
Peep Show


I bought these little guys thinking I might use them for some kind of Easter cupcakes. I mean, they are cute in a marshmallowy sugar kinda way.


And look how much cuter they are on sticks. (couldn’t resist.)


But, then as they lay in the kitchen next to my handy dandy edible ink pens, I thought about something else I could do with them. Something a little less Easter, and potentially a lot more fun.


So I grabbed my red and black pens, turned these little guys over on their tummies and went to town. Oh, and I pinched their ears, too.

Don’t laugh. I was bored.

Peeps + pens =


Pikachus or in this case … Peep-achus!

I don’t think I can ever look at Peeps the same way again.

FYI… Pikachu is part of the Pokémon franchise owned by Nintendo. They’re not something I know a whole lot about, but they were on my mind because I had just recently bought some Pokémon stuff for my friend’s daughter who has been collecting these things for awhile.


See what I mean. There are like hundreds of these strange little creatures that belong to the Pokémon family, but Pikachu is the only one I know of by name and as you can see, pretty conducive to a Peep makeover. I couldn’t wait to surprise her with them.


She squealed when they saw them and her little brother was pretty excited, too. Just seeing them smile makes me happy. Totally worth it.

Okay, so I mentioned Nintendo earlier for a reason. Have any of you ever played the Nintendo DS? Because my niece got one for Christmas along with the Super Mario Bros. game and I have become a-d-d-d-ddddicted to it. She’ll come over to stay sometimes and when I pick her up, I’m like… “Sweetie, do you want to bring your Nintendo?” and “Don’t forget the charger.” (Insert evil laugh)


We’ll sit on the sofa together and take turns. Well, she usually gets 10 turns to my one. Then, when I do get a turn, I usually die right away. But she, graciously offers to help … by taking it away from me … to show me what I did wrong! Then I wait another ten turns before I get another go. I should just buy one for myself, but, i’m scared to own it. I definitely wouldn’t get much done until I could finish World 8. Besides, it’s too much fun when we play together. Well, when I watch her play. :)

Anyway, you guys can see what I mean because I’m giving away one of these players! Yippee! (Super Mario Bros. not included.) Thank me later.

Not only am I giving one away, but I’m giving away the BRAND NEW Nintendo DSi. It was released TODAY! Lucky.

Music Capability.
Photo capability.
Bigger screen.
Basically, awesome!

Want one? All you have to do is identify my friend’s daughter’s five favorite Pokémon by name.


Just kidding. Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.

To enter for a chance to win the Nintendo DSi:

  • Leave a comment to this post with your favorite easter candy obsession.
    (Cadbury eggs? Reese’s? Peeps? Jelly Beans? Chocolate Bunnies… hollow or solid? Whatever!)
  • Make sure to leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win. (Either email or blog link.)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 pm (timestamped by the comment entry). The winner* will be announced sometime Tuesday evening and announced on this post.

*One winner will be selected at random using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Holy Peeps! I cannot believe how many entries there were for this giveaway. It so makes me wish I had more Nintendos to give away. But, alas, I only have one. A brand new bright blue one for one luck winner. And that person is ………

Comment #4,837

Congrats Cindy. Your wish is my command.

And everyone else, thanks for sharing your Easter candy obsession. By the way…What’s up with the stale Peeps. I’m outta the loop on that one. Guess I’ll have to try it.

Oh yeah, the Pokemons in order are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario. Thanks dj, Cake Believe, Alyssa, Wendy, Vanessa, Chris, Shutterbugs, Heather, The Pike Family, Shawnee, jenny, talda, suedaisy, talei, Loralie and the rest of you that know way too much about Pokémon for clearing that up for me.

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6,030 comments on “Peep Show”

  1. Definitely Cadbury eggs.

  2. Oh me. Oh my. Cadbury creme eggs. You have to keep me away from them this time of the year or it is all over!!

  3. Oh HOLY MOLEY!!!! What a giveaway! I heart all things sugar, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Sees Jelly edds…basically a jelly bean with no shell and rolled in sprinkles. They are delicious…and I think the pink and yellow ones are the best…..even though they really all get eaten, no prejudices here! Happy indulgences to all!!

