
Peep Show


I bought these little guys thinking I might use them for some kind of Easter cupcakes. I mean, they are cute in a marshmallowy sugar kinda way.


And look how much cuter they are on sticks. (couldn’t resist.)


But, then as they lay in the kitchen next to my handy dandy edible ink pens, I thought about something else I could do with them. Something a little less Easter, and potentially a lot more fun.


So I grabbed my red and black pens, turned these little guys over on their tummies and went to town. Oh, and I pinched their ears, too.

Don’t laugh. I was bored.

Peeps + pens =


Pikachus or in this case … Peep-achus!

I don’t think I can ever look at Peeps the same way again.

FYI… Pikachu is part of the Pokémon franchise owned by Nintendo. They’re not something I know a whole lot about, but they were on my mind because I had just recently bought some Pokémon stuff for my friend’s daughter who has been collecting these things for awhile.


See what I mean. There are like hundreds of these strange little creatures that belong to the Pokémon family, but Pikachu is the only one I know of by name and as you can see, pretty conducive to a Peep makeover. I couldn’t wait to surprise her with them.


She squealed when they saw them and her little brother was pretty excited, too. Just seeing them smile makes me happy. Totally worth it.

Okay, so I mentioned Nintendo earlier for a reason. Have any of you ever played the Nintendo DS? Because my niece got one for Christmas along with the Super Mario Bros. game and I have become a-d-d-d-ddddicted to it. She’ll come over to stay sometimes and when I pick her up, I’m like… “Sweetie, do you want to bring your Nintendo?” and “Don’t forget the charger.” (Insert evil laugh)


We’ll sit on the sofa together and take turns. Well, she usually gets 10 turns to my one. Then, when I do get a turn, I usually die right away. But she, graciously offers to help … by taking it away from me … to show me what I did wrong! Then I wait another ten turns before I get another go. I should just buy one for myself, but, i’m scared to own it. I definitely wouldn’t get much done until I could finish World 8. Besides, it’s too much fun when we play together. Well, when I watch her play. :)

Anyway, you guys can see what I mean because I’m giving away one of these players! Yippee! (Super Mario Bros. not included.) Thank me later.

Not only am I giving one away, but I’m giving away the BRAND NEW Nintendo DSi. It was released TODAY! Lucky.

Music Capability.
Photo capability.
Bigger screen.
Basically, awesome!

Want one? All you have to do is identify my friend’s daughter’s five favorite Pokémon by name.


Just kidding. Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.

To enter for a chance to win the Nintendo DSi:

  • Leave a comment to this post with your favorite easter candy obsession.
    (Cadbury eggs? Reese’s? Peeps? Jelly Beans? Chocolate Bunnies… hollow or solid? Whatever!)
  • Make sure to leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win. (Either email or blog link.)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 pm (timestamped by the comment entry). The winner* will be announced sometime Tuesday evening and announced on this post.

*One winner will be selected at random using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Holy Peeps! I cannot believe how many entries there were for this giveaway. It so makes me wish I had more Nintendos to give away. But, alas, I only have one. A brand new bright blue one for one luck winner. And that person is ………

Comment #4,837

Congrats Cindy. Your wish is my command.

And everyone else, thanks for sharing your Easter candy obsession. By the way…What’s up with the stale Peeps. I’m outta the loop on that one. Guess I’ll have to try it.

Oh yeah, the Pokemons in order are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario. Thanks dj, Cake Believe, Alyssa, Wendy, Vanessa, Chris, Shutterbugs, Heather, The Pike Family, Shawnee, jenny, talda, suedaisy, talei, Loralie and the rest of you that know way too much about Pokémon for clearing that up for me.

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6,030 comments on “Peep Show”

  1. You are too cool. You really should just keep the DSi all for yourself (you could see how much fun it is to play against one another – atleast on some games).

    My favorite Easter candy is a Dove Truffle Egg. They are delicious – the perfect mix of milk chocolate and creamy center.

  2. gotta love the peeps!thanks for the chance to win!

  3. I LOVE Hershey’s Candy Coated Eggs – they are simply the best and I look for them every Easter.

  4. Fun post! I love the malt ball eggs (whatever they’re called, lol) and gimme some of those Reese’s peanut butter eggs!

