
Peanut Butter Pie


This is a pie for Mikey. It’s a peanut butter pie to honor Jennifer Perillo’s husband.  He passed away suddenly from a heart attack. I don’t know Jenny, but I have friends that do and I see her name in my twitter feed often. When I read her post about his passing and saw the outpouring of love and peanut butter pies from this wonderful community of food bloggers, I was overwhelmed.

It reminded me of the kindness of I am Baker when Amanda reached out through her blog and so many joined her to help others.

It reminded me of the kindness of all of you who helped with hope for me.

And now we can all come together to help Jennie heal.

I’m really proud to be a part of such a caring community.




Here’s a recipe from Pioneer Woman for Peanut Butter Pie … with added Nutter Butters in the middle for good measure.

Or peruse this list of the dozens of pies from others who are thinking of Jennifer and her family tonight. It is pretty amazing.

Make one to share with someone you love.

Also, here’s Jennie’s inspiring post. You may want to grab a tissue.

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65 comments on “Peanut Butter Pie”

  1. i am sorry for her. it reminds me of my grandfather, who died
    before i was born :(

  2. where r the bleepin recipes for the last pie ( the nutter butter pie)

  3. this website sucks!!….i cant find the recipe for the ****** pie!!!

  4. wow jenny stay strong and that pie was a beautiful tribute to mikey

  5. OMG, I read through Jennie’s blog and am crying my eyes out. The unfairness of this world is too much at times. I will remember to hug my loved ones a little tighter from now on.

  6. Where can I get a copy of the Dino BBQ Peanut Butter Pie recipe?

  7. I just made my first Peanutbutter Pie using the Dinosaur BBQ recipe. Delicious! My son liked the spoon clean.

  8. ???????? ??????, ???????)

  9. Hi, i am Sophie, i am french and i really enjoy your blog. Many thanks for your recipes !

  10. I cried when I read Jennie’s blog. So sad but so beautiful at the same time. Makes one really appreciate what is important in life. Thank you for all you do!

    Crystal Lee
    The Lee Craft Table

  11. HEY BAKERELLA !!!!!! My brother is in 8th grade so his class has 2 sell pies 2 raise $$$ 4 their class field trip. Do u think u can make any more pie recipes? thnx i <3 ur blog! : )

  12. Beautiful tribute my friend. Love the little nuggets of nutter butter love tucked inside…. xo

  13. Losing someone is never easy and I hope that she has as many caring friends with her physically in this time as she does virtually.

  14. What a thoughtful thing of you!

  15. Oh my, how heartbreaking. My husband was in a bad car wreck a few months ago that really made me think about life and love and being so thankful to still have him. I can’t imagine the pain Jennie is going through but I pray that she finds healing for her heart. Thanks for posting this. We all need a reminder now and then that life is so fleeting.

  16. I will make one this Friday for our Shabbat dinner. How heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing.

  17. This was so inspiring. I hope Jennie finds comfort in all the kind words and hands that have been baking pies in her husbands honor! My finace is a firefighter/paramedic and we are celebrating his birthday tomorrow with a peanut butter pie! Thanks for sharing this story of life, love & hope with all of us!

  18. How wonderfull storie, thanks for share it with us, I felt in my heart a great conection with this wonderfull and strong woman, and im sorry I read this post today ( monday) but in honor of mikey im gonna make my pie next friday, and make a post talking about this lovely story in my blog, heres the link if you want to read it ( is in spanish because is my native language):
    Im glad to know that you feel better and start to work again.. love the goodies goddies post :) big hugs and my best wishes.

  19. That’s so sad! I know plenty of people who love the peanut butter and chocolate combination. I will have to make something and send healing thoughts along the way.

  20. Oh my goodness. Wish i hadn’t read Jennie’s post while at work. Now people are wondering why i’m upset.
    My hubby is going to get an extra squeeze tonight.

  21. Seeing all the peanut butter pies was bittersweet in so many ways – for Jennie’s loss, for our loss thru her and yet so moving to see this community come together in a way that has been so powerful; am grateful to be a part

  22. I feel bad for just reading all this now. Prayers are being sent to Jennie and her family. Thanks for sharing this story and this recipe. I will definitely make one (or more) and share them with those I love.

  23. Prayers are being sent up. Thanks for sharing this story with us and what looks to be a great tasting pie :)

  24. So sorry for her loss, hope she has plently of people to support her in such a difficicult time.

    Though call me a cynic but is making a butter laden pie as dedication for someone who had a heart attack not hugely ironic. Should she not be asking people NOT to make pies in case they contribute towards the same thing happening to someone else?

  25. Hugs and prayers to Jennie and her family. I’m so sorry for her tragic loss.
    I’m going to bake something in honor of Mikey and his family.

  26. I hadn’t heard of that blog before but I appreciate your tribute. My husband works crazy hours, often we only see each other minutes during a 14 day period. Sometimes it seems those minutes are spent more on arguments or straightening out the kids tiffs than enjoying time together. This post made me realize how grateful we should be and how we should better spend time with one another. Thank you for that, and my heart goes out to Mikey’s family.

