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Paper Pans


A few weeks ago, my friends over at Cake Art gave me a sample pack of some paper pans in a plethora of shapes and sizes. They thought I might like them. But, I don’t. I love them. You can bake and then turn right around and take your goodies to someone special. Either that or display them at home and turn your kitchen into a coffee shop which could be fun, too.


These tiny ones make me happy. The size. The color. The slightly scalloped edge. Happy.


And so do these tee-niny ones. Eeeeek!


They have cylinder-shaped baking molds and regular muffin cup styles, too. Both of these are sturdy enough that you don’t need a muffin tray to bake them in. Just arrange them on a baking sheet and go.


And look at these cuties. They have lids. Perfect to bake and take.

Since I had all these pans, I had to put something in them.


I went for blueberries and bananas…


… and made some yummy muffins.

Blueberry Muffins
Yield: 12-15 muffins

Yummy Blueberry Muffins

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter, room temperature
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (or two medium-sized bananas)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (rinse and pat dry)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line tray with muffin cup papers.
  2. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together with a wire whisk.
  3. Add butter, eggs, bananas and vanilla. Mix on low until just combined.
  4. Toss blueberries in a little extra flour and then fold into batter. Reserve some blueberries to place on the tops.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Serve while still warm with butter.

Add a little butter while they’re still warm and your tummy will say thank you.


Then tear right in.


I had enough batter to try them out in all of the smaller size pans for fun. The large round paper cake and loaf pans would have to wait for another day.

But you don’t. Cake Art was sweet and gave me a second sample pack. So who wants it? Anyone?


Try and control your excitement and enter for a chance to win a bunch of paper. ; )

Just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.

What is your favorite muffin? (I know. Tough, huh.)

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 1 at 5 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

P.S. Cake Art has pans available in large and small quantities. Sorry, they don’t have photos… just descriptions. But here’s a site with more pan options and pictures.

Wow. I really didn’t expect so many people to want to win paper pans. Super surprised. And now I wish I had scored more sample packs from Cake Art. Maybe I’ll get more the next time I make a trip. Until then, we have a winner. I’m excited to announce this one too, because finally a low entry number one. Low like commenter #5! Yay!



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5,953 comments on “Paper Pans”

  1. My favorite is definitely the pecan pie muffin. If you haven’t tried it, you must!!!!!!!!!! Only 5 ingredients and it really does taste like pecan pie!

  2. blueberry with crumbs on top

  3. I believe it’s a tie between banana and blueberry. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Blueberry!
    Thank you!

  5. Banana Sour Cream Muffins – AWESOME!

  6. bananas et chocolate muffins!

  7. il mio muffin preferito con cioccolato e cannella! ciao Ely

  8. Pumpkin & Chocolate, Chocolate Chip are equally my favorites

  9. Banana muffins. Banana muffins that are actually made from a recipe for banana bread from Nourishing Traditions. A cookbook, I might add, that points out how unhealthy refined sugar, flour, additives all are in food. And yet–here I am at Bakerella! A little sugar every once in a while won’t kill you. Every day, and it probably will…

    Any way, the muffins are sweetened with maple syrup and are fantastic. I have to soak the whole wheat flour overnight with a little yogurt.

    They are delicious! And, nutritious!

  10. Banana nut muffins would have to be on the top of my favorite list…. pretty ordinary, but incredibly delicious!!

  11. Lemon poppyseed. yum.

  12. Banana, banana, banana! I can’t believe I’ve never tried these paper pans before; I mean aside from paper cups! :)

  13. I love banana muffins made with sour cream! YUMMY!

  14. Blueberry!

  15. Anything that is my favorite would have to include chocolate, so I’d have to say banana chocolate chip muffins!!!

  16. I lovvvee muffins…so, my favorite would probably have to be good ol’ banana nut, but all of these coconut comments have me thinking.

  17. Banana nut or blueberry!

  18. My favorite muffin is blueberry or raspberry. Love these paper pans!

  19. Mmmm, apple cinnamon although I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a chocolate muffin with huge chunks of chocolate – none of this prissy chip stuff!