  5. Jelly Beans, but not just any jelly beans, but Brachs Jelly Beans make Easter candy complete! mauitnst(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. Oh man, my little brothers used to love Pokemon and I knew several of them..but apparently my memory is completely gone now.
    But I do love reeses peanut butter eggs…mmm….I want some now….

  7. Peanut butter eggs from the local chocolate store. Sooo Good!!!

  8. I have no self control when there are Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in the house-it’s a dangerous obsession.

  9. well my mom thinks it’s those awful mashmallow easter eggs that come in that plastic carton but for me it’s really cadbury cream eggs and yellow peeps (and only yellow) – aaahhh cliche candy heaven!

  10. Reece’s eggs and Cadbury eggs. YUMMY!

  11. Crazy as it is – i love those cheap peanut butter filled chocolate eggs!

  12. ooooh my son would love this…as he does your pokemon treats!

    my personal favourite are the solid chocolate eggs – but not the fancy kind, the cheap foil eggs!

  13. i LOVE the classic chocolate bunnies! six and a half inches of solid milk chocolate… mmm…

  14. Oh those dastardly Cadbury Cream Eggs!!! I must have them, the minute I see them in stores (somewhere around Valentine’s day anymore) I must buy and eat many, many eggs!!! I always try to eat as much of the chocolate shell off as I can and save that wonderful gooey center till last…
    Must go now, need eggs…

  15. Homemade chocolate crackle easter eggs with a side order of Cherry Ripe…..

    Love your blog, you’re very inspiring :)

  16. Oh definitely cadbury mini eggs! Those things are so good!

    I love your blog!

  17. Solid Chocolate bunnies!!

  18. Hollow easter bunnies are my fave

    trwhite [at] ucsc [dot] edu

  19. Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg

    yum yum yum

  20. OHHHH! a DS, really? I’m too cheap to buy one for myself!

    Easter Candy: reeses pieces easter eggs…I will eat them by the carton full…or until I throw up :)

  21. Love those cholate covered marshmallow eggs…I can down carton in no time!

  22. I loooove Snickers eggs. They are so much better than regular Snickers bars!

  23. Peanut butter and chocolate eggs!

  24. Peeps! Chicks or bunnies, but YELLOW only!

  25. Thanks for the chance at winning one of these!! My son would LOVE one! My fav Easter candy would have to be those mini cadburry chocolate eggs… Talk about addicting!!!!

  26. Any kind of Dove chocolate and Cadbury Creme Eggs are my favorites could-eat-until-sugar-shock candies.

  27. Mini eggs… Hands down. Just love that candy coating.

  28. Cadbury mini eggs! Those commercials get me every year :)

  29. My favorite candy is of course Reese’s!! You can’t ever go wrong mixing peanut butter and chocolate. I also love (even though it’s not candy) deviled eggs which is one of our Easter treats.

  30. Reese’s Eggs! Haven’t bought one yet…but I’m so tempted to now!

  31. i love the starburst jelly beans and the smaller chocolate cadbury eggs–the solid ones with pastel candy coating. yum.

  32. Cadbury Cream Eggs… Mmmm…

  33. We love Peeps in our family. We always have the rainbow of colors this time of year. My son loves this Pokemon idea for pops. He is obsessed with Pokemon! Thanks!!

  34. Mmmm…I love, love the Cadbury eggs. *sigh* Now I want one…

  35. My all-time favorite Easter candy are those egg-shaped gumballs in the little plastic egg cartons. The gum is terrible. The packaging is adorable.
    I want to be entered in the contest!

  36. My favorite candy has to be peanut M&M's. I could eat my body weight in those…ohhhh!
    my contact info.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Without a doubt—Reese’s eggs!!!
    I like both the traditional chocolate
    and the one’s coated in white– either way they are YUM!!!
    My girls and I adore your blog!!!!

  38. I eat Cadbury Eggs in a very orderly fashion. I can’t eat too many because I set a stomach ache, so I eat one a day, very slowly to extend the joy for as long as possible :) I love Easter!

