
Peep Show


I bought these little guys thinking I might use them for some kind of Easter cupcakes. I mean, they are cute in a marshmallowy sugar kinda way.


And look how much cuter they are on sticks. (couldn’t resist.)


But, then as they lay in the kitchen next to my handy dandy edible ink pens, I thought about something else I could do with them. Something a little less Easter, and potentially a lot more fun.


So I grabbed my red and black pens, turned these little guys over on their tummies and went to town. Oh, and I pinched their ears, too.

Don’t laugh. I was bored.

Peeps + pens =


Pikachus or in this case … Peep-achus!

I don’t think I can ever look at Peeps the same way again.

FYI… Pikachu is part of the Pokémon franchise owned by Nintendo. They’re not something I know a whole lot about, but they were on my mind because I had just recently bought some Pokémon stuff for my friend’s daughter who has been collecting these things for awhile.


See what I mean. There are like hundreds of these strange little creatures that belong to the Pokémon family, but Pikachu is the only one I know of by name and as you can see, pretty conducive to a Peep makeover. I couldn’t wait to surprise her with them.


She squealed when they saw them and her little brother was pretty excited, too. Just seeing them smile makes me happy. Totally worth it.

Okay, so I mentioned Nintendo earlier for a reason. Have any of you ever played the Nintendo DS? Because my niece got one for Christmas along with the Super Mario Bros. game and I have become a-d-d-d-ddddicted to it. She’ll come over to stay sometimes and when I pick her up, I’m like… “Sweetie, do you want to bring your Nintendo?” and “Don’t forget the charger.” (Insert evil laugh)


We’ll sit on the sofa together and take turns. Well, she usually gets 10 turns to my one. Then, when I do get a turn, I usually die right away. But she, graciously offers to help … by taking it away from me … to show me what I did wrong! Then I wait another ten turns before I get another go. I should just buy one for myself, but, i’m scared to own it. I definitely wouldn’t get much done until I could finish World 8. Besides, it’s too much fun when we play together. Well, when I watch her play. :)

Anyway, you guys can see what I mean because I’m giving away one of these players! Yippee! (Super Mario Bros. not included.) Thank me later.

Not only am I giving one away, but I’m giving away the BRAND NEW Nintendo DSi. It was released TODAY! Lucky.

Music Capability.
Photo capability.
Bigger screen.
Basically, awesome!

Want one? All you have to do is identify my friend’s daughter’s five favorite Pokémon by name.


Just kidding. Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.

To enter for a chance to win the Nintendo DSi:

  • Leave a comment to this post with your favorite easter candy obsession.
    (Cadbury eggs? Reese’s? Peeps? Jelly Beans? Chocolate Bunnies… hollow or solid? Whatever!)
  • Make sure to leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win. (Either email or blog link.)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 pm (timestamped by the comment entry). The winner* will be announced sometime Tuesday evening and announced on this post.

*One winner will be selected at random using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Holy Peeps! I cannot believe how many entries there were for this giveaway. It so makes me wish I had more Nintendos to give away. But, alas, I only have one. A brand new bright blue one for one luck winner. And that person is ………

Comment #4,837

Congrats Cindy. Your wish is my command.

And everyone else, thanks for sharing your Easter candy obsession. By the way…What’s up with the stale Peeps. I’m outta the loop on that one. Guess I’ll have to try it.

Oh yeah, the Pokemons in order are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario. Thanks dj, Cake Believe, Alyssa, Wendy, Vanessa, Chris, Shutterbugs, Heather, The Pike Family, Shawnee, jenny, talda, suedaisy, talei, Loralie and the rest of you that know way too much about Pokémon for clearing that up for me.

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6,030 comments on “Peep Show”

  1. I really like the Lindt chocolate bunny…. =)

  2. Reese’s eggs- yum!

    Im working on my first batch of cakepops – I hope they turn out half as cute as yours! Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

    lawyermom3000 at gmail dot com

  3. Count me in :D My favorite is reeses eggs!

  4. I love Starburst Jelly Beans!

  5. I love those Reese’s peanut butter eggs! Something about the shape, or the different chocolate to peanut butter ratio just makes them more delicious!

