
Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heart Cake Pops

I made mini and many cake pops for you this past weekend. I had this idea I wanted to try just using basic round pops and color to make a sweet little display. So I set out to dip enough cake pops to get the job done. That turned out to be 350 plus. Yikes. Not quite sure what I was thinking … Around number 70, I was really starting to reconsider. I thought … oh my gosh I have to make five times that many. But when I start something I can’t let it go until I get to the end and see how it works out. I know this project doesn’t help you much for this year, but I thought the heart display could totally work for a lot of other things besides Valentine’s Day.

So keep reading below for the how to… or check out my big “mini” giveaway at the end of this post. It’s a mini way for me to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Okay, here we go.

You can’t tell in the picture, but these cake pops are tiny. Like Cake Dots instead of pops. So tiny that you use a toothpick to dip them with instead of a lollipop stick. Yes a toothpick. The cake balls are actually about the size of a penny. But they are small for a reason.

  1. Regular size cake pops would take up a lot of table real estate.
  2. The lollipop sticks would be much taller and people would have a harder time viewing the design from above.
  3. I figured the proportions out so they would work on a pretty standard size piece of styrofoam to make it easier to recreate and transport.
  4. I only had to make one cake. Score.
  5. Mini is major cute.


I based the display design off of a template (see below) I made so that it works with a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam you can find in craft stores. Then I worked backwards to figure out how many cake pops you’d need to make the the shape look right. Once I had that, I knew how big to make the cake pops. Or how little.

  • Crumble cake and mix with frosting
  • Roll into tiny cake balls. (basic cake pop instructions here) You can use the circles on the downloadable template as a guide for the right size. They should be slightly smaller than the circle so that when you add the coating they will still fit together nicely.
  • Keep rolling and rolling until you have enough
  • Dip a toothpick into melted coating and then insert into a chilled cake ball.
  • Dip entire cake pop into the coating and then sprinkle with non-pareils. They are tiny and will be the best size for these tiny treats.
  • Place in styrofoam to dry.

A couple of things to note.

  • Use a small plastic bowl to melt the coating. You can work with a smaller amount of coating when dipping. Just melt the coating in batches as you go. Then you can take breaks and watch the Walking Dead marathon on AMC in between.
  • Buy more than one sheet of styrofoam. You’ll need more room than the display size so they aren’t touching each other as they dry.
  • Invite a friend over to help you. It will go faster and maybe your neck won’t hurt like mine does right now from looking down and dipping for so long.
  • I’d try Mercken’s candy coating for this project. It melts nice and fluid – you don’t want thick coating on these. It will add too much volume.
  • I’ve probably discouraged you already. Kind of like I felt as I was starting making these. But I had a feeling they’d be cute when I finished so I went on… like I’m going to do now. And by the way, these completely make me giddy when I see them finished on the table (looking at them now), so I guess it was worth it. And it will definitely be worth it if one of you decides to try it out some day. Hope you do… with a friend.


Use multi-color non-pareils for the second candy coating color. Minus the static.

Baby Cake Pop

Super cute.

When all the pops are done, prepare your display.


  • Wrap a 12X18 inch or 12X20 inch sheet of styrofoam with paper. I used the 19X25 inch single sheets you purchase at the craft store. You could also use wrapping paper though.
  • Packing tape worked best on the styrofoam to tape the paper down.
  • Print out the template provided centered on an 11X17 sheet of paper at somewhere like Kinko’s. The design is created for a 12X18 surface area but it is set up on 11X17 paper since that is a standard size to print. You’ll notice that some of the circles on the template are getting cropped off when they print, but that’s okay, you’ll have enough information to figure out where the pops on the perimeter should go. I hope that makes sense.
  • Tape the template down temporarily and use a safety pin to poke holes into the paper.
  • Remove the template and start arranging the cake pops using the template as a guide. Start in the middle and work your way out from the center. More than likely some of your pops will be bigger than you think and if you start at one end, left to right, they will start to tilt too much to make room as you place them in position. But if you start in the center, they will angle out equally all the way around. Again I hope that makes sense.

Heart Mini Cake Pops

Full of heart.

Mini Cake Pops on Toothpicks

But you can also rearrange them for a different look …

LOVE Mini Cake Pops

And spread a little love…


… Or some sweet hugs and kisses.

Here are the 11X17 inch templates for each.