  39. Jelly Beans all the way!!! ;)

  40. I look forward to Cadbury mini eggs every Easter!

  41. Definitely Reeses’s Eggs!!

  42. My favorite are the peeps. Pure unadulterated sugar ! Give me some, NOW.

  43. Too cute! As for my fav Easter candy… I think it’s the old fashioned hollowed chocolate egg that your mom would buy at the grocery store and then line up for the bakery lady to write your name on it in icing. It was always so cool to have a chocolate with your name written on it. It always made me feel special! Don’t really see them anymore… something like this but not nearly as expensive:

  44. Cadbury Cream Eggs! YUMMY…thank goodness they are not mocking me from the shelves all year! btw- Have you seen the mini eggs? 40 calories each…too bad I want to eat 20!

  45. I guess I am boring. I like M&Ms — the Easter colors are pretty. You can email me at linda94125 at hotmail dot com Thanks

  46. Peeps have always been a fave of mine, but I really love the Starburst jelly beans, too.

    My son would love,no, LOVE the Pikachus! Cute!

  47. Reese peanut butter eggs are my favorite.

  48. cadburry eggs!!!

  49. Cadbury’s Creme Eggs.

    Around Easter I have a pack of 3 a week. Not healthy but god they are tasty.

    How do you eat yours? XD

  50. Oooooo….Reeses peanut butter eggs!! Yummmo!!! I love the story of you and your niece!! I can soooo relate! Thanks for the chance to win…i’d love to have one of my own so I can play along with her when we have our niece and auntie days!! I spoke to my niece this morning, who is on spring break this week, and said she was bored (so cuite that she calls auntie aley), so I offered to go pick her up and come spend the day with me. We’re gonna go buy all the makings for your Easter Egg cake pops and spend the rest of the day baking and decorating! Wish us Luck!! Oh, and I told her not to forget her Nintendo DS..heehee!! ;);)

  51. Cadbury mini eggs are my favorite!

  52. Cadbury eggs are THE best! Ofcourse I love a yummy peep now and then too!

    kamicollin @ gmail dot com

  53. So cute! My favorite Easter goody is the bag of Hershey’s chocolate eggs…solid chocolate with pastel candy-coating…mmm. Simple but tasty!


  54. I love jelly bellies at Easter!

  55. Absolutely without a doubt my Easter candy obsession is Starburst Jellie Beans….I’ve already eaten 2 bags and it’s not even Easter yet!!!!

  56. oooh pick me pick me.. my favorite are the cadbury mini eggs… mmm mmm mmm!

  57. It’s gotta be Peeps!

  58. Cadbury Eggs!!


  59. Cadbury Eggs!!! Love them.

  60. I would say Jelly Beans but this is a year round addiction

  61. Cadbury Eggs – they are the best and I am so glad they are only available one time a year.

  62. Those are way too cute! My son would LOVE them!

    Our entire house LOVES the Reese’s peanut butter eggs. They are our FAVORITE!!! We look forward to Easter every year just to buy those little gems!

  63. I love anything dark chocolate! You name it…


  64. I have several favs. I guess if I had to choose it would be the malted milk speckled eggs. So good!

  65. I love ALL Easter candy except for the evil traditional jelly beans. Especially the black ones. YUCK! Thank goodness Starburst and Jolly Rancher make good ones now…

  66. Cadbury….anything. Yummo.

  67. Mini Eggs! So good, so addictive. Mmmmmm. monicaa at telus dot net

  68. I like to break open the cadburry eggs and dip peeps in them. :)

  69. I love jellybeans and white chocolate easter bunnies.

    I also love Psiduck!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  70. Aw, man. I totally cold have named all of those. And I’m nineteen. lol.

    Anyway, my fave easter candy is totally the Cadbury Mini Eggs. I honestly wait all year for them, and when they’re released, I stock up for the entire year. It’s sad, really.

