
Peep Show


I bought these little guys thinking I might use them for some kind of Easter cupcakes. I mean, they are cute in a marshmallowy sugar kinda way.


And look how much cuter they are on sticks. (couldn’t resist.)


But, then as they lay in the kitchen next to my handy dandy edible ink pens, I thought about something else I could do with them. Something a little less Easter, and potentially a lot more fun.


So I grabbed my red and black pens, turned these little guys over on their tummies and went to town. Oh, and I pinched their ears, too.

Don’t laugh. I was bored.

Peeps + pens =


Pikachus or in this case … Peep-achus!

I don’t think I can ever look at Peeps the same way again.

FYI… Pikachu is part of the Pokémon franchise owned by Nintendo. They’re not something I know a whole lot about, but they were on my mind because I had just recently bought some Pokémon stuff for my friend’s daughter who has been collecting these things for awhile.


See what I mean. There are like hundreds of these strange little creatures that belong to the Pokémon family, but Pikachu is the only one I know of by name and as you can see, pretty conducive to a Peep makeover. I couldn’t wait to surprise her with them.


She squealed when they saw them and her little brother was pretty excited, too. Just seeing them smile makes me happy. Totally worth it.

Okay, so I mentioned Nintendo earlier for a reason. Have any of you ever played the Nintendo DS? Because my niece got one for Christmas along with the Super Mario Bros. game and I have become a-d-d-d-ddddicted to it. She’ll come over to stay sometimes and when I pick her up, I’m like… “Sweetie, do you want to bring your Nintendo?” and “Don’t forget the charger.” (Insert evil laugh)


We’ll sit on the sofa together and take turns. Well, she usually gets 10 turns to my one. Then, when I do get a turn, I usually die right away. But she, graciously offers to help … by taking it away from me … to show me what I did wrong! Then I wait another ten turns before I get another go. I should just buy one for myself, but, i’m scared to own it. I definitely wouldn’t get much done until I could finish World 8. Besides, it’s too much fun when we play together. Well, when I watch her play. :)

Anyway, you guys can see what I mean because I’m giving away one of these players! Yippee! (Super Mario Bros. not included.) Thank me later.

Not only am I giving one away, but I’m giving away the BRAND NEW Nintendo DSi. It was released TODAY! Lucky.

Music Capability.
Photo capability.
Bigger screen.
Basically, awesome!

Want one? All you have to do is identify my friend’s daughter’s five favorite Pokémon by name.


Just kidding. Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.

To enter for a chance to win the Nintendo DSi:

  • Leave a comment to this post with your favorite easter candy obsession.
    (Cadbury eggs? Reese’s? Peeps? Jelly Beans? Chocolate Bunnies… hollow or solid? Whatever!)
  • Make sure to leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win. (Either email or blog link.)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 pm (timestamped by the comment entry). The winner* will be announced sometime Tuesday evening and announced on this post.

*One winner will be selected at random using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Holy Peeps! I cannot believe how many entries there were for this giveaway. It so makes me wish I had more Nintendos to give away. But, alas, I only have one. A brand new bright blue one for one luck winner. And that person is ………

Comment #4,837

Congrats Cindy. Your wish is my command.

And everyone else, thanks for sharing your Easter candy obsession. By the way…What’s up with the stale Peeps. I’m outta the loop on that one. Guess I’ll have to try it.

Oh yeah, the Pokemons in order are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario. Thanks dj, Cake Believe, Alyssa, Wendy, Vanessa, Chris, Shutterbugs, Heather, The Pike Family, Shawnee, jenny, talda, suedaisy, talei, Loralie and the rest of you that know way too much about Pokémon for clearing that up for me.

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6,030 comments on “Peep Show”

  1. Wow! Huge giveaway, thanks! My absolute fave candy at Easter is, hands down, Reese’s peanut butter cup eggs. My sis and I would always eat those first.

  2. That is how my kids “help” me too!

    I love cadbury eggs. The little mini chocolate ones that mellllllt in your mouth. mmmmmmmm

  3. Cadbury mini eggs…and now they come in dark chocolate!

  4. I love the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. There’s a much better chocolate/pb ratio than in the cups! I even buy them and freeze them. Shh….don’t tell anyone.

  5. My favorite Easter candy is definitely Cadbury Mini Eggs. They are so good and chocolately! Love all of your Easter pops. They are too cute!


