
Peep Show


I bought these little guys thinking I might use them for some kind of Easter cupcakes. I mean, they are cute in a marshmallowy sugar kinda way.


And look how much cuter they are on sticks. (couldn’t resist.)


But, then as they lay in the kitchen next to my handy dandy edible ink pens, I thought about something else I could do with them. Something a little less Easter, and potentially a lot more fun.


So I grabbed my red and black pens, turned these little guys over on their tummies and went to town. Oh, and I pinched their ears, too.

Don’t laugh. I was bored.

Peeps + pens =


Pikachus or in this case … Peep-achus!

I don’t think I can ever look at Peeps the same way again.

FYI… Pikachu is part of the Pokémon franchise owned by Nintendo. They’re not something I know a whole lot about, but they were on my mind because I had just recently bought some Pokémon stuff for my friend’s daughter who has been collecting these things for awhile.


See what I mean. There are like hundreds of these strange little creatures that belong to the Pokémon family, but Pikachu is the only one I know of by name and as you can see, pretty conducive to a Peep makeover. I couldn’t wait to surprise her with them.


She squealed when they saw them and her little brother was pretty excited, too. Just seeing them smile makes me happy. Totally worth it.

Okay, so I mentioned Nintendo earlier for a reason. Have any of you ever played the Nintendo DS? Because my niece got one for Christmas along with the Super Mario Bros. game and I have become a-d-d-d-ddddicted to it. She’ll come over to stay sometimes and when I pick her up, I’m like… “Sweetie, do you want to bring your Nintendo?” and “Don’t forget the charger.” (Insert evil laugh)


We’ll sit on the sofa together and take turns. Well, she usually gets 10 turns to my one. Then, when I do get a turn, I usually die right away. But she, graciously offers to help … by taking it away from me … to show me what I did wrong! Then I wait another ten turns before I get another go. I should just buy one for myself, but, i’m scared to own it. I definitely wouldn’t get much done until I could finish World 8. Besides, it’s too much fun when we play together. Well, when I watch her play. :)

Anyway, you guys can see what I mean because I’m giving away one of these players! Yippee! (Super Mario Bros. not included.) Thank me later.

Not only am I giving one away, but I’m giving away the BRAND NEW Nintendo DSi. It was released TODAY! Lucky.

Music Capability.
Photo capability.
Bigger screen.
Basically, awesome!

Want one? All you have to do is identify my friend’s daughter’s five favorite Pokémon by name.


Just kidding. Just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you.

To enter for a chance to win the Nintendo DSi:

  • Leave a comment to this post with your favorite easter candy obsession.
    (Cadbury eggs? Reese’s? Peeps? Jelly Beans? Chocolate Bunnies… hollow or solid? Whatever!)
  • Make sure to leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win. (Either email or blog link.)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, April 7th at 6:00 pm (timestamped by the comment entry). The winner* will be announced sometime Tuesday evening and announced on this post.

*One winner will be selected at random using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Holy Peeps! I cannot believe how many entries there were for this giveaway. It so makes me wish I had more Nintendos to give away. But, alas, I only have one. A brand new bright blue one for one luck winner. And that person is ………

Comment #4,837

Congrats Cindy. Your wish is my command.

And everyone else, thanks for sharing your Easter candy obsession. By the way…What’s up with the stale Peeps. I’m outta the loop on that one. Guess I’ll have to try it.

Oh yeah, the Pokemons in order are Mewtwo, Shieldon, Glameow, Mew, and Lucario. Thanks dj, Cake Believe, Alyssa, Wendy, Vanessa, Chris, Shutterbugs, Heather, The Pike Family, Shawnee, jenny, talda, suedaisy, talei, Loralie and the rest of you that know way too much about Pokémon for clearing that up for me.

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6,030 comments on “Peep Show”

  1. My favorites are the chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies, frozen! And my sister likes Peeps, but they have to be unwrapped so they dry out and get crunchy. Yes, we’re a weird lot!