LOVE Cake Pops

And because I love you guys and all things mini, here’s a little giveaway for you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is, what your plans are (or were) for the fourteenth or just say hi.
  • Deadline to enter is Sunday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Sunday evening on this post.
  • Winner will receive a 16GB Wi-Fi iPad mini.

Good Luck.

We have a winner! YAY!

Congratulations to Brenda! Hope you and your Peanut Butter Man enjoy the mini iPad!

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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5,451 comments on “Mini ways to say Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. My valentine is my wonderful and amazing husband, Will and loving daughter, Emi (who’s only 8 months) :) We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a home cooked meal after I donate blood!

  2. My valentine is my husband of 20 years and my two beautiful kids! We’re eating dinner together and watching American Idol. :)

  3. Spending Valentine’s day with my family!

  4. Great idea! Love the minis:)

  5. My Valentine is my husband! Love your creative ideas and thanks for the chance to win!

  6. My valentines are my hosband and my beatifull doughter. It is a grieta day because we are in vacation and we can spend all the day together. I love my family!!!!

  7. This is absolutely adorable! Happy Valentine’s Day!
    My husband and kids are my Valentine’s. We are spending the evening working on decorations for my daughter’s second birthday party that is this weekend.

  8. LOVE this! Happy Valentine’s Day :)

  9. Having steak and king crab legs and chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert with my valentine!

  10. Hi!! I don’t know what I’ll do today after work, I just know I’ll be with my loving boyfriend. Happy Valentines everybody! And thank you Bakerella for such a great recipe once again. :)

  11. Love anything mini!!
    My Valentine is my dad :)

  12. Love your blog! I look forward to every post!

  13. My Valentine is my sweet husband of 25 years and we will be having dinner at home.

  14. Happy Valentines Day! I will be spending my day with my luvs my 2 lil yorkies!

  15. I’ll be travelling for work, but we celebrated last night.

  16. as always… absolutely adorable :) … xox

  17. Happy Valentines day. This get my mind thinking about what could I do with the small versions for Easter.

  18. Having a romantic dinner at home with my Valentine, my WONDERFUL husband.

  19. My Valentine is my hubby! We don’t really have plans for tonight, but we may be getting to go out this weekend. But I have at least got him a card, and I think it is perfect!

  20. My valentines are my husband and daughters (age 11 and 14). Since my husband works late tonight it will be an all girls night :)

  21. My husband and my 2 dogs are my Valentines!

  22. My Valentine is my husband of 25 years, Anthony. We’re going out to an early dinner with my youngest daughter when she gets home from school. Can’t wait!

  23. My Valentine is my boyfriend of 5 years – I’m cooking for him (a rare treat) and he got my rainbow roses!

  24. My sweet husband of four years is my valentine forever and ever. I love that man so very much! Tonight we are going to a classical music concert in a beautiful, old museum after we get dinner together. :)

  25. I tried posting earlier but I don’t think it worked.

    My valentine is my hubby. We’re staying home with the kids tonight but have plans to go bowling on Saturday.

  26. I can’t wait for my sweet boyfriend to cook dinner for me tonight and enjoy a quiet night alone :)

  27. I L-O-V-E the display – can’t imagine the patience it took! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  28. My valentine is my husband, David. We’re going to have the traditional heart shaped meatloaf and pink mashed potatoes for dinner!

  29. No plans for the 14th, but we’ll make a nice dinner together tomorrow. :)

  30. Beautiful! Not too much planned, we keep it pretty simple around here. :)

  31. Love your blog and your recipes!

    My husband and I have been together 10 years and have no children. He’s off today and I’m hoping to leave early to spend the day with him. Thank you so much for your great stuff you brighten my day ! :) ~ Jen

  32. My valentine is my hubby whom I fondly call “Flathead!” I’m making dinner for us both tonight. Please tell me how you keep the multicolored sprinkles from bleeding. Everytime I use them on cookies that are glazed then bleed!!!!!

  33. My valentine is my hubby! We’re checking out a new Mexican restaurant in the next town over. A really super nice college kid we know surprised us out of the blue & is taking the kids out for a fun night. (Even though our kids are old enough to stay home by themselves)

  34. My valentine is my wonderful husband. He proposed to me ten years ago today!

  35. My valentine is husband of 33 years and we agreed not to do anything special for the 14th – we plan to take a weekend away together and celebrate in the Spring.

