A few weeks ago, my friends over at Cake Art gave me a sample pack of some paper pans in a plethora of shapes and sizes. They thought I might like them. But, I don’t. I love them. You can bake and then turn right around and take your goodies to someone special. Either that or display them at home and turn your kitchen into a coffee shop which could be fun, too.
These tiny ones make me happy. The size. The color. The slightly scalloped edge. Happy.
And so do these tee-niny ones. Eeeeek!
They have cylinder-shaped baking molds and regular muffin cup styles, too. Both of these are sturdy enough that you don’t need a muffin tray to bake them in. Just arrange them on a baking sheet and go.
And look at these cuties. They have lids. Perfect to bake and take.
Since I had all these pans, I had to put something in them.
I went for blueberries and bananas…
… and made some yummy muffins.
Yummy Blueberry Muffins
Add a little butter while they’re still warm and your tummy will say thank you.
Then tear right in.
I had enough batter to try them out in all of the smaller size pans for fun. The large round paper cake and loaf pans would have to wait for another day.
But you don’t. Cake Art was sweet and gave me a second sample pack. So who wants it? Anyone?
Try and control your excitement and enter for a chance to win a bunch of paper. ; )
Just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.
What is your favorite muffin? (I know. Tough, huh.)
Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 1 at 5 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.
Good luck.
P.S. Cake Art has pans available in large and small quantities. Sorry, they don’t have photos… just descriptions. But here’s a site with more pan options and pictures.
Wow. I really didn’t expect so many people to want to win paper pans. Super surprised. And now I wish I had scored more sample packs from Cake Art. Maybe I’ll get more the next time I make a trip. Until then, we have a winner. I’m excited to announce this one too, because finally a low entry number one. Low like commenter #5! Yay!
I love almond poppyseed! Delicious…
lemon poppyseed :-)
Hello! I LOVE chocolate chip muffins.. my favorite!! I hope i win :-)
Blueberry Cheesecake! Yum!
I can’t eat eggs, so muffins are a rare treat. Whenever I find ANY muffin without eggs, that’s my new favorite!!
My favorite muffing is nothiing fancy smanchy just regular ol banana oatmeal nut muffins:) theyre yummy and great with milk:)
I’m trying to be good and not eat sweets so of course the first kind that came to mind was chocolate chocolate chip.
What is your favorite muffin? Banuffins! Yum banana choco chip – soo good :)
Raspberry streudel.
cranberry orange!
Oh how fun! I have to give in to my instincts and go with chocolate muffins!
I love those big chocolate ones you get at Sam’s club…just the tops!
My favorite is raspberry muffins. I love them.
My favorite muffin: Blueberry with streusel topping
My Meme’s blueberry muffins. THE.BEST.
But, Im making these bananaberry tonight. :)
I love, love, love blueberry muffins!
apple cinnamon
def blueberry!
What kind?!? But all types of muffins, of course!!!!But the one which took a special place in my heart…and belly too :( …is triple chocolate…or maybe a lighter one, with blueberry or soft fruits…
Well…it would be better to say that I apreciate all kind of muffins… ;P
classic blueberry is the best!
I love a honey sour cream filled sweet potato muffin. It is moist from the sour cream and slightly sticky from the honey, but the outside, the actual muffin….it owns me!
My favortie muffin is Poppy seed with Almond Glaze!
Chocolate :)
Or Blueberry
So hard to choose!
Lemon Poppyseed!
Ha-ha! I got so excited about the paper goods I forgot to mention my favorite muffin. I have to say I LOVE refrigerator bran muffins. The ones made with cereal and buttermilk? yum!
These are soooo cute! My favorite muffin is a corn muffin.
What a fun thing to encourage giving! I love these paper goods…and I love giving baked goods away! How fun! I’m for sure getting some!
Banana nut!
My favorite is the Citrus Poppy muffin at my local coffee shop!
Love, love, love blueberry muffins. Actually blueberry anything!
Can’t wait to try your bananaberry muffins!!
Wow, I never even heard of things like this, how fun!
Me, Me, Me!! I’m trying to come up with ideas for my son’s groom’s table. I really need these! Thanks!
Chocolate chip for sure!
I love blueberry muffins
Probably chocolate chip banana, but anything pumpkin or blueberry are close seconds!
nevermind, just realized I was 30 min late. Stupid traffic :(
My favorite have to be oatmeal chocolate chip. :)
I adore the paper pans! I’ve bought a few over the past year and it’s been great to take along homemade gifts.