  2. Jelly Belly jelly beans!! Even the ones found a year later in the bottom of my kids easter basket.

  3. I think I need to win because I have been sick all week. Plus, I really like to use “Cadbury Mini Egg Lipstick”…it takes the paste out of pastel. (Don’t aske me what that means…I’m sick, just humor me!)

  4. Cadbury Eggs. I scoop out the middle with a spoon and throw away the chocolate egg.

  5. Cadbury creme eggs and the little candy coated chocolate ones. Love em!

  6. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs and Cadbury Mini Chocolate Eggs! Yum!!!

  7. I love unwrapping chocolate eggs from brightly colored foil.

  8. Gosh, soooo many freakin’ choices for Easter candy favorites… Cabdurry crunchy shell egg chocolates? Maybe…Peanut Butter and Chocolate bunnies from the family’s friend’s store…DEFINATELY! Yum-O! =)

  9. cadbury’s easter eggs!! cadbury is definitely my favorite. ^^
    Happy Easter anw…


  10. Lol. There was a point where all I can see are pokemon posters and designs. And yup, I think Pikachu is the most famous one :-) These are so cute!. I have just seen a peep not long ago (in the net) but it was a bird. These ones are so cute. But I like the peeps more after you transformed them :-)

    Now for my fave Easter candy/chocolate obsession. I love anything that’s egg-shaped. Anything chocolate and egg-shaped but love the colorful ones too!

    I’m crossing my fingers on this one. :-)

    I just bought ingredients for making cake balls. I know it took me a week/more than a week from the time I saw you Easter pops. But I’m just gonna attempt the basic cake balls. No red velvet though but I’m still happy with the betty crocker’s cake mix and frosting. I don’t think we have chocolate barks here (overseas):-( I just bought the chocolate bars instead. I hope it works! Wish me luck! :-)

  11. Cadbury Creme Eggs are definitely my year Easter Obsession. However, when i was in girl scouts, we did a fund raiser selling decorative chocolate covered peanut butter eggs. They were homemade and about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide and the best darn Easter Egg I have ever eaten. I would have those yearly if I new how to make them. :)

  12. So funny! I am addicted to my nephew’s DS and SMB! I hae the same amount of time (his ten turns to my one) but it is grand ole fun! I live for the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs… So far have only had 1 this easter season, but the holiday hasn’t technically been here yet!!

  13. Hollow easter bunnies!!!

    Love the Peepachus!!! My boys would be able to identify all the Pokemon characters!

    Lauri Nelson

  14. Caramel filled Cadbury Eggs all the way! :D I didn’t get any last year, but I WILL this Easter!

  15. I am in love with Cadbury eggs…and have been for as long as I can remember!! Makes me want to buy one right now!

  16. Definitely Reese’s Eggs. The little ones. I’m addicted to chocolate and peanut butter mix!

  17. Cadbury eggs are the favorite in our house. I don’t even eat the egg part…just the inside. Yummmm!

  18. I’m very impressed with those Pikachu’s! And I think my favorite Easter candy is probably jellybeans–or maybe Almond Joy eggs (or Heavenly Hash eggs).

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. Cadbury mini eggs or Robins Eggs…yummm!

  20. Wow! What a fantastic giveaway. I have to say, I was excited when I saw the Pokemon because I am OBSESSED! Pokemon is my guilty pleasure. I am still a 10 year old at heart! I laughed because I can identify those Pokemon :P

    My favorite Easter candy is jelly beans!

  21. My favorite Easter candy are the gum eggs, I especially like the ones that come in the little egg cartons!

  22. I’m a full-time Reese’s fan, but theres just something about the Reese’s eggs that are WAY better than any of the others!

  23. so cute!! My favorite Easter candy is by far Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs.. yum!!!

  24. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sweetarts “Chicks, Ducks, and Bunnies”….followed by stale peeps

  25. Cadbury eggs are the best. They are what my hubby used to win me over =)

    I love the makeover. I may have to do this for my 5th grade class. They are big into Pokemon this year.

    And I totally get what you mean about the DS too. I love to “steal” turns on electronics day.