  36. The mini-pops are so cute! :) I’m glad you decided to see it all the way through :D

    For Valentine’s Day, I’m spending it alone :( My boyfriend of 9 months and I are in a long-distance relationship, and he decided to come home tomorrow instead!

    BUT! Happy Valentines day to you :))

  37. I’m going to a 1.5 hour spin class at the gym, in my new cycling shoes and some cute work out gear. Maybe there will be a cute single guy there? If not, at least I’ll earn a cupcake or two. Planning to make red velvet cupcakes afterward for work treats.

  38. my beautiful 1-yr old daughter

  39. This is the cutest idea ever…though I don’t know if I have that kind of patience! My Valentines Day will be spent in school. BOO!

  40. My valentine is my husband. We have been married for almost four years. Normally I make a fancy tablescape at home and we enjoy dinner and fondue for dessert. This year we are switching it up and going out to dinner at the Olive Garden. Things have been a little rough over the past few months, but over the past few weeks things have been great!!! I am super excited about Valentine’s Day this year and can feel the love in the air. I love him more that words can express! <3 <3

  41. Hi. =)

    Currently it’s one of the girls in my Bible Study who isn’t out of town, in class, or with their husband. We’re thinking of baking cookies. Haven’t baked at my leisure for a long time, so I’m excited.

  42. My Valentines this year are my new baby and my amazing husband!

  43. I need a big or a mini “cheer me up.” I called in work because I woke up with the left side of my face swelling. I am here in the doctor’s office waiting to be seen =( So sorry for being a downer. Last night, I made cakepops for my daughter’s Valentine’s day party. I will spending Valentine’s Day when my husband gets home from work and my kids gets home from school. Thank you for sharing your talents with us, Bakerella =)

  44. My Valentine is my husband and best friend since we were in High School (in the 70’s) . We will spend a quiet evening at home.

  45. I love this! You are awesome and so creative! My valentine is my husband of 3 years! We are actually just having a movie night with some pizza and wine/beer…can’t wait! Hope you are having a wonderful Valentine’s day! =)

  46. Hi! Lovely post!
    My valentine is my boyfriend tony.
    And my plans are just a Skype session cause he is in Mexico and I’m in New York.

  47. My valentines are my husband and our 3 kids! We’ll be having some heart shaped pizza for dinner and having some mini brownie bites for desert to celebrate.

  48. My wonderful husband will always be my Valentine, whether it’s today or the other days of the year. He’s in the Navy, and I haven’t seen him for awhile, but I decided to wear his favorite color (blue) today because I’m thinking of him!

  49. My valentines today are my husband and kids. We’re going to celebrate with a nice dinner tonight that I have yet to plan and then gobble down some heart shaped brownies. Love the mini cake pops, though! Will definitely have to try those for bite size fun!

  50. My valentine and I will have a nice quiet evening together with champagne and chocolate.

  51. My Valentine is my husband but we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day! Not fond of crowds so we have dates other, less crazy nights of the year.

  52. Hi! I don’t have a valentine but I plan on making a nice dinner for my family and just relax and enjoy the day.

  53. My valentine is my girlfriend of 6 years and my 2 teenage boys :) i’ve been sick so hopeing for a nice quiet evening at home for valentines maybe some warm hearty soup lol

  54. I love your blog! Look forward to every post! I can only wish I had as much imagination as you. Will definitely try this idea.

  55. My spouse and I will be celebrating Valentine’s Day this weekend!

  56. My hubby is my valentine and because we already had a fancy dinner last week while on a mini vacation, we will be sharing his favorite meal with my family (we are bumming at my families house as we are in the midst of moving) then going out for his favorite thing – Sweet Frog, aka his favorite froyo place.

  57. Oh my goodness – what an incredible display!

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I plan to spend Valentine’s Day (all day and most of the evening, actually) at work… but since my job is pretty great I don’t mind at all! :)

  58. My valentine is my hubby. We’re just going to have a quick dinner out with our baby. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  59. Normally my valentine would be my husband, but today it’s my daughter, because I’m taking her to Disneyland for the first time!

  60. I’m making dinner with my roomies! We’re each other’s valentines. :)

  61. Hi! My Valentine’s are my husband and my 5 year old son. We are celebrating by going to dinner at a place that makes giant hamburgers!

  62. Hi! Your mini cake pop display made me smile. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  63. We are going out tomorrow with our friends and have a nice dinner. Tonight I’m making cupcakes and watching movies with my son.

