
Monkey Business

Banana Cupcakes

Check out the frosting on these banana cupcakes. Super smooth and creamy, cream cheese buttercream … so delicious and creamy. Did I mention creamy? I also used a little added yellow to tint the otherwise cream colored creamy cream cheese frosting … you know, just to enhance the senses. I’m tricky like that.

Banana Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Yield: 12 cupcakes

Banana Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


Banana Cupcakes

  • 1-3/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 large ripe banana (or almost 1 cup)
  • 1/2 cup whole milk, room temperature

Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting

  • 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 box (1lb) of confectioner's sugar
  • Buttercup yellow icing color (optional)


  1. Banana Cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line cupcake tray with 12 baking cups.
  2. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl with a wire whisk.
  3. Cream butter and sugar in a mixer for about four minutes. Add banana and mix until combined. Add eggs and vanilla and mix until combined.
  4. Add half the flour in three additions alternating with milk in two additions. Scrape down the sides with each addition.
  5. Bake for about 12-15 minutes or until done.
  6. Crean Cheese Frosting: Cream butter and cream cheese in mixer until thoroughly combined. Add vanilla. Then add sugar in small batches until combined and creamy. Add a small amount of buttercup yellow icing color to frosting and mix.
Now you can eat them just like this or …

Confetti Cupcakes

Party them up a little bit with small pastel colored confetti sprinkles … just because it’s that kind of day.

But, these banana cupcakes need something else… something to keep them company.

A little friend maybe?


Yes definitely.

But my little monkey needs a friend, too.

Cupcake Toppers

So this little piggy and teddy joined in on the fun.

Cupcake Toppers

And so did my favorite martian, robot and bumblebee.

My head is actually going to explode from all this cuteness.

Bumblebee Cupcake Topper

Could these be any more adorable? Look at that bumblebee bottom.

Cupcake Towers from Lollipop Workshop

Why yes, yes they can! These cupcake toppers are also candleholders. I’m officially in love here.

Cupcake Toppers from Lollipop Workshop

And it gets even better. They want to be your friends, too. Not these, they’re mine. All mine.

Cupcake Toppers

But these could be all yours.

When I bought these cutie pies from the Lollipop Workshop on etsy (also be cheery on flickr), I bought enough for two more sets. And I want two of you to have one. Well I want all of you to have them, but I only have two sets to give away. (Martian and Robot colors may vary from above.)

All you have to do to enter is give me some advice.

You see, Lollipop Workshop also sent me something else … A surprise … when she mailed the cupcake toppers.

I’m 10000000% certain it will be crazy cute!

From Lollipop Workshop

It’s in this box and I haven’t opened it yet.


Lollipop Workshop Goodies

Because she also sent this box for my little helper. So sneaky and sweet of her.

So the question is…
Should I wait until my niece visits again so we can open them together?
Should I rip open mine now and show you what’s inside?
Should I open both of them? I could re-wrap ’em and no one would be the wiser.
But I do like surprises. Hmmmm… tortured by sweetness.

Okay, so you know I’m really gonna wait, right.

But, I’m just curious – what would you do?

  • Leave your answer in the comment section below and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a set of assorted cupcake toppers from Lollipop Workshop.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, August 18th at 5 p.m. TIME’S UP!
  • Two winners* will be picked at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening on this post.

*Winners will be chosen using the integer generator.

Good Luck!

And, here’s some more cuteness from Lollipop Workshop. Custom cake toppers, lollidolls and candleholders. The store sells out quickly when she adds new products, so just send her a message if you need a custom order.

Okay, Time’s up and here are the two winners

#1619 – Elle
#831 – The Pettit Family

Congrats! You’re getting some super cute cupcake toppers!

Comments are closed.

3,524 comments on “Monkey Business”

  1. Rip them both open just so you can find out what they are, then re-wrap them both. Open yours when your niece comes, then send the other one to me! ;-)


  2. I advise waiting for your niece – but really, secretly – I would open mine and then give her hers and share later! XD

  3. OMG!! open them quick !! i am gonna die of curiosity! but be careful , rewrap and have the moment of unwrapping all over again with your niece!
    chellybelle77 @

  4. I would open it for sure. And blame it on my 2 year old. Do you have a 2 year old?

  5. i would say wait

  6. I would wait, but I have crazy patience. If you can't, at least open yours to curb your excitement lol.

  7. Although temptation is great…I would die of anticipation while waiting for your niece to return!!!

  8. I immedietly thought, OPEN IT! But then I realized how fun surprises are, we didn't find out the gender of either of our two children, how could I have thought about just opeining it so quickly! So wait! Its worth it.

