
Paper Pans


A few weeks ago, my friends over at Cake Art gave me a sample pack of some paper pans in a plethora of shapes and sizes. They thought I might like them. But, I don’t. I love them. You can bake and then turn right around and take your goodies to someone special. Either that or display them at home and turn your kitchen into a coffee shop which could be fun, too.


These tiny ones make me happy. The size. The color. The slightly scalloped edge. Happy.


And so do these tee-niny ones. Eeeeek!


They have cylinder-shaped baking molds and regular muffin cup styles, too. Both of these are sturdy enough that you don’t need a muffin tray to bake them in. Just arrange them on a baking sheet and go.


And look at these cuties. They have lids. Perfect to bake and take.

Since I had all these pans, I had to put something in them.


I went for blueberries and bananas…


… and made some yummy muffins.

Blueberry Muffins
Yield: 12-15 muffins

Yummy Blueberry Muffins

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter, room temperature
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (or two medium-sized bananas)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (rinse and pat dry)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line tray with muffin cup papers.
  2. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together with a wire whisk.
  3. Add butter, eggs, bananas and vanilla. Mix on low until just combined.
  4. Toss blueberries in a little extra flour and then fold into batter. Reserve some blueberries to place on the tops.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Serve while still warm with butter.

Add a little butter while they’re still warm and your tummy will say thank you.


Then tear right in.


I had enough batter to try them out in all of the smaller size pans for fun. The large round paper cake and loaf pans would have to wait for another day.

But you don’t. Cake Art was sweet and gave me a second sample pack. So who wants it? Anyone?


Try and control your excitement and enter for a chance to win a bunch of paper. ; )

Just leave a comment on this post and answer the following question.

What is your favorite muffin? (I know. Tough, huh.)

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 1 at 5 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck.

P.S. Cake Art has pans available in large and small quantities. Sorry, they don’t have photos… just descriptions. But here’s a site with more pan options and pictures.

Wow. I really didn’t expect so many people to want to win paper pans. Super surprised. And now I wish I had scored more sample packs from Cake Art. Maybe I’ll get more the next time I make a trip. Until then, we have a winner. I’m excited to announce this one too, because finally a low entry number one. Low like commenter #5! Yay!



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5,953 comments on “Paper Pans”

  1. Zucchini muffins freshly baked from Whole Foods. Mmmmmm heaven

  2. It’s a toss up between chocolate chip and blueberry.

  3. Mmmmmmm lemon poppy! Delicious!!!!

  4. Oddly enough, I am quite fond of bran muffins. =P

  5. Chocolate chip banana! YUM! :)

  6. Cranberry Orange, Yum-O

  7. i love making double chocolate muffins, my sister says they’re technically closer to cupcakes….:) oh i really want baked goods now!

  8. whole wheat banana muffins with extra banana! no nuts, nuts are icky.

  9. Blueberry muffins from A Sweet Affair Bakery! SO good with lovely large crystal sugar on top!

  10. Either a cinnamon muffin or a chocolate chip muffin!

  11. I love banana chocolate chip muffins. They would look and taste woderful in these paper pans.Thanks for the chance to win these.

  12. Lemon poppyseed!

  13. I love banana nut muffins! YUM.

  14. OOOhhh! I love banana nut muffins! And I’d love to make some in those paper pans!

  15. banana muffins! They were the only muffin my mom made growing up and I love them.

  16. zucchini muffins!
    taste amazing and theyre (somewhat) healthy!

  17. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

  18. My favorite muffin is almond poppy seed.
    And I LOVE paper…and this kind you can put food in??? Even better!

  19. My moms cream cheese and strawberry muffins. Dessert for breakfast is always good.

  20. Pumpkin chocolate chip! =-D

  21. Blueberry muffins are my favorite!

  22. I’ve always wanted to try these. How cool!

  23. Blueberry…but I am going to have to try the bananaberry. They look delicious!

  24. Lemon poppyseed is my favorite but I’ll take just about any kind:-) Yours look great!

  25. Strawberry with pecan and walnut!

  26. blackberry!