  20. Nice! I love chocolate, chocolate chip muffins (you know the HUGE ones from the store?) I’m also a fan of banana.

  21. Orange cranberry with brown sugar and oats on top! Oh I want to live at Bakerella’s..

  22. I’ve got an amazing recipe for banana muffins with coconut and chocolate chunks – not healthy at all, but delicious!!

  23. My favorite muffins are cinnamon streusel–they remind me of the coffee cake my mom used to make when I was little.

  24. Oatmeal, maple and apple. AMAZING!

  25. Chocolate chip banana nut muffins are a meal all unto themselves! Including dessert. ;)

  26. double chocolate chip is my default…given a ton of choices, i always grab the double chocolate chip. i think my tastebuds love the decadence.

  27. I’m always on the lookout for cute baking things that I can take. My favorite paper “baking” products are cupcake holders with space for four. They are so cute and the perfect treat for a friend.

  28. BLUEBERRY MUFFINS! I know, boring!

  29. I would have to say my favorite is either banana or apple. =)

  30. Buttermilk spice muffins from Mimi’s Cafe Restaurant!

  31. My favorite muffin? Banana nut for sure, with lots of sugar sprinkled on top…

  32. I like lemon poppy seed and of course the Blueberry is good too!

  33. Homemade blueberry with a crumb topping. :)

  34. My favorite flavor muffin is my mom’s homemade oatmeal blueberry muffin!

  35. chocolate chip!

  36. My favorite is strawberry!! Thanks for the giveaway =)

  37. I love the idea of not having to use standard pans. So many more options this way and blueberry & banana muffins are a great healthier treat!

  38. Love blueberry lemon ricotta muffins.

  39. Not difficult at all… Corn. Love Corn muffins!

  40. All time favorite – BANANA CHOCOLATE CHIP – YUM!!!!

  41. blueberry is my favorite!

  42. I love these -perfect for all those bake sales!
    I love making fresh blueberry/strawberry muffins. Yum!

  43. I love banana nut muffins. The paper pans look interesting.

  44. mmmmm, chocolate chip with a big glass of chocolate milk. And I don’t even like chocolate! haha

  45. Morning Glory Muffins are my favorite. So moist and tasty. They are even better the second day!

  46. ohhhh, i love lemon poppyseed muffins!!

  47. My favorite muffin is chocolate muffin, of course…

  48. A tie between a morning glory and blueberry crumb.

  49. Blueberry with a hint of lemon

  50. what a great idea! Love cinnamon anything muffins!

  51. Right now…pumpkin chocolate chip!

  52. Cinnamon chip! I just love when the sugar is all crusty on top,…you bite in and get all the cinnamon…so good!!

  53. pumpkin spice!

  54. Oh my! I have been wanting to try these pans for so long…especially those cylinder baking molds. I found a recipe for a molasses muffin that has become my favorite, but anything with chocolate runs a close 2nd.

  55. Blueberry or chocolate chip! :)

  56. They are absolutely adorable! I definitely have to say that banana nut muffins are by far the best!

  57. my mom’s pumpkin and cream cheese muffins are the best! every year i hope fall comes a little early so i can convince her to start making these again!

  58. Banana nut muffin its my favorite

  59. Do I have to choose just one favourite? Impossible!

    My favourites are lemons muffins, or cinnamon swirl. Or blueberry. Or raspberry. Or… You get the idea. :o)

    Aaaand now I’m craving muffins. Damn.

  60. Definitely blueberry. Warm with lots of butter

  61. Banana! Just plain ol banana!!

  62. {insert type of fruit here} and Chocolate. Healthy and sinful at the same time, whats not to love.

  63. My favorite muffin has to be either lemon poppy seed or almond poppy seed. Hands down!

  64. blueberry are the best!!