    My contact email is:

  71. I love love love Malted Milk Eggs and using the shell to “paint” on lipstick!


  72. Cadbury Creme Eggs are my favorite.
    Love the peep-achus!

  73. cadbury mini eggs. hands down. i found a place that was selling them in february and i bought them all out. i go into a mini egg freak out and eat them once a day :P

  74. Hershey’s Candy-Coated Milk Chocolate Eggs. Yum! I look forward to Easter due to these addicting candies.

  75. I absolutely love the Cadbury Caramel eggs. They are the best!

  76. Hands down, Robin’s Eggs Malt Balls are my favorite Easter candy.

  77. I love Starburst jelly beans, or STALE peeps…yes, stale. They have to sit out for at least a week, then I’ll eat them. YUM!!!

  78. My fav is Starburst Jelly beans! But I make sure to eat a few peeps every year.

  79. omg you’re so cute!
    cadbury eggs are definitely my favorite easter candy! thanks for the giveaway!

  80. Cadburry mini eggs….love them!!!

  81. cadbury eggs and the caramel version..ok and the orange version… :)

  82. my vote is for WHOPPERS MINI ROBINS EGGS!!! Love ’em!!!

    PS. i love your blog too!! you are so creative!! i cannot wait to see what you come up with next.

    I am trying out our mini cheese cake recipe for easter dinner. I hope they are a hit!

  83. Cadbury mini-eggs (not the creme kind!) have always been my favorite Easter treat. I wait all year for them. And I recently discovered Cadbury carmel eggs. A close second I think.

  84. JELLY BEANS! JELLY BEANS! (especially the mini-gourmet ones) and also just beautiful looking easter eggs…but more for viewing than for munching!

    Very creative use of Peeps!

  85. Favorite Easter treat? Old fashioned Jelly Beans, nothing fancy. We’re dealing with a serious Pokemon obsession around here as well…

  86. i love the cadbury eggs!! not the cream filled ones but the chocolate ones. i know easter is coming around the corner when the chocolates are being sold.

  87. Wow what a fun prize. My favorite Easter candy are Cadbury Cream Eggs! YUM! Love the Peeps make-over.

  88. Chocolate covered marshmallows…mmmmm yum!

    Oh, and your easter cake pops are soo cute! I am going to try some chicks for Easter.

  89. chocolate!!!


    Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

  90. Easter pastel M & M's are my favorite..especially baked in

  91. Hands down, my favorite are Dove Truffle Eggs. I think they are only out at Easter and it might be a good thing!

  92. I don’t normally like Jelly Beans, but during Easter when they have the Starburst and Jolly Rancher flavors.. yummy! I also love the Reese peanut butter eggs or the caramel eggs.

  93. oh, I love it all! Chocolate bunnies, peeps, jelly beans, but my favorite has always been the candy coated malted milk balls…Robins Eggs! Love them still to this day!

  94. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs — the best!!!

  95. We are nutty for Peeps in my house and have even dipped the bottoms of the chick shaped ones in melted chocolate and then sprinkles to really the gild the lily.

  96. I LOVE the mini cadbury milk chocolate eggs. My husband said it is my own easter food group :)
    You are so creative!

  97. Starburst jelly beans-the bomb

  98. Anything chocolatey <3

  99. reeses peanut butter eggs!!!

  100. Well, every Easter I have to have at least ONE Cadbury Creme egg. And I’m pretty addicted to the Reese’s Easter Eggs/Halloween Pumpkins/Christmas Trees because they have an ideal chocolate to peanut butter ratio.

    But the true Easter Candy obsession? My “can’t have it in the house or I’ll eat till I make myself sick” Easter candy has to be jelly beans. I seriously have NO control and, if left unattended, will eat every. last. one.

  101. Whopper easter eggs!!! Hands down.
    And just for the heck of it, going left to right:


    Yup….a house full of boys here!

  102. I have to say I was ROFL when i saw the peep-achu! sooo funny and cute! My favorite easter egg candy would still be reese’s peanut butter egg. mmmmmmm goood.

  103. Cadbury Mini Eggs!

  104. oh… I would love one…. well both of them a peepa chou and a ds… all 7 of my kids have one… and well…they won’t share with me… .:)

  105. My favorite Easter candy has to be those coconut nests with the jelly beans in them!

    Always amazed by your creations!

  106. My “fruity” side loves Starburst jellybeans, but my chocolate side loves my aunts homemade chocolate covered marshmallow eggs-YUM!