  6. Cadbury eggs and starburst jelly beans for sure!

  7. I am so in love with your sheep pops…

    My easter Candy addiction is the cadbury mini eggs. I love those things, they are not allowed in my house because the bag will be completely gone!!!

  8. Reese’s peanut butter eggs. I can’t wait. I can’t buy them early or they will be gone!

  9. OMG It absolutely has to be Cadbury eggs. The Caramel ones. I looove caramel. I could live on dark chocolate and caramel alone. And…this might be weird, but I don’t care…I love any reason to just eat boiled eggs. They are so yummy!!!!

  10. Cadbury Mini Eggs! Amazing. I could eat them every day.

    You are so stinkin’ creative! I love your blog. I only hope mine will be as wonderful someday!

  11. Robins Eggs…yuuum!!!

  12. Hands down, Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs. They are sheer joy and decadence!! Yummm!

  13. Marshmallow peeps.
    Stale please!

    raynshannon ‘at’

  14. Malted milk balls – the mini ones.

  15. I’m goin with starburst jelly beans! So good! Love the peeps, too.

  16. My fiance LOVES peeps but I prefer anything Cadbury. Also the Reese Peanut Butter egg is probably my favorite. The ratio of peanut butter to chocolate is perfect in this shape only!

  17. Original Cadbury Eggs. I have pretty much weened myself off everything else, but those.

  18. My favorite Easter candy has to be JELLY BEANS! I know, kinda boring, huh? I know they exist other times of the year, unlike chocolate bunnies or Cadbury eggs, but I never seem to eat them except during the Easter season. My favorites are the pinks, reds, and yellows. Black is the worst! Only person I ever knew that liked the black ones was my late grandfather…or maybe that was the only color us grandkids would share!
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
    tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com

  19. Cadbury Mini Eggs are my all time favorite Easter candy. SO good! (just on the off chance I’m incredibly lucky)

  20. Pokemon have been a favorite at our house since my 1st son was 3 (7 years ago!) I have done a pokemon birthday cake and Pokeballs cupcakes multiple times! With 3 boys…a DSi would be awesome!
    Throw my name in that hat too! :)
    And we are going to make some Poke Peeps Pops ourselves! LOL!

    We love hummingbird eggs – hard to find nowdays!

  21. I love cadbury eggs!! I’m a sucker for them!!

  22. Cadbury Mini Eggs…the popping kind. I am officially addicted!

  23. I love the Cadbury eggs, but they were always too big and after taking one bite the yolk would always run out and get my hands all messy–now they have smaller ones that you can just pop right into your mouth–who was the genius that thought of that? Probably a woman!

  24. Mini Robin Eggs! Crunchy, chocolaty, Whopper like goodness. I ate way too many this past weekend.

  25. I love the cadbury eggs!! I love ANY thing Cadbury!! Who-hoo! Easter has amazing chocolate candies. Email is

  26. Chocolate chocolate chocolate I love it all but my favorite it lindt chocolate…oh and reese peanut butter eggs…yummy.

  27. A tie between Jelly Bellies and cadburry mini eggs. Yum!

  28. I love Cadbury’s robin’s eggs with the crunchy sugar shell and chocolate interior. And creme eggs, wihh the chocolate shell and sugary “yolk” inside. And I don’t even celebrate Easter!!

  29. my favorite are chocolate bunnies with a marshmallow middle.
    i would love to win the dsi for my son. he’s been asking for a ds since his birthday last november but we’ve been holding off due to the cost of it.
    btw, what a fantastic idea for pikachu. my son loves pokemon and i wish i had known about these peepachus for his last amaze me as always!

  30. I love love love cadbury creme eggs! And the Reese Peanut Butter eggs..they are so much better than the regular Reese cups..

  31. Cadbury eggs, dripping ooey gooey yummy syrup over your chin!

  32. anything Chocolate and the Cadberry Caramel eggs, not the creme eggs those are yuck! My kids have wanted a DS for a this would help make me Supermom…becuase making them cupcake pops doesn’t seem to be enough in their eyes ;)

  33. my favorite has to be the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. Hmmm, I may have to stop and get some today.

  34. Solid chocolate bunnies. They’re just so cute, and so much fun to eat… piece by piece. ;)

    email me at

  35. I love the easter candy but the Reese’s Easter Eggs are the best! Way better than any of their other holiday offerings! Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. CAdbury Eggs. Oroginal ones. I was so excited when in London for New Year’s one year, they sell them year round there! I had at least one a day.
    Sadly, being pregnant, chocolate is currently repulsive. So I am stockpiling Cadbury Eggs until I am up to eating them.