  65. Strawberry cream cheese…mmmmm!

  66. So fun! What a great idea!

    Fave muffin? Honestly any with a chunky nut and not too sweet. Banana walnut tends to tug at my heartstrings…

  67. My favorite is definitely blueberry muffins – hot out of the oven and with lots of butter. Mmm!

  68. My favorite is poppy-seed or apples or banana or all of the above together in one muffin, haha!

  69. Bluberry muffins with sugary crumbles on top. Simple yet oh-so-yummy! P.S. Those are the most adorable baby paper pans ever! Thanks for sharing Cakeart & Bakerella!

  70. That is a tough one! I would say I think my favorite muffins are Nigella’s Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffins. They are dee-lish and super easy to make!

  71. hmmm… that is a touch question! I LOVE muffins! I guess i would say apple cinnamon!

  72. Banana nut all the way!!! I love rhubarb muffins too ;)

  73. OMG. I’ve never known anyone else to make the blueberry-banana combo!! So delicious! I’ve only made it as bread, but muffins probably cook up better!

  74. This weekend I made Morning Glory muffins for my bed and breakfast guests. We all loved them.

  75. mango carrot cake :)

  76. It’s actually not tough–for me, anyway. I love all muffins, but the lemon-poppyseed truly holds my heart. I just finished up a batch a few days ago! HEAVEN.

  77. blueberry muffins are my favorite, and the weird thing is–i don’t even like blueberries!

  78. cinnamon coffee cake! this post has me salivating!

  79. banana with chocolate chips!

  80. Banana nut is always good, but I have to go with apple cinnamon as my favorite. Now I want a muffin!

  81. ginger!

  82. I love chocolate chip muffins!

  83. Oh, it’s too hard to pick my favorite muffin TO EAT, but my favorite muffin TO MAKE is this blueberry muffin with cinnamon-sugar crumb topping from!

  84. these are so smart! Not to mention great for the earth,huh? a fav of mine is cinammon streusel.

  85. my favourite is chocolate banana muffin with a dollop of dulce de leche inside!

  86. I love blueberry…or anything else fattening!!!

  87. Banana Crumb!

  88. Homemade would be my fave. No greasy store-bought ones! Other than that … perhaps blueberry. I might have to make your recipe today :)

  89. I love vanilla cream muffin!

  90. Blueberry lemon with sugar sprinkled on top!!

  91. Zucchini with pecans, golden raisins, and pineapple. The more stuff you can put in them, the better! What a fun giveaway!

  92. I like all things pumpkin….but oh I can not forsake the classic blueberry (with fresh blueberries…not the canned variety)…add a streusel topping and a cup of strong coffee and you’ve got the makings for a perfect morning!!
    love all the paper, thanks for the giveaway!!

  93. I’d have to go wtih Lemon Poppyseed. LOVE the pans!!

  94. Favorite muffin , , , Blueberry!

  95. Blueberry! It’s hard to not go with a classic.

  96. I love a cranberry orange muffin…yum!

  97. Plain banana, no chocolate chips or nuts!

  98. so cool!
    my favorite is blueberry, or chocolate, or apple and cinnamon or.. or.. ;) to difficult….

  99. Too many to choose from! But I think I will have to go with cinnamon sugar muffins… or anything cinnamon for that matter!

  100. Oh, wow! Those are fabulous. Let’s see, my favorite muffin would have to be classic blueberry- hot with a nice slab of butter melting into it. :)

  101. Cappuccino. Coffee flavored with chocolate chips. Yummy!

  102. I love double chocolate muffins!

  103. Blueberry with a little crumble on top!

  104. I LOVE Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins. They are my dream!

  105. the doughnut muffin! yum!

  106. Current favorite is pineapple carrot, but the husband and son lobby pretty hard for oatmeal raisin, so that’s what I’m off to bake now!

    Thanks for sharing those lovely samples, and have a nice weekend.

  107. These are AWESOME! Would be great for baking with my daughter since I would worry about her burning herself. I love orange cranberry muffins.

  108. I love the paper pans! Adorable! My fave is strawberry or lemon. Yummy! I will be going to make them now! Thank you!

  109. My all time favorite muffins are corn muffins, pure, unadulterated, old fashioned corn muffins!

  110. thank you for the new resource for paper bakeware! i’m going to ck it out ASAP! Oh yeah, and it’s really hard to beat a good chocolate chocolate chip muffin!