  26. I decided to share with you my mom’s favorite candy. in, ahem, limerick form…

    my mom, she hordes peeps through the year
    she gets anxious when easter is near
    now some new peeps abound
    that can be bought all year round
    and it’s for her blood sugar i fear!

    my mother’s sweet love is those peeps
    for their sugary goodness she leaps
    the fun of this tale
    is that she like them stale
    but those bright yellow chicks give me creeps!

  27. Everything you touch turns to magic! Those are adorable! My fav is hollow milk chocolate bunnies! Happy Easter…xo,

  28. cadbury cream eggs!!

  29. For some reason my post got lost with our server, so here we go again!
    My favorite is the Cadbury Caramel Egg! A very close second is the iconic Peep! We love them year round with all the holidays so that is why they are second.
    We LOVE your blog! My girls eagerly await your new creations! We are looking for something to do with puppies/dogs for an upcoming bday. The cake pops are a definite! :) Your work is wonderful and so are you for sharing! :)

  30. I have the old gameboy advance. When I first got I actually had to put it in a drawer so that I would stop playing. So fun, so addictive!

    My favorite Easter treats are definitely the chocolate Cadbury eggs with the lovely crunchy shell. Best candy ever.

  31. My candy obsession especially around Easter time is Starburst jellybeans. Mmmmmmm. I hope the Easter Bunny brings me a whole bunch.

  32. Easter bunnies and jelly beans! :)

  33. It’s a tie: Cadbury eggs (YUMMY) and Sweet Tarts Chicks and Ducks…be still my heart!

  34. I’m a basic jelly bean girl at heart.

  35. My favorite is any shape of solid Dove chocolate!

  36. I used to love the hollow bunnies…I’d try to make them last as long as I could, all the while they were becoming more and more “de-limbed”! :-)

  37. If it’s chocolate, I’m there. Or, those Cadbury speckled eggs? I have eaten a whole bag of those. I was sick as a dog, but SO WORTH IT.

  38. Chocolate, chocolate and chocolate, then again I am pregnant and a woman so yeah im gonna go with any kind of chocolate…

  39. I can’t wait until Easter to open a bag of Cadbury mini eggs!! Love them – its a good thing they only come out once a year.

  40. I am not a candy eater but you better believe every year I stock up on Cadbury mini eggs. Melt in your mouth chocolate with a crunchy, candy coated shell. Pure Heaven!

    This is an amazing give away. Thank You!

    BreaBoyd at hotmail dot com

  41. I have 2 and I couldnt choose between them. I absolutely love those Cadbury Mini Eggs. I buy a ton of bags after easter when all the candy is on sale and try and make them last until the next easter.
    I also luv these things called peanut busters, I can only find them at walmart and they in a mix of other candy but I only eat the peanut buster coin shaped ones.

  42. Jelly Beans, I have bags and bags hidden so my kids can’t find them!

  43. Cadberry eggs and peeps, I love anything that’s VERY bad for me!

  44. My kids would go CRAZY over this! Assuming my husband and I ever gave them a turn!!
    My fav Easter treat…Cadbury mini eggs. YUM!

  45. Freakin Cadbury eggs, man. I always thought they were gross until my friend got me to try one many years ago. I’ve been hooked since. Except I gave up chocolate for lent this year. D’oh.

    Sidenote: My mother checks your blog now after I showed her all the fun Easter cake pops. She wants to make some for my nieces when I visit this weekend. I’m soooo psyched.


    Oh wow, they are the most amazing little piece of bliss!

  47. My favorite Easter candy is Robin Eggs ( Easter Whoppers). The Easter bunny conviniently brings me some every year, LOL.

  48. I’m jewish, but since Passover Candy isn’t around, my fave Easter Candy would have to be Starburst Jelly Beans. I can eat a bag of those in minutes. I love love love them!!!

  49. My boys would love those! And luck would have it I came into some yellow peeps yesterday!!

    My favorite Easter indulgance is Reeces eggs!

  50. Cadbury eggs. I love them.

  51. reeses peanut butter eggs, the big ones!!!

  52. cadbury eggs, although those are not on my diet

    Have a good day!!