  6. Cadbury’s chocolate egss. love the pokemon peeps!! you make the cutest things!!! hugs!! Britt :-)

  7. To be honest, the peeps on this blog entry made me drool… it’s absolutely horrible, but i just LOVE peeps! I also really like candy corn, and easter candy corn happens to be in cuter colors.. LOVE! :)

    You are so creative it makes me super jealous! :)

  8. Love chocolate, but my absolute favorite is jelly beans, especially the black ones. Weird, huh?

  9. Cadbury eggs FOR SURE. I have dreams about them all year and have woken up crying that I can’t have them. Or at least am really sad.

  10. I’ve been dreaming of Cadbury caramel eggs for weeks. What a lovely, indulgent holiday!

  11. I obsess about Cadbury Creme Eggs. Oh God. Unfortunately, I’m off sugar right now (reading your blog is sweet sweet sweet torture for me).

    e-mail: lllyra at gmail dot com.

  12. Cute! My weakness is..well I have 2…Cadbury eggs and those Reese’s eggs. Somehow they are just better than the regular reese’s. :)

  13. I do love the Peeps. Fastest way to a sugar rush! Gotta be the bunnies too – highest sugar to marshmallow ratio.

  14. mini cadbury eggs, the chocolate with candy coating.

  15. I don’t know what my perfect Easter candy would be, but i know it’d be the same as what she liked

  16. Cadbury Creme Eggs *drool*

  17. Robins Eggs – I love malted milk and the pretty candy shell is irresistible!

    -Lara Starr

  18. I do love the Peeps. Fastest way to a sugar rush! Gotta be the bunnies too – highest sugar to marshmallow ratio.

  19. My favourite Easter are the Cadbury candy-coated chocolate mini eggs. mmmm!

  20. I adore white chocolate covered Reese’s eggs. Oh man those are THE best!

  21. Jelly beans. They are so small and dangerously bite sized so I can’t, stop, eating!!!

  22. aww cute!

    left to right are : Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario


  23. aww cute!

    left to right are : Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario


  24. aww cute!

    left to right are : Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario


  25. aww cute!

    left to right are : Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario


  26. aww cute!

    left to right are : Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario


  27. When I was a kid, my parents always put an orange and green carrot in my basket that was made of white chocolate or something. I’m always a bit sentimental to those tasty carrots.

  28. aww cute!

    left to right are : Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario


  29. My favorite easter candy would be cadbury chocolate mini easter eggs. I love making cupcakes or no bakes and adding the eggs to them.

  30. Wow, those are cute!

    I love those Cadbury Creme Eggs… So good!

  31. My favorite has to be Cadbury mini eggs… Yummy!

  32. Uhm. Don’t laugh…

    My family has a secret love. Peeps…….. but *stale* ones.

    Seriously. We go out and buy a bunch of peeps, poke holes in the plastic, then just let them sit, until they are terribly stale. THEN, we put them out of their misery. YUM.

    Incidentally, Pink peeps taste different than Yellow peeps and my fam has a yearly debate over which is better. (Yellow. Clearly. Ha.)

  33. My husband consumes bags and bags of Cadbury Mini Eggs around Easter, but my favorite is the Lindt “Bugs and Bees”- chocolate bugs and bees filled with chocolate/hazelnut creme (kind of like Nutella). Sooo yummy!

  34. Caramel Cadbury Eggs…soo good!

  35. My favorite Easter candy is Jelly Belly jelly beans. Extra extra fave is coffee flavored jelly bellies, hello heaven!

    I gave away my super nintendo last year (stop laughing) and I miss it!

  36. Oh my word!

    My Easter weakness are the Cadbury mini eggs and the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs!!