  111. love love love banana crumb muffins or apple spice crum muffins ok i love any muffins where i can pop a cinaminon-ey crumble/struddel like topping yum!

  112. Love banana nut with crumbly sugar on top! Mmmmm….

    And, my goodness, are those pans CUTE!!

  113. These are fantastic! What a great idea!

    My favorite muffin is corn with lots and lots of butter.

  114. my favorite are Morning Glory muffins. A little bit of everything.

  115. I love a good banana muffin.

  116. Definetly Blueberry! Yum yum

  117. Chocolate!!!! Always!!!

  118. Pumpkin wtih cream cheese icing drizzle !

  119. I love banana crumb muffins:)

  120. What fun sizes. Our church does an outreach ministry to those that are on the “fringes” of our church. These would be perfect to use in that ministry. Visit and take some goodies.

    My favorite muffins are blueberry and banana nut.

  121. Corn muffins and blueberry…although I’ve been wanting to try some new ones from 500 Cupcakes like spinach and pine nut and basil pesto cupcakes.

  122. Orange cranberry would be my favorite with chocolate chip coming in second.

  123. My favorite is blueberry, but I don’t discriminate- I love all muffins! :) – Those mini paper-pans are adorable!

  124. I love banana chocolate chip muffins! They are yummy!

  125. Chocolate! Actually, I think my next flavour combo that I’m gonna try out is white chocolate and banana :D

  126. My favorite muffins are definitely Morning Glory muffins … full of apples and carrots and pineapple and coconut, oats and bran and honey — so delicious!

  127. Mmmm cranberry orange

  128. Pumpkin, blueberry, lemon…. you name it, I love them all!!

  129. Hm.. That is a hard choice!
    But I have to say American raspberry and blueberry muffin. The two berries balance each other nicely and the batter together gives the muffins a taste resembling of pie. I don’t really know what makes it American, but it’s not only white sugar in it, it is dark brown sugar too.

    When it comes to cupcakes it’s lemon and liquorice that’s my favorite though. :)

    (Is it even possible for me to win anything in your contests? I’m from Sweden..)

  130. My favorite muffin would have to be chocolate chip – its like dessert and breakfast all in one!

  131. Gotta love Mom’s homemade zucchini muffins…yummm…

  132. Banana Nut!

  133. My favorite muffin would have to be carrot nut..YUM!

  134. apple..hmmmmmmm…. just love it!!

  135. My favorite muffin is Chocolate Chip Cheesecake muffins, I pretty much LOVE any kind of muffin, especially making them!

  136. hhhmmmm…..warm chocolate chip muffins

  137. I really love orange/cranberry and sometimes add coconut and/or chopped nuts

  138. Lemon poppy seed muffins are my favorite… most days!

  139. the buttermilk spice muffin from Mimi’s Cafe, mmmmmmm.

  140. Blueberry. Especially soft, cakey ones.

  141. I love cinnamon streusel and banana (no nuts, thanks!) muffins

  142. Chocolate Chip Muffins are my favorite. I know they are bad for me, but they are so good!

  143. oooohhhh! i’ve always wanted to try the paper trays but never had the guts to buy them…
    my favorite muffin is my mom’s apple muffin recipe, it’s super moist and has a yummy cinnamon/sugar sprinkle on top.

  144. Those look delicious! However, banana nut and pumpkin streusel muffins are my favorite!

  145. blueberry!

  146. Banana Chocolate Chip!

  147. A big, hot corn muffin with butter melting all over it!

  148. Definitely homemade pumpkin muffins with cream cheese filling and streusel topping. You know, super healthy!

  149. I am good with fresh blueberry muffins.

  150. I love lemon poppyseed. I could live on coffee and a good lemon poppyseed muffin or quickbread!

    great… now I’m hungry! :)

    ~Kelli @ Smidgens

  151. I love them when they come with some almond and coconut. *yummy* :)

  152. Most positively Blueberry!!!!

  153. I love cinnamon streusel muffins or banana nut. Yum!!!

  154. I love banana chocolate chip muffins and also these sour cream chocolate chip muffins I make. Hrm, I guess I like chocolate chips in my muffins!