  53. Cadbury eggs and Reese’s peanut butter eggs are my FAVORITE! Now I want to go buy some :)

  54. Cadbury Mini Eggs. The best Easter candy ever invented.

    rebedccakatzer at gmail dot com

  55. hollow chocolate bunnies are the best!
    lesliehoki [at] yahoo [dot] com

  56. Easter isn’t Easter without a delicious peanut butter egg courtesy of Reese’s!!! YUMMY!!!!

  57. I grew up in Cleveland, and my favorite are candies from Malley’s Chocolates. They’re a local chocolatier, and their chocolate covered oreos are just ridiculous. I’m 26 now and my mom still sends me a box every Easter!

    dcapretto “at” gmail “dot” com

  58. OOO Robin Eggs!

  59. What a fun contest! I love the cadbury mini eggs. Or Reeses PB Egss but my daugter is allergic :(

  60. jelly beans

    Brenda B

  61. Hollow Chocolate Bunny!!!!

  62. My favorite Easter candy is one of the most disgusting candies out there. They’re called Bunny Basket Eggs. They’re made by Brach’s and they are nothing but pure sugar. It’s sugar so densely concentrated that it makes your teeth hurt. I love them almost entirely for their nostalgia factor, but I do love them.

  63. Great pikachu likeness, but still edible.
    I love the whoppers malted balls for easter…did you know if you lick the side and then spread it on your lips, you get a funny highlighted lipstick? Favorite childhood pastime

  64. I love peeps and Reese’s Eggs! I love all your creations! I have not tried to make any yet but have all the stuff too! Happy Easter!

  65. My favorite – Reese BP Butter Eggs!! YUM, YUM, YUM!!!!
    Happy Easter!!

  66. Peeps – any size, shape or color – I CAN’T STOP EATING THEM!!!

    Love your creativity!

    D. Linnane

  67. How cute. My daughter lovers Pokemon (and she is 16). :-)

    My favorite candy is the Mini Cadbury eggs. The solid milk chocolate with the crispy candy shell. Yum!

  68. I love the small solid chocolate eggs wrapped in foil…the chocolate melts and melts in my mouth! Yummmm!

  69. My favorite easter candy is the chocolate covered marshmellow bunnies. I love them!!! I could eat a whole pack!

  70. I love the Cadbury Creme Eggs, the original flavor. I’m not too crazy about all the new variations.

  71. Cadbury creme eggs all the way!! Love the peeps!

  72. My twins were thrilled to see your post with Pokemon – very cool! Our favourite Easter treats are the hollow, milk chocolate bunnies by Lindt – they’re super cute and super yummy!

  73. Yesterday I finally found some edible ink pens, so we are going to try out some cake balls! I’ll post with a link back to you if we get some done that are presentable.

    My fave easter candy? Hmmm. I like anything with chocolate. But when I was a kid I was in my grandparents yard about a MONTH after Easter and thought I had found one of those little Robin’s egg candies in the yard.

    Not stopping to wonder why it would still be there in pristine condition after all that time, I popped it in my mouth and bit down.

    Real. Bird. Egg. Retch.

    And so I have this weird attraction to those things even though the mere thought of them makes me twitch. With horror.

  74. I love anything with peanut butter in it, but my favorite of all time is a good Reese Peanut Butter egg! Yummy!

  75. Starburst Jelly beans! I put these in all 4 of my kids Easter baskets secretly hoping they will want to “share” with me!

    Thanks for the contest!

  76. i get the biggest kick out of you! i always look forward to your next culinary project! my easter favorite is hands down, the Reese’s peanut butter egg! thanks for the great contest! :)

  77. My poor babies never realized the chocolate bunnies had ears, I always bit them off..sob…so that would be my fav…someone should make just-choco ears. And now my grandgirls suffer the same fate..sad confession
    aka – Mimi43 grlz-

  78. I love jelly beans but only at Easter time. If I could score pastel colored candy corn, they’d bump the jelly beans clear out of the ball park.