  64. I can’t wait to spend my V-day with my three sons…doesn’t get any better than that!!!

  65. We went out last night to Red Lobster. His parents watched the kids for us and ordered pizzas. Came home and the kiddos made Valentines and hid them for us to find in the morning! One said “I love you so much and I mean it!” LOL.

  66. LOVE the mini concept!! Would be fun for my kiddos and hubby today! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  67. lucky me! I have two valentines! one calls me Mom, and the other one says Im the love of his life, and he’s the luckiest man alive! :D my husband and son are the greatest loves in my life! we plan on having a nice evening at home and enjoy eachother.


  68. My valentine will be my husband and son. We will have dinner out at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

  69. Hi! You are sooo creative! I love the mini pops, they are too cute! My valentine is my hubby…or my son, he’s a cutie too!

  70. My valentine is my hubby of 20 years, the love of my life and my best friend. We have traveled the world together, and our favorite place is next to each other.

  71. Considering my work deadlines and lack of sleep recently…buy a cupcake and fall asleep before I eat it lol.

  72. My valentine is my husband and we will be eating dinner in and drinking champagne!

  73. I think we’re going to take it easy tonight. I had planned a big meal but my husband has to work late so we’ll have to postpone the steak & twice-baked potatos until the weekend.

  74. My valentine is my husband! And we keep it very low-key — just cards and we will try to spend some time together tonight after the kiddos are in bed!

  75. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone. My plans are to be at home with my husband and teenage twins. Our lives are so busy, we decided to “put on the breaks” and just spend the evening together at home:)

  76. Wow, how cool what you did with the mini pops and the desings!!!

  77. I’m baking a pink snowball cake (from Sprinkle Bakes) and sitting at home with my dogs for Valentine’s Day. And eating the chocolates my parents gave me. :)

  78. We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day. We celebrate our love every day.

  79. My valentines are my sweet boys :)

  80. My Valentines are my husband, 2 sons and our baby due March 31 :) We don’t have big plans….just a quiet evening at home with a glass of bubbly juice!! :)

  81. I have two special Valentine’s…my hubby and 6 month old son. We are going to just spend time together tonight after work.

  82. My valentine is away but we’re having a ciber dinner vía skype!!!
    Happy valentine’s !!!

  83. Hear Shaped Pizzas with my kids and hubby :)

  84. Hi! Minis – what a great idea! Just working today, but have the weekend with my DH ahead!

  85. My valentine is my husband! We’ll have a low key evening enjoying some strawberry cheesecake after dinner.

  86. My valentine would have to be my little nephew. I have a feeling we will be eating a lot of chocolates.

  87. Made your teddy bear pops until LATE last night for my friends and grandkids to have today. Hubs and I wil be delivering goodies tonight and have dinner this weekend!

  88. My valentines are my two sweet kiddos. I also received a very sloppy kiss from our new puppy this morning, so I shouldn’t forget him either.

  89. That’s an impressive amount of love you’ve displayed there! My Valentines – husband and three boys – weren’t so lucky that they got those many love-hours. I’ll have to think of some other way to show them I love them today. :)

  90. my husband :)

  91. I’m planning and baking a huge cake for my grandparents’ golden wedding :) Happy Valentine’s day everybody!

  92. My wife and I will have a regular workday but then celebrate with a nice dinner!

  93. Hi,
    Nothing special for this Valentine,
    I wish you all a great Valentine day

  94. Love the minis! I have two valentines, my hubby and sweet little girl. Happy valentines day!

  95. My husband and kids are all my valentines! Unfortunately, I have to work tonight and won’t be back home until they are all in bed. But that’s not a bad place to find my husband!!

  96. We’ll be enjoying some Thai take out and having a low-key evening! Tanks for the great giveaway. Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  97. I would love to win! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  98. My boyfriend is my valentine! But, it’s also my mom’s birthday so we will be celebrating with her!

  99. I will be spending today working and then with friends later tonight!

  100. My Valentine is my wonderful boyfriend. I made him heart shaped sugar cookies dyed pink with conversation heart words stamped into them, and I’m making him his favorite dinner tonight. :)

  101. Happy Looove Day :)
    My Valentine’s is my wonderful boyfriend. February is a special month as we are celebrating our 3 years at the end of the month too :) It’s a whole month of Looove! hehehehe!

  102. Just getting over a yucky cold so no smooches for me for Valentines Day. :( Making cupcakes for my hubby and three kids. Nice contest!