  4. Cadbury Mini Eggs!!

  5. anything with chocolate and peanut butter

  6. Reeces Peanut Butter Eggs!! They are the best!

  7. I’ve always been a fan of the Reese eggs. Peanut butter and chocolate is the best invention ever!

  8. Ooh, i was so afraid i’d have to look up my pokeman characters!

    I have so many favorite easter candies, I love peeps (aged at least a few days), cadbury creme eggs (but only the gooey middle part), and the big marshmellow filled eggs.

    I keep my dentist in business, what can I say!?

  9. My girls LOVE Pokemon!!! I am definitely going to give this a try — too, too cute! My favorite Easter candy obsession is a big SOLID chocolate Easter bunny – and Jelly Belly jellybeans (yum!).

  10. Reeses Eggs. The flat kind, in the yellow package. mmmm! peanut buttery goodness!

  11. Fav? Peeps!!!! Preferably he pink or purple ones. And the bunnies, not the chicks. I have no idea why. I’ll eat the other except the black ones at Halloween. Can’t do those.

    And I’d love to bet my kidlet at some of his games. The DSi would come in handy for practice. :)

    princessj.king at gmail dot com

  12. My favorite Easter candy is Cadbury Cream eggs. Way too good and way too bad at the same time.

  13. Reeses egg – it has to be the egg, perfect amount of PB to chocolate ratio.

  14. The Egg-Shaped Reese’s peanut butter cups. There is something absolutely amazing about that extra bit of peanut butter amongst the chocolate. :)

  15. Nothing gets me more than the pretty pastel colored M & Ms. But if I had to pick a specific candy to easter, I love the Starburst Jelly Beans. SOO yummy!!

    Oh, and your peeps-turned-pikachus definitely gave me a good laugh! You are obsessed!! (but I like it!)

  16. Reese’s peanut butter eggs are by far my favorite! There is just something special about them! Great prize and my Pokemon loving son is going to be so excited to find Pikachu Peeps in his Easter basket!

  17. i LOVE LOVE LOOOOVEEEE reese peanut butter easter shaped candies! thinking about it, i must go buy some now!

  18. The hubby and I love Cadbury Eggs!

  19. Absolutely the Cadbury Creme eggs. Can’t resist them, even though they seem gross to the uninitiated!

  20. Hollow Chocolate Eater Bunnies – not a cheap brand though…something GOOD!
    I’ve been wanting one of these…Thanks for the great giveaway!


  21. I also like the Cadbury mini robin’s eggs. Sometimes one of the fondant eggs.

  22. Def Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs!

  23. Peeps do it for me! One year when my brother and I were kids, my mom was alittle late at the easter shopping and it was very sad because we didn’t have any peeps in our baskets that year!

  24. Peeps all the way! I used to love getting them in my easter egg trail when I was little.

  25. Starburst Jelly Beans. By the bag.
    My son is going to faint dead away when he sees the pikachus.

  26. Mmmm, I absolutely LOVE the sweettart chickens, bunnies, and ducks they come out with. They’re sooo good and they’re so much bigger than a regualar sweettart!

  27. The mini chocolate cadbury eggs that are just chocolate with the hard candy shell. Oh, how I am addicted to those. One year my husband bought all the bags that were on clearance for me after Easter. Did I mention how much I love them?!

  28. Oh my God…I have wanted one of these for the past year and I just couldn’t bring myself to actually purchase it. I hope I win!!! Oh yeah…my favorite Easter candy is Starburst Jelly Beans…they are awesome.

  29. Russell Stover Chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. They are the best!

  30. Reese Peanut Butter eggs, hands down, best candy ever.

    inglis dot smith at gmail dot com

  31. Mini Cadbury eggs are my absolute fav!! I buy bags of them and squirrel them away. My boy would “freak out” if I won this for him. Wish me luck!!!

  32. Oh, the best Easter candy is the Robin’s Nest eggs. They’re like the malted milk balls. They are so good and addictive!!