  9. Wait, wait, wait…….


  10. I would open yours up now, ok that would be mean. You should wait for your sweet little helper. I hate waiting….

  11. You should definitely wait for your little helper. It will make her feel so special that you waited!

  12. I think you should wait to open them with your little helper, and post pictures of the gift opening.

  13. It's always more fun to open gifts together, but I lack the patience…so I would undoubtedly tear into it immediately. What can I say? Well-mannered I am not. (shrug)

    Plus, it's from a place called Lollipop Workshop…it would have taken about 15 seconds before my will power was abandoned.

  14. I don't think I could wait but it would be would probably be a better surprise if it was shared!

  15. open together!

  16. I would wait until your neice comes. It will be worth the wait

  17. Wait, wait, wait………


  18. Wait for your sweet helper…although it is easier said then done!!

  19. These are oh so cute! As the majority of the ladies have stated, "WAIT!" I think I will follow suit. As long as your temptations can hold out (which I'm sure they will seeing as how 2587 comments are telling you to wait:)…


  20. I'd wait….But I'd also call her and tell her she better hurry over, because I can't wait long!

  21. I think you should wait for your niece so that both of you can be surprised together!

  22. oooooooh, I would spend hours and hours thinking about ripping them open – perhaps trying to sneak a little peak on one of the corners (you know . . like you used to on christmas when you were little) In the long run I would wait, but be tortured every moment until then. Cant wait to see what is in them!!

  23. If you wait for your niece, you can both be blown away by the sheer joy of that moment you shared together!!

  24. Wait and open them together….she will just love it.

  25. Oh you gotta wait! The wait will make it so much sweeter. And you've got that cute wrapping to look at to tide you over!

  26. Oh my goodness the monkey ones would be perfect for my son's first birthday!

  27. Can you believe that I entered, but didn't put contact info?!?!

    So, if the winner is me (Cindy, from a different entry, or this one, I can be reached via cindy [at] loonielane [dot] ca



  28. You should open it with your- even though I want to see what's inside as much as you do! However…I wouldn't say no to that lollipop on the front, yum!

  29. I would wait to open it. I probably would also walk by the gifts everyday longing to open them, picking them up, examining them and shaking the boxes. But then I would put them back down and try to be patient until my niece got there to open them together.

  30. Tough one… but probably a little more exciting to wait for your "little helper" (Just get her there asap!)

  31. get in your car and drive to your niece's with present in tow…Have fun!!

  32. Oh….geez, I know what I'd want to do. I'd carefully open it so I could peek into the package and see what it was, then cleverly retape it so no one was the wiser….but I'm a grownup now so I'd be good and wait for my niece because she would think I was the coolest aunt ever to wait and we could both open them at the same time. The robots would be the coolest on my grandsons 3rd birthday cupcakes in October…grammy may have to go buy those!

  33. I say save the one for your niece until she comes to visit. You can both enjoy the goodie for her. Open the extra one for you, but don't show us until you've selected a winner. There's no saying that both "surprise" packages hold the same things.

  34. hmmmm…..I would wait. I would want my little helper to be the First person to see the present! =D

  35. Well, I have to say those are too cute for words and you should wait to open the packages. Anticipation just makes you want to hop up and down!! (At least, it makes me that way!) I'll have to get some of those for my grandkids whichever!

  36. Wait! Wait! Wait! The look on your niece's face would be PRICELESS :o)

  37. I would open them both and rewrap hers. No one will ever know!

  38. UGH!!! I'm impatient too but I would wait for your neice so you can open them together! =)

  39. You should wait and open them at the same time but her visit should be very soon.

  40. I think you should wait to open them together- but make some cupcakes dedicated to what you think might be in the box… because your cupcakes are always so cute!

    Another suggestion: pick me!