  103. The amount of work you put in is amazing! It looks beautiful. Tonight, I’m going out for our favorite Ethiopian food with my husband.

  104. My Valentine is my amazing husband. We’ll celebrate with small gifts for each other and our 5 year old son. Then Red Velvet cake for dessert!

  105. My sweeties include my hubby, three little men, and most recently, the addition of our little GIRL! Happy Valentines Day!

  106. My Valentine is my wife. We’re having a nice dinner at home tonight.

  107. my valentines are my husband and my two kids who i adore and I`ll spend it making mini cupcakes with my kids, yummy your cake pops

  108. My husband is my valentine, and we’ll probably have a normal day :) Hanging out here at home, with the kids and just being together!

  109. Wow, that is a lot of work right there! Beautiful! Valentines Day has been put in hold unfortunately. My daughter is in the hospital so will be looking after her there. Gives her something to look forward to when they release her.

  110. My boyfriend/best friend is my Valentine, but I’m a nurse and working tonight so I won’t get a chance to see him. But tomorrow we are going to have a nice dinner and spend a relaxing night in, snuggled on the couch :D

  111. Hello, My Son is my Valentine.

  112. Just hanging out with my amazing son! Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  113. My kids are my Valentines….We’ll celebrate together.
    Happy Valentines Day!!

  114. My valentines are my husband and two little princesses. They will always have my heart. :D

  115. My plans are simple – come home to my loving husband and cook him a nice homemade dinner. :)

  116. My Valentine is my husband of 8 years. Vegetarian chili and cornbread on this cold, rainy day in Florida. :)

  117. My husband and I went out this past weekend to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It was my year to plan it. There was a last minute kid birthday party we had to go to first, but we will always remember being dresses so fancy to go to Chuck E Cheese. We started our date day after that.

  118. I’ll be visiting my boyfriend at work, and eating dinner with my family~ Happy V-Day!

  119. My husband and I plan on laying low until Saturday to avoid the crowds. Then we’ll be going to dinner before the Colorado Mammoth (professional lacrosse) game!

  120. I will be doing some baking today (and possibly making chocolate chip cookie truffles) and then distributing them to my cast when I head to work! The mini cake pops are adorable! Love it!

  121. My husband is my valentine as he has been for the last 30 years. He has tomorrow off from work so we’re going to celebrate then.

  122. Love this!!
    I’ll be making heart-shaped pizzas with my boy tonight.
    Thanks for another great tutorial!

  123. Hi, they look delicious!

  124. My Valentines are my wonderful husband, daughter, and son. They are the loves of my life. Before I left for work, I decorated their little table with a valentines table cloth, tied a balloon to their chair, and left a card and a little gift for each of them. Tonight I will be making a special dinner for them. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  125. Happy Valentine’s Day ! I am so pleased to say I will be spending the evening with my husband of 35 years making his favourite meal and of course chocolate cupcakes. Love the cake pop display and plan to use the idea at one of my dessert buffets. Thanks for a chance to win the iPad mini.

  126. Love your minis! Going to spend V-Day with my three year old twins and hubby:)

  127. My Valentine is my Hubby!! He’s presented me with a dozen RED roses and we’ll have a nice dinner tonight.
    Happy Valentine to you!!

  128. My hubby is my Valentine and he’s making me dinner and I’m making chocolate molten cakes for dessert!

  129. Going to movies with my hubby.

  130. My valentine is my rock, my love, my husband. We don’t have plans… we like to keep it simple on valentines :)

  131. My valentines are my terrific husband and kids. They don’t know it yet, but we are celebrating V-Day tonight with heart-shaped petit fours!

  132. My favorite person to spend time with is my 10 year old daughter cause she makes me smile:). Gorgeous cake pops…wish I could try one:)))

  133. My Valentine is my wonderful husband. 14 years and going strong!!

  134. My husband of 41 1/2 years! Making a steak dinner for him.

  135. My Valentines were my kids who gave me kisses and hugs all morning. Oh and my hubby who brought home flowers and dinner. But no dessert. ;o) Now I yearn for a cake pop or twenty!

    I am amazed at your patience and creativity Bakerella- how do you manage it???!

  136. I have 3 valentines – two little and one big. Going to take the little boys to all their favorite activities around town and make some valentines in the afternoon. Then snuggle with my big valentine at night! ;)

  137. My Valentine will be my husband. I will be cooking a full course dinner for the both of us.

  138. My husband is my Valentine and we’ll be spending the evening with our 3 children watching a movie and chilling at home.

