Movie Marquis Cookies


These sugar cookies are made into marquis posters with the help of sugar pearls, a printer that uses edible inks and a little gold luster dust.


Whip up some sugar cookie dough. You can use the recipe from these Award Cookies if you like or your own favorite.

Roll out the cookie dough on parchment paper and use a cutter to make rectangular shapes.


Before you place them in the oven, arrange the sugar pearls around the edge of each cookie, press in gently and bake away for about 10 minutes.


When you remove, the sugar pearls will be baked into the cookie. Let them cool completely and then paint the edges gold.


You can use gold luster dust for a subtle metallic look. Mix it with a little clear extract or even some vodka because those dry quickly.


Carefully paint around the edges of each cookie and in between the sugar pearls with a clean unused paintbrush. If you get some on the white of the pearls, just wipe it off before it dries.


Let the cookies dry before you place the movie images on.


After the cookies were made, I measured the space inside the pearl border and then printed out tiny movie graphics to the appropriate size. I used a printer that is compatible with edible inks to print the graphics for the cookies. Read this post where I first tried the printer and you’ll find links to the printer I used. There’s also a link to the website that sells frosting sheets and lists more printers that are compatible with their edible inks.

Cut out the images from the frosting sheet and apply them to the cookies. I couldn’t frost the cookies because the pearls were in the way. So, instead, I frosted the back of the frosting sheet and applied the sheet to the cookies. This was a learning experience for sure. I’ve only used the frosting sheets twice now, so I need a little more practice on the best ways to apply them.

But, they are still precious.


Precious little nominee marquis cookies



Movie Award Season Recipes sponsored by Hyundai.