    I love your post… :)

  41. Don't ruin the surprise! If you wait until your niece gets there, it'll make the presents much more special! :D

  42. Rip it open!!!!!!!


  43. Oh I love surprises!! You should wait for your niece so you can be surprised together!

  44. LOL, I love the options! :D I would wait to open them together. Just because the moment would be so much more special!! I'm sure whatever it is…it would be better shared with someone you care about so dearly. :) Love your blog!!!!!!

  45. open it NOW!!!

  46. I would open it becuase I am just that way. I don't wait until Christmas to open presents either.

  47. definitely wait for your helper.

  48. aw man.. that's a hard one. The parent in my head says wait to open them with your niece.. cause its cooler that way and stuff.. But the kid in me says I wanna know NOW!…

    you should wait. Curiosity killed the cat and we don't want that… unless you are anti-cat. But that's a whole nother story! Beautiful pics as usual!

  49. You should wait. :) These are adorable, and perfect timing! I'm planning my baby's first birthday, and it's animal themed! Thanks!!! :)

  50. Open yours now to make sure you have everything you need to do your project, let your helper open hers when she gets there :)

  51. I would more than likely go pick her up and open them asap. I'm not known for my patience, but I would wait until she was somehow or another there to see…

  52. I think you should wait and share this with your niece. I know it can be hard to wait, but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end.

  53. Wait if you can. So fun for your niece!

  54. Wait for your niece and make it a guessing game. Shake it up and try to guess what's inside.
    Those candle holders are too cute!

  55. Unlike others, I say OPEN! What if it is edible?
    You're neice will understand, it's not like you're opening her present.

  56. Open yours and keep hers until you see her and it will still be a surprise, and everyone is happy!!

  57. I would totally wait for your niece. what a special and fun treat!!

  58. I would totally open it.! What if it's edible :)
    You're neice will understand, it's not like you are opening her present also.

  59. I am with most everyone else. Wait!! Oh the torture!

  60. I would wait and open them together.

  61. I say wait…torture yourself just a little, lol!

  62. I say wait too… easier said than done, right!? :) And those banana cupcakes are going on my to-do list, thank you! :) YUMMMMMY! Can't wait to see what ya got! :)

  63. Rip into them now! I'm not good at waiting for presents lol. If you felt guilty about it I'd just wrap it up again and pretend you haven't touched it. :-)

  64. You should probably wait till she comes over! As long as it is not toooo long before she does!!

  65. Oh, my stars … it would be fun to open it now But, it would be double the fun to wait to open them together with you neice. So wait and make it super special!!
    love your site – thanks

  66. I think you should wait untill your lovely neice comes :) She'll be all the more excited knowing her favourite Aunt has no idea what's in the package either! She'll feel so special knowing your sharing something like that :)

    Lucy :)

  67. I would wait and open it with her..even tho it would kill me to wait. <3

  68. Hi,
    Wait for her and open them together theres no fun in already knowing what the surprise is going to be. This way you will get double the fun your niece coming and both of you get a gift.

  69. Wait for your "little helper". But do get her back to your house quick. You know we are all waiting as long as you to see what is inside them. Oh yes, take pictures please.
    Marj M.

  70. I think you should wait until your niece comes. Then it will be just as exciting for the both of you!

  71. Oh! I just cant miss a chance to win here! those cupcakes have made my mouth water! sweet!!!

  72. LOL – I would wait – it would make the surprises that much more sweeter :)

  73. i think you should wait for your neice comes. she will be so happy that you waited for her!

  74. I think you should open one and save the other for your niece to open. I couldn't wait if it were me!

  75. As hard as it would be for me, I'd wait too. Surprises are SO much sweeter when they're shared. Plus how cute would the pictures be?! Totally worth the wait. (Not going to lie to you… there would probably be a weak moment or two of package shaking on my end though!) :)

  76. Ooooh that's so hard! But coming from someone who secretly unwraps all her kids Christmas gifts then rewraps them cause I just gotta know…. I say OPEN THEM!!!!