  107. Cadbury Eggs and Peeps. So delicious!

    This is a fantastic contest, thank you!

  108. LOVE the peep a choo! My kids are both addicted to Pokemon and how fun this is going to be to surprise them with a little fun in their basket Sunday.

    I however will be munching on Sees candy, a big chocolate egg filled with chocolate cream.


  109. Love those!!! My favorite Easter candy is Snickers eggs… YUM!!!!

  110. Solid Choc Easter Bunny

  111. Reese peanut butter eggs!

  112. I love peeps but I like them to be a little chewy so I tear open the package so that they dry out a little bit.

  113. OMG!!!! I love chocolate covered marshmallow anything! I crave it at Easter (and Christmas).

  114. I like the cadbury mini eggs! I could eat the whole bag!! My e-mail is

  115. Coconut cream eggs, but only Russell Stover, Stover’s coconut bird nests with jelly bean eggs, but only chocolate and spiced jelly beans, but only Brach’s and somebody else has to eat the purple ones, but mostly any kind of Easter candy that is 50% off the day after Easter!
    thanks for the chance and the “pops inspiration.

  116. Cadbury Mini Eggs. I can eat a 5 lb bag in a frighteningly short time period!

  117. Jellybeans, but only the good ones, like SweetTarts or Starburst! I didn’t even know they made Easter candy corns until I saw them here the other day. If I could get my hands on those, they would probably be my new obsession!

  118. Peeps!

    My grandmother always brought them for us when she visited, so in addition to enjoying them, they also remind me of her.

    I think this links to my email, but if not, it’s twirlandswirl at gmail.

  119. ah I’ve been wanting one of these for the longest time :) though I’m a broke college student so hasn’t happened, also probably wouldn’t get as much play out of it as I’d like. my favorite candy is jelly beans, yummy, minus the licorice flavor. I give those to my boyfriend, he loves licorice. Btw, I love the Pokemon peep’s I would’ve never thought of anything like that. I love your blog period, I’ve already spent over an hour looking at the achieves. Taking a break for now :) Adios.

    Laura Clemons

  120. Cadbury mini eggs! SO YUMMY! Wishing I had some now..

  121. I love all things chocolate. My favorite candy at Easter is a solid white chocolate rabbit, yumm! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  122. Reester bunnies are my favorite! :-)

  123. I HAVE to have those Reese’s peanut butter easter eggs……I think I need to go to the store now. LOL

  124. PEEPS!!! Any shape, any colour. Followed closely by Cadbury eggs. Wait! I can't forget about those lovely malted milk eggs that are pastel and speckled to look like real eggs.

    It just doesn't seem right to leave any delicatable candy out :< as they all have their merit.


  125. I love Chocolate Eggs! :)

  126. Cadbury creme eggs, hands down. The other Cadbury eggs (orange, caramel, etc) are just weak.

  127. Russel Stover’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Eggs…YUM! OR the Strawberry Cream Eggs are a close 2nd!

  128. I always love Whoppers come Easter time!

  129. I always give up chocolate for Lent and my first taste of chocolate on Easter has always been a Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg. I savor it slowly.

  130. I love Malt Robin Easter eggs. I love cracking the shells off of them and then sucking on the insides (gee that sounds really appetizing!). I also love Cadbury Eggs.

  131. I am always excited when the cadburry carmel eggs come out for Easter. yum yum

  132. I love Jelly Beans! Not even fancy ones. Just Brachs mixed jelly beans. yum.

  133. Oops, forgot my email addy

    queen at princesstimetoys dot com


  134. We love Easter candy and in our house Peeps are our favorite. We always have a rainbow of colors!
    – Katie at

  135. I’m actually all about the Peeps! Purple Peeps in Particular. :-P

    Thanks for running this giveaway! :)

  136. I love Cadbury’s Creme Eggs.
    Rich chocolate shell with cremy goodness oozing out when bitten into. Piece of heaven.

  137. My favorite Easter candy are Peeps. I’m not sure why since they’re kind of awful but I love them.

  138. I LOVE any good chocolate Easter bunny – not the cheap chocolate :) The good stuff!

    Thanks for the fun giveaway and the AMAZING photos!