  33. Passover usually falls around Easter, so I can’t eat most Easter treats…but I LOVE chocolate toffee matzah!

    When the holidays fall at different times, I love those malted milk eggs (Whopper’s robin’s eggs)

  34. opera cream eggs. schnieder’s homemade candy.

  35. Chocolate peanut butter eggs!

  36. Solid chocolate bunnies or is it the Cadbury eggs or maybe Reese peanut butter eggs!!! My kids would die if I actually won this drawing! What a great gift since their birthdays are 7 days apart!

    Love your blog! You are amazingly creative!


  37. Every Easter I look forward to one specific chocolate goodie… the LARGE See’s Easter Egg – Chocolate Butter Egg with Pecans. Complete with the crunchy little frosting roses. Yummy!

    ~ Charlotte

  38. I’d have to say it’s a tie between robin eggs and cadbury eggs….don’t kow that I could pick, but I do know that both of them SCREAM EASTER!!!! :)


  39. I Love Cadbury Eggs!!!

  40. I love Robins eggs. Now it has nothing to do with my name mind you… they are just yummy!

  41. My New Easter Obsession is Cake Balls. I'll be busy the next couple of day making Easter Egg Pops for our Family Easter Egg Hunt & BBQ. Wish me luck!!

  42. I love love looooove Cadbury Mini Eggs. I have a problem with them when large quantities are around.. I can’t stop eating them! I had a belly ache three days in a row hahaha…

  43. Cadburys cream eggs

  44. Cadbury eggs – hands down!! And not the fake knock off ones, the real ones!! My DD would love to win this – she “uses” mine!

    I love your creations – I wish my fondant work ever came out looking nice!!!

    owenjulesmommy at gmail dot com

  45. I love your peep makeover! I love, love, love Robin Eggs…malted middle, bit of chocolate, crunchy shell. How many can I slip from my children’s baskets before they catch on? I’m asking E.B. for my own basket this year! And what a nice belated birthday gift if I should win. Thank you Bakerella.

  46. Great giveaway, it would make by son happy. My favorite Easter candy is still the Whopper Robin Eggs. I have some in the cupboard in the mini size to make some cute Easter Cupcakes.

  47. Definitely peeps. I poke a hole in them and leave them to stale up, usually 4 months or more! Yummy! Like meringue!

  48. hands down – Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. OMG. If I could – I would eat the whole bag. That’s why they aren’t in our house right now. HA!

  49. I’m not a huge chocolate lover but there is one easter candy that brings out the chocolate lover in me. Chocolate-covered marshmallow eggs. My favorite!

    mnhub-junk at yahoo dot com

  50. I’m with you! I love Peeps!!

  51. I have an odd Easter Candy obsession. It’s the Rainblo Easter Eggs. I swear, I can “chew” a whole box in a day. It’s the cheapest gum and loses it’s flavor fast, but it’s sugary goodness.

  52. I love Cadbury Cream Eggs – yum! Thanks for the chance to win!

  53. I always can’t wait to see the Easter Candy and my favorite to see is the Resse Peanut Butter Eggs…. Mmmm Good. Thanks for your wonderful blog site, I love it. You are Hoppin Creative!!!

    Tammy @

  54. My favourite Easter candy– Cadbury Mini Eggs! They make them for Christmas here too, but the Easter ones just taste better.

  55. Happy Easter Bakerella!

    cadburys buttons eggs!!! win hands down every time…

  56. I may be in the minority but I like the hollow chocolate bunnies myself. I also love the Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Yum!

  57. Has to be Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. Mmmmmm!

  58. Cadbury’s Easter Eggs are an absolute favorite at our house.


  59. Green apple jelly bellies are my favorite easter candy.

  60. My favorite are the jelly beans!! Not the plain old ones, but the extra fruity flavored ones. Yummy!!!

  61. I used to love Pokemon, till Mum decided they were evil when I was younger (and Pokemon was very new). I've never had peeps though, I don't think we get them here… anyway!