  27. My Mom’s Blueberry muffin recipe which I add a streusel topping to!!! MMM!!!

  28. Either blueberry or pumpkin!

  29. Ooooh! Cranberry Orange!

  30. I love to make Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Muffins! They are so yummy and beautiful!

    I will make yours soon!!! Thanks for the recipe.

  31. Harvest peach!

  32. Orange Cranberry!!

  33. Blueberry oat muffins

  34. Banana blueberry with crumbles on top!!! So I’m definetly trying out your recipe and adding crumbles!! Yum!

  35. I made some pumpkin cream cheese muffins that were amazing! Definately one of my favorites!

  36. My favourites are homemade white choc chip muffins, especially when they are still warm and gooey inside :-))

  37. My favorite muffin is banana nut or chocolate chip!

  38. My favorite muffin is blueberry with a crumble on top.

  39. I LOVE lemon poppyseed muffins, but I’m going to try your banana/blueberry – they sound yummy!!

  40. I love cranberry orange muffins! They are soo yummy and very unique :)

  41. I love coconut chocolate chip banana muffins with pecans of course!

  42. CHERRY !! aaaah, i want one now :(

  43. Blueberry muffins, made with REAL blueberries – none of that imitation fruit flavor for me :)

  44. My favorite kind of muffin… Double chocolate chip (The Costco kind, of course!) or else Lemon Poppyseed.

  45. My favorite…chocolate chip!! Yumm!

  46. My absolute favorite has to be chocolate chip and butterscotch pumpkin muffins. So good right out of the oven.

  47. Mmmm…. these look so good!
    I think one of my favorite muffins would be blueberry. I also really like oatmeal muffins with lots of cinnamon :) Homemade muffins are the best!

  48. banana crumb or pumpkin chocolate chipp

  49. My favorite muffin is a sugar-topped pumpkin creation – here’s the link with pics if you want it! :)

  50. I love blueberry muffins, warm with butter. Or chocolate chip muffins. Or lemon poppy seed muffins…I LOVE THEM ALL!! Hard to pick just one!

  51. the Fiber ONe Apple cinnamon muffins are awesome!

  52. Probably the blueberry muffins from the hospital I work at. Hospital’s are known for awful food, but I want to buy six of them for breakfast.

  53. pumpkin chocolate chip!

  54. Mmm…I love pumpkin muffins!

  55. I love orange cranberry muffins!

  56. blueberry with streusel topping YUMMO!

  57. Probably banana nut muffins.

  58. I like mixed berry muffins!

  59. My favorite muffin is a Fine Cooking recipe. It’s a rhubarb muffin topped with cinnamon sugar. It’s divine. I love rhubarb and strawberry together, but in this recipe, the rhubarb stands alone and it’s perfection.

  60. I love bananna chocolate chip muffins!! I just love your website!!

  61. I LOVE lemon….. and chocolate chip…. and blueberry… and cinnamon… and……

  62. Blueberry muffins. Simple is still good enough for me!

  63. pumpkin chocolate chip muffins!

  64. Mine would have to be Lemon /with blueberry’s .
    My grandmother would make these everytime i visited her .
    She has been gone for a lot of years now .
    I still make these for my family, the love them too.
    I always make me think of her .

  65. I looove blueberry muffins…growing up my Mom always made them with extra blueberries and they were always soo yummy!

  66. I love a good old blueberry muffin. I certainly wouldn’t turn down anything with chocolate in it either!!

  67. I think I’d have to go with blueberry, or maybe chocolate chip and pumpkin, oh I know, raspberry with cream cheese. No wait, banana walnut… you see the problem. :) LOVE LOVE LOVE the pans!!!!

  68. i looove chocolate muffins

  69. hands down apple cinnamon muffins with a streusel topping are my favorite!!