    My son *hearts* Pikachu! I will have to try to remember that! What a cute idea!

    And it would be SO fun to have a Nintendo DSi!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Cadbury Mini eggs! So much chocolate at this time of the year….

  38. peeps!!

  39. I think I would have to go with Cadbury Mini Eggs, but Jelly Belly’s come in a close second.

  40. The Cadbury caramel filled eggs are perfection.

  41. Oh my gosh, I love the Pikachu Peeps! Pokemon started back when I was a pre-teen, so I still really love the original characters.

    Anyway, my favorite Easter candies are Peeps and Cadbury Mini Eggs (not the cream-filled ones, although those are really yummy too!) If I could eat them every day and not feel sick, I definitely would!

  42. My very favorite – Reese Peanut Butter Egg.

  43. Easter definitely has the best candy. My very favorite has to be SweetTarts ducks, chicks and bunnies. It’s like giant SweetTarts! I’m also very fond of peanut butter eggs, and of course PEEPS! They are crunchy AND chewy…the best of both worlds.

  44. OMG! You and me both with Mario Bro’s.. it’s the exact one that you are playing in the pic. And, I LOOOOVE it.. seriously, I would be in the bathroom pretending to do important stuff, all the while playing that game!! (I have three kids) But, I finished it.. sort of, once you finish it, it gives you a star and there’s more to it, but I don’t get it yet. My husband makes fun of me, my son is always asking me if I want to play.

    Anyway, fave candy is anything peanut butter and chocolate. Reeces are my favorite! But, I love Rolos at Easter time.

    PS. cute pokeman bunnies.. I knew what they were.

  45. Okay, my very favorite is a Cadbury Egg. I only have one per year, that’s all I can handle, but I look forward to it every year!

  46. Chocolate eggs that are Butterfinger or Nestle crunch!
    Not good for the diet, but so creamy and crunchy in one bite!
    L-O-V-E the Pokemon! I can’t wait to try it with my boys (who by the way could name those 5 pokemons).

  47. my girls and I love the whopper malt balls , easter of course. We take the blue ones and lick them and then apply to our lips like lip stick. Silly, I know but its easter tradition ;0)

  48. I don’t think my first post worked…or delete this one if it did.

    I always dig in the baskets for the Cadbury Mini Eggs, the dark chocolate are the BEST!!

  49. Stale peeps! And anything with chocolate!

  50. I -love- Cadbury Mini eggs! omnomnom.

    btw, those 5? Left to right is Mewtwo, Sheildon, Glameow, Mew and Lucario.

    And my favorite pokemon is Psyduck, which I spy in the first pile of pokemons xD

  51. I am in LOVE with the malted robin’s eggs…oh yummy!

  52. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. I can (and do) eat ’em until I’m sick, heheh.

  53. Oh Cadburys mini eggs, why do they taunt me so? I eat far too many of them. Those Peeps Pokeman things are awesome.

  54. Oh my goodness. Where do I begin?

    Jelly beans are an old favorite, Hollow chocolate bunnies also but I’m thinking the Reese’s peanut butter egg will do the trick just fine!

    I’m making your Easter cake pops tomorrow..wish me luck!

  55. Reese PB Eggs and Cadbury eggs..omg love that chocolate inside! ;-)

  56. Cadbury eggs, but the ones with caramel, yum!

  57. My fav Easter candy is a toss up between the Sweet Tarts chicks and ducks, and Cadburry eggs! Need to hit the store!

    shoney58 at gmail dot com

  58. Reese peanut butter egg….on sale$2.99 for 6pk.(just in case).

  59. My favorite Easter candy is definitely my very own chocolate bunny. I wish I could get someone to GIVE one to me, but DH prefers to purchase Peeps for himself instead!

  60. cadbury chocolate eggs (not the yucky ones with the sickening sugar cream in the middle….just the plain candy coated chocolate ones!)