  79. Definitely Reese’s peanut butter eggs! I’d like to pretend I know a kid I’d give that DS to, but it would be for me. :)


  80. I love solid easter bunnies and snickers eggs. YUM!

  81. Living in a southern Ontario “border town”, I love to shop across the bridge in Port Huron for any American Easter chocolate because they’re so much more creatively and festively wrapped! Kit Kat are the best!!! And we LOVE Super Mario anything!!!

  82. Easy.

    Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs, Hands Down! :D

    Love the Lolli~Peeps!!

  83. I have a cute little locally run chocolate place (all fair trade) near my house and they make the best choc truffles and choc milk. Def be hitting them up for Easter this year!

  84. My mom’s homemade cream cheese Easter eggs. They’re yummy!

  85. my favorite easter candy would be the hard coated little cadburry chocolate eggs. They are like crack to me! I stock up at the after easter sales so I have them all year long!!

    Love your blog! I’m trying cake pops for Easter for the first time! wish me luck!!


  86. Reese’s eggs for sure! Those Pikachu’s are adorable, and I feel the same way about being scared to own a DS lol! But if I win one then it’s fate ;) Thanks!!

  87. Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs.

  88. My current Easter candy obsession is CAKE POPS! Made a bunch of Easter Egg Pops and Chick Pops this past weekend and had a blast! When I was a child my favorite Easter candy was the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg.

    ljp108 (at) gmail dot com

  89. Reese’s Peanut Buttercup Eggs…bought a six pack for the upcoming holiday, let’s just say their are 3 out of six left for my child’s basket. We’ll see how the rest of the week goes. ;-)

  90. I LOVE Reese’s peanut butter eggs! I can (and have I’m ashamed to admit it) eaten them until I’ve gotten sick. BTW, love the giveaway!

  91. Cadbury eggs!

  92. Adorable! My favorite Easter candy is hands down Cadbury Mini Eggs.

  93. How could I ever resist chocolate, or chocolate, or maybe some chocolate?

    My best friend and I are so enjoying your blog! We had a cake contest with our children a week ago (a la food network ‘cake challenge’). I sent her your link challenging her to a new contest with your cake lollies! Should be fun! Thank you for sending your fabulous creations out into cyberspace! :)

  94. Cadbury Mini Eggs are my favorite Easter treat. Loved the peep-achus.

  95. I love Cadburry Eggs! How can you resist that goey center that runs all over when you bite into the egg? How fun it is to try and figure out a way to eat it without getting it all over you!

  96. Cadbury Mini Eggs! Love ’em! My mother decorates her easter table with them and thankfully I know where she hides her stash so that I can dip into the bag for a fix and look genuinely innocent when she starts demanding to know who’s been eating the decorations. :)

  97. Hands down – Cadbury Creme Eggs. SO good!!!

  98. reese’s eggs are my FAV .. I’m addicted. once i pop one i have to pop 3 more..

  99. Reese’s Eggs, it can’t be the cups, it must be the eggs, they are to die for.

  100. Reece’s Peanut Butter Eggs!

  101. Dove dark chocolate eggs are my favorite. I do love those Cadbury eggs though…

  102. Jelly beans…too easy to just keep grabbing one. I am on a search today for edible ink pens :) (would love the new DSi)

  103. My favorite are whopper eggs, I love them!

  104. Cadbury cream eggs, of course. Can’t get them any other time of year. And I can’t *wait* to try making cake pops… soon as we move into our new house.

  105. Frozen chocolate-covered marshmallow bunnies–yum!! Happy Easter!

  106. My favorite- Reese PB egg! It’s just that good!! Happy Easter!!

  107. Peeps are my favorite. Good thing the Easter bunny always puts extras in my kids’ baskets. lol.

  108. mine would be the starburst jelly beans…downfall….

  109. My mom’s neighbor makes these buttercream eggs and dips them completely in chocolate. They’re nearly as big as a football and OMG they are GOOD. Only at Easter. And I haven’t had one in years, but dude, I dream of those things!!

  110. OMG, I love the Cadbury eggs, Cream AND Caramel..mmmmm. And the Reese’s eggs are to die for also!

  111. Oh, there is just no beating Cadbury Eggs. Although I do still have a special place in my heart for the Maple Cream Eggs. Yummy!