    I love those little Red Tullip eggs! or the chrunchy eggs with the little bits of honey comb in them… but most of all I love Lindt Balls, or the eggs with the fillings…. I love chocolate so much ><

    – Steph

  62. Anything with dark chocolate and coconut. I am not a candy fan, but love straight up dark chocolate. Russell Stover makes these chocolate and coconut bird’s nest at Easter and I remove the jelly beans and eat the nest part!!! You are so talented. I can cook, but could NEVER do what you do.

  63. My favorite candy is the Reese’s hard shell candy eggs. I bought a bag, then had to share them so I didn’t eat the whole bag!!

  64. caramel eggs ^^

    *crosses fingers*

  65. I LOVE Cadbury creame eggs! I stock up every year and eat so many I almost make myself sick!

  66. OMG those Pikachus are soo super cute! My nephew was really into Pokemon about 5 yrs ago…now he is 13. I reminded him once (in front of his girlfriend) of how he used to run around the house squeeling “PIKA PIKA”! He was so embarassed..hehehe
    As for my fave Easter yummy has to be the Original Cadbury Creme Eggs. I allow myself only one on Easter day…ok maybe two. After I am done there is creme on my cheeks, on my hands, and sometimes my hair. They are so yummy and I am soo messy!!

  67. who can say no to peanut butter. I love Reese’s!!!

  68. It is so a toss-up between the Cadbury Cream Eggs and the Whopper’s Mini Robin Eggs…although, since I have yet to purchase a cream egg and I am almost through with a bag of the robin eggs, maybe the robin eggs win. :)

  69. Ooohhh, Brach’s Jellybeans…the red ones! BTW, you’re awesome! Creative, clever and super talented…and I’m not brown-nosing so I’ll win (although it couldn’t hurt). Love your site, you make me smile. Email me when I win at! I can’t wait to play with it.

  70. I love love love Cadbury Carmel Eggs. I buy them and hide them in my car so dh and dd can’t get to them. Is that wrong?

  71. My daughter happened to be sitting here with me and said….WOW!!!!!! A Nintendo DSi!! Apparently, they are the IT toy right now. Her favorite Easter candy is PEEPS of course. Mine are just about anything with chocolate and peanut butter.

  72. My favorite Easter candy is Reese Peanut Butter Eggs…YUMMY!!!

  73. Cadbury Mini Eggs! The creamy chocolate, the crunchy shell! Divine!

    Thanks, Bakerella!

  74. robin’s egg whoppers!

    count me in please!
    stephervescent (at) gmail (dot) com

  75. Hmmm, this is hard, I like so many! I think my favs are the malted milk egg, and chick peeps.

  76. I do have to confess that Cadbury eggs are my Easter candy obsession. Yum!

  77. Reese’s peanut butter eggs, oh I have go get some now.

  78. My goodness, what an Easter bonanza! Peeps, Pikachu and prizes! My favorite Easter candy are those egg-shaped gumballs that are super sour. I haven’t had them in years!

  79. My favorite Easter candy is the Brach’s chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies. I usually fight with my brother over them but this year I’m stocking up! yummmmm :0)

  80. Oh my, it’s gotta be those little crunchy Cadbury eggs. I could demolish an entire bag in record time!

  81. MMmmm, Cadbury eggs!!

  82. I am, of course, obsessed with Cadbury Creme Eggs. I hear they have Cadbury Creme McFlurries in the U.K. and am absurdly jealous, though perhaps it’s a good thing!!


  83. solid chocolate bunny, definitely! or a toblerone, which isn’t very Eastery, but it is surely good!

  84. My daughter would absolutely love to have this DS! My favorite easter candy are the Reese cup eggs. Something about them being formed into shapes makes them so much better.

    PS – Just when I thought your cake pops couldn’t be cuter, I come back to see the sheep. My goodness woman, you are a true talent!!

    theyearofme(at) hotmail dot com

  85. LOVE peeps! MMMMM.

    apowojski at gmail dot com

  86. I love those little rabbits that are made with teh white milk stuff. It’s not chocolate but it looks like white chocolate. I have to have at least one each season. But usually no more than one because that’s all I can handle. :)

  87. Ok, my favorite easter candy is a new one in the last couple of years. COCONUT HERSHEY KISSES. They don’t look all that eastery, but they only appear at this time of year so don’t miss your chance to try them. They are DIVINE!