  139. My Sweet Valentines is my dear husband Alex, today is our 24th year wedding anniversary , yes we got married on valentines day :). He is my #1 fan, he helps me and support any crazy silly idea that I have, encourages me to do better and loves me unconditionally … We celebrate each others blessings not only today 2/14 but everyday ! Xoxoxo.

  140. My Valentine is my boyfriend, Andres. He’s coming over after work-I’m making a fab dinner for him and my 2 boys. And I’m making chocolate dipped strawberries and strawberry pastries for dessert.

  141. I have three Valentines…hubby Chad and two daughters, Z and G! We plan on celebrating with school parties and then eating ice cream together tonight!

  142. My kids have been sick all week, so looking forward to sitting down with my husband for 10 minutes without anyone whining or coughing on me!

  143. These are so, so cute! I am tempted to make them ASAP but getting them out of the kitchen and to the office would be a challenge since I would want to eat them all myself!!

    Today it is just me but I am trying to be super positive and treat myself with love and respect. Might even splurge on a frozen yogurt and movie!

  144. My Valentine’s are my fiance and our sweet 4 year old daughter. Last night we celebrated as a family with a really yummy dinner and chocolate covered strawberries followed by a night of relaxing. Tonight my fiance and his brother are cooking dinner for myself and his brothers girlfriend. Super sweet treat!

  145. My husband – and we both actually are obligated to be in two different places tonight! True love!!

  146. Celebrating Valentine’s Day with my hubby, Dwayne and our 3 wonderful kids with heart shaped pasta and steak.

  147. My husband and my daughter! But just a simple dinner at home tonight!

  148. My valentine is my dear husband! Today I am making him a fresh strawberry cake with fresh strawberry frosting. I also made up some cute cupcakes for my kiddos, my neighbor (who is a widower), and my husband’s seminary students.

  149. I am blessed to have 3 special Valentine’s in my life, my husband, my son and my baby girl. I nice quiet dinner at home this evening is on our agenda. Thank you for the wonderful Mini cake pop idea…small things are just so cute!

  150. Well for my valentines i spent my day alone with my dog! I dont have that special someone all i need is my dog and of course chocolate duh..:)

  151. My little sweet Juliette is my Valentine. We have no big plans. We are just awaiting the arrival of her brother or sister due to make his/his appearance on the 26th!

  152. It is a totally normal day for me. No Valentines, no extra chocolate, no nothing. Just yoga, Netflix and a frozen pizza :-)

  153. Hi!

    Today I will be celebrating with my husband, my 6 year old son and my 13 month old . We plan to get chocolate wasted.

  154. Spending a quiet evening with my hubby of almost 32 years :)

  155. We’re going sledding for the day with my three children! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  156. Hello. My valentine is my husband and baby girl. No real plans. Probably just sushi for dinner.

    Love the website! I never skip a post in my google reader.

  157. LOVE your minis, they are so cute!!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  158. Hi! I plan on eating lots of chocolate! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  159. I love it! And I’ll be going out for drinks with friends, being single on valentines day doesn’t have to suck!

  160. OMG!!! This must be the cutest thing EVER!!!! You are so talented. I love that YOU love what YOU do!!! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post.

    My valentine’s is my husband!! He propose to last year on valentine’s day! So besides our anniversary we also celebrate this day!

    Thank you for the chance Bakerella


  161. I’m going to spending my Valentine’s Day supporting my hubby of 5 years while he coaches his basketball team in the State Championships! We have more romantic plans next weekend!!

  162. My valentine is my hubby and my sweet little baby girl! I also wouldn’t mind if these mini cake pops were my valentine. :)

  163. PERFECT timing! I’m making cupcakes TODAY for a friend’s 6-year old’s Princess and the Pea birthday party. I wanted to top the cupcakes with cake ball “peas,” but worried that one giant green pea on top would not look right. Now I can make little piles of “right-rsized” peas on top of the cupcakes!

    My valentine is my husband and two kids. Love them dearly.

  164. My valentines are my hubby, my sweet 3 yesr old son and our little baby growing in my belly. We are going out to get this pregnant lady some steak for valentines!

  165. I’m so lucky to have three Valentine’s today, my hubby, daughter, and son! Our plans are to cuddle up and watch movies together. Xoxo

    The displays are adorable BTW!