  112. I love the solid choclate bunnies from a local candy maker and the Starburst jelly beans! I wouldn’t say no to a Cadbury Egg either!
    marly dot coldiron at gmail dot com

  113. Marshmallow eggs are my favorite. I always stock up during Easter so I have them year round.

  114. Violet Crumble. At least that’s what it is today :)

  115. The tiny cadbury eggs are my ALL time favorite! Thanks for this fun giveaway!

    CherryBlossomDesign at hotmail dot com

  116. I love the Peepachus!

    I love Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs. I always put them in the Easter baskets and end up having to buy more before the big day because I end up eating them all lol.

  117. i forgot to leave my contact info!
    lori at marzipan inc dot com

  118. Robin Eggs by Whoppers. I just love that malty goodness!

  119. Cadbury Eggs, hands down. Especially yummy when frozen.

  120. Jolly Rancher jelly beans…Yum! those are the best :)


  121. Sees Candies Chocolate Buttercream Eggs..It doesn’t get better than that!

  122. Cadbury Cream Eggs! YUM!!!

  123. Easter Obsession –
    Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter eggs as made by the sweet lols (that would be little old ladies) at my church.
    For some reason, Hershey ain’t got NOTHIN on them!

  124. Love Hershey’s Chocolate Covered Eggs (like Cadbury’s but smooth) and Sour Patch Kids Jellybeans.

    I can be reached at

  125. Why wouldn’t you keep it for yourself?

    My daughter doesn’t like peanut butter, but somehow, the Easter Bunny hasn’t gotten the memo because there are always Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in her basket and Mommy has to eat them. Such a hard life, being a mother.


  126. I love the Reese’s Peanut Butter cups that are shaped like eggs. Much bigger and more peanut butter than the original!

  127. Hershey’s solid milk chocolate eggs with the pastel shell. I can eat the WHOLE bag in one sitting. It’s quite sad actaully!

  128. Cadbury Creme Eggs for sure!!!

  129. Wow, that’s a lot of comments. I’m a cadbury girl myself, though I discovered these cruncy sour jelly beans by Nerds last year that almost took their place.

  130. Cadbury eggs (the normal kind) and mini eggs!!!

  131. i’m a total peanut butter cup fool! anything with chocolate and peanut butter together is what i snatch up first!

  132. Oh wow! I was seriously about to grab the son to identify those Pokemon! LOL And Geez — what a response to your giveaway! Already 1879! Wowzers!

    My fave Easter candy is the Reese Eggs – though I can’t eat them anymore (diabetic :( ). Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  133. Awwww I love the pikachus :DD

    I have a easter obsession with finnish easter eggs called “Mignon”. Basically solid chocolate inside a real egg shell. Love them. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  134. Cadbury Eggs!!!! Love them!!!!

  135. A box of “Ferrero rocher” those are my favorites at any time of the year but Easter is a good excuse to have the biggest box !

    Corinne (From France)

  136. OMG, I love some Reeses Peanut Butter eggs. Not sure what makes them so much creamier and better than the regular PB cups, but there’s definitely a difference.

    Love your Pikachus! You are so wildly creative!

  137. Reeses – Reeses – Reeses!!!

  138. I love Cadbury creme eggs, dove chocolates (the little egg shaped ones) and Reese’s Eggs. Yumm.

  139. My favorite easter treat, is Lindor chocolate bunnies.

  140. Awww, do I have to pick just one??? I guess it would have to be a close race between the cadbury eggs, resees pb eggs, and the peeps. Although, I have to say I like the bunny peeps better than the originals & I also prefer them stale and straight from the fridge! You can contact me at! Thanks for the opportunity! Oh, and I just LOVE your site! Angie P.