  37. Make mine spice jelly eggs.

  38. Jelly Beans…I could eat them all day! And I do if they are in my house!

  39. Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs

    But I don’t discriminate against the hearts at V-Day

  40. Peepachus! I'm a huge Pokemon fan ever since it came out and was thrilled to stock up on some when I was lucky enough to get my butt to the Nintendo World Store in New York. (I even met my husband through a few geeky turn of events that all started with Pokemon!)

    I think my favorite Easter candy would be…Cadbury Mini Eggs with Caramel, though my mom would always leave in our baskets some of our favorite candies like taffy and stale Red Vines. Mmmmmm.. <3

  41. Chocolate covered Cadbury eggs…my very favorite!

  42. Oh my daughter would love me forever if I won this for her, LOL! My favorite Easter candy is Helen Grace Egss. My grandma used to get one for all of her grandkids every year and now I buy them for my daughter *smile*

  43. Oh man…I can’t stop eating the little Dove dark chocolate eggs. It’s bad, really, really bad! But they’re sooo stinkin good!

  44. I’m partial to the MnMs easter eggs.



  45. i love all the candy.

  46. Cadbury eggs!! I once did the Cadbury tour in Birmingham England, and since then, the brand has had a special place in my heart!

  47. Cadbury mini eggs! In the purple bag.

  48. Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg my all time favorite. Love the things you do…always so cute.

  49. Anything Reese’s. Pastel Mini cups, eggs, mini eggs… the new Reester Bunny!!! I am addicted to Reese’s Peanut Butter. I am glad they are starting to make other “shapes” for different holidays.

  50. Cadbury Eggs! Funny, I’m not really much of a chocolate eater, but I love these incredibly sweet treats!

  51. I am a horrrrible Jelly Bean Whore.
    I love them.. i cant get enough of them.

    My husband and i can eat a bag of jelly beans in an entire sitting.

    In fact… it works out so well, because i like the Pink, White, Orange and yellow ones, and he loves the Black, Red, purple, and green ones.

    Thats true love right there..

  52. I was opening a new link as I read to identify those little suckers! ha! glad I don’t have to go through that!

    Cadbury Carmel Egg is my fave!

    Thanks for the fun give-away!

  53. I’m a Cadbury Eggs girl myself and I aboslutely hate peeps, but those Pikachus are so cute!

  54. I want it. My favorite easter candy is those weird jelly things with the dots on the outside from See’s.

  55. The Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg! It is my favorite candy to find in my Easter basket. I hope the Easter Bunny reads this.

  56. Cadbury mini eggs. Mmmmm.
    Thanks– love the peeps!

  57. The Cadbury mini eggs (the solid chocolate ones, not the mini Creme eggs) are my downfall. I only buy a mini bag of them or else I’d eat them all in one sitting.

  58. The Cadbury chocolate eggs with the candy shell. I can eat a whole bag!! A close second is a Cadbury caramel egg.

  59. My favorite Easter candy are Peeps – but, I place them in the microwave just for a few seconds. Once they start to “puff”, they are ready to eat. Yummy!

  60. Easter egg shaped reeses! The Pikachu peeps are so adorable!

  61. Whopper Easter eggs! Crunchy and Chocolatey! ummmmmmmmmm

  62. Reese’s peanut butter eggs! I don’t know why but they taste so much better then the plan old cups!


  63. Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg…I wait for those suckers every year!

  64. I am laughing so hard at “peep-achus”. I love it because I love randomly saying “Pikachu!” just because it’s a funny word.

    Cadbury Mini Eggs are my obsession. I buy enough to last months after Easter.

  65. Reese’s eggs, for sure!

  66. It’s a good thing Cadbury Mini Eggs are seasonal or I’d weigh even more than I already do!

  67. Peeps, Baby! And I like to leave them out to get a little crunchy on the outside. Thanks for the chance to win.

  68. Any sort of chocolate, egg-shaped candy. I swear chocolate tastes better when egg-shaped. :)

  69. Cadbury Creme Eggs are my absolute favorite and of course peeps! I love to bake and be creative and loved your use of the peeps as a pokemon. Sooo adorable!