  61. My favorite easter treat would have to be the Cadbury mini eggs. Not necessarily because of the Easter significance but because a friend mailed some to me at a really difficult time in my life and I still have the empty bag as a reminder of her sweet action. She lives far away from me now so when I see them at the store I buy them to remember our friendship. :)

  62. Oh I love pikachu! I hope I win.

  63. The one candy I only remember getting on easter. which of course made them extra special. Were JORDAN ALMONDS! sweet, nutty, pastel, egg shapey! love them…. can’t wait to get my easter basket…

  64. My favorite commercial candy is a tossup between the Cadbury Creme eggs and the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. I can’t go an Easter season without having one of each!

    For sentimental reasons I love the chocolate lambs my mom gets me from a local candymaker. I’ve been her “little lamb” since I was in the womb so it’s sort of our special thing. :)

  65. So so cute! I love the cheeks! My favorite are the whopper robin’s eggs.

  66. Caramel Cadbury Eggs. Yum!

    Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  67. definitely cadbury creme eggs.

  68. Whoppers malted milk eggs-oh my gosh, I can’t wait for Easter just so I can get my hands on some more!

  69. I LOVE cadbury creme eggs! This year they even have cadbury creme eggs in an orange flavor that I’m even more excited about (chocolate/orange is one of my favorite flavor combinations).

  70. Cadbury Eggs, by far.
    I love Pokemon.. the craze started when I was in elementary school :)


  71. Favorite Easter Candy: Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans … o my if I win no one only I will be playing it

  72. Omg hahaha I could almost name them all…

    anyway, my favorite is those trolli gummi eggs. They’re so good and addicting!!!

  73. my favorite easter treat is the Reese’s EGG** (very important!). Also the Starburst Jelly Beans are pretty fabulous! Thanks for sharing all of your fabulous creatures with us. :)

    caitlinhyla at gmail dot com

  74. Reese’s pb eggs and chocolate bunnies (solid or hollow… as long as it’s chocolate, I’m happy!)

  75. Gotta have those whopper eggs. Are they called Robin’s Eggs? Something like that. Mmmm…I love them so much that I popped one in my mouth and it popped out onto the floor…I ate it anyway.

  76. Cadbury eggs!

  77. I made a Pikachu cake for my son’s birthday a couple of years ago. So I asked him what his favourite easter treat is and he says “turkish delight easter eggs”.

  78. Reese’s peanut butter eggs, sooooo yummy!

  79. I love the Reese Peanut Butter Egg candy. Those are yummy.

  80. mewtwo, sheildon, lucario, mew, glameow

    HAH! Just kidding.

    Chocolate solid bunnies are great.

  81. my fav candy is the star burst jelly bellies….one bag gone in one day…whoops!

  82. There are these spiky Nerds egg things that are ah-mazing.

    They sell em year round, now, too, but they used to be easter-only. As such, I consider them easter candy.

  83. I absolutely love the Cadbury Mini eggs… they are an obsession for me… so much so that I have to buy at least 3 bags at a time and then I hide them from my kids.

  84. There are so many yummy Easter candies…I love Reese’s peanut butter eggs, Cadbury mini eggs, and (of course) Peeps.

    I was just talking about Pokemon with a friend of mine this week…my favorite is Squirtle (I think that’s how you spell it). :)

    xjessideex [at]

  85. OMGosh, lol…my VERY favorite Easter Candy obsession is Cadbury caramel eggs. I buy lots of them and save them for the rest of the year, LOL.

  86. I’d have to say I dig in the basket for the Cadbury Mini Eggs…I LOVE the dark chocolate ones!!

  87. Cadbery MINI eggs – they are the best!

  88. My favoritie Easter treat are peeps. I can’t help it. I have to have at least one pack a year. I prefer the bunnies b/c I can bite the little eyes and nose off easier. Then it is one ear at a time, then his head and this his body! Yum yum. Love them!