  70. These pans are so cool! My favorite muffin is pumpkin with or without a handful of chocolate chips thrown in for good measure. Mmmmmm….

  71. Chocolate chip muffins brushed with egg wash.

    My egg wash recipe is:

    2 egg yolks,
    1/4 tsp vanilla extract
    1 tbsp white sugar.

  72. Any fruit flavoured muffin!

  73. My favorite is definitely a blueberry muffin!

  74. I love muffins! Lemon poppyseed is my ultimate favorite. It’s not even a hard decision. Lemon poppyseed muffins are mouthfuls of sunshine.

  75. My favorite of most things are always pumpkin! So I am going to have to say a pumpkin muffin made with cream cheese..mmmm!

  76. Blueberry!

  77. Chocolate…..any and all chocolate, the darker the better…and a huge glass of cold, cold milk :)

  78. I made lemon muffins for my son yesterday. He loves the muffins and I love making them! Today he wants almond poppy seed. The smell of them baking………….drooling. Love those round muffin ones – need to get some.

  79. I love banana nut muffins best then blueberry comes in a close second. Alas I have to watch my cholesteral so it’s a very sometimes treat for me.

  80. Chocolate chip….or maybe apple streusel….ooh, and orange-cranberry YUM!

  81. My mom’s blueberry muffins are my favorite. It never ceases to amaze me that she COMPLETELY eschews the proper technique for mixing muffins and they turn out perfectly every time.

    “What do you mean mix wet and dry separately? JUST THROW EVERYTHING IN THE BOWL!”

  82. Banana bread muffins! :)

  83. Blueberry with a cinnamon streusel topping! Yum!

  84. It has to be a tie between chocolate chip and poppy seed.

  85. My favorite muffin would have to be chocolate chip, because that is what my daughter has adored for 15 years.

  86. my favorite is chocolate chocolate chip!

  87. I loveeeee blueberry muffins, but bran muffins are also delicious!!!

  88. Lemon cranberry! Tart just like me. ;-D

  89. Since I live in an area surrounded by cranberries. Cranberry nut muffins are my favorite.

  90. I love these!
    King Arthur sells some similar ones, too.
    My favorite muffin is Cranberry Orange . . . .

  91. I LOVE my mom’s raisin bran muffins warm with melted margarine.

  92. My favorite muffin, by far, are poppyseed ones. But ones with hardly any lemon, or none at all. Straight up poppyseed. Mmmmmm….

  93. Carrot raisin…yum! But your banana blueberry muffins look so good I might go make some right now!

  94. I don’t think I could say no to the classic blueberry muffin! But double chocolate chip comes in a close second :)

  95. Those are amazing!
    My favorite would be a cranberry cream cheese muffin from a little cafe I used to work at. Haven’t had one in years!

  96. Blueberry with a crunchy streudel topping.

  97. Chocolate chocolate chip are my favorite, but as just an all around, goes with anything I love my mom’s “Sweeeter Muffins”. Sweet, but not too sweet and just good overall flavor.

  98. Ooohh, those banana and blueberry sound heavenly! Just the thought of them makes them my new fav! I can’t wait to buy a bunch of the pans for my mom’s yearly Christmas gift bake-a-thon!

  99. I like blueberry with streusel on top.

  100. mmmm…anything fruity!!!

  101. Cranberry orange. Sometimes with crushed almonds, sometimes without. Now I want muffins!!

  102. Blueberry crumb muffins rock my breakfast!

  103. My favorite muffin depends on the season. Fall and winter its a pumpkin muffin. Spring and Summer is more fruit and light base muffins like a raspberry.

  104. You can’t go wrong with chocolate muffins with coconut! Heaven in your mouth. If it has caramel oozing from the inside it is even better!

  105. My favorite muffin is a good ol’ basic blueberry. In fact I made some this morning for breakfast. They are almost gone.