  141. M&Ms. Any day. Anytime.

  142. My favorite candy is Hersey solid choc. eggs… They are hard to find, but so worth it….

    Enter me… My daughter would love a DS…

  143. My favorite has always been that egg gum. Not sure what it’s called, but it looks like speckled eggs and is gum. Usually comes in a milk carton-like container. Or, recently, I’ve seen them in a egg carton. A teeny-tiny egg carton. Anyway, I don’t even CHEW gum and I like it. So I buy it for my son’s easter basket. Then I steal it for myself. :)

  144. I can’t pick a favorite, I’m equally loyal to Cadburry Cream eggs and Reeses Peanut Butter eggs. They are both delicious and I eat WAY too many every year.

  145. Cadbury eggs for sure!!!

  146. I love Cadbury Mini Eggs! They have always been my favorite!

  147. I love all Easter Candy! But if I had to pick my all time favorite it would have to be Cadbury Eggs. I could eat them til I was sick!

  148. The snicker eggs are the BEST! But Peeps (left out to harden just slightly…it is a fine-tuned skill to not let them get too hard to eat just not so soft) and Cadbury eggs are close in second place! The peeps pops are almost as good as the cupcake pops…but the sheep win the prize!

  149. I like to microwave my peeps till they get a little gooey! Yum! But, my favorite Easter candy has to be the Cadbury caramel egg. They don’t last long around me. :)

  150. Cadbury eggs. Hands down. Can’t live without them. -Kristin R.

  151. Robin’s eggs (malted milk balls). Must buy extra for snacking so as not to cheat the children!

  152. The solid chocolate Easter Bunny!! They are the best.

  153. We have little sheep, and bunnies filled with praline in milk and white chocolate here. Absolutely gorgeous. MMMMMmmmmmmm. But I do love Cadburys caramel eggs, they are divine.

  154. Reese peanut butter eggs rule supreme followed by Cotton Candy jelly bellies at a close second.

  155. JellyBeans

  156. Peeps have always been my fav!

  157. Starburst jellybeans and Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs! Yummy!

  158. Glad you didn’t make us name the Pokemon guys. Even my kids couldn’t help with that, as they don’t know Pokemon! My favorite Easter candy is Recees Eggs. Why didn’t they make those when we were kids?!

  159. Love the pikachus! I made a pokemon cake for my nephews birthday last year… It took forever but he loved it! As for Easter, I’m loving the Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. They’ve always been one of my favorites!

  160. I absolutely love the Reeses Peanut Butter eggs. They are completely addicting :) I think that is why they now make them in different shapes for all holidays. They are fantastic

  161. my hubby LOVES reese’s peanut butter eggs. and now they have a giant peanut butter filled bunny. i like the plain stuff – chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies. yum.


  162. reeses eggs, the minis are just the right amount of peanut butter. Maybe not the right amount because I never stop at one!

  163. Wow, what a wonderful opportunity! Thanks Bakerella! And I have no idea what the names of the pikachus are.

  164. Love the Easter Egg Whoppers!

  165. Hershey’s pastel colored eggs!!

  166. My favorite candy….Cadbury mini eggs!
    They are just the best at easter.

  167. Cadbury eggs, with the egg looking goo inside. I haven’t had one in forever, but I’m drooling just thinking of them.

  168. reese’s peanut butter eggs!!! ohh yumm!

  169. You’re so creative! I would never have thought those Peeps looked like Pikachu, but just like that, they do!

    My favorite Easter candy (store-bought) is Cadbury Orange Eggs. Difficult to find but totally worth the effort. Yum.

    kjr7926 at


  170. cadbury creme egg and black jelly beans….

  171. I love anything with caramel in it!

  172. My absolute favorite Easter candy are the jelly beans! :) I love the red ones!!!

  173. This year it’s Jolly Rancher jelly beans–yum!

  174. I loved the Russel Stover cream eggs when I was a kid, can’t find them anymore. But, man, did they taste great!

  175. Oh, Cadbury Eggs!!!!! Mmmmmm. But I also LOVE the plain chocolate bunnies from See’s. Oh, yum. They’re too large for my kids to eat, so I have been known to melt them down and use them in cake filling. Best cake filling ever. Probably the most expensive, too. :)

  176. When we were little, every year the Easter Bunny would leave us (8 kids) all these "HUGE" chocolate covered eggs filled with either coconut, fruit & nut or peanut butter creme candy centers. We'd put them in the fridge then mama or daddy would slice them and put them on a plate we'd snack on them thru the "Sunday Afternoon Movie". Memories of Chocolate Covered Easter Eggs, Ma & Pa Kettle or an Elvis flick on a Sunday afternoon…that's prize enough for me! Thanks for jarring the memory!