    They are just like a favorite coconut truffle discontinued by a local chocolate shop…but these are so much cheaper! yippee!


    My blog is

  88. Wow over 3000 comments! I have to try anyway, my little guy would love one of these.

    I love Cadbury Mini Eggs – I look forward to Mini Egg season all year.

  89. I love cadbury eggs! Of course anything chocolate does the trick!

  90. I like the sweet tart bunnies.

  91. German Kinder Eggs. You can’t get them any time in Germany…something about Easter makes me crave them now that I am in the US.

  92. I’ve recently become obsessed with the Whopper Robin Eggs! Man I could eat a whole bag!!!


    riley36536 at yahoo dot come

  93. Unfortunately, I know those Pokemon and every other Pokemon/Bakugan…ever created because my Son feels it’s very important to lecture me nightly and then test me on them!

    My favourite easter candy is an English Easter Egg. They have great surprises in them. Cadbury now has one with the eggs inside of it, so maybe in a year or two they will have them over here.

    Thanks for the awesome Peepachu idea :)


  94. My contact info for the above info is

  95. Those are super cute. I have to say, I love cadbury’s easter eggs, but I have been good this year and haven’t had one yet…

  96. I love the mini cadbury eggs!!

  97. Cadbury eggs are my weakness. I love all the flavors but the original is my favorite. I am so addicted to them that I buy several cases at a time during Easter and store them in the fridge for year-round snacking! You would be surprised how well they stay fresh in there. Uh oh, after all this talk it time to head to the fridge for another one. Happy Easter!

  98. So many choices here and I am a huge fan of the almond m&m's, but I have to say for Easter…drumroll, please…the winner would have to be chocolate coconut bird nests with tiny speckled malted eggs. Almost too cute to eat!
    Happy Easter, Bakerella. : )
    Keep inspiring us!

  99. Chocolate. That's my favorite. J/k…sort of. Right now I'm loving the easter egg size M&M's with almonds in the middle. Hey, almonds are healthy right?

  100. My favorite Easter candy of all times is those gum balls in the shape of eggs that are sold in egg carton packages. So cute! I love your blog!

  101. I love Reese’s Eggs.

  102. Cadbury caramel egg. SOOOO good. SOOO many weight watchers points. Sigh.

  103. I love the Sweet-tarts shaped like little ducks, bunnies, etc. and i love the Hershey milk chocolate eggs.

    Alisa Brandstetter

  104. Definitely the robin’s eggs in fluorescent colors that stain your lips and fingers and make you look ridiculous. Those are my fave!!

  105. My son would LOVE your creation! He’s really into Pokemon. My favorite Easter treat is those Cadbury caramel-filled eggs. I know, not traditional, but oh so yummy! Also, my mom makes a lemon cake with “Easter grass” (coconut tinted green) and Easter eggs (tiny jellybeans) on top. Pretty yummy as well!

  106. I love egg versions of my favorite candy bars. :)

    Snickers, Reese’s, you name it, I love it in egg form.

  107. My mom made homemade maple candy dipped in chocolate every Easter. She piped on little colorful flowers to make them look like Easter eggs. Although I have my own kids now, it just isn’t Easter until I’ve had one of her maple Easter eggs. So super yummy and sweet enough to give you a headache. Perfection!

  108. Cadbury eggs are my weakness. I love all the flavors but the original is my favorite. I am so addicted to them that I buy several cases at a time during Easter and store them in the fridge for year-round snacking! You would be surprised how well they stay fresh in there. Uh oh, after all this talk it time to head to the fridge for another one. Happy Easter!

  109. I love Peeps or Dark chocolate Dove eggs, yumm!

  110. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. M’mmmm! Twice the peanut butter of a regulat Reece’s cup, and infinitely more yumtastic!