  139. anything peanut butter and chocolate…

  140. Mine are definitely the cadbury mini eggs and dove truffles. My son loves Pokemon so now I have some great ideas. Thanks!
    Julie at samjuliebeus{at}

  141. Peeps! For sure!

  142. Peeps are the best!!! Yellow, pink, purple, blue; bunnies or chicks, you name em I’ll eat them. =)

  143. mmmmm cadbury eggs are my favorite easter obsession closely followed by reese’s eggs!

  144. I was so scared when you said we had to identify the Pokemon! LOL I literally thought “well, guess I won’t enter.”

    Though I love ALL things candy, my favorite right now (and every Easter) is definitely the Peeps. I don’t even buy them for the million other holidays they’re out, because they’re just Easter candy to me. And they have to be good and stale. :) Yum.

  145. Reese’s Eggs!! I am completely addicted.

  146. Reese’s Eggs! Yummmmm. How sweet is this giveaway, thanks for being so nice!

  147. Love the chocolate bunnies but my fav are the peeps! What a generous giveaway! I hope you got yourself the DSI!

  148. I loooove Reese’s peanut butter egg! Chocolaty peanut butter goodness! Delish! (See profile for email)

  149. I would have to go with Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. Soooo yummy!

  150. And also, I realized I forgot to sign in to my google account to leave that previous comment about the candy. D’oh!

    To recap:
    Me, silly. Favorite candy, Rainblow bubblegum eggs. Your site, awesome.

  151. Solid white chocolate bunnies all the way! Oh, and in order from left to right are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew and Lucario. Only reason I know this is because I am a mother of two boys – 5 years apart. The youngest(aka “The Runt”) used to get so discouraged during battles because his Pokemon were never as strong as his brother’s and he would lose 99% of the time. The poor kid – brothers can be so mean! I started playing the Runt’s game each night while he was in bed to get his guys up to snuff so he had a fighting chance.

  152. I love, love, love the peanut butter egg my Dad buys for me each year. Its one of those giant ones from a local candy company…I slice it! Yum!

  153. Hands down…the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg! The fact that they’ve been showing a commercial for it now like every 30 minutes with my favorite song “Let’s Get it On” by Marvin Gaye with the jar of peanut butter and a cute little chocolate bunny makes me want one every time I see it! :)

  154. Good thing, because the only ones I can identify are Mew and MewTwo. :) I have Easter candy issues – Reese’s eggs, Cadbury eggs, Peeps (although the new red ones are a little freakish to me), chocolate bunnies, chocolate covered marshmallow eggs, oh – then there’s cadbury mini eggs. I need chocolate now, thanks! LOL

  155. Spiced Jelly Beans and SweeTtarts ducks, chicks, and bunnies are our Easter obsessions around here!

  156. I love, love, love Rainblo(w?) bubblegum eggs (especially the yellow ones) that come in a cardboard milk carton type thing. When I was a kid, I used to chew all the yellow ones at once and could barely shut my mouth.

    Also, I’m usually too shy to say anything, but I love, love, love your site as well!

  157. My son would love the Pikachu Peeps! He would also love the DSi for Easter! We are hoping to make Cake Pops over Spring break! Favorite Easter candy Reese Peanut butter Eggs, MM’s, Chocolate Bunnies, jelly beans…Thanks!

  158. Sold chocolate bunny…Have a Happy Easter


  159. Oooo, black jelly beans! My fav, I get them every Easter.

  160. Mamma absolutely adores cadburry mini eggs but the more diet conscious mamma loves PEEPS!

  161. pretty much any candy I love. I quite possibly could need an intervention from my candy almost 40 years old, I never had this bad of sweet tooth when I was young. My fav is Reese’s egg shapes at Easter! And Robin’s egg’s

  162. My husband likes peeps and jelly beans but me, I’d take anything chocolate!

  163. Jelly beans… I’m especially partial to strawberry daiquiri flavored from Jelly Belly… I wonder why? :)

  164. I love those edible pens! Sky’s the limit. My favourite Easter candies are mini eggs. Email me at :)

  165. Easy but sad… those creme bunnies and chicks that I can no longer find. :(

    Second place has to go to the Reese’s Egg…better than the original!