  70. oh my, i love starburst jelly beans, for sure. the worst was discovering that they’re available other times of the year in some stores. i can eat a big bag at a time.

  71. Easter definitely has the best candy. How could you choose just one?

    Kim Skinner

  72. Mini Eggs are truly my obsession!! I think I need to got get some right now!
    Love the DS and so want the DSi!!!

  73. Peeps! I am a peep junkie – and almost the only person I know who likes them, so I get to corner the market.

  74. My Easter obsession used to be divided between mini-eggs and the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg. But now they make the reese’s “egg” for almost every holiday! Trees for Christmas, hearts for V-day, etc. So it’s now Cadburry mini-eggs hands down.

  75. Can’t say no for REESE :P

  76. Reese’s eggs, Russell Stover marshmallow bunnies and Cadbury eggs. YUMMM!

  77. You gotta love jelly beans. When else do you eat them. Of course, I love jelly bellys.

  78. Cadbury creme eggs!!! Oh my goooooooooodnessss!

    And eeee! DSi!


  79. Reese’s peanut butter eggs! Or the other filled chocolate eggs that the churches and other organizations make.

  80. whew…I was getting nervous having to name those pokemon. My DD has been asking for a DS…how cool would this be? As far as my favorite Easter candy…can I say all of it? I just love how all the normal candy comes in egg shapes!

  81. I do like me some jellybeans!

  82. Dark chocolate coconut cream eggs! Not only a family favorite, but a family tradition.

  83. I can’t go to the store during Easter without buying CADBURY EGGS!!! It’s gotten so bad I can’t buy one and make it home (maybe 6 miles) without opening it up and eating it all before I get there. So I’ve stopped going to the stores, because I figured it would be embarrassing to wreck and tell the police officer, “Well, I was eating my Cadbury egg (you know how awesome those are, right?!)and I couldn’t get the creme out, so . . .”

  84. Oh wow, I can’t believe how many comments you already have on this giveaway! It is INSANE, but I am going to put my name in to win, anyway. :)

    My favorite Easter candy is the Cadbury Egg. The good old fashioned one, but I do also appreciate the Snickers egg.

  85. My Easter obsession is the chocolate peanut butter eggs the church makes! I buy one for me and one for my husband but end up eating them both!

  86. Cadbury Mini-Eggs. But I need at least one Reese’s peanut butter egg on principle.

  87. Reeses!!!
    L.O.V.E. the sheep!!

  88. My son has been BEGGING for one of these since he got to play with my nephew’s a few weeks ago. How awesome are you giving one away?! I LOVE Starburst jelly beans, oh and Reeses Eggs, and Whopper Eggs…I love Easter :)

  89. I love white chocolate easter bunnies:)

  90. The best Easter candy, by far, is Sweet Tarts chicks, ducks & bunnies!! Love the stuff!!

  91. Caramel Cadbury eggs!

    Your peep-achus are ADORABLE.

  92. You killed my peeps! LOL.

    Hands down… peeps are my favorite Easter candy. I buy up a ton so I have them the rest of the year. The more stale they are, the better. ;o)

  93. Malted Eggs…just hold them in your mouth thill the outside shell an chocolate melts a little then bite it….oh, yea..delish!

  94. Cadbury eggs, and Starburts jelly beans!!
    I used to love Pokemon… long, long time ago.

  95. I’m not a solid chocolate fan normally, but I love when Easter rolls around because I get to eat the solid chocolate bunnies with rice krispies in them! they’re so addicting… and when Easter is over I don’t even want to look at chocolate anymore LOL

  96. I Love the robin’s egg malted milk balls. The small ones are better than the bigger ones :)

  97. I LOVE big Jelly Beans! But I always pick out the pink & white ones and leave the rest for everyone else. :)

  98. black jelly beans!!!

  99. Reese’s anything!!

    I know for of the five pokemon:


  100. Hah, that's too funny!!!! My favorite Easter candy is those chocoloate & peanut butter ones, that are the size of maybe a silver dollar? Not sure what they are called, but YUM!

  101. Sweet-tart jelly beans! And Cadbury eggs! And peeps! Ok, really just Easter candy in general…

  102. peeps!! only the yellow ones though.. oh and the jolly rancher jelly beans
    lpenniman @

  103. Oh it’s so hard to choose. I’m going with licorice jelly beans

  104. Cadbury eggs is my Easter Fave!!!!

  105. My absolute favorite Easter treat is the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs that come in the styrofoam egg carton for $1. Have to get about 5 boxes for myself each year!