  177. The Pee-achus are toooo cute! My nephews would love them! :)

    My favorite Easter candy is definitely the Reese Peanut Butter Eggs. Why do they taste so much better when they are shaped into an egg? Yum!

  178. Jelly Bellys or Cadbury Caramel Eggs or Cadbury Mini eggs. I can’t decide which I like better.

    Please don’t make me.

  179. I love chocolate malted eggs!

  180. I choose you, Pikachu! LOL

    My favorite Easter candy has always been my moms peanut butter and chocolate eggs. Darn, I wish I still had that recipe!
    I will ahve to look into the Nintendo DS. It looks like a good system for those whomay be slightly visually impared and need a closer screen. :-)

  181. I was just looking at the new Nintendos at Best Buy yesterday!
    My favorite Easter candy is definitely Cadbury Mini Eggs.
    SOOO Yummy!

  182. Dove chocolate. I haven’t bought my Easter candy yet for this year so I not sure which Dove candy but it will be Dove something.

  183. I love white chocolate reese’s eggs. I can’t find them anywhere this year, only in mixed bags. How crazy who could turn down a white egg. MMMM.

  184. My favorite Easter candy is Cadbury Creme Eggs. YUM!

  185. Cadbury Eggs are the best! Hands Down! When is doubt, always go with the classics ;-)

  186. Cadbury Eggs! I love those things!

  187. I’m a fan of the Cadbury classic eggs.Creme and Choclate( although I havent seen one in YEARS) Although i see that Lindor has new Chocolate eggs out… I’m NOT about to start another addiction Lol

  188. I love love love the Cadbury Creme Egg…I am so addicted, I love the first time I run into them in the store – usually in March – It makes me happy to find them. The hubby is in on the act now, too. At the end of the season, he starts picking some up for me – to help me not run out so fast! (Addicted much?!?!)

  189. Too adorable! How did you get the eyes and noses off the peeps without leaving a mark?

    My fave treat here in Canada are Laura Secord Easter eggs. Think a cadbury egg, but HUGE and more solid inside so you can cut it into thick gooey slices.

  190. I really like the reese peanut butter eggs that come out about this time, the extra peanut butter is awesome!!!!

  191. I am addicted to Cadbury Creme Eggs. I start buying them as soon as they put them in stores. My husband rolls his eyes at me when I ask him to pick me up a couple when he goes to the store. I like the way the creme center USED to be before they changed it.

  192. Sad thing, I think we could possibly name all those pokemon, my nine year old loves them.

    Reeses peanut butter eggs, all time favorite candy, let alone easter candy.

  193. I love those candy coated eggs with chocolate in it. I’m not sure what they are called but I would eat all of those first when I got them.
    Of course now I’m (slightly) too old for an easter basket so I have to settle for stealing candy from my kids. :) They usually get some easter egg shaped Reece’s. And Reece’s are good in any shape:)

  194. Cadbury Eggs. Nothing like them, and I am in love with the orange flavored ones. They also have Reese’s Pieces Eggs now. They are dangerously good.

    The pikachu is adorable. Too bad my stepson thinks pokemon is now boring.


  195. Oh Girl, I gotta have me some Peeps. I love those things. My dh has to be away for Easter and he left me a box a Peeps with my card. I’ve been eating one a day…
    I ‘heart’ my Peeps.

  196. Hands down its a solid chocolate Easter bunny.
    So delicious and just SCREAMS Easter!

  197. Dark Chocolate Bunnies — Hollow & vegan!

  198. I love it all but I’m going to have to say Cadbury eggs!

  199. Love the Peep-achus! My favorite Easter candy is a perfect combination of Cadbury mini eggs and Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Eating them together provides a sublime melding of peanut butter and milk chocolate!
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