
Mustang Memories

On my last day at the ranch, Marlboro Man took me out to see the wild mustangs before my morning flight. I was so glad he did because the ones I showed you earlier were nothing in comparison to what I would see on this day. I didn’t know quite what to expect because I had only seen a few of them randomly around the ranch. So, we drove to the other side of the ranch, and still all I saw was land in every direction. No horses. None. Nada. But, I knew MM wouldn’t disappoint.

(By the way, MM is awesome. He’s all cowboy. He’s cool and calm. Protective and strong. He’s quiet but says a lot with his presence. And, he’s cute. Everything a cowboy should be.)

So there we were, in the middle of nowhere looking at nothing and then, he honked the horn of the truck.

And, they came running from every direction. I couldn’t believe it. I have always dreamed of seeing wild horses. And, there they were. Hundreds of wild mustangs galloping right towards me. Their manes blowing in the wind. Their winter coats still thick. They were beautiful. Majestic. Magical. And for that one moment, they were mine.


However, they were really running to be fed. See those specks off to the left and back of the ranch. Those are mustangs running from way back there. And they just kept running. I could hardly pull myself together enough to take pictures, but I managed to get these and I am so thrilled.


Here’s a close up of them from far away.




This is one of my favorites. I think because it looks like a fake photograph that I placed different horse poses into. But it’s all real.… and unbelievable at the same time.


This one is pretty.


And so are these.


I love how they look with their winter coats. So rugged and natural and free.


How I would love to feel like that running.


Just beautiful.


I like this photo because it feels wild just like they are.

Then it was time to go. My plane would be leaving soon and PW was driving to meet us and take me to the airport. Then, just as we turned the truck back to meet her. I saw this mustang standing alone… away from the others. She didn’t move. She just stood there like she was waiting to say goodbye.


But I think she was really just telling me it was time to get home and get back to baking.


I’ve named her Buttercream.

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68 comments on “Mustang Memories”

  1. Buttercream is the most inspiring name ever for a horse.

  2. Aww! butterceam is soo inspiring.

  3. It’s so wonderfull ta see there is still people with the passion and appreciation for the mustangs.they represent so much in our live,they truly r wonderfull!I have had the oppurtinity to train two mustangs,they r so intelligent most people don’t beleive it.THANK YOU FOR YOURE LOVE AND PASSION FOR THE MUSTANGS

  4. does my butt look big?any way im hungry

  5. those photos look professional! and I love horses!

  6. These are most amazing!!! I live in Nevada…Wild Horse country…the BLM has started a round up and euthaniziation program…Its truly devastating…these horse disappearing due to the economics of drop feeding them!!! Its a crime!!!

  7. Wow. Buttercream. I was thinking something like Snow. I spend too much time with my kids!

  8. Beautiful! You did a wonderful job of capturing the horses’ nature. I have a couple of Mustangs of my own (and I live in Oklahoma, must be something in the air), and I am working on taming them – there’s a gorgeous buckskin my son named Acre that I’m dying to ride.

  9. Hi, my daughter directed me to your blog. We LOVE your pictures of the mustangs! Coincidentally, I work on our school website and the mustang is our mascot. We have been looking for a picture that we can use in our header and I wondered if you would grant us permission to use one of your pictures? I don’t know right now which one we want to use, I have to run it by our principal. Please email me or leave a post on my blog so I know if we can use one of your pics! Thanks for considering!! familyfoster-lljfoster.blogspot

  10. I love those pictures but the one that loved them the most is my 6 year-old daughter who LOVES and I mean LOVES!!! horses. Thank you, Bakerella!!

  11. Good luck Stasia and welcome to the site.

  12. Oh, my goodness! The pics of the mustangs and your description of it all happening brought tears to my eyes. I’m not even a horse-person!

    Soooo envious! I love reading PW so much, and because of her, back in February, I found your site (I think I’ve got this site bookmarked on the box of chocolates cake) – just today I bought cake mix, frosting, candy melts and lollipop sticks… there’s a cake cooling on the kitchen counter right now. Can’t wait to try it out for the first time!

    My first pop’s for you!

  13. I want you to know I just fell in love with your blog,Not only is it informative,It was very entertaining.The reasons,LOL is I love animals and of course Chocolate,And the POP Ball,s were just to cute.

  14. Thanks guys –

    Kim – I think Cumberland Island in GA has some. That’s a little closer.

  15. what fabulous pics…so beautiful and peaceful. Thank you for sharing your awesome adventure with us all!! I love the pics of buttercream, she looks like something from a dream!