  106. I love the Hershey chocolate eggs with candy coating. They are simple, but I just love them. And the snickers eggs & mini reese's eggs. There is too much yummy candy around to tempt me at this time of year!

  107. My favorite Easter candy is definitely Reese’s Eggs. *drool*

  108. Cadbury eggs for sure! Now they make caramel and orange ones too….and those cute little mini ones all packaged up in a dozen container….okay off to buy some!

  109. So glad we don’t have to answer the Pokemon question!! :) Favorite Easter obsession. . .Cadbury Creme Eggs!! Can’t get enough of them and LOVE them every Easter when they come out! I have a stash of minis. . .we’ll see how long they last!!

  110. I could eat the cream-filled cadbury eggs every day for the rest of my life. pok pok meow! (sorry, the cat easter bunny auditioner is just my fave!!)

  111. i can’t get enough of the chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies. i would eat them day and night if i wasn’t afraid of gaining 500 lbs!

  112. Cadbury Eggs are my fav! I love the new caramel ones, and I love all the adorable Easter deserts you’ve made!

  113. Chocolate!!! I love it. I’m a sucker for the pastel wrappers, too.

  114. I love, love, love Peeps but only the pink birds. It must be a psychological thing but they taste better to me- the perfect amount of dye.

  115. I would have to say the caramel filled Cadbury eggs are my fav!!! Thaks for the chance to win! I love your blog!

  116. Cadbury Mini Eggs. OMG I keep a mini bag of mini eggs in my purse from Feb-April. They are so yummy!!

  117. My favorite Easter candy is the Cadbury Caramel Eggs! It’s the only Easter candy I’ve bought (for myself) this year, though you are making me want to go get some Bunny Peeps to turn into pikachu for my cousin!

  118. I love the Reeses’s Peanut Butter Eggs.

  119. A-N-Ything chocolate. I’m easy!!!

    And you’re amazing. I LOVE your blog.

  120. cadbury eggs. Thanks for the giveaway.


  121. I have to say I adore jelly beans…especially the green and red ones. Sometimes I steal them from my kids’ baskets! We’re making your cake pops this week, so that might turn into one of our new faves:)

  122. I love anything with chocolate but choco marshmallow bunnies are my fav!! LOVE THEM! :)

  123. My favorite has to be a Cadbury Easter egg filled with carmel instead of the cream!

  124. Chocolate covered marshmallow eggs.

  125. Cadbury Robin Eggs – yummy! Something about that candy shell that elevates the chocolate egg for me. I tried to buy just one bag this year… but we’ll see when Easter candy goes on sale after the holiday.

  126. Cadbury Eggs are the best. Now they’re a favorite of my kids too.

  127. I LOVE chocolate! And that Dsi!!!

  128. Hi Bakerella,

    First of all, I really love all the cake pops that you’ve made. Now my favorite Easter candy are the Cadbury Mini Eggs. mmmmmm

  129. MMMMMM…Cadbury creme eggs.

  130. i have two favorites. one the starburst jellybeans. love those. and two the reese’s peanut butter egg.
    I hope I win.

  131. Reese’s peanut butter eggs!!

  132. What a great idea!! And your never to old to play with the DS!

    Jannette D

  133. I usually indulge in at least one Cadbury egg (original) and one Reese Peanut Butter egg every Easter. Oh…and I love jellybeans, so I usually find the candy bowl on a co-workers desk because, if it’s Easter, there are jellybeans to be eaten.

  134. Ahh yes…Peeps are my fav by far. I can get lots of them until illness comes …..


  135. My Dad used to buy these filled eggs that were chocolate covered. He would cut one in half so we could share it. Oh, they were very yummy! And a great childhood memory.

    I’ve searched and searched for them in the stores but have yet to find them. So for now I’ll have to say my favorite Easter candy is the Cadbury minis…but only as hold over. =)

  136. Peeps are my favorite..However, I wont be eating them this year….

  137. Easter candy is the BEST!!! Nothing beats the Reece’s PB eggs and Cadbury mini eggs! I LOVE Easter candy!!!

  138. CUTE! I thought you were going to draw wee little mustaches on them.

    I love some peanut butter eggs. YUM! But really, easter candy, two thumbs up.