  89. I never would have thought of making the peeps into Pikachus! So cute, btw.

    I really love the Russell Stover Chocolate Covered Caramel Eggs (or hearts, santas, etc. depending on the season.)

    They are nummy!

    ~Meredith F.
    rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

  90. I HAVE to buy bags of Robin’s Eggs every Easter! I absolutely LOVE eating them and since I am the only one in my family who likes them I get to devour the entire bag all by myself!!!!!

  91. I love easter. Specifically for the starburst jelly beans. Those are the best!

    I guess I can give you my email too :]


  92. Cadbury eggs. I look forward to them all year long!

  93. Hm, my easter obsession has always been jelly beans. I hardly eat them any time of year except Easter for some reason. Yummy.

  94. I just love Dove dark chocolate mini eggs. Adult enough, but still fun to search for in the egg hunt :).

  95. Jellybeans! But I alaso like the Cadbury mini-eggs (crunchy shell) – you put ’em in the microwave for about 6-8 seconds, just until you hear the shells crack. Then the insides get all melty. Yum!

  96. ADORABLE!!! I’ve been completely addicted to your blog since found it. :) Cadbury eggs were my favorite for years, but now I have found Dove Chocolate Eggs… Heaven!

  97. May Canadians enter? My favourite Easter candy is my grandma’s homemade fudge, but the candy I eat obsessively is Cadbury eggs – I think it’s more about the texture than the flavour.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  98. oh my most favorite are those malted eggs! I am not at all a Chocolate eater but, that malt, yummy!
    thanks for a chance to win! We always seem to buy the lastest and greatest electronics, when it is way older news. LOL
    Much cheaper also.

  99. Reeses PB Eggs I dare not buy any or my pants wont fit!

  100. Hhha I can name two: Mew and Mewtwo, but I only know the original 150, not all of the new stuff haha!

    Anyhoo my favorite easter candy is CHOCOLATE, yum I love buying those See’s candy assortment boxes, delish!

  101. jelly beans!!! The traditional flavors, not the weird Jelly Bellys

  102. Chocolate bunnies! Milk chocolate! And hollow!

  103. Cadbury Mini Eggs- most addicting candy ever!

  104. It’s a little off the beaten track but it was beyond my favorite Easter treat of all time and so darned pretty too —

    My grandmother and I used make those fancy Ukrainian eggs with a twist. Every Sunday leading up to Easter we’d sit in her kitchen and carefully blow the yolks out of our egg shells before layering wax upon dye — she even had these old fashioned, home made tools to apply the wax with.

    When the shells were finally dry and finished she’d melt pots of chocolate and very carefully pour it inside the little holes we’d originally used to empty the shell.

  105. I’m partial this Easter to the Orange Cadberry Eggs.

  106. All easter candy is my favorite I could sit and eat it all of course this holds true with most things containing sugar!

  107. Whoppers Robin Eggs. Hands down. No question about it. I could eat a whole bag. I love them.

  108. I Loooooove Cadbury Mini Eggs!

  109. Hands down – Cadbury Mini eggs. Love your blog.

  110. Nestle Crunch Eggs!!

  111. Starburst jelly beans…mmmm.

  112. Cadbury Mini Eggs….do addicting! My husband was a huge Pokemon fan not too long ago :)

  113. Cadbury eggs, Yummy.

    And because I have kids and they know them all, here are the names of the 5 pokemon!

    1. Mewtwo
    2. Sheldon
    3. Glameow
    4. Mew
    5. Lucario

  114. Sadly my favorite Easter treats aren’t any different from my favorite candy. Twix. But for Easter it’s the miniatures and the cute wrappers. I love how I can eat four or five to be equal to a real size bar!

  115. Those Robin Eggs with the Whopper insides. Can’t find them during other times of the year and I look forward to them every year!