  106. I don’t think I can pick just one! I love to make and eat them all.

  107. You can’t go wrong with a chocolate chip muffin! Love them!

  108. Too Neat!

  109. My favorite muffin is definitely poppy seed with lots and lots of butter!

  110. pizza muffins (all the typical ingredients of pizza in muffin form), and vanilla raspberry muffins! YuM!

  111. Cranberry and dark chocolate. mmmmmmm

  112. Blueberry! There’s a reason it’s a classic ;)

  113. My favorite muffin is Blueberry. Though this recipe sounds really great, I’ll have to try it sometime soon.

  114. I love them, perfect for sharing. I love blueberry muffins and I also enjoy making for my girls corn muffins. They love them with butter and some milk, yummy! :)

  115. Not too hard. Banana nut. Or carrot. With cream cheese frosting. I’ve never done it, but I have a friend who bakes muffins and tops them with cc frosting for “birthday morning cupcakes” for her kids. Always thought that sounded like a great idea. Felt like sharing. I want those cute papers! :)

  116. Homemade Blueberry. My guilty secret? …. I LOVE the fruit & fiber muffins from McDonalds here in Canada.

  117. Blueberry muffins!!

  118. These would be fun to use for a “go green” dessert party!

  119. hmm which is my fav… wow that is a tough one… if i had to pick one it would be red velvet with cream cheese frosting.. that’s it hands down!!!

  120. What fun!! Love those little cases.

    Favourite muffin is blueberry!!

  121. I love blueberry muffins! The classic, but very very good.

  122. Just tried a new recipe for banana crumb muffins last week and my family went ga-ga over them. They are great but my true favorite is Lemon Poppy Seed. Love, love, love!

  123. My favorite muffins are blueberry muffins right out of the oven, cut in half, with a little blackberry jam spread in the middle

  124. Ooohh…. I’m a big fan of carrot/zucchini… but any baked good is fine with me!

  125. Mmmm… my favorite muffin is a moist lemon coconut muffin. Perfect! :)

  126. It has to be blueberry and some warm milk.. OMG i gotta go to the bakery and pick some.. u see, now you made me hungry lol

  127. My favorite muffin is blueberry with cream cheese swirled in. *yum*

    Chocolate muffins with chocolate chips are also pretty nice. :)

  128. Blueberry! Thanks! These are so cute!

  129. I love blueberry muffins! This recipe sounds yummy, will have to try it! Thanks!!!

  130. Blueberry, for sure!

  131. Hands down banana nut muffins. Love the sweet and the crunch!

  132. No contest. Blueberry muffins have always been my favorite. Just add a little butter and you are set.

  133. So cute! My favorite muffin is blueberry, but with real blueberries not rehydrated ones. :)

  134. Definitely the humble blueberry muffin…but I do love to fancy it up with some crumble topping. Yum!

  135. Those pans are super cute! I love blueberry muffins!

  136. Banana Espresso Chocolate Chip Muffins!

    From the cookbook Baked. It’s tastes soooo good with the thousands of chocolate chips inside!

    It’s like an explosion of chocolate chips with a surprise of bananas!

  137. I LOOOOOVE parsnip muffins! They not only taste delicious, they smell like flowers!!

  138. Definitely plain old blueberry. But it’s gotta be drowned in fresh, local butter… that’s my idea of heaven.

  139. Blueberry. (That almost came with a “Duh,” but I am too polite for that.)

  140. banana chocolate chip!

  141. CREAM CHEESE from Sam’s. They are to die for!!!!

  142. Love them! They would be so great to take to others and then you don’t have to worry about getting your dish back.

  143. Favorite muffin of all time is zucchini with walnuts!

  144. Crumb topped rhubarb!

  145. I love blueberry with the crumbles on top!! Gotta have the crumbles :o)

  146. My ultimate favorite is lemon! Always has been since I was a little girl….and I’m pretty positive will always be =)

  147. This is easy…..pumpkin chocolate chip muffins are the best!

  148. Cranberry!

  149. I’m a total sucker for blueberry muffins!
    Chocolate chip is delicious as well, but there’s just something about a blueberry muffin that is SO GOOD.