  77. I would wait…. but would love to open them now!!!

  78. I would put them away somewhere so there's no temptation while you're waiting for your neice :]

  79. It depends on how patient you are and how long until you'll see her – I advise waiting for her, but if it'll be more than a week or so until then, open yours now :)

  80. I think you should wait until your neice visits, it'll kill you, but be sooo worth the wait! I love the relationship you have with her, it'll be all the while more special!

  81. Definately wait until your niece comes! It will make her feel so special if you wait to oper yours with her there!

  82. I think you should wait until your neice comes and you can open them together.

    But, good thing it's not me – I'd rip them open right away. I wouldn't be able to wait! :)

  83. I think you should wait for your niece, it would be really tempting but you can wait! I bet both of you will be thinking it was worth the wait:D

  84. I would definitely wait and open them together, I love suprises too!

  85. even though I wouldn't, you should wait.

  86. Holey Guaqamole!
    What a bunch of comments!

    I love the robot and martian!!!
    SO CUTE!

    Do you think that there is something perisable in there?

    If not, wait, it will be worth it to be surprised together!


  87. Definitely wait for your darling niece! She'll love you to death for waiting and the pictures we KNOW you're going to take will be even more special! I LOVE your photos!

  88. Wait until your neice comes adn open them together. She'll feel extra special.

  89. The best thing to do would be to wait, but as someone who can't handle suspense, I think it would be totally justified if you opened them.

  90. I'd wait – surprises are great, and the niece would love making that memory together.

  91. Rip your open!!! Leave the other one for the little helper to rip open!


  92. as hard as it would be i would wait

  93. Oh I don't know if I could wait but if you are NOTHING like me…wait :) LOL

  94. I think you shouild open your treat and let her open hers,if shes not coming over for a while, mail hers to her!! =)

  95. you should wait I think … come on! you can do it!

  96. Oh man! What a dilemma. I would have to at least open one of them…the suspence would kill me

  97. Sigh…I also think that you need to wait for your little helper. Difficult as it may be…

  98. I would definitely wait until your niece comes.. It will be so much fun to open with her :)

  99. As much as I really want to know what is in those adorable boxes, I think you should wait. What a special treat!

  100. I think you should wait and open them with your niece…it will be more authentic. Can't wait to see!!

  101. Well, how long will it be til you see your helper?

    Ok, ok, you have to wait!

  102. I would call her up and try to get her to come way sooner to visit so you can open it together because you just know it'll be even better with her and then see how can open their present faster…blindfolded..with one hand..wait..make it no hands ;-)
    just have fun!

  103. I would make some yummy sugar cookies and decorate them like the adorable package you received. Then when your niece comes to vist then you can give her a sugar cookie that looks like the packages you have recieved and so now you can just OPEN them up right now! and nor feel the least bit guilty :)
    Jacqui avid fan of bakerella

  104. Oh So Cute!!!! You should wait and enjoy with your special little helper. Terri

  105. I would NEVER be able to stand the suspense, especially knowing what kind of cuteness could be in there! But I definitely think you should wait for your little helper. Maybe suggest she visit SOON!

  106. Wait for your awesome little helper :)! It'll be sweet.

  107. I say open yours and let your niece open hers next time she visits, if that will be a long time from now, mail hers to her..=)

  108. Thank you so much for including us in the suspense! Waiting, and planning for your niece's visit and how to share the experience are part of the fun!

  109. I couldn't stand to wait! I'd open yours and rewrap it so your little helper would think you waited for her! I'm a bad aunt!

  110. Pshhh.. OPEN OPEN OPEN!!! :) HA HA Just tell her people on your blog wanted to know what was INSIDE! HAHA She will understand!
    And.. if you just feel terribly guilty… we all know your CREATIVE enough to REWRAP! HA :)


    P.S.–> Did I mention I want you to PICK ME.. PLEASE!

  111. I'd wait! I love the anticipation…I'm not a Christmas-present-peeker, either.

  112. I would call your niece and ask her, but if it were me, I would not offer a choice, just open them over the phone.

  113. I am going to go with waiting until your niece gets there. The suspense will make it better for you and your niece can share in your excitement and surprise.

  114. get in your car and drive to your niece and then you can open them together. :)that way, you dont have to wait and you both get to see the surprise thats in the box.