  116. Those are adorable! Who’da thunk. I love Reese Peanut Butter Eggs! mmm. And count me in. My No. 3 son would be THRILLED. ooxx`jodi

  117. Definitely the multicoloured jelly beans!! Even better if theyre on the fake green grass!!


  118. Definitely peanut butter cup eggs!

  119. Dove Solid Milk chocolate bunny…. and a gallon of whole milk!

  120. Cadbury Creme Eggs – pure sugar, pure good. Luckily I only find them @ Easter, I have no self control when it comes to these little eggs. Thanks!

  121. I’m afraid I wouldn’t get much done if I had one also. I steal my daughters when I have the chance. But new capabilities right on!
    My fav Easter candy is Reeses eggs, the big ones in the yellow packs. Looooovvvveeee them!

  122. Anything chocolate is my favorite!

  123. My favorites are good old robin’s eggs…but reeses peanut butter eggs are a close second! :o)

  124. Love how you’re always crafty and clever! The peep-achus are fun! Every year we got a Godiva bunny from my aunt. My favorite kind of chocolate was always white chocolate – and Godiva now makes a white chocolate bunny!

  125. Wow, those Pikachu would have been perfect for my son’s birthday party recently. Never would have thought of that.

    I love Cadbury eggs-glad they only come out once a year!
    debbie (at)

  126. Peeps! it has to be the baby chicks in unnatural colors like purple or pink.

  127. I love…peanut butter eggs!

  128. My FAV favorite is the Peanut Butter Egg from See’s Candy. But I also adore Peeps. I like them to be one day old. Just a tad stale makes them all the better!

  129. jelly beans!

  130. Cadbury Mini Eggs! Oh and those chocolate marshmallow eggs that come in the styrofoam egg cartons! I love Easter Candy!

  131. how awesome are you?! thanks for the opportunity!
    i love chocolate eggs! YUM YUM YUM!!!
    my email is

  132. I am totally embarassed to admit this but my favorite easter candy is the marshmallow eggs. Hard candy shell outside with soft marshmallow inside. Totally sugar overload but I can’t help myself!

    Adorable Pikachu :) I have a funny Pikachu story. When my husband was in college he registered for a phone as Pikachu Fernandez. So when solicitors would call they would ask for Pikachu. He would always crack up :)

  133. Easter bunnies, for sure. I even know a poem!

    Chocolate Easter bunny in a jelly bean nest
    I’m saving you for very last, because I love you best
    I’ll only take a nibble from the tip of your ear
    And one bite from the other side, so you don’t look so queer
    Mm! You’re so delicious! I didn’t mean to eat
    Your chocolate tail till Tuesday–
    Whoops! There go your feet!
    Chocolate Easter bunny in a jelly bean nest,
    I’m saving you for very last, because I love you best.

    (I cannot tell you the poet’s name, because I memorized this when I was eleven years old and never forgot it.)

  134. I LOVE the Pokemon idea!!! My boys talk NON-stop about their Pokemon obsession. I was going to pull my oldest out of bed and FOR SURE be able to name all five of those characters. He could also tell you how they evolve and what type they are. I hear the gibberish ALL DAY!!!

    Candy – now that’s something that I LOVE. I love the Reeses Pieces eggs. Yum!

  135. I absolutely LOVE Reese’s Peanut butter eggs. So yummy!!!

  136. cadbury mini eggs for sure.

  137. Reese’s peanut butter eggs are the best; why do they taste so superb when formed into a simple egg shape?

  138. Lindt easter bunny.

  139. My favorites are the ever popular Peeps as well as Cadbury Caramel Eggs. Unfortunately, I gave up candy for Lent so have yet to have any this year!


  140. Love the egg shape snickers!!!!

  141. Oh you….not only are you super duper creative, but also amazingly generous. My Easter candy obsession is the Cadbury Mini Eggs. Holy cow, YUMMY! Obviously the obsession belongs to many people because the store is frequently sold out. :)

  142. As a kid it was always Cadbury Eggs, but I have kind of outgrown that. My favorite now would probably be something Reeses Peanut Butter related. I like the miniatures a lot.

