!

    For easter, it’s still eggs that we love around here. hehe. And egg-shaped chocolates too (very small ones though).

  157. Mini Eggs, Mini Eggs, Mini Eggs!

  158. Cadbury Eggs – the original ones. Love them!

  159. my favorite easter candy is sweet tart jelly beans. yum!

  160. I’m glad I read the “Not really” part before I went and woke up my kids at 5:30am so they could tell me the names of those little guys! LOL!

    Jelly Belly jelly beans and Dove chocolates.

    Cadburry Eggs wig me out.

  161. My two kids LOVE pokemon and Mario! LOVE, the Peep-a-chus!!!!

    As for Easter treats, it’s definitely a solid chocolate bunny. Something primal about gnawing on a hunk of solid chocolate – it soothes the inner beast!

  162. Solid chocolate easter bunnies! Dove chocolate bunnies…mmmmmmmmmm!

  163. Cadbury caramel eggs!!! Yum!!!!

    laurasjunkmail (at)

  164. Tough call! Either Starburst Jelly Beans or Reese’s PB Eggs.

    Thanks for the great blog. :)

  165. My favorite easter candy lindt chocolate eggs, and im crazy about ferrero roche all year around.
    Thanks for the chance to win my daugther is crazy about that nintendo

  166. I favor all easter candy. Forget Valentine’s Day and Christmas candy. I wait all year for those mini cadbury eggs–the candy coated ones with pastel candy on the outside and yummy chocolate on the inside.

  167. I’m definitely all about mini eggs..

  168. Cadbury Mini Eggs are, by far, THE BEST Easter candy!

  169. So cute (though I really, really don’t like Pokemons…).

    My favourite easter candy is something we get here in Scandinavia called “dragé eggs”. They are sweet and sugary, and the dragé refers to the technique of colour covering – I think Smarties would be classified as “dragéed”. However, “drage” in Norwegian means dragon, so I used to think they were, and still always think of them as, dragon eggs.

  170. Phew….my son did just rattle off all the names but I would have no idea how to spell them! He’s crossing his fingers (and toes) and hoping I win!

    I am addicted to Cadbury Mini Eggs!

  171. OMG! Those are so funny. My daughter has wanted a DS for a while now but I have refused it since she has a Leapster. Poor kid. My fav Easter candy is the Russell Stover Chocolate Creme Eggs. TDF!!!
    email me @:

  172. I love chocolate bunny and Nintendo DS too…

  173. Giant Chocolate Eggs! And they have to be from Haigh’s Chocolates in South Australia. This year they have released a giant 70% dark chocolate egg. It’s heaven!

    Lisa from Adelaide, Australia

  174. I have to pick just one? I love Peeps with all my heart, but I don’t know if I could stand it if malted speckled eggs suddenly disappeared. Especially the ones that sort of collapsed inside and are a little chewy. Mmmmm!

  175. Peeps are my favorite. Although I like them to harden a little.

  176. russell Stover coconut birds nests

  177. I love malted milk ball eggs. I look forward to those every Easter.

  178. Peeps!! And chocolate bunnies–solid, not hollow! :)

  179. Cadbury mini-eggs are my favorite by far. I look forward to them arriving every year, then resist buying them as much as possible. It’s a love-hate relationship really. Love those peeps!

  180. Malted Milk Ball Eggs..I used to color my lips with them….:)

  181. Jelly Beans are my fav followed very closely by cadbery eggs! i too am addicted to my girls ds and i would love one of my own….ha

  182. Spiced jelly beans — hard to find, easy to enjoy!

  183. Oh how ice of you! My sister is the same, she’s just showing me how to do it, and then I sit there for thirty minutes just waiting to have a try again:) Haha.
    I love marshmallow, so that little creature woudn’t be sae in my house:)
    My favourite candy during easter is nidars filled chocolate eggs, likein the piicture here:

    Love, Camilla

  184. PEEPS for sure…Love sugar, but not a fan of chocolate(i know)…

  185. I’m kind of obsessed with those candy coated malted milk Easter Eggs. But they’re getting harder and harder to find every year. Agh!

  186. My favorite has to be whopper malt balls and jelly beans in all flavors.

  187. I love the Reese’s chocolate and peanut butter eggs. They have a much better peanut butter to chocolate ratio than just the cups, in my opinion. :)

  188. Actually Peeps.When I first came to your site and saw the peeps, I was thrilled. Then when I saw you turned them into Pokemon, even better!

    I only eat Peeps once a year at Easter. Any other time it is just not the same.

    deluciap @

  189. I love Easter for one reason. Cadbury Creme Eggs. Thank goodness they’re only out once a year.

    I can be reached at

  190. I love Reese’s eggs and I love your blog! I made my first cake pops yesterday! My email:

  191. MMM! Reese’s peanut butter eggs! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  192. Cadbury eggs…hands down! They are why I could never give up chocolate for Lent!

  193. I love the coconut dark chocolate easter eggs. Yuh-ummm!

  194. Malted Milk Ball Eggs are my favorite!


  195. Nestle Nest Eggs!

  196. Hands down it’s the coconut nests, the ones with the little jelly bean eggs!

  197. creme eggs! once, after easter, i found a box of 8 creme eggs at half price in tesco and i ate them all in one sitting…

  198. It’s gotta be the cadbury creme egg – luckily just one satisfies me until next Easter!
    my daughter has been begging me for a ds —

  199. Cadbury Mini Eggs are my Easter Candy obsession!!! I can’t get enough. A close second are Cadbury Creme Eggs though.

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