As for muffins, I have recently been experimenting with healthy versoins of bran muffins, soaked multigrain muffins, and other uber-healthy options. But my favorite will always be a double chocolate muffin. RIght on the line between muffin and cupcake-moist, but with a heartier texture, and loaded with chocolate chips. So bad, yet so so good.
I’ll join the loads of others that said Banana chocolate chip. Heck yes.
I love blueberry muffins! My favorite.
banana nut all the way!
When I was younger, I loved blueberry muffins. That is, until I tried a pistachio one, it was love at first bite!!!
Anything fruity and nutty! Add big ole sugar crystals and I’m a gonner.
Chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chip :) The more chocolate the better!!!!
I would say chocolate and banana nut.
Ooohh and I just remembered PUMPKIN in the autumn and winter!
I’m always late entering in these contests, and as of right now I’m about 20 minutes late! Grr… My schedule needs to become more flexible for my love of bakerella :)
Anyway, favorite muffin? Craisins and orange. Yummm. Either that or any cinnamony-strussel goodness.
Any type of muffin! One with a crumble topping is best!
Homemade blueberry. Yummy!!!!
my favorite muffin is banana nut, with blueberry coming in as a close second!!
I love a banana and chocolate muffin – especially if they make some allusion to monkeys in its title :)
Tough call… but it’s got to be Baklava Muffins from Nigella’s ‘How to be a Domestic Goddess’. Perfection!
my muffin would have to be lemon and poppy seed
thank you jenn
My favorite muffin is banana chocolate chip!!!!!!
No doubt about it. My favorite muffins are blueberry!
Chocolate chip muffins are my fave and you can just give me the muffin top cause that’s the best part !
I make some pretty handsome blackberry almond muffins. They’re to die for.
Morning glory muffins with carrot, banana, nuts, oats, bran, flax, apricots and whatever dried fruit. They’re fairly healthy, filling, and a cinch to make!
chocolate chocolate chip
but if I’m trying to be just a little little bit healthy, I’d say blueberry streusal
What a coincidence! I bought some blueberries at the store yesterday so I could make muffins AND I happen to have a few too-ripe bananas on the counter. I bet the kids will love these in the morning!
Oh, and my favorite muffin…probably whichever one’s in front of me at the time!!
Definitely blueberry muffins!
cream cheese chocolate chip muffins!
They would taste even better baked in these.
my mom’s recipe for apple, cheese, oat muffins!
Banana Nut hands down!
I love lemon poppyseed!
with one minute to spare! Just in the knick of time! hee hee — chocolate chip anything — that’s a batter right? :)
Most certainly orange cranberry with a brown-sugar and walnut crumb topping…can’t beat it, it’s Autumn in a muffin
fav muffin – banana chocolate chip made with whole wheat flour. yummmmmmmmmmmm
Depends on the day but I can always eat a chocolate chip muffin.
cranberry streussel (sp?)
I often give baked goods as gifts…these are perfect!!!
I would love to put banana bread or coffee cake in these!
these are such a great idea and so fun!
My favorite muffin? I just don’t know… maybe the lemon blueberry cornmuffin, possibly poppy seed with glaze? blueberry, banana oatmeal??? Such decisions.
I love Banana Nut muffins! yum! These pans look so awesome!
Bran muffins!
chocolate chip!
Blueberry sour cream muffins! The blueberries are wild blueberries collected from my yard.
definitely cranberry orange!
My favorite muffin is definitely apple cinnamon…yum! Especially in the fall when the weather starts to get chilly :)
My fave muffins are pumpkin cream cheese! YUM!
mmm. easy. pumpkin. yum. throw in some chocolate chips, yummy.
grilled coffee cake muffins are to die for!!!
I love poppy seed muffins!!!
Banana nut muffins are my favorite!
My favorite is traditional blueberry muffins!
Cherry…cherry anything warms my heart.
I just love a raspberry and marscapone muffin! Delicious!!
I’m a lemon poppyseed girl!
My favorite muffin is banana chocolate chip, my mother in-law makes them all the time. yummy :)
mmmm oatmeal!
favorite muffin: lemon poppyseed. hands down.
So hard to choose a favorite muffin but I will have to go with the traditional blueberry…warm with LOTS of butter…makes me think of home and Mom! Pumpkin muffins come in a VERY close 2nd!
Love, Love LOVE cranberry orange muffins! I hope I get to make a batch in these cute papers!!!