  143. Cadbury Creme Eggs – my mom was nice enough to send me a box the other day. They’re both horrible and delicious at the same time.

  144. I’m addicted to Reeses peanut butter cups. I really prefer the little ones, because they are less gooey and have a better “crunch”.

  145. I always think of Cadbury Creme eggs when I think Easter candy. Of course, I also love Reese’s peanut butter eggs (they are so different from the cup,) SPICED jelly beans, and slightly stale Peeps.
    pbfh33 @ gmail . com

  146. Favorite Easter candy…hmm, anything that is slathered in chocolate and peanut butter gets my vote!

    p.s. I love your website, first time poster, long time follower :)

  147. I love Cadbury Caramel Eggs.

    I look forward to easter every year.

  148. For sure the best are Resse’s Eggs, such a better peanut butter to chocolate ratio when compared to regular Reese’s….mmm

  149. My favorite are the whoppers shaped like eggs! I just can’t get enough of them!

  150. My favorite Easter candy is definitely Cadbury chocolate eggs – the little pastel sugar covered ones (though I also love the big caramel filled ones). I love them so much that my husband gave me two whole bags for my birthday a week ago. YUM!

  151. my favorite easter candy is the little egg-shaped crunch bars! they’re so simple but i can eat a whole bags worth.

  152. Peep-achus???

    Seriously?? I always *knew* you had too much time on your hands! lol

    I’m all about picking the black jelly beans out of my 4 yr old’s easter basket! lol

  153. I can not pass up the Snicker’s Egg or the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg. Why do they taste better like this at Easter?

  154. Cadbury Caramel Eggs are my absolute favorite. I never buy a bag, I’d eat them all. My mom always saves me a few.

  155. Cadbury cream eggs!

  156. Robin Eggs and SUPER-STALE Peeps!

    Oh, and who makes those chocolate/coconut birds nesty things?


  157. oy, you rock. a lot.

    favorite easter obsession:

    Peeps, easily. i looove them, but i love them stale. weird, eh? i prefer the chicks to any other Peep creatures. soo good. in green, of course.




  158. I am an equal-opportunity candy lover, but there’s just something about Peeps…yum!!

  159. Starburst jelly beans are the favorite Easter candy at my house. Something about their super-strong flavor is so addicting!

  160. My fav’s are the Peeps…don’t know why, they just are. I LOVE the Pikachu Peeps. My son is totally into Pokemon and you’ve just given me the idea for the party favors for his birthday in June. Thanks!!!!

  161. I LOVE Jelly Beans…. especially the sour ones.. mmmmm :)

  162. My total Easter candy weakness is Cadbury Mini Eggs!

  163. Ooh Milka chocolate bunnies!
    Love your blog by the way!


  164. pastel m&ms hit the spot for me! mmmm.. candy!

  165. Malted Milk Mini Robin Eggs are my favorites. I cannot wait to make the bunny cake bites. Thanks for a great spring break project.

  166. cadbury eggs of course.

  167. Chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies are an anticipated favorite of mine. Now my daughters would have vote for Peeps….any color, any shape….just Peeps : )

  168. Those are awesome! What a great idea :D

    Me, I love the Cadbury’s chocolate creme eggs. They’re hard to find for me around here for some reason, I keep finding the normal ones :(

  169. Cadbury Cream Eggs, hands down!!

  170. i have been a cadbury egg lover for years….but it really sucks with my weight watchers progarm!!!
    deb in winfield, ks

  171. love love love cadbury mini eggs. cannot get enough. they only come out at easter.

  172. I like the bunnies, but the chocolate has to be tasty. Also, I haven’t played in a while but the pokemon I recognize from left to right are mewtwo, [[too new for me]], glameow, mew, and lucario.