  166. My valentine is my hubby of almost 10 years and my three great girls! I plan on making truffles for them today as a little surprise!

  167. This is adorable! My valentines are my hubby and the sweet baby growing inside me! No big plans today, just dinner and a quiet night at home.

  168. I’ll be spending valentines delivering cupcakes & then the evening with my 4 sweet boys & maybe later a glass of wine with my valentine..who’s favorite treat is cake pops!..thanks bakerella..I hadn’t even heard of them before I found your site 3 years the mini pops too..tres adorable <3

  169. My first love is my children who are young enough to enjoy the specialness of the day and small enough to cuddle, but I do love waking up to some great ideas for baking! Wish I had your talent. Thanks for sharing your passion!

  170. My valentine is my husband. We’ll be spending the evening with our beautiful 5 children, at home. I still haven’t figured out what I am cooking for dinner. :)
    We might try to catch a movie this weekend.
    Happy Valentine’s Day! Your display is beautiful, as always! So tiny, and cute!

  171. I actually have two Valentines – my SO David & our sweet 6 month old baby girl Abby! Just family stuff today for the 3 of us, but lots of love all around!

  172. Am looking forward to a relaxing day with my husband and my grandchildren and letting their parents go out an celebrate valentines day. My husband will always be my valentine!!!!

  173. The minis are so cute! I don’t know if I have the patience to do that many but it sure would be fun to try for a special occasion. My valentines are my husband and two kids. Today has already been crazy-hectic and I hardly got to see them before we were off and running to school and work. Hopefully I will get to spend time with them this evening.

  174. My Valentine is currently deployed to Afghanistan but will be home very soon! We will be celebrating <3 day a few weeks late…but better late than never!!

  175. My valentine is my sweet husband. I’m making him a tasty steak dinner tonight.

  176. My husband’s out of town, so I’ll be celebrating with my daughter!

  177. My husband is taking the girls tubing on their annual Girl Scout trip, so I get the house to myself tonight! Just about the best present!

  178. My mom is my valentine this year. I dropped of homemade cookies and some tulips off at her office this morning. :)

  179. My husband and kids are my valentines. No big plans. I’d planned on cooking something special and a dessert treat, but the stomach virus has struck our house so I don’t know about that now.

  180. My valentine is my little girl who is turning 8 today, but is sick in bed with the flu. Not the best way to spend your birthday or Valentine’s Day :(

  181. My valentine is my husband! It’s our first valentines day as mr. and mrs. We are starting a tradition of a home cooked meal (fancier than usual) and a movie on the couch.

  182. This year, my Valentine’s Day date is my puppy…hoping for someone I can make cake pops for in 2014 ;-) Happy Valentine’s Day!

  183. This was so cute! My Valentine is my husband of 16 years. We are debating about whether to go out tonight or not!

  184. You never cease to amaze me, Bakerella! Since I’m a single lady, my Valentine is my sweet pup, Tucker. (I’m not sure if that’s pitifully sad or cute?) Either way, I hope your Valentine’s Day is wonderful!

  185. my wonderful husband — Joshua! and my awesome son, Luke! love my guys.

  186. My valentine is my hubby of 26 years, love of my life. We are in the middle of buying a house so we are watching every penny, soooo, it will be a quiet evening at home with some yummy takeout!

  187. My Valentines are my two kids and we’ll be spending it at their favorite place…John’s Incredible Pizza =)

  188. My Valentine was my little 4-yr old buddy who is going out to ice cream with me later :)

  189. My husband of 11 years and my two daughters are my valentines. I cooked dinner for them (steak, corn, potatoes and banana pudding for dessert).

  190. Oh my gosh! This is so cute. Love it! My valentine is my wonderful husband,Tim. Planning on having a nice dinner at home tonight.

  191. My Valentine is my husband. I will be spending the Valentine evening working at a banquet for work and my husband is going to come and help me at it. We will celebrate Valentine’s this weekend.

  192. I will be spending the day studying for tests and simultaneously eating every baked good that comes my way :)

  193. I’m having steaks on the grill and baked potatoes for Valentine’s Day with my boyfriend of 6 years! :)

  194. Decorated the kitchen table for a festive breakfast of heart shaped foods. Kids live the tradition and would love an iPad mini!

  195. We will be spending Valentines making wedding reception decor for our first daughter getting married in two weeks!

  196. My Hero is my Valentine – We got married 27 years ago today!

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