Banana-chocolate-chip all the way baby! Yummers! :p
I have the bananas will add some oatmeal crunch topping.. Yumm thank you for sharing..
Love Love Love Corn Muffins! Can’t get enough of them!
strawberry cream cheese YUM!
Blueberry with streusel on top. YUM.
The blueberry muffin recipe that Pioneer woman did on her website. I think it was one someone submitted in the dairy contest. It has yogurt in it and is yuuuuummmmmy!
blueberry with streudel topping. i used to make them for my mom EVERY mothers day…DELISH!
My favorite muffin is pumpkin spice. They don’t need any icing and they are delicious for breakfast or anytime of the day. But if I’m craving a little more sugar, I top them with cream cheese icing. Heaven!!!
wow, so many comments…hope i get a chance to WIN!
p.s. fave muffin is lemon poppy seed!
Banana nut, although I am thinking that anything baked in those adorable little pans would be my favorite!
Oh man, my favorite muffin?
That’s tough.
It would have to be…blueberry (but only made with fresh blueberries!)
My absolute favorite is peach muffins, from this little bakery in Sedona, AZ. I’d pay for the flight just to go get some of those muffins….
I like banana chocolate chip muffins!!!
Pumpkin chocolate chip…my favorite, hands down!
Carrot Raisin, yum!
Double chocolate chunk…definitely more of a dessert muffin than breakfast, but who’s keeping track :p?
Chocolate chip muffins are my favorite.
Blueberry! (Predictable, heh)
favorite has to be peanut butter-banana-toffee muffins.. created on a cold winter day and we had too many bananas going bad in the kitchen
Poppy, I love them
Blueberry. Something about the simple vanilla and tart blue berries makes this a winner.
My favorite muffin is banana/walnut, truly delicious!!!!!!
Chocolate chip pumpkin muffin!
My favorite muffin? The blueberry ones my aunt made for mother’s day… I NEED to get her recipe. My second favorite is the roasted banana cupcakes (just without the frosting) from Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes book. So I can’t wait to try your bananaberry muffin recipe!
Lemon Poppyseed. Always has been my favorite, and always will be.
I don’t mean to brag, but I make the best pumpkin muffins ever. And they are my absolute favorite muffins. :)
any muffins with fresh berries are wonderful – I especially love raspberry ones though.
Hands down, blueberry, baked with fresh blueberries! I’ve been craving them lately! Off to bake.
Either blueberry or chocolate chip. Yum!
My sister’s chocolate pumpkin muffins
I want….I want…I want…. My favorite muffin is blueberry and I also love banana nut muffins…yummy!
Blueberry….Well maybe my apple pie muffin or banana nut or pumpkin cream cheese….I like this game!
Homemade blueberry muffins! for sure…. which of course makes me excited to try your recipe…. off to the kitchen I go. (I’ll have to try frozen blueberries and bananas, that’s all I have). I hope I win!!!
My work makes these delicious molasses and cranberry muffins. They’re fat free (not that you’d know it) and super delicious, so I can feel good eating them on two different levels ^.^
My kids love cinnamon chip muffins with a streusel topping.
Love Zucchini muffins! And blueberry with a crumbly top!
OMG! These look wonderful. I could really, really have fun with them. :)
My favorite is probably blueberry. Although, I have to say I’ve never had blueberry and banana (and that looks pretty good…might have a new favoite, lol)
While growing up my mother made these blue berry muffins with some sort of sugar crumble on top, they were soo good. Definitely my favorite!! ;-)
Chocolate chocolate chip muffins! I know they are basically cupcakes at that point, but I love them! Getting one of those massive chocolate yummies as a kid would always make my day (and they still do).
double chocolate chip muffins! I just love biting into a chocolate muffin and finding additional chocolatey goodness in every bite!
Poppyseed! Or banana chocolate chips! Or lemon blueberry!
Hmmm….I think it’s too hard to decide!
Those look delish! Now, I know what I’ll be baking this Saturday. Thank you for sharing.
Blueberry or chocolate. YUM! Thanks for the chance!
Blueberry lemon or lemon poppyseed. Or pumpkin!!
Figures I was out of the country and entering at the last minute. I’m a bit torn. Officially, I would say blueberry because blueberries are the best ever. Unofficially, though, if you put a corn muffin together right, I’m there.
Mmm, muffins .. orange cranberry! Yum!
Cinnamon with struesel topping! MMMMMM… I think I’m going to have to stop at the store on the way home for some baking supplies!