  111. I am addicted to Cadbury’s Cream Eggs. I could eat 6 a day every day and not get sick of them!

    By the way, the, er, ‘Pikachu Pops’ are waaaaaaaaay too adorable!

    (Contact: Greenknight1717 @

  112. I love those pikachu pops. Totally cute.
    My favorite Easter candy is Robin Eggs. I love the malt ball interior surrounded by the hard shell. I’ve already devoured one bag this holiday season.

  113. I do like the chocolate easter bunny but for some reason when I get them I only bite the ears off and then I’m done. I’d much rather eat deviled eggs!

  114. I love me some Reese’s Eggs!

    Love your blog!

    Tamara (

  115. It’s too hard to chose just one favorite! I would have to say malted milk robin’s eggs.

  116. Cadbury Eggs!

  117. I love the mini cadbury eggs! I have a basket of them on my coffee table … bad news!!

  118. I just love the pastel M&M's They are sooo cute.

  119. Marshmallow Eggs…mmmmmm

  120. I just love the pastel M&M's They are sp cute.

  121. I would love to be entered to win the Nintendo DSI for my stepdaughter, since her little sister broke her ds a year ago. Our family’s favorite Easter candy is reese’s cup with cadbury eggs a close second. Thanks for the chance to win!

  122. Caramel Cadbury eggs, possibly the mini ones ’cause I don’t feel quite so bad about having two (or three) at once… But then, the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs are pretty amazing, especially since they’ve started doing white chocolate ones… Really, I just like to wait till just after Easter and load up on everything that’s 75% off. :)

  123. mmmmm…Cadbury Eggs for sure! lol…

  124. Cadbury all the way!! Both the cream eggs & mini-eggs! mmmmmmmmmm……

  125. OMG the Pikachu Peeps are too cute!!

    Favorite Easter candy… I would have to say, I can’t live without Ferrero Rocher chocolates! Yum. Love them.

  126. I live for those little foil covered chocolate eggs!

    I’m hooked on shoving sticks into everything too.

  127. Cadbury caramel easter eggs are my heroin. Especially after Easter is over and they’re on sale. Not good for the booty.

  128. ok. i can’t help myself. the resses peanut butter egg is a serious serious affliction in my life. and knowing this, i still buy them. pop them in the fridge. and subconciously eat them unknowingly all day long. i can’t help it. i love easter so much! :)

  129. My fave has always been Cadbury Eggs! I love the original and the Caramel ones. Delicious! I especially love the fact the middle of he egg really looks like a yolk! XD

  130. My favorite are the pastel colored bunny jujubes!

  131. I LOVE Reeses eggs – they are way better than the regular peanut butter cups… really, I promise.

  132. Super Cute!!! My sister used to have an obsession with Pokeman.
    My favorite Easter candy is jelly beans…I think that’s my favorite. Well I will just stick with that one answer cuz I could go on and on and on and on about my favorite candies. LOL!

  133. Solid chocolate easter eggs!

  134. Peanut butter eggs!

  135. Malted milk eggs, mmmm.

    mweusthoff at hotmail dot com

  136. SO cute…I’m going to make these for my brother in law!

    Robin’s eggs, or Reese’s Eggs. So far this year, I’ve been able to keep my hands off the Bunny’s stash, but after reading all of this…

  137. You’re a genius with peeps-creations! So cool! I love cadbury eggs and anything peanut butter and chocolate! I have been wanting a nintendo ds for so long!

  138. I love the Cadbury creme eggs but haven’t had one in years… yum!

    -Eva (evitawylie at hotmail dot com)

  139. Those Peepachus are absolutely darling. And yes, I’m fully aware that butt-kissing will do me no good with the random generator. They’re just plain darling, is all.

    My Easter candy obsession is mini Cadbury eggs. I pop one in my mouth, take a little glug of steamed milk, and they melt into a wonderful Cadbury goodness. Loves. Them.

  140. Reeses eggs. Mmm.

  141. There is never anything better than Reeses—chocolate and peanut butter–the perfect food combo.

    And when you need to contact me when i win the ds:

    notforuniforms at gmail dot com.