  27. As a food blogger myself I have seen this news a few times about Mikey. It is so sad and reminds us all how fragile life is.

  28. That pie looks gorgeous. Condolences to Jennifer’s family.

  29. Jennifer, so sorry to hear about your loss. Praying for comfort for you and your family through this time.

  30. Aww rip :'(

  31. I didn’t know Jennie before, but I was heartbroken after reading her post. I immediately made my “Pie for Mikey” and had it waiting on my husband when he came from work.

  32. you are a true gem!
    your heart is overflowing with kindness & concern.
    sending positive energy to jennifer & her girls…& you & your mom dear bakerella.

  33. OMG I went over to Jennie’s blog and cried. I also saw the post prior to the last one and that was of a short movie of her husband and child dancing. She named it “last dance”. What can you say when this happens to a family. Thank you for the link. And I’m so glad that you (& your mom) are doing great.

  34. Such a sad moment. I hope the fact that we will all be praying for a healing and strength with bear some of the burden. Much love goes out from our home to Jennie’s.

  35. how tremendously heartbreaking. I am off to make a pie and to hug my husband hard… sending out so much love to Jennie.

  36. Beautiful post. The nutter butters are a special touch!

    I’m so proud to have taken part in this global outpouring and show of love and support for Jennie and her daughters. Mikey would be proud, I think!

  37. I haven’t grown into a blogger yet, but reading and commenting occasionally. This community that spans the world offers a high held standard, flying support. You can actually feel it reading the comments. Love & prayers from Idaho to the family. PB Pie will forever hold a special meaning.

  38. Thanks Bakerella for sharing this one. I saw this years ago and misplaced my recipe for it. Sooooooo glad you posted it just for me! HaHa…enjoy your weekend!

  39. You have got the biggest heart girl. Look at everything you are going through, and yet you made the time to share your love with “virtual” stranger. Inspiring. Touching. You are a blessing.

    Much love to you!

  40. Such a beautiful post!

    To honor Mikey I also made a creamy peanut butter pie and shared with my loved ones,

    From Sweden with Love

  41. I believe it wonderful they way many blog are supporting Jenni. I am sure Mikey, will be happy to see all these scrumptious peanut butter pies. I love the mini peanut butter cookies in the middle :)

  42. Great post! What a great way to really show community. It’s so heart breaking

  43. I saw this article on CNN and I should’ve realized that you would bake the pie. thanks for the post!

  44. This pie is a symbol of so many great bloggers pulling together to show their support. Love this recipe.

  45. Yummy! The next pie I’ll make will definitely be an apple pie, but the next after that might just be the one you’ve made here. It looks so good.
    By the way, there’s a little award for you to pick up over at my blog.
    Have a good weekend!

  46. Peanut butter overdose today, I think!

  47. A beautiful pie and a beautiful post – a fitting tribute to Mikey.

  48. Ole, ole, ole… Wonderful

  49. It was an honor to take part in this ‘community’ event to show support for Jennie at this time—love the nutterbutters!

  50. Thank you so much for your lovely tribute, Bakerella.. I was just reading her Jenny’s blog yesterday and it was so heartbreaking.. My thoughts and prayers go out to her, her kids and family.. I can’t imagine something like this but I know it’s overwhelming and there are no words that can really express but we can certainly be there in love and support.

    God bless you,

  51. That’s the thing about food. We may not have anything in common, but whether it’s a peanut butter pie or a cheesy chicken casserole, it brings us together, especially during hard times.

  52. Aww poor mikey! He REALLY deserves one of your faboulous & delicous baking treats.

  53. It’s so great to see the outpouring of so many people supporting Jenny. I wasn’t able to make a pie for Mikey today but said my prayers for Jenny and her girls.

    Thanks for sharing your pie, it looks beautiful.

  54. oh my goodness! that is so sad… its such a depressing loss, please tell Jenny that i am very sorry for her husbands passing. (by the way the pie looks gorgeous!)

  55. I’m so sorry to hear this and so pleased to see the blogger out pour of love. Prayers to Jennie and her family.

  56. Sending thoughts for her loss. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for her. Hugs!

  57. i hope everything goes well for her.

  58. My BFF’s husband pulled through a surgery last month and got a clean bill of health this week from his specialist. They’re coming over tomorrow night for a visit so I plan to make this for him… and for Mikey.

  59. Such a loss, so sad. I will be hugging my loved ones a little tighter, and baking with Jennie in mind.

  60. Heartbreaking.

  61. Prayers and Pies! I needed a serious tissue after that!

  62. you weren’t kidding about the tissues…1 peanut butter pie coming up. thoughts and prayers are with jennie and her family…the link to the dozens of pies is beyond astounding.

  63. Thoughts and prayers to Jennie and her family.

  64. Thoughts and prayers are being sent to Jennie and her family.

  65. We’re sorry to hear about his passing. Thoughts and Prayers to Jennie and her family.

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