  166. Gold brick eggs, all the way.

  167. It would have to be Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs! I love the Peep Pikachu! I will be making some for my son – he will go crazy for them. I really enjoy your blog!


  168. Black jelly beans, and REAL jelly beans, none of this jelly belly stuff for me.



    mbisaacs at yahoo dot com

  169. My favorite would definitely be Peeps!!! I hate the way they taste but I don’t think Easter is complete without devouring an entire box of them. They are just too pretty!

    I would also have to say Sweetarts Chicks, Ducks and Bunnies. Something about their fun shapes make them all the more enjoyable.


  170. I LOVE Cadbury eggs and the caramel eggs, too! Thanks for the chance to win!! :)

  171. I would say a Dark Chocolate Easter Bunny.

  172. Carmel Cadbury Eggs are the best thing EVER!

  173. Cadbury Mini Eggs, I’m addicted and happy that they aren’t available all year. Even though I have seen them at Halloween and Christmas.

  174. I like trying to identify mysteriously colored jellybeans. I want to poke and play my day away!
    acousticsiobhan AT gmail DOT com

  175. I wait ALL YEAR for those vanilla and strawberry cream eggs. yum!

  176. Dried out, hard peeps!! Mmmmm….

  177. I love milk chocolate bunnies. Yom!!

  178. Cadbury Eggs for sure!

  179. I can’t tell you how much my husband wants one of these…he was just telling me last night. My favorite easter treat is Robin Eggs. When I was little, we used to get them wet (yes, with spit, yuck!) then rub them on our lips for colorful “lipstick”.

  180. I love the sweet tart chicks and bunnys! tonya

  181. How cute! … And how nice of you too!

    My love is for Cadbury eggs!

    Though, if you’re in the Buffalo, NY area Fowlers Chocolate is GREAT!!!

    brown.kellyann @

  182. i like my peeps two days stale!
    ive recently become obsessed with white reeses, so i really love white reeses eggs, frozen. so good!

  183. my family makes the best version of cadbury creme eggs SOOOOO good, so those are my fav

  184. oh gosh. I love me a good chocolate bunny. Not the kind you can get at Target, but the good kind only found in specialty chocolate shops. The kind that is solid and takes a week to eat. mmm…

  185. Those little tinfoil wrapped chocolate eggs! I could easily eat a bowl full of them every easter. I like unwrapping them and then using the tinfoil to make little sculptures.

  186. The Original Cadbury Creme eggs. Thanks for a chance to win!

  187. i love me some starburst jelly beans! oh man. ;) thanks for doing the giveaway! the peeps are hilarious!


  188. Solid DARK Chocolate bunny! WOOHOO!

  189. Reeses Easter Eggs

  190. I don’t think I can narrow it down! Top Five:
    Reese Peanut Butter Egg
    Licorice Jelly Beans
    Cadbury Eggs
    Any solid chocolate bunny

  191. It would have to be the Cadbury Eggs!!

  192. Love them!! And I know my kids would totally do so too :D Fave candy for Easter – fake chocolate egg (filling in an empty eggshell w/chocolate :) )

  193. I don´t know if it´s ok for me to enter the contest all the way from sweden but I´ll give it a try!

    My absolute favourite is easter bunnys, but it has to be the hollow kind, with milky choclate mmmm…the bigger the better! :)

  194. Reese’s peanut butter eggs! Gotta have them- they also make these new reeses pieces eggs with a candy shell- to die for!

  195. Ok….just for fun
    Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew and Lucario! (Got some help from my Pokemaniacs!)
    MY favorite easter candy, I wait for it every year…..Russell Stover Coconut Nests! Yum Yum Yum!
    We hope to win, since my youngest son just broke his OLD DS.
    Thanks for all your ideas and sharing such great instructions!

  196. Hard to beat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg!

  197. Reese’s are my all time favorite Easter candy. Yum!!

  198. I love purple peeps (they taste better than the other colors)! Thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us. I always look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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