  142. Thank goodness you didn’t make us name those creatures!
    My favorite Easter treat is Reeses Peanutbutter Eggs!

  143. Licorice jelly beans!! Even better than Sambuca!!

  144. The best easter candy to hit the market recently is ORANGE flavored Cadbury Egss, mmmmm

  145. I LOVE PEEPS <3

  146. I no longer celebrate Easter [converted], but I have fond memories of my mom buying me a stuffed bunny and a bag of pastel M&Ms every year [even as an adult, even after my conversion].

    Confession: I don't like Peeps…

  147. Robin eggs!

  148. It’s a toss up between peeps and reese’s peanut butter eggs. Both are delicious!

  149. ( It has to be the See’s Candy little jelled thingies. They only come out at Easter and are technically nonpariels
    which I’ve been told means ‘un-edible’.

  150. I love the hard shell Cadbury eggs but I also love the bite size snickers.

  151. Cadbury caramel filled eggs…oh my!

  152. :) Cadbury Popping Mini Eggs!!! <3 I'm drooling just thinking about them! Anyways, on the side note .. have tried the new pokemon game that came out last week? !! Awesome!

  153. Mini Cadbury eggs for sure!!! My 7 y/o son is a Pokemon freak, he named 4 of your 5 guys, I wouldn’t know how to spell any of them………thanks for such a GREAT blog!

  154. Super super cute! My fave Easter candy are Reese’s PB Egg – my mom loves them too :-)

  155. Italian Solid Chocolate Egg. YUM!!!

  156. Anything chocolate!!! My thighs will hate me, but I’ll get through it. LOL!!


  157. Solid milk chocolate bunnies.. close second..peeps.

  158. I actually stock up on cadbury eggs – both the orange and the regular creme eggs – because I love them so much. My stash usually lasts until oh, mid-May.

  159. Hi, those adoreable and beatiful my childrens birthday the 17 (9 year old) and 24 (5 year old)to april so coming up it’s a great idea. Thanks
    I love your work and ideas CONGRATULATIONS

    Salutes from Monclova,Coahuila.Mexico

  160. First of all, Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario.

    Now that that is out of the way.

    My all time favorite Easter treat are the big Cadbury cream eggs. No, not the small ones. No, not the other flavors, like Caramel.


    When Easter comes around, I stock up big time. I look for where they are cheap, and buy like 50 of them. (I’m not exaggerating either).

    I then have to hide them because my fiance will find them and eat them.

    Cadbury Cream Eggs REALLY need to be available all year round, they are my obsession…and probably my all time favorite candy, not just Easter treat.

  161. Jelly beans….the big kind (i think they’re sometimes called jelly bird eggs?) and i love the black licorice ones!

  162. Cadbury Mini-Eggs are the BEST. : )

  163. Robin eggs are my favorite! I know they’re just whoppers that have been candy coated, but man.. does that candy coat make all the difference!

  164. Reese’s PB eggs!!! Yummy!

  165. MINI CADBURY EGGS! I sometimes get a billion packs of them this time of year because everyone knows they are my favorite.

  166. Cool giveaway – thanks! I look forward every year to the appearance of the Cadbury Mini-Eggs in stores. Kind of like an M&M, but so much smoother….yummmmmmmmm…

  167. Jelly beans. Any kind of Jelly beans. I love them!

    bbybookworm AT

  168. Peanut Butter Eggs and Robin Eggs.

  169. Cadbury Eggs… I had some in my drawer in the kitchen and they are already gone… time for more! I also like to get bags of jelly beans after Easter when they are 50% off!

  170. OMG. All. Easter. Candy. Yum.

  171. Robin Eggs! Hands down!! Just hook ’em to my veins!
    Joking, that a little gross :)

  172. I love the Cadbury eggs. They are soooo sweet they almost burn your throat. Love them anyway! Would love the DS too! I’ll email my address should I be the lucky winner.

  173. Cadbury Mini Eggs are hands down THE BEST!!! My hubby has a strange love for Peeps though.

  174. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs – hands down the best candy ever!!