  155. Those are soooooo cute! I think I made little grabby hands when I saw them!! Favorite muffin? When I was a teenager there was a bakery that made what they called Morning Muffins. Like carrot cake, but with raisins and pineapple and coconut and nuts and they were all kinds of moist yumminess. I’m still looking a perfect copycat recipe. :)

  156. lemon poppy or orange blossom!

  157. Cinnamon apple!

  158. Plain old blueberry!!

  159. I absolutely adore cherry chocolate chip muffins :) I guess they’re more like cake though!

  160. Pumpkin chocolate chip is my favorite muffin flavor. Really, any muffin with chocolate chips is great!

  161. I love them!!! specially the little square brown!!!

  162. I’ll pick the lemon-poppy every time!

  163. Long time reader first time commenter here! We {heart} muffins in our house. Our favorites are gingerbread and a chocolate muffin we had at a b&b.

  164. The question isn’t really that tough…
    It’s my moms super choco-chocolate-muffins with cacao cream! YAY!

  165. Chocolate chip or carrot muffin….Yummmm

  166. These are the cutest things I’v eever seen.
    Banana chocolate chip muffins rock!!!

  167. My favorite muffins are pineapple ones my mom used to make when I was a kid. Not too sweet, but amazing slathered in butter – especially when you hit one of those pockets of pineapple!

  168. Who can resist a pumpkin muffin with cream cheese inside and toasted seeds on top? Not me!

  169. It is like they have answered my prayers!

  170. Favorite, oh that will be hard. but i do always seem to go back to something with Blueberry or Orange Cranberry. But there are a lot more i would like to try … something with Mango. oh, mango how i love you, Coconut… i did see unsweetened coconut shavings and really wanted to buy them but hubby said know what you are going to do with them first then you can buy… i so hate when he goes to the store with me, its more fun to buy then figure it out.

  171. I think I’d go with a Blueberry Muffin… or something lemony! mmmm…. maybe I should bake something today, lol!

  172. my favorite is pumpkin strussell but I also love the lemon/blueberry combination!

  173. Cranberry and orange muffins! Or anything pumpkin! These are such a good idea.

  174. Wow. That IS tough! I guess my favorite would be good old blueberry! I love so many different kinds though.

  175. banana nut!

  176. Blueberry or banana choc chip….what a great tool for giving away baked happiness to those who need a “pick me up”

  177. blueberry!

  178. Cranberry orange muffins. Or maybe blueberry with crumble on top……. It’s a tie.

  179. My favorite muffing is bluberry with strusel topping!

  180. Blueberry…but only with crumbles on top! If I am feeling savory there is nothing like a good corn muffin with melted butter!

  181. I love blueberry cheesecake muffins!!

  182. Good old fashioned blueberry muffins are my fav!

  183. It has to be lemon poppy seed muffins, yum!

  184. Banana nut, I’d say.

  185. My favorite muffin is the Cinnamon-Ripple Coffee Cake Muffin. (found in Muffins A to Z, Marie Simmons’ cookbook)

  186. Key Lime!! I had them at Souplantation and look forward to them excitedly every year. Love love love them.

  187. Who wouldn’t love to try these paper baking molds. Terrific.
    Favorite muffin….poppyseed

  188. So many to choose from…but I Love a cinnamon chip muffin with a sweet glaze on top! Mmmm, you just can’t go wrong!

  189. Pumpkin muffins are my fave!

  190. I would love those little tins for my bento obsession. They are perfect for portion control

  191. Pumpkin chocolate chip. So good!

  192. I will have to go with blueberry but there are many others that I would like to try.

  193. I like blueberry muffins!

  194. Mmm banana! Those paper pans are super cool! Thanks for blogging about them!

  195. I love me some lemon poppyseed muffins :)

  196. Oooh, these look fabulous!!!

  197. First thought is blueberry, but I do like chocolate chocolate chip, too!

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