  115. Please open surprise nnnooowwww!!! Daff

  116. Wait to open them together. It will be very special! Can't wait to see your surprises!

  117. save them for your niece!!! it will be most fun to open them together.

  118. Wait, oh wait! The anticipation will be deliciously awful but oh! so worth it!

    Thanks for the chance for some candy as well as tuning me into a sweet new (to me) etsy shop :-)


  119. Open them then rewrap them…. nah, wait for your niece.

  120. Adorable! To answer your question, I'd wait.

  121. I would not be able to wait! I would want to, but I am terrible with waiting for surprises… re-wrapping would be tempting, so ur niece would feel special… but i def wouldnt be able to wait haha

  122. wait – oh wait! The anticipation will be deliciously painful but oh! so worth it!

    Thanks for giving the chance for some candy as well as tuning me into an awesome etsy shop :-)


  123. I think it would be cuter to open them together, it can be an occasion that way! Let your neices know that they are there – not only exciting their anticipation, but encouraging a visit! and Then you can also share the anticipation :)

  124. I think you should definetly wait to open them AND have your camera ready to see the beautiful reaction on her little face! I'm also dying to know what's in there, but I know if it were me, I'd wait until she is there to open hers with me! Can't wait to see!

  125. I'm horrible, but open it and re-wrap it. Surprises are too much for me :)

  126. oh lovely Bakerella, I think you should wait until your neice comes. Imagine both your wonderful giddyness and surprise to open them both together!
    But please post a pic! What fun!
    And those candle holders are super adorable! you always seem to find the neatest things!

  127. you could just peek a little and see if there's any info on the box. just open up one end and then tape it back closed!

  128. I would definitely open and re-wrap one of them. I like surprises, but only to a point. . .

  129. Wait and open them together-it's like Christmas.

  130. Haha you should wait. You'll sleep better at night knowing.

  131. I say wait for your niece…she will love it!

  132. I would wait but I babysat a little girl once who would unwrap a corner of all her gifts and thus would know all her presents by the holidays.

  133. You should wait so you can open them together!

  134. Wait until she comes! It'll be great to open them together!

  135. Carefully rip it open…and show me what it is!!!! Then tape it back up and pretend like nothing happened, or you could open it and blame it on the dogs/cats? I'm excited for you. I want to know what surprise is in your box. Did you shake it?

  136. I would be just crazy with anticipation, but how much fun would it be to see her reaction at the same time as yours?! I think you should wait. And for a second when I saw those cake toppers, I thought you had gone to town with cake balls!

  137. What would I do? For sure I would open one and see what it is and then wrap it back up! NO that is NOT what you should do. You need to wait for your cute little niece to help you out. What a fun relationship you have with her!!

  138. It's so hard waiting to open such a cute package! but I would wait for when your niece visits :) both of you would be surprised! you should do "self-timer" on your camera so you can capture the moment :)


  139. It's so hard waiting to open such a cute package! but I would wait for when your niece visits :) both of you would be surprised! you should do "self-timer" on your camera so you can capture the moment :)


  140. It's so hard waiting to open such a cute package! but I would wait for when your niece visits :) both of you would be surprised! you should do "self-timer" on your camera so you can capture the moment :)


  141. I can NEVER wait for surprises!!! If I were you, I would wait for your niece, but if I were me … I'd have to open mine and then give her hers when she visits next time! :)


  142. definitely wait, but the sugar from the lollipop should help ease some anxiety.

  143. I think you should totally wait and open them when your niece visits. The suspense will be the demise of some but, for those of us who survive, it'll be worth the wait!

  144. the best things in life are worth waiting for…


  145. Curiosity would definitely get the best of me! Rip it open!

  146. Being an aunt to 5 awesome nieces, wait and open it! :) That being said, I would probably rip it open and then re-wrap!
    Kimberly (

  147. My head want you to rip them open right now, but my heart says to wait. The anticipation is almost always at least as fun as the opening…

  148. It would be hard, but I would wait and open them together! Still… I am curious about what is inside….

  149. wait, wait, you have to wait!!!