  150. I’ve become partial to PW’s Individual Raspberry Cobblers. Made them again last night!

  151. One word: PUMPKIN

  152. Definitely banana chocolate chip – so yummy!

  153. My favorite is a lemon crumb muffin! Oh and chocolate chocolate chip muffins!! OOoh and chocolate banana muffins….ya, I love ’em all!

  154. Chocolate chocolate chip!

  155. I’m not a huge muffin person, but I love me some chocolate chocolate chip muffins. Or classic blueberry :)

  156. I love cinnamon streusel muffins, blueberry muffins and really want to find a good strawnerry muffin recipe. Any suggestions?

  157. Morning Glory muffins–an old Gourmet recipe w/carrots, pecans, raisins, coconut, and shredded granny smith apples. So delicious.

  158. love to make muffins with fresh sour cherries!

  159. My favorite is the chocolate with the big chocolate chunks in it. I always get it from my favorite muffin :)

  160. I love blueberry muffins!

  161. These look like so much fun! I sure hope I can win some, but if not I’ll have to buy my own!

  162. Lemon poppy seed. Banana nut’s a close second though.

  163. my moms upper peninsula wild blueberry muffins!

  164. I’d have to say that it’s a tie between chocolate chip and blueberry. Yum!

  165. This is a hard question to answer since i love all kinds of muffin, but i would have to say BLUEBERRY is my very favorite since this is the one i keep baking and eating first!!!

  166. chocolate chocolate chip! :)

  167. coffee cake is my favorite muffin.

  168. My favorite is definitely double chocolate chip muffins, they are so delicious!

  169. banana nut muffin….oooh my favorite. have you seen this?? my favorite is number eight “feed me”

  170. Too cute! My favorite muffin is anything with a streudel top. Yum!

  171. Maple Muffins!!!! :D

  172. Blueberry – hands down.

  173. I love blueberry muffins with real fresh blueberries! I’m a simple girl.

  174. banana nut! or double chocolate chip….hmm

  175. Cinnamon Sugar…. yummy :P

  176. Can’t wait to start baking if I win.

  177. I love any kind of muffin, but a new recipe of a chocolate peanut butter cupcake won over my culinary heart!

  178. Blueberry muffins are the yummiest thing in the whole world

  179. Chocolate chip or anything combo that includes cinnamon, yum!

  180. carrot cake, with coconut of course! :)

  181. I LOVE blueberry muffin! It doesn’t matter if it’s for breakfast or just a snack..they are my vice!

  182. My favorite muffin would have to be Banana Nut or Blueberry. They are both so good but I really like to crunch the nut adds in the Banana nut muffin!

  183. I love carrot muffins, and Blueberry muffins and Apple crumble muffins, it’s way too hard to pick just one kind, I love them all.

  184. My favorite is Chocolate chip Muffins & Banana Muffins..

  185. Plain banana muffins!

  186. Cranberry!

  187. I love banana chocolate chip muffins. Wish I had some overripe bananas now!

  188. Apple/cinnamon. Thanks for sharing !!

  189. I love all muffins, but I’m particularly fond of Morning Glory and Pumpkin muffins. If I’m fortunate enough to win the mini pans, I’ll have to give the Bananaberry muffins a try since it combines two of my favorite flavors!

  190. i think mine would have to be cranberry orange muffins…yum

  191. Chocolate chip banana muffins!

    I also love your chocolate zucchini cupcakes too!

  192. I love blueberry muffins. yum!

  193. Whole-Wheat Strawberry Banana! Healthy and delicious, a classic combo :)

  194. mimi’s cafe sugar…might as well be dessert but still so good :)

  195. classic blueberry! yum!!!

  196. I’m torn between blueberry and banana-nut! I can’t help being unable to make up my mind……I love the banana-berry you just made…..can’t wait to try them.

  197. Lemon Poppyseed!

  198. blueberry with the crumbly sugar top. plain and simple;)

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