Blueberry with a crumb topping and a little lemon glaze!
Banana nut, banana nut, banana nut….oh sorry, you wanted my favorite muffin? That would be banana nut…….
Mmm, I really love muffins so picking just one favorite is super tough!! However, a couple of my most favorites are Anytime Muffins {basically a plain muffin that you can do pretty much anything with} and Brown Sugar Muffins. Mmm … heavenly!
Pumpkin spice, definitely. Even when it’s out of season!
Yeah, that one is tough! But I LOVE banana muffins with chocolat chips!
Lemon Cranberry and Blueberry
Carrot muffins with cream cheese swirl filling :-)
Lemon poppy seed! Delish :)
My favorite muffin is poppy seed!
favorite muffin = poppyseed…no brainer! :)
Hmmmmm….Dark chocolate with at cream cheese/chocolate chip filling. Mom used to make them for special occasions.
Orange Cranberry,,,the best!:)
Sugar topped muffins are the best!
looks so yummy as always.
an answer; I am a chocolate fan; so any muffin has chocolate or cocoa in it.
Cranberry-Walnut, please.
Definitely poppy seed muffins, they’re good alone or with any meal!
Gotta go w/ the good old fashion blueberry. Love!
Morning Glory muffins with a little crunchy granola topping fresh out of the oven :)
Wowee! Those are so cute! Seems that we share a love for things tiny!
My favorite muffins are blueberry with the sweet little crumbles on top or poppy seed muffins. YUMMO!
My favorite muffin is Orange strawberry!
My favorite muffin would have to be orange cranberry!
Hmm… my favorite is cranberry, blueberry – best one I’ve ever had was in a lil bakery in Montreal on my 2nd wedding anniversary trip with my hubby in March! Delish!
Hello, from Greece!I love your blog and your ideas. You are amazing!!
My favorite muffin is… Banana chocolate!!!!
I love chocolate chip muffins. Just recently tried a rhubarb one that was also quite good.
Zucchini muffins or Chocolate chocolate chip. Yum!
We *love* lemon poppyseed muffins. Thanks for sharing this source….I’ve been wondering if I could buy them somewhere.
My favorite muffins are anything with lemons.
Banana with Chocolate chips. Yum!
So many different ones, I think I would have to go poppyseed
My favorite is definitely carrot with cream cheese strudel
There’s something about a raspberry muffin that I love so much! The color and the flavor… so yum!
my favorite muffin… is chocolate chip. not chocolate-chocolate chip, but the plain muffin batter with a few chips in it. if i wanted a surge of chocolate, i would go ahead and make cupcakes. :)
Oh how lovely! My favorite is definitely Lemon Ricotta muffins. They would look darling in those paper cups.
Away with the unattractive tin foil pans forever! New baking inventions make me feel warm and shiny.
Oh, to choose…two to choose:
chocolate chocolate chip muffins or lemon poppy seed?
Ok…Ok.. I admit it…chocolate all the way :)
~Teresa Bearden
Lemon Poppyseed is the way to go!
I loveeee cranberry muffins!!!
those are my absolutely favorites
Blueberry muffins are the best!!
I LOVE the color of these – so quaint!!!
My favorite muffin is PW’s Good Morning Muffins – delish, easy and super filling!!!!
Blueberry muffin’s with my Grandma’s recipe, yum yum!
Super cool, I would totally use those awesome paper pans!
CHOCOLATE, i love chocolate, so it gotta be double chocolate chip muffins… mmmmh :)
Pumpkin Spice….mmmmmm….probably the top reason I look forward to the fall months!
My favorite muffins are poppy seed muffins! YUM!!!!
Blueberry with lots of crunchy sugar on top!
Chocolate chip banana muffins.. fresh out of the oven so they still have a crisp top!
I love chocolate chip muffins. Oh and poppy seed muffins to:)
Cranberry orange with a crunchy topping. MMM!
this giveaway is Paperiffic! (ok, that was lame) but so excited anyways for a chance to bake some thing so delightfully yummy in these little guys! thanks!
Classic blueberry muffin…topped with a sprinkling of sugar, cut straight through the center (while hot) and topped with a nice big piece of butter between the two halves….yum. I might make some tonight for dinner….
I love lemon poppyseed. Of course, cinnamon swirl is good, or blueberry, or chocolate chip, or pumpkin… Oh dear, I think I need to go make muffins. Muffins for dinner, sounds good to me!