  139. I love Cadbury Mini eggs :) also, See’s Chocolate Walnut Eggs. It just doesn’t feel like Easter until I have eaten both.

  140. love the peep makeover! my fave easter treat is for sure cadbury eggs, and deviled eggs… and egg salad sandwiches the next day. haha

  141. Definitely Cadbury cream eggs. I always lamented their unavailability the rest of the year.. until one of my friends told me how she stocks up at Easter and has them for months.. problem solved!

    And now those minis… yum!

  142. I love the See’s truffle eggs. They are sooo good. Too bad shipping to OK is more than the cost of the candy.

  143. Jelly beans. Definitely jelly beans. I’ll eat them at no other time of the year!

  144. I LOVE solid chocolate Easter eggs. The ones that are just the right size to suck on and have it melt to the groove of the roof of your mouth.

  145. Fave Easter treat? Mini eggs. Hershey Eggies are slightly better than the Cadbury Mini Eggs, but both are pretty much candy crack for me.

  146. Reese’s definitely!!! I can’t get enough chocolate and peanut butter!

  147. Love the Cadbury mini eggs in dark chocolate. I can never find them though.

    LOVE the pikachu peeps.

  148. The little Chick Peeps are my favorite. Even if they are sickeningly sweet, they remind me of the excitment Easter morning would bring.

  149. Cadbury Carmel Eggs! yum!
    Pick me!


  150. Hmm tough call… I used to enjoy the cadbury eggs, until the came out with cadbury CARAMEL eggs! YUMMO!

  151. Reese’s Eggs all the way! Thanks for a chance to win!! ~mandy

  152. (Mewtwo, Sheldon, Glameow, Mew, Lucario…LOL…I actually like Pokemon)

    Peeps…especially stale peeps…YUM!

  153. I love cadbury eggs, dove bunnies, starburst jelly beans, I want some now!!! I play my niece and newphews DS too! Would love to have one of my own.

  154. Cadbury eggs

  155. Cadbury eggs by far!! Peeps are a definite second! Great giveaway!!

    Contact me at mhlara at gmail dot com

  156. Malted milk balls turned Easter eggs. It’s an annual craving. :-)

  157. I see a LOT of entries but I’ll enter anyway. Your odds are better than the lottery! I love anything chocolate…bunnies or eggs. Yumm!

  158. I love solid chocolate Easter bunnies!

  159. Cadbury Bunny Eggs….sweet jesus I wait for those things to come out every year!

  160. Easter egg chocolate malted milk balls! Obviously! But I love everything I get from the baskets my mom still makes me…. : )

  161. Robins eggs! Every year for as long I can remember my family will take the blue ones and put them on our lips like lipstick! Its such a fun tradition!

  162. Solid chocolate Easter bunny! Heaven on earth…..

  163. Reese eggs are my guilty obsession. Happy Easter!

  164. Reese’s–I love them all year long, but they are especially good when egg shaped!
    sylviarj at yahoo dot com

  165. We go through bags of black jellybeans – and have the black teeth and tongues to prove it.

  166. I totally understand about the Mario addiction! However, my favorite Easter candy addiction is the Reese’s Eggs.

  167. I loooooove Cadbury eggs.


  168. I tried to find the Pokemon characters. There were over 400 where I checked, so I gave up! My favorite treats are definitely the Cadbury Milk Chocolate Eggs (bite-size, milk chocolate covered in crisp candy shell). I have to quit shopping for two months because I CANNOT resist buying them if I see them in the store!

  169. Mini Cadbury Eggs! I won’t tell how many bags I’ve purchased already! Gotta stock up!

  170. Hmmm… it’s a tossup between Reese’s Eggs (with their perfect ratio of peanut butter to chocolate) or Starburst Jelly Beans (with their burst of tangy sweet fruitiness). Nintendo DS is better than any Easter candy, though!

  171. Hi Bakerella!!!

    I loooove the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs!!!

  172. My favorite Easter candy is the egg from See’s Candies, the rocky road one! So good.

  173. Reese peanut butter egg. OK, have to go to the store to get a few now…so yummy.

  174. I like dark chocolate peanut M&M's (in Easter colors of course) and I have to eat at least a coupld Reese's PB Eggs every year – YUM!