    (I’ve heard they’re even better crushed into ice cream… hmmm…

  175. Cadbury egg – all the way!

  176. Peanut m&ms or the reeses pieces eggs.

  177. My favorite is Starburst Jelly Beans.

  178. zomg – easter peanutbutter eggs… the reese’s ones are just yummy.

    If I get a chocolate rabbit, it had sure better be solid, or I’m coming for you!

  179. I am nuts about Hershey’s Coated chocolate eggs and the Cadbury mini eggs. I stock up on bags of these delicious lovlies so I can eat them well after Easter!

  180. When I was little my mom would set easter table with personalized sugared easter eggs. I don’t know their official name, but they were like little 3″ sugar egg houses with a circle cut out of the front and pipped inside were sweet easter scenes of rabbits and ducks. They never really tasted that great but were so intricately decorated that I have always had a special place in my heart for them!

  181. My absolute favorite candy is the Easter Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs! I know they come out for every holiday in a different shape, but the eggs just seem TO DIE FOR! Here goes my luck!

  182. Thanks to you, Bunny Corn is my current obsession. ;)

  183. What a great idea for the Pokemon! How cute!
    I love cadbury eggs (but only 1 at a time..otherwise you feel sick) and the solid chocolate easter bunnies. YUM-O!

  184. It’s a tie between Cadbury eggs and Peeps.

  185. OH Cadbury eggs are the best and then next in the running is Reeses peanut butter easter eggs. So yummy!!! But really any candy is good and just one more chance to shamelessly sneak candy…yum.

    If I win,

    Thanks for your wonderful, extremely entertaining, and mouthwateringly enjoyable blog:)

  186. I love me some Cadbury eggs! I remember the first time I had one! YUM

    I love the malted eggs too.

    HATE jelly beans. Used to shake my easter basket to get all the nasty jelly beans to the bottom so I wouldn’t have to look at them. ;)

  187. PEEPS! Only Easter ones will do! The Halloween/Christmas/Valentine’s peeps are all posers!

    Thanks for letting me vent!

  188. Lucario, Shieldon, Mew, Mewtwo, and Glameow. My son gave me the names, he has been watching Pokemon since he was 3(now 10). Peep-achus are adorable!
    My favorite Easter candy…have to be the chocolate fudge eggs! Thanks for the inspiration.

  189. Ok, first, your idea for the bunnies peeps is great! Second, yes, my daughter has a Nintendo DSlite and I check out the games for myself and play while she’s at school (she’s not using it anyway, right? :P). Third, my Easter candy obsession is Robin Eggs (candy coated malted milk balls, YUM!). Thanks for the giveaway.

  190. i forgot to leave my email!
    and my favorite easter treat is a chocolate rabbit from lindt chocolate!

  191. Those are awesome!

    I love Cadbury Mini-eggs.


  192. My favorite Easter candy has to be the classic jelly bean!

  193. Cadbury eggs,love them!

  194. Tried to comment last night, but for some reason it didn’t show up? Anyway, if you find me here twice, sorry!

    I love the chocolate bunnies from Purdy’s. And Cadbury Mini Eggs.

    (I can’t name all the Pokemon characters… the only one I know other than Pikachu is Squirtle, thanks to my little brother who could name them all, I’m sure)

  195. snicker eggs!! yummy. but i’ll eat just about any easter candy!

  196. I absolutely love Robin Eggs! My husbands dislikes them, but being the sweetheart that he is, always picks me up a bag when they come out for Easter :)

  197. Easter is a wonderful time of year especially for the chocolate!!!! My all-time favorite treat would HAVE to be Cadbury Creme Eggs! Delicious!! When I was younger I remember buying shopping bags full of creme eggs. Don’t know if I could stomach a whole bag now but they have a special place close to my heart. In my stomach!! Thanks for the opportunity to win. *Fingers Crossed*

  198. pastel colored M&M's boring but true!

  199. My favorite Easter Candy has to be the little Cadberry eggs. Not the filled ones. The solid milk chocolate ones. Yum!


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