  150. As hard as it would be, I would want to wait to open it.

  151. As hard as it would be, I would want to wait to open it.

  152. If your niece is coming soon, I would wait & be surprised together. If not- OPEN OPEN OPEN & rewrap it later!

  153. It would be more fun to open now, but just think how excited your niece would be if you waited for her (and because of that, you would be too). Just the wrapping is cute, so at least you can enjoy them that way. jmho =-)

  154. Suprises are wonderfull and usually worth the wait.

  155. Wait until your niece comes! You will end up feeling guilty if you do it before then, and it will be more fun to open them with her.

    bmayoff at hotmail dot com

  156. I'm for waiting and surprising her! I love delayed gratification and so I always wait to open presents that arrive by mail.

  157. I would wait! I'm not very patient myself but I think I'd have hubby dear hide it for me till I could open it :D

    h c o o p 2 {at} g m a i l {dot} c o m

  158. I would wait until your niece visits again. It would be much nicer to open it together with her.

  159. I most definately think you should wait for your little helper! Surprises are much more fun when you share them with someone special!

  160. It would be really hard, but I vote to wait for the little helper!

  161. I'm not sure I'd be able to wait…. but I guess the right thing to do would be to wait for your helper!

  162. At least open yours right now!

  163. Definitely wait, but peek first! That way you can be sure to have all the supplies you need when your niece gets there!

  164. You should wait:] its better opening a present with someone than alone:]

    h3av3nlyd3vil at yahoo (dot) com

  165. definitely wait, even though it will be TORTURE!!

  166. OH, you need to wait for your helper!!!! As much as I would want to tear it open and then re-wrap, she'll be so pleased you waited for her!!

  167. I would wait. Your niece will be so giddy!

  168. Open yours NOW and wait for your niece to open hers when she gets there.

    thinkwellactwelllivewell [at] gmail [dot] com

  169. As much as I hate waiting, I would and open them together. It will be so much more fun to find out what the surprise is at the same time!

  170. i've never been above rewrapping.

  171. As hard as it might be, wait until your neice can be there to open it with you :)

  172. I would wait for your niece!

  173. Definitely wait! What's better than flinging wrapping paper with someone else?

  174. Wait. It will be more fun to open them together!!

  175. Open them up! I can never wait I am the worst.

  176. It would be really be special for you to open them together, that's what I think. Now, would I have the self-control to not rip into mine? No guarantees there.

  177. I couldn't resist! I would open mine and save the other for my niece :D

  178. Don't open them Bakerella!!! Wait for your helper, so that you both can be surprised at the same time! She can see your reaction, and you can see hers! That's the best part! :)

  179. Wait to open them! The anticipation will make it that much better!

  180. Why wait??? It's not for your birthday or Christmas. I would then wrap it back up and open it with my niece :)

  181. I would wait for the niece… there's nothing like a surprise for a kid :) plus it makes great pictures!

  182. Open now! When I was a kid I would sneak under the Christmas tree and unwrap all of my presents, then carefully rewrap them. I am very impatient!!

  183. oh, i would sneak a peek and rewrap, i've done it for years on my Christmas presents!!

  184. OH… have to wait till your niece is there with you! No doubt about it. :)

  185. Wait for your niece – She'll be SO stoked and love you a little extra for it.

  186. Waiting will be fun

  187. I would definitely at least save your niece's for her. You're an adult, so you can open your presents anytime you like! Chances are, your niece is probably going to be so interested in what she's getting, that she won't care a lick that you got something too.

  188. I think you should open them and then re-wrap it. That way you can get your surprise and she will get them too!

  189. I think that you and your niece should open them together, but if you absolutely cannot wait you can mail her package to her and open them up at the same time over the phone.

  190. I think that waiting and opening them together would be fun:)

  191. Coming from someone who did not find out the sex of her child ahead of time – wait!!! Sometimes the anticipation is part of the fun!!

  192. Oh those look so cute!!!!

  193. wait until your niece visits and open them together!

  194. As much as I love surprises I know I would have opened them, re-wrapped them and pretended to be surprised.

  195. You HAVE to wait! It's all about the surprise!

  196. I think I would open one and save one, but to be honest, your little helper is adorable, and she would probably love to be there to open them together.

    So logically, you should wait…if you can stand it!
    Good luck,
    Anne Marie

  197. Wait…it'll be more fun for both of you

  198. Wait until your niece gets there….she will feel so special!