    My mom was just talking about a DS and she wanted one – I would have to give her this if I won – but I think I would do the same thing – hang out with my mom – play together – and have to show her what she did wrong – LOL. Love your blog!

    lauracrowe (at)

  175. Reese Peanut Butter Eggs all the way to the hips. Love your site!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  176. I’m always a sucker for Cadbury eggs, but they have to be fresh. Icky sweet.

  177. Cadbury Robin’s Eggs! Love ’em and so glad they only come out once a year . . . LOL! My daughter would totally love it if I won the DS! Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations with all of us.

  178. mmm… love your peep show. and my easter obsession is original cadury eggs mmm mmmmm! and those sweetart chewy bunnies that cmoe out every year. i love sour things… think ill go buy some now! :]

  179. I love the Reese’s eggs! Something about that egg shape makes them even more delicious! ;)

  180. The Reeses Pieces that come in the carrot shape. I don’t know why I love it like that but I have to have one every year!

  181. Those Peeps are amazing, I am going to get some today! My son is a huge Pokemon fan!

    My easter candy of choice is malted milk ball eggs. Mmm so good.

  182. My favorite is a toss up between Cadbury creme eggs (the original) or Reeses peanut butter eggs!

  183. This year I have been loving the Nerds jelly beans! They are great! But it wouldn’t be the Easter season without peeps either!

  184. Cadbury Eggs are my favorite, but I usually have to get the small sized ones or else I would be sick by eating them all.

  185. So… is it sad to admit that the second you said you pinched the ears PIKACHU(!) screamed in my head? Maybe? Ok, pretend i didn’t say it then :) I’m 22 and he was my favorite… i was stuck watching it when my little sister came home from school *looks away and whistles*

    anywhoooo…. GREAT giveaway. I know I’ll never win but thanks a bunch for the shot! My favorite easter candy is…. hm… dark chocolate hollow easter bunny. starting at the top, i ate my way down and once i got to the bottom all the crumbs collected inside and i would have an “extra” treat. :) ah memories.

  186. I LOVE the bunny & chick sweettart's!

  187. Cadbury eggs, the big ones that look like real eggs in the center. I don’t care if they are too sweet.

  188. My favorite Easter candy is anything that comes in the shape of an egg! Whether it’s Hershey’s solid chocolate eggs, jelly bean eggs, or, my absolute favorite that I stock up on everytime Easter rolls around, Cadbury eggs!

    Here’s my e-mail:

  189. JELLY BEANS! I love the way they taste and especially the way they look in a glas jar on the table.

    My daughters and I love your blog and all the pictures.

  190. Although I don’t love them as much as I did as a kid, Easter is not complete without a few Peeps!

  191. Cadbury’s Easter Eggs are THE best! I also like eating the different color peeps and pretending like they’re all different flavors even though they’re not!

  192. My favorite Easter candy obsession would have to be the malted milk Robin’s eggs. Love, love, love them!

    Both of my sons are huge Pokemon fans. Hmmm, I think I have some Peeps in my pantry, along with some sucker sticks. One trip to the local cake supply store and I think we’ll some Peep-achus! Thanks for the great idea!! :)

  193. Hmmm… it’s a tossup between Reese’s Eggs (with their perfect ratio of peanut butter to chocolate) or Starburst Jelly Beans (with their burst of tangy sweet fruitiness). Nintendo DS is better than any Easter candy, though!

  194. My most favorite easter candy..Do I have to choose?? I love the reese’s peanut butter chocolate eggs, melted just a little in the microwave over breyers vanilla ice cream….YUM!!!! I am preggers right now!! What a deadly combo!! I gotta say though, I just made your cake pops in strawberry with white chocolate and well they maybe my next new second!!!

  195. Ok, choosing a favorite Easter candy is a hard one, but I love the Cadbury Cream Eggs, along with the marshmallow chocolate covered eggs that you buy in the egg carton. Yum, Yum, Yum! My Son’s DS bit the big one, so I hope I win, that would be a great Easter gift for him.

  196. I love the Starburst Jelly Beans that come out at Easter time. They are my favorite ones, and I rarely see them any other time of the year. mmmmmmmm

  197. Cadbury Creme Eggs!! Amanda Kollman (

  198. My Easter candy love is divided between those chocolate robin eggs or Dove truffle eggs. They are both divine!

  199. How fun! My older kids LOVE their DS and their younger sister is dying for one. It would be the best gift.
    As far as candy, I LOVE the peanut butter eggs and I love all the fun Jelly Beans. Plus, I make frosted cookies. YUMMY!

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