  173. I love Gold Brick Eggs!!! Yum! They really do “melt-away”!!

  174. Peeps, no contest. But only the chicks…the bunnies don’t taste as good to me!

  175. Oh, the solid or hollow chocolate bunnies are my all-time favorite! It’s everything in me to not grab about 10 off the shelf to last me for the rest of the year.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  176. Hands down – chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. The ones that come in egg cartons – YUM! My email: melaniefarrell @ msn . com

  177. Every Easter I eat about 30 pounds of Hershey’s Eggies! Sooo good!

  178. Cadury Cream Eggs. Oh, they are SO evil for my hips! And LOVE this idea! Totally going to surprise my son with some Pikachus soon!

  179. I absolutely ADORE your Peep-achus!

    Cadbury Mini Eggs have been my favorite Easter candy for as long as I can remember. I haven’t yet bought any this year, so I’d better hop to it!

  180. Robin eggs (candy coated whoppers) fo shizzle! But not the mini ones; the ratio of sugar coating to chocolately goodness is out of whack. Sadly, for some reason the mini robin eggs are the only ones I can ever find now :(

  181. Cadbury Easter Eggs! Each year all of us kids got one Cadbury egg and it was such a special treat.

    Love the peep makeovers, btw. i was shocked…total surprise. =)

  182. I am completely addicted to Cadbury Mini Eggs!! I buy bags and bags of them at Eastertime and eat them all by myself!! :)


  183. Everyone knows that Cadbury eggs are the best easter candy there is.


  184. Reese's peanut butter eggs & Hershey's chocolate eggs!

    luluthor {at}

  185. Peep-achus!!! Oh my gosh! That is perhaps the most clever thing I have EVER seen :) Wow!

    My favorite is definitely just a creamy milk chocolate bunny… goooooood stuff :)

  186. I wait all year for the Whoppers speckled eggs. For some reason they taste better to me than the regular Whoppers. Probably because they’re just too pretty.

  187. Oh, man, Pokemon… and special Easter malted milk eggs! What could be better? It’s Anbuswell at gmail dot com

  188. Oh, wow!! I will neeevvveerrr look at peeps the same way again! :D

    I love jelly beans so those are definitely a favorite since there are so many kinds around this time of year. But I also really like this one pastel bag of lifesavers that I believe is only be available at Easter whereas I can get jelly beans all the time.
    (pocketninja80 @ gmail . com)

  189. i love the big hollow Easter bunnies!! yummm

  190. I’m in love with Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Yum.

  191. I just had guests over and used a three section pickle dish for a candy dish since I had too many goodies and wanted the assortment! I do love plain old nestle chocolate eggs with the silvery wrappings. Yum.

    But I just discovered the Hershey’s Coconut Creme Kisses… to die for.

  192. I love solid milk chocolate eggs with colorful metallic wrapping! haha

  193. Oh goodness, favorite Easter candy…definitely Cadbury caramel eggs!

    Email: caitiedid[at]gmail[dot]com

  194. My Favorite Easter Candy as a kid was the malt ball eggs! We used to lick them and rub them on our lips for lipstick! But now I love they Starburst jelly beans! Yum!

  195. Reese’s Eggs. Love ’em because there is more peanut butter and less chocolate than the regular. Yum!
    jbodenhofer at yahoo dot com

  196. You are amazing…. to see Pokemon in the bunny! As for my Easter Obsession, it is Dove anything. It doesn’t eve have to be Easter, I love it all the time.

  197. Jelly Beans…a classic! Great blog! (Twitter -feliciacorcoran)

  198. Chocolate bunnies are the best! The ones with a hollow body and a solid heart make my heart flutter.

  199. oooooooh solid chocolate easter bunny – that I stick in the freezer when I get home! After a few days he’s rock solid and therefore lasts forever. XD Sure, I nearly lose a tooth every single year I do this, but it’s a delicious tradition!

    Brand new reader here btw, found you via Cake Wrecks – this is a sooo beautiful site but it makes me hungry! :O

  200. mmm…Cadbury Eggs!

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