  16. I was born in Montana and I’ve been back a few times hoping to see wild Mustangs. Haven’t seen them yet. We don’t get wild horses in Florida! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! What a breathtaking experience!

  17. Buttercream…What a perfect name!

  18. Oh Viki… that is said. At least you saw them, though.

  19. I remember seeing wild horses on Kiawah Island, SC in 1977. Sad to say no pictures and no one seems to remember them being there. It is a wonderful memory for me and I know your encounter will be one for you as well.

  20. thanks

  21. aawwwwww!! These pics wer ejust beautiful.

    My Blogs: CalvaryGirl- Life, Designs, and Devotions

  22. Glad you all liked my new friend, Buttercream. But who wouldn’t love a beauty like that.

  23. Awwweee, honey! I loved those pictures! I know your time there was unforgettable. Makes you think about how awesome our God and creator is, doesn’t it? Can’t wait to hear more through Alan.

  24. I’ve been following your adventure on PWs site, but I really enjoyed reading your perspective as well. What fun!

  25. You always have such great work posted here, but this PW series was especially fun! It’s obvious you had such a blast, it made me smile, and I really enjoyed seeing the Ranch and Lodge from another perspective. Thanks for sharing! :)

  26. I love Bakerella. I met this week and I`m falling in love.
    Visit my blog, I posted about you there.

  27. Oh my goodness, this is my favorite post. I am a horse girl through and through.

    Your picture and words actully made tears come out of my eyes and drip down my face. Howd you do that? I am not sure I could have stood there and taken pictures. I would have been bawling the whole time :) They are so beautiful!

  28. OK now you made me cry! DH thinks I am a dork anyway because I tell him I have to check on my virtual friends Bakerella & Pioneer Woman and now I am crying and missing letters all over this comment!

    I really am happy that you have had such a wonderful time with people you "met" in cyberspace, proves big things can happen from little blogs!

  29. I’m so happy to meet you! I really enjoyed your take on the PW experience! I love your cake pops! I’m a believer!

  30. I’m in love with Buttercream too!
    Thanks so much!

  31. Wow Bakerella, what an adventure! Thanks for giving us all a peek who don’t live even remotely close to Oklahoma! You rock!

  32. Love, love, love Buttercream! My friends and I have an imaginary pony we have named Cadbury (in honor of the easter eggs). He’d love Buttercream!

    Seriously – wonderful pics. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Wow. How awesome to see them in their element, so to speak. You managed to get some truly wonderful photos of them!

  34. Simply breathtaking

  35. Wow, these pics make me weepy cause they are so beautiful and free!! Outstanding job….and Buttercream! Perfect!!

  36. Buttercream…I love it! Those horses are beautiful. What an amazing experience.

  37. And you know what, even though I’m a sweet-tooth, I really enjoyed looking at the mustangs the most. I would have loved that.

    I have really enjoyed what I have seen so far. New visitor. :)

  38. So beautiful! You and PW ROCK!!!!

  39. I giggled at the name “Buttercream”… so You! What a fabulous experience. Isn’t it neat when blogging buddies become lifelong friends!

  40. morgana – I totally understand.

    coltpixy – absolute

    Melody – I thought the same thing. I loved that movie

    Monica – it was magical

    VegasJilly – yes that would be some trip

    CottageGirl – i think so too

    karenfae – welcome!

    SimplySweeter – yeah, I guess it was pretty awesome

    Jaden Paige – yes it was

    Mawcee – glad to have you de-lurk. You can get special black “Candy Coloring” and tint white chocolate. I think you can pull it off.

    Baker’s Cakes – awesome

    youngmi – me either

    Bumpkin on a Swing – gorgeous aren’t they!

    Da Mouse – thanks

    Beth – good luck

    Springhill Farms – glad you enjoyed it.

    Vicki – That is so sweet. I think you can pull off a pony pop. Missy made one so I think I’ll try it too

    Jogger – good luck

    Carol – they sure are

    MiniKat – yes I think so too

    jen – I did tear up right after.

    I Should Be Cleaning Up – it was spectacular.

    BeachMama – No problem

    Becky – it was so great meeting her.

    Mickee – maybe soon

    Athena09 – glad you like them

    Lisa – Yes. Best.

    Coloradolady – she’ll have more in the future.

  41. I so very much wanted to win that contest. Thanks for your recap…I know it was a fun time.

  42. Buttercream.

    Best. Name. Ever.

  43. I love your site for the beautiful pictures…the pictures you took of these mustangs were awesome! What a wonderful opportunity you had. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  44. I came across this site from Pioneer Woman’s blog and all I can say is wow! The cupcakes are amazing and the photos – just yummy!!!! ;) I will try out your cupcake bites and cupcake pops recipes – thanks! Do you have any cupcake decorating idea for easter?

  45. Loooooved your posts about your visit to PW’s ranch…and Buttercream is the perfect name.

    You and PW sound like the blog version of Anne of Green Gables and her friend Diana…kindred spirits. You’re both amazing bloggers!

  46. Wow Bakerella,

    Thank you for sharing your time at the Ranch with us. I almost feel like I was there with you. I can just imagine the power of the horses, so free and beautiful.

    And then there is the Pop meet-up, fantastic. You can feel the energy of the women through the photos. You all look fantastic, it is so wonderful to see a room full of smiling Women, just fabulous.

    Thanks again, look forward to more of your baking. And thank you for introducing me to PW.

  47. Holy, that is beautiful! I love the prairies.

  48. WOW! I am actually weeping at their beauty – not something I expected – so I can’t even imagine what being there was like. I probably would’ve been sobbing like a child and not been able to take any pictures, so thank you for keeping it together and sharing with us. Just breathtaking.

  49. Wow! Mustangs, cows, and cake! What an awesome trip. Glad you had such a wonderful time.

    p.s. Buttercream it the perfect name for the white mustang.

  50. So beautiful!

  51. I love these pix! I’ve seen PW feature the wild mustangs on her website many times, so it’s nice to see another perspective of their beauty! I’m going to try your cake balls this weekend (as featured on PW’s website yesterday)! I’m so excited!!

  52. Look at your pictures side by side. She is your equine mirror!

    And here is what mythology has to say:

    “As a rare or distinguished symbol, typically a white horse bears the hero or god figure in ceremonial roles or in triumph over negative forces.”

    I’d say you and Cake Pops were the hero of the day, managing to shine light and happiness. You all really spread the joy!

    Do you think it’s possible to make a pony cake pop?


  53. breath taking!!!
    thank you so much for sharing…since we all seem to live vicariously through you and PW LOL!!!

  54. It is so fun to see your recap of the visit with Pioneer Woman! I can’t wait to read all of her tutorials…I’m trying cake pops for the first time on Saturday morning!

  55. Baking and horses–2 of my favorite things! Now, this blog has it all. lol.

    Buttercream is a gorgeous mustang. And, I love all your pictures you took.

  56. Sooooooo envious I’m sick! Ree’s Mustang posts are my favorites…

  57. so beautiful! it must have been amazing to see them. i had no idea that there were still wild mustangs out there.

  58. Awesome! Just amazing! It (all of it) looks like an incredible experience!!! ps. if you decide to do this in the southeast I’m SOOOO there!

  59. Hi Bakerella !!

    I have been a lurker at your site for quite a while, but had to leave a message this time.

    Thanks for all the pics and the descriptions. I know it took a lot of time and preparation.

    You did great narratives and I know you brought a lot of happiness to every one you taught. It truly looked like a fantastic “girls day out”.

    My grandson will be 5 at the end of the month and wants a Batman theme. Do you see a Batman pop as a possibility, since his ears are kinda like Hello Kitty? LOL

    I guess you will never use Buttercream again w/o thinking of your new found friend/horse !


  60. wow, now THAT is incredible. I’ve never experienced anything like that… I bet it was surreal. Gorgeous photos!

  61. So beautiful! So what are you trying to say here??? You mean not only did you make a few new friends and get to bake in a beautiful kitchen, but you got to photograph wild horses too??? Jackpot!! LOL Fabulous post and the pictures are incredible!! Thank you!!!

  62. the horses are wonderful. I follow PW’s blog and have yours bookmarked now too. Nice site.

  63. Awesome and somewhat surreal!

    Buttercream! Perfect name!

  64. your pics look great!! and ive been following PW’s blog also, looks like everyone had so much fun. too bad it was for ppl driving distance only, i live in maryland, quite a haul….:)

  65. Those pics are amazing. I would love to see something like that!

  66. It reminds me of the wild horses in Man from Snowy River. Such strength and freedom. What a great experience for you to be on the ranch. I also follow PW and looks like you had a great time.

  67. Absolutely heaven. So very beautiful.

  68. Incredible photos. Mustangs are freedom for me, they are so… Well my english is not good enough for this. I